English Solved Sample Paper3

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(With Answers)


1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : (8 marks)
1. In this jet age, everyone is interested in making easy money. Thanks to the advancement
in science and technology, these days life has become more easy and comfortable than earlier
with a lot of domestic gadgets as well as instantaneous food recipes available in the market. This
has resulted in making the people develop a mind-set to have anything immediately without
waiting for - even at the traffic signals.
2. Apiano teacher described an interesting encounter she had with a young lady who came
to inquire about music lessons. The young lady asked her, "How long will this course take ? My
father tells me that it is in fashion now to be able to play musical instruments and that I should
learn one quickly. I want something that will be quick, fast and easy like, like....." When the
amused teacher explained that it would take a lifetime of meticulous practice to learn music,
her face fell and, needless to say, she never came back.
. 3. The single most important factor that distinguishes those of us who succeed in any
venture from those of us who don't is this 'instant coffee' attitude. Most of us want results
quickly. We want to reach the top immediately and get worked up when thmgs go wrong.
Perseverance and patience are forgotten words. We get upset, frustrated and angry when a skill
or activity requires us to put in a lot of effort and time. We get dejected and want to give it up.
Things should be easy. Why should things take long ? It is unfair.
4. Life is too short and there is not enough time to do all the things we want to. We tend to
compare with others and get upset when they seem to be doing well - dismissing their
achievement as pure luck - or think that they have support, help, approach ... that God is being
too kind to them and not to us. And so we @veup.
5. But such thinking serves no purpose. For it doesn't solve the problem. Life is tough for
those with the 'instant coffee' attitude.
6. Success, real success and happiness come to those who have a %read-making'attitude.
Those who are willing to knead the dough, wait-for hours for it to rise only to punch it down and
knead some more, wait for another couple of hours for it to rise again, then bake it before it is

ready to be eaten. Nothing is instantaneous. For every endeavour - Ghether in the area of
career, academics, music, sports' relationships, physical fitness or even in spirituality - it is a
lonp arduous iournev.
7. only if we are willing to spend time, put in effort and have faith, can we get
results. If we don't accept this difficult but true fact of life, our lives will be far from beinz- havvv
a n d fulfilling. For we may not make that extra effort whlch canchange the course of life
dramatically, for our benefit.
8. I often come across clients who have changed their doctors and do that even after they
have spoken to me - because they are on the lookout for a doctor who will instantly give them
relief from their problems. One who will ensure that by the time they reach home from t h e
clinic they will have wonderfully fulfilling relationships with their families. No wonder, most of
u s get bitter and disillusioned with life and ourselves and look for escape routes which seem to
promise quick results.
9. The major problem with these 'instant coffee' solutions is that they are invariably short-
lived. If we stubbornly refuse to give up this search for quick solutions, all we do is end up on the
wrong track. We never gain anything lasting from them. However, if we just pause to analyse
what we are doing, we will realise how much time we are wasting searching for such magical
solutions which simply do not exist. We actually save time when we stop this futile search and
accept the proven methods of treading the straight and narrow path however difficult it may
seem initially.
(A) Answer t h e following questions briefly :
(a) Why did the young lady who wished to learn piano not go back to her teacher ? . (1)
(b) What causes aperson with 'instant coffee' attitude to get upset or dejected ? (1)
(c) What qualities do people with a 'bread-making' attitude have ? (1)
(d) What will be the disadvalitage if we do not accept the 'dificult-but-true'fact of life ? (1)
(e) The major problem with the.'instant coffee' solutions is that (1.)
(Complete with the correct option)
(i) they are invariably short lived (ii) they are not tried and tested
(iii) they are not reliable (iv) they can harm in the long run
V) We look for escape routes which seem to promise (1)
(Complete with the correct option)
(i) real happiness (ii) instant pleasure ,
(iii) quick results (iv) definite success
(B) Pick o u t words from t h e passage that m e a n : (2)
(i) happening immediately (para 1)
(ii) walking (para 8)
2. Read t h e passage given below and a n s w e r the questions that follow :
(7 marks)
Avast blanket of pollution stretching across South Asia is cutting down sunlight by 10 per
cent over ~ n d i a ,damaging agriculture, modifying rainfdl patterns and putting hundreds of
thousands of people a t risk, according to a new study.
