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A Roadmap for Systems Security Research

Managing Threats and Vulnerabilities in the Future Internet

Information & Communication Technologies
Trustworthy ICT

Grant Agreement No. 257007

A European Network of Excellence in Managing Threats and Vulnerabilities

in the Future Internet: Europe for the World

The Red Book:

A Roadmap for Systems Security Research

Abstract: The Red Book presents a roadmap in the area of

systems security, as prepared by the SysSec consortium and its
constituency in the first half of 2013.

Contractual Date of Delivery August 2013

Actual Date of Delivery August 2013
Dissemination Level Public
Editor Evangelos Markatos, Davide Balzarotti
Contributors All SysSec partners
Quality Assurance M. Almgren, E. Athanasopoulos, H. Bos, D.
Balzarotti, L. Cavallaro, S. Ioannidis, M. Lin-
dorfer, F. Maggi, E. Markatos, F. Moradi, C.
Platzer, I. Polakis, M. Polychronakis, A. Slowin-
ska, P. Tsigas, S. Zanero

The SysSec consortium consists of:

FORTH-ICS Coordinator Greece
Politecnico Di Milano Principal Contractor Italy
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Principal Contractor The Netherlands
Institut Eurcom Principal Contractor France
IICT-BAS Principal Contractor Bulgaria
Technical University of Vienna Principal Contractor Austria
Chalmers University Principal Contractor Sweden
TUBITAK-BILGEM Principal Contractor Turkey
The Red Book. 2013 The SysSec Consortium. Images 2013 iStockphoto LP. All
Rights Reserved.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement Number
257007. This work would not have been possible without the contributions of
the SysSec Working Groups, the SysSec Advisory Board, and the broader SysSec
community in general. We deeply thank them all.


Evangelos Markatos Davide Balzarotti

SysSec Project Manager SysSec WP4 Leader
Foundation for Research and Eurecom
Technology - Hellas


Elias Athanasopoulos Lorenzo Cavallaro

Columbia University Royal Holloway University of London
Federico Maggi Michalis Polychronakis
Politecnico di Milano Columbia University and FORTH
Asia Slowinska Iason Polakis
Vrije Universiteit FORTH and University of Crete

Magnus Almgren Herbert Bos

Chalmers Vrije Universiteit
Sotiris Ioannidis Christian Platzer
Philippas Tsigas Stefano Zanero
Chalmers Politecnino di Milano


Dennis Andriesse Martina Lindorfer

Vrije Universiteit TU Vienna
Farnaz Moradi Zlatogor Minchev
Chalmers University Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani Christian Rossow
Linkping University Vrije Universiteit

fter the completion of its second year of operation, the SysSec

A Network of Excellence produced this Red Book of Cybersecurity

to serve as a Roadmap in the area of Systems Security. To realize
this book, SysSec put together a Task Force of top-level young researchers
in the area steered by the advice of SysSec WorkPackage Leaders. The Task
Force had vibrant consultations (i) with the Working Groups of SysSec, (ii)
with the Associated members of SysSec, and (iii) with the broader Systems
Security Community. Capturing their feedback in an on-line questionnaire and
in forward-looking what if questions, the Task Force was able to distill their
knowledge, their concerns, and their vision for the future.
The result of this consultation has been captured in this Red Book which
we hope will serve as a Road Map of Systems Security Research and as an
advisory document for policy makers and researchers who would like to have an
impact on the Security of the Future Internet.

How to Read this Book

Policy Makers may want to focus on Chapter 1 at page 3 which provides a
short Executive Summary of the book and on Chapter 14 in page 103
which describes Grand Challenge Research Problems in the area which
can be solved only with the collaboration of several Research Organiza-
tions and the support of leading funding Agencies. Related work may be
found in the second part of the book in page 107, which provides a good
overview of other Research Roadmaps from Europe and from the States.

Young Researchers who are interested in doing a Ph.D. in systems security

should read the first part of the book, and especially the final section of
each chapter, which describes problems that are appropriate to be solved
within the context of a Ph.D. thesis.

Experienced Researchers may want to focus on the first part of the book,
which provides an in-depth treatment of various research problems and
in Chapter 14 in page 103, which describes Grand Challenge Research
Problems in the area.
Journalists may want to focus on sections *.2 and *.3 of the first part, which
paint a picture of the average and worst-case consequences of the emerg-
ing threats studied.

All should read Chapter 2 in page 7, which lists the identified threats, assets
and security domains.

1 Executive Summary 3

2 Introduction 7

Part I: Threats Identified 21

3 In Search of Lost Anonymity 21

4 Software Vulnerabilities 27

5 Social Networks 35

6 Critical Infrastructure Security 41

7 Authentication and Authorization 51

8 Security of Mobile Devices 59

9 Legacy Systems 67

10 Usable Security 73

11 The Botnet that Would not Die 81

12 Malware 87

13 Social Engineering and Phishing 93

14 Grand Challenges 103

Part II: Related Work 107

15 A Crisis of Prioritization 107

16 Forward 109

17 Federal Plan for Cyber Security 113

18 EffectsPlus 117

19 Digital Government 121

20 Horizon2020 123

21 RISEPTIS Report 127

22 ENISA Threat Landscape 131

23 Cyber Security Research Workshop 137

24 Cyber Security Strategy 141

25 The Dutch National Cyber Security Research Agenda 145

A Methodologies 157

B SysSec Threats Landscape Evolution 159

1 Executive Summary

ased on published results, it is considered larger than the black mar-

B ket of marijuana, heroin, and cocaine combined [13]. Its size was
recently estimated to exceed one trillion dollars [243]. It adversely af-
fected more then 88% of Europeans last year [53]. What is it? It is the Global
Market of Cyber Crime. As we embraced the convenience and effectiveness of
the Internet into our lives, homes, retirement plans, and even wallets, we also
opened the door to a new breed of attackers determined to gain profit from
this wonderful new cyberworld. Motivated by fun, profit, and even political
motives, cyberattackers have now impacted, or threaten to impact, most realms
of our lives.
Understanding the dangers we have subjected ourselves to and predicting
the threats that are going to materialize, is one of the major tasks of the SysSec
Network of Excellence. A four-year project, SysSec has mobilized the top
cybersecurity researchers in Europe and challenged them to think ahead, think
disruptively, and finally predict what should be the important emerging research
areas in cyber security and privacy. This book summarizes the Emerging Threats
identified during the third year of the project and proposes Grand Challenges
that, if addressed, will significantly boost the safety and security of the Internet
for the years to come.

1.1 Emerging Threats

SysSec, along with its constituency, has identified a number of research issues
on which we should focus our efforts. The issues are organized in two groups:
Threats, which correspond to dangers that may exploit vulnerabilities and cause
harm, and Domains, which correspond to emerging application areas made
possible (i) by advancements in technology, and (ii) by major shifts in society.
The major threats identified are:
Malware, Botnets, Insider Threats, Targeted Attacks - Advanced
Persistent Threats, Web Vulnerabilities, Software Vulnerabilities,
SPAM, Malicious Hardware, Data Breaches, Social Engineering -
Phishing, Passive/Active Eavesdropping, On-line behavior tracking,
and Spoofing - Impersonation.
1. Executive Summary

The major domains identified are:

Social Networks, On-line Games, e-commerce, e-banking, Sensors

- Drones, Embedded Systems, SmartEnvironments, Legacy Sys-
tems, Critical Infrastructures, Mobile Systems, Wireless Networks,
Implantable Devices, and The Cloud.

The Important Ones

We have asked our constituency to select the threats and domains that they
feel are most important of all. The three most important threats selected were:


Targeted Attacks

Social Engineering - Phishing

The three most important domains selected were:

Mobile Devices

Social Networks

Critical Infrastructures

1.2 Grand Challenges

In addition to emerging threats, SysSec has identified a few grand challenge
problems. Solving them will be a major step towards creating a trusted and
safe cyberspace. These challenges include:

No Device Should Be Compromisable: Develop the necessary hard-

ware and software support to make it impossible for attackers to com-
promise a computer or communication device for that matter, including
smartphones and tablets.

Give Users Control Over Their Data: Provide the necessary mecha-
nisms so that users

1. will be able to know which data they have created (such as text, photos,
videos, cookies, web requests, etc.),
2. will be able to know what data they have given to third parties (such as
text, photos, cookies, web requests, IP addresses, etc.)
3. will have the capability to refuse disclosure of some data (such as
cookies and IP addresses) and still expect a decent level of service,

1.2. Grand Challenges

4. will have the capability to delete their own data which they have created
(both from the local storage as well as from the cloud), and
5. will, under an appropriate legal framework, have the ability to ask
past recipients of their data to erase them as well.

Provide Private Moments in Public Places: Enable users to have private

communication in the public areas of the cyberspace. Consider the
following analogy: The fact that people are having dinner in a public
restaurant does not mean that their conversation could be recorded by
the manager of the restaurant, and later made available without their
explicit consent. Similarly, the fact that people are communicating in
the cyberspace does not imply that parts of their communication can be
recorded and used later through means outside their control. We propose
to develop mechanisms that will enable people to have a reasonable
expectation of privacy in what can be considered a public venue in the

Develop Compromise-Tolerant Systems: Provide adequate security

levels even if components of the system have been compromised. It is
reasonable to expect that not all attacks will be detected and success-
fully mitigated. Human errors, software errors, hardware errors, and
insufficient protection mechanisms will allow some attacks to go through
successfully. This implies that some systems, or components of systems
will be compromised, and this may go undetected for a long period
of time. Given such an environment, we should develop systems that
will be able to provide decent security guarantees even if some of their
components are compromised.

2 Introduction

yberspace penetration in our everyday lives has reached unprece-

C dented levels. This has left us facing the challenge of understanding,

monitoring, and mitigating the security and privacy implications of
this wonderfully surprising and inspiringly interesting new medium. In this
chapter we describe this challenge from four different points of view: (i) the
new threats that cyberspace has made possible, (ii) the assets that we care about,
(iii) the domains that have risen, and (iv) the horizontal research directions which
need to be supported.

2.1 The Cybersecurity Landscape

Throughout this book we treat the notion of security along four dimensions:

Threats - Vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities and threats are usually artifacts

in the on-line world that the attackers may exploit in order to cause harm
to their victims. For example, an attacker may exploit a buffer overflow
in order to compromise a computer and use it to send SPAM. In the
physical world, threats/vulnerabilities could include an open window
in a house, an unlocked door, etc. Several threat definitions include the
attackers themselves (such as in insider threats or in advanced persistent
threats) in the category of threats as well. We plan to use the same

Assets. Assets are resources that entities (such as people and organiza-
tions) hold on to and value. Assets may include money, data, human
rights, etc. Cyberspace may impact the same assets as the physical world,
but probably in entirely new ways. For example, although privacy has
been an asset in the physical world for several years, in cyberspace it
may take on a whole new spin, as (i) the data gathered, (ii) the entities
gathering such data, and (iii) the potential uses of such gathered data are
of unprecedented scale.

Domains. Attackers may stage their attack in a particular domain setting.

For example, the domain of social networks could be used by attackers
2. Introduction

who want to get at the personal data of particular people. A domain

may be thought of as a restriction to (some of) the threats in such a way
that they can be studied and/or better solved. Solutions developed for
one domain may not necessarily hold on other domain. For example,
the domain of implantable devices may restrict the types of DoS attacks
which can be made on such devices and may require solutions that can
not be applied in large scale servers. The purpose of these domains is
not usually to provide security, although without security their provision
could be useless. For example, the purpose of the domain of on-line
banking is to provide banking services, much as the traditional banking
sector has been doing in the physical world for hundreds of years.

Horizontal Research Areas. Finally, we have identified Horizontal Re-

search areas - that is, areas that apply to several, if not most, aspects of
security. For example, measuring security is a horizontal research area
whose results may apply to many individual domains and threats.

One may choose to approach the problem of security and privacy from
any of the above first dimensions. For example, one might start with a threat,
such as a buffer overflow, and explain the types of attacks that can be made
possible, the types of assets that can be compromised, and the kind of domains
in which such attacks would materialize. As another example, one might start
with the assets that seem important and explain how the different domains
may set the stage for an attack on these assets and how an attacker may exploit
domain-specific vulnerabilities or use threats to materialize such attacks.
We feel, however, that in the recent history of cybersecurity and privacy
all above dimensions have been used, so that each individual problem is
described from the most convenient and easiest-to-understand dimension. In
this work we follow a similar approach and categorize the important aspects
of cybersecurity and privacy along these dimensions, so that we are able to
illustrate the concepts from the best point of view.

2.2 Mapping the Threats We Fear

The evolution of cyberspace, which triggered an explosion in innovation and
novel applications, has offered cyberattackers a wide variety of threats and
vulnerabilities that can be used to compromise peoples security and privacy.
Such threats include:

Malware has been traditionally used as the main vehicle to carry mali-
cious activities for several decades now. Initially materialized as com-
puter viruses and originally spread through floppy disks, malware is
still going strong, compromising computers at the speed of the Internet.

2.2. Mapping the Threats We Fear

Rank the importance of the following emerging Threats

targeted attacks



software vulnerabilities

web vulnerabilities

misplaced trust 5th

data breaches
social engineering/phishing 2nd
DoS attacks

insider threats

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Percentage of Responders

Botnets. To make sure that compromised computers have significant

fire-power, attackers organize them into networks, called in the colorful
language of computers, botnets. Botnets have developed mechanisms
to evade detection, to survive in case of attack, and to dynamically
organize even if several of their members are taken down.

Insider Threats. We should never underestimate the damage which

can be done by insiders who have access to large amounts of data and
restricted digital systems. Such insiders in the past had been responsible
for major data leaks and significant financial fraud. As more and more
Page 1
data are accumulated on-line we expect the threat that such insiders can
pose to be a major cause of concern.

Targeted Attacks - Advanced Persistent Threats. Over the past few

years, we have seen an increasing number of attacks aimed at sectors of
the Industry, such as SCADA systems, or at countries themselves. Such
attacks have used state of the art malware and remained undetected, for
several weeks after their initial infection. Backed by significant human
resources and generously financed, such asymmetric threats represent a
major challenge for researchers.

Web Vulnerabilities. The proliferation of Web2.0 coupled with a wide

variety of emerging user activities ranging from web banking to on-line
gaming gave rise to a set of vulnerabilities which can be exploited only
through web browsers.

The Traditional Stronghold of the attackers, Software Vulnerabilities,

are being used to exploit systems and will probably continue to be so
used in the near future.

2. Introduction

Although considered rather old-fashioned, DoS attacks have started to

re-appear as the easiest form of on-line pressure.

SPAM. The domain of unwanted messages, although appearing to be

in decline, may redefine itself through targeted domain-specific SPAM
that is difficult to detect and may appear very similar to the interesting
messages received by the intended recipients.

Malicious Hardware. Attackers have been traditionally targeting vulner-

able software. However, it has become apparent that attacks on hardware
may be more effective, and more difficult to detect. Although such at-
tacks require access to the hardware design/development process, recent
examples have demonstrated that such access is not impossible.

Data Breaches. Recently, an increasing percentage of activities are per-

formed (and recorded by various stakeholders) on-line. Some of them
are of great importance, such as on-line banking and interaction with
the local State or Government, and may represent a high-value target for
potential attackers. Unfortunately, opting out of such data collection is
not a possibility for ordinary citizens. The data will be collected and will
be stored in accordance with the relevant laws. Potential leaks of such
data may put the population of entire countries at major risk.

Social Engineering - Phishing. Social engineering has been one of

the oldest methods used by attackers and will probably continue to
be popular in the future. As technology advances faster than people
can understand1 , attackers have the opportunity to exploit the little-
understood trust relationships of the ever-changing environment.

One of the oldest attacks, Passive/Active Eavesdropping, popularized by

man-in-the-middle-attacks, still seems to be very popular. The widespread
use of wireless communications, the recent popularity of proxy-based
infrastructures, and the availability of technology to retain data for several
months by most ISPs, make eavesdropping easier than ever.

On-line behavior tracking. Highly-desired by online advertisers and

popularized by the ubiquitous cookies, behavior tracking has reached the
point where it can track what people read, where they go, what they buy,
and even when they change the TV channel.

Spoofing - Impersonation. Several transactions on the Internet do not

require strong authentication. For example, even the sender of an IP
packet may easily be spoofed. This spoofing, or even impersonation
1 A notion colorfully termed future shock in The For Ever War [205].

2.3. Listing the Assets We Value

Rank the importance of the following Assets




money/financial well being

freedom (e.g., of speech)



the right to be forgotten

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Percentage of Responders

may happen at several different communication levels and may lead to

significant damage to both individuals and organizations alike.

2.3 Listing the Assets We Value

We have identified several assets that could be the target of attackers. Assets
of particular importance to organizations include money and data. Assets of
particular importance to people may also include health, life, human rights,
and so on.2 Thus, we have listed the following Assets we feel important:

Life. The dearest of all an individuals assets, life may be the target
Page 1
of cyberattackers. Indeed, attacks on medical systems, transportation
systems, or systems dealing with emergency response may easily lead to
massive loss of life.

Health. The increasing use of IT in healthcare may also increase the

possibilities of attackers to hurt the health of individuals.

The Environment. Only recently receiving proper attention, the envi-

ronment is absolutely necessary for the survival and advance of human
beings. Threats to the environment, possibly through large-scale pollu-
tion and raging fires triggered by cyberattacks, may have devastating
consequences for the affected communities.

Privacy. Recognized as a Human Right by the United Nations, privacy

will probably be challenged the most in the cyberspace of the near
2 We chose to separate and explicitly mention The Right to be Forgotten as a single entity in

order to understand how the general setting impacts this new Right.

2. Introduction

future, where each and every action people take on-line will probably be
recorded in some database beyond their control.

Freedom - Freedom of speech. Recognized as a Fundamental Human

Right, freedom is greatly challenged by the high-end technology in
general, and surveillance mechanisms in particular.

Democracy, Sovereignty. People who live in democratic societies usually

take it for granted and may underestimate the threats that it may be
subject to. However, high technology, including digital storage and
communications can be used to undermine democracy and freedoms
enjoyed in a democratic society.

Identity. Although our identity in the physical world is well defined, and
hardly needs to be proven during the course of a normal day, especially
in small-scale environments, such as villages and towns, our identity in
the cyberspace is almost entirely based on digital credentials (such as
passwords), which can be lost, stolen, sold, and abused much like any
piece of information. This opens the door to a wide variety of attacks
that can lead to identity theft.

The Right to be Forgotten. The European Commission recently pro-

posed the implementation of the Right to be Forgotten in the Cy-
berspace, that is, the right to ask service providers to delete the personal
information that has been collected by data brokers under a users con-
sent [330]. Similar in principle to the right of oblivion (in the French
law), the Right to be Forgotten will empower people to take control of
their digital image and reputation in the cyberspace.

Anonymity. The widespread use of digital technologies has probably

impacted anonymity more than any other aspect of our lives. For exam-
ple, what used to be an anonymous stroll in the shopping mall, a leisure
browsing of todays paper, or a casual watch of the television, has been
transformed into a fully identified interaction with a network of content
providers, a three-level-deep complex hierarchy of advertisers, and a
variety of social networks all trying to record each and every aspect of
every users action.

Money. Attackers have been traditionally motivated by the financial

rewards of cybercrime, and will probably continue to be so.

2.4 Understanding the Domains of the Game

Evolutions in Science, Technology and Society create new domains that did
not exist before. Domains may be defined by common technology platforms

2.4. Understanding the Domains of the Game

Rank the importance of the following Domains

critical infrastructures

mobile devices

social networks

smart environments

untrained users

the cloud

embedded systems

e-commerce 3rd
legacy systems
implantable devices

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Percentage of Responders

(such as mobile networks), by common societal developments (such as online

social networks) and/or common applications (such as e-banking). Such
domains may be subject to several threats and may impact several of our
assets. However, studying them as an entire domain gives us the opportunity
to identify common problems and opportunities.

Social Networks. The advent of on-line Social Networks has redefined

our understanding of privacy online. At the same time, the changing
role of social networks to become the de-facto authentication and person-
alization means for the web will create interesting security and privacy
Page 1


On-line Games. On-line games and virtual worlds present at least two
interesting opportunities for cyberattackers: (i) users spend a lot of their
time playing games, and (ii) rewards awarded in on-line games can be
monetized in the real word.

e-commerce. As more people choose to make their purchases on-line

this may increase their exposure to attacks, identity theft, and financial

e-banking. Over the past years most banking-related transactions involve

communication networks in one way or another. Balance inquiries, on-
line bill payments, debit card payments, on-line purchases, and a large
number of other banking transactions involve digital communication

Sensors - Drones. We expect that in the near future we will have a

very large number of sensors in our living environment. Ranging from
low-lying RFID readers to high-flying unmanned airplanes (known as

2. Introduction

drones), such sensors will record a wealth of information and will be an

attractive target for attackers.

Embedded Systems. It is expected that cars and objects of everyday

use will have a large number of processors that will give them (more)
autonomous operation and thus will make them subject to an increasing
number of attacks.

SmartEnvironments. The automation and smart operation promised

by such environments will give more opportunities for attacks, as well as
privacy concerns.

Legacy Systems. Although modern systems are implemented in envi-

ronments that discourage software vulnerabilities, a large part of our
software was written several years ago when security was not the main

Critical Infrastructures. These may turn out to be one of the largest

challenges faced by cyber security researchers. When Critical Infras-
tructures were isolated from the Internet, it was extremely difficult to
attack them, especially without help from an insider. However, as Critical
Infrastructures are being connected to the rest of the cyberspace, they
present a high-value and more easily reachable target for attackers.

Mobile Systems. The widespread use of mobile phones and the recent
emergence of location-aware smart-phones has given rise to new inter-
esting attacks on the security and privacy of users. Compromising a
mobile phone is no longer about dialing a few high-premium numbers
and charging the user extra roaming costs. It is about eaves-dropping
on all the users conversations; it is about following each and every
footstep of the user; it is about having access to the most personal aspects
of the users lives.

Wireless Networks. It has been said that children born in 2012 will
not understand why we need wires to communicate. This is so true.
Most of our communications today are wireless giving attackers the
opportunity to jam them, to intercept them, to monitor them and (why
not?) to modify them.

Implantable Devices. As IT is integrated into medical care, it gives

attackers more opportunities to compromise security and privacy. Im-
plantable devices, for example, on which the patients life depends,
have been shown to be subject to battery draining and other attacks,
threatening the lives of the individual patients.

2.5. Horizontal Research Directions

The Cloud. An increasing amount of data and computing operations

is currently off-loaded to large-scale remote servers, collectively called
the cloud. These servers, which provide reliable, easily-accessible
long-term storage and high-capacity computing capabilities, are being
used both by individuals and by organizations to store their data and
get some extra computing, if needed. Since cloud servers are a shared
resource outside the end users direct influence, they can easily be a
major security/privacy concern.

2.5 Horizontal Research Directions

Although each topic (including attacks, vulnerabilities, assets and domains) in-
cludes underlying active research directions, there also exist horizontal research
directions that can apply to most, if not all, of them. Such horizontal directions
may include:
Usable security. In order to be adopted, any security solution has to be
easy to use, if not completely transparent, to the end user.
Authentication and Authorization. An integral part in providing secu-
rity solutions is the ability to authenticate the user (or even both ends) of
a communication or transaction. If one of the end points can be spoofed,
most security solutions will provide no protection at all.
Measuring security. It has been said that security is more of an Art
rather than an exact Science. This is partly due to the fact that Security
can not be accurately measured. Imagine, for example, what would it
mean for a system to be 99% secure? How about 99.9% secure? Would
that be good? Would that be enough? Defining and measuring (even
aspects of) Security is going to be a challenging, but an important area.

2.6 What If?

To make sure that we introduce some disruptive think-
ing to this process, we formulated and asked long-term
what if? questions. Such questions aim to introduce
provocative long-term investigations that will lead to
fundamentally new thinking with respect to security
and privacy. Thus, instead of focusing on small evolu-
tionary improvements in traditional areas of research,
we open the door to disruptive revolutionary advance
that will create a agenda not for the next two, nor for
the next five, but for the next ten to twenty years.
To give an example of such questions from various realms of science and
engineering one would ask: What if we run out of oil? How will we be able to

2. Introduction

cover our energy needs? Or: What if antibiotics do not work anymore? How will
we be able to fight infections and diseases? Or: What if climate change results in
an average sea level rise of two meters in the next few years? How will this impact
our lives? In this spirit we set out to define a few ambitious questions in the
area of security and privacy; questions that will make people think creatively;
questions that will create a disruptive approach to security and an open mind
to change.

What if your device can be made attacker-proof? Indeed, assume that

all computers, laptops, smartphones, etc. can be constructed in such a
way that they are malware-proof. Let us assume that attackers can no
longer install any kind of malicious program on any device. Would that
end our security and privacy concerns? If not, what would be the main
challenges in such an era?

What if 50% of computers out there are compromised? Indeed, assume

that a decent percentage, say 50%, of all computers (servers, desktops,
smartphones, laptops, etc.) out there are compromised. How would this
impact our sense of security and privacy on the Internet? How would
this impact our everyday use of the Internet? How would this impact
Internet-based financial growth and innovation?

What if you do not own your computing/communication devices any-

more? Let us assume a model where users do not own their devices.
Users are allowed to use the devices but (i) they do not have full privi-
leges to install whatever they want on the device, and (ii) at the end of
the use period they have to return it, possibly to receive a better one with
more features and capabilities. This model of use would be similar to the
way we use rented cars today, the way we use company laptops, or even
the way we use a hotel room. What would be the impact of such a use
model and what will be the security and privacy concerns?

What if there is no money in cyber crime? Let us assume a world

where attackers can make very little money, if any at all. Imagine a
world where SPAM does not pay, where click-fraud can be easily filtered
out, and in general, a world where any shady activity does not pay off.
Imagine a world where cyber crime simply does not make money for
cyber criminals. What impact would this have on security and privacy?

What if the Internet shuts downs for a day or two? Let us assume that
sometime in the future the entire Internet shuts down for a day or two.
Let us assume that all communications that are made possible by the
Internet will just not be there anymore. How would this impact our lives?
What kinds of activities will just not be possible? Furthermore, assume a

2.6. What If?

world where the threat of this outage is being taken for real by people
and organizations, much like the threat of an earthquake or the threat of
a tsunami. What impact would such a threat have on our well-being and
in our financial lives?

What would you like to happen to your data when you pass away?
Assume a world where people keep lots, if not all, of their activities
on-line. Assume that most of their photographs are on-line, most of
their correspondence is on-line, most of their videos are on-line. Summer
holiday pictures, falling-in-love letters, the first-day at school video, the
picture of the tooth given to the tooth-fairy; all are on-line. To survive
the occasional disk crash and the inevitable hardware upgrade, people
would probably store their data in large-scale data centers, currently
going by the name the cloud. What options would we like to give
people with respect to their data collection when they pass away? Will
people be able to delete it? Will they be able to leave it as an inheritance
to their children, much like they leave their family photo albums today?
Will they be able to donate it to humankind, possibly for research? What
security and privacy challenges would such a world create?

Part I: Threats Identified
3 In Search of Lost Anonymity

awn of a new era: as an increasing number of our activities take

D place over the Internet, a larger percentage of our actions are recorded
every day somewhere on-line. Indeed, most of the news articles that
we browse, most of the books we read, most of the videos we watch, and most
of the things we purchase are recorded somewhere on-line. To make matters
worse, even the activities that do not take place on the Internet are recorded on-line.
For example, with the increasing penetration of smart-phones, most of the
places we visit, most of the foods we eat, and most of the people we see are
recorded on-line. Sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms can usually
infer the most personal details of our life: where we are, where we sleep, who
we are in love with.
Take for example, the recently
The cyberspace is an unforgiving
announced case where a major re-
medium: it has a lot of capacity to re-
tail store managed to find out that
member, but has no capability to forget.
a teenage girl was pregnant before
her parents knew [28]. As surreal
as it might seem, the same retail store managed to perfect its algorithms to
the level where it is able to know that women are pregnant even before they know it
themselves [27]. It is not hard to imagine that using algorithms based on artifi-
cial intelligence and correlating such findings with smartphone location-based
data, such retail stores or data aggregators will soon be able to correctly guess
the name of the father of the child as well!

3.1 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

Everyone is going to be affected to some degree or other. Private life will be
lost. People will have to learn to lead their lives in the public domain and deal
with it. Sadly, lost privacy is not something that can be found, like a lost
wallet, re-issued like a lost credit card, or insured like lost or stolen goods.
Once privacy is lost, it is lost forever. Once an event is out there, it can not be
retracted. The cyberspace is an unforgiving medium: it has a lot of capacity to
remember, but has no capability to forget.
3. In Search of Lost Anonymity

3.2 What Is Expected to Happen?

Although this information will probably be law-
fully collected with the consent (or at least under
the tolerance) of the users involved, it should be
expected that parts of it will fall into the wrong
hands either: (i) through legitimate ways, such as
company acquisitions; (ii) through cracks in the
system, such as imperfect security mechanisms; or
(iii) through illegitimate ways, including extortion
and theft. It will not be surprising, for example, if such information about
candidates running for office is suddenly leaked just before election day. Simi-
lar leaks about company executives may happen just before important deals,
such as company mergers, are due to be closed. Unfortunately, such misuse of
the information will probably divert public focus from the important issues at
hand, such as the company merger, to surprising details about the candidates
or the directors past. And this is the real danger: losing ones perspective
on the important things in life in the turmoil of everyday trivia; losing sight of
events that make history for the sake of details that make headlines.

3.3 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

The effects of this publicly available private-life in-
formation go beyond the tabloid gossip. We are not
talking about juicy details of the lives of celebrities.
We are talking about a generation of young people
who will not be able to grow up normally. A gener-
ation of people who will not be able to have a secret.
A generation that will not be able to enjoy the trust
of sharing a secret. A generation that will not be
able to build relationships solidified by the act of
keeping a secret. A generation that will not be able
to know the healing effect of being left alone, a
generation that will be forced to heal its wounds,
if possible at all, in the scrutiny of the public eye.
A generation of people who will never learn that
mistakes can be stepping stones towards success, but instead will live in fear
of having their feet jerked from under them at any moment.
How do we expect the next generation to take risks when all their actions,
all their failures, and all their mistakeswhich sometimes may be spectacular
will be on-line for public ridicule? How do we expect them to fall in love when
all their attempts, and unavoidable failures, will be there for public scrutiny?

3.4. State of the Art

Do we build a zoo, put our children in a cage, and invite everyone to watch?
Is this the healthy environment we are preparing for the next generation?

