Motivation Letter Sample For A PHD in Biotechnology

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Thinking abour enrolling in a PhD program in Botechnology or Medical sciences?
Than this article is perfect for you. We will provide you an motivation letter sample
for a Phd in Biotechnology. You can easily ajust this letter to any doctoral program in
the field of biology, nanosciences, medicine or labaratory sciences. Good luck!

Name Surname




Telephone: XXXXXXXX




SCHOOL OF _________




RE: PhD in Biotechnology

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing this letter to apply to the PhD program in Biotechnology on your
University. I learned about this competitive program from guest lecturer, and famous
scholar Mr Name Surname, PhD, who was lecturing ______ at my home University,
and got very keen to continue my education on your University, which I perceive as a
leading scientific institution in the World in the field of biotechnology.

I believe that my academic background is appropriate for the PhD position on your
University. As you may see in the application form I have completed Master of
Medical laboratory Science, with specializing in pharmacology from Cairo University
of Science and Technology in September 2014. At the moment I am working
in the St. Johns hospital, in Oncology department, which is the main center for
diagnosis and treatment of tumors in Egypt.

Due to my ongoing interest in biotechnology and biology in general since hugh

school days, I got admitted to BSc program in Laboratory Sciences, and in 2011
received my undergraduate degree from the University College of Medical Sciences
in Alexandria. A year later I got enrolled on master program studying variety of
courses in DNA. It is quite novel 2 year Master program, where first year is
dedicated to courses and second year research. During my studies I took
challenging courses such as advanced biochemistry and molecular biology, which I
particularly enjoyed studying.

Thanks to my education and extensive research I started to work as lab director in St

Johns hospital, in oncology department. There I have developed strong leadership
skills and know how in managing diverse team members. My responsibilities as a
laboratory director were test selection, implementation, and resolution of technical
failures, developing laboratory programs for clinical validation of new tests and
development of management guidelines and practices that ensure reliable
performance of clinical testing. Furthermore I have been responsible for
development, implementation, and review of the laboratory quality assurance and
control programs

In 2014, Hospital has sent me to Immunophenotyping training in duration of four

months so I where I have receive at glance knowledge about this diagnostics method.
The training was also an excellent opportunity for improvement of my language skills
which are essential for the PhD course I wish to apply for. On this training I got
familiarized with interpretation of data received in bone marrow cytology examination,
review of blood films, cytochemistry and from Immunophenotyping. As a direct follow
up from the training I gave tried to apply the expertise i gained, and got recently
focused to implement MIC-M for leukemia diagnosis in the hospital where I work.

My main motive to peruse this particular PhD is to strengthen my knowledge base

and acquire practical skills in the area of biotechnology. What is especially important
to ad, is that I have experience in doing lectures at my home University, since have
been a lecturer in hematology. Moreover, I have experience in scientific research,
and I have published two articles in the Journal of medicine, which may see
enclosed to my application, with List of publications.

To my knowledge, this program is very competitive, due to the renown of Your

University. Despite to the facts that it attracts only highly driven students, I am
confident that my academic record, experience, professional goals and my
enthusiasm will make me a strong candidate for a place on this course. I would be
honored if you decide to accept my application to be PhD student in your prestigious

Thank you very much for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from



The deadlines for application to the University are coming real soon, and therefore
we are providing you another sample of Motivation letter for scholarship application.
This time it is for a Master course degree in mathematics. Feel free to modify it. We
hope it will bring you a lot of success.


University of Berlin
Faculty of mathematics
Admission office

Subject: Motivation letter for scholarship

Dear Sirs, Madams,

I was very glad when I saw this scholarship opportunity and with this letter I would
like to express my gratitude to the Alumni Foundation of UoB for this program. I am
an graduate of a University of Sarajevo holding BSc degree in mathematics with

Since I have a quite strong academic background in mathematics I believe that

Master course in advanced mathematics perfectly suits my profile and career
prospects. My ultimate goal is to work with research based groups in applied
mathematics sector as well as in local universities in order to improve research and
human resource capacity building through training.