The startling findings of scientists working with the United Nations Environment Programme
indicate that the spectacular economic growth seen in this part of the world in the past'decade
may soon falter as a result of this pollution.
Research carried out in India indicates that the haze caused by pollution might be reducing
winter rice harvests by as much a s 10 per cent, the report said.
"Acids in the haze may, by falling as acid rain, have the potential to damage crops and trees.
Ash falling ori leaves can aggravate the impacts of reduced sunlight on earth's surface. The
pollution that is forming the haze could be leading to several hundreds of thousands of
premature deaths as a result of higher levels of respiratory diseases," it said. Results from seven
cities in India alone, including Delhi, Mumbai,.Ahmedabad and Kolkatia, estimate that air
pollution was annually responsible for 24,000 premature deaths in the early 1990s. By the mid
1990s they resulted in a n estimated 37,000 premature fatalities.
"The haze has cut down sunlight over India by 10 per cent (so far) - a huge amount! As a
repercussion, the North West of India is drying up," Prof. V. Ramanathan said when asked
specifically about the impact of t h e haze over India. Stating that sunlight was going down every
year, he said, 'We are still in an early stage of understanding of the impact of the haze."
Asked whether the current drought in most parts of India after over a decade of good
monsoon was owing to the haze, he said, "It was too early to reach a conclusion. If the drought
persists for about four to five years, then we should start suspecting that it may be because of
the haze."
India, China and Indonesia are. the worst affected owing to their population density,
economic growth and depleting forest cover. The preliminary results indicate, that the build up
of haze, a m a s s of ash, acids, aerosols and other particles is disrupting weather systems,
including rainfall and wind patterns and triggering droughts in western parts of the Asian
Continent. The concern is that t h e regional and global impacts of the haze are set to intensify
over the next 30 years as the population of the Asian region rises to an estimated five billion
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and
sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations, wherever necessary. . (5).
(b) Write a summary of the passage in 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a
suitable title. (2)
3. You are SoniaISohan of Simon Public School, Meerut. Your school has decided to
organise a cultural programme t o raise funds for the victims of floods in Bihar. Draft a notice, in
not more than 50 words, for your schdol notice board. (5 marks)
A.K. International School is looking for a receptionist for the school. Write an advertisement
on behalf of the administrative officer in the classified columns of the local newspaper giving
necessary details. DraR the advertisement in not more than 50 words.
4. You are ShekharlTripta, a student of A.P. Public School. Principals of two schools from
Pakistan visited your school. Students of the school put up a cultural show in their honour.
Write a report about i t for your school magazine. (Word limit- 150 words). (8 marks)
Computer games and video games have become popular with children today. As a result,
outdoor games seem to have no place in their life anymore. You are SatisWSakshi. You had the
opportunity of playing Hide-n-Seek when you visited your cousins in a small town. You decide to
write a n article on your experiences about the joys of playing outdoor games for the school
magazine. Write the article in 150-200 words.
5. Rohtak University is running a correspondence course in MBA. Write a letter to t h e
Director, Correspondence Course Study Centre, Sonepat requesting for a brochure and prospectus.
You are MadhuIMadhav of K.K. Nagar, Delhi. (7 marks)
Write a letter to the Chief Post Master, General Post Office, Lucknow complaining of late
delivery of letters causing a lot of inconvenience to you. You are MeenalMohit of 21, Babuganj,
6. The following passage h a s n o t been edited. There is one e r r o r in each line.
Underline the e r r o r and write t h e correct word in f r o n t of it in your answersheet.
T h e first o n e has been done for you as an example. ( M x 8 = 4 marks)
The next day dunng a n break e.g., an the
when all the teacher and students (a)
was eating their snacks, the mother (b)
left the school building hurrily. (c)
The boy saw him walking (dl
quickly from of the school gate (e)
- when he was drank water after @
his meal and wonder where @)
his mother is going. (h)
7. Correct e r r o r s in t h e following sentences and rewrite the correct sentences.
(4 marks)
(a) The mother got after early in the morning.
(b) The next day was a n holiday.
(c) He believed that all religions were one.