3.4 State of the Art

Tracking web browsing within a domain and across domains has long been
an issue with respect to user privacy [221]. Third-party domains appear
as embedded components in a large number of distinct web sites. They
are thus in a position to compile and correlate a users browsing activity
during visits to two or more of these sites. This practice has evolved from
unsophisticated approaches, e.g., the use of HTTP cookies, to more elaborate
techniques [160, 227], making it difficult for the average user to completely
evade them. Even the private or incognito mode offered by modern browsers
may not be enough for users to escape tracking [78].
Do Not Track [15, 16] is a browser tech-
nology which enables users to signal, via an We should not lose the sight
HTTP header, that they do not wish to be of events that make history in
tracked by websites they do not explicitly the cloud of issues that fuel
visit. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees everyday headlines.
that such a request will be honored by the
receiving site.
Krishnamurthy et al. [242] studied privacy leaks in online social networking
services (SNS). They identified the presence of embedded content from third-
party domains, such as advertisement providers, in the interactions of a user
with the SNS itself, stressing that the combination with personal information
inside an SNS could pose a significant threat to user privacy.
There has been significant work on the interplay between SNS and pri-
vacy. For example, there has been some focus on protecting privacy in SNS
against third-party applications installed in a users profile within the social
network [163, 177, 352]. Facecloak [263] shields a users personal information
from an SNS, and any third-party interaction, by providing fake information
to the SNS and storing actual, sensitive information in an encrypted form on a
separate server. The authors in FlyByNight [262] propose the use of public key
cryptography among friends in a SNS so as to protect their information from a
curious social provider and potential data leaks.
Recent work has focused on how to support personalized advertisements
without revealing the users personal information to the providing party.
Adnostic [378] offers targeted advertising while preserving the users privacy
by having the web browser profile users, through monitoring of their browsing
history, and inferring their interests. It then downloads diverse content from the
advertising server and selects which part of it to display to the user. Similarly,
RePriv [185] enables the browser to mine a users web behavior to infer

3. In Search of Lost Anonymity

guidelines for content personalization, which are ultimately communicated to

interested sites.
A series of browser add-ons exist [17, 40] that block social plugins from the
web pages a user visits by removing them or preventing them from loading, in
a manner similar to the way Adblock [4] stops advertisements. However, they
come at the cost of full loss of functionality as social plugins are completely
removed from a page. Note that some of these add-ons are poorly implemented
and naively remove the social plugins only after they have appeared on a page,
meaning that the corresponding HTTP request containing user-identifying
information has already been issued towards the server.
ShareMeNot [48] is a Firefox add-on that strips the cookies from a series
of HTTP requests the web browser issues to load social plugins. As a result,
no user-identifying information is sent to the social network until the user
explicitly interacts with the social plugin. The downside of this approach is
that users are deprived of any personalized information offered by the plugin,
e.g., the number and names of any of their friends that might have already
interacted with it. In other words, users view these social plugins as if they
were logged out from the respective SNS (or browsing in incognito mode).

3.5 Research Gaps

It is true that privacy and anonymization can not be implemented using
technical approaches alone. Legal and policy support is absolutely necessary.
However in this report we will focus on the technical challenges. We envision
research in the area along the following dimensions:

3.5.1 Prevention

Prevent information from being given away. Make sure that web sites and
applications operate with the minimum information required. Demonstrate
technologies that perform the required functionality with the minimum infor-
mation possible. Develop anonymized versions of oneself. Develop systems,
such as browsers, that transparently supply the appropriately anonymized
version with the minimum possible information. For example, do not give a
users full ID to a web site that just needs to verify the visitors age.

3.5.2 Monitoring

Monitor for information leakage at all possible levels. Develop honey-profiles

(honeypots) to demonstrate and track information leakage. Reverse intrusion
detection systems can also be used for continuous monitoring.

3.6. Example problems

3.5.3 Deletion
Develop approaches to (selectively) delete ones data. As a simplest case,
consider the right to be forgotten [330]. Advance research on how (or if) this can
be technically implemented. Focus on how to selectively delete only aspects of
ones profile.

3.5.4 Anonymization
Develop mechanisms to anonymize and share data in anonymized form. Then,
data collectors and aggregators would be required to process data only in
anonymized or encrypted forms.

3.6 Example problems

Tangible example problems might include:
Honey-profiles. Inspired by honeypots, honeynets, and honeytraps used to
study attackers and spammers, one may use honeypot-like profiles to
track the leakage of information. Honey-profiles could be created and
supplied to web sites and applications. These profiles will be furnished
with distinctive characteristics, such as specific interests, nicknames,
email addresses, etc., that could be recognized in a subsequent feedback
Provide personal data in a provably k-anonymous form. Several applications
ask permission to have access to personal data, such as the users age, in
order to make sure that the users are over 18. In this research one might
change the model and force applications to ask data from sets of users.
The set will provide data (such as the names of all users in the set and
a proof that all of them are over 18), without revealing, however, which
individual user of the set is using the current application.
Privacy in an eponymous world . There exist cases where the users identity
can not be hidden, such as when the user performs an operation (such as
a web search) while logged in. Explore whether there exist approaches to
hide a users real interests even in this eponymous world. For example,
consider users who support one political party but would not like their
political views to be registered. For this reason they might visit the web
pages of several, or even all, political parties, spending about the same
time at each of them. Tools that automate and extend such procedures
might significantly confuse classification algorithms. Thus, while users
will not be able to hide the fact that they visited a particular partys web
site, they will also volunteer the fact that they visited all parties web
sites, making it difficult to classify their political views.

4 Software Vulnerabilities

xtending its definition in the physical world, in computer secu-

E rity a vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in one or more software compo-

nents that can be exploited to compromise the integrity, confidentiality,
or availability of a system and its information resources [217]. Besides software,
vulnerabilities may exist in other aspects of a system, including protocol design,
hardware, system configuration, and operational procedures. After many years
of security research and engineering, software vulnerabilities remain one of
the primary methods of reducing a systems information assurance.
The massive complexity of modern software is one of the main reasons
for the existence of flaws that can lead to system compromise. Vendors also
often give security design a secondary priority in favor of rich features, time to
market, performance, and overall cost. At the same time, the incessant hunt
for new vulnerabilities by malicious hackers, criminals, spies, and even nation
states, has resulted in the continuous discovery of new vulnerabilities and in
major advances in exploitation techniques.
Common types of software flaws that can lead to vulnerabilities that could
be exploited by a malicious adversary include:
Memory errors: buffer overflows, dynamic memory errors (dangling pointers,
double or invalid frees, null pointer dereferences), uninitialized variables.

Input validation errors: code or command injection, SQL injection, uncon-

trolled format strings, cross-site scripting (XSS), directory traversal.

Race conditions: simultaneous access, time-of-check-to-time-of-use (TOCTOU)


Privilege-confusion: cross-site request forgery (CSRF), clickjacking.

In 2011, the MITRE corporation, an American not-for-profit organization,
through its Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) effort, a community-
developed dictionary of software weakness types, compiled a list of the most
widespread and critical errors that can lead to serious software vulnerabili-
ties [66]. Organized into three categories, the top 25 most frequently exploited
software flaws are:
4. Software Vulnerabilities

Insecure Interaction Between Components

CWE-89 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL

Command (SQL Injection)
CWE-78 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS
Command (OS Command Injection)
CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation
(Cross-site Scripting)
CWE-434 Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type
CWE-352 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
CWE-601 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (Open Redirect)

Risky Resource Management

CWE-120 Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input (Classic Buffer

CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory
(Path Traversal)
CWE-494 Download of Code Without Integrity Check
CWE-829 Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere
CWE-676 Use of Potentially Dangerous Function
CWE-131 Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size
CWE-134 Uncontrolled Format String
CWE-190 Integer Overflow or Wraparound

Porous Defenses

CWE-306 Missing Authentication for Critical Function

CWE-862 Missing Authorization
CWE-798 Use of Hard-coded Credentials
CWE-311 Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data
CWE-807 Reliance on Untrusted Inputs in a Security Decision
CWE-250 Execution with Unnecessary Privileges
CWE-863 Incorrect Authorization
CWE-732 Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource
CWE-327 Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm
CWE-307 Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts
CWE-759 Use of a One-Way Hash without a Salt

The exploitation of widespread vulnerabilities like the above can lead

to security and privacy breaches in essentially any domain of our digital

4.1. What Is the Problem?

infrastructure. A thorough discussion of the most commonly used attacks and

exploitation techniques is provided in the SysSec Deliverable D7.1: Review of
the State-of-the-Art in Cyberattacks [373].

4.1 What Is the Problem?

Despite significant advances in software protection and attack mitigation
techniques, exploitable vulnerabilities are continuously being discovered even
in the latest versions of widely used applications, programming libraries,
operating systems, online services, embedded software, and other programs.
For instance, the exploitation of memory corruption vulnerabilities in server
and client applications has been one of the most prevalent means of system
compromise and malware infection. Recent prominent examples include in-
the-wild exploits against Internet Explorer [33], Adobe Flash Player [6], and
Adobe Reader [5, 101], all capable of successfully bypassing the data execution
prevention (DEP) and address space layout randomization (ASLR) protections
of Windows [279], even on the most recent and fully updated (at the time of
public notice) systems.
As secure programming, software protections, and exploit mitigation mech-
anisms have become more widely employed, successful compromise might
require the combined exploitation of multiple vulnerabilities on the same
system. A recent exploit against the Chrome browser required a chain of six
different vulnerabilities to successfully break out of the Chrome sandbox and
achieve arbitrary remote code execution [304].
Besides arbitrary code execution, other possible outcomes with less freedom
of choice for the attacker, but probably of equal severity, include disclosure
or modification of private data, privilege escalation, logic errors, denial of
service, and other unauthorized actions. Indicatively, a memory corruption
vulnerability may allow the modification of critical application data, including
user identity, configuration, user input, and decision-making information [124].
Privilege escalation attacks are an important threat in multi-user environ-
ments or multi-tenant cloud services, as they can allow less-privileged users
to gain root access and compromise other users and the system itself. The
proliferation of mobile operating systems such as iOS and Android, in which
third-party applications run with lower privileges, has made privilege esca-
lation attacks particular relevant, as they can allow malicious applications to
gain unrestricted access to a users device.
The shift towards web services and cloud-based applications has also given
rise to a multitude of web-specific attacks that exploit vulnerabilities anywhere
between a clients browser and a servers back-end systems. The exploitation
of SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and other more subtle types of application flaws
in web services can lead to the disclosure of massive amounts of private

4. Software Vulnerabilities

information. Numerous security breaches in high-profile online services have

resulted in unauthorized access to whole databases with millions of entries
consisting of usernames, passwords, financial information, and other private
data [26, 50, 59, 61].

4.2 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

An ever increasing part of our business, social, and personal life involves online
services and software running on personal devices and equipment that we
use or depend on. Therefore, the risk of exploitable software vulnerabilities
can affect all of us. Even people or organizations who do not engage in
online interactions or who even do not use any computing devices at all can
be affected, as software controls major parts of critical infrastructures. For
instance, the massive outbreak of the Conficker worm at the beginning of 2009
resulted in more than 10 million infected machines worldwide [319]. Among
the millions of infected computers were machines in the Houses of Parliament
in London [286] and the Manchester City Council [254]. Just in the latter case,
the infection cost an estimated 1.5 million in total. After a security breach
at LinkedIn, a popular social networking service for people in professional
occupations, the (weakly) encrypted passwords of more than 6.4 million users
were exposed [26].

4.3 What Is Expected to Happen?

Although decades of research and development in
secure programming and software protections have
materialized in most of the widely used operating
systems and applications, experience has shown
that the rate of discovery of software vulnerabilities
keeps increasing. Given the professionalism and
determination of criminals and other threat agents,
and the ever increasing complexity and interdepen-
dence of current software systems, it is expected that software vulnerabilities
will not be eradicated anytime soon. At the same time, the increasing so-
phistication of recent exploits [101, 304] is an indication that the detection
and mitigation of future threats will become harder as a result of the more
prevalent use of evasion techniques and stealthy attacks.

4.4 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

Besides compromising the security and privacy of our digital interactions,
software vulnerabilities can put at risk other parts of our daily activities, or
even our lives. In the same way a worm subverted industrial systems within
Irans nuclear facilities [250], an extremist group could attempt to compromise

4.5. State of the Art

parts of critical infrastructures, such as power grids and traffic control systems,
perhaps causing severe damage and potentially mass casualties. Threats
against critical infrastructures are further discussed in Chapter 6.
Smaller-scale hostile acts could also be facilitated by the prevalence of
software-controlled devices and equipment. Implantable medical devices [206]
and cars [123] are two prominent examples.

4.5 State of the Art

After decades of research and engineering aimed at dependable and secure
computing [88] with the broader aim of minimizing the undesirable effects
of software bugs, and consequently the potential threats stemming from the
exploitation of software vulnerabilities, there is a vast amount of literature on
the subject [137, 170, 215, 258, 315, 340, 382]. In this section we briefly summarize
different broad areas of techniques that contribute towards lowering the risk of
software vulnerabilities, especially in terms of their potential to be successfully
exploited. A more focused discussion of solutions directed against memory
corruption vulnerabilities is provided in Chapter 9.5.
Numerous techniques seek to provide a proactive defense against future
threats by eliminating or minimizing certain classes of vulnerabilities, or
preventing the manifestation of certain exploitation methods. Broad areas
include programming language security features, code analysis techniques,
confinement mechanisms, and diversification. Besides best security practices
and defensive programming, software hardening techniques include: static
source code analysis for finding and eliminating certain classes of programming
flaws [387]; augmenting programs with runtime protections using compiler
extensions [117, 136, 306], static binary instrumentation [297, 321], dynamic
binary instrumentation [125,235,299,325], or library interposition [96]; software
fault isolation and sandboxing [196, 238]; and control flow integrity [76].
At the operating system level, many different techniques aim to hin-
der the exploitation of software vulnerabilities, including non-executable
pages [151, 311], ASLR and code diversification [102, 102, 132, 183, 279, 308, 310],
and instruction-set randomization [233, 233]. As additional protections usu-
ally incur significant runtime overhead, CPUs are constantly enhanced with
security features that facilitate the implementation of more lightweight solu-
tions [184, 194, 245].
In the field of web services and cloud-based applications, enhancements
and improvements in numerous system aspects, from the browser to the server,
aim to improve the security of online interactions. Indicatively, different areas
of focus include fundamental design choices of the web platform [98], spe-
cific shortcomings of browser implementations [97, 257], cross-site scripting
(XSS) [201, 223, 293, 336, 345, 371], and more subtle complexities of web appli-

4. Software Vulnerabilities

cations [91, 106, 342]. Also, many academic efforts aim at applying security
concepts from operating systems to the web platform [198, 332, 369, 389, 390].

4.6 Research Gaps

As software vulnerabilities are the primary source of security breaches, the use
of software hardening and exploit mitigation techniques is very important, as
they can offer instant and effective protection against current and future threats.
However, the runtime overhead that many of these mechanisms impose, and
the deployment complexity of others, often prevent their widespread adoption.
Furthermore, not all software developers harden the software they write, source
code is not available for commercial applications, and determined attackers
have been constantly bypassing security measures [82, 101, 114, 159, 304].
For instance, although address space randomization is an effective counter-
measure against code-reuse attacks, its effectiveness is hindered by code seg-
ments left in static locations [186, 224], while, depending on the randomization
entropy, it might be possible to circumvent it using brute-force guessing [347].
Even if all the code segments of a process are fully randomized, vulnerabilities
that allow the leakage of memory contents can enable the calculation of the
base address of a DLL at runtime [256, 346, 386]. The above is indicative of
a constantly recurring pattern of exploit mitigations that require significant
effort to be deployed and adopted, only to be bypassed by a more sophisticated
or alternative exploitation technique later on.
Another important issue is the reliance on remedy methods that remove
specific software vulnerabilities after they have been exposed (e.g., through
software patches and automated operating system updates), or provide some
mitigation by disinfecting infected hosts (e.g., through the use of virus scan-
ners). Although such methods are very important for keeping systems in good
health and up to date with the latest security fixes, they cannot protect against
attacks that exploit previously unknown vulnerabilities. In such cases, the
relevant patches or signatures provided by vendors to fix new security flaws or
detect new malware usually come late, as their generation relies on significant,
time-consuming human intervention [350]. Furthermore, administrators are
sometimes reluctant to use automated patch installation systems, as they first
need to verify through extensive testing that the new patches will not introduce
any stability problems [333].

4.7 Example Problems

A few indicative issues for which existing solutions still do not provide a
satisfactory level of protection include:
Memory corruption vulnerabilities: despite numerous approaches, from pro-
gramming language and compiler level improvements to operating sys-

4.7. Example Problems

tem mitigations, exploitable memory errors are still being found even in
the latest versions of widely used applications. The rise of mobile operat-
ing systems such as iOS and Android, in which third-party applications
run with lower privileges, has also made kernel-level memory corruption
vulnerabilities more relevant than everan area that has received less
attention compared to user-level applications because of the different
threat model that usually applies on personal computers compared to
mobile devices.

Data exposure vulnerabilities: the fairly new ecosystem of feature-rich web

services and cloud-based applications, with the numerous components
and interactions that are involved, continuously exposes subtle flaws
in the languages, APIs, protocols, and client or server software used.
Although so far a great deal of attention has been paid to preventing a
users machine being taken over, as user data are shifted to the cloud,
vulnerabilities in any of the above stages can lead to the exposure of confi-
dential information, ranging from browser cookies to private documents,
with equally harmful consequences.

5 Social Networks

raming the familiar notion of social networks in the Digial Era,

F most people tend to think about online social networks such as Facebook,
Google+, and Twitter. As the popularity and use of such online social
networks has increased, the attackers have also started considering how to use
them for nefarious activities. They have become new platforms for conducting
malicious activities and desirable targets for launching attacks.
However, such online social networks are just a subset of all the social
networks that actually exist. Any set of people and their internal social rela-
tionships, representing their interaction, collaboration, or other sort of influence
between them, can be modeled as a general social network. These relationships
are formed by exchanging emails, making phone calls, co-authoring a scientific
article, or a range of other normal activities that will build up a network.
Such information is now collected and organized to gain insights into peoples
lives, but this is also a venue that attackers will use. They can either attack
the properties of the network by, for example, introducing false nodes, or gain
enough information to attack the individual users.
The explosive growth rate of social networks has created the first digital
generation, consisting of people of all ages and backgrounds. People are
creating their digital counterparts for interacting with other users, for both
recreational and professional reasons, and may disclose a vast amount of
personal data in an attempt to utilize these new services to the fullest. As
the social network is a representation of social interaction, it also indirectly
shows the trust between different individuals. However, the lack of technical
literacy among the majority of users has resulted in a naive approach where
the caution demonstrated in the social interactions of the physical world has
disappeared. Users are vulnerable to a series of dangers, ranging from identity
theft to monetary loss, and lack the critical approach that develops over time
and is passed on through generations. As users tend to show a great amount
of trust to online communication and interactions, adversaries aim to sneak
into a victims circle of trust through impersonation. As people trust their
friends, the cyber criminal can then perform a range of attacks that may not be
possible, or effective, as a stranger.
5. Social Networks

5.1 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

As we bring our social interactions online, they can be tracked and recorded.
Thus, it is not only the specific users of online social networks, such as Face-
book or Google+, that will be affected, but anyone who participates in a society
that is dependent on information and communication technology. The gener-
ation growing up now is the first to have been exposed from birth. As such
technology is continuously being integrated into our lives, it is to be expected
that more information will be gathered and more people will be affected in
the future.

5.2 What Is Expected to Happen?

We are already seeing attackers targeting the online social networks, such as
Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. By befriending strangers, cyber criminals can
harvest private user data and access their contact lists to perform identity theft,
clone user profiles, lure them to malicious websites, and send targeted spam
and phishing messages.

5.2.1 Privacy
Users of online social networks tend to share private information, such as
education, occupation, relationship status, current location, and personal habits.
In the wrong hands, this information can be used to launch sophisticated and
targeted attacks against people. Even for individuals who are not users of
online social networks, information about their social interactions can still be
inferred from public data, such as co-authorship information from DBLP [14].
The problems caused by breaching privacy are described in more detail in
Chapter 3.

5.2.2 Spam
Today, email is not any more the only means for
spreading spam, as spammers now use multiple
content-sharing platforms, such as online social
networks, to increase their success rate. The infor-
mation provided by users in their profiles, such
as education, profession, and relationship status,
together with their real email address, provides
spammers with a great opportunity to personalize
their marketing activities and improve the efficiency
of the spam campaigns. Moreover, if a spam email
contains personal information, such as the name
of the receiver, content-based spam detection tools
assign lower spam rates to it and it may therefore

5.2. What Is Expected to Happen?

evade detection. Hence, new filtering techniques are required to counter

this new type of spam. Third-party applications can also exploit vulnerabili-
ties in users browsers, conduct cross-site scripting attacks, compromise their
machines, form a botnet to launch malicious activities such as DoS attacks,
propagate malware, or send spam email. One example is the Koobface bot-
net [93], which abuses social network sites. It starts by sending a spam message
containing a malicious link to a video which, once clicked, redirects the victims
to a website where they are asked to install an executable file. This file then
infects their machine with the Koobface malware.

5.2.3 Sybil Attack

In addition to the propagation of spam and malware, multiple fake identities in
social networks can be used to out-vote honest users, influence online ratings,
and manipulate search results [225]. Attackers can either compromise existing
accounts or generate fake (Sybil) accounts. The compromised accounts have
already established friendships with other users of the social network and are
trusted by them. Sybil accounts, however, need to establish friendships and
gain trust before launching attacks, such as sending spam. Selling fraudulent
or compromised social network accounts is even starting to overtake stealing
credit card numbers [275, 334].

5.2.4 Authentication
In order to mitigate attacks from compromised accounts, mechanisms requiring
more than a password have been introduced, such as Social Authentication
(SA) in Facebook [173]. These types of mechanism require a user to provide
two distinct pieces of evidence in order to be authenticated. For example, in SA,
users must provide a password and recognize pictures randomly chosen from
their friends pictures. Unfortunately, this type of authentication is vulnerable
to advances in face recognition techniques [104, 318]. Different approaches to
authentication and authorization, as well as general problems that exist are
covered in Chapter 7.

5.2.5 Third Parties

Third-party applications, which are widely deployed in online social networks,
can also perform malicious activities, for example exploit vulnerabilities in
users browsers, conduct cross-site scripting attacks, compromise their ma-
chines, form a botnet to launch attacks such as denial of service [87], propagate
malware, and send spam.
Moreover, malicious third-party applications that access private user data
tend to store the information, or send it to advertising and Internet tracking
companies, thus violating user privacy. Unfortunately, any data harvested

5. Social Networks

by such an application are then beyond the control of the social network site.
Although online social networks such as Facebook have introduced coarse-
grained access-control mechanisms for third-party applications, there is a need
for more fine-grained mechanisms [163].
Third-party websites can also use the social plu-
gins provided by social network sites such as Face-
book [174] in order to personalize their content, al-
low users to write feedback for their sites, share
the page content with their friends in the social net-
works, or even be authenticated by a social login
plugin. Unfortunately, these plugins also allow third-party websites to access
private user data, and allow the social network sites to track user activities
outside their platform [239].

5.3 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

In the wrong hands, online social networks can be used to disseminate wrong
information, to perform political censorship [375], to bias public opinion [289],
and influence users [281]. New types of attack are also emerging in social
networks. In a reverse social engineering attack, an adversary aims at tricking
victims into contacting the fake/compromised accounts that are under the
attackers control, instead of contacting the victims directly [218].
Information about peoples social interactions can be exploited as a side-
channel for different types of attacks. It has been shown [358] that it is possible
to use the public social network data to conduct efficient de-anonymization
attacks against mobility data. One example is that by using the co-authorship
information from DBLP, the authors could generate a social network of confer-
ence attendees, and then leverage it to de-anonymize 80% of the nodes in the
Infocom 2006 Bluetooth contact traces. In addition, highly sensitive personal
information can be inferred from online social networks, even if the user does
not explicitly like specific posts or pages. Kosinski et al. [241] have shown
that information related to users sexual orientation or political views can be
predicted from other activities with a high accuracy.

5.4 State of the Art

As mentioned in Chapter 3, a considerable amount of work has been devoted
to the privacy of social network sites. More examples include Persona, which
uses attribute-based encryption and allows users to dictate policies regarding
who may view their information [89], and Safebook, a decentralized and
privacy-preserving online social network application [142].
Multiple fake identity (Sybils) attacks on social networks have been used
for forwarding spam and malware, out-voting honest users, and manipulating

5.5. Research Gaps

online ratings. A variety of solutions, such as SybilGuard [411], SybilLimit [410],

SybilInfer [145], SumUp [379], and Canal [384], have been proposed in the
literature, which detect Sybils by identifying tightly connected communities of
Sybil nodes [385]. However, the assumptions that these solutions make about
the structural properties of social networks and the communities of Sybils do
not hold for all Sybils in real social networks [285, 408].
Identifying spammers in social networks has also received considerable
attention. Different methods have been proposed to automatically identify
the accounts used by spammers [364], and to identify more criminal accounts
via the study of social relationships from a number of known malicious ac-
counts [406]. Numerous studies of the different types of social networks and
the structural properties of social graphs have provided us with an under-
standing of the structural properties of social networks that correspond to
normal social behavior [252, 282, 298]. This knowledge can be used to identify
anomalies associated with malicious activities, such as sending spam emails.
The distinguishing characteristics of spam and legitimate emails extracted from
the structural properties of email networks have led to the introduction of new
methods for detecting spammers [111, 197, 247, 288, 380].
Social links that correspond to interpersonal trust relationships have pro-
vided a means to populate white lists of legitimate email senders in Reliable
Email (RE) [188], to thwart unwanted communications in OSTRA [283], and to
mitigate trust-aware collaborative spam in SocialFilter [353]. Social network
analysis has also been used for other applications, such as fraud detection [273].
Studies of the social structural properties of human communications have even
led to the introduction of new approaches to network intrusion detection using
network flow data [156]. Using this method, intruders are identified based on
their anti-social behavior in entering communities to which they do not belong.
The study of the community structure of social graphs has also allowed the
discovery of algorithms that can be used to separate legitimate from unwanted
email communications by clustering them into distinct communities [287].

5.5 Research Gaps

The significant growth in the use of social networks as platforms for infor-
mation dissemination makes it challenging to identify the trustworthiness
of the data we consume. As mentioned above, social networks can be used
for spreading propaganda and misinformation. Assessing the correctness
of propagated information can be very challenging, especially in the setting
of anonymity. Therefore, estimation of the trust-worthiness of information
sources remains an interesting research gap.
Social networks provide us with a wealth of real-time content that includes
significant data concerning ongoing events, such as political elections or natural

5. Social Networks

disasters. This real-time information is expanding out of all proportion to our

ability to process it. This is not just a data mining problem; rather, processing
data streams for identification of malicious content and fraudulent sources is
the main challenge.
There have been numerous studies of graph mining, which has led to a
variety of techniques for mining relational data. These techniques can be
used to characterize the structural properties of social graphs that correspond
to normal social behavior. This in turn can lead to methods for detecting
anomalies, such as possible attacks, that do not conform to the expected social
behavior. Although studies of snapshots of social networks can be used for
security research, tracking changes over time can give a better insight into the
dynamic nature of the network and attackers behavior. Therefore, coping with
the dynamicity of data is another big challenge.
In studies of social interactions between people, there is a trade-off between
security and privacy. Data collection and the processing of user activity logs
can lead to detection of compromised or malicious accounts in social networks;
however, this has to be done in a privacy-preserving manner, otherwise it is
not practical.

5.6 Example Problems

With respect to the above research gaps, the following example problems can
be defined.

How can we arrive at a measure of confidence in the truthfulness of informa-

tion that is disseminated through social networks? This is a challenging
problem, particularly in cases where the true identity and the trustwor-
thiness of the source of information are not known, due to anonymity,
and in cases where there are no other ways to verify the content.

How can we collectively study the information collected from different sources
in real time? There is a need for an engine for organizing real-time stream-
ing data gathered from a variety of social sensing platforms, including
social networks [388]. How can we effectively parallelize and distribute
the data stream processing and introduce methods for identifying cyber
criminals based on the aggregated data?

How can we utilize data mining techniques for discriminating between honest
and malicious identities? The well-studied techniques for graph mining
can be deployed as a tool for combating cyber criminals. Although the
structural properties of social graphs have already been used against
Sybil attacks and spam, much more can be done.

6 Critical Infrastructure Security

reater in size than anything build so far, current critical infrastruc-

G tures (CI) refer to systems or assets that are vital in modern society and
economy. Water supply, electricity, transportation, financial services,
health care and telecommunication are the most common examples of CIs. CIs
are regulated by different rules and laws, and operated diversely from country
to country. In addition, CIs are influenced by non-technological factors such as
politics or culture. According to the EU Directive 2008/114/EC [63], a CI is
an asset [...] which is essential for the maintenance of vital societal
functions, health, safety, security, economic or social well-being of
people, and the disruption or destruction of which would have a
significant impact [...] as a result of the failure to maintain those
Thanks to the evolution of information and telecommunication technology,
controlling CIs remotely (e.g., over the Internet) is feasible and, more impor-
tantly, convenient. Therefore, CI actors (e.g., industries and governments)
have been progressively incorporating IT systems to consolidate the operation
of CIs, up to the point that CIs and IT systems have converged. The term
cyber-physical system (CPS) is commonly used in this context to refer to the
integration of a physical (critical) system with a cyber (Internet-connected)
system, which is typically an industrial control system (ICS). In the remainder
of this section, we will use the term CI to refer to the critical infrastructure as a
part of the physical environment, and the term CPS to refer to the systems that
comprise and interconnect these infrastructures, thus including IT components
(i.e., the ICSs).
Security issues arise because two previously isolated worlds, the Internet
and the CI systems, are now interconnected. When early CIs were created, nei-
ther security nor misuse of the interconnected control system were considered.
As a matter of fact, Internet technology is itself an underlying, critical asset
of modern CIs, because the ICSs that control them are often distributed (over
remote, Internet-connected locations).
This section highlights the most relevant security problems and the state of
the art of CPSs, with a particular emphasis on the ICS part.
6. Critical Infrastructure Security

6.1 What Is the Problem?

From the above premises, it is clear that well-known challenging threats such as
malware, botnets, or denial of service attacks, which have been compromising
the security of Internet-connected devices, are likely to become threats for CIs
as well. In contrast to traditional Internet-connected devices, CIs can take tangi-
ble actions in the physical environment, thus posing serious safety risks, along
with the possibility of production loss, equipment damage and information
theft. The first incident on a SCADA system dates back to 1982, when a trojan
supposedly infected the ICS that controlled the so-called Siberian Pipeline
and caused an explosion equivalent to 3 kilotons of TNT [278]. Further ex-
acerbating this scenario, todays SCADA-controlled systems are widespread,
given the market traction of smart grids and smart buildings, and thus more
appealing to offenders [361, 392, 395]. Although SCADA implementations can
vary from vendor to vendor, the specifications of the control protocols (e.g.,
PLC) are publicly available [32] and the devices can be acquired by anyone
who has sufficient funding. In addition, the control software runs on general
purpose OSs (e.g., Windows), and devices were originally deployed in isolated
environments where network connectivity was not considered. Needless to
say, SCADA software comes with several serious vulnerabilities [47], most of
them caused by buffer overflow and input validation bugs, which culminated
in experts describing SCADA security as laughable [51]. Unfortunately,
these vulnerable ICS are publicly accessible over the Internet. One such center
of exploits is called SHODAN [49], a search engine tailored at finding and
exposing online embedded devices such as webcams, routers, power plants
or even wind turbines. Unsurprisingly, scada is the most searched term on
SHODAN. How well these exploits perform in real-world scenarios, however,
is hard to estimate.
According to the information that CERTS and governments collected, of-
fenders increasingly targeted critical infrastructures of countries: The Industrial
Control Systems-Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) responded to
198 incidents against CIs in 2012, 52% more than the previous year. The two
most impacted sectors in 2012 are energy (41% of reported incidents) and
water (15%) [45]. There are debates within the research community about
the accuracy of the answers collected in a recent survey conducted by SANS
among industries and organizations that adopt SCADA and process-control
systems [74]. Despite such debates, the survey corroborates the anecdotal
belief that SCADA and ICS adopters are aware of the security risks. Roughly
50% of the participants reported that they were taking countermeasures that
included patching, access control and log analysis. Unfortunately, the PLC
layer appears to be a weak spot, where it is often difficult to deploy proper
monitoring mechanisms.

6.2. Who Is Going to Be Affected?

6.2 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

Several sectors are theoretically exposed to the aforementioned threats. Basi-
cally, every adopter of network-connected process-control systems is likely to
be affected. Public health, energy production, telecommunication and public
water supply are just a few examples of systems that will be under threat
unless they deploy adequate countermeasures.
Furthermore, an aggravating factor is, that todays CIs are getting larger.
With the increasing adoption of smart grids, virtually everyone, even individu-
als, is part of the CPS ecosystem. Cyber attacks are therefore likely to affect
everyone. Even when ordinary people are not directly affected by failures
of modern CPSs, they are still susceptible to cascade effects. Since sectors
adopting ICSs are also influenced by cultural, political or economical factors,
the impact of an attack is more widespread than in an isolated system that
uses ICSs, for instance, to control production.

