XII Physics Chapter 5 - Magnetism Matter Saju Hsslive

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The key takeaways are the properties of magnetic field lines and the differences between electric and magnetic field lines. Soft iron is used as a core in electrical devices due to its low hysteresis loss.

Magnetic field lines are continuous closed loops. Two magnetic field lines never intersect. The number density of field lines in a region gives the intensity of magnetic field. The tangent drawn to the field line at any point gives the direction of the field at that point.

Magnetic field lines are continuous closed loops. But electric field lines do not form closed loops.

CHAPTER 5 (iv) The tangent drawn to the


field line at any point gives the
THE BAR MAGNET direction of the field at that

1. What is meant by poles of bar point.

Ans: The attractive property of a 4. Two magnetic field lines do not
magnet is concentrated in two regions intersect. Why?
near the ends. These regions are called Ans: If two field lines intersect at a
poles of the magnet. point, it means that there are two
The poles of a freely suspended different directions for magnetic field
magnet point approximately the at that point. But this is not possible. So
geographic north and south poles. two field lines will never intersect.

2. Draw the magnetic field lines of a 5. Repulsion is the sure test of

bar magnet. magnetism. Explain
Ans: The magnetic field lines of a bar Ans: A magnet can attract another
magnet is as shown in figure. It is magnet as well as magnetic substances.
similar to that of a current carrying But it can repel only another magnet.
6. What is the difference between
electric field lines and magnetic field
Ans: Magnetic field lines are
continuous closed loops. But electric
field lines do not form closed loops.

7. Give an expression for the

magnetic field on the axial line of a
bar magnet.
The m.f. at a far point on the axial line
of a bar magnet
3. Write the properties of magnetic 0 2m
field lines. 4 r 3
Ans: Properties of magnetic field lines
are :- 8. Give an expression for the
(i) The magnetic field lines magnetic field on the equatorial line
of a bar magnet.
are continuous closed loops.
(ii) Two magnetic field lines The m.f. at a far point on the equatorial
never intersect. line of a bar magnet
0 m
(iii) The number density of B=
4 r 3
field lines in a region gives the
intensity of magnetic field. 9. Define magnetic dipole.

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 1
Ans: Two equal and opposite
magnetic poles separated by a
distance is called a magnetic dipole

10. Define magnetic dipole moment

Ans: Magnetic dipole moment is the
product of pole strength and distance
between the poles. The two equal and opposite forces
m = P 2l acting at the two ends of the dipole
P - the pole strength constitutes a torque
The S.I unit of pole strength is Am. Torque = Force r distance
The SI unit of magnetic dipole moment = PB 2lsin
is Am2 = (P 2l) B sin
Magnetic dipole moment is a vector = mBsin
quantity. The direction is from South
Pole to North Pole.
= mBsin
In vector form
11. Do magnetic monopoles exist? m B
Ans: Magnetic monopoles do not Because of this torque, the magnetic
exist. If we break a magnet dipole rotates till it becomes parallel to
longitudinally or transversely in to two the external uniform magnetic field.
pieces we get two magnets.
14. A short bar magnet placed with
12. How does the pole strength and its axis at 300 with a uniform
magnetic dipole moment change if a external magnetic field of 0.25 T
magnet is cut (i) longitudinally (ii) experiences a torque of magnitude
transversely in to two equal halves? equal to 4.5x10-2 N-m. What is the
Ans: (i) Pole strength and magnitude of magnetic moment of
magnetic moment become half. the magnet?
(ii) Pole strength does not 15[P]. A magnetic dipole is under
change but the magnetic moment the influence of two magnetic fields.
The angle between the field
becomes half.
directions is 600, and one of the fields
has a magnitude of 1.2 x 10 -2 T. If
13. Derive an expression for the the dipole comes to stable
torque acting on a magnetic dipole equilibrium at an angle of 150 with
placed in a uniform magnetic field. this field, what is the magnitude of
Ans: Consider a magnetic dipole the other field?
placed in a uniform magnetic field at
an angle with the magnetic field. 16. A magnetic dipole is placed in a
non-uniform magnetic field. What
type of motion will it have?
Ans: Both translational and rotational
motion. Rotatory motion will stop
when the dipole becomes parallel to
the magnetic field.