(4 He told me that he finished has work.
8. Rearrange the following words o r p h r a s e s to make meaningful sentences :
(1 x 2 = 2 makrs)
(a) the Ion lforests 1the /industry/oil /depends
(b) do lget 1the lforests /from / what / we /products 1?
9. Read t h e given extract and a n s w e r t h e questions that follow : (3 marks)
I do not understand this child
Though we have lived together now
In the same house for years. I know
Nothing of him, so try to build
Up a relationship from haw
He was when small.
Questions :
(a) Where are these lznes from ? Who are 'I ' 'this chzlcl' in it ?
(b) What is the reason behind the mmunderstanding between t&se two people ?
(c) What is the speaker trying to buzld ?
Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow :
When did my chddhood go ?
Was it the time I realised that adults were not
all they seemed to be,
They talked of love and preached of love,
But did not act so lovingly,
Was that the day!
Questions :
(a) Where are these lines from and who is'my' zn the lines ?
(b) Which change does the child face as the childhood goes ?
(c) What is a chzld's perception of an adult ?
10. Answer any THREE of the following questions in 30-40words :
(2 x 3 = 6 marks)
(a) What emotions does the poetess go through aRer seeing the photograph ?
(b) Why does the poet question where his childhood has gone ?
(c) Justify the propriety ofthe title of the lesson We're not Afraid to Die ....... If We C a n M
Be Together' ?
(d) How did Carter manage t o take out Tut's mummy from the coffin ?
(e) What truth dawned upon Aram after this horse-ride ?
03 "The wars cause a lot of trauma." How is this statement true with respect to the 'story of
'The Address' ?
11. As you read 'Discovering Tut :The Saga Continues', you realise that scientificintervention
is necessary to unearth the mysteries of the past. Giving examples from the history, write an
article in about 100 words on Wnearthing the Ancient Mysteries'. (5 marks)
12. Answer the following questions in about 150 words : (6 marks)
What changes took place in the relationship of the grandmother and the author after they
left the village ?
Differentiate between 'information gathering' and 'insight formation' with reference to the
lesson, 'Albert Einstein at School'.
13. What does the blood stain that appears persistent signify in the context of the story 'The
Canterville Ghost'? Answer in about 150 words. (8 marks)
14. What elaborate preparations did the ghost make for his August 17 performance ? Did it
achieve the desired effect ? Write your answer in about 130 words (7 marks)
13. What motivated Booker T. Washington to set up the Tuskegee Institute ? What were
the obstacles that came on his way to do so ? To what extent was his venture a success ? Write
in about 150 words. (8 marks)
14. How did Booker highlight the significance of the festival of Christmas to the Blacks ?
Write your answer in about 130 words. (7 marks)
1. (A)(a)The young lady who wished to learn piano did not go back to her teacher after the
teacher told her that it would take a lifetime of meticulous practice to learn music. She,
actually, wanted to learn to play a musical instrument fast and quick to be just in 'fashion'.
(6) A person with 'instant coffee' attitude wants to reach the top immediately and gets
worked up when things go wrong. He gets upset, frustrated and angry when a skill or activity
requires him to put in a lot of effort and time. He gets dejected and wants to give it up.
(c) People with a %read-making' attitude possess infinite patience. They wait for hours for
the dough to rise only to punch it down and knead some'more, wait for another couple of hours
for it to rise again, then bake it before it is ready. Perseverance, dedication and hard work are
the other qualities such people have.
(d) Ifwe don't accept this diMicult but true fact of life, our lives will be far from being happy
and fulmng.
(e) (i) they are invariably short lived
(f) (izi) quick results
@) (i) instantaneous.
(ii) treading.
2. (a)Notes :
1. Haze of pollution ac. S. Asia - A few findings
(a) Sunlight over India dn. by 10% - a study
(i) damages agr.
(ii) mod. rain fall patterns
(iii) many lives at risk
(6) acc. to UNEP - eco. growth may falter
(c) a research in India
(i) haze to red. winter harvests
(ii) sevl. deaths due to resp. dis.
2. The worst affected - India, China, Indonesia
(a) reasons :
(i) population density
(ii) eco. growth
(iii) depleting forest cover
(6) droughts in west'n parts ofAsian continent
(c) Impact of haze to intensify over next 30 yrs.