6.3 What Is Expected to Happen?

The critical nature of CIs renders them intriguing targets with disastrous
consequences, including loss of human lives. In some respects, predictions
from 3 years ago can already be observed in the wild. Yet, it appears that
the actors behind the weekly reported threats are probing without causing
deliberate damage. For instance, the Stuxnet [176] infection of 20092010,
which influenced thousands of devices, reached very sensitive targets. A recent
report [272] describes that earlier versions of the sophisticated cyber weapon
contained other known versions of the malicious code that were reportedly
unleashed by the US and Israel several years ago, in an attempt to sabotage
Irans nuclear program. This indicates that Stuxnet was active about two years
before the main incident. It also implies that none of the two campaigns of
Stuxnet (2007 and 20092010) had a serious impact on Irans nuclear facilities,
the avowed main target of the attack. Even though Stuxnet essentially failed,
an important fact remains: Stuxnet was developed (by offices of nation states,
as recently confirmed officially [69, 70], although the US government has never
admitted using cyber weapons) with careful planning and the use of product-
specific 0-day vulnerabilities, and it had the potential and the opportunity to
cause serious damage on a national level.
The widespread belief that standard protection tools (e.g., VPNs, firewalls,
etc.) would suffice to secure network-connected SCADA equipment is just
a myth. In fact, Stuxnet reached its targets from an infected USB drive. It
then used other exploits and local-network probing techniques to find and
infect other targets within the production environment. This attack vector
is impossible to restrict with network-based access control alone. Instead, a
full-blown security infrastructure, including access and account policies would

6. Critical Infrastructure Security

be needed, something that is not even supported by most SCADA systems and
their backbones.
Subsequent milestones were Duqu (2011) and Flame (2012), both designed
with intelligence gathering purposes, although Flame is more opportunistic as
it spreads also to mobile devices and uses ambient sensors (e.g., microphone)
to steal information. These are two examples of the second most important
application of cyber weapons: espionage. Due to the similarity of some code
fragments of Duqu, Flame and the variants of Stuxnet, it is not unrealistic to
conclude that Duqu was designed to be the precursor of the next Stuxnet [127],
to gather intelligence about CI targets.
Whether Flame will be the precursor of the often predicted year of cyber
attacks (2013), remains to be seen. As mentioned in Section 6.7, recent
industrial research efforts are moving toward this direction by deploying
honeypot ICSs to collect object evidence of attacks, which would be of help in
answering these questions.

6.4 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

The discovery of Stuxnet, and the related events, con-
cretely showed to the security the potential impact
of attacks against CIs; this significantly increased
the concerns and interest of the community. Today,
vulnerabilities and attacks against CIs continue to be
discovered every week in the wild. A recent case is
dated February 23, 2013, when the US Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) reported that in a cy-
berattack against 23 natural gas pipeline operators,
crucial information was stolen [71]. Although the
DHS report, not yet disclosed to the public, does not
mention the sources of the espionage, the digital signatures of the attacks
have been identified by independent researchers as belonging to a particular
group recently linked to Chinas military (although China has denied the
allegations) [72]. Unfortunately, these attacks will continue to spread. This is
corroborated by the increased amount of incidents reported and, more impor-
tantly, by the recent cyber-espionage cases, which are likely to be the precursor
of more targeted and sophisticated attacks.
In addition to (intentional) attacks and unintentional incidents in ICSs,
which both impact the physical world, we believe that unintentionally caused
failures are also bound to happen. Instability, natural and artificial faults [259]
or unexpected conditions in the physical systems, which eventually trans-
late into signals, processed by ICSs to take proper control actions, can

6.5. State of the Art

retroactively lead to unexpected conditions in the ICS software, which could

ultimately lead to failure loops with devastating consequences.
These premises allow us to draw a global picture of what could happen
in the future if the current menaces continue their evolution. The word
cyberwar [119] appears frequently in the majority of recent threat reports
and news subsections. This word should be used with care, because, as of
March 2013, there is no strong evidence as to whether the aforementioned
threats have translated into concrete, planned attacks, as opposed to testing
performed by the attackers (or governments). On the other hand, the future
scenario is frightening as it includes disasters caused by viruses like Stuxnet
that infect critical control systems, causing such events as traffic accidents, train
or plane collisions, nuclear power plans meltdowns or explosions. Needless to
say, such attacks may end up with a massive loss of life and an exacerbate the
global financial crisis. Ultimately, the economy is also a critical system, with
strong impact on the physical world, which is highly dependent on computers.
Once attackers have gained control of a CI, they can operate it at their will.

6.5 State of the Art

Recent EU-funded research projects concerning the security of CIs are CRISALIS
(, which focuses on practical aspects of
detection of vulnerabilities and attacks, and SESAME (https://www.sesame-, with the same focus, although more oriented toward observing
the CIs from the physical side (mainly on smart grids). We also refer the reader
to recent work on attack assessment [381], analysis [376] (on espionage attack
triage), survey and challenges of smart grid security [392] and critique [314].
Recent reference books worth mentioning are [146, 328].
With system security of CIs being a young research field, a few notable
publicationsreviewed in the remainder of this sectionappeared in the last
two years at leading conferences. Most of the literature about detection or
protection methods focuses on SCADA protocols or on smart grids.

6.5.1 Anomaly Detection of SCADA Events and Protocols

[203, 204] address the detection of process-related threats in ICS used in CIs.
These threats take place when an attacker impersonates a user to perform ac-
tions that appear legitimate although they are intended to disrupt the industrial
process. They tested their approach on 101,025 log entries to detect anomalous
patterns of user actions. This preliminary case study suggests that the approach
is effective. One year later the same authors extended their work beyond log
analysis and are concentrating on binary protocols, including those adopted by
SCADA implementations (e.g., MODBUS). The motivation behind [68] is that
several complex and high-impact attacks specifically targeting binary protocols

6. Critical Infrastructure Security

were reported. They apply anomaly-based algorithms using n-gram analysis

for payload inspection. This approach is basically very general, because it
requires zero knowledge of the underlying protocol specification. They present
a thorough analysis and evaluation of several detection algorithms that apply
variants of n-gram analysis to real-life environments. They tested the approach
on a ICS dataset collected of a real-world plant over 30 days of observation.
These data are used as background training traffic. They also generated net-
work traces of exploits against such binary protocols.1 They finally conclude
that, in the presence of data with high variety, high detection rates and low
false positive rates are unfeasible at the same time.

6.5.2 Attacking and Protecting PLCs

Along a similar line, although with a different purpose, the authors of [274]
focus on PLCs, which drive the behavior of ICSs. They work under the
assumption of an adversary with no knowledge of the PLCs and the objective
of verifying whether such an attacker can cause damage against a control
system using the PLC. Their system, called SABOT, automatically maps the
control instructions in a PLC to an adversary-provided specification of the
target control systems behavior. This recovers sufficient semantics of the PLCs
internal layout to instantiate arbitrary malicious controller code. They show
that SABOT is successful in practice, although this only serves to amplify
already existing concerns. The authors suggest that the perimeter security
of ICS should be improved to ensure that PLCs and corporate networks are
air-gapped. In addition, they propose that future PLCs should incorporate
security mechanisms such as control-logic obfuscation.
A recent publication [324] focuses on a static analysis of smart grid device
software and firmware with the goal of detecting vulnerabilities automati-
cally. The approach has been implemented as part of Oak Ridge National
Laboratorys (ORNLs) existing testbed for smart meters.

6.5.3 Domestic Smart Meters

Given the relatively low barrier of access to domestic smart meters for research
purposes, there have been several strong contribution to this topic.
[338] focuses on smart meters, where previous research has demonstrated
that they allow to draw inferences about the activities of their users. Modern
smart meters rely on wireless communication for remotely collecting usage
data from electricity, gas, and water meters. This motivated the researchers
to conduct a security and privacy analysis of wireless smart meters, which
they found lacked basic security measures to ensure privacy, data integrity
1 Examples of these exploits, although not necessarily the same used by the authors, are available


6.6. Research Gaps

and authenticity. The meters that they examined broadcast their energy usage
data over insecure networks every 30 seconds, although these broadcasts
should only be received when the utility company performs their legitimate
reads. The authors showed that this issue allows monitoring of energy usage
from hundreds of homes in a neighborhood with modest technical effort,
and demonstrated how these data allow the identification of unoccupied
residences or peoples routines. The authors conclude by recommending
security remedies, including a solution based on defensive jamming that can
be deployed more easily than upgrading the meters themselves. A more
interesting defensive mechanism is proposed in [407]. The key concept is to
use battery-based load hiding, where a battery is inserted as a power supply
buffer between the (insecure) smart meter and home devices at strategic times,
in order to hide appliance loads from smart meters. Although this approach
has been proposed in the past, the authors demonstrated that it is susceptible to
attacks that recover precise load change information. Their proposed approach
differs fundamentally from previous work because it maximizes the error
between the load demanded by a home and the external load seen by a smart
meter, thus rendering precise load change recovery attacks difficult. Along a
similar line, in [240] the authors propose a battery-recharging algorithm that
renders the meter reading probabilistically independent of the actual power
usage. In addition, the approach relies on stochastic dynamic programming to
charges and discharges the battery in the optimal way to maximize savings in
the energy cost.
With modern automated smart-meter reading and billing systems, electric-
ity theft is also an issue that costs billions of dollars per year in many countries.
In [270] the authors propose the first threat model for detecting electricity theft,
and a learning-based statistical technique that combines this threat model
with an outlier-detection algorithm to detect unexpected usage profiles. They
evaluated their approach using real metering data and showed that electricity
thieves indeed exhibit a recognizable profile.
Recently, smart meter security has also been tackled from an anomaly
detection point of view. In [327] the authors studied a smart meter technology
equipped with a trusted platform for the storage and communication of
metering data. Despite these security features, the authors acknowledge the
need for an embedded real-time anomaly detector that protects both the cyber
and physical domains [383] from data manipulation, smart meter recalibration,
reset and sleep attacks.

6.6 Research Gaps

Given the inherent interdisciplinarity of the CPSs ecosystem, research on
security aspects of CPSs also requires a deeper knowledge of many different re-

6. Critical Infrastructure Security

search areas. Moreover, the high complexity and the high deployment costs of
CPSs make scientific research very expensive, with a high access barrier. For in-
stance, conducting experiments on security protection tools for power-grid ICSs
in real-world conditions may be impossible. In contrast, obtaining samples of
advanced malware families for experiments in the wild is straightforward. This,
however, is changing, as some simulation platforms [191, 192, 290, 326, 359]or,
better, testbeds [31, 35, 36]are being built by governments agencies (also in
Europe [412]) to support research and (military) training. The main research
targets that arise are to determine how accurately these systems can simulate
the true operations of CIs and, more importantly, to test countermeasures
under realistic conditions.
The causes of the threats against CIs are unknown or very uncertain.
Apart from the many speculations, there is no strong evidence to confirm
that attackers are nation states, secret services or actual cybercriminals with
malicious purposes. The cause of this is twofold. Real-world attacks against
CIs found the organization unprepared; thus, few or no data were collected
that could be used to reconstruct the scenario. Even where data are available,
attacks such as Stuxnet are extremely complex, such that they would require
data collected from a multitude of (distributed) sources and actors. Clearly,
this was not possible. This lack of data impacts the research community,
which is left with malware samples, many guesses, and little strong evidence.
This raises the research question regarding how to collect and disseminate
such data through scientific repositories such as those proposed by previous
consortia [62].

6.7 Example Problems

From the above analysis of the state of the art and research gaps, we can
formulate the following research problems.
Designing and deploying honeypot systems in real-world ICSs to collect evidence and
create datasets for experiments. SCADA honeynets have been proposed in
the past [46], although the variety of SCADA implementations make it
difficult to decode the TCP-encapsulated protocols. In addition, collect-
ing data on the PLC layer is challenging. Many industries are admittedly
leaving this layer unmonitored because of the difficulties in data collec-
tion. After the answer to the first part of this research problem, which
consists of the design and implementation of a honeypot for the major
vendors, the second part concerns the creation of a legal framework
that regulates their deployment, operation and use for data collection
This research line has already drawn some attention. Indeed, some
efforts have been made towards finding out who is really attacking

6.7. Example Problems

your ICS infrastructure. The most notable example is described in

a recent industry research paper by Trendmicro [398], who deployed
a SCADA/ICS honeypot system that included dummy web servers
mimicking the control panel of a water pressure station as well as real
PLC devices exposed on the Internet with default login credentials, which
act as traps by imitating the activities of a real production system. Thirty-
nine attempts to access or alter unauthorized resources of the honeypot
were discovered during less than a month of observation. The report
mentions that China accounted for the majority of the attack attempts
at 35%, followed by the United States at 19% and Lao at 12%.

Evaluating the accuracy of current modeling and simulation tools and, possibly,
design better simulation tools. There are plenty of SCADA/ICS/CI sim-
ulation tools, created to fill the gap that many researchers face when
they need real devices to test their security mechanisms. It is unclear,
however, how accurate these systems are and how much they adhere to
the reality. Each study in this field has obviously justified the proposed
approach. What is missing is a systematization effort, toward the creation
of a framework that can be used to evaluate existing and future simula-
tors. This framework will have to take into account the characteristics
of real-world attacks: How well is a simulation tool able to emulate the
behavior of a real-world attack such as Stuxnet?

Information correlation and attack scenario reconstruction. Intrusion detection

research is one of the main consumers of the data collected by honeypot
systems. In particular, as it happened in the past when intrusion detection
research was rampant, the correlation of various sources of information is
one of the most challenging research problems. In ICS/SCADA systems
this problem is more difficult, due to the inherent interdisciplinarity
of the area and to the variety of protocols and vendors involved. For
instance, one of the questions that need answering is to what extent
attacks perpetrated (and detected) on the TCP side of a SCADA network
are visible also on the PLC side and, if that is the case, to what extent
these are correlated.

7 Authentication and Authorization

aving achieved personalization at an unprecedented scale, cur-

H rent services offer specialized content according to their users pref-

erences. Using a web site or a mobile application, in the majority of
cases, requires creating a user account and authenticating with the provided
service at a later time. Authentication is carried out by providing the correct
credentials, usually expressed in the form of a username and a text-based
password. Password-based authentication is the de facto method of access
control in web services as it is cheap and simple in principle. However, the way
users choose and services manage passwords may expose them to attacks [130].
A simple password is more convenient for users to remember; however, a sim-
ple password or its permutation is also more likely to be included in a word
dictionary used in guessing attacks. Even if users select complex passwords,
security pitfalls in the way services manage authentication credentials could
lead to leaks, often on a massive scale [26, 50, 59, 61].
A common mitigation of such leaks is storing the output of one-way hash
functions instead of the password itself, although this is not a practice followed
by everyone [29]. Nevertheless, modern hardware enables powerful password-
cracking platforms [60, 234] that can reveal the input that generated a given
password digest. Aided by a dictionary and following certain assumptions
that optimize the process, such systems feed a large number of possible inputs
to the hash function in a rapid fashion. Furthermore, passwords can be also
obtained by malware and social engineering attacks such as phishing [153].
This problem is only exacerbated by the fact that users reuse passwords
across services [189] which means that domino-like attacks could be carried
out [52, 56, 126].
While researchers have argued that passwords
are not by any means the most valuable asset in
cybercrime [182], password theft can cause annoy-
ance, financial damages, data loss, and loss of pri-
vacy [199, 212]. It comes as no surprise that there is a
strong push to replace passwords [23, 42, 129]. Some
mechanisms that offer an alternative to textual pass-
7. Authentication and Authorization

words include public-key mechanisms, such as Microsofts CardSpace [122]

and TLS client certificates [155], graphical passwords [103], and many more;
unfortunately, none of the proposed alternatives has proven sufficiently entic-
ing [108]. Two-factor authentication [77] is the most common way to comple-
ment password-based systems by requiring an additional password acquired
through a secondary independent channel. Currently, high-value services, such
as online banking services and e-mail providers, have deployed such solutions
in the form of either hardware tokens or smart-phone applications. Besides the
obvious overhead of such a system in terms of both cost and effort, a survey
has shown that it can push users to choose weaker passwords [399]. Moreover,
it does not scale as the services increase. Single-sign-on services, such as
OpenID and Facebook Connect [277], offer the option of maintaining a single
online identity protected by a single password, though which users may access
third-party services. However, they present a single point of failure, do not
change the users habit of selecting weak passwords, may carry privacy-related
risks, and can also suffer vulnerabilities themselves [391].

7.1 What Is the Problem?

Password-based authentication has changed little in the many decades it has
been in use, and today it is more popular than ever, with countless web
applications using passwords to authenticate their users. In brief, on first
registering with a service, a user selects the username and password that
will be used for authentication. The application stores the username in plain
text, while it attaches a random prefix to the password, usually known as a
salt, hashes the outcome using a cryptographic hash function such as SHA1
or SHA2, stores the hash output along with the salt in the database, and
discards the plain-text password. The salt is prefixed to ensure that, even if a
password is shared by multiple users, a different hash will be generated and
stored in the database, and identical passwords cannot be identified. Most web
services require that authenticating users send their username and password
in plain text to the service, and authentication is performed by using the
stored salt and transmitted password to reproduce a hash, and compare it with
the password in store. Users could also authenticate without sending their
plain-text password [248]; however, such mechanisms are less prevalent and
a hash is still stored on the server. We should also note that there are cases
where passwords are simply stored verbatim in the database [43].
Passwords can be stolen, either in their plain-text form, or hashed. Assum-
ing that the device used to enter the password (e.g., a PC or smartphone) has
not been compromised, and, thus, is not running malware than can capture
user input, passwords can be obtained by monitoring unencrypted communica-
tions [81], tricking users to divulge them voluntarily (e.g., through phishing or

7.2. Who Is Going to Be Affected?

social engineering) [153], or, as we have frequently observed recently, through

leaking the password database of services [26, 59]. Hardware advances have
overcome the irreversibility of hash functions.
Moreover, users frequently reuse the same password at multiple web sites.
In fact, Florencio et al. [181] studied the password habits of more than half a
million users, and found that on average a password is shared with six other
sites. Password reuse imposes a significant problem because it implies that
an attacker cracking a single password can gain access to multiple sites and
services for which the user holds an account. Password reuse also acts as a
counterincentive for sites to use hash functions like bcrypt, as an attacker
could target a less secure sitefor instance one that saves passwords in plain
compromise its database, and use the obtained passwords in other services.

7.2 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

Users of all systems that implement text-based password authentication ex-
perience risks. If a system is compromised, then passwords may be leaked.
We stress here that an attacker can expose a systems passwords without fully
compromising it. For example, a successful SQL injection can reveal all pass-
words stored in a web sites database. Furthermore, users that recycle the same
password in many different services potentially receive the security offered
by the service providing the least security guarantees. If a weak service is
compromised, then all the user information stored in services where the victim
has registered with the same password is at risk.

7.3 What Is Expected to Happen?

An attacker who somehow obtains hashed passwords from the database of a
web service has all the data needed to attempt to crack them. He holds the
password hashes and knows the function as well as any salt used to generate
With this information in hand, an attacker can employ various method-
ologies to crack the passwords in the obtained database [234]. The simplest
approach is by brute force. He can try every possible combination of valid
characters, generate a hash, and check it against the values in the database.
Obviously, this approach requires abundant processing cycles and time. Al-
ternatively, the attacker can also use a pre-constructed dictionary containing
potential passwords (offline dictionary attack). Using dictionaries can greatly
speedup the cracking process, especially assuming that most users do not use
strong passwords [107].
The parallelism of modern GPUs can greatly improve the speed of password
cracking. The complexity of the hash function used greatly affects the amount
of time required to crack a password hash. Recently, GPUs were able to crack

7. Authentication and Authorization

eight character-long, NTLM-encrypted passwords in just about five hours [60].

Yet another approach involves using cloud resources to quickly crack various
types of hashes [9]. If a salt is not used, cracking can be accelerated further by
employing rainbow tables [374].
Once passwords are cracked, the attacker can do any of the following:

Access all information stored in the service by other users.

Steal the identity of a victim or impersonate them.

Incriminate the user by carrying out questionable activities using their


Escalate to more valuable assets. For example, accessing a victims web

e-mail might be sufficient for compromising their e-banking account.

7.4 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

A cautionary tale that shows what can happen when multiple services are
interconnected, all using weak authentication mechanisms, is the epic hack of
Mat Honan, a reporter working for In his own words [212]:

In the space of one hour, my entire digital life was destroyed. First
my Google account was taken over, then deleted. Next my Twitter
account was compromised, and used as a platform to broadcast
racist and homophobic messages. And worst of all, my AppleID
account was broken into, and my hackers used it to remotely erase
all of the data on my iPhone, iPad, and MacBook.

However, although Mat Honan experienced the dramatic consequences

of password theft, and eventually of losing control over his digital assets, he
managed to sustain his quality levels along many critical dimensions. First, he
didnt suffer from critical financial loss. Second, the health of his life was not
in danger, and, third, he didnt face heavy incrimination, connecting him with
illegal actions and eventually making him face, wrongly, the consequences
of violating the law. Mat Honan may managed to escape from such serious
dangers because he was already famous, and he was more of a victim of a bad
prank, than a targeted attack.
Nevertheless, password theft and, eventually, identity theft can lead to very
bad consequences along all the above three dimensions. First, it is reported
that financial loss from identity theft is increasing [19]. Note that the report
states that year by year less people are victims, but the loss is greater. Second,
although there are no reported cases of identity theft that can lead to life-
threatening situations, a lot of medical data are stored on-line, and password
theft can lead to privacy leaks associated with the healths condition of a victim.

7.5. State of the Art

Finally, identity theft can lead to serious incrimination, since today a users
social profile and all activities connected with it can be strong evidence for
certain violations. For example, during the last Olympic Games many athletes
were expelled from the games for tweeting racially charged content [54].

7.5 State of the Art

7.5.1 Delegated Authentication and Authorization
Communication and resource sharing between web services is a desired ability
that benefits both users and services. The most straightforward way for service
A to exchange information about a user with service B is for that user to
provide his credentials for the latter. This carries security risks ranging from
the unrestricted access service A receives to the compromise of the users
credentials as he shares them with more and more services. For that matter,
delegated authentication and authorization methods have been developed as
an alternative to the users providing their actual credentials to a service.
The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework [57] enables a third party to request
access to a credential-restricted resource from its owner and receive that access
without knowledge of the owners credentials. For that to happen, the resource
owner authenticates with the resource server, using his credentials, and obtains
an access token which can be used in place of the owners credentials for the
restricted resource. Moreover, the owner is able to limit the tokens capabilities
so as to set a specific permission scope, lifetime and other attributes for that
third partys actions. The OpenID 2.0 authentication standard [41] provides a
way for an end user to prove ownership of a claimed identity to a third party.
Its intended purpose is for users to log in to web services without registering
for a new account as long as they already have a registered identity with
an OpenID provider. Users visit a web service and attempt to log in simply
by claiming an identity and specifying the OpenID provider that will verify
their control over that identity. The web service indirectly, through the users
user-agent, requests and receives an assertion about their ownership of the
claimed identity from the OpenID provider.
Facebook Connect [419] is an attempt by the social network to build on top
of both OAuth and OpenID to produce an authentication and authorization
framework combined with the social information and graph its users form.
Other popular web parties such as Google [22] and Twitter [58] are doing the
same. BrowserID [291, 292] or Mozilla Persona is a single-sign-on mechanism
that uses e-mail addresses to represent user identities. Users are able to claim
an e-mail address as their identity as long as they can prove ownership. E-
mail providers take up the role of providing proof to a web service, in a
cryptography-secured manner, that a given user-agent, trying to log in to
that service, has also managed to successfully authenticate itself to the e-mail

7. Authentication and Authorization

provider. One of the benefits over OpenID and Facebook Connect is that the
identity provider (e-mail provider) does not find out which web service the
user is trying to use. On the other hand, while the identity provider does not
learn the relaying party, the relaying party learns the users identity on the
identity providers service; i.e., his e-mail address. PseudoID [152] employs
blind cryptographic signatures to eliminate this privacy concern. Moreover,
while Facebook Connect and Google Login associate the user with a social
profile and may share some of that information with the third-party web
service, BrowserID does not. While BrowserID and Facebook Connect seem
to eliminate the need for web services to maintain and manage the security
credentials for their users, they also present single points of failure that, if
abused could result in domino-like security failures. For instance, a user who
has enabled Facebook Connect to log in to a plethora of web services, he only
needs to manage the Facebook password. However, if the same password
is also used for another service that does not support Facebook Connect, a
potential leak from either Facebook or that service could allow an attacker
access to all the services connected to that users Facebook identity. Another
example, is the case where security flaws in the single-sign-on system enable
an attacker to access the victims account in any of the services supporting
such password-less login [391].

7.5.2 Password Cracking

Password cracking is not a new technique [344]. However, up until recently,

the use of cryptographic hash functions in the way authentication information
was handled by services appeared as an effective defense. This is no longer
the case since modern CPUs/GPUs [60] can be combined to form powerful
cracking platforms targeting password digests. Many of them, such as Cloud-
Cracker, are provided as an off-the-shelf paid service for the average user [9].
Even if strong cryptographic hash functions are used for keeping passwords
safe, other properties of the system may be exploited to boost the process
of cracking [12]. Research efforts have been directed towards suggesting
harder-to-guess passwords and pass-phrases [234, 322, 396].

7.5.3 Adaptive Hashing

Adaptive cryptographic hash functions, such as bcrypt [323] and scrypt [313],
have been proposed to address the increasing ease with which password
hashes can be cracked. These hash functions can adapt to hardware evolution,
by deliberately wasting resources - either computational or memory - during
a hash validation. By employing such hash functions, a web site can slow
down an attacker sufficiently in cracking a particular user password. However,
this also requires that the service invests additional resources into generating

7.6. Research Gaps

hashes and evaluating passwords. We should emphasize that, compared to

brute-force attacks, these functions have much less effect on dictionary attacks.

7.6 Research Gaps

Text-based passwords are convenient and are already accepted by the majority
of users. However, today we need stronger authentication mechanisms.

Rich Authentication. It is well known that for authenticating with a party

we use something we know (i.e., a password), something we have (i.e., a
token), or something we are (i.e., biometrics). There is an interesting
gap between security and usability in current forms of authentication.
We have strong authentication mechanisms, but it is hard to use them
effectively because they are not convenient. On the other hand, there are
certain mechanisms that are already accepted by users, such as text-based
passwords or 4-digit PINs. Unfortunately, these provide low security
guarantees. One research challenge is to invent new rich authentication
mechanisms, variants or combinations of the currently existing ones, that
provide better security without sacrificing convenience.

Service Decoupling. Services experience heavy interconnection, explicitly or

implicitly. It is common practice to use an e-mail service for registering
(or resetting the credentials) to another service. Social applications
can also interfere with content delivered via third-party networks. For
example, a Twitter account may post comments in the users Facebook
feed, if it is so configured. This service coupling provides new and
dynamic functionality; however, it is security sensitive. An attacker needs
only to compromise one service and may then take over many of the
victims valuable assets just by exploiting this service interconnection [126,
212]. It is challenging, from a research point of view, to identify all this
interconnection, create taxonomies with current practices, study the ways
current services interconnect with each other, and design new techniques
for interconnecting services in a secure fashion.

7.7 Example Problems

Some interesting problems in this area include:

Factors in Authentication. It is common to combine multiple communication

channels for providing stronger authentication, something commonly
known as 2-factor authentication. As a quick example, consider a user
authenticating with a service by giving a password and a code received
by SMS. It is debatable which factors are more efficient from the usability
perspective, while providing the most security guarantees.

7. Authentication and Authorization

Constrained-input Devices. The personal computer is changing decade by

decade. From desktop PCs and laptops, we have evolved to smartphones,
which are apparently not rich in input capabilities. In the near future it is
quite possible that we will experience even more constrained devices in
terms of text input [24]. It is challenging to explore new authentication
capabilities for such devices, since it is harder for them to support the
text-based password model, and we know in advance that these devices
will undergo massive adaptation in the near future.

8 Security of Mobile Devices

n an era of explosive growth in the use of mobile communication devices,

I the need for a secure and reliable infrastructure has never been more
apparent. Although connectivity is provided at large by WLAN networks,
true mobility is only possible through the cellular infrastructure. Ericsson
forecasts 80% of the world population will have WCDMA/HSPA (3G) coverage
and 35% will benefit from an LTE (4G) connectivity by 2016. During the single
month of September 2012, 11 million automobile were connected to the mobile
network and recent forecasts refer to over 50 Exabytes of data being exchanged
by mobile devices and smartphones have been recently reported [172].
To give just one example, with more than 500 million of activations reported
in Q3 2012, Android mobile devices are becoming ubiquitous and trends
show that the pace is unlikely to slow [267]. Android devices are extremely
appealing: powerful, with a functional and easy-to-use user interface for
accessing sensitive user and enterprise data, they can easily replace traditional
computing devices, especially when information is consumed rather than
Application marketplaces, such as Google Play and the Apple App Store,
drive the entire economy of mobile applications. For instance, with more than
600,000 applications installed, Google Play has generated revenues of about
237M USD per year [161]. The prospect of such a fortune, combined with the
quite unique Android ecosystem, with its high turnovers and access to sensitive
data, has unfortunately also attracted the interests of cybercriminals, with the
result that there is an alarming increase in the rate of malware strikes against
Android devices. Breaches of users privacy (e.g., access to address books and
GPS coordinates) [416], monetization through premium SMS and calls [416],
and colluding malware to bypass 2-factor authentication schemes [150, 231]
are all real threats rather than a fictional forecast. Recent studies back up
such statements, reporting how mobile marketplaces have been abused to host
malware or legitimate-seeming applications in which malicious components
are embedded [414].
This clearly reflects a shift from an environment in which malware was
developed for fun, to the current situation, where malware is distributed for
8. Security of Mobile Devices

financial profit. Given the importance of the problem, significant research

efforts have been invested in gaining a better understanding of the mobile
malware phenomenon. However, given the rate at which mobile malware is
growing, it seems we are still a long way from solving the problem, and we
must hope we are not already of time.
It is important to point out that understanding is not a mere academic
exercise: it is of paramount importance to acquire the knowledge necessary to
characterize a specific threat, in order to devise novel, effective, and efficient
techniques for detection and mitigation.

8.1 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

The consequences of infected mobile devices will affect all users alike. Smart-
phones have now become ubiquitous, and they are a constant presence in
almost every household. However, we currently lack flexible and efficient poli-
cies to regulate private-to-enterprise bring-your-own-device (BYOD) contexts,
just to give an example. How can we effectively implement evasion-resistant
techniques for information leakage detection? How can we detect, mitigate, or
contain unknown malicious behaviors?

8.2 What Is Expected to Happen?

Even in a non-BYOD scenario, the compromise of a smartphone can be catas-

trophic. Apart from breaches of user privacy (e.g., access to address books and
GPS coordinates) [416], monetization through premium SMS and calls [416],
and colluding malware to bypass 2-factor authentication schemes [150, 231], as
noted above, this may also ultimately turn an infected smartphone into a real
mobile bot, with serious consequences (see for instance Chapter 11) [8].
Although the mobile malware harvested recently on a major US cellular
provider by the research community over a 3-month period in 2012 appears
in a very limited number of devices (3,492 out of over 380 millionless than
0.0009% [253]), forecasts for 2013 are not looking good. According to Lookout
2013 Mobile Threat Predictions, [...] people will purchase more than 1.2 billion
mobile devices, surpassing PCs as the most common Internet access device in the
world. Mobile platforms will continue to expand at breakneck speed, as people are
forecast to download over 70 billion mobile apps in 2014. [261]. Globally, 18
million Android users are expected to face malware infection during 2013,
with monetization through premium SMS and calls being the predominant
revenue for cybercriminals. Moreover, during the same year mobile spam is
expected to increase, turning into a serious threat vector.