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 2
= mB- coso

17. What type of motion is executed
by a magnetic dipole placed in a = -mB[cos cos 0]
uniform magnetic field? Give an
= -mB[cos 1]
expression for the frequency of
= mB [1 cos ]
oscillations. Using this experiment
how can you calculate the magnetic W = mB [1 cos ]
field at a place?
Ans: Let a magnetic dipole (or 19. Derive an expression for the
compass needle) is placed parallel to a potential energy of a magnetic dipole
magnetic field. Let the magnetic in an external uniform magnetic
dipole be displaced from the field.
equilibrium position through an angle Ans: Magnetic potential energy
Um = workdone
Then the magnetic dipole executes = d
simple harmonic motion(SHM) mBsin d
The time period,
mB sin d
T = 2 = mBcos + C
mB Um = -mBcos + C (1)
Frequency, Where C is the constant of integration
1 mB Let us assume Um = 0 when = 900
Then, eqn (1)
2 I 0 = -mB cos 90 + C
To find the magnetic field at a place, 0=0+CC=0
B can be determined by oscillating (1) Um = -mB cos
a magnetic needle (compass needle) of =-m B
known magnetic moment (m) and
Special cases:-
moment of inertia I.
When = 00
T 2 4 2 Um = -mB cos 0
= -mB (PE is minimum)
42 I And this is the most stable position
mT2 when = 1800
Using the above equation, we can Um = -mB cos 1800
calculate the magnitude of the external = -mB -1
magnetic field B. = mB (maximum)
And this is the most unstable
18. Derive an expression for the position
work done in rotating a magnetic
dipole in a uniform m. f. 20. State Gausss Law in
Ans: The work done to rotate the magnetism.
dipole through an angle d is given by Ans: The law states that the net
dW = d magnetic flux through any closed
= mBsin d surface is zero
So the total work done to rotate the
dipole from 0 to is
B B.ds 0
B B.S 0

W = 0 mBsin d , where all stands for

= mB 0 sin d all area elements S.

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 3
The RHS is zero because magnetic freely suspended magnet is called
monopoles do not exist. The simplest
element of a magnet is a magnetic the magnetic meridian.
24. Define geographic meridian.
21. Magnetic monopoles do not exist. Ans: The vertical plane passing
through a place and the
Ans: By Gausss law in magnetism we
have B.dS 0 . The right hand side of geographic north and south poles
the equation is zero because there are is called the geographic meridian
no magnetic monopoles at that place.

Earths magnetism
25. What are the magnetic elements
of earth?
Ans: There are three elements of
earths magnetic field.
1) Angle of declination (D)
2) Angle of Dip or inclination (I)
3) Horizontal component of
earths magnetic field (BH)

26. Define angle of Declination (D)

A freely suspended magnet
orients (aligns) in the geographic
north- south direction. This indicates
that there is a magnetic field around
earth. Earths magnetism is similar to
that of a giant bar magnet placed well
inside the core of earth.

The angle between the

22. What is the source of earths
magnetism? geographic meridian and
Ans: The source of earths magnetism magnetic meridian is called the
may be the electric currents produced
angle of declination.
by the convective motion of metallic
fluids (consisting mostly of metallic The magnetic declination is different at
iron and nickel) in the outer core of different places on the surface of earth.
27. Where does the magnetic
23. Define magnetic meridian. declination maximum at poles or
Ans: A vertical plane passing
Ans: Declination is greater at higher
through the magnetic axis of a latitudes (near poles) and smaller near
the equator. Declination in India is

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 4
0041 E at Delhi and 00 58 W at angle of dip, I = 900
Mumbai So BH = Bcos900
28. Define Angle of dip or At the equator,
Inclination. I = 00, So BH = Bcos 0 = B
Ans: Dip is the angle between
33. How can you calculate (i) angle
earths magnetic field (B) and its of dip and (ii) earths magnetic field
horizontal component (BH). at a place from BH and BV
The angle of dip is maximum (900) BV
Ans: tan I = BH
at the magnetic poles and minimum
(00) at the magnetic equator. At other B= BH 2 BV 2
places its value lies between 00 and
900. 34[P]. A magnetic needle free to
rotate in a vertical plane parallel to
29. The angle of dip at a place in the magnetic meridian has its north
Kerala is 180. Will its value be more tip pointing down at 220 with the
or less at a place in Kashmir? Give horizontal. The horizontal
reason component of earths magnetic field
Ans: Kashmir will have greater value at the place is known to be 0.35 G.
of dip because it is nearer to the North Determine the magnitude of earths
pole. magnetic field at that place.