Title :The Hazy Pollution in Asia
(b) Summary - A haze of pollution across South Asia is cutting down sunlight over India
b y lo%, according to a study. This lack of sunlight damages agriculture, modifies rainfall
patterns and puts many lives a t risk. According to the findings of United Nations Environment
Progamme, this may result i n the fall of economic growth. Aresearch in India indicates that t h e
haze might reduce winter harvests. It could result in several deaths due to respiratory diseases.
The worst affected are India, China and Indonesia - due to their population density, economic
growth and depleting forest cover. This has triggered droughts in western parts of the Asian
Continent. This impact is likely to intensify over the next thirty years.
9th August, .............
The, school is organising a cultural programme to raise funds for the victims of the
recent floods in Bihar. The show will be held a t 5 p.m. on November 5, ............. in the
school auditorium. The State Education Minister has consented to be the Chief Guest.
Those interested in participating in the programme may give their names to their
respective class teachers latest by 30 August. Students can bring their parents along.
Entry will be by tickets. Do contribute as well to the cause generously. For any
enquiries or further details contact the undersigned.
(Head Boy)
Wanted for A.K. International School, Golf Links, New D
receptionist, a t least a graduate with good communications
Fluency in spoken English essential. Age between 20-25 years. The eligible and
interested candidates may apply to the Manager of the school with detailed bio-data
within m e e n days from the date of the advertisement.
4. A Cultural Show w i t h a Difference
- A Report by Shekhar of A.l? Public School, New Delhi.
11th October. ............
As part of a cultural exchange programme between India and Pakistan, students of the
school put up a cultural show. Actually, the show had been organised in honour of the Principals
of two schools (in Pakistan) who had been invited to be the chief guests of the function. The
show had been conceived and prepared by the students. The theme of the show was "Friendship
between countries". The chief guests inaugurated the show.
The school hall was packed to itS capacity. The chief guests were welcomed by the two small
children who offered them flowers. The cultural club of the school staged a variety of items like
a dance-drama, depicting the similarities that exist between India and Pakistan, a n orchestra
that played rhythmic numbers and then there was a touching play about the bonding of two
children from different origins. The play stole the show by its inherent theme and fantastic
acting of the children. At the end, one of the chief guests spoke to the students for a while. He
congratulated the students for their good performance and for the good thoughts behind the
events. He also spoke about global understanding and the growing friendship between India and
Pakistan which gets fwlther strengthened by such cultural exchange programmes by way of
education, art, music, literature etc.
J o y s of Playing Outdoor Games
Needless to say, computers have become a constant rage with adults and children alike. The
computer, undoubtedly, plays a significant role in our day-to-day life. Of late, children have
become almost addicted to this fascinating machine of new age. The uses of computer have gone
beyond its official and functional aims. Whatever time urban children get off their busy lives,
their most favourite source of entertainment is computer and video games. As a result, they
tend to ignore outdoor games with disastrous effects, obviously. In small towns, children are
still seen playing hide-n-seek or flying kites but in most of the so called advanced city set-up,
children playing out in street parks has become a rare sight. Children, today don't know what
they a r e missing in life by not playing outdoor games.
There were times when children would go out even in the heat of the afternoon to play and
they would not like to return home till late in the evening. Those children were obviously
happier and healthier. Outdoor games are'very good means to physical exercise which keeps
one healthy and active, agile and alert. There is no scope of loneliness and tension in this joyful
group activity. After the day's tiring mental work, an hour or two spent in playing takes off
fatigue and refreshes us all over again. Sports also teach us to cultivate in us positive values like
sportsman spirit, team-work and cooperation which eventually help us in dealing with odds of
Similarly, exchange of ideas and thoughts among the playmates broadens their outlook.
Outdoor games are often group activities and they bring about an increase in the number of
one's friends which widens one's social circle. Isn't playing outdoors more joyful and enriching
in many ways than sitting all alone and playing some dead games on computers.
5. .
515, K.K. Nagar,
15th March,.......
he Director,
Correspondence Course Study Centre,

Dear SirIMadam,
Subject :Request for Brochure and Prospectus.