8.3. What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

8.3 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

Losses can happen in almost any domain: financial, personal data [212], and
intellectual property are the easiest to think of, but other attacks could also
be potentially life-threatening. For instance, denial of services to avoid calling
emergency numbers, malicious location-based services and leakage of GPS
coordinates, which may enable traditional crime activities (as outlined above),
may all be concrete attacks rather than fictional artifacts. In addition, any
life-affecting device (e.g., cars, NFC-based insulin pumps), if improperly used
and fully controlled by a smartphone (assuming read/write/exec accesses and
no fallback safety checks) may threaten life itself or violate an individuals

8.4 State of the Art

To contribute to an understanding of the security problems affecting smart-
phones, La Polla et al. surveyed the related literature in the 20042011 period,
highlighting threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks [246]. Despite the similarities,
there are in fact a number of security-related differences between mobile de-
vices and PCs (e.g., monetization through premium SMS and calls [416]) and
they need to be dealt with specifically.
With a few exceptions focused on enhancing mobile OSes with state-of-the-
art memory error protections [105], iOS privacy violation detection [162], and
a recent detailed analysis of cellular networks [253], current research is mainly
concerned with understanding, analyzing, and mitigating Android malware
DroidScope [405] is a framework for creating dynamic analysis tools for
Android malware that trades simplicity and efficiency for transparency. As an
out-of-the-box approach, it instruments the Android emulator, but it may incur
high overhead (for instance, when taint-tracking is enabled). DroidScope em-
ploys a 2-level virtual machine introspection (VMI) [187] to gather information
about the system (i.e., OS-level and Android-specific behaviors) and exposes
hooks and a set of APIs that enable the development of plugins to perform both
fine and coarse-grained analyses (e.g., system call, single instruction tracing,
and taint tracking). Unfortunately, DroidScope just offers a set of hooks that
other analyses can build upon to intercept interesting events and does not
perform any behavioral analysis per se.
Enck et al. presented TaintDroid [167], a framework to enable dynamic
taint analysis of Android applications. TaintDroids main goal is to track
how sensitive information flows between the system and applications, or
between applications, in order to automatically identify information leaks.
Because of the complexity of Android, TaintDroid relies on different levels
of instrumentation to perform its analyses. For example, to propagate taint

8. Security of Mobile Devices

information through native methods and IPC, TaintDroid patches JNI call
bridges and the Binder IPC library. TaintDroid is effective, as it allows tainting
to propagate between many different levels, and efficient, as it does so with a
very low overhead. Unfortunately, this comes at the expense of low resiliency
and transparency: modifying internal Android components inevitably exposes
TaintDroid to a series of detection and evasion techniques [121, 341, 355].
DroidBox is a dynamic in-the-box Android malware analyzer [372] that
uses the custom instrumentation of the Android system and kernel to track a
samples behavior, relying on TaintDroid to perform taint tracking of sensitive
information [167]. Building on TaintDroid and instrumenting Androids inter-
nal components makes DroidBox prone to the problems of in-the-box analyses:
malware can detect and evade the analyses or, worse, even disable them.
Andrubis [7] is an extension to the Anubis dynamic malware analysis
system to analyze Android malware [99, 220]. According to its web site, it is
mainly built on top of both TaintDroid [167] and DroidBox [372] and it thus
shares their weaknesses (mainly due to operating in-the-box).
CopperDroid performs automatic out-of-the-box dynamic behavioral anal-
ysis of Android malware [11, 331]. To this end, CopperDroid presents a unified
system call-centric analysis to characterize low-level OS-specific and high-level
Android-specific behaviors, including IPC and RPC interactionsof paramount
importance on Android. Based on the observation that such behaviors are all
eventually achieved through the invocation of system calls, CopperDroids
VM-based dynamic system call-centric analysis is able to faithfully describe
the behavior of Android malware whether it is initiated from Java, JNI or
native code execution. Based on the observation that Android applications are
inherently user-driven and feature a number of implicit but well-defined entry
points, CopperDroid furthermore describes the design and implementation
of a stimulation approach aimed at disclosing additional malware behaviors.
The authors carried out an extensive evaluation of the system to assess its
effectiveness on three different Android malware data sets: one of more than
1,200 samples belonging to 49 Android malware families (Android Malware
Genome Project); one containing about 400 samples over 13 families (Contagio
project); and a final one, previously unanalyzed, comprising more than 1,300
samples, provided by McAfee. Their experiments show that CopperDroids
unified system call-based analysis faithfully describes OS- and Android-specific
behaviors, while a proper malware stimulation strategy (e.g., sending SMS,
placing calls) successfully discloses additional behaviors in a non-negligible
portion of the analyzed malware samples.
Google Bouncer [260], as its name suggests, is a service that bounces
malicious applications off from the official Google Play (market). Little is
known about it, except that it is a QEMU-based dynamic analysis framework.

8.4. State of the Art

All the other information come from reverse-engineering attempts [303] and it
is thus hard to compare it to any other research-oriented approach.
DroidMOSS [414] relies on signatures for detecting malware in app markets.
Similarly, DroidRanger [417] and JuxtApps [207] identify known mobile mal-
ware repackaged in different apps. Although quite successful, signature-based
techniques limit the detection effectiveness only to known malware (and it
is vulnerable to the adoption of reflection, native code, and obfuscation in
Enck et al. [168] reported on a study of Android permissions found in
a large dataset of Google Play apps, aimed at understanding their security
characteristics. Such an understanding is an interesting starting point to
bootstrap the design of techniques that are able to enforce security policies [402]
and avoid the installation of apps requesting a dangerous combination [169]
or an overprivileged set of permissions [178, 312]. Although promising, the
peculiarity of Android apps (e.g., a potential combination of Java and native
code) can easily elude policy enforcement (when confined to protecting the Java
APIas represented by the state-of-the-art) or collude to perform malicious
actions while maintaining a legitimate-seeming appearance. This clearly calls
for continuing research in this direction.
Aurasium [402] is an app rewriting framework (Java only) that enables
dynamic and fine-grained policy enforcement of Android applications. Unfor-
tunately, working at the application level exposes Aurasium to easy detection
or evasion attacks by malicious Android applications. For example, regular
applications can rely on native code to detect and disable hooks in the global
offset table, even without privilege escalation exploits.
SmartDroid [413] makes use of hybrid analyses that statically identify paths
leading to suspicious actions (e.g., accessing sensitive data) and dynamically
determine UI elements that take the execution flow down paths identified by
the static analysis. To this end, the authors instrument both the Android emula-
tor and Androids internal components to infer which UI elements can trigger
suspicious behaviors. In addition, they evaluate SmartDroid on a testbed
of 7 different malware samples. Unfortunately, SmartDroid is vulnerable to
obfuscation and reflection, which make it hardif not impossibleto statically
determine every possible execution path.
Anand et al. propose ACTEve [83], an algorithm that utilizes concolic
execution to automatically generate input events for smartphone applications.
ACTEve is fully automatic: it does not require a learning phase (such as
capture-and-replay approaches) and uses novel techniques to prevent the path-
explosion problem. Unfortunately, the average running time of ACTEve falls
within the range of hours, which makes it ill-suited to automated large scale
analyses or practical in-device detection.

8. Security of Mobile Devices

Finally, Zhou et al. performed a very detailed and fine-grained static

analysis of a large set of real-world Android malware, collected from August
2010 to October 2011 [416]. The authors released this data set as the Android
Malware Genome Project [415].

8.5 Research Gaps

Recent research has shown that mobile security is still in its infancy and,
although we can borrow and build on traditional (PC) malware research, the
problem space is hard and quite diverse, which calls for solutions to be devised
specifically for mobile devices. For instance, is sending an SMS a malicious
action on its own? Hard to say; potentially, if this happens in the background.
Given the nature of the problem space (i.e., smartphones travel across
network boundaries and storeon the same mediapotentially sensitive
personal and enterprise data), confidentiality (privacy) and integrity seem, once
again, to be the most important property to guarantee. However, assuming we
can tolerate financial and intellectual property losses to some extent, privacy
(e.g., no unauthorized data disclosure) may be the foremost challenge to meet.
It is not hard to imagine mobile malware infections that collude with and
abet traditional crimes more effectively. For instance, leaked GPS coordinates or
malicious location-based services may indicate that someone has reached or left
a specific location, enabling a number of traditional criminal-related activities
(e.g., burglary, kidnapping, stalking, terrorist attacks). Information flow has
long been studied as a way to track how sensitive data propagate throughout
a programs execution, enabling integrity and confidentiality properties to be
realized in a number of successful scenarios. Unfortunately, the very same
technique has been shown to suffer from a slew of easy-to-deploy attacks and
evasions when applied to the analysis analyze or containment of malicious
infections [121, 341, 355]. It is clear that alternative and evasion-resistant
solutions, which potentially retrofit traditional malware, need to be explored.
An interesting long-term research project would aim at exploring highly
scalable technologies for efficient monitoring and analysis of security events
that have the potential to compromise mobile devices. In particular, such
objectives may be addressed by approaching three different steps within the
mobile communication process: 1) data monitoring and analysisdedicated
to monitoring multi-source data, including mobile device security event de-
tection and analysis, and network-based features generated by smartphone
communication; 2) data aggregation and correlationby adopting a synergy
of contextual information from the terminals correlated with application be-
havioral profiles and honeypot events; and 3) management of mobile-related
trustworthy indicatorsthat will use the latest malware classifications and gen-

8.6. Example Problems

erated anomaly alerts to feed an accurate mobile security dashboard that helps
in the understanding and management of new mobile malware outbreaks.

8.6 Example Problems

Smartphones are a relatively new technology and, although they were origi-
nally designed with security principles in mind, they have been shown to be
as vulnerable as traditional computing devices.
As mentioned above, effective and evasion-resistant ways to detect or
contain information leaks would be of paramount importance, especially in a
context where such devices have access to sensitive personal and enterprise
data, while crossing the boundaries between a number of different networks.
It is clear, in fact, that existing techniques, such as taint tracking, although
effective in principle, are ill-suited when it comes to containing the effect of
malicious computations; thus, novel solutions must be sought.
Another interesting research direction would be to explore hardware-
supported virtualization solutions to physically separate processes in context-
dependent scenarios, in order to enforce security policies automatically, with-
out requiring users approval.
An orthogonal research direction would be to explore instead the possibility
of analyzing network traffic from network operators, which offers a unique
observation point from which (malicious) behaviors may be inferred and
security or containment policies enforced.

9 Legacy Systems

J oined into a single entity through an interconnection of information

services, an information system is only as strong as its weakest link. This
link may well be an obscure, older library or a program that is vulnerable
to attacks. While security issues occur in all software, older programs can be
especially vulnerable, as they were not designed with security in mind. And
even if they were, the programmers probably did not have knowledge of the
latest and greatest exploitation techniques.

9.1 What Is the Problem?

The research community has long recognized the security problem introduced
by legacy systems, and multiple interesting solutions were developed. Despite
all these efforts, attacks are reported daily [284, 301, 343]. The problems persist
in the real world because the adopted solutions prove insufficient, whereas
more powerful protection mechanisms are too slow for practical use, break
compatibility with other programs, or require source code that is not available
for legacy software.
Among the most dangerous software errors that are of primary impor-
tance in legacy software are memory corruption attacks in the C/C++ lan-
guages [143]. From clients to servers and from big iron to mobile phonesall
have fallen victim. For the rest of this section, we will thus mainly focus on
this particular vulnerability.
Memory corruption attacks have become more
and more sophisticated. Typically, they arrive as
data over a regular communication channel, e.g.,
the network, and trigger pre-existing low-level soft-
ware vulnerabilities. In a classic exploit, a program
receives input from an attacker, and stores it in an
undersized buffer, e.g., an array. A buffer overflow
(i.e., a particular type of memory corruption at-
tacks) occurs when the program is able to write beyond the end of the buffer.
When attackers successfully exploit such flaws, they usually gain control over
9. Legacy Systems

the execution of a program (a control-diverting attack), or modify some critical

data (a non-control-diverting attack).

9.2 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

The consequences of memory corruption attacks that cannot be prevented or
detected will affect all users. For years, we have witnessed attacks targeting
home users, critical networks [86, 255], or even Iranian nuclear facilities [179,
180, 366]. Even if the vulnerable systems do not always run legacy software,
the attackers often do not have access to the source code, so they proceed in
exactly the same way: they perform an analysis of the binary executable to
learn how to exploit a vulnerability.

9.3 What Is Expected to Happen?

Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in legacy software to take control of either
a vulnerable process or the whole machine. In the latter case, they can for
example easily download and run a password stealing application, a keylogger,
or a bot of their choice. The consequences may vary from privacy breaching
(e.g., in the case of a keylogger), via serious financial losses, to attacks taking
control over critical networks.

9.4 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

As we said above, exploitable vulnerabilities in legacy software can be used to
perform arbitrarily malicious actions. It is difficult to say what other uses will
be found for machines controlled by the attackers. In principle, depending on
the target, massive loss of life is possible, but not likely.

9.5 State of the Art

In this section, we survey the most important solutions developed as responses
to memory corruption attacks that can be deployed even if we do not have an
access to the source code of the (possibly) vulnerable application.
Anti-virus software and network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) monitor
executable files or network traffic, and frequently search for signatures, i.e.,
patterns distinguishing malicious attacks from benign data. However, polymor-
phic attacks, zero-day attacks, and data encryption, all render signature-based
solutions limited.
Control-flow integrity (CFI) [76, 238] is designed to thwart control-diverting
attacks. It ensures that the execution of a program does not stray from a
restricted set of possibilitiesit dictates that the execution must follow the
path of a precomputed control-flow graph (CFG). The graph needs to maintain
all possible valid executions of the program lest an innocent process be flagged

9.5. State of the Art

as an attack. To determine the CFG, one could employ either static or dynamic
analysis. However, none is simple in practicestatic analysis has an inherent
difficulty in resolving indirect branch targets, while dynamic analysis often
covers only a part of a programs execution paths. Several ways of approaching
the problem have been proposed: for example a combination of static and dy-
namic analysis by Xu et al. [401], value set analysis presented by Balakrishnan
et al. [90], and a framework proposed by Kinder et al. [237], which combines
control and data flow analysis by means of abstract interpretation. The CFI
policy is enforced at runtime, and a possible implementation may compare the
target address of each control-flow transfer, i.e., each jump, call, or return, to a
set of allowed destinations.
CFI does not detect non-control-diverting attacks, but it is a useful and
cheap-to-enforce policy, which effectively stops the non-control-diverting ones.
The mechanism realized by Abadi et al. [76] employs binary rewriting, and re-
quires neither recompilation nor source-code access. The average performance
overhead is 15%, with a maximum of 45%.
Runtime host solutions take advantage of the wealth of information present
when a vulnerable application is running to protect against attacks. Dynamic
Taint Analysis (DTA), proposed by Denning et al. [149] and later implemented
in TaintCheck [299], and a plethora of other systems [110, 134, 138, 209, 320, 354],
is one of the few techniques that protect legacy binaries against memory cor-
ruption attacks on control data. The technique is implemented by transparently
modifying the runtime environment. In a nutshell, untrusted data from the
network is tagged as tainted, and its propagation is tracked throughout a
program execution. An alert is generated (only) if an exploit takes place, e.g.,
when the address of a function to be invoked is tainted (this never happens in
a benign situation). The technique proves to be reliable and generate few, if
any, false positives. However, it can slow down the protected application by an
order of magnitude, and in practice, it is limited to non-production machines
such as honeypots or malware analysis engines. Furthermore, DTA can usually
detect only control-flow diverting attacks, so it does not defend against the
non-control-diverting ones.
The above solutions are good at stopping control-flow diversions, but
powerless against corruption of non-control data. As a response to this problem,
BodyArmour [356, 357] is a tool chain to bolt a layer of protection onto existing
C binaries to shield them from state-of-the-art memory corruption attacks,
including the non-control-diverting ones. It employs dynamic information
flow tracking. First, it monitors the execution of a vulnerable application
to understand the layout of memory, and unearth buffer locations and sizes.
Later, it hardens the application so that buffer overflows are no longer possible.
However, this technique is based on dynamic analysis, so it protects only those

9. Legacy Systems

parts of the program that were observed in the learning phase. This means that,
if a function has not been executed at all, its vulnerabilities will go undetected.
We do not consider detection mechanisms such as anomaly detection or
behavior-based approaches. Although great deal of research has investigated the
applications of these techniques to detect attacks, reducing the number of false
positives is still the core problem for these systems.

9.6 Research Gaps

We envision research in the area of legacy software in the following dimensions.

9.6.1 Attack Detection

As already stated, BodyArmour [357] is a tool chain to bolt a layer of protection
on existing C binaries to shield them from memory corruption attacks. Since it
is based on dynamic analysis, it also suffers from coverage issues - we can only
analyze what we execute. Lack of coverage may cause BodyArmour to miss
arrays and array accesses and thus lead to false negatives. Another popular,
yet very different, approach to analyzing a binary is static analysis. Even
though the method is less accurate than dynamic analysis, it offers full code
coverage. Consequently, it might be interesting to explore a hybrid solution,
which would marry BodyArmour to static protection approaches, such as
WIT [80].

9.6.2 Search for Vulnerabilities and Crashes

The approaches discussed so far aim at attack detection at production time or
in a honeypot. They are effective, but they do not remove the vulnerabilities
themselves. Although it is better to crash than to allow exploitation, crashes are
undesirable too. Thus, ideally we would like to find as many bugs as possible
by means of fuzz testing even before deploying an application. Fuzzers
feed programs invalid, unexpected, or random data to see if they crash or
exhibit unexpected behavior. Information about inputs exploiting a security
vulnerability allows system administrators to filter out offensive inputs, or if
necessary, stop the application.
The most effective fuzzing technique today is whitebox fuzzing [118, 128,
195]. By means of symbolic execution, it exercises all possible execution paths
through the program and thus uncovers all possible bugsalthough it may
take years to do so. Since symbolic execution scales poorly, a possible solution
might be to focus first on functions/code fragments that look more vulnerable
than others.
Previous research has shown that software complexity metrics collected
from software artifacts are helpful in finding vulnerable code components [190,
300, 349, 418]. However, even though complexity metrics serve as useful in-

9.7. Example Problems

dicators, they are too generic, and they suffer from low precision or recall
values. Moreover, most of the current approaches operate at the granularity of
modules or files, which cannot be applied to legacy software for which we do
not have the source code. As observed by Zimmermann et al. [418], we need
metrics that exploit the unique characteristics of vulnerabilities, e.g., buffer
overflows or integer overruns.
Summarizing, an important research question is how to evaluate the com-
plexity of code fragments in existing binaries, so that we can focus the effective
yet expensive symbolic execution on code that is more likely to have exploitable

9.7 Example Problems

There follows a list of example problems that could be addressed in research

Combining static and dynamic analysis for vulnerability discovery. As we

have discussed above, it is crucial to be able to detect attacks in legacy
software. Dynamic analysis benefits from the wealth of information
available while an application is running, while static analysis offers
full code coverage. It might be beneficial to design and build a hybrid
solution that exploits both approaches.

Searching for vulnerabilities in a haystack. A thorough analysis of the whole

binary is extremely time consuming. The research question is whether
we can pinpoint code fragments that have more potential for vulnera-
bilities/crashes, and should thus be scrutinized first. For example, in
the case of buffer overflows, intuition suggests that convoluted pointer
computations are hard for a programmer to follow. Thus, we should
focus on code with complex pointer arithmetic instructions that accesses
arrays first.

10 Usable Security

eys, locks, and chains: security in computer systems is almost as

K old as computers themselves. Although the enforcement methods may

have changed from physical security, which is still important, to a
more conceptual and system-inherent form, the basic concept is still the same:
How can a computer system be secured, so that only permitted personnel are
able to use it? In the old days, it was simply a matter of giving the key to the
building where the computer was housed to the right person. Even then, once
an employee left the company, the key had to be recovered to ensure security.
Neglecting this precaution, would create a potential security risk. Nowadays,
the problems are conceptually similar. Instead of physical security keys, users
are provided with passwords, PIN codes and access tokens so that they may
enter restricted areas or access private information.

10.1 What Is the Problem?

Even though the majority of these problems are essentially the same as 30
years ago, one key factor has changed: complexity. What was previously a
single device, is now a multitude of different accounts, Web gates and PIN
codes. Additionally, connectivity is at an all-time high and is showing no
tendency to slow down. This Internet of things, as it is called by experts, is
a future for communication and computing devices that has already begun.
Unfortunately, this progress not only opens up opportunities for development
and technological advance, it also enables miscreants to conduct their daily
business on a much broader scale. To mitigate present and future threats, a
large research community is constantly developing solutions to block incoming
attacks and ultimately prevent users from falling victim to various forms of
attack. Commendable as these research results may be, they usually bear
several important properties that often hinder their acceptance by normal
users. Even protection mechanisms that are already well-established can suffer
from the following problems:

Simplicity: Useable security must be simple. A normal user cannot be

willing to deal with the task of creating a security policy for accessing the
10. Usable Security

Internet, for example. Therefore, very complicated methods of securing

a device are bound to be rejected by the masses.

Transparency: Even security-aware users can not always deduce how

a system works and where the possibilities for attacks arise. A good
example here is a registered e-mail address that is used somewhere else
without notification to identify a user. There are threats for some users
that cannot be anticipated without a deeper knowledge of the underlying

Restrictiveness: Most security solutions impose restrictions on their

users. Passwords must be entered and memorized, device locks must be
removed before using a device, firewalls prohibit unconfined network
usage, etc. Users who see their devices as tools to do a job, which simply
have to work properly, will gladly sacrifice security for convenience if
given the choice. Therefore, the choice of which options to give the
end-user for circumventing or re-defining security-critical aspects has to
be a well-considered one.

To put it briefly, there are several reasons why a user may choose not to use
the security mechanisms provided, preferring to go with a more convenient,
unsecured solution instead. It is the researchers responsibility to keep the
target system safe anyway. .

10.2 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

While the scope of the problem is hard to define precisely, the potential
victims of this threat are more easily identified. This type of threat specifically
influences the everyday user of devices connected to the Internet. They simply
cannot cope with the speed with which new technologies hit the market. Even
experts such as network administrators, programmers and technically versatile
individuals have a difficult time keeping up with new developments, let alone
the possible threats they entail. Unfortunately, the ordinary end-user makes up
the vast majority of customers dealing with (personal) computers. Therefore,
the target community is one of the largest imaginable; it essentially comprises
the whole Internet.

10.3 What Is Expected to Happen?

The effects of the previously discussed development are already visible. More
and more users fail to take precautions because they negatively impact their
workflow. As a result, these systems are prone to various attacks, ranging
from stolen passwords and account data to infected machines that do their
operators bidding. If this trend continues, it will be virtually impossible to

10.4. What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

create secure systems without isolating them from external influencesas

Apple does with the App Store, for instance. Even then, a reluctant user who
ignores updates, for example, can still fall victim to various attacks. It is,
therefore, the research communitys task to consider how a possible solution
to a given problem might be easily adopted by the end-user.

10.4 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

To take this thought even further, let us consider the two most extreme cases.
In a hypothetic scenario, security precautions are so complicated to utilize,
that no ordinary user is actually using them. Instead, every online action is
considered a public process. Consequently, the Internet for ordinary users
would lose a lot of potential and decrease to a pure information-retrieval
facility. Netbanking, online booking, or even private messaging would not be
possible anymore.
In the other extreme case, users would be forced to use all available security
mechanisms, for instance by a security policy. The result would essentially be
the same. With more restrictions and access control, usability decreases to a
point where it is no longer feasible to even use a device. An example could
be online banking, that can only be used from a single IP address over a VPN
tunnel, where passwords have to be changed with every login and one-time
security tokens are sent to a mobile device. While this method would certainly
be more secure than a conventional login/password, it would cause most users
to fall back to conventional manual wire transfers.
In reality, such an extreme case will hopefully never occur. Still, there is a
natural balance between usable security mechanisms and convenience. This
balance also exists in corporate systems, where security experts are confronted
with the task to decide where to put the bar between user restrictions and

10.5 State of the Art

So, what is the situation today? This question can obviously not be answered
with a simple good or bad. In 2005, Gutmann et al. made a very astute obser-
vation: a little more complexity is acceptable for a fair offering in value [202].
It ultimately comes down to exactly this question. A security mechanism, if
not enforced by the system itself, will only be accepted if it offers a certain
degree of added value. Usually, a trade-off between usability and security has
to be found. A trade-off, however, is always a compromise [112]. The result
is a system that is more complicated than one without security, but still less
secure than it could be. Although acceptable, such a condition is certainly not
desirable. The optimal case would be a consensus between both categories.

10. Usable Security

A perfect example of a consensus of security and usability is the now

widespread application of mobile transaction-authentication numbers (or
mTANs) in netbanking applications. From the consumers perspective, this
method increased usability since it only requires them to have a mobile phone
at hand instead of a printed list of transaction numbers that can be lost, incor-
rectly maintained, invalidated, etc. From the banks perspective, the security
gain from introducing a second channel for each transaction is also enormous.
In fact, the damage caused by phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks on on-
line banking sites has been low compared to pre-mTAN systems. Recently, the
Zeus Virus [113] and its mobile counterpart Zitmo have successfully proven
that no security facility is impenetrable [226]], successfully infiltrating the
two-channel security infrastructure represented by the mTAN facility.

Unfortunately, such a consensus is not always possible. Here, passwords

are a good example. Most users, even inexperienced ones, know that using
the same credentials for different Web sites and accounts is not a good idea.
Remembering dozens of different passwords, or even creating an algorithm
to derive the password from the target web site is tedious and rarely done.
As a result, most users utilize from one to four different passwords for their
accounts, resulting in multiple compromised accounts if a single attack is

When iterating though these problems, the reader might think that no
progress has been made in terms of usable security. In fact, there have been
more or less successful initiatives to create a homogenous security and authen-
tication environment. One of the most prominent examples is OAuth [57], a
protocol for secure and even transient authentication among different appli-
cations. Even though the protocol has been widely adopted, it still requires
developers to adhere to its standard when developing their solution. And this
requirement is not always easy to meet. Besides, once advanced to Version
2.0, the main contributor to the protocol, Eran Hammer, decided to leave
the initiative, and even requested that his name be removed from related

In general, researchers tend to ignore the usability aspects of their work,

just the way engineers and programmers tend to ignore security [202] as such.
The reasons are very similar. It is hard enough to get a project to work properly.
Once it is operational, the engineer is told by his supervisor to include more
features, while the Ph.D. student is told to find a solution for the next problem.
And that happens despite a multitude of attempts to design systems, that
bridge this gap between security and usability [329].

10.6. Research Gaps

10.6 Research Gaps

Since the current state-of-the-art for usable security is hard to depict, defining
a concrete research gap is equally hard. The underlying problem can, however,
be reduced to some more specific issues.

10.6.1 Security Design Principles

Currently, there is no such thing as usability guidelines for security researchers.

A newly developed method or prototype needs to function in order to be
recognized. As already mentioned above, developers and researchers alike,
simply lack the incentive to further their development in this direction. In
some cases it does not even make sense. A new method for protocol reverse
engineering will certainly not profit from a fancy interface. A new method
for mitigating injection attacks on web browsers, however, would profit from
a seamless, transparent plugin with a simple option to enable it, instead of
a complicated setup procedure, with options that even experts have a hard
time understanding. It would therefore be highly profitable to have a basic
collection of dos and donts for user interaction.

10.6.2 Field Study: Usability

Another field worth investigating is the usability of already existing solutions.

This problem usually arises when someone decides to create a solution that is
partially or completely based on existing solutions. In order not to invent the
wheel from the beginning, it makes sense to build upon previously researched
and published techniques. The drawback of this method is that the researcher
often has to deal with prototype implementations or tailored solutions. A field
study of the most recent developments would be of immense help in deciding
whether and how it is possible to use these approaches.

10.6.3 Collateral Feasibility Considerations

Finally, the most important thing to do is incorporate usability decisions in the

development process right from the beginning. This is something that cannot
be done in a thesis but only by raising the awareness of people designing
security solutions. Most companies are forced to do this at some level anyway,
otherwise they will simply lose customers. The same does not hold true
for researchers, as they are not required to incorporate feasibility studies, or
rewarded if they do so. By raising community awareness about the importance
of usability, however, this picture may change. The ultimate goal is still to
protect users from attacks by providing smart solutions that they can use.

10. Usable Security

10.7 Example Problems

A multitude of examples exist for this specific topic. However, the problem
is best depicted by the previously mentioned incident that happened to Matt
Honan, a renowned author for the magazine Wired [212]. He fell victim to an
attack that ultimately led to his Amazon, Apple, Google and Twitter account
being compromised, and his Apple devices (iPhone, iPad and MacBook) being
wiped. Interestingly, the only direct fault of the victim was his casual approach
to backups, a fault shared by many users. The incident itself was possible
because the different accounts were chained together in some way or another.
Some had alternate e-mail accounts as backup authentication, others showed
the last few digits of a credit card, while some were simply compromised by
calling support and asking for a password reset. Inconvenient as the incident
may be, it clearly illustrates an example of unusable security along well-placed
examples for social engineering.

10.7.1 Authentication

Authentication played a major role in the above attack. One security guideline
is not to use two vital e-mail accounts for a two-factor authentication. If one
should get compromised, it is quite possible that the other will be lost as well.
Instead, the backup e-mail should be used only once, or on a different system
(e.g., SMS two factor authentication) altogether. From the users perspective,
however, it makes sense to use the same e-mail over and over again. No
ordinary user is able to create e-mail aliases as needed and remember them
afterwards. The same is true for passwords. If the same password is used
on multiple platforms (e.g., Google, Facebook), it is easy to compromise both
once the password is somehow derived. It is quite easy to depict the problem.
Solving it, on the other hand, is a completely different story. The sensible thing
would be not to allow secondary e-mail accounts as user verification. To be
effective, however, such a guideline has to be enforced throughout different
platforms, and that is something no one can guarantee. Alternatively, a new
method could be devised that ensures that daisy-chaining accounts together
is not possible, while users still have the possibility of retrieving their lost or
forgotten credentials. This topic could serve as the foundation of a research

10.7.2 Backup

People are constantly told how important it is to backup their data. But who
has terabytes of external storage lying around? And if so, how often does the
ordinary user bother to actually create a backup? The answer is certainly: "Not
often enough." Devising a safe, cheap but still usable form of backup would be

10.7. Example Problems

of value for many users. Again, this narrow field would certainly be suitable
for consideration in the course of a thesis.

10.7.3 Sensitive Information

Part of the above incident was caused by sensitive information (in this case
credit card numbers) being shown on Amazons account detail. The last four
digits are deemed insensitive by Amazon. However, Apple uses just these four
numbers to prove ones identity. This connection is simply impossible to see
for an ordinary user. Thus, information propagation through different, secured
systems is another field where research could attempt to create transparent

Summing up, the threat from unusable security may not be a direct, imme-
diate one, but it is there nevertheless. As security researchers, we are therefore
obliged to develop our systems, not only with the basic concept in mind, but
with a broader view that also considers the users who actually have to deal
with it. Several of these shortcomings are intertwined with sociological and
psychological aspects, calling for interdisciplinary research to create usable

11 The Botnet that Would not Die

inked through malware, botnets are cyber infrastructures consisting

L of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of hosts that are all under

the control of criminals. Botnets are responsible for most of the illegal
activities on the Internet today: spam, denial of service attacks, theft of sensitive
information (passwords, banking details and intellectual property), and spread
of further malware. Moreover, botnets are the workhorses in high-profile
incidents such as the state-sponsored Stuxnet attack on the uranium enrichment
facility in Iran.
Despite the alarmist headlines in the popular press (sometimes echoed
by researchers) about the highly advanced botnets that supposedly threaten
the very Internet itselfand everything connected to itso far it has been
relatively simple to take them down.
This is about to change.

