Backward Unit Design Plan
Backward Unit Design Plan
Backward Unit Design Plan
Title: What is the relationship between the environment and my role as a consumer?
Focus Curriculum Area (s): HASS Economics & Business, Art Visual Art, English Literacy Duration: 5-6 weeks
Year Level HASS Economics & Business Year Level Achievement Standards Year 5
The difference between needs and wants and why choices need By the end of year 5, students recognise that choices need to be made when
to be made about how limited resources are used (ACHASSK119) allocating resources. They describe factors that influence their choices as
Types of resources (natural, human, capital) and the ways consumers and identify strategies that can be used to inform these choices They
societies use them to satisfy the needs and wants of present and locate and collect data and information from a range of sources to answer inquiry
future generations (ACHASSK120) questions They work with others to generate alternative responses to an issue or
Influences on consumer choices and methods that can be used to challenge and reflect on their learning to independently propose action,
help make informed personal consumer and financial describing the possible effects of their proposed action. They present their ideas,
choices (ACHASSK121)
findings and conclusions in a range of communication forms using discipline-
Art Visual Art
specific terms and appropriate conventions.
Plan the display of artworks to enhance their meaning for
By the end of year 5, students explain how ideas are communicated in artworks
an audience (ACAVAM116)
they make and to which they respond.Students structure elements and
processes of arts subjects to make artworks that communicate meaning. They
English Literacy
Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and work collaboratively to share artworks for audiences, demonstrating skills and
persuasive print and multimodal texts, techniques.
choosing text structures, language features, images and
sound appropriate to purpose and audience(ACELY1704) By the end of Year 5, Students create imaginative, informative and persuasive
texts for different purposes and audiences. They make presentations which
include multimodal elements for defined purposes. They contribute actively to
class and group discussions, taking into account other perspectives They edit
their work for cohesive structure and meaning.
Knowledge Skills
Understand the difference between needs and wants Communicate effectively in group situations
Understand the impacts of consumerism on the environment Pose questions and locate and collect research data to answer an inquiry.
Understand different types of resources natural, man-made, Apply feedback constructively when editing work
renewable, non-renewable and why sustainable choices need to be
made when using these resources
Identify consumer influences
Understand how choice of material and design can enhance a
piece of art to communicate a desired meaning.
Understand and apply the language conventions of persuasive text
By the end of this unit of work students will be able to, identify the difference between needs and wants and how our choices as consumers can impact on the environment,
on resources for present and future generations and what is influencing those choices. Students will be able to, communicate effectively in groups to develop and apply
their understanding. Students will apply this knowledge to write a persuasive text on a local environment issue being impacted by consumerism, which is further supported
through thoughtful planning and designing of a piece of art using waste material that effectively highlights the issue and conveys a desired meaning to the audience.
Task description:
This unit of work culminates into a summative assessment at the end of the unit whereby in mixed ability groups of three, students design and create a piece of
artwork made entirely from waste material that otherwise would have ended up in landfill. The artwork will be displayed in class for parents night as part of a wider
unit of work on sustainability. Students have flexibility on their choice of material and design that will best communicate to their audience on a current issue relating
to the key inquiry topic how our choices as consumers are impacting on the local environment. A persuasive text must accompany the artwork detailing the
problem, supporting reasons and possible solutions. A draft submission for the persuasive text must be submitted for teacher feedback prior to final copy and
commencement of the design and planning of the artwork. Key understandings supporting the units inquiry question will be collated into a lapbook (a file folder laid
out in a creative manner that would fit in the childs lap to creatively display unit studies) to form an effective presentation of the students understandings
throughout the unit.
Assessment Criteria:
The summative task is broken up into three parts the HASS Economics and Business, Visual Art and Literacy and is assessed using a rubric based on the following criteria
which will be made available and discussed thoroughly with the students prior to commencing tasks:
Chosen material enhances the meaning intended for the Material and design do not related to the issue and work the issue and work to engage
artwork. clearly communicate the issue to communicate meaning to and communicate meaning to
the audience the audience
Identification of problem is
Problem is clearly stated Problem is unclear Identifies problem comprehensive, clear and
The above template will be used for the final summative assessment recording however, during the unit of work the teacher will use a formative checklist to track/record
individual students progress.
Defines and
identifies examples Realistic Identifies Has identified
Identifies the of resources action/solutions influences on Identification of reasons to Solutions/actions Can use a range
difference natural, manmade, for using consumer local support the are given and of persuasive
Student between a need renewable, non- resources more choices effecting environment issue using supported by language
name and a want renewable sustainably the environment issue facts/data facts/data features
Throughout the unit of work students will receive verbal feedback on formative tasks directly related to the learning outcomes as per the checklist, to enable students to
modify and/or direct their learning towards the learning outcomes. Feedback will be also be given by peers through the form of a progress table and two stars and one
wish. Students will be given time to reflect on and implement feedback to effectively apply it before assessment of their final summative task and allocation of a grade.
