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This tutorial is specifically written for students studying the EC module D227 Control
System Engineering but is also useful for any student studying control.

On completion of this tutorial, you should be able to do the following.

Explain the basic definition of system instability.

Explain and plot Nyquist diagrams.

Explain and calculate gain and phase margins.

Explain and produce Bode plots.

The next tutorial continues the study of stability.

If you are not familiar with instrumentation used in control engineering, you should
complete the tutorials on Instrumentation Systems.

In order to complete the theoretical part of this tutorial, you must be familiar with basic
mechanical and electrical science.

You must also be familiar with the use of transfer functions and the Laplace Transform
(see maths tutorials).

D.J.Dunn 1

Consider a system in which the signals are added instead of subtracted by the summer. This is positive
feed back. The electronic amplifier shown is an example of this.

Figure 1
We may derive the closed loop transfer function as follows.
G1 = o e = i + G 2 o G1 =
e i + G 2 o
( )
G1 i + G 2 o = o G1 i + G1G 2 o = o

G1 i = o - G1G 2 o (
G1 i = o 1 G1G 2 ) G cl =
1 G1G 2
If G1 G2 = 1 then Gcl = and the system is unstable. If G1 G2 1 then Gcl has a finite value which is small
or large depending on the values. In the electronic amplifier, the gain can be controlled by adjusting the
feed back resistor (attenuator).
Suppose G1 = 1 and G2 = 0.8 Gcl = 1/(1- 0.8) = 5
Suppose G1 = 1 and G2 = 0.99 Gcl = 1/(1- 0.99) = 100

The closer the value of G2 is to 1 the higher the overall gain. It is essential that G2 is an attenuator if the
system is not to be unstable.

A system designed for negative feed back with a summer that subtracts should be stable but when the
signals vary, such as with a sinusoidal signal, it is possible for them to become unstable.

Consider an automatic control system such as the stabilisers on a ship. When the ship rolls, the stabilisers
change angle to bring it back before the roll becomes uncomfortably large. If the stabilisers moved the
wrong way, the ship would roll further. This should not happen with a well designed system but there are
reasons and causes that can make such a thing happen. Suppose the ship was rolling back and forth at its
natural frequency. All ships should have a righting force when they roll because of the buoyancy and will
roll at a natural frequency defined by the weight, size and distribution of mass and so on. The sensor
detects the roll and the hydraulic system is activated to move the stabiliser fins. Suppose that the
hydraulics move too slow (perhaps a leak in the line) and by the time the stabilisers have responded, the
ship has already righted itself and started to roll the other way. The stabilisers will now be in the wrong
position and will make the ship roll even further. The time delay has made matters worse instead of better
and this is basically what instability is about.

Another example of positive feed back is when you place a microphone in front of a loud speaker and get
a loud oscillation. Another example is when you push a child on swing. If you give a small push at the
start of each swing, the swing will move higher and higher. You are adding energy to the system, the
opposite affect of damping. If you stop pushing, friction will slowly bring it back to rest.

With positive feedback, energy is added to the system making the output grow out of control. A system
would not be designed with positive feedback but when a sinusoidal signal is applied, it is possible for the
negative feedback to be converted into positive feedback. This occurs when the phase shift of the
feedback is 180o to the input and the gain of the system is one or more. When this happens, the feedback
reinforces the error instead of reducing it.

D.J.Dunn 2

A system with negative feed back becomes unstable if the signal arriving back at the summer is larger
than the input signal and has shifted 180o relative to it. Consider the block diagram of the closed loop
system. A sinusoidal signal is put in and the feed back is subtracted with the summer to produce the error.
Due to time delay the feed back is 180o out of phase with the input. When they are summed the result is
an error signal larger than the input signal. This will produce instability and the output will grow and

Figure 2

A method of checking if this is going to happen is to disconnect the feed back at the summer and measure
the feed back over a wide range of frequencies.