11.1 What Is the Problem?

In this chapter, we will argue that botnets are becoming so resilient that very
soon, they cannot be taken down using conventional means (e.g., using a
sinkhole, or taking down a few servers). In all probability, the only realistic
way to take down such botnets will be to resort to what is known as hacking
back: abusing vulnerabilities in the malware to compromise the botnet from
the inside out. However, as doing so involves actively executing code on other
peoples machine (a criminal offense in most countries), this is something for
which our legal system is not at all prepared. It is also hugely unpopular.
In this chapter, we will describe the trends towards more resilience in
modern botnets. Moreover, we will back up our arguments with data from real
botnetsto convince the reader we are not yet another group of researchers
crying wolf.

11.1.1 P2P Botnets

The most common type of architecture for existing botnets is still based on a
central Command-and-Control (C&C) server. Consequently, these C&C servers
11. The Botnet that Would not Die

Sality v3
Sality v4
ZeroAccess v1
ZeroAccess v2
Kelihos v1
Kelihos v2
Kelihos v3 abandoned
Miner active

Jan 2006 Jan 2007 Jan 2008 Jan 2009 Jan 2010 Jan 2011 Jan 2012

Figure 11.1: Lifetimes of botnet variants. Note that Sality has been up since

have received much attention from security researchers and law enforcement
in takedown attempts [157, 363]. In response, botnet controllers (botmasters)
have designed and implemented new architectures to make their botnets more
resilient. Some botnets use fast-flux DNS, which relies on a large pool of
IPs belonging to compromised systems to mask out the actual address of an
attacker-controlled mothership that delivers malicious content or runs scam
campaigns [296, 309].
In addition, attackers have implemented domain generation algorithms
(DGAs) to generate pseudo-random domain names used for C&C dynamically
(e.g., depending on seed values such as the current date/time and Twitter
trends) [85]. For instance, the Zeus DGA currently generates a thousand
domains a day.
However resilient such botnets have become, they have not stopped security
researchers and law enforcement from taking them down. This is not the case
for a new breed of botnets, based on peer-to-peer (P2P) technology, that appear
to have been designed with resilience in mind.
In a P2P botnet, bots connect to other bots to exchange C&C traffic, elim-
inating the need for centralized servers. As a result, P2P botnets cannot be
disrupted using the traditional approach of attacking critical centralized infras-
tructure. Figure 11.1 shows the lifespans of twelve different botnets based on
P2P technology. Observe that ZeroAccess has been up since 2009. Incredibly,
the Sality botnet which counts about a million nodes has been operational
since 2007. In 2007, George W. Bush was still in the White House, nobody had
heard about Stuxnet, and Nokia still reigned supreme in the mobile phone
To be sure, researchers did manage to take down several P2P botnets in
the past. The Storm and Waledac botnets were probably the most famous of
these [211, 362]. Thus, P2P by itself does not provide resilience. The point is
that modern botnets explicitly incorporate resilience in their design, with fall-
back C&C channels (often based on DGA recovery), heavy encryption, signed

11.1. What Is the Problem?

messages, slow peerlist exchanges, and reputation-based peer replacement.

Moreover, unlike earlier P2P botnets like Storm and Waledac, almost all new
P2P botnets use an unstructured P2P infrastructurewhich turns out to be
much harder to take down.

11.1.2 Resilience
We will distinguish between different kinds of resilience for P2P networks:

Intelligence gathering resilience: For many attacks on (and mitigation tech-

niques for) P2P botnets, we need to find out who is infected and perhaps
even the topology of the P2P network.
Modern botnets are made resilient against intelligence gathering for
instance by keeping most bots behind NATs and firewalls (making them
impossible to crawl), not using explicit identifiers (making it impossible
to estimate the exact number of infected machines, as IP addresses are
both reused and renewed), not exchanging peers frequently and not
exchanging many peers to begin with (making crawling very slow), etc.
All these techniques are employed even today by botnets like Sality and
Zeus. For instance, Sality bots exchange peers once every 40 minutes
and Zeus every 30 minutes. Moreover, Sality exchanges only a single
peer at a time. A future botnet may be slower still. If you are too slow in
mapping out the bots, the churn in the P2P network will have made your
numbers obsolete almost immediately. This limits the measures that you
can take based on these numbers. For instance, placing many peers in
quarantine unnecessarily will probably not be acceptable.
Disruption resilience: well-known attacks to disrupt P2P botnets include
sinkholing (where all bots are redirected to an attacker-controlled machine
called a sinkhole), and command poisoning (where we distribute spoofed
commands to other bots and/or transmit invalid messages). A simple
measure against command poisoning is to protect the command using
signatures and nonces (e.g., Kelihos and Sality v4 use RSA2048, while
ZeroAccess uses RSA1024). Typically, encryption is used to prevent them
from being visible in the network.
Moreover, to sinkhole an unstructured P2P botnet, it is crucial that we are
able to poison other peers peer lists. Modern botnets spend considerable
effort to prevent this. For instance, by not exchanging many peers (e.g.,
Sality exchanges only one peer at a time), not replacing peers with a high
reputation (Sality), replacing peers in a non-predictable manner (e.g.,
Sality picks peers at random, rather than recent ones, like Kelihos and
Nugache, or peers that are close like Zeus and Storm), by providing a
backup C&C channels (such as Zeuss DGA-based channel, or Kelihos

11. The Botnet that Would not Die

fast-flux channel), and by occasionally cleaning up the peer-list through

the backup channel (Zeus). Several modern, unstructured P2P botnets
are no longer susceptible against Sybil and Eclipse attacks.

To make matters even worse, advanced bot software like Zeus is extremely
stealthy. The probability of an AV scanner detecting the malware is not very
high. Given the wealth of resilience measures already available in active
botnets, and the incredibly long lifespans of some of these infrastructures, we
anticipate that very soon, there will be botnets that we cannot take down using
sinkholing, that will be extremely hard to crawl or measure (by the time you
have charted a significant percentage of the botnet, the churn will have made
your numbers obsolete), and that are not susceptible to spoofed commands.

11.2 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

The consequences of botnets that cannot be taken down within the boundaries
of the law (without breaking into other peoples machines), and that cannot
even be easily mapped will affect all users. Unless we adopt other, more drastic
means, to disrupt the botnet, we will have to take into account a permanent
malicious infrastructure.
The botnets can be active continuously or lie dormant until they receive an
activation signal. The lifespan of the malicious software is measured in years,
even today. There is no indication that this will change.
While individual infected computers will be cleaned, the infrastructure
itself will remain intact.

11.3 What Is Expected to Happen?

The beauty of a botnet, from the perspective of a cybercriminal, is that it is so
versatile. It can be turned into any kind of cyber weapon: to steal, to disrupt,
to damage, to extort, and even (in the case of Stuxnet) to physically destroy.
The primary and most immediate consequences are and will be financial.
Every month, the banking sector in several EU member states is losing tens
of millions of euros and the money lost in cleaning up infected machines is
likewise significant. The most prominent banking trojan today is the highly
resilient P2P Zeus. This botnet has been operational for almost two years now
and has so far withstood all attempts to take it down.
Other predictable consequences include password stealing, denial of service
attacks, ransomware, etc. However, there is no saying what other uses will be
found for these malicious infrastructures.

11.4. What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

11.4 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

Botnets can be used to manipulate critical elements of the economy, such as
the stock market, with possibly dire consequences. Moreover, they represent
a constant threat to other (and practically all) infrastructures in advanced
nations. For instance, they may provide hostile elements with a way to disrupt
a societys infrastructure in unprecedented wayse.g., in case of conflict. In
principle, massive loss of life is possible, but not likely.

11.5 State of the Art

One of the most relevant studies to date is the analysis of P2P botnets by
Rossow et al. [337]. In this paper, the researchers analyze specifically the
resilience of modern P2P botnets against various kinds of attack. Moreover,
they provide a formal model to describe both the botnets and the attacks.
We have discussed the resilience of several current and past P2P botnets.
For a full discussion of each of the botnets, we refer the interested reader to
malware analysis reports [113, 116, 175, 251, 276, 351, 400]. We have used results
from these works to aid our manual code analyses, although in most cases the
P2P resilience was yet undocumented.
As noted earlier, a few examples of enumeration and takedown operations
against past P2P botnets exist. For instance, Holz et al. performed an early
crawl of the Storm botnet, and also discussed some general resilience aspects
of structured P2P botnets [211]. The sinkholing results of Stock et al. against
Waledac represent the first successful attack against an unstructured P2P
botnet [362]. Sinclair et al. have described the vulnerabilities of Waledac in
detail [351]. The attacks against previous variants of Kelihos are also examples
of recent sinkholing successes against unstructured P2P botnets [397].
The problem of crawling P2P botnets was first addressed by Kanich et al.,
based on lessons learned while crawling the Storm botnet [229]. An alternative
concept to enumerate infected hosts (included NATed hosts) in structured
P2P botnets was proposed by Kang et al. [228]. Their method involves the
introduction of many fake nodes (sensors) into the target structured botnet.
These sensors find infected hosts by monitoring search requests from bots
looking for commands.
In several previous works, graph models have been used to describe net-
work structures. Holme et al. used graph models to study the response of
complex networks to several attacks [210]. The first application of random
graphs, small world structures, and scale-free networks in the context of bot-
nets was given by Dagon et al. [144]. Davis et al. used graph simulations to
analyze the impact of bot disinfections on the communication effectiveness
of P2P botnets [147]. Recently Yen and Reiter discussed the role of assorta-

11. The Botnet that Would not Die

tive mixing in P2P botnets and its consequences for network resilience and
recovery [409].
To establish an idea of the threats we may expect from future P2P botnets,
several researchers have designed their own theoretical highly resilient P2P
botnets [213, 295, 360, 403, 404]. We are currently not aware of any existing P2P
botnets based on ideas from these academic proposals.

11.6 Research Gaps

We envision Research in the area along the following dimensions:

11.6.1 Prudent Counter-attacks

Assuming the old ways no longer work in taking down botnets, what are the
new ways? Can we alert users that they may be infected without becoming
too intrusive? Are there safe ways to penetrate other peoples computers and
remove infections? This direction of research is not very popular today, as it
represents what are known as offensive techniques. Most research departments
eschew such research. We believe that we need a better understanding of what
the options are.

11.6.2 Legislation
Currently, most countries lack a legal framework for dealing with these new
advanced botnets. We have no guidelines as to how and when we can take
more invasive measures against resilient malicious infrastructures. Nor is there
clarity as to who should do it. And there is even less clarity when it comes to
striking back at machines that are located in other countries (assuming you
can even tell). We need research into the desirability of such measures, the
boundaries for such measures, etc.

11.7 Example Problems

Tangible example problems might include:

Legal boundaries for hacking back. Can we provide clear and intelligible
legislation that clarifies under what circumstances the government is
allowed to strike back at botnets? Which computers is it allowed to
attackjust the ones in its own country or may borders be crossed if
need be (and if so, under what circumstances)?

Poisoned fruit. Rather than taking the P2P botnets down, can we disrupt their
efficiency sufficiently to make them less interesting for attackers? For
instance, can we inject an overwhelming amount of fake data, so that it
becomes hard for the bot masters to extract the useful information?

12 Malware

ost users and administrators of computer systems configure their

M devices by installing software of their choice according to their

needs. Often, however, not all software running on a device is vetted
by its owner. Malware, short for malicious software, is an umbrella term
referring to software that gets installed and operates against a users will,
usually for the benefit of a third party. Categorized depending on properties
such as the malwares infection and propagation strategy, stealthiness, and
purpose, common types of malware include viruses, worms, spyware, rootkits,
keyloggers, backdoors, trojans, ransomware, and others [368].
Viruses usually infect executable files or documents, and require some form
of human intervention in order to spread, such as plugging in an infected USB
flash drive (or, in older times, inserting a diskette), being tricked into clicking
on a malicious URL or attachment, or intentionally installing a malicious
program disguised as (or contained in) a legitimate-looking application. In
contrast, worms are autonomous, self-replicating programs that spread across
the network by exploiting defects in widely-used software running on victim
hosts. Other types of malware can be installed as a result of direct unauthorized
access to a computing device, manual intrusions (often involving some form
of social engineering), or automated exploitation by malicious websites or
Historically, early viruses and worms were usually the outcome of exper-
imentation and curiosity. Most of them were harmless, although they often
unintentionally resulted in significant service disruption [165]. Fast forward
a couple of decades, when organized cybercriminals develop sophisticated
malware with the aim of illegal financial gain, while governments employ
malware for gathering intelligence or even tactical operations (as was the case
with the Stuxnet worm, discussed in Section 6.3).

12.1 What Is the Problem?

The rise in the number of malware variants continues at a steady pace. Indica-
tively, McAfee reports a growth in the number of new malware samples of
about 812 million per quarter for 2012, while as of April 2013 they have more
12. Malware

than 128 million malware samples in their database [73]. Symantec reports
that in 2012, one in 291 emails contained some form of malware [75].
At the same time, the increasing professionalism of cyber criminals makes
defending against sophisticated malware increasingly hard. Once sophisticated
tricks of the most skilled virus authors, advanced evasion techniques like code
obfuscation, packing, and polymorphism are now the norm in most instances
of malicious code. Using polymorphism, the malware is mutated so that each
instance acquires a unique byte pattern, thereby making signature extraction
for the whole breed infeasible. As the number of new vulnerabilities and
malware variants grows at a frantic pace, detection approaches based on
threat signatures, which are employed by most virus scanners and intrusion
detection systems, cannot cope with the vast number of new malicious code
variants [302].

12.2 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

Any computing device of sufficient capabilities can potentially be infected
by malware. Besides personal computers and servers, the traditional targets
of malware, mobile phones and tablets have recently started being plagued
by malicious applications. Indicatively, McAfee reports that the growth in
the number of mobile malware threats almost doubles every quarter, with
95% of the total number of samples in their database arriving in 2012 [73].
Computers and mobile devices, however, are not the only target. Malware
can infect routers [141], phones [139], printers [140], gaming consoles [236],
cars [123], and essentially any programmable computing device. As discussed
in Chapter 6, industrial systems are often exposed to various threats, including
malware infection, while malware managed to creep even into the International
Space Station [64].

12.3 What Is Expected to Happen?

Practice has shown that malware authors continually try to devise new ways of
evading existing detection systems, improve the stealthiness of their malicious
code, and expand their reach to as many systems as possible. This is evident in
several recent trends, including the proliferation of signed malware, server-side
polymorphism, and the significant increase in the number of malware samples
for mobile devices and typically less-targeted operating systems, such as Mac
OS X [73].
Malware that has been digitally signed using a trusted certificate is capable
of infecting even systems with strict configurations that allow the installation
of software only from trusted sources. In recent incidents, malware authors
managed to steal digital certificates from reputable software companies, which
they then used to sign their malware binaries. Server-side polymorphism is

12.4. What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

another recent technique that malware authors employ to render signature-

based antivirus protection ineffective. By dynamically generating a different
instance of the malware binary at the server, each victim is infected by a unique
version of the malware that is unlikely to be encountered in the future. By
hiding the logic of the polymorphic engine at the server, malware analysts
have also a harder time identifying common patterns that could be used for de-
tection. Other techniques used for hindering analysis and detection including
anti-debugging tricks, VM detection, dormant functionality triggered by time
or other events, memory-resident code, and advanced code obfuscation and
metamorphism, are also expected to be used increasingly in future malware

12.4 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

Depending on the authors intent, malware can potentially have devastating
consequences. Typically, upon infection, malware attempts to steal every
bit of private information from the victims device, including credit card
numbers, personal files, and access credentials to web-banking, web-mail, or
social networking websites. Infected computers also usually become bots
in the attackers network of compromised hosts. The threat of such botnets
is extensively discussed in Chapter 11. Such networks of infected computers
are essentially the infrastructure that allows cybercriminals to conduct a wide
range of illegal activities, such as sending spam e-mails, launching denial of
service attacks, hosting web sites for phishing, seeding malware, or publishing
illegal material, and naturally, for probing and compromising other hosts.
A worrisome prospect is the rise of ransomware [75], which encrypts
important user documents or even locks the users computer completely. To
restore their files, users are asked to pay a ransom, in return for the decryption
key. Depending on the malwares sophistication and the type of encryption
used, cracking the encryption through other means can be infeasible. If the
motive is not financial, catastrophic malware can irreversibly erase data (even
backup files, if those are reachable through the same internal network), and
destroy crucial system components, such as the BIOS or other device firmware,
causing severe damage.

12.5 State of the Art

In parallel with the development of cybercrime into a large underground
economy driven by financial gain, malicious software has changed deeply.
Originally, malicious software was mostly simple self-propagating code crafted
primarily in low-level languages and with limited code reuse. Today, malicious
software has turned into an industry that provides the tools that cybercrim-
inals use to run their business [335]. Like legitimate software, malware is

12. Malware

equipped with auto-update functionality that allows malware operators to de-

ploy arbitrary code to the infected hosts. New malware versions are frequently
developed and deployed; Panda Labs observed 73,000 new malware samples
per day in 2011 [67]. Clearly, the majority of these samples are not really
new software but rather repacks or incremental updates of previous malware.
Malware authors update their code in an endless arms race against security
countermeasures such as anti-virus engines and spam filters. Furthermore, to
succeed in a crowded, competitive market they innovate, refining the malware
to better support cybercriminals modus operandi or to find new ways to profit
at the expense of their victims. Understanding how malware is updated over
time by its authors is thus an interesting and challenging research problem
with practical applications. Previous work has focused on constructing the
phylogeny of malware [208, 230]. However, quantifying the differences be-
tween versions can provide an indication of the development effort behind this
industry, over the observation period. To provide deeper insight into malicious
software and its development, one needs to go a step further and identify how
the changes between malware versions relate to the functionality of the mal-
ware. This is the main challenge in todays research. By utilizing techniques
that combine dynamic and static code analysis to identify the component of a
malware binary that is responsible for each behavior observed in a malware
execution, the evolution of each component across malware versions can be
measured. By comparing subsequent malware versions, code that is shared
with previous versions and code that was added or removed can be identified.
From the system-level activity, high-level behavior, such as downloading and
executing a binary or harvesting email addresses, can be inferred. Aside from
refining existing malware and introducing new techniques to evolve it, a certain
trend towards propagating malware to new platforms is certainly apparent.
However, to date, Windows systems are still the main target of malware attacks.
Even so, samples have started to trickle down to other operating systems, such
as Android or Mac OS. Given the growth of these markets, more sophisticated
forms of malicious code can be expected in the near future.

12.6 Research Gaps

The increasing sophistication of malware has exposed limitations in existing
virus scanners and malware detectors. Signature-based approaches cannot
keep up with malware variants that employ packing and polymorphism, ne-
cessitating more advanced malicious code scanning and analysis techniques.
Approaches based on runtime behavioral profiling and detection are a promis-
ing step, and behavioral heuristics are supported to some extent by current
antivirus systems, but usually come as extra features not enabled by default
due to their increased runtime overhead and proneness to false alarms. Al-

12.7. Example Problems

ternative software distribution schemes based on whitelisting or strict vetting,

such as the one followed by Apples App Store, reduce the chances of infection,
but also limit the options of users to only those programs that have been
vetted. Attackers that manage to slip through the vetting process or even steal
clean developer keys may have increased potential for successful malware
Automated malware analysis systems face significant challenges due to the
increasing rate of new samples that must be analyzed on a daily basis, and
the need for more complex analysis for non-trivial samples. Given a certain
malware analysis infrastructure, more samples must be processed in a time unit
and more cycles must be spent per sample. Factors that drive up the analysis
cost include stealthy malware that uses polymorphism and metamorphism,
anti-debugging and VM-detection techniques, dormant functionality, and
environment-dependent malware.

12.7 Example Problems

Problems caused by malware are extremely common. In fact, most of todays
attack scenarios involve some sort of malware as an enabler. Some examples

Botnets. They are probably the best example of how malware is used for
monetary gain. Botnets rely solely on unsolicited installations of mali-
cious programs on ordinary computers to function. Other than targeted
attacks, they aim at infecting ordinary users, who often may not know
how to secure their systems properly. Chapter 11 provides detailed infor-
mation about a Botnets modus operandi. The basic enabler for such an
installation, however, is still Windows-based malware.

Platform independence. Today, malware is still almost exclusively targeted at

Microsoft Windows operating systems. With the biggest market share,
these systems are more widely distributed and, therefore, more valuable.
Although mobile malware and malware for other operating systems,
such as Mac OS or Linux, is definitely on the rise, widespread attacks
on these platforms have not yet had an impact on the general public
even though infections are often transmitted via Browser exploits or
drive-by-downloads, methods that are platform independent.

(In)secure design. The most important problem, however, is the impossibility

to design completely secure systems. As a result, there will always be an
arms race between systems developers and miscreants that try to infect
them with malware. There is, however, a noticeable shift in responsi-
bilities. While open, general-purpose operating systems like Windows,
Linux or Mac OS are ultimately the responsibility of the users themselves,

12. Malware

the introduction of App stores alleviates some of this responsibility.

While they may restrict parts of the operating systems functionality,
their positive effect is undeniable. With app stores, large companies can
investigate applications before releasing them publicly [260, 417]. The
result is a more secure environment which is less prone to be infected by
malware than their open counterparts.

These examples represent just a quick glance at problems connected to malware.

It is safe to assume that malware will play an important role in future operating
systems. Still, research and companies are pointing in the right direction. They
are constantly devising new methods to avert, or at least contain large malware

13 Social Engineering and Phishing

o one should underestimate the impact that the human factor has

N on security. Any chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and that
is also the case with computer security. Consequently, adversaries
often employ various techniques of social engineering to bypass or break
security mechanisms by manipulating users. An accurate description of social
engineering has been given by Kevin Mitnick [1], arguably among the most
famous figures in this context:

Social engineering is using manipulation, influence and deception

to get a person, a trusted insider within an organization, to comply
with a request, and the request is usually to release information or
to perform some sort of action item that benefits that attacker.

13.1 What Is the Problem?

Social Engineering is not limited to people within an organization. It is also
employed against end users in various attack scenarios such as personalized
spam and phishing campaigns. The term phishing was coined in 1996,
when attackers used to refer to a compromised account as phish. At that
time, phishers used to trade compromised accounts as a form of electronic
currency. Today, phishing has evolved into a more sophisticated threat, with
many targets. A typical phishing attack usually entails the adversary posing as
someone the user trusts (e.g., a friend, a boss, an administrator, a web service)
and requiring them to divulge some information (e.g., a password) or complete
an action (e.g. click on a link).
Lots of recent incidents highlight the effectiveness of social engineering
attacks. Accordingly, the findings of this years RSA advanced persistent threat
(APT) summit [339] designate social engineering as the number-one threat
vector. Interestingly, social engineering is also the main infection mechanism
used by Android malware writers to infect new devices: indeed, as detailed
in Chapter 8, the Android security model isolates application processes so
that applications cannot interfere with each other. As a result, classic infection
mechanisms (e.g., drive-by download, memory corruption, code injection)
13. Social Engineering and Phishing

are no longer effective. Therefore, the malware authors must resort to social-
engineering-based techniques for persuading victims to install legitimate-
looking applications that hide malicious functionalities.

13.2 Who Is Going to Be Affected?

Most Internet users have come across cases of social engineering, such as
in cases of spam emails originating from friends email addresses [365] that
have been compromised. In other cases, the emails originate from different
addresses and just masquerade as having been sent by a friend. In both
cases, the attackers goal is to exploit the implicit trust users show toward
communication from their online contacts.
Nowadays, with the seemingly universal adoption of online social networks,
and the abundance of personal information released, users are unwillingly
and unknowingly aiding attackers in launching social engineering attacks.
Thus, users of such social services are bound to become the main target of
personalized spam campaigns, that incorporate user information in order to
appear more convincing.
Furthermore, the explosive increase of mobile devices with Internet con-
nectivity (i.e., smartphones) is slowly shifting the focus of malware authors to
these devices. Smartphones combine telephone devices capable of dialing-in
(i.e., have a built-in billing system), with a sophisticated environment capable
of executing arbitrary code and, at the same time, offer a full-featured browser
access to the Internet. Therefore, smartphones present a large attack surface as
their users visit arbitrary sites on the web.
Attacks against high-value assets have been seen and are expected to
become even more prominent, as activists resort to digital media for furthering
political schemes [269], protesting against lawmaking and opposing oppressive
regimes [84].
Chapter 6 of the SysSec Deliverable D7.1: Review of the State-of-the-Art in
Cyberattacks [373] discusses the state of the art in social-network- and social-
engineering-based attacks.

13.3 What Is Expected to Happen?

While the typical phishing activities via email and online social networks
will continue to affect Internet users, social engineering is also expected to
increase in various areas (most notably, by targeting mobile devices), and in its
sophistication and scale (e.g., thanks to automation techniques).
Regarding mobile devices, as detailed in Chapter 8, Androids security
design enforces that each installed application must run with a distinct user
account. As a consequence, each application process has its own, isolated
(virtual) memory space. Albeit simple, this security mechanism prevents a

13.3. What Is Expected to Happen?

(vulnerable) application (e.g., a browser) running within a certain process

space, from being exploited to execute malicious code. In this security model,
the role of social engineering and phishing becomes paramount, because the
attacker model changes completely: the attacker is able to compromise a device
only by managing to have a malicious application executed with the correct
privileges. In the last 2 years, we have indeed witnessed numerous cases of
mobile malware campaigns (see also Chapter 8), in which users were fooled
using classic social-engineering techniques (e.g., email attachments, malicious
applications disguised as legitimate software through official and unofficial
marketplaces). In this evolving computing landscape, where powerful, ex-
pensive hosts shared by many users are giving way to powerful, inexpensive
devices owned by a single user, we expect that social engineering techniques
will be utilized more than in the past.
Given the prevalence of portable computers and mobile phones, the of-
fenders have also been exploiting the voice channel in phishing campaigns.
Although classic, this luring scheme has recently been gaining more atten-
tion [135, 264, 266]. Typically, the phishers contact their victims, via live tele-
phone calls, automated responders, or SMS [148], and attempt to trick them
into revealing sensitive information, performing some action (e.g., to unlock
or repair their computers), or placing a payment for some expired (bogus)
insurance. Albeit simple, this attack scheme is effective where other means fail:
indeed, a live conversation enhances the effectiveness of social engineering
techniques significantly. This does not happen normally with e-mailing be-
cause the e-mails have to be read, which decreases the chances of the attackers
successfully luring the victims. A recent study also noticed a variation of
this scheme, which is arguably more effective, where victims are lured into
contacting the phishers through telephone numbers spread via social networks
messaging systems (e.g., Twitter [164]).
Another interesting, yet dangerous, expected scenario is the significant
spread of attacks that affect mobile payment and banking systems. In these
systems, the mobile device, and thus its owner, becomes a much more sensitive
target than in the classic PC-based banking operations. First, the usability
of mobile apps guarantees a larger user base of payment systems. Second,
trojans were among the first type of malicious software to be ported to mobile
platforms, including ZitMo and SpitMo [120] (i.e., variants of ZeuS and SpyEye
for Android). Notably, this scenario also creates complex attack venues such
as the case were mobile devices are used as authorization tokens for financial
transactions initiated from, for instance, a traditional web application.
In conclusion, what we expect is a less steeply increasing trend in traditional,
email-based phishing than in the past. Traditional phishing will arguably
give ground to heterogeneous (e.g., voice, social networks, SMS) phishing
campaigns where social engineering will play a significant role, also thanks

13. Social Engineering and Phishing

to automated social engineering mechanisms [218] that employ smart bots

to generate legitimate-looking text-based interactions (e.g., Facebook chat
sessions). We can argue that this increased sophistication will culminate in
personalized yet large-scale spear phishing attacks, where the attackers will be
able to gather intelligence information about potentially any (social network)
user, so as to generate tailored, realistic phishing messages [222, 294].
Thanks to the amplification effect ensured by the massive user base of
todays social networks, future phishing attacks will probably have a large,
real-world impact, while retaining the effectiveness and the power of targeted
attacks. An interesting example of such an impact was the tremendous drop in
stock values due to a news agencys compromised Twitter account, being used
to publish a false story about the White House being bombed [131]. Although
stocks recovered fast, this case showed the potential implications. Reports
estimated that the three-minute plunge briefly wiped out $136.5 billion of the
indexs value [370].

13.4 What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

Depending on the target, the threat of phishing attacks extends from economic
loss, to matters of national security. Several cases of targeted phishing incidents
have been reported in the news, with targets including staff employed in critical
infrastructure, political figures, military personnel, and common users. As
Internet connectivity becomes more prevalent, and more people and services
are connected, such attacks are bound to expand and evolve, ranging from
economic fraud to organized acts of terror. From cyber-espionage to hostile
attacks, all facilitated by social engineering and phishing techniques, the
imminent threat at a global scale stresses the need for security researchers
to tackle this unresolved problem. To demonstrate the potential impact of
such attacks, we refer to recent incidents involving various types of attacks, all
incorporating some aspect of social engineering or phishing.
Cases of mobile malware deploying phishing campaigns have already
been reported and the potential impact on end users, in terms of stolen
money, is very alarming. Eurograbber has infected over 30,000 users across
Europe and targets e-banking services. Initially, the victims computer is
infected. During the next access to a banking website, the user is tricked into
downloading a virus onto his mobile device as well. After the infection is
complete, the attackers are able to intercept the security tokens sent as part
of two-factor authentication schemes employed by web banking sites, and
authorize transactions that remove money from the victims account. Articles
reported over $47 million being stolen [226], however future attacks that target
banks all over the world could result in losses on a much larger scale.

13.4. What Is the Worst That Can Happen?

Early in 2012, the most senior military commander of NATO was the victim
of an impersonation attack. Attackers created a fake Facebook account with
his name, hoping to trick people close to him into divulging personal details
or sensitive information [200]. While this threat was prevented, in the future,
more elaborate attacks can result in malicious individuals gaining access to
critical information. Furthermore, recent reports [37] revealed that during the
2008 USA presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and John McCain, hackers
employing phishing techniques were able to gain access to emails and a range
of campaign files, from policy position papers to travel plans. As reported
by CNN [10], during a security summit US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
attributed this cyber-attack to the Government of China.

Several real-world examples demonstrate the potential impact of targeted

attacks against critical infrastructure. A prominent example is that of Stuxnet,
a highly sophisticated piece of malware designed to only target Siemens super-
visory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that control and monitor
industrial processes. Specifically, it targeted Irans nuclear facilities. Reports
speculate that the infections occurred through contaminated USB sticks [30]
deliberately left to be found by engineers that worked in these facilities. This
social engineering technique known as baiting, can assist attackers in bypass-
ing firewalls or, as in this case, gain access to internal networks that are not
accessible otherwise. According to the New York Times [38], specialists have
attributed the development of this attack to government agencies, namely
the USA and Israel, which has also been suggested by the official press of
the Iranian government [39]. These cases indicate the effectiveness of social
engineering and phishing, as they are even employed by government agencies.
Stuxnet targeted uranium enrichment facilities and proved to be successful in
shutting some down. What will happen when attackers start targeting facilities
that control nuclear warheads?

In another case with potential devastating effects, at least two power dis-
tribution companies were the target of social engineering attacks [214]. The
companies were called by an individual posing as a representative of a large
software company, warning them that their computer had been infected by
viruses and requesting them to run certain, potentially vulnerable, services.
Luckily, the transmission managers identified the social engineering attacks
and did not comply. However, this does not mean that such an attack will
not succeed in the future, and one can only imagine the damage that could be
caused by malicious adversaries gaining access to such a critical infrastructure
as that of a power distribution company.