I have been given to understand that Rohtak University is running a correspondence course
in MBA. I would like to go in for the course. Please send me the brochure and the prospectus
and other information regarding the course a t the above stated address. I would also request
you to kindly clarify the following points :
(i) The date when the course commences.
(ii) Whether it has yearly exams or semester system.
(iii) Conditions of eligibility.
(iu) Fee structure and initial deposit etc.
(u) Whether books required are provided by the university.
(ui) Last date of admission.
Hope you will send the information a t the earliest.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfullly,

21, Babuganj,
4th May, .....
The Chief Post Master,
General Post Office,

Dear Sir,
Subject :Late delivery of letters.
I regret to bring to your notice the irregular delivery of letters in our area by the postman.
H e never delivers our letters, parcels, money orders etc. regularly. He visits the area once in a
week. As a result of the late delivery, we often miss important news of marriage, death, etc. of
our relatives and friends only due to his negligence. Besides, he often throws our letters outside
t h e gate or hands them over to small children playing outside our houses. We have personally
requested him several times to be regular and deliver the 'dak' a t proper addresses but to no
effect. Moreover, he boldly demands bakshish after every festival or when he delivers a parcel or
money order etc., which is against the law.
I request you to pay a personal visit to our area to find out the facts about him. It would be
better if some other dutiful postman is posted in our area to relieve us of this irregular and late
delivery of letters.
I, sincerely, hope that you would surely do the needful in this matter immediately.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfulls
6. Incorrect Correct
(a) teacher teachers
(b) was were
(c) hurrily hurriedly
(dl him her
(e) from out
cf, Chnk drinking

(g) wonder wondered

(h) is was
7. (a) The mother got up early in the morning.
(b) The next day was a holiday.
(c) He believed that all religions are one.
(d) He told me that he had finished his work.
8. (a) The oil industry depends on the forests.
(b) What products do we get from the forests ?
9. ( a )These lines are from the poem 'Father to Son'. This 'I' and 'this child' are the father
and the son, respectively.
(b) The reason behind the misunderstanding appears to be some disagreement -between
them in the past which has forced them to stay away from each other.
(c) The speaker, that is, the father is trying to build a bridge between the two after their
estranged relationship. He wants the misunderstanding to end and a normal family life to begin.
(a)These lines are from the poem 'Childhood' and 'my' refers to the 'child' who is the
(b) The child has now become an adolescent and he has attained a new maturity and
understanding of the world.
(c) The child perceives an a d c a s a hypocrite, who has double standards. These adults
preach something butact differently.
10. ( a ) The poetess goes through three emotional stages. The first emotion is of joy and
gladness when she sees her mother smiling on a sea-beach. The second emotion is of reflection
of the past. The poetess thinks that had the mother been alive she would have reacted in a
certain manner. She would have laughed at the way they were-all dressed up. The third emotion
is of a deep longing for her mother and reconciliation with the loss.
(b) The poet says that he h a s ceased to be eleven and has stepped-out of the infancy and
childhood days. Initially, for decisions he was dependent on'the adults but now he has a better
understanding of the world. He can easily make out the hypocritical behaviour of the adults. His
childhood now has gone away to a forgotten place and a new maturity has come to his mind.
(c) Challengs; faced by the crew during the storm, point towards the trust, togetherness
and optimism in the face of adversity. During the storm, the best boat Wavewalker' buckled in
to the nature's fury but the courage and togetherness shown by the crew led the boat to the safe
shores. Thus, the title is absolutely appropriate. ..
(d) Carter's assistants, who were excavating the tomb, separated the mummy's head to
keep it away from the ornaments. They broke all the joints of the mummy for pulling it out.
Then they realised that the body was stuck to the bottom of the coffin because of the leaked
resin. They placed the mummy in the sun for the resin to soften. They, then, chiselled it out
from the coffin.
(e) When Mourad told Aram that they would have to hide the horse until the next day
morning, it dawned upon him t h a t Mourad could have stolen it. This is why he was taking early
morning rides. Then he asked him for how long he had stolen the horse. Mourad said that it was
that morning only.