Figure 3

If it is found that there is a frequency that produces a phase shift of 180o and there is a gain in the signal,
then instability will result. The Nyquist diagram is the locus of the open loop transfer function plotted on
the complex plane. If a system is inherently unstable, the Nyquist diagram will enclose the point -1 (the
point where the phase angle is 180o and unity gain).

Consider the following system.

Figure 4

D.J.Dunn 3
The transfer function relating i and is G(s) G1 x G2 x G3 = K/{s(1+s)(1+2s)}. Converting this into a
complex number (s = j) we find

G( j ) =
K 3 2 }
K( 23 )
9 4 + ( 23 ) } j
9 4 + ( 23 ) }
The polar plot below (Nyquist Diagram) is shown for K = 1 and K = 0.4. We can see that at the 180o
position the radius is less than 1 when K = 1 so the system will be stable. When K = 2 the radius is greater
than 1 so the system is unstable. We conclude that turning up the gain makes the system become unstable.

Figure 5

The plot will cross the real axis when = 23 or = 0.707 and this is true for all frequencies. The plot
will enclose the -1 point if
K 3 2 } 1 so the limit is when K 3 2 = 9 4 + ( 23 )
{9 + ( 2 )
4 3
Putting = 0.707 the limiting value of K is 1.5


There is another way to solve this and similar problems. The transfer function is broken down into
separate components so in the above case we have:
K 1 1
G(s) = x x Each is turned into polar co-ordinates (see previous tutorial).
s (1 + s) (1 + 2s)
produces a radius of and an angle of - 90 o for all radii
1 1
produces a radius of and angle tan - 1 ( )
1+ s 1+ 2

1 1
produces a radius of and angle tan - 1 2
1 + 2s 1 + 4 2

When we multiply polar coordinates remember that the resultant radius is the product of the individual
radii and the resultant angle is the sum of the individual angles. The polar coordinates of the transfer
function are then:
K 1 1
Radius is x x Angle is - 90 o tan -1 ( ) tan -1 2
1+ 2
1 + 4 2

Put = 0.707 Radius = 1.414 x 0.8165 x 0.577 = 0.667 K Angle = -90 - 35.26 - 54.74 = -180o

If K = 1.5 the radius is 1 as stated previously.

D.J.Dunn 4


This is the additional phase lag which is needed to bring the system to the limit of stability. In other words
it is the angle between the point -1 and the vector of magnitude 1.


This is the additional gain required to bring the system to the limit of stability.

Figure 6


The open loop transfer function of a system is G(s) = 200/{(1+2S)(3+S)(5+S)}. Produce a polar plot
for = 3 to = 10. Determine the phase and gain margin.


Evaluate the polar coordinates for 200/(1 + 2s), then 1/(2+s) then 1/(5+s) (See previous tutorial)

D.J.Dunn 5
Now add the three sets of angles and multiply the three sets of radii and plot the results.

Figure 7

The region of interest is where the plot is -180o and the radius is 1. This would require a much more
accurate plot around the region for = 3 to 5 as shown below.

Figure 8

The phase margin is 180 166 = 14o The gain margin is 1 0.65 = 0.35


1 Determine the steady state gain and primary time constant for G(s) = 10/(s + 5). Determine the polar
coordinates when = 1/T
(Gain = 2 and Radius = 1.414 and angle = -45o)

2. Determine the steady state gain for G(s) = 0.5/{(s+2)(s+10)}. Determine the polar coordinates when
= 0.5
(Gain = 0.025 , R1 = 0.0243 1 = -16.9o)

3. The open loop transfer function of a system is G(s) = 80/{(s+1)(s+2)(s+4)}. Produce a polar plot for
= 3 to = 10. Determine the phase and gain margin. (0.11 and 3.5o).

D.J.Dunn 6

These are logarithmic plots of the magnitude (radius of the polar plot) and phase angle of the transfer
function. First consider how to express the gain in decibels.