13. Social Engineering and Phishing

13.5 State of the Art

Dhamijas [154] is among the most cited works regarding phishing. Although
dating back to 2006, this research was the first that provided empirical evidence
about the reasons why phishing attacks work: by analyzing the (ineffectiveness
of) standard security indicators, the paper corroborates with objective findings
the anecdotal (true) belief that phishing and social engineering work because
of the scarce security education of the typical users. Albeit simple, this concept
is still the foundation of todays social-engineering-based attacks. Three years
later, Bilge et al. in [104] showed that, once an attacker has managed to
infiltrate a victims online social circle, the victim will trust the attacker and
blindly follow any link they post, regardless of whether the victim knows the
attacker in real life. Throughout the years, phishing and social engineering
have evolved to find new ways to exploit trust relationships between human
subjects, or between a human subject and an institution or website. A recent
example is the abuse of short URLs [265] (e.g.,,, to which
users have grown accustomed thanks to Twitter, to spread phishing and other
malicious resources on social networks and email campaigns. Unfortunately,
many years later, security warnings, which are supposed to help inexperienced
users to distinguish between trustworthy and non-trustworthy websites or
resources, are still of debatable effectiveness [79].

Effective, personalized phishing and social-engineering-based attacks has

been considered a small-scale threat, because collecting sufficient information
and launching tailored attacks require time and manual effort. However
Balduzzi et al. [92] and Polakis et al. [317] both demonstrated how online social
networks can be used as oracles, for mapping users email addresses to their
Facebook profiles. Thus, using the information contained in the profiles, one
could construct very convincing personalized spam emails. Furthermore, the
authors have shown [109] that automated social engineering in social networks
is feasible. They introduce the concept of socialbots, automated programs that
mimic real online social network users with the goal of infiltrating a victims
social circle. They operated their proof-of-concept socialbot on Facebook for
eight weeks and showed that current online social networks can be infiltrated
with a success rate of up to 80%. Additionally, they show that, depending
on users privacy settings, an infiltration can result in privacy breaches with
more users involved. Other work in the past tackled the threat of automated
social engineering on social networks. Notably, Irani et al. [218] measured
the feasibility of attracting victims using honey profiles, to eventually lure
them into clicking on some malicious link. This passive social engineering
approach turned out to be effective and once again showed that humans are
often the weakest security link.

13.5. State of the Art

Scammers operating in online social networks have been analyzed by

Stringhini et al. [364], where the authors observed that the scammers social
network usage patterns are distinctive because of their malicious behavior. This
allowed them to design a system to profile and detect likely-malicious accounts
with high confidence. In their work, the authors collaborated with Twitter and
detected and deleted 15,857 spamming accounts. Three years later, Egele et
al. [164] improved previous approaches to adapt them to the new techniques
used by the attackers. Indeed, while in the past most of the scamming activity
in online social networks used to be carried out through the creation of bogus
accounts created, modern scammers have realized that compromising legiti-
mate, real accounts makes their phishing and social engineering activities even
more reliable. Egeles approach copes with this aspect using a combination of
statistical modeling and anomaly detection to identify accounts that exhibit
a sudden change in behavior. They tested their approach on a large-scale
dataset of more than 1.4 billion publicly-available Twitter messages and on a
dataset of 106 million Facebook messages. Their approach was able to identify
compromised accounts on both social networks.
Recently, Onarlioglu et al. [307] performed a large-scale measurement of
how real users deal with Internet attacks, including phishing and other social-
engineering-based threats. Their findings suggest that non-technical users can
often avert relatively simple threats very effectively, although they do so by
following their intuition, without actually perceiving the severity of the threat.
Another interesting, yet unsurprising, finding is that trick banners that are
common in file sharing websites and shortened URLs have high success rates of
deceiving non-technical users, thus posing a severe security risk. Non-technical
users, and in particular elderly users, have also been targeted through less-
sophisticated yet effective means: the so-called vishing (i.e., voice phishing)
is the practice of defrauding users through telephone calls. We cannot identify
when vishing first appeared (probably back in the phreaking era), neither can
we state that this threat has disappeared [3, 55]. Albeit not widespread, due
to its small scalability, vishing, also known as phone scam or 419 scam,
has received some attention from researchers. To make this a viable business,
modern scammers have begun to take advantage of the customers familiarity
with new technologies such as Internet-based telephony, text-messages [20],
and automated telephone services. The first detailed description of the vishing
phenomenon was by Ollmann [305], who provided brief, clear definitions of
the emerging *-ishing practices (e.g., smishing, vishing) and pointed out the
characteristics of the vishing attack vectors. Maggi [264] was the first to analyze
this phenomenon from user-provided reports of suspected vishing activity. The
majority of vishing activity registered was targeted against US phone users.
By analyzing the content of the transcribed phone conversations, the author
found that keywords such as credit and press (a key) or account are

13. Social Engineering and Phishing

fairly popular. Another interesting finding, which confirms anecdotal beliefs,

is that vishers often rely on interactive voice responders to automate their
calls. Recently, a study by Isacenkova et al. [219], based on a publicly available
dataset of 419 scams, showed that this type of phishing practices, which are
sometimes initiated via email, are on the rise. Interestingly, as suggested by
Maggi et al. [266] in the past, Isacenkova et al. also found that phone numbers
are the cornerstone that allows the different campaigns to be grouped together;
their experiments also show that it is possible to identify large groups of
scam campaigns probably run by the same criminal organizations. Suspicious
phone calls have also been put under the microscope of Fujitsu and Nagoya
University, which developed a proprietary technique for creating a model of a
scammers typical voice tone [34]; together with the extraction of keywords
characteristics of scams, Fujitsus system can detect suspicious situations of

13.6 Research Gaps

The effectiveness of social engineering and phishing attacks lies in the fact
that users are unsuspecting and tend to trust communication (seemingly)
originating from online contacts and sent through inherently compromisable
media (e.g., email, online social networks). Defending against such attacks
requires inter-disciplinary research in two orthogonal dimensions: (i) effective
methods for educating users about the attacks, providing them with the
basic skills for identifying them, and (ii) developing defense mechanisms for
automatically identifying phishing attempts.
A major challenge for both dimensions is the ever increasing spear phishing
attacks. From a technical aspect, they are deployed on a much smaller scale,
and are thus able to evade the existing infrastructure (e.g., spam-traps) that
collects samples for updating spam filters. From a user perspective, the content
is crafted to resemble a legitimate communication and includes information
and details that are very convincing, and can trick even careful users. Overall,
we expect that in the near future attackers will have incorporated and be
heavily dependent on social engineering techniques for delivering their attacks;
accordingly, researchers will also have to focus on implementing effective

13.7 Example Problems

Even though phishing and social engineering are a relatively cold topic from a
research perspective, these issues still lack effective solution. In this section
we provide three example research problems, which all revolve around the
idea of correlating phishing activities: the goal is to gain insights into how
cybercriminals use their resources to carry out phishing and related threats.

13.7. Example Problems

This will shed more light on their modus operandi and, hopefully, allow
researchers and practitioners to track them.

Intelligence-gathering malware and spear phishing: the prerequisite of spear

phishing is that the phisher has gathered enough intelligence to per-
sonalize the interaction with the victim, with the goal of increasing
the chances of the victim falling prey to the scam. On the one hand,
the miscreants are arguably collecting such intelligence information
manually; on the other hand, the abundance of data-stealing malware,
both for desktop and mobile platforms, raises the question of whether
this malicious software could be the main source of such information.
The answer to this question is arguably positive; however, the empiri-
cal evidence is lacking, especially if we want to answer more complex
questions such as to what extent can spear phishing be automated?
To answer this and related questions, an accurate data-collection and
correlation activity must be carried out.

Phishing and mobile malware infections: to bypass restrictions set by mo-

bile OS, attackers incorporate social engineering to trick users into in-
stalling applications. An in-depth study focusing on the correlation
between mobile infections and the techniques used to trick users into
installing malicious apps, can provide researchers with valuable informa-
tion that will lead to the implementation of monitoring components that
detect such malicious activities and prohibit users from completing them.
Apart from identifying the phishing techniques, these components can
draw inspiration from traditional anti-phishing defenses such as domain
blacklisting, and blacklisting malicious applications that have not been
removed from application markets.

Cross-channel phishing correlation: modern phishing is complex and often

involves several channels (e.g., email, IM, SMS, phone, online social
networks). A holistic approach is thus required to observe and mitigate
phishing more effectively. Based on an idea proposed in [266], we propose
to capture different aspects of phishing campaigns, with a particular focus
on the emerging use of the voice channel. The general approach is to
record inbound calls received on honey phone lines, place outbound
calls to the same caller identifiers (when available) and also to telephone
numbers obtained from different sources. These sources include, for
instance, phishing or scam instant messages, suspicious emails (e.g.,
spam, phishing). Extracted telephone numbers, URLs and popular words
can be correlated to recognize campaigns by means of cross-channel
relationships between messages.

14 Grand Challenges

ne of the most important functions of a Roadmap is the definition

O of a few Grand Challenge problems. These are meant to be used as

beacons that may enable longer-term research that should be valid
for the next decade. A meaningful long-lasting solution to these challenges
would probably require (i) significant technical work, (ii) interdisciplinary
collaboration, and (iii) possibly legal support as well.
The challenges which have been identified include:

14.1 No Device Should Be Compromisable

Develop the necessary hardware and software support to make it impossible for
attackers to compromise a computer or communication device for that matter,
including smartphones and tablets. This challenge may summon support from
policy or legal divisions as well.

14.2 Give Users Control Over Their Data

Provide the necessary mechanisms so that users

1. will be able to know which data they have created (such as text, photos,
videos, cookies, web requests, etc.),

2. will be able to know what data they have given to third parties (such as text,
photos, cookies, web requests, IP addresses, etc.)

3. will have the capability to refuse disclosure of some data (such as cookies
and IP addresses) and still expect a decent level of service,

4. will have the capability to delete their own data which they have created (both
from the local storage as well as from the cloud), and

5. will, under an appropriate legal framework, have the ability to ask past
recipients of their data to erase them as well.
14. Grand Challenges

14.3 Provide Private Moments in Public Places

Enable users to have private communication in the public areas of the cy-
berspace. Consider the following analogy: The fact that people are having
dinner in a public restaurant does not mean that their conversation could be
recorded by the manager of the restaurant, and later made available without
their explicit consent. Similarly, the fact that people are communicating in the
cyberspace does not imply that parts of their communication can be recorded
and used later through means outside their control. We propose to develop
mechanisms that will enable people to have a reasonable expectation of privacy
in what can be considered a public venue in the cyberspace.

14.4 Develop Compromise-Tolerant Systems

Provide adequate security levels even if components of the system have been
compromised. It is reasonable to expect that not all attacks will be detected
and successfully mitigated. Human errors, software errors, hardware errors,
and insufficient protection mechanisms will allow some attacks to go through
successfully. This implies that some systems, or components of systems will
be compromised, and this may go undetected for a long period of time. Given
such an environment, we should develop systems that will be able to provide
decent security guarantees even if some of their components are compromised.
Should a banks accounts be allowed to empty because a tellers computer has
been compromised? Should a cloud providers password file be out in the
open because an employees account has been compromised? Should a users
private life be out in the open because a friends account in a social network
has been compromised?
How shall we design systems that will be able to provide decent levels of
privacy and security given that some of their components have been compro-

Part II: Related Work
15 Cyber Security: A Crisis
of Prioritization

ushing the state of the art, Cyber Security: A Crisis of Prioritiza-

P tion is considered one of the seminal works in this area [100, 249].
Ordered by the US President and implemented by the Presidents Infor-
mation Technology Advisory Committee, the report suggested that Information
Technology Infrastructure is Critical, treated software as a major vulnera-
bility, suggested that current solutions (such as endless patching) are not
adequate, urged for the development of fundamentally new security models
and methods, and elevated Cyber Security to the level of National Importance.

15.1 Problems - Priorities Identified

The report outlined several Cyber Security Research Priorities, including:
Usable and Reliable Authentication. Although there exist a lot of
useful work on cryptographic protocols we need more research in usable
and large-scale authentication which at the same time would decouple
authentication from identification in order to address privacy issues.
Secure fundamental Internet protocols including BGP (Border Gate-
way Protocol) and DNS (Domain Name Service).
Secure software engineering and Software assurance. Research is
needed to develop secure programming languages and code that remains
secure even when executed in different environments.
Provide a holistic approach to System Security. That is, the security
of an integrated system is much more than just securing its individual
components. For example, we need ways to build secure systems both
from trusted and untrusted components.
Facilitate continuous Monitoring and Detection of malicious activities
and attacks, including Intrusion Detection, real-time data collection,
anomaly detection and appropriate data presentation that will allow
operators to better understand incidents in progress.
15. A Crisis of Prioritization

Develop Mitigation and Recovery methodologies, to respond to un-

foreseen events and recover from any resultant damage. This area in-
cludes rapid automated discovery of outages and attacks, new architec-
tures to enable rapid recovery, simplify systems to reduce human errors,
and provide fault tolerance and graceful degradation.

Improve Cyber Forensics to more effectively catch criminals and deter

criminal activities. To enable Law Enforcement Agencies to identify
criminal activities in Cyber Space, we need sophisticated Cyber Forensics
tools and mechanisms, such as traceback of network traffic to identify
origins of attacks, efficient search of massive data stores to identify stolen
information, and identifying attackers based on their behavior.

Model new technologies and provide TestBeds to experiment with

them. Such testbeds and methodologies should scale to millions of nodes,
should scale to very large amounts of data and should be designed in
such a way as to preserve the confidentiality of data.

Some scientific disciplines have developed universally acknowledged

metrics and benchmarks which enable researchers measure the effec-
tiveness of their approaches and provably compare their contribution to
the state of the art. In this spirit, we need to develop Security Metrics,
Benchmarks and Best Practices for the Cyber Security field as well.

15.2 Recommendations
The main recommendations of the Report include:
NSF budget in this area be increased by $90 million annually.

The PITAC recommends that the Federal government intensify its efforts
to promote recruitment and retention of cyber security researchers and
students at research universities, with a goal of at least doubling the size
of the civilian cyber security fundamental research community by the
end of the decade.

The PITAC recommends that the Federal government strengthen its

cyber security technology transfer partnership with the private sector.
Specifically, the Federal government should place greater emphasis on
the development of metrics, models, datasets, and testbeds so that new
products and best practices can be evaluated.

PITAC recommends that the Interagency Working Group on Critical

Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) become the focal point for
coordinating Federal cyber security R&D efforts.

16 Forward: Managing Threats in
ICT Infrastructures

Q uantifying the cyber security priorities in 2008 and 2009, the FOR-
WARD project (, supported by the Eu-
ropean Commission, established working groups to (i) discuss best
practices, progress and priorities, (ii) set the research agendas to be pursued in
Europe, and (iii) identify possible new research areas and threats that need to
be addressed.
The main result of the project, the FORWARD Whitebook [133], contained
detailed and concrete scenarios of how adversaries could exploit the emerging
threats identified by the FORWARD project working groups to carry out their
malicious actions. These scenarios illustrated future dangers and provided
arguments to policy makers that are needed to support research in critical

16.1 Research Directions Identified

The main research areas identified by FORWARD were grouped into several

Networking. This area includes (i) attacks against the infrastructure of

the Internet, such as against routers and routing algorithms, (ii) denial
of service attacks where strategic links or essential backbone nodes are
taken out of service, and (iii) wire-tapping attacks where the confiden-
tiality or integrity of traffic is compromised, both on wired and wireless
links. In addition to attacks against the Internet infrastructure, attacks
may also be directed against end devices including (i) denial of service
attacks against servers on the Internet, for example, by exploiting known
vulnerabilities in applications or systems, (ii) distributed denial of ser-
vice attacks, where the Internet infrastructure and the large number of
unprotected nodes on the Internet are used to drown selected sites in
traffic, and (iii) improper design or improper use of the services that the
Internet offers, for example, the design of mission-critical systems that
16. Forward

are accessible from the Internet and possibly in-turn also depend on its

Hardware and Virtualization. This is probably the lowest level in the

systems hierarchy where attackers may choose to operate. Although
these attacks are usually difficult to deploy, they can remain stealthy for
quite some time and thus be very effective. Such attacks may include (i)
malicious hardware, and (ii) attacks within the cloud.

Weak Devices. Capitalizing on their small size and power requirements,

such devices have recently enjoyed widespread deployment in the form
of lightweight sensors, and RFID. Their deployment in the wild, and their
mostly wireless communication abilities make them vulnerable to a wide
variety of attacks including (i) information snooping, (ii) inserting false
or misleading information, (iii) jamming radio channels, (iv) making
nodes run out of battery by never letting them sleep, (v) giving the
impression of phantom nodes that do not exist, (vi) giving the impression
of connectivity that does not exist, and (vii) making messages go through
an attacking node that can selectively drop messages from the system.
Mobile phones (and PDAs) also fall under this category of weak devices,
and can also be a target for attacks including (i) mobile malware, (ii)
eavesdropping, and (iii) DoS Attacks.

Complexity. Over the past years we have been building increasingly

complex systems which, by definition, are more prone to errors and
attacks. Since these systems are difficult, if not impossible, to accurately
model, they are challenging to test and may lead to several threats in-
cluding: (i) unforeseen cascading effects, (ii) large-scale deployment of
any attack, (iii) vulnerable system parts due to incomplete system main-
tenance, (iv) dormant functionality hidden in a program, and (v) race
conditions and bugs due to multi-threaded/parallel nature of applica-

Data Manipulation: more people, more data, more value. As more

people use the Internet, and as more organizations collect and store data
on-line, we are bound to see an increasing number of attacks against
(or based on) these data. The attacks may target several dimensions
including: (i) erosion of privacy due to ubiquitous sensors, (ii) false
sensor data due to fabrication or falsification, (iii) data leaked from social
networks, and (iv) data gathered from (or for) on-line games.

Attack Infrastructure. To launch large-scale attacks, several adversaries

develop and deploy distributed offensive platforms (such as botnets),
which serve as underground economy support structures serving (and

16.2. Recommendations

operating on) advanced malware designed to evade detection and resist


Human Factors. Humans are usually the weakest link in the security
of several systems. Either as insider threats, or as end users, they may
be the key element in the success of a cyber attack. Humans interact
with security in several aspects including (i) user interfaces, which clearly
convey a security (or lack thereof) to the user, (ii) insiders, who may
have the access mechanisms needed to compromise a system, (iii) social
engineering using all forms of communication, such as email, VoIP
phones, and Instant Messaging Systems, and (iv) targeted attacks to
individuals or groups of people.

Insufficient Security Requirements. Some systems, such as legacy sys-

tems (sometimes deployed even before the deployment of the commercial
Internet), may have security requirements which are not adequate for the
current time and scale.

16.2 Recommendations
The Report provided the following Recommendations:

Recommendation 1: The EC should stimulate efforts that carry out research

and development of techniques and systems (tools) for protecting against
emerging ICT threats. The priority areas are:

Protection of systems that are difficult to build, manage, and under-

stand due to their scale and complexity
Protection against malicious code (malware)
Protection against threats that compromise users privacy, particu-
larly those on online social networks

Recommendation 2: The EC should support ongoing efforts to monitor de-

velopments in the ICT threat landscape. The threat landscape often
changes rapidly and unpredictably as new technologies are deployed or
new attacks are discovered. One requires an established and prepared
entity to quickly react to these changes and assess the threat potential of
new developments.

Recommendation 3: The EC should support awareness initiatives and pro-

grams to educate its citizens about online threats and possible preventive
actions. The reason is that certain threats cannot be addressed by tech-
nical means alone. Instead, defenses rely on proper reactions from
informed users.

16. Forward

Recommendation 4: The EC must recognize that ICT infrastructure is inter-

connected and deployed on a global scale. Hence, particular emphasis
must be put on international collaborations and initiatives.

Recommendation 5: The EC should (continue to) encourage interdisciplinary

work and initiatives to bring together researchers from academia and
industry as well as policymakers to cooperate on finding solutions to the
threats against ICT infrastructure.

17 Federal Plan for Cyber Security and
Information Assurance for Research
and Development

esearch and Development in Information Assurance are the main

R issues of the Federal Plan for Cyber Security and Information Assurance
Research and Development [217], developed in 2006 by the Interagency
Working Group (IWG) on Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA),
an organization under the United States National Science and Technology
Council (NSTC). This Cabinet-level Council is the principal means for the US
President to coordinate science and technology across the diverse parts of the
Federal research and development enterprise.
The Plan presents baseline information and provides a coordinated intera-
gency framework for addressing critical gaps in cyber security and information
assurance capabilities and technologies. The Plan focuses on interagency
research and development (R&D) priorities and is intended to complement
agency-specific prioritization and R&D planning efforts in cyber security and
information assurance. The Plan also describes the key Federal role in support-
ing R&D to strengthen the overall security of the IT infrastructure through the
development of fundamentally more secure next-generation technologies.

17.1 Identified Research and Development Objectives

After a review of current legislative and regulatory policy requirements, anal-
yses of cyber security threats and infrastructure vulnerabilities, and agency
mission requirements, the CSIA IWG derived the following strategic Federal
objectives for cyber security and information assurance R&D:

Support research, development, testing, and evaluation of cyber security

and information assurance technologies aimed at preventing, protecting
against, detecting, responding to, and recovering from cyber attacks that
may have large-scale consequences.
17. Federal Plan for Cyber Security

Address cyber security and information assurance R&D needs that are
unique to critical infrastructures.
Develop and accelerate the deployment of new communication protocols
that better assure the security of information transmitted over networks.
Support the establishment of experimental environments such as test-
beds that allow government, academic, and industry researchers to
conduct a broad range of cyber security and information assurance
development and assessment activities.
Provide a foundation for the long-term goal of economically informed,
risk-based cyber security and information assurance decision making.
Provide novel and next-generation secure IT concepts and architectures
through long-term research.
Facilitate technology transition and diffusion of Federally funded R&D
results into commercial products and services and private-sector use.

17.2 Recommendations
The Plan recommends that cyber security and information assurance be ac-
corded high priority at all levels of the Government and be integral to the
design, implementation, and use of all components of the IT infrastructure. A
critical observation is that the work that began with the Plan of identifying and
prioritizing Federal cyber security and information assurance R&D efforts must
be an ongoing process. Continuation of ongoing interagency coordination
is needed to focus Federal R&D activities on the most significant threats to
critical infrastructures and Federal agency missions and to maximize the gains
from these investments.
The specifics of the strategy proposed in this Plan are articulated in a set of
findings and recommendations, summarized as follows:

Target Federal R&D investments to strategic cyber security and informa-

tion assurance needs. Federal cyber security and information assurance
R&D managers should reassess the Nations strategic and longer-term
cyber security and information assurance needs to ensure that Federal
R&D addresses those needs and complements areas in which the private
sector is productively engaged.
Focus on threats with the greatest potential impact. Federal agencies
should focus cyber security and information assurance R&D invest-
ments on high- impact threats as well as on investigation of innovative
approaches to increasing the overall security and information assurance
of IT systems.

17.2. Recommendations

Make cyber security and information assurance R&D both an individual

agency and an interagency budget priority. Agencies should consider
cyber security and information assurance R&D policy guidance as they
address their mission-related R&D requirements. To achieve the greatest
possible benefit from investments throughout the Federal government,
cyber security and information assurance R&D should have high priority
for individual agencies as well as for coordinated interagency efforts.

Support sustained interagency coordination and collaboration on cyber

security and information assurance R&D. Sustained coordination and
collaboration among agencies will be required to accomplish the goals
identified in this Plan. Agencies should participate in interagency R&D
coordination and collaboration on an ongoing basis.

Build security in from the beginning. The Federal cyber security and
information assurance R&D portfolio should support fundamental R&D
exploring inherently more secure next-generation technologies that will
replace todays patching of the current insecure infrastructure.

Assess security implications of emerging information technologies. The

Federal government should assess the security implications and the
potential impact of R&D results in new information technologies as they
emerge in such fields as optical computing, quantum computing, and
pervasively embedded computing.

Develop a roadmap for Federal cyber security and information assurance

R&D. Agencies should use this Plans technical priorities and invest-
ment analyses to work with the private sector to develop a roadmap of
cyber security and information assurance R&D priorities. This effort
should emphasize coordinated agency activities that address technical
and investment gaps and should accelerate development of strategic

Develop and apply new metrics to assess cyber security and information
assurance. As part of roadmapping, Federal agencies should develop and
implement a multi-agency plan to support the R&D for a new generation
of methods and technologies for cost-effectively measuring IT component,
network, and system security. These methods should evolve with time.

Institute more effective coordination with the private sector. The Federal
government should review private-sector cyber security and information
assurance practices and countermeasures to help identify capability gaps
in existing technologies, and should engage the private sector in efforts to
better understand each others views on cyber security and information

17. Federal Plan for Cyber Security

assurance R&D needs, priorities, and investments. Federal agencies sup-

porting cyber security and information assurance R&D should improve
communication and coordination with operators of both Federal and
private-sector critical infrastructures with shared interests. Information
exchange and outreach activities that accelerate technology transition
should be integral parts of Federal cyber security and information assur-
ance R&D activities.

Strengthen R&D partnerships, including those with international part-

ners. The Federal government should foster a broad partnership of
government, the IT industry, researchers, and private-sector users to
develop, test, and deploy a more secure next-generation Internet. The
Federal government should initiate this partnership by holding a national
workshop to solicit views and guidance on cyber security and informa-
tion assurance R&D needs from stakeholders outside of the Federal
research community. In addition, impediments to collaborative interna-
tional R&D should be identified and addressed in order to facilitate joint
activities that support the common interests of the United States and
international partners.

18 EffectsPlus Trust and Security
Research Roadmap

teered by by the Waterford Institute Of Technology (, along

S with the partners Hewlett-Packard Ltd, SAP AG, ATOS and Universit
degli Studi di Trento, the EFFECTSPLUS project is a Coordination and
support action aimed at the following five objectives:

The coordination of Trust and Security, Privacy, and Compliance for

Future Internet through the structures and activities of the Future Internet
Assembly (FIA) or subsequent initiatives

The Clustering of Trust and Security (T&S) projects

The provision of a channel for feedback and dissemination of R&D

results and issues, and bringing together challenges for the strategic
research agenda

To analyse results from current and earlier trust and security work (i.e.,
from calls prior to Call 5), and to identify key areas and key players from
new projects (Call 5) for the preparation of clustering and roadmapping

To build and support the community of interests in trust and security

results; providing the logistics and support for workshops, documents
and web-based dissemination

As part of its activities, the project held a research roadmapping and project
clustering event in Brussels on 2930 March, 2011. The participants at the
event were representatives of European FP7 projects in the broad area of Trust
and Security, and the objective was to identify core challenges and issues for
research to be addressed in the timeframe 20102020 (in connection with the
Horizon 2020 strategy), as well as a shared vision of trust and security in the
Future Internet.
18. EffectsPlus

18.1 Roadmap Structure and Realization

The proposed roadmap1 is structured in four sections/chapters (Changes,
Vision, Challenges, Solutions and Research Needs).
The roadmap was put together through a brainstorming session in two
separate focus groups (one on Systems and Networks, and another on Services
and Cloud Computing). Brainstorming results were translated into a mindmap,
and then into a full writeup.
In the following subsections, we will separately analyze each section of the

18.2 Changes
The changes foreseen can be grouped into:

Changes in the impact of the Internet usage on end users (citizens)

Changes in the way business is conducted (in different sectors)

Changes in the broader socio-economic landscape

18.2.1 Changes for End Users/Citizens

End users will find the Internet more and more integral to their lives. This will
also increase their awareness of the danger of loss of control over their private
information. These conflicting agendas will raise interesting questions about
the role of privacy-enhancing technologies and privacy-related research in the
There will be increasing interaction between physical and digital life, also
thanks to always-on, always-connected, interoperable and smart devices.

18.2.2 Changes in the Business World

The business world is moving towards a scenario where everything happens
as a service, with personalized, heterogeneous services being offered through
the cloud (including critical and sensitive infrastructure such as e-Health). The
composition and orchestration of services will create issues with misbehav-
ing/malicious components. Virtualized and outsourced infrastructures will
become dominant.
This, and the consumer perspectives outlined above, will move the scale of
the Internet to billions of nodes and above, increasing traffic and complexity.
Critical Infrastructures will become increasingly Internet-connected, and
subject to sophisticated attacks.
1 Which is unfortunately only available as a 2-year-old draft at the time of writing

18.3. Vision

18.2.3 Changes in Society and the Wider Economy

We are witnessing a massive growth of cyberthreats and cybercrime (which

will reach physical infrastructures thanks to their connections with digital
control systems).
Society as a whole will witness increased globalization, accompanied by
deperimeterization and the increased digital nomadism of users.

18.3 Vision
The vision for the future of security starts with an improvement of privacy
and awareness for users, and their empowerment to take care of their data.
Similarly, businesses need to become more risk-aware.
Developers will need tools to build secure applications (as automatically
as possible) and securely compose and orchestrate services, satisfying well-
defined security properties. This will avoid security issues being a barrier to
technology improvements.
An increase in user accountability will need to be carefully counterbalanced
by a protection of human rights.

18.4 Challenges
A number of challenges must be met before this vision can be realized. Users
and businesses must become able to understand and control their security and
privacy posture, also through appropriate security metrics. Building secure and
resilient systems must become easier, through appropriate tools and assurance
Improved tools to express security policies and certify digital identities,
as well as improved handling of system security issues and guaranteeing
availability, are also a pressing need.
Several challenges are related with the new developments in the field: cloud
computing, the rise of mobile devices, and socioeconomic changes.

18.5 Approaches and Potential Solutions

Potential technical solutions for the challenges outlined above are, among
others, improved languages and tools for specifying secure software, improved
assurance methods, privacy-aware software development, acceptable universal
digital identifiers, data tainting and tracking.
Other solutions are societal and legislative, and may be achieved through
the creation of technology-aware legal and law enforcement frameworks, and
through the education of citizens.

18. EffectsPlus

18.6 Identified Priorities and Problems

Summarizing, the document identifies the following macro-priorities for re-

1. Integration of the Internet and of digital devices into users lives and
business processes, leading to increased dependence on the availability,
security and privacy of these devices. Cyber-physical security and the
security of mobile, cloud-connected devices will be of paramount interest.

2. Growth of the scale of the problem: the Internet will grow to include mul-
tiple billions of devices, traffic and complexity will grow, the number and
prevalence of attacks will grow, perimeters will shatter and applications
will become complex orchestrations of services

3. Tools, metrics and frameworks will need to evolve to cope with the
unprecedented scale and integration of digital devices and processes in
our lives

4. Law and education should go hand in hand to protect users privacy,

increase accountability, and preserve human rights.

19 Digital Government: Building a 21st
Century Platform to Better Serve
the American People

he Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better

T Serve the American People report outlines a digital strategy for the
federal government in the United States to embrace new technologies,
in a coordinated fashion, to better serve its citizens. Data and services should,
as they say, be available anywhere, anytime, on any device in a secure fashion to
encourage innovation. The roadmap outlines three major goals to be reached
by the following four guiding principles: an information-centric approach for
the data, a shared platform for consistency and to reduce costs, a focus on
the needs of the users of the data, and, finally, an emphasis on security and

19.1 Identified Priorities

As identified in the roadmap, the exponential development of technology has
changed how businesses perform in the private sector. Such advances should
also influence how government agencies operate and serve data and services
to citizens. By using the effectiveness of modern IT solutions, it is believed that
better digital services can be built, using fewer resources. However, adopting
new technologies may also pose a number of challenges.
For example, the roadmap introduces a conceptual model for digital ser-
vices, with an information layer, a platform layer, and a presentation layer.
Previously, systems made by the government have focused on a specific use
case with a tight coupling between the information and the presentation, i.e.,
the presentation of data from this database should be tailored to a web page
on a computer. By decoupling the information from the presentation, the
presentation can be done on any device. Furthermore, by letting the data be
machine readable, extensions can be built both by government agencies as well
as entrepreneurs to better serve the citizens. The security of the end device
becomes less important if one concentrates on securing the information itself.
19. Digital Government

The roadmap outlines the beginning of a coordinated path where data and
services from the government can be better used in society. The roadmap
complements a number of other directives.