Due to my financial situation I was able to continue my studies in my country or

abroad, since I am not in a position to finance my studies. Therefore, I will be very
grateful to be provided with scholarship to improve my education and incent my
career prospects. Knowledge gained on the studies at University of Berlin I plan to
transfer to my home country, where I intend to work in public sector or at the

This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to interact

with students and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds
coming from all the World. This type of networking is very important for integration of
different ideas and perspectives pertaining to diverse global issues.
At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of the
scholarship program. I believe that being a student in your department would not
only empower my career development, but would give me the framework to utilize
my full potentials. Moreover I feel that as a Masters student at your University, I can
benefit from the numerous challenging career opportunities.

Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a

favorable reply.


Name Surname
Most of the people perceive motivation letter a formality during application process.
Therefore there are not investing strong efforts to write a personal statement that will
ensure their placement for a job/scholarship. However, this often perceived pure
formality called motivation letter can win you a job interview and future job
placement. Below we provided you a list of key elements that have to be included in
your letter of motivation, in order to write a good one:

1. Do not forget to mention why you have decided for the concrete company to
apply for a job. Be clear, concise and express your unbiased motivation.
2. Try to reflect personal approach as much as possible. For example if you
know the name of HR person, address the letter to this person.
3. Do not mention your weak point in the letter, since they will be probably
discussed during your job interview. However dont be to much vainglorious
since this will make wrong impression. Be realistic about yourself and try to
point out your strong points.
4. Your letter should reflect positive spirit and orientation on future. For example
you can use following phrase: I am eager to improve my skills and fully
prepared to adapt myself to the new working environment, instead of I am
not experienced in the relevant field.
5. Quote and describe concrete facts and situations to articulate your motivation
for specific company/placement.
6. Try to find out as much as possible about company before applying. This will
show your interest about company and reflect you ability to prepare relevant
information on your future post.
7. Put only the most relevant facts and experiences in your motivation letter.
Keep it brief and clear. However do not forget to tell something about you as a
8. Mention your accomplishments in education or professional experience. It
would be also useful to express you perspectives in career of in education.,
for example where do you see yourself in the upcoming period.
9. Use a motivation letter as a tool to distinguish your application from other with
sample qualifications.
Below we provided top 10 easy to solve mistakes you should avoid when writing
motivation letter for scholarship. Make sure to steer clear of them before submitting
next motivation letter.

1. Name, Surname or full contact details are missing on motivation letter. This
may sound stupid, but you would be amazed how many applicants fail to do
2. Exercise of rude and offensive language or even blackmailing selection
committee. Yes, it seems crazy, but some of the applicants are using this
language in articulating their motivation for scholarship. If you want to get one,
please try to preserve positive spirit and reflect you positive personality
3. Hard-copy of motivation letter has stains from coffee mugs, lunch plate, etc. If
you do not want to leave impression of being a sloppy and disorganized
candidate, send a clean piece of paper. Furthermore try to find waterproof
envelope, if it happens to rain while your letter is traveling.
4. Submission of an application even though you fail to meet minimum
requirements. This one is quite hard to overcome, especially if the offer of
scholarships is limited and you were not top in the class student. If you still
intend to submit your applications with lower GPA than envisaged try to stand
out of the crowd in other aspects of your application.
5. Send it postage due. To avoid check before sending with your local post
6. Envelope is being sent out, but you forgot to place all the documents inside.
This is quite common mistake. You invested a lot of effort in collecting all the
documents, drafting letter and application file, and at the end your
concentration went down. Invest additional effort to complete this activity in
good manner. It may help if you make a checklist.
7. Sending an impressive amount of supporting documents even though call for
application does not envisages them. Often in order to make a successful
applications candidates try to add as much documents as possible, having in
mind this may increase their odds. Please avoid this practice and carefully
follow application guidelines given in the CFA.
8. The motivation letter is not readable, because of font type/size, or because of
your handwriting. To avoid use common script, like Times New Roman, or
Arial, size 11 or 12. You are advised to use black fonts on the white paper, e.g.
to follow practice in formal writing.
9. Motivation letter has typos. Please bear in mind that one spelling error can
doom your application. To avoid use spell-check in your word processing
software and ask for your friends to read a letter before submitting.
10. Sending inappropriate photos. It may be the case that the donor will ask you
to submit a photo with your application. In this case the donor has in mind to
see your portrait photo, not your selfies, memories from the last summer
holiday, or hangover footage. We advise you to go to your local photo shop,
and ask the clerk to make you a photo, in size for passport or ID card, and
then to send this photo.

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