Strictly G is a power gain and G = Power out/Power In

Vout I out
If the power in and out were electric then we may say G =
Vin I in
Using Ohms Law this with the same value of Resistance at input and output this becomes
Vo2 I o2
G = 2 or 2
Vi Ii
Vo2 Vo Io
Expressing G in decibels G(db) = 10 log = 20 log or 20 log
Vi2 Vi Ii
From this, it is usual to express the modulus of G as G = 20 log (o/i)

Note that the gain in db is the 20 log R where R is the radius of the polar plot in previous examples.
Consider the transfer function G(s) =
= G(db) = 20log = 20log
1 - j - j 1 1
G(j ) = = G =
Plotting this equation produces the following graph. The graph shows a straight line passing through 0 db
at =1 with a gradient of -20 db per decade. The phase angle is -90o at all values of .

Figure 9

Now consider the following transfer function

1 1 1
G(s) = G = =
Ts + 1 j T + 1 j T + 1

1 T 1
G(j ) = j
(T 22 + 1)
The radius of the polar coordinate is and this is the
1+ T
2 2
1 + 2T 2

The gain in db is then

G(db) = 20 log
( )
= 20 1 log T 2 2 + 1 = 10log T 2 2 + 1 ( )
T 2 2 + 1
) 2

The phase angle is tan-1(T)

D.J.Dunn 7
If we put T = 1 as a convenient example, and plot the result, we get two distinct straight lines shown on
the left graph. The horizontal line is produced by very small values of and so it is called the LOW
FREQUENCY ASYMPTOTE. The sloping straight line occurs at high values of and is called the
HIGH FREQUENCY ASYMPTOTE and has a gradient of -20 db per decade. The two lines meet at
the breakpoint frequency or natural frequency given by n=1/T = 1 in this case.

The graph on the right shows phase angle plotted against and it goes from 0 to -90o. The 45o point
occurs at the break point frequency.

Figure 10

Now consider the following transfer function. (Standard first order response to a step input)
G(s) = G(j ) =
s(1 + sT) j (1 + j T)
Note there is an easier way to find G as follows. Separate the two parts and find the modulus of each
1 1
G = K
j (1 + 2 T 2

1 1 1
= =
j j
1 1 1
= =
1 + j T 1 + j T 1 + 2T 2
= K
1 1 1
G = K

1 + 2 T 2
1 + 2T 2
Taking logs we get

Log G = logK + log + log
1 1
2 2
1+ T
Log G = logK log log 1 + 2 T 2

Log G db = 20 logK log log 1 + 2 T 2

There are three components to this and we may plot all three separately as shown. The graph for the
complete equation is the sum of the three components. The result is that the graph has two distinctive
slopes of -20 db per decade and -40 db per decade. (K and T were taken arbitrarily as 10 giving a
breakpoint of = 1/T = 0.1.
D.J.Dunn 8
Figure 11

The plot of phase angle against frequency on the logarithmic scale shows that the phase angle shifts by
90o every time it passes through a breakpoint frequency. The plot for the case under examination is

A reasonable result is obtained by sketching the asymptotes for each and adding them together.

D.J.Dunn 9
A system has a transfer function G(s) = Where the time constant T is 0.5 seconds.
s(Ts + 1)
Plot the Bode diagram for gain and phase angle. Find the low frequency gain per decade, the high
frequency gain per decade and the break point frequency.