19.2 Goals of the Digital Strategy

The three main goals of the strategy are the following:

1. Enable the American people and an increasingly mobile workforce to ac-

cess high-quality digital government information and services anywhere,
anytime, on any device.

2. Ensure that as the government adjusts to this new digital world, we

seize the opportunity to procure and manage devices, applications, and
data in smart, secure and affordable ways.

3. Unlock the power of government data to spur innovation across our

Nation and improve the quality of services for the American people.

19.3 The Guiding Principles of the Roadmap

The roadmap likewise outlines the following four principles:

1. An Information-Centric approachmoves us from managing docu-

ments to managing discrete pieces of open data and content that can
be tagged, shared, secured, mashed up and presented in the way that is
most useful for the consumer of that information.

2. A Shared Platform approachhelps us working together, both within

and across agencies, to reduce costs, streamline development, apply
consistent standards, and ensure consistency in how we create and
deliver information.

3. A Customer-Centric approachinfluences how we create, manage,

and present data through websites, mobile applications, raw data sets,
and other modes of delivery, and allows customers to shape, share and
consume information, whenever and however they want it.

4. A platform of Security and Privacyensures this innovation happens

in a way that guarantees the safe and secure delivery and use of digital
services to protect information and privacy.

20 H2020: The Challenge of Providing
Cyber Security

nder the vision of 2020 the challenges in cyber security are often

U the result of technological gaps and a lack of the necessary knowledge,

in different quarters of our technology-filled society. To address these
issues it is necessary to invest in research, and promote the resulting findings.
In the rest of this section, we discuss the two different perspectives of the
challenges ahead, in the context of Horizon 2020.

20.1 Industrial Perspective

20.1.1 Summary
The Trust and Security Unit at DG Connect held a workshop in July 2012
focusing on Horizon 2020 [25]. The objective of this workshop was to brain-
storm on the challenges, technological gaps and necessary research directions
related to cyber security and the best suited instruments to implement the
tasks. The outcome of the discussion is meant to be used as input to the wider
discussion on the thematic orientations of cyber security research, development
and innovation in H2020.

20.1.2 Problems Identified

The group of experts identified a number of challenges during a brainstorming

Addressing the needs and perspective of the user Specifically in

terms of the usability of security products, perception of cyber secu-
rity, education about and understanding of security issues, awareness
raising, and development of appropriate security policies.

Building capabilities That is, employing deterrence, building intelli-

gence, sharing data and forming public-private partnerships.
20. Horizon2020

Making cyber security a positive business case Focusing on eco-

nomics and explaining the cost of security, and qualifying security prod-

The role of technology Security should be built-in by design and

security products should be sent to market when they are ready, instead
of when they are half-baked.

Defining cyber security metrics Security metrics must be developed,

and compliance and benchmarking should be applied where possible.
There is a serious lack of statistics and information about cyber security
events, and this must be addressed.

20.1.3 Recommendations
The group of experts proposed the following instruments to address the
challenges of cyber security:

Fund R&D activities

Promote demonstrators

Support infrastructure build-up

Provide users with education and training

Give incentives

20.2 Societal Perspective

20.2.1 Summary
The Trust and Security Unit at DG Connect held a workshop in October 2012
focusing on Horizon 2020 [2]. The goal of the meeting was to invite participants
to contribute their opinions on the societal issues of cyber security. The experts
provided input on both substantive and procedural issues.

20.2.2 Procedural Issues

The experts identified the following procedural issues in terms of the societal
perspective on cyber security:

Widening the modalities of the public-private cooperation A model

was suggested where a private company funds a public research lab to
do research with them or for them, EU-funds could be added to that
effort, in order to leverage the private investment

20.2. Societal Perspective

Ensuring ethical and societal issues are duly examined Both ethi-
cal/human rights aspects and technical relevance should be part of the
evaluation process.

Ensuring a wider participation of civil society organizations or inde-

pendent authorities Stakeholders should be included in the project
proposals to provide a societal perspective.

Coherence between research funding and policies orientations Policy-

oriented research should be looked into, as well as coherence between
the funding areas and policy goals.

In terms of procedural issues, the experts highlighted the following:

Security: best ensured by identity or anonymity? Identification may

not be the best way to perform online transactions. A more contextual
way using synthesis from a variety of building blocks may be more

Recovering originality? We must reconsider the way we distinguish

the original from the falsified in the online world, as it is often very hard
to do in todays digital environments.

Worrying about geo-strategic interdependence? We should consider

the source of components in information systems, and look into the
impact this has on cyber security.

Software liability? We must reconsider software liability, as liability

exists in other industries. The potential slow down of innovation should
also be taken into account.

Adopt a systemic approach We should look beyond security providers

and the hierarchical model in our approach to cyber security.

Security and the other fundamental rights Technology can be used

to solve privacy issues and users can be given more control over tech-
nologies that affect them.

Need to understand better the Internet ecosystem Understanding the

Internet ecosystems is critical in order to shape and design the approach
to cyber security.

Security and consumer policy Smaller players should be protected,

specifically those that are less able to evaluate risks in transactions.

21 Trust in the Information Society:
A Report of the Advisory Board

isualizing the future of the Information Society, the RISEPTIS re-

V port is divided into 4 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the report and

gives a contextual overview of the main themes and issues addressed
therein. Chapter 2 describes the use of concepts such as trust, trustworthiness,
identity and accountability and explains how these relate to the EU legal
framework of personal data protection and privacy. Chapter 3 highlights two
important problems: a) the dangers of our digital shadow, and b) the weakest
links in the data storage chain. Nine fictional scenarios demonstrate the risks
associated with these problems. Finally, Chapter 4 lists 6 recommendations.

21.1 Problems Identified

The report highlighted two important problems:
The dangers of our digital shadow. People can be
lured to give away private information easily. Even
for insignificant prizes, people do not hesitate to re-
veal sensitive information about themselves. More-
over, the massive adaptation of social networks
has driven users to publish information about their
habits and lifestyle on the web. They essentially create a digital profile, which
can be effectively used by third parties. This digital profile can be correlated
and combined with information found in other places on the web. The result
might be a superset of information, which the user is not aware of. This
superset indicates that in certain cases a third party can learn more about a
user, just by collecting public information, than the particular user intends.
There are two key points that should be stressed here:

Users are incapable of protecting themselves. Controlling and tuning

privacy settings is complex rather than trivial for the average user.
21. RISEPTIS Report

Taking advantage of the digital profile has severe consequences. A third

party can take advantage of public information in arbitrary ways, giving
rise to numerous fraudulent possibilities for would-be identity-thieves.

The weakest links in the data storage chain. Digital data can be stored on
high-profile servers, where sophisticated security mechanisms are applied.
However, it is still hard to guarantee that those data are never going to leak,
since data are frequently transferred in data storage devices, such as CDs or
USB sticks. These devices offer easy physical access. An attacker can alter
the integrity of the data in transfer, break their confidentiality, or recycle the
data with malicious purpose. Data encryption, if effectively used, can reduce
such risks. However, data breach degrades the trust associated with victim
companies or governments, even when the attacker reaps no practical benefit.

21.2 Recommendations
The report provided the following recommendations:
Recommendation 1: The EC should stimulate interdisciplinary research, tech-
nology development and deployment that addresses the trust and security
needs in the Information Society. The priority areas are:

Security in (heterogeneous) networked, service and computing environ-

ments, including a trustworthy Future Internet,

Trust, Privacy and Identity management frameworks, including issues

of meta-level standards and of security assurances compatible with IT

Engineering principles and architectures for trust, privacy, transparency

and accountability, including metrics and enabling technologies (e.g.,

Data and policy governance and related socio-economic aspects, includ-

ing liability, compensation and multi-polarity in governance and its

Recommendation 2: The EC should support concrete initiatives that bring to-

gether technology, policy, legal and social-economic actors for the development
of a trustworthy Information Society. (The Partnership for Trust in Digital Life
could be a first step.)
Recommendation 3: The EC, together with the Member States and industrial
stakeholders, must give high priority to the development of a common EU
framework for identity and authentication management that ensures compli-
ance with the legal framework on personal data protection and privacy and

21.2. Recommendations

allows for the full spectrum of activities from public administration or banking
with strong authentication when required, through to simple web activities
carried out in anonymity.
Recommendation 4: The EC should work towards the further development
of the EU data protection and privacy legal frameworks as part of an overall
consistent ecosystem of law and technology that includes all other relevant
frameworks, instruments and policies. It should do so in conjunction with
research and technology developments.
Recommendation 5: The EC together with industrial and public stakeholders
should develop large-scale actions towards building a trustworthy Information
Society which make use of Europes strengths in communication, research,
legal structures and societal values - for example, a Cloud which complies
with European law.
Recommendation 6: The EC should recognize that, in order to be effective,
it should address the global dimension and foster engagement in international
discussions, as a matter of urgency, to promote the development of open
standards and federated frameworks for cooperation in developing the global
Information Society.

22 ENISA Threat Landscape and Industrial
Threat Reports

hat are the future threats in cyber security? This is the main

W question addressed in this report produced by ENISA, the European

Network and Information Security Agency: a center of network
and information security expertise for the EU, its member states, the private
sector and Europes citizens. The ENISA Threat Landscape [268], a deliverable
of the ENISA work programme of 2012, has been released on September 28,
2012, with the objective of describing the cyber-security threat landscape by
consolidating existing threat reports. The main output of the report is a list of
threats, threat agents and attack vectors.

22.1 Current Threat Trends

The report presents a list of current threats, along with the threat agents involved
and, more importantly, an overall indication of the current trend. Besides spam,
which is ranked as the only decreasing threat, the remainder threats are either
increasing or stable.
The most relevant treat agents identified include, in order of novelty, hack-
tivists (a new trend that involve socially an politically-motivated individuals
who target high profile websites to protest), terrorists (who today rely on cyber
weapons to target critical infrastructures), nation states (which, with defense
purposes, also rely on cyber weapons), cybercriminals (who have increased their
skills toward more financial gain), corporations (which rely on offensive tech-
nologies or cybercriminals to gain competitive advantage over competitors),
and employess (both hostile and non-hostile, who are still the main insider
threat agent).
The above agents are involved in the following increasing threats, ordered
by importance and frequency:

1. Drive-by Exploits. Vulnerable browser third-party components (primarily

Java, but also Adobe Reader and Flash) are still the main target of drive-by
exploits, which are mostly distributed through compromised legitimate
22. ENISA Threat Landscape

2. Malware. Trojans are the most reported class of malware (also on mobile
devices). Trojan Autorun and Conficker worm are still two of the top
threats worldwide. Today, money making (e.g., through banking creden-
tial stealing) is the main motivation behind malware campaigns. With
Koobface, the miscreant have showed that social networks are an effective
distribution channel.

3. Code Injection Attacks. SQL injection attacks are today more popular than
cross-site scripting attacks than in the past. Hacktivists rely on SQL
injection attacks against their target websites.

4. Exploit Kits. Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a new and growing criminal

business. Modern criminals have a professional attitude, with support
and development services. The enabling technologies of MaaS are
(1) exploit kits (packages that automate cybercrime) and a (2) plethora
of channels to deliver malware (malicious advertising, social networks,
legitimate websites, malicious SEO).

5. Botnets Within the MaaS phenomenon, botnets have become a commodity

since they switched from single-purpose (e.g., spamming, DDoS) to multi-
purpose botnets. For increasing the reliability of botnets, cybercriminals
rely on decentralized by peer-to-peer technologies (ZeroAccess botnets)
and expand their surface to include mobile devices infected with specific
malware ported from desktop-based OSs.

6. Compromising Confidential Information. 2011 has been addressed to as

the year of security breaches. Many sensitive database have been
leaked or targeted by attacks (e.g., healthcare, law enforcement). Ac-
cording to the report, 9 out of 10 breaches would have been prevented
through proper data protection and information security best practices.
Indeed, besides targeted attacks, negligent, non-hostile insiders and web
application vulnerabilities were the main cause of such breaches.

7. Targeted Attacks have been increasing during the first half of 2012, with
spear-phishing as the topmost common infection vectors against industrial-
control systems. Other tools used in targeted attacks include platform-
specific malware: Stuxnet, Duqu, and Flamer.

8. Physical Theft/Loss/Damage. With the increased mobility of working loca-

tions and with the bring-your-own-device practice, the probability of data
loss (even due to simple physical device theft) have increased in the last
year. Unfortunately, the report highlights that full-device encryption is
not widely adopted, although this would be a good mitigation technique.

22.2. Emerging Issues per Area

9. Identity Theft is perpetrated through the spread of advanced trojans that

perform information stealing, rather than phishing, which was more
popular in the past. Mobile platforms are the main repository of sensitive
information: Indeed, cybercriminals have ported information-stealing
malware to such platforms (e.g., Android ZeuS in the Mobile, or ZitMo).
10. Abuse of Information Leakage is increasing, due to new technologies
such as geo location and social advertising platforms (e.g., Foursquare),
which create new venues for tracking users and compromising their
privacy. Also aggressive advertising is abused to track users trough the
information (e.g., permanent cookies) leaked by web browser.
11. Rogue Certificates are being leveraged to break the chain of trust. Indeed,
in the last two years, the offenders have been stealing (see 6. Com-
promising Confidential Information), producing and circulating rogue
certificates. As a result, the criminals managed to conduct large-scale,
man-in-the-middle attacks with stolen certificates.
There are threats which instead show a stable trend. Among them, denial of
service, mostly used by hacktivists, is leaving traditional low-level protocols
(e.g., UDP, ICMP, and SYN flood) in favor of application layer protocols (e.g.,
HTTP, service APIs), where more targeted denial of service attacks can be
designed. An exception is the IPv6 layer, which was also targeted. Phishing
has been stable (i.e., uptime of phishing sites dropped in first half of 2012),
probably leaving the floor to more effective means such as information stealers
(e.g., ZeuS or SpyEye), which can collect two-factor authentication credentials.
However, cybercriminals are targeting VoIP systems via vishing (i.e., voice
phishing) scams. Rogueware/scareware still be a problem, although the users are
more aware of these scams. Indeed, the report notices little technical evolution
in rogueware tools, although they are more widespread by leveraging the
same distribution channels used by regular malware (e.g., SEO poisoning).
Noticeably, the first fake AV product that targets Macs appeared in 2011.
Search engine poisoning is still one of the major methods used to drive users to
malware-distribution sites. SEO poisoning typically take advantage of events
and trending topics to create campaigns that attract many victims.

22.2 Emerging Issues per Area

The report also presents a list of areas (i.e., assumed to grow), within which
threat predictions are made from the current security issues.
Mobile Computing is affected by cross-platform malware families (e.g., ZeuS,
SpyEye), which impact is exacerbated by the widespread use of mobile
platforms for financial transactions. Unfortunately, the app stores are
still too immature to fight back.

22. ENISA Threat Landscape

Social Technology is increasingly being leveraged for stealing information

and, primarily, identities. This is predicted to grow into a fake trust
effect that may one day be leveraged to build so-called social bots.

Critical Infrastructures are concerning because they integrate different sys-

tems from very diverse domains, each with peculiar security policies,
practices and threats. On top of this, external factors such as political
instability and financial crisis impact negatively by creating, respectively,
motivation for attackers and vulnerabilities (e.g., cheap equipment). The
increasing BYOD practice, along with its security issues, constitute an
additional weak spot in the future critical infrastructures ecosystem.

Trust Infrastructure. Operators of trust infrastructures are likely to become

targeted by offenders, whose goal is to compromise the chain of trust of
the systems that rely on such infrastructures (e.g., social networks, web
services). In this regard, the ENISA report highlights a need for more
pervasive education and training to increase the users awareness.

Cloud Computing and Big Data Cloud services such as remote backup and
application services have become a consumer product. This, together
with the massive use of social networks, yielded vast amounts of data,
which are now an attractive target for attackers. Furthermore, the tight
integration of cloud services in mobile devices will lead to a larger cloud
attack surface, which could be exploited to compromise data privacy and
to collect intelligence to prepare targeted attacks.

22.3 Recommendations
The ENISA report gives a series of recommendations that highlight the im-
portance and usefulness of future threat landscapes in information security
management. More precisely, rather than the typical list of recommendation
for authorities and decision or policy makers, the report points out a list of
open issues that need to be addressed by future threat landscapes. As this
aspect is purely methodological, we present it in Section A.2

22.4 A Look at Industrial Threat Reports

22.4.1 Summary
At the beginning of each year, it is common for several security-related com-
panies to publish reports or blog entries in which they try to summarize the
trends they observed in the past and propose some threat predictions for the
upcoming year. These are usually short term forecasts with a focus on technol-
ogy and practical issues more than on long term research directions. However,
these reports are compiled by the best experts in the area, and therefore they

22.4. Industrial Reports

represent the best information we can get to estimate what kind of problems
we will have to face in the short-term future.
Therefore, we decided to complete this chapter on previous work on re-
search roadmaps by reviewing a number of industrial reports, looking for
recurrent patterns or common threats that we can reuse in our study. In
particular, we covered the threat forecast published by Microsoft [377], Im-
perva [216], WebSense [393], McAfee [271], Symantec [367], Kaspersky [232],
Bullguard [115], and by the Georgia Tech Information Security Center [193].

22.4.2 Common Threats and Recommendations

Not surprisingly, most of the predictions for 2013 have several points in
common. In particular, these are the main areas on which experts from various
companies seem to agree:

Mobile Malware. The emergence of mobile malware is one of the main con-
cern we observed in the industrial reports. However, if the area itself is
certainly the major threat on the landscape, the way in which it is going
to materialize in the short term can vary. For instance, some experts see
an increase in exploitation of vulnerabilities that target the OS and on
the development of drive-by downloads; others think that malware will
focus on the payment capabilities of phones to either steal information
or to purchase applications developed by the attacker. Some companies
even forecast the appearance of the first mass worm for Android devices.
Finally, a common point in many reports is the likely increase of mobile
adware, e.g., software that sends pop-up alerts to the notification bar,
adds new icons, or change some of the phone settings.

Cloud-Based Malicious Activities. Attackers will leverage cloud infrastruc-

ture in general, and IAAS in particular, to perform a wide range of
malicious activities. According to the experts, these can range from
simple denial of service attacks (paid with stolen credit cards) to using
the cloud to spread malware or to develop cloud-based botnets.

Malware fighting back. An interesting point raised by several experts is the

fear that malware writers will start adopting more sophisticated tech-
niques either to hinder the analysis and detection, or to make their
command and control infrastructures more resilient. For instance, it
is expected an increase in the adoption of techniques to detect virtual
machines and in protection methods similar to those employed in Digital
Rights Management (DRM) systems. Rootkits will also diversify, and will
adopt new persistence mechanisms and bootkit techniques. McAfee also
thinks that botnets will become harder to take down because malware

22. ENISA Threat Landscape

writers will include fall-back mechanisms in their code to reestablish

control of the infected machines after a takedown.

Ransomware. The ransom business model has been tried in the past but
several companies think that it will soon increase in popularity as a quick
way for criminals to monetize their attacks. In fact, victims faced with
the risk of losing their data are often willing to pay a ransom in the hope
of regaining access. The raise of ransomware is going to affect all devices,
from traditional computers to mobile phonesand it will be supported
by the release of new and more sophisticated ransomware kits.

APT, Targeted Attacks, and Cyber-Espionage. Given the current trend, an

easy prediction for the near future is that targeted attacks will increase
both in number and in sophistication. Moreover, both nations and large
organizations will become more involved in cyber-espionage, both as
victims and as actors. In addition, thanks to the increased automation
of these attacks, small companies will soon become the target of APT
and espionage. Along the same line, experts also expect to observe
more attacks for political reasons against individuals, minority groups,
and non-government organizations. From a technical perspective, the
security of supply chains is becoming a major problem that can lead to
pre-installed malware and backdoors in many popular devices. Finally,
as the distinction between cyber-espionage and cyber-war becomes more
fuzzy, the use of sophisticated technologies so far observed only in State-
sponsored attacks will become more widespread and will become part
of the arsenal of common criminals.

Hacktivism. Hacktivism is probably going to change, but will not disappear

any time soon. In the near future, experts think that the focus will be
on quantity over quality, with more private data stolen and published
on the Web. At the same time, McAfee Threat Report discusses the fact
that Anonymous success will probably decline due to the low level of
sophistication of their attacks. Unfortunately, new patriot groups may
transform into cyber-armies and spread their extremist views.
As a possible consequence of the increase in hacktivist groups, in the near
future we may observe a return to large and destructive attacksnot
designed to gain an economic profit, but just to cause damage. Note
that the possibility of such attacks was very popular in the mid-2000,
when the fear of a flash worm that could bring down the Internet in a
few minutes drove many researchers to focus on this threat. Nowadays,
with critical infrastructures reachable from the network and new SCADA
vulnerabilities discovered every month, the potential damage of a large
scale destructive attack is higher than ever.

23 Cyber Security and Information
Intelligence Research Workshop

-raying, the underground economy reveals startling results: cyber-

X crime and e-fraud are estimated to have exceeded $1 trillion globally in

2008 [244]. The 6th Annual Cyber Security and Information Intelligence
Research Workshop (CSIIRW) [65] in 2010 focused on approaches that can
help revolutionize the advancement of new ideas in cyber security. Since
addressing narrow topics in security is no longer sufficient, it emphasized the
need for comprehensive game-changing strategies, and solutions from novel
multidisciplinary viewpoints.
This chapter is based on the outcomes of recent summits dedicated to
defining new approaches to cyber security [348]. Apart from the CSIIRW
workshop, we also consider the Federal Cybersecurity R&D Themes Kickoff
Event organized by Network and Information Technology Research and Devel-
opment (NITRD) [18], and the Toward a Federal Cybersecurity Game Change
Research Agenda meeting organized by NITRD in May 2010.

23.1 Hard Problems in Security

The following list of five hard problems in cyber security was compiled by the

Complexity. The security of information contained in modern devices

relies on a complex structure that includes hardware, operating systems,
software, networks, data, and people. The components interact together
in complex ways. Thus, a failure in one of them can result in a scenario
where it is difficult even to determine the underlying cause. We need
systems to help cope with this complexity.

Immense amount of data. Data understood as all electronic forms of

information and knowledge amounts to 1.8 zettabytes (1.8 trillion giga-
bytes) [166]. We need systems that can efficiently process this massive
amount of data for attack recognition, understanding, and response.
23. Cyber Security Research Workshop

Conversion of data into knowledge. We convert raw data to informa-

tion, i.e., data in the context of other data, and then information to
knowledge, i.e., information in the context of other information. Only
the latter provides us with understanding. Since not all processes can
be automated with current technology, we need systems that can always
create knowledge without relying on human intervention.

Nontechnical constraints. These include

the need to protect private information,

usability and cost-effectiveness, e.g., law compliance, and
economic concerns.

The inadequacy of perimeter defenses in the networked world. In-

stead of protecting individual components of systems, we should develop
security as an integral part of the entire hardware-software combinations.

23.2 Research Directions Identified

To overcome the obstacles, and address the hard problems in cyber security,
the experts devised a few game-changing themes. They aim to change the
foundations of cyber security R&D. The three concepts that emerge from them
are as follows:

Moving target (MT) defense for providing resilience through agility.

MT systems have the means to change in multiple dimensions so as to
increase the degree of both uncertainty and complexity for attackers, as
well as the resilience and fault tolerance within a system. As a result,
attackers need to increase their costs and efforts in order to cause harm.
Example MTs include dynamic networking, just-in-time compilation, and
non-persistent virtual machines. In order to build MT systems, one might
also randomize instruction sets and data, obfuscate operations by varying
addresses, paths, and topologies, or decentralize cryptographic protec-
tion for credentials. Research challenges include ensuring scalability,
performance, and energy consumption.
Despite their inherent complexity, MT systems should be also easy to
use, so they require management and configuration capabilities. Finally,
the MT mechanisms must adapt quickly to diminish the window of
opportunity for attackers, so they rely on innovative strategies to support
real-time selection of MT protections.

Tailored trustworthy spaces (TTSs). Since cyberspace blurs the bound-

aries between traditional spaces in the physical world, a TTS serves as a

23.3. Recommendations

flexible, distributed trust environment that can satisfy various require-

ments. TTSs support context-specific trust decisionssecurity should
be tailored to the needs of a particular transaction and not the opposite.
In order to build TTSs, security must be end to end and top to bottom.
Achieving results thus requires a shared vision, and approaches that
allow control of the security in the whole system. More research is
needed in the area of trust in heterogeneous environments, and the use
of untrusted systems in trusted environments.

Cybereconomics (CE) for incentivizing good security. Currently, there

are no good ways to measure how secure a system is, so we also cannot
estimate how much more secure it would become with an additional
Even though research in cybereconomics has grown, there are still numer-
ous unanswered questions related to both cyberdefense and cyberattack.
We need to analyze economic factors in attack and defense, so that we can
build technologies that reduce the economic incentive for attackers. One
way is to understand the structure of financial benefits of cyberattacks,
and target the most vital components in this process.

23.3 Recommendations
Rather than a list of recommendations for authorities, the workshops devised
and discussed a number of game-changing R&D themes that are essential
for cyber security. Addressing the hard problems in security requires signifi-
cant resources, and a long-term R&D vision focusing on the game-changing
approaches. It is a multidisciplinary and challenging effort.

24 Cyber Security Strategy of the
European Union

outube has a press conference on EU Cyber security strategy [44]

Y that makes it crystal clear: the chances are that someone somewhere is
attacking youand you dont even know it. In February 2013, the European
Commission, together with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy, published a report on the cyber security strategy
of the European Union [171]. The main goal of this report is to identify
priorities for protecting and promoting citizens rights online and for protecting
cyberspace from incidents and malicious activities.
The strategy further details the roles and responsibilities of different stake-
holders, both nationally and EU-wide, in working together to strengthen cyber
security. While identifying national governments as the best place to deal with
cyber security challenges, the report suggests actions for EU member states as
well as EU institutions and the industry.

24.1 Cyber Security Principles

The cyber security strategy identified the following principles to guide the
policy in the EU and internationally:

The same core values of the EU that apply in the physical world, apply
to the digital world as well.

Cyber security should be based on protecting the fundamental rights and

freedoms of individuals, and any information sharing for the purpose of
cyber security should be compliant with EU data protection law.

The Internets integrity and security must be guaranteed in order to allow

unhindered and safe access for everyone.

Many commercial and non-governmental entities are involved in the

day-to-day management of Internet resources, protocols and standards.
Thus, a democratic and efficient multi-stakeholder governance of the
Internet is of great importance.
24. Cyber Security Strategy

All relevant actors (public authorities, private sector and individual

citizens) share responsibilities to protect themselves and strengthen cyber

24.2 Strategic Priorities

In order to achieve the goal of a safer EU online environment, the European
Commission identified the following five strategic priorities:

1. Achievement of Cyber Resilience. Progress in this area has already

been made based on voluntary commitments. The EU proposes to close
gaps when it comes to national capabilities and coordination in the case
of incidents across borders or in terms of private sector involvement
and preparedness. The strategy includes a proposal for legislation to
(i) establish requirements and strategies for Network and Information
Security (NIS) at the national level and the need to set up a Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT) in each member state, (ii) foster
the coordination of cyber security measures and information sharing
amongst national NIS authorities, and (iii) improve the preparedness
and engagement of the private sector by increasing incentives for private
actors to embrace a cyber security culture.
Furthermore, the strategy details the need to raise end users awareness
of cyber security by publishing reports, organizing expert workshops
and developing public-private partnerships.
Proposed Actions: The EC should continue to identify vulnerabilities of
critical infrastructure. The EC will also launch a pilot project for fighting botnets
and malware via cooperation between member states, the private sector and
international partners. ENISA should assist member states in building security
expertise and improving the resilience of critical infrastructures. The industry
should invest in cyber security and develop best practices and information-
sharing mechanisms with public authorities. In order to raise awareness, the
EC proposes, amongst other things, to increase national efforts towards NIS
education and training. Finally, the industry should also promote cyber security
awareness and reflect on the accountability for ensuring cyber security.

2. Drastic Reduction of Cybercrime. Law enforcement should adopt a

cross-border approach to respond to cybercrime through: (i) passing
legislation such as the Council of Europe Convention of Cybercrime
(Budapest Convention) and a Directive on attacks against information
systems, especially through the use of botnets; (ii) enhancing opera-
tional capabilities to combat cybercrime and the use of state-of-the-art
operational tools; and (iii) improving coordination at EU level.

24.2. Strategic Priorities

Proposed Actions: The EC will ensure the implementation of cybercrime-

related directives and provide funding programs to support member states in
strengthening their cybercrime combating capabilities. The EC will also support
the cooperation between research/academia, law enforcement practitioners and
the private sector. The European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) should act as the focal
point in the fight against cybercrime. Furthermore, the EC proposes to increase
the accountability of registrars of domain names and to ensure the accuracy of
information on website ownership. Europol should support the member states
cybercrime investigations, and produce strategic and operational reports on
trends, and target investigative action by cybercrime teams.

3. Development of Cyberdefense Policy and Capabilities. In order to

ensure EU member states defense and national security interests, syn-
ergies between civilian and military cyber security mechanisms should
be enhanced. The EC proposes to support these efforts by research
and development and closer cooperation between governments, the pri-
vate sector and academia as well as with international partners, such as
Proposed Actions: The High Representative will assess cyberdefense require-
ments and promote development of cyberdefense capabilities and technologies.
The developed EU cyberdefense policy framework should include dynamic risk
management, improved threat analysis and information sharing. The High Rep-
resentative will promote the cooperation between civilian and military actors.

4. Development of Industrial and Technological Resources. Hardware

and software components used in critical services and infrastructures, as
well as increasingly in mobile phones, need to be trustworthy and secure,
and must protect personal data. Thus, the EC proposes (i) making
security a priority for all actors in the value chain of cyber security
products and (ii) fostering research and development investments and
innovation. This should be achieved through the development of security
standards, EU-wide voluntary certification schemes and the reduction of
European dependence on foreign technologies.
Proposed Actions: The EC will develop incentives and recommendations for
the adoption of secure ICT solutions and the take-up of good cyber security
performance across the ICT value chain. The EC will further examine the pos-
sibilities for providers of ICT components to report detected security-critical
vulnerabilities to national authorities. Public and private stakeholders should
adopt security principles in their development process to ensure that new gen-
erations of software and hardware have stronger, embedded and user-friendly
security features. EU member states should promote the involvement of industry
and academia in developing and coordinating security solutions and should coor-

24. Cyber Security Strategy

dinate the research agendas of civilian and military organizations. Europol and
ENISA should identify emerging trends and prerequisites to combat evolving

5. Establishment of an International Cyberspace Policy. The EU should

participate in international cyber security efforts and promote achieving
a high level of data protection. The EU should further participate in
international collaborations to exchange best practices, share information
and perform joint incident management exercises.
Proposed Actions: Together with all member states the EC will work towards
an EU international cyberspace policy to increase engagement with international
partners and organizations.

25 The Dutch National Cyber Security
Research Agenda

ooming on developing a research agenda to fit the Dutch cyber secu-

Z rity strategy, the National Cyber Security Research Agenda, or NCSRA,

was embraced by the Dutch National Cyber Security Council and sev-
eral ministries and has led to a substantial research program with a projected
total research budget of approximately 30 million euro, of which the first 6.5M
was allocated in a call in October 2012. Currently, a new research agenda is
being developed. In this section, we will describe the current draft for the new
The process through which the research agenda is drafted is important.
The initial draft is written by researchers from various research centers. Next,
the writers team invites feedback from as many stakeholders as possible in
order to refine the agenda. Finally, it sends the agenda to the Security Council
and various ministries to gather as much support as possible.
Another distinguishing feature is that the research agenda includes all
relevant disciplines and not just ICT directly. It specifically caters to research
in Law, Criminology, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, etc.
In the remainder of this section, we first provide examples of the different
contexts that are relevant for the NCSRA (non-exhaustively) from both the
technological and application domain point of view. Next, we describe the
current list of research themes defined in the draft agenda.