V) A war is a traumatic experience. Its after effects like deaths, displacements, loss of
property, loss of human values can cause a tremendous strain in relationships. Mrs Darling,
cunningly, took away all the precious things of the author's mother and refused to give anything
back. She even remarked, "Have you come back ?" with surprise as she did not expect the
author and her mother to survive the war.
11. 'Unearthing the Ancient Mysteries'
New forensic techniques are changing our understanding of the past and they help in
resolving mysteries about the lives of some of the greatest figures in history. Leading experts
from around the world apply modern forensic techniques to re-examine the myths and
mysteries that have fascinated us for centuries. Here are some of the iconic mysteries that have
been unearthed from time t o time.
Cleopatra :The Case F o r Murder
For two thousand years, only one verdict has been recorded - suicide by snake bite. But the
scientific evidence suggests this is unlikely to be how Cleopatra died. Ateam of experts apply the
forensic analysis of 21st century criminal investigation to re-examine the circumstances of the
Egyptian queen's alleged suicide.
Alexander The Great :Ahlurder Mystery
Intrigue and suspicion have surrounded the untimely demise of Alexander the Great since
the day he died. But now, modern science could finally tell us what really happened.
The Assassination of Julius Caesar
The latest Crime Scene Investigation techniques, computer reconstruction technology have
been used to reveal a shocking new assessment of the truth behind ancient history's most
famous assassination of Julius Caesar.
Similarly, the mysteries related to the lives of gladiators in ancient Rome, the Sphinx, the
identity to Jack The Ripper, the survivors of the Great Plague have also been resolved with the
help of modern technology.
12. While in the village, the grandmother was very close to her grandson. She assisted him
in going to school. This closeness got affected straightaway when the author had to shift to the
city for education. The author went t o an English school and learnt about science and physics.
She could no more h e l ~ -
him with his assimments. Most of the time. she sat in the verandah.
muttering her prayers and telling the beads of the rosary. When the author had to go abroad,
she withdrew herself emotionally and did not cry or feel disturbed. At this stage of relations hi^.
she knew that destiny was taking the grandsod away for studies and she could not change the
course .of.time. Therefore, she became very quiet and continued to pray. The day the author
came back, she danced and sang in over excitement. This caused her fever the next morning
and she died peacefully.
The juncture at which Einstein realised that he had a different way of thinking was a t the
moment when Mr Braun, the history teacher, asked him to reveal some facts and events in
history. Einstein answered that he did not see any point in learning dates. Instead, he was
interested in knowing why i n a battle, soliders killed each other. He was more interested in the
concepts and the ideas than i n dates and events. At this point, he felt that mugging-up dates and
events is just 'information gathering'.and it does not help in 'insight formation'. Mr Braun was
shocked when Einstein answered him back in such a fashion but least he knew that he was
fuelling Einstein's mind for bigger theories which he propounded later on. According to
Einstein, real education is not information gathering which makes a mind machine-like.
Education should be able to make an individual a genius and not curb it. It should, therefore,
help in, 'insight formation' i.e., a student's own power of analysing knowledge.
13. As the story goes, Mr Otis took a fancy for Canterville Chase and wished to purchase it.
Lord Canterville, the owner, wanted to sell the house but warned Mr Otis that the presence of
a ghost has made the house uninhabitable. Mr Otis, however, refused to believe in the existence
of ghosts.
When the Otis family enters, the blood stain is the furst important physical evidence to
suggest a murder having been committed, and the mansion being haunted. When Washington is
about to remove the stain, they are greeted with thunder and lightning. Mrs. Umney faints in
fear. Otis family still sticks to their belief that there is no ghost. As the blood stain appears and
reappears, the persistent presence of the blood stain forces the family to relent and finally they
get convinced that there is a ghost living in the mansion.
his, the blood stain signifies a change of mind in the Otis family and it sets them thinking
about the ghost. They had earlier dismissed any discussion about the ghost. Now they have no
choice but to accept the presence of the ghost. Thus, the stage is set for the ghost to appear and
watch the reaction of the residents. In fact, the ghost's desperate attempts to keep the blood
stain alive deserves pity. When the blood stain becomes 'emerald green' due to lack of colours, it
takes on a touch of humour.
