DBMS Lab Manual

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Course Title: Relational Database management Course Code: 15IS507

Systems Lab

Author: Jason Elroy Martis Year: 2017-18

Scientists of DBMS

Edgar Codd Joe Armstrong

A database management system (DBMS) is a computer software application that interacts with the user, other
applications, and the database itself to capture and analyse data. A general-purpose DBMS is designed to allow the
definition, creation, querying, update, and administration of databases.


1. Do not tamper with the system unit or any equipment and furniture in the laboratory.
2. Wearing ID card is mandatory for students.
3. Students should follow a proper dress code.
4. Late entry to the lab is not permitted to students.
5. Students are not allowed to use USB device without the permission of the staff in charge /Lab in charge.
6. Any eatable items are not permitted inside the lab.
7. Students should maintain silence within the lab hours.
8. Usage of Mobile phones is strictly prohibited.
9. Do not use or attempt to use any other users account without the permission. If found guilty, they shall be penalized.
10. Laboratory shouldbeusedonlyfortechnicalactivitiesandacademicrelatedwork.Iffoundguilty,properactionswouldbe
11. Any student found copying the program or solution snapshots, will be directly given with F grade.
12. Pirated software usage in the lab machine will be penalized.
13. Students are requested to keep a backup of their work in the server. Faculty are notresponsibleforanylossofdataatthe
system level.
14. For any dispute, decision will be taken by Faculty in charge or HOD.


1. Database Schema for a customer-sale scenario

Customer(Cust id : integer, cust_name: string)

Item(item_id: integer, item_name: string, price: integer)

Sale(bill_no: integer, bill_data: date, cust_id: integer, item_id: integer, qty_sold: integer)

For the above schema, perform the following

a) Create the tables with the appropriate integrity constraints

b) Insert around 10 records in each of the tables

c) List all the bills for the current date with the customer names and item numbers

d) List the total Bill details with the quantity sold, price of the item and the final amount

e) List the details of the customer who have bought a product which has a price>200

f) Give a count of how many products have been bought by each customer

g) Give a list of products bought by a customer having cust_id as 5

2. Database Schema for a Student Library scenario

Student(Stud_no : integer, Stud_name: string)

Membership(Mem_no: integer, Stud_no: integer)

Book(book_no: integer, book_name:string, author: string)

Iss_rec(iss_no:integer, iss_date: date, Mem_no: integer, book_no: integer)

For the above schema, perform the following

a) Create the tables with the appropriate integrity constraints

b) Insert around 10 records in each of the tables

c) List all the student names with their membership numbers

d) List all the issues for the current date with student and Book names

e) List the details of students who borrowed book whose author is CJDATE

f) Give a count of how many books have been bought by each student

g) Give a list of books taken by student with stud_no as 5

h) List the book details which are issued as of today

i) Create a view which lists out the iss_no, iss _date, stud_name, book name

j) Create a view which lists the daily issues-date wise for the last one week
3. Database Schema for a Employee-pay scenario

employee(emp_id : integer, emp_name: string)

department(dept_id: integer, dept_name:string)

paydetails(emp_id : integer, dept_id: integer, basic: integer, deductions: integer, additions: integer, DOJ: date)

payroll(emp_id : integer, pay_date: date)

For the above schema, perform the following

a) Create the tables with the appropriate integrity constraints

b) Insert around 10 records in each of the tables

c) List the employee details department wise

d) List all the employee names who joined after particular date

e) List the details of employees whose basic salary is between 10,000 and 20,000

f) Give a count of how many employees are working in each department

g) Give a names of the employees whose net salary>10,000

h) List the details for an employee_id=5

4. Database Schema for a Video Library scenario

Customer(cust_no: integer,cust_name: string)

Membership(Mem_no: integer, cust_no: integer)

Cassette(cass_no:integer, cass_name:string, Language: String)

Iss_rec(iss_no: integer, iss_date: date, mem_no: integer, cass_no: integer)

For the above schema, perform the following

a) Create the tables with the appropriate integrity constraints

b) Insert around 10 records in each of the tables

c) List all the customer names with their membership numbers

d) List all the issues for the current date with the customer names and cassette names

e) List the details of the customer who has borrowed the cassette whose title is The Legend

f) Give a count of how many cassettes have been borrowed by each customer

g) Give a list of book which has been taken by the student with mem_no as 5

h) List the cassettes issues for today

5. Database Schema for a student-Lab scenario

Student(stud_no: integer, stud_name: string, class: string)

Class(class: string, descr: string)

Lab(mach_no: integer, Lab_no: integer, description: String)

Allotment(Stud_no: Integer, mach_no: integer, dayof week: string)

For the above schema, perform the following

a) Create the tables with the appropriate integrity constraints

b) Insert around 10 records in each of the tables

c) List all the machine allotments with the student names, lab and machine numbers

d) List the total number of lab allotments day wise

e) Give a count of how many machines have been allocated to the CSIT class

f) Give a machine allotment etails of the stud_no 5 with his personal and class details

g) Count for how many machines have been allocatedin Lab_no 1 for the day of the week as Monday

h) How many students class wise have allocated machines in the labs

i) Create a view which lists out the stud_no, stud_name, mach_no, lab_no, dayofweek

j) Create a view which lists the machine allotment details for Thursday


The Mini project in DBMS Lab is done to integrate the Part A and Part B components of the Lab.

The Part A contains the Java Component that includes the User interfaces for retrieval and processing of Data

The part B component includes the part which has the queries integrated into the application for storage and back
end Processing.

What are advantages of DBMS over traditional file based systems?

What are super, primary, candidate and foreign keys?
What is the difference between primary key and unique constraints?
What is database normalization?
What is SQL?
What are the differences between DDL, DML and DCL in SQL?
What is the difference between having and where clause?
How to print duplicate rows in a table?
What is Join?
What is Identity?
What is a view in SQL? How to create one
What are the uses of view?
What is a Trigger?
What is a stored procedure?
What is the difference between Trigger and Stored Procedure?
What is a transaction? What are ACID properties?
What are indexes?
What are clustered and nonclustered Indexes?



Work done in each lab 10 Marks

Viva 10 Marks
Total 20 marks

6.2 MSE: 30 MARKS

Excluding Challenging
Challenging Programs
Part A (Write up + Execution) 05 Marks 05 Marks
Part B (Write up + Execution) 10 Marks 15 Marks
Mini Project 10 Marks 10 Marks
Total 25 Marks 30 Marks
The Mini project is evaluated based on the following parts

The UI Front End which is done in C# for data retrieval and Processing. (3 Marks)

The Back end from which will be any one Scenario of a database as mentioned in the Lab Manual.(3 Marks)

Report Writing ( 4 Marks)

6.3 SEE: 50 MARKS

Excluding Challenging
Challenging Programs
Write up 05 Marks 05 Marks
Part A 10 Marks 10 Marks
Part B 15 Marks 25 Marks
Viva 10 Marks 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks 50 Marks

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