30. Angle of dip in south India is 180. 35. What are the uses of study of
Would you expect a greater or earths magnetic elements?
smaller dip angle in Britain? Ans: Knowledge of magnetic elements
Ans: Britain is closer to earths at a place is of great use in practical
magnetic north pole. Hence dip is life.
greater. The angle of declination helps us in
preparing and following a
31. Define Horizontal Component of geographical map with the help of a
earths magnetic field (BH). compass needle in air or sea
Ans: navigation.
The variation of angle of dip at a
place from the near about area
indicates the presence of iron ores etc.
The value of horizontal component
of earths field at a place is of great use
in the various calculations involving
magnetic and electrical phenomena.

The earths total field at a place can be 36. Define Magnetization &
resolved in to horizontal component Intensity of magnetization
BH = BcosI and vertical component BV Ans: The process of bringing up
= B sin I as shown in figure. magnetism in a material is called
32. What are the values of BH at Intensity of magnetization
magnetic poles and equator?
(M) of a sample is defined as the
Ans: At the magnetic poles,

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 5
net magnetic moment per unit Ans: Relative permeability of medium
is the ratio of permeability of a
volume of the sample. medium () to the permeability of air
M net
, M is a vector quantity SI or vacuum (0)

unit is A/m. r
37. Define Magnetising field or
magnetic intensity (H). Give its SI 41. Derive the relation connecting r
unit. and .
Ans: When a magnetic material is Ans: Consider a solenoid carrying
placed in a magnetic field, magnetism current I having number of turns per
is induced in the material. It is known unit length n and area of cross section
as induced magnetism. The field If air is the medium inside the solenoid,
which induces magnetism in a the magnetic field inside the solenoid.
B0 = 0nI,
material is called magnetizing
If we place a ferromagnetic material
field and the strength of that core inside the solenoid which has
field is called magnetic intensity initial magnetisation zero, the net flux
(H). B = B0 + Bm (1)
Its SI unit is ampere/ metre. Bm M Bm = 0 M
We have B0 = 0 H,
38. Define Permeability () where H = nI is the source field
Ans: Permeability of a medium is
the ratio of the magnetic induction (B) Therefore eqn. (1)
to the magnetic intensity (H) B =0H +0M
B B0 M
= H
0 = H = 0H[1+ ]
B = 0H[1 + ],
39. Define Susceptibility () M
where = is the
Ans: Magnetisation produced in a H
sample is directly proportional to the susceptibility
magnetic intensity (H) B
0[1 ]
M H M = H H
Where is a constant for a material 0[1 ]
which is called the succeptibility.
M 1
Susceptibility is the ratio of r = 1+
magnetization (M) to the
42[P]. What are the values of
magnetic intensity (H).
susceptibility and permeability for a
Susceptibility gives the ease with perfect diamagnet?
which a material is magnetized.
Susceptibility has no unit.

40. Define relative permeability.

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 6
Magnetic Properties of 2) When freely suspended in a
Materials magnetic field it aligns perpendicular
to the magnetic field.
43. Explain the magnetic properties
of materials.
Ans: The magnetic substances are
divided with respect to their magnetic
properties into weakly magnetic and
strongly magnetic substances. The
weakly magnetic substances include
diamagnetic and paramagnetic. The
3) When placed in a uniform
strongly magnetic substances are
magnetic field a weak magnetisation is
induced opposite to the external
a) Diamagnetic substances: magnetic field.
These are substances which
experiences weak force of
repulsion in a magnetic field.
The atoms or molecules of a
diamagnetic material have no magnetic
moments in the absence of external
magnetic field.
Ex: Inert gases (He, Ar, etc), many
metals (Au, Zn, Cu, Hg, Bi, Sb, Pb, b) Paramagnetic substances:
Ag, P, etc), water, glass, marbles, These are the substances
alkali halides and many organic
which experiences a weak force of
Properties:- attraction in a magnetic field.
1) Diamagnetic substance when The atoms or molecules of a
placed in a non-uniform magnetic field paramagnetic substance have a certain
tends to move from the stronger to the magnetic moment in the absence of
weaker part of the field. external magnetic field.
Ex: Al, Na, K, Ba Ca, Sr, Cr, Mn, Pt,
solutions of salts of Fe and Ni,
Oxygen, Nitrogen oxide, liquid
oxygen, alkali and alkaline earth
metals, rare earth elements etc..
1) In a non-uniform magnetic field,
they tend to move from weaker to
stronger part of the field.

