Ignition Timing

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The point at which ignition

occurs, in relation to

the top dead center of

the pistons compression

stroke, is known as ignition


Ignition occurs some time before top dead center (BTDC) during the

compression stroke of the piston. This time is measured in degrees of

crankshaft rotation BTDC. For a modern SI engine, this timing is typically 8

to 10 degrees for the basic mechanical setting with the engine running at low

speed (low rpm). This basic timing is set by the design of the mechanical

coupling between the crankshaft and the distributor. The basic timing may be

adjusted slightly in many older cars by physically rotating the distributor


As the engine speed increases, the angle through which the crankshaft

rotates in the time required to burn the fuel and air mixture increases. For

this reason, the spark must occur at a larger angle BTDC for higher engine

speeds. This change in ignition timing is called spark advance. That is, spark

advance should increase with increasing engine rpm. In a conventional

ignition system, the mechanism for this is called a centrifugal spark advance. It

is shown in Figure 1.10. As engine speed increases, the distributor shaft

rotates faster, and the weights are thrown outward by centrifugal force. The

weights operate through a mechanical lever, so their movement causes a

change in the relative angular position between the rubbing block on the

breaker points and the distributor cam, and advances the time when the lobe

opens the points.

In addition to speed-dependent spark advance, the ignition timing

needs to be adjusted as a function of intake manifold pressure. Whenever the

throttle is nearly closed, the manifold pressure is low (i.e., nearly a vacuum).

The combustion time for the airfuel mixture is longer for low manifold
pressure conditions than for high manifold pressure conditions (i.e., near

atmospheric pressure). As a result, the spark timing must be advanced for low

pressure conditions to maintain maximum power and fuel economy. The

mechanism to do this is a vacuum-operated spark advance, also shown in

Figure 1.10. The vacuum advance mechanism has a flexible diaphragm

connected through a rod to the plate on which the breaker points are

mounted. One side of the diaphragm is open to atmospheric pressure; the

other side is connected through a hose to manifold vacuum. As manifold

vacuum increases, the diaphragm is deflected (atmospheric pressure pushes it)

and moves the breaker point plate to advance the timing. Ignition timing

significantly affects engine performance and exhaust emissions; therefore, it is

one of the major factors that is electronically controlled in the modern SI


The performance of the ignition system and the spark advance

mechanism has been greatly improved by electronic control systems. Because

ignition timing is critical to engine performance, controlling it precisely

through all operating conditions has become a major application of digital

electronics, as explained in Chapter 7.

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