No wonder, the blood stain is symbolically and dramatically significant as it helps in
changing the mind set of the Americans who are skeptical about anything beyond logic. It is
however, a different matter that the Otis family is not terrified or scared of the ghost when it
presents himself to them in different forms.
14. The Canterville ghost recovered from his illness - all resolved to make another
attempt to frighten the Otis family. He selected Friday,August 17 for his appearance. He spent
most of that day in looking over his wardrobe, ultimately deciding in favour of a large slouched
hat with a red feather, a winding sheet frilled a t the wrists and the neck and a rusty dagger.
Towards evening, the stormy and rainy weather perfectly suited his plans. He was to terrorize
specially Washington and the twins.
At midnight, the ghost left his chamber and glided through the corridors well equipped and
.fully laced to attack. Suddenly, he saw another horrible ghost before him. When he rushed
towards the other ghost, the head slipped down and he found himself clutching only a white
sheet which the twins had hung there to play a trick on him! Thus, the ghost failed once again
in creating the desired effect on the residents.
13. Booker's enlightening experience at Hampton Institute motivated him to set up a new
school on similar lines. Even after freedom, there was a great discrimination. He felt that
education was the only way to rise above racial prejudices. Right education and upliftment of the
Negroes was the aim behind Tuskegee Institute. It was set up to cater to the poor blacks and its
objective was to empower the blacks to lead a life of dignity and self-reliance.
Despite stiff opposition, indifference and great difEculties, Booker succeeded in establishing
Tuskegee Institute. The whites questioned the value of the school because they feared that
Negroes once educated, would leave farms and avoid menial work. Booker was, however,
determined to go on with the school with a humble beginning in a stable, hen-house, shanties,
dilapidated burnt ruins. The institute started with 30 students. Booker had to struggle a lot for
funds, take help from General Armstrong, go door-to-door, travel and motivate the people
Both the races contributed and Booker had some reprieve. He remained determined about
every student having to learn some trade. So most of the buildings, furniture, beds etc. were
made by the students themselves. Industrial education was a must for every student.
Gradually, Tuskegee school inspired many. President McKinley's visit endorsed this. To
dedicate completely to this institute, Booker turned down various political positions. At the end
of 20 years, the school spread to 23 acres of land, had 66 buildings and students from 27 states
waited to take admission there. Thus Tuskegee became the prototype of an ideal school and
Washington's venture emerged as a huge success.
14. Christmas and its celebrations generated a lot of enthusiasm among coloured people.
Earlier, a week-long holiday was granted by the Southern states and people would waste all the
time, getting drunk and partying. There was a widespread hilarity and a free use of guns, pistols
etc. The sacred purpose behind the festival was apparently lost somewhere.
Booker went around the town to visit people in one of the large plantations. Even poor
people managed to have festivity with bright eoloured cards and rough kind of dance. They
believed that God had cursed all labour and it was a sin to work on Christmas. Booker decided
that they would make a special effort to teach his students the real meaning of Christmas. In
this, they- had been largely successful. Now at Tuskegee, students, during Christmas and
Thanksgiving, would spend their time in administering to the comfort and happiness of others,
especially the unfortunate. At one 'instance, some young men spent a holiday in rebuilding a
cabin for a helpless coloured seventy five years old woman.
Besides, Booker tried hard to make his students interact with the community whether it
was black or white. Due to this close interaction and relationship, they managed to raise the five
hundred dollars they owed t o General Marshall. It gave a great deal of satisfaction to them to
have a secure, permanent location.
1. (A) (a) Any person aged seven and above, who could read 35 words in Hindi correctly a t
his or her own pace that a class three student would be expected to read, was marked as a '
(b) People who could read only parts of the 35 words or took recourse to sounding syllables
before putting words together were classi6ed as 'early readers'.
(c) 2001 census declared 68.7 per cent as readers. But in reading test 26 per cent were
found as readers, 27 per cent easy-readers and 47 per cent non-readers.
(d) SLS or 'Same Language Subtitling' is the idea of adding karaoke-like subtitles to film
song-based content on TV,in the same language as the audio. It is proven to be every effective.
(e) (ii) their ability to read
03 (iu) improve reading ability
(B) (i) perceived
(ii) overestimation.
2. (a) Notes :
1. Goat - a useful animal

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