During the unit of work students are required to use a self-reflection checklist to assess how they are progressing towards the learning outcomes before the summative
assessment takes place. At the end of the unit of work students are required to self-reflect on the unit as a whole to measure and evaluate what they have learnt, what they
still want to know and if they could have done anything better and a whole class discussion takes place.
Self assessment check after lesson 4
Needs more
Can I do these things? Yes No
I know the difference between a need and a want and can give an
example of each
I know what a consumer is and can provide examples
I can know the difference between natural and man-made
resources and can give an example of each
I know the difference between renewable and non-renewable
resources and can give an example of each
I can identify two ways in which I can improve my use of resources
to help the environment
I still need help understanding
I want to know about
Name: Comments
2 FINDING OUT/SORTING OUT Lesson 3 & 4 require formative Ecological footprint quiz
assessment using a checklist (see top of
Lesson 3:
table) of outcomes to tick off as lessons ake-action/footprint-
Students think-pair-share what they think natural and man-made resources progress to inform lesson calculator/?gclid=CjwKCAjwj
are. Students go for a walk outside and list as many natural and man-made modifications/student differentiation, and ozPBRAqEiwA6xTOYC3i3dCa
items as they can find and record in a table. students to conduct a self-assessment jI-
Again, using the think-pair-share strategy students discuss what is a renewable check (see top of table) 1Grlvv_Wcf_drrOupWNmT
and non-renewable resource? Using a T chart on the board as a class students MCrVbQxvhu1a8GhQzTuK2
add their resources into either renewable or non-renewable (can view videos xoC7poQAvD_BwE
Teacher background notes:
on YouTube on smartboard for additional understanding of meanings, Natural resource - materials or
specifically non-renewable e.g. fossil fuels). substances occurring in nature which
Students complete a self quiz check online to calculate their Ecological can be exploited for economic gain.
Footprint to estimate how much of earths resources (renewable and non- Man made a resource created by
humans. It does not occur naturally and
renewable) they use (Earth Day, 2017) and record result in their HASS journals, is produced and consumed by humans.
adding to week ones work, along with: Renewable - resources which can be
Personal definitions and examples of natural, manmade, renewable and used repeatedly and replaced naturally.
non-renewable resources. Examples include oxygen, fresh water,
Two personal choices they can make at home or at school on how solar energy and biomass.
Non-renewable - a resource of
resources might be used more sustainably. economic value that cannot be readily
replaced by natural means on a level
equal to its consumption. Most fossil
fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal
are considered nonrenewable in that
their use is not sustainable because
their formation takes billions of years.
Lesson 4: Consume, consume, consume Placemat templates
Lesson 7 Writing persuasively Lesson 7 requires a formative assessment Persuasive writing plan
(see top of table) template
Students connect their ideas from De Bonos six thinking hats into a draft
persuasive text using a template to guide their writing (appendix e) which
will accompany their trash or treasure artwork (see below) at our school
sustainability display on parents night.
Students draft is submitted to the teacher for written feedback to allow for
modifications or further learning (if needed) before final submission.
Lesson 9
Resources gathered from
Students bring their trash from home and build their art piece ready for home and school e.g. plastic
display as part of the wider unit of sustainability (may need subsequent lessons bottles & bottles, lids, e-
to finish off). waste etc
Glue, scissors and other
Lesson 10 - Lapbook design material needed for
Teacher models her lapbook design (appendix g) which includes sections for
Defining needs, wants and consumer with examples Lapbook templates
Types of resources and examples Manilla folders as the base
Why are consumers creating too much waste? for the lapbooks
Their persuasive text on their chosen environmental problem Internet access for children
Cover page of their choosing (images, drawing, style) but must include to find images (if wanting to
the heading What is the relationship between the environment and add to lapbook)
my role as a consumer?
Templates will be given for each section on how they are to insert the information
but they can choose their preferred layout (appendix h). Students complete the
sections using the information they have gathered in their HASS journals as a result
of the units learning. Students can use their own choice of images and colour to
enhance the lapbooks presentation.
THE SCHOOL PARENT NIGHT AS PART OF THE WIDER SCHOOL FOCUS ON a rubric (see top of table) on both the
SUSTAINABILITY! artwork, persuasive text and HASS
learning outcomes.
Adapted from Growing & Developing Healthy Relationships (Government of WA, n.d.)
Appendix B Concept cartoon for lesson 1 diagnostic assessment