25.1 Contexts
Concrete research questions typically arise in a specific context, which may
involve a certain technology (e.g., cloud computing), or a particular application
domain (e.g., finance), or a combination of the two. Still, similar research
questions arise across different contexts, representing broader research themes.
Below, we make an inventory of the most important contexts, regarding both
technology and application domain. The next section then lists the underlying
research themes that represent the central challenges for security across these
25. The Dutch National Cyber Security Research Agenda

detection & monitoring

re prevention for
lwa en
ma sic
ac e-commerce transport
p riv & logistics

inc p o n s

ide e
smart grid



NCSRA control

policy mgmt

leg gulat
isla ion

media &

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Figure 25.1: Application domains and research themes

25.1.1 Technologies
A central technology that is at the heart of most applications is of course the
Internet, fixed or mobile. Telecommunications and the Internet are merging
more and more to become an all-IP environment, where traditional telephony
(voice), television (video) and data exchange are integrated into a multi-channel
system. Services can be provided to large groups of users (broadcasting and
information sharing), specific groups (narrowcasting and user communities)
as well as single users. As many critical applications have come to rely on the
Internet, the Internet itself has become an ever more critical infrastructure.
An important technology that builds on top of this is cloud computing.
Cloud computing uses the communication infrastructure provided by the
Internet to provide on-demand computation resources, in the form of raw
computing power or more specialized services, by offering infrastructure,
platforms or software as a service. Cloud computing is increasingly used
by individual citizens and companies to outsource their ICT needs. Cloud
computing may offer economic benefits, by exploiting economies of scale
and releasing users from maintenance tasks. However, cloud computing
also introduces extra (communication) costs, and raises serious challenges for
Another important technological trend is pervasive systems: We are rapidly
moving away from the desktop-model, and increasingly interact with ICT tech-
nology that is integrated into everyday objects and activities, that make up
the Internet of things. Some of these devices are fully connected to the wider

25.1. Contexts

Internet (e.g., smartphones), but many are not (e.g., wearable computing, or
smart insulin pumps).
In some respects, cloud computing and pervasive systems are polar oppo-
sites: Cloud computing relies on massive centralization of data and processing
power, whereas pervasive systems rely on a diverse distribution of processing
As we are surrounded by ever more devices with embedded electronics,
the digital and physical worlds are rapidly converging to form one cyber-
physical realityin our homes and our workplaces, in semi-public places such
as care homes and hospitals, in public spaces such as the (public) transport
systems, and ultimately at a global level. Pervasive systems have important
implications for privacy, security and trust and have a profound impact on
our social lives. Also, some of the devices, for instance RFID tags, have only
very limited capabilities when it comes to information storage, processing and
communication, so that traditional methods for providing security are not
Besides the location of computation and hardware capabilities, the nature
of the software involves a myriad of variations that have serious implications
for security. Information exchange no longer has a predominantly client-server
nature. Information is exchanged in a peer-to-peer fashion, more and more
information is shared via social networks, and security sensitive operations
(related to banking, healthcare, taxes, etc.) all occur via the Internet with a
variety of technologies for such aspects as authentication and protection.

25.1.2 Application Domains

ICT technologies are used for many applications, ranging from generic use of
ICT in the office or at home to more specific applications in industry, each with
their own security requirements and threats. Below we highlight somebut
by no means allof these application domains in the NCSRA.

Domestic. ICT and ICT networks play an increasingly important role

in peoples private lives, as the way to communicate and socialize (e.g.,
through social networks), as a source of information and entertainment
(e.g., with gaming, and Internet taking over the role of television). This
clearly has important security and privacy implications. Also, the huge
ICT infrastructure collectively provided by Dutch citizens, with its ex-
cellent broadband connections, in itself has proved to be an interesting
target for botnets.

Commercial. Trust in ICT and Internet is vital for its ongoing and
increasing use, and for companies to reap the economic benefits that this
brings. Online commerce is increasingly important, and lack of trust in

25. The Dutch National Cyber Security Research Agenda

ICT and Internet could undermine its growth: it has been estimated that
increased trust in Internet by consumers could provide an additional 1.4
billion euro of online trade by 2014.
Just as private individuals are concerned with privacy, companies are
concerned with their intellectual property and confidential information.
Companies are faced with a rapid rise of ever more sophisticated cyber
attacks aimed at corporate espionage.
Industrial Control Systems. SCADA (short for Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition) systems monitor and control large industrial es-
tablishments, such as chemical and nuclear plants, and large parts of the
national critical infrastructure, such as the water, gas and electricity sup-
ply. Disruptions in SCADA systems can have disastrous consequences,
but their increasing reliance on ICTincluding the Internethas made
them vulnerable to remote attacks. Stuxnet is the most famous among
numerous examples here. This is especially worrying as these systems
are attractive targets for hacktivism, cyber terrorism, and cyber war.
Improving the resilience of the ICT-dependent critical infrastructure
requires research into these infrastructures as they exist today, to un-
derstand their interdependencies and judge their reliability in the face
of attacks, and research into more secure components (hardware, soft-
ware, or communication protocols) that may be needed to build a secure
Smart grid. A new piece of technical critical infrastructure very much
under development today is the smart grid, the next-generation electricity
and utilities network that uses ICT technology to provide two-way digital
communications between suppliers and appliances at consumers homes,
including smart meters and in the near future also batteries in electric
cars. Smart grids are being promoted as a way of addressing energy
independence, global warming and emergency resilience issues, but the
increased reliance on ICT also introduces new threats, to both the security
of the overall Grid and the privacy of individual users.
Finance. Financial institutions or their customers are increasingly often
victims of targeted cyberattacks, carried out by well-funded criminal
organizations, which are becoming ever more sophisticated. These attacks
are costing millions to consumers, retailer, and financial institutions (e.g.,
through skimming, stolen credit-card numbers, DoS attacks on payment
infrastructure) and undermine the trust that is crucial for the financial
system to operate.
Present security solutions (firewalls, intrusion detection systems) cannot
cope with this level of sophistication. There is a clear need for new

25.1. Contexts

defensive approaches that can deal with targeted attacks and exploits
of zero-day vulnerabilities. Identity fraud is also a major issue here.
New payment schemes (e.g., using NFC mobile phones) may offer new
technical and commercial possibilities, but also raise new security and
privacy concerns.

Transport & Logistics. Cars and transportation systems are increasingly

making use of sophisticated software to carry out safety-critical processes,
such as braking in cars. Drive-by-wire is already a reality, and in the
near future intelligent transportation systems will make use of large-
scale communication to optimize fuel consumption, reduce traffic jams,
increase safety and implement smart tax charges, but this change also
brings high security risks (e.g., it has been demonstrated that malware in
a car could turn off the braking system). Moreover, the communication
means that are needed to implement the smart mobility paradigm will
turn the car into an open system that is by definition open to cyberattacks.
Cars are only one example. Whitehat hackers have shown that new
air traffic protocols are susceptible to a wide range of attacks. Several
incidents in the past have shown that train services are vulnerable to
software problems. There is no doubt that this is true for most modern
forms of transport.
In logistics, the main challenge in the domain is to ensure business
continuity, while making the value chains as short and responsive as
possible. A shorter chain has fewer participants and thus lower cost.
A responsive chain delivers goods and payments faster, again lowering
costs. However, in a shorter chain the risks of interruption of the logistics
and transport services will increase and thus business continuity risks
will increase.

e-Health. Processes in the health sector are increasingly being supported

by ICT. ICT is also the key enabler of new methods of providing care,
as exemplified by ambient assisted living. However, patient data are
often spread across many care providers such as the general practitioner,
dentist, specialist, physiotherapist, hospital staff, pharmacists and, of
course, the patient. Care providers must be able to access relevant
information that is created and maintained by colleagues (e.g., medication
records), to take action in case of emergencies while still guaranteeing
the privacy of the patients data. The security of patient data is essential
to ensure that doctors obtain the correct information at the right time.
The retention period for patient data is long (up to 70 years) and this
poses a significant challenge for the technical infrastructure that supports
the healthcare system.

25. The Dutch National Cyber Security Research Agenda

e-Government. The government plays different roles as far as cyber

security is concerned. On the one hand, the government is a major user
of ICT technology, with the increasing use of online information and
services to citizens. Here the government is an important role model,
and its conduct sets a standard. Also, ICT technology may provide new
ways to promote democracy (e.g., through e-voting and local referenda).
On the other hand, the government is responsible for the security and
the protection of privacy for citizens, not only through legislation and
law enforcement, but also through promoting awareness, by providing
knowledge and expertise (e.g., via the National Cyber Security Centre,
NCSC), and stimulating (inter)national collaboration. Just as govern-
ments already provide identities and means of identification for use in
the physical world, they will increasingly do so in the online world,
which may be crucial in combating identity theft as ever more services
go online. Indeed, the introduction of an national electronic ID, the eNIK,
is one of the stated objectives in the National Cyber Security Strategy.
Finally, cyber espionage is a growing concern for government.

Military/defense. In 2010, cyberwarfare became frontpage news, as

well as a conspicuous reality with the Stuxnet attack on Iran. Cyber
security is crucial to the military and the Department of Defense in terms
of both defensive-reactive and proactive capabilities. Cyber defense
is strongly related to resilience of the various critical infrastructures
already mentioned above. Additionally, forensics and attribution are
fertile grounds for research involving many disciplines. However, in most
advanced countries, including the Netherlands, interest in a proactive
strike force is growing, and more research and study is needed in this

Law enforcement. Similarly, the use of ICT has become a crucial tool
in many tasks related to tracking down, monitoring and apprehending
criminals. Research is needed into improving these abilities without
jeopardizing the safety and privacy of citizens. Some of these capabilities
are extensions to existing capabilities like tapping, whereas others are
entirely new. The research challenges include many different fields:
technical, legal, sociological, etc. Again, attribution in particular is a
difficult but hugely important research task.

Media and news outlets. News outlets and mass media are important
channels for disseminating information and thus make attractive targets
for attackers. Both the news outlets and the threats are increasingly
digital. In the past, we have witnessed compromises of government
websites like that of Syria by Anonymous, but more traditional television

25.2. Research Themes

and radio broadcasts and printed media are possible targets too. Besides
these traditional media, the domain also includes new media outlets such
as blogs, social networks, tweets, etc.

25.2 Research Themes

The research agenda covers research themes that range from designing new
systems in a secure way, to coping with the aftermath of attacks on existing
systems. Each topic requires contributions from multiple disciplines: technical,
legal, economical, etc. To structure the discussion on a potentially infinite list
of research themes, the NCSRA distinguishes the following research themes:

1. Identity, privacy and trust management

Managing (digital) identities, protecting user privacy and managing the
trust in the online world are essential functionalities of the future Inter-
net [21], which are required in each of the application domains listed
above. The application domains concern important but distinct aspects
of the digital life of the citizen. In each of these, different authorities, and
different numbers of authoritiessometimes one (e.g., the government),
sometimes many, sometimes nonewill be responsible for providing
and controlling identities, and different authentication mechanisms will
be used. Therefore, different identity management solutions are needed
to cater for the various needs. Research sub-areas include the com-
puter science and cryptography techniques to ensure privacy and to
handle identities securely, organizational rules and guidelines to delegate
trust, and rules and legislation to deal with identity theft, privacy and
anonymity rights, as well as private data retention and corresponding
access rights.

2. Malware and malicious infrastructures

Malware, short for malicious software, denotes all forms of hostile,
intrusive, or annoying software or program code. The ability to run
malware is essential for many types of attack, serving as a conditio sine
qua non for generating social and economic power for the attackers.
Thus, the threat of malware will remain critical for the foreseeable future.
Currently, we experience the threat of malware most saliently in the form
of botnetsmillions of infected machines tied together in networks at the
disposal of attackers. But malware evolves with the ICT infrastructure.
We are already seeing malware on social networks, in cloud computing
and on mobile devices.
In terms of research, it poses an interdisciplinary challenge. We need ad-
vances in technology, for instance in reverse engineering, deobfuscation,

25. The Dutch National Cyber Security Research Agenda

botnet tracking, analysis of criminal infrastructures, and classification

and clustering of malware). Likewise, we need reliable methods for
estimating the number of infected machines and the effectiveness of
counter-measures. At the same time, we need arrangements to shape
the socio-economic forces that fuel or mitigate the spread and impact
of malware. From a historical perspective, we should study trends in
malwareas doing so prepares us for new threats in time. Unless these
issues are researched jointly, only partial solutions of limited value will
be available.
While originating in criminal behavior, the magnitude and impact of
the malware threat are also influenced by the decisions and behavior
of legitimate market players, such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs),
software vendors, e-commerce companies, hardware manufacturers, reg-
istrars and, last but not least, end users. Here, critical questions focus
on economic incentives for the variety of market players. These can be
shaped by self-regulation, state regulation and liability assignment.
3. Attack detection, attack prevention, and monitoring
Malicious code and human attackers use ICT technology to launch attacks.
The attacks include large-scale denial-of-service attacks, epidemic virus
distribution, and stealthy attacks on high-value targets. Sometimes the
attack is stealthy or even dormant, as in the case of backdoors, while in
other cases, the attacks are very noisy. Monitoring systems and networks
helps to detect and prevent the attacks as early as possible.
Technological research challenges include binary hardening, network
monitors, IDS and IPS systems, and attack analysis. For instance, to
detect and prevent attacks, we need techniques and tools to spot and
remove vulnerabilities from software, and monitoring systems to raise
an alarm when a system behaves in an anomalous manner. Likewise,
compliance monitoring is important for spotting vulnerabilities (in sys-
tems and organizations) as early as possible. From an organizational and
management perspective, we need research into policies and protocols
for monitoring, auditing, etc. From a legal perspective, we need clear
rules for what is and what is not permitted in monitoring (and by whom),
as well as ways to enforce these rules.
4. Forensics and incident management
Forensics and incident management are related, but different activities
that follow in the aftermath of an attack. Incident management consists of
recovery (e.g., salvaging as much of the compromised system as possible),
but also restoring systems and state, and becoming operational again
at minimal cost. Part of the non-technical side of incident management

25.2. Research Themes

consists of setting up protocols and organizational structures for handling

the incidents (who is in charge, who answers to whom, what role do
various parties play, etc.)all in the light of rules and regulations (such as
the general obligation to report information leaks). Another part will be
the assessment of such things like as: what was compromised, how badly
was it compromised, can the data manipulation be reverted, what needs
manual inspection, etc.? At the same time, it requires organizational
procedures to deal with reviewing security protocols, disclosure to press
and public, assembling teams to deal with the recovery, etc.
The goal of cyber forensics is to examine digital media in a sound manner
to identify, preserve, recover, analyze and present facts and opinions
about the information. The first decision after an incident is an economic
one. How essential is the compromised system? For example, in a critical
infrastructure setting such as a power station, it may be more important
to get things up and running (without running the risk of a repeat) than
to gather forensic evidence. In a crime scene, however, highly skilled
digital forensics expertise is needed on-site as quickly as possible to
collect evidence in a way that will make it admissible in a court of law.
This process requires deeply technical as well as legal knowledge. Live
forensics (forensics on a system that cannot be switched out, as in critical
systems) and the attribution question (linking the criminal activity to
the criminals behind it) are examples of issues that urgently require
additional research. The same is true for the legal side: what is admitted
as what sort of evidence under what circumstances? Forensic evidence
has been used in a number of high profile cases and is becoming more
accepted as reliable within US and European court systems. However,
this is hampered by a lack of standards for digital forensic evidence,
especially with multiple parties providing it. Again, research is needed
into developing such standards and methods.

5. Data, Policy and Access Management

In the application domains the variety of data plays a key role. However,
the confidentiality, availability, authenticity and integrity requirements
for different kinds of data can vary greatly, both in the technical as well as
in the legal sense. For example, health records must be kept for 70 years,
and therefore require strong security, whereas other data are almost
ephemeral, such as the data by RFID tags. In this area, we need computer
science research to develop data management techniques (possibly over
very long time scales), but also organizational procedures, to ensure
correct handling of sensitive data, and research to make sure that the
technical policies match the users mental models and understanding.

25. The Dutch National Cyber Security Research Agenda

Security in systems that handle sensitive information requires the en-

forcement of information flow according to well-defined policies. We
need research in novel access management techniques to help regulate
who gets access to what information and under what circumstances.
Given the current trend toward storing more and more data in the cloud,
with the associated ambiguities regarding ownership and access, this
problem is increasingly important. We need research that helps us decide
how data should be managed, where it should be stored, how it will be
maintained, who can do what with the data, and so on. And we need
new technology to enforce these policies.

6. Cybercrime and the underground economy

There is organized cyber crime, such as skimming, botnets, provision of
child pornography and advance fee fraud, and unorganized (common)
cyber crime, such as simple frauds, downloading child pornography,
uttering threats, etc. In both cases we need to understand the (explaining)
factors that lie behind the crimes, the modus operandi and the criminal
careers of cyber criminals, and, in the case of organized crime, how their
organizations work. We need to know more about patterns in cybercrime,
who the victims are and how victimization can be explained. Since
money (and consequently goods and information with a monetary value)
is a key factor in many crimes, it is important to study the underground
economy, its size, its characteristics and how it is intertwined with the
legal economic system. In addition we need to investigate and assess
the effectiveness of measures against cyber crime and the cooperation
between (private and governmental; national and international) parties
against cybercrime. What works and why? Do law enforcement agencies
use their special powers for crime fighting in a digital world and, if so,
with what result? The aim of research into the cybercrime area, is to
design crime prevention strategies and measures to effectively disturb or
block criminal activities.
In addition, we often lack understanding about the socio-cultural context
of the attack. Why is it doing what it is doing? The threat posed
by Anonymous (the loose group of netizens and hackers that attacked
companies that interfered with WikiLeaks) is very different from that
of criminal organizations herding massive botnets, and that of state-
sponsored cyber espionage and warfare. Studying the origin of attacks
and the nature of the victims, as well as the language and socio-cultural
references in malware will help linguists and sociologists to profile the

7. Risk Management, Economics, and Regulation

25.2. Research Themes

Risk management aims to assess the economic value of security, to

provide a rational basis for allocating resources to improve security
after identifying and assessing risksand to determine if we are doing
enough, or too much, and if we are spending resources on the right
things. A scientific basis for establishing such facts is currently missing.
One central problem here is that concrete data are often lacking, and
more research could provide a more solid basis.
A much more fundamental problem is that risk assessment is typically
done by an individual party, one of the many parties that collectively
provide a complex value chain. For an individual party in such a complex
value chain there may not be any economics incentives to fix a problem.
Indeed, in cyber security there are many externalities: costs that are
borne by other parties and hence not incorporated in price. For example,
someone whose home PC is part of a botnet might not notice any adverse
effects, and hence not be motivated to go through all the hassle of
cleaning it. Perverse incentives may be a more important cause of security
problems rather than the lack of suitable technical protection mechanisms.
We need to carry out new studies into the incentives and externalities.
We need research to get a better understanding of the economics of
securityand the economic (dis)incentives that occurand for more
structural solutions of security problems.
Understanding economic driversand where these failis also crucial
to determine where regulation is needed, and more generally what
the governments role should be in cyber security. Different regulatory
frameworks and legal constraints may apply in the various application
domains, and at different levels: national, EU, and international.

8. Secure Design, Tooling, and Engineering

Security engineering is a relatively new field and still lacks the methods
and tools to design, build and cost-effectively test secure systems. ICT
systems in use today are typically not designed and built with security in
mind. As a result, security is often dealt with retrospectively, only after
security problems arise. Security problems then have to be solved by an
add-on in the design, when bad initial design decisions can no longer be
reversed. When it comes to the software, fixing the problems requires
costly bug fixes to patch implementations.
Ideally, systems should be designed with security and privacy in mind
from the startensuring Security by Design or Privacy by Design. They
should then be implemented and tested using sound engineering prin-
ciples and analysis techniques, in order to avoid security problems or
detect them at an early stage. While considerable progress has been

25. The Dutch National Cyber Security Research Agenda

made in some niche areas, such as security protocol analysis, sound

engineering methods for security are still a long way off, especially when
it comes to providing secure software.
Vastly improved tools are needed for testing and verificationto discover
bugs prior to release. This includes testing for backdoors in regular
and embedded systems. The general concept of fuzzing and program
exploration are important research directions.
Besides software engineering, the field of economics plays an important
role in this area. The cost of a secure design may be initially higher and
requires a trade-off between risks and expenses. In addition, the cost
over time for a secure design is likely to be quite different from that of
less secure systems.

9. Offensive Cyber Capabilities

In some domains, it is important to develop techniques to strike back at
attackers. Besides the technical advances (often collectively referred to
hacking back), these include ways to disrupt financial and other support
infrastructures on which the adversary relies. Offensive cyber capacities
are equally essential in testing the defenses of existing systemsfor
instance in penetration testing.
Research challenges include the development of reliable techniques to
penetrate other systems, evade defenses and escalate privileges. Non
technical challenges include the development of legal guidelines to deter-
mine when offensive capacities may be used and by whom, and against
which targets. Decision procedures and command structures for the use
of offensive cyber force are similarly areas that require research.

Even if initially aimed at one specific application domain, research on the

themes above can provide generic solutions that will apply to many application
domains. For this to happen it is important that NCSRA helps to disseminate
knowledge and project results across these application domains.

A Methodologies

In this appendix we outline the methodology used to create this Red Book. We
list the people we mobilized, the way we organized them, and the interactions
we had. We also list the procedure we followed and the meetings (physical and
virtual) we had. For completeness we also include the methodologies used in
the creation of the Crisis of Prioritization Report (section 15 in page 107) and
the ENISA Threat Landscape Report (section 22 in page 131).

A.1 Cyber Security: A Crisis of Prioritization

In addition to engaging the members of the PITAC Committee, the co-chairs of
the Committee organized or participated in a number of meetings as follows:
April 13, 2004 PITAC Meeting: Members of US funding agencies pre-
sented the current state of funding: i.e. who funds what kind of cyber
security research and to what level. PITAC members then discussed the
issues addressed in the presentations. The public was then invited to
make comments and ask questions.
June 17, 2004 PITAC Meeting: The Subcommittee Chair gave an update
on the Cyber Security Subcommittees activities and solicited comment
from PITAC members and the public.
July 29, 2004 Town Hall Meeting: The purpose of the Town Hall meeting
was to solicit perspectives from the public on the current state of cyber
security and the future measures needed to help ensure US leadership in
this area. The participants were given a list of questions and asked to
address them in their presentations.
November 19, 2004 PITAC Meeting. The Subcommittee Chair presented
the draft findings and recommendations and PITAC members provided
feedback. Members of the public also provided comments.

A.2 ENISA Threat Landscape

The ENISA Threat Landscape [268], summarized in Chapter 22, originated
from processing 120 individual reports. Threat reports from 2011 are actually
A. Methodologies

summarized documents, whereas the majority of reports were collected during

2012. The reports come from malware protection vendors, CERTS, security
agencies, commercial companies in the area of security, industrial associations
and committees, and networks of excellence.
The collected threat reports were prioritized into a list of current threats,
which is included in the ENISA report as an annex (i.e., an actual list of phrases
excerpted from the original sources). Trends were identified by identifying
the emerging technologies and projecting the current threat to the respective
technological areas.

A.2.1 Recommendations
ENISA recommends that future threat landscape reports and security-management
actors follow some guidelines:

Use a common terminology to refer to attacks, threats, actors, and so


Collect and develop better evidence concerning attack vectors and the
impact achieved by adversaries. This is a challenging objective, but will
ensure a more rigorous estimation of threat importance and trends.

Collect information about threat agents and, more importantly, correla-

tions among them.

Include the user perspective, which is still absent from the majority of
threat reports (i.e., users are not often the target of such reports).

Develop use cases for threat landscapes, which will help in the analysis
of the feasibility of future threats based on current and past landscapes.

Collect security intelligence and share it across organizations as common

knowledge bases.

B SysSec Threats Landscape Evolution

In this appendix a short overview of SysSec project cyberthreats and vulnerabili-

ties landscape evolution will be briefly described, following the methodological
framework and progress achievements, during the last three years since 2011.

B.1 Methodological Framework

The identification of threats and vulnerabilities for future Internet in the SysSec
Network of Excellence has been organized on the basis of experts brainstorm-
ing and q-based surveys, implementing the Delphi methodology, and jointly
producing threat classification tables and a plausible future scenario con-
text (see Figure B.1), initially proposed as a tool for strategic planning by
RAND [158].

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Plausible Future

Scenario n

Figure B.1: Graphical interpretation of the plausible future idea.

The efforts of the SysSec consortium are also benefiting from ENISA [268],
PITAC [316], World Economic Forum Reports [394] and NATO Comprehensive
Approach [280] methodologies.
Generally, the idea is closely related to the application of the scenario
method. A method which uses scenarios as synthetic descriptions of events
with driving factors, which are classified as important from the subject-matter
B. SysSec Threats Landscape Evolution

As the implementation of the scenario method, especially for future

forecasting, is a rather complex task, the SysSec consortium has taken a
stepwise application approach. SysSec is generating a research roadmap that
encompasses the identified threats of future Internet from the projects yearly

B.2 SysSec 2011 Threats Landscape

In 2011, D4.1: First Report on Threats on the Future Internet and Research
Roadmap [94], produced by the consortium, classified threats/enablers (rep-
resented as rows) in personal, societal and professional assets (columns), using
a three-level colour scale: low (green), medium (yellow) and high (red). The
generated results could be summarized in the table, shown in Figure B.2.
The generated context was encompassing two rather complex scenarios:
The Bank Job and The Peccadillo, accentuating on high priority threats,
related to Internet usage of mobile devices, smart meters and the human factor,
enabling obvious and hidden threats.

B.3 SysSec 2012 Threats Landscape

Evidently, the classification presented in Figure C.2 does not show the dynamics
of threat trends, so a generalization was proposed in 2012. The results were
published in D4.2: Second Report on Threats on the Future Internet and
Research Roadmap [95].
A multi-aspect evaluation of: System Security Aspects of Privacy; Collection,
Detection and Prevention of Targeted Attacks; Security of New and Emerging Technolo-
gies; Security of Mobile Devices and Usable Security, implementing three bilateral
classification graphs (Likelihood/Impact; Technological Difficulty/Need for
Research; Targets)/Time) within five years time horizon has been performed.
The results are generalized in Figures B.3 and B.4.
It should be noted here that the implemented evaluation scale was covering
four degrees: blue (no votes), green (few, less than 3 votes), yellow (medium,
less than 5), red (high, 5 or more votes).
Obviously, this classification gives a more dynamic and reasonable repre-
sentation of the experts beliefs for the next five years. The produced plausible
future context is, as expected, broadened. Three rather complex scenarios are
produced: The Contact Dealer, Portable Device in Stepping-stone Attack,
Password Reuse and Mobile Applications. These scenarios encompass the
driving factors, related to mobile malware, mobile networks, social engineering,
and password problems of human factors. The study is, in fact, covering the
technological threats from Web 2.0 and the upcoming Web 3.0 technologies.

B.4. SysSec 2013 Threats Landscape

PersonalAssets SocietalAssets Professional
Threat-Enabler Assets
Privacy Digital Financial Health Critical GRIDS Data Sales
(Human Iden- Assets Safety Infras- Clouds etc.
Rights) tity tructures
Anonymous Inter- Medium Medium Low Low Medium Low Medium
net Access
Ubiquitous net- High High High High Low Low Low
Human Factors High High High High High High High
Insider attacks High High High High High High High
Botnets High High High High High High High
Program Bugs High High High High High High High
Scale and Complex- High High High High High High High
Mobile Devices High High High High Medium Low High
24/7 connectivity High High High High Low Low High
more private info High High Medium High Low Low Low
smart meters High High Medium High High Low Low
Tracking High High Medium High Low Low High
Smart Environ- High High Medium High Medium Low High
Unsecured Devices High High High High Low Low High
Social networks High High Medium Medium Low Low Low
Cyber-physical con- High Low Medium High High Low High
nectivity for Infras-
tructures, cars etc.
Organized Cyber High High High High High Low High
Mobile Malware High High High High Medium Low High
SCADA Malware Low Low Low Low High Low Medium
Privacy Digital Financial Health Critical GRIDS Data Sales
(Human Iden- Assets Safety Infras- Clouds etc.
Rights) tity tructures

Figure B.2: SysSec 2011 threats/enablers experts based classification in personal,

societal and professional assets.

B.4 SysSec 2013 Threats Landscape

In 2013, the SysSec consortium is going even further, trying to forecast the
future Internet threats in a more global context with the present Red Book:
A Roadmap for System Security Research. This time a broader threats and
vulnerabilities observation is being produced, trying to understand the nature
of threats and the users necessities for prevention in the plausible future. The
study is accentuating on cybersecurity landscape, structuring with: horizontal
research areas (see Chapter 1)) and taking into account the human factor
understanding about threats and vulnerabilities evolution, assets we value,
domain of the game, and what-if scenarios (Chapter 2) for the possible
dynamics overview. The classification is again not surprisingly related to Web

B. SysSec Threats Landscape Evolution

2.0/Web 3.0 technologies progress touching the future artificial interactiveness

and noting: malware, targeted attacks and social engineering in the domains
of: mobile devices, critical infrastructure protection and social networks.
Finally, four grand challenges (Chapter 14) are outlined: (i) development of
non-compromisable devices, (ii) provision of users data self-control mecha-
nisms, (iii) enabling privacy on public places, and (iv) design of compromise-
tolerant systems by means of adequate security.

B.4. SysSec 2013 Threats Landscape

System Security Aspects of Privacy

Very Hard

Quite Unlikely


Simple Solution

Low High Well studied Still Unexplored In 5 years Time Now
Impact (damage)
Need for Research

Collection, Detection and Prevention of Targeted Attacks

Quite Unlikely

Very Hard

Simple Solution Difculty



Low High Well studied Still Unexplored In 5 years Time Now

Impact (damage)
Need for Research

Security of New and Emerging Technologies

Very Hard
Quite Unlikely

Simple Solution Difculty



Low High Well studied Still Unexplored In 5 years Now

Impact (damage) Time
Need for Research

Figure B.3: Generalized results from D4.2: Second Report on Threats on the
Future Internet and Research Roadmap about System Security Aspects of Privacy,
Collection, Detection and Prevention of Targeted Attacks and Security of New and
Emerging Technologies trends.

B. SysSec Threats Landscape Evolution

Security of Mobile Devices

Very Hard

Quite Unlikely


Simple Solution

Low High Well studied Still Unexplored Few In 5 years Time Now
Impact (damage)
Need for Research

Usable Security
Very Hard

Quite Unlikely


Simple Solution


Low High Well studied Still Unexplored In 5 years Time Now

Impact (damage)
Need for Research

Figure B.4: Generalized results from D4.2: Second Report on Threats on the
Future Internet and Research Roadmap about Security of Mobile Devices and
Usable Security trends.


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Information & Communication Technologies

Trustworthy I C T

Grant Agreement No. 257007

A European Network of Excellence in Managing Threats and

Vulnerabilities in the Future Internet: Europe for the World

After the completion of its second year of operation, the SysSec Network of
Excellence produced this Red Book of Cybersecurity to serve as a roadmap
in the area of systems security. To realize this book, SysSec put together a Task
Force of top-level young researchers in the area, steered by the advice of
SysSec WorkPackage Leaders. The Task Force had vibrant consultations with
the Working Groups of SysSec, the Associated members of SysSec, and the
broader Systems Security Community. Capturing their feedback in an on-line
questionnaire and in forward-looking what if questions, the Task Force
distilled their knowledge, their concerns, and their vision for the future.

The result of this consultation has been captured in this book, which we hope
will serve as a roadmap of systems security research, and as an advisory
document for policy makers and researchers who would like to have an
impact on the security of the future Internet.

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