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 7
material aligns parallel to the magnetic

3) In a uniform magnetic field, it

acquires a large magnetisation in the
direction of field.

2) When freely suspended in a

magnetic field, it aligns parallel to the
magnetic field.
The magnetic field lines inside the
sample will be much more crowded
than outside.
Diamag Paramag Ferroma
netic netic gnetic
B B B is much
slightly slightly greater
less than greater than H
3) In a uniform magnetic field, a H than H
weak magnetisation is induced in the is is is
direction of magnetic field. slightly slightly highly
less than greater positive
one and than one
M is M is M is
slighly slightly highly
negative positive positive
is is is
c) Ferromagnetic substances: slightly slightly highly
These are substances which negative positive positive

experience strong force of

attraction in a magnetic field. 44. What is the cause of magnetism
Ex: Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Gadolinium of materials?
and some alloys of these metals. Ans: The magnetism of materials is
due to orbital and spin motion of
1) In a non-uniform magnetic field
ferromagnetic material tends to move
45. Explain the temperature
from weaker to stronger part of the
dependence of dia, para and
ferromagnetic substances.
2) When freely suspended in a
magnetic field, a ferromagnetic

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 8
1. Diamagnetism is independent
of temperature

2. Paramagnetism
The susceptibility of paramagnetic
materials is inversely proportional to
absolute temperature T.

= T 0 . This is known as Curies
law. C is called Curies constant. The magnetic induction (B) at every
stage lags behind the magnetic
3. Ferromagnetism intensity (H).
Ferromagnetic materials lose their The lagging of magnetic
magnetism with rise of temperature. At
a certain temperature they get induction (B) behind the
converted into paramagnetic magnetic intensity (H) is called
substances. The temperature at which a
magnetic hysteresis.
ferromagnetic substance gets
converted into a paramagnetic
substance is called Curie temperature 48. What is the importance of
or transition temperature. hysteresis loop?
The susceptibility above the curie Ans: Area of the hysteresis loop gives
temperature ie, in the paramagnetic an idea about the energy loss. The
phase is given by, larger the area of the hysteresis
loop, the greater is the energy
T Tc (For T > Tc)
46. (a) Write down the frequency of A work has to be done to
oscillation of the magnetic needle in a magnetize a material. This is the work
done to arrange the molecular dipoles.
uniform external magnetic field.
When the magnetizing field (H) is
(b) If the magnetic needle is heated removed, all the molecular magnets do
beyond Curie temperature while it is not return to the original position.
Hence the work done during
oscillating, then what happens to its
magnetisation in not fully recovered
time period? during demagnetization. Hence when a
material is subjected to a complete
magnetic hysterisis cycle of magnetisation, some energy is
lost. This energy will be converted into
47. Explain magnetic hysteresis. heat.
Ans: Consider a magnetic material
subjected to a cycle of magnetisation. 49. Define retentivity.
The graph between H and B gives a Ans: The magnetic induction (Br) left
closed loop called hysteresis loop in the material, when the magnetic
intensity (H) is reduced to zero is
called retentivity or residual

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 9
54. What are the properties of a
50. Define Coercivity. permanent magnet? Give examples.
Ans: The magnetic intensity (H) that Ans:
must be applied in the opposite Properties of permanent magnet: -
direction so as to cancel the residual 1. High retentivity
magnetism is called coercivity.
2. High coercivity
51. Draw the Hysteresis loops of soft 3. Large area for hysteresis
iron and steel.
4. High permeability
Ex: steel, Alnico, cobalt steel etc. are
used as permanent magnets.

52. Why soft iron is used as the core

for electrical devices like
transformer choke coil, dynamo
Ans: In these devices the core is
subjected to rapid cycles of
magnetization. Hence energy will
be lost in the form of heat. For
soft iron the area of the
hysteresis loop is small. So the
energy loss per cycle of
magnetization will be less. Also
the permeability of soft iron is

53. What are the properties of an

electromagnet? Give an example
Ans: Properties of an electromagnet
1. Low retentivity
2. Low coercivity
3. Small area for hysteresis
4. High permeability
Ex: soft iron

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 10

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