1 1 1 1 1 1
G(s) = G(j( = G =
s(Ts + 1) j j T + 1 j j T + 1
2 T 2
+ 1

G (db) = 20 log log 2 T 2 + 1

) = -90 tan 1

0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000
-log 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
-log(2T2+1) tiny tiny tiny -0.048 -0.707 -1.707 -2.707
Total Gain (units) 3 2 1 -.048 -1.707 -3.707 -5.707
Total Gain db 60 40 20 -0.96 -34.14 -74.14 -114.14
degrees -90 -90.3 -92.9 -117 -169 -179 - 180

Examining the table we see that the gain drops by 20 db per decade at low frequencies and by 40 db
per decade for high frequencies. Plotting the graph on logarithmic paper reveals a breakpoint
frequency of 2 rad/s which is also found by n = 1/T = 1/0.5 = 2

A quick way of drawing an approximate Bode plot is to evaluate the gain in db at the breakpoint
frequency and draw asymptotes with a slope of -20 db per decade prior to it and -40 db per decade
after it. The phase angle may be found by adding the two components.
1 1 1
G(s) = G(j ) = +
s(Ts + 1) j j T + 1
The phase angle for the first part is the angle of a vector at position -1/ on the j axis which
corresponds to -90o.

The phase angle of the second part is the angle of a vector at -1 on the real axis and - T on the j
axis. The two phase angles may be added to produce the overall result.

A quick way to draw the Bode phase plot is to note that the break point frequency occurs at the mid
point of the phase shift (-135o in this case) so draw the asymptotes such that they change by -90o at
each breakpoint frequency.

Figure 12

D.J.Dunn 10

Gain and phase margins may be found from Bode plots as follows. Locate the point where the gain is zero
db (unity gain) and project down onto the phase diagram. The phase margin is the margin between the
phase plot and -180o.

Locate the point where the phase angle reaches 180o. Project this back to the gain plot and the gain
margin is the margin between this point and the zero db level. If the gain is increased until this is zero, the
system becomes unstable.

Figure 13

D.J.Dunn 11

Draw the asymptotes of the Bode plots for the systems having a transfer function
G(s) =
( )
T1s + 1 (T2s + 1)
K is 10, T1 is 2 seconds and T2 is 0.2 seconds.

Find the value of K which makes the system stable.


The two break point frequencies are 1/T1 = 1/2 = 0.5 rad/s and 1/T2 = 1/0.2 = 5 rad/s.

Locate the two frequencies and draw the asymptotes. The first one is 20 db/decade up to 0.5 rad/s.
The second one is -20 db per decade until it intercepts 5 rad/s. From then on it is -40 db per decade.

The phase angle diagram is no so easy to construct from asymptotes. Locate the break point
frequencies. These mark the mid points between 0 and 90o (45o) for both functions. (K has zero
angle). The resultant phase angle varies from 0 to -180o reaching -135o half way between the break

Figure 14

The phase angle reaches 180o at around = 110 rad/s. The gain at 110 rad/s is about -60 db hence the
gain margin is about 60 db. To make the gain unity (zero db) we need an extra gain of:

60 = 20 log G G = 1000

If the plot is repeated with K = 2 000 it will be seen that the gain margin is about zero.

D.J.Dunn 12

1. A system has a transfer function

G(s) =
s(T s + 1)
T is 0.1 seconds.

What is the steady state gain? (4)

What is the low frequency gain per decade, the high frequency gain per decade and the break point
frequency? (-20 db, -40 db and 10 rad/s)

2. A system has a transfer function

G(s) =
( )
T1s + 1 (T2s + 1)
T1 is 0.25 seconds and T2 is 0.15 seconds.

Find the low frequency gain per decade, the high frequency gain per decade and the break point
frequencies. (0 db, -40 db and 4 rad/s and 6.7 rad/s)

Find the gain margin and phase margin. (-80 db and 0o approximately)

3. Draw the asymptotes of the Bode plots for the systems having a transfer function
G(s) =
( )
T1s + 1 (T2s + 1)
K is 2, T1 is 0.1 seconds and T2 is 10 seconds.

Find the gain margin and the value of K which makes the system stable. (130 db and 3 x 106 approx)

4. The diagram shows the bode gain and phase plot for a system. Determine the gain margin and
whether or not the system is stable. (45 db and 10o approx Unstable)

Figure 15

D.J.Dunn 13

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