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OCT for glaucoma diagnosis, screening

and detection of glaucoma progression
Igor I Bussel,1 Gadi Wollstein,1 Joel S Schuman1,2
Department of ABSTRACT because it enables a comprehensive assessment of
Ophthalmology, UPMC Eye Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a commonly all the RGC axons as they approach the ONH.
Center, Eye and Ear Institute,
Ophthalmology and Visual
used imaging modality in the evaluation of However, the variability of the surrounding struc-
Science Research Center, glaucomatous damage. The commercially available tures and the presence of coexisting pathology may
University of Pittsburgh School spectral domain (SD)-OCT offers benets in glaucoma impact reliable measurement. As such, the
of Medicine, Pittsburgh, assessment over the earlier generation of time domain- enhanced performance of SD-OCT allows for the
Pennsylvania, USA OCT due to increased axial resolution, faster scanning assessment of macular parameters for glaucoma
Department of
Bioengineering, Swanson speeds and has been reported to have improved evaluation because the macula has the highest con-
School of Engineering, reproducibility but similar diagnostic accuracy. The centration of RGC in the retina (approximately
University of Pittsburgh, capabilities of SD-OCT are rapidly advancing with 3D 50% of the RGC of the entire retina); thus, loss of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA imaging, reproducible registration, and advanced these cells may potentially be more readily detected
Correspondence to segmentation algorithms of macular and optic nerve in this area. Furthermore, given the ability of
Dr Gadi Wollstein, Department head regions. A review of the evidence to date suggests SD-OCT to produce 3D datasets, there is now
of Ophthalmology, UPMC Eye that retinal nerve bre layer remains the dominant potential to assess ONH parameters for glaucoma
Center, Eye and Ear Institute, parameter for glaucoma diagnosis and detection of evaluation with greater accuracy and improved pro-
203 Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh,
progression while initial studies of macular and optic gression detection in consecutive testing by precise
PA 15213;
[email protected] nerve head parameters have shown promising results. image registration. There are currently several com-
SD-OCT still currently lacks the diagnostic performance mercially available SD-OCT devices with varying
Received 13 September 2013 for glaucoma screening. parameters and unique features. As such, the dis-
Revised 7 November 2013 cussion of parameters and features provided in this
Accepted 13 November 2013
Published Online First manuscript may not be applicable across every
19 December 2013 INTRODUCTION SD-OCT device. In this manuscript, we review the
Glaucoma is a multi-factorial optic neuropathy recent advances in the use of SD-OCT for glau-
characterised by progressive structural loss of coma diagnosis, screening and detection of
retinal ganglion cells (RGC) that may result in progression.
vision loss and irreversible blindness. The ability to
detect structural loss is fundamental in the diagno- GLAUCOMA DIAGNOSIS
sis and management of glaucoma. While glau- The use of SD-OCT for glaucoma diagnosis has
comatous structural damage can be assessed become a common clinical practice. Numerous
subjectively by clinically examining the optic nerve studies have demonstrated that RNFL and macular
head (ONH) and peripapillary retinal nerve bre thickness parameters are reproducible, and with
layer (RNFL), the introduction of ocular imaging high diagnostic sensitivity and specicity in discrim-
modalities into clinical management has allowed inating between healthy and glaucomatous eyes
for supplemental objective and quantitative evalu- (table 1).4 5
ation of ocular structure. The diagnostic capabilities of SD-OCT for dis-
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a com- criminating between healthy and glaucomatous eyes
monly used imaging technology in the evaluation using average RNFL thickness have been reported
of glaucomatous structural damage. OCT was intro- to have an area under receiver operating character-
duced over 20 years ago and is a non-invasive istics curve value of around 0.9.6 However, the dis-
optical technique that allows for in vivo cross- crimination ability is dependent on the severity
sectional imaging of the ONH and retina.1 2 The stage of glaucoma, with better performance in dis-
recent commercially available iteration of the OCT criminating between healthy and more advance
Open Access technology, spectral domain (SD)-OCT, has theoret- disease compared with discrimination of early
Scan to access more
free content ical advantages in glaucoma assessment over the stages of glaucoma.7
earlier generation of time domain (TD)-OCT due Acquisition of 3D images of the ONH region
to increased axial resolution and faster scanning enables accurate and reproducible measurements of
speed that lead to lower susceptibility to eye move- ONH parameters that include: disc and rim area,
ment artefacts. The evidence to date suggests that cup to disc ratio, cup volume and others. A diag-
SD-OCT offers improved reproducibility; however, nostic capability study with SD-OCT of glaucoma
the glaucoma diagnostic accuracy of SD-OCT and and age-matched healthy controls reported that
TD-OCT is statistically similar.3 4 these ONH parameters are able to discriminate
SD-OCT is rapidly evolving with faster scanning between healthy and glaucomatous eyes similar to
To cite: Bussel II, speeds, 3D image acquisition patterns, reproducible RNFL thickness.8 Another study with glaucoma,
Wollstein G, Schuman JS. registration and advanced segmentation algorithms. preperimetric glaucoma and healthy subjects
Br J Ophthalmol 2014;98: The clinical utility of SD-OCT in glaucoma has pri- demonstrated that RNFL thickness was better than
ii15ii19. marily focused on the evaluation RNFL parameters any tested ONH parameter.9 The contradictory

Bussel II, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2014;98(Suppl II):ii15ii19. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304326 ii15

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Table 1 Summary of selected glaucoma diagnostic accuracy studies

Study, year Number of Baseline MD Scan
(reference) Subjects eyes (dB) Device region Parameter AUC

Mwanza 2011 8
Glaucoma 73 10.4 Cirrus SD-OCT ONH Vertical rim thickness 0.96
Healthy 146 NA RNFL Rim area 0.96
RNFL average thickness 0.95
Sung 20129 Glaucoma 229 6.64 Cirrus SD-OCT ONH Rim area 0.87
Preperimetric 405 0.66 RNFL RNFL average thickness 0.96
Healthy 109 0.45
Kotowski 201210 Glaucoma 63 2.21 Cirrus SD-OCT Macular GCC average 0.90
Glaucoma suspect 49 0.32 RNFL GCIPL average 0.90
Healthy 51 0.18 RNFL average thickness 0.91
Mwanza 201211 Glaucoma 58 3.2 Cirrus SD-OCT Macular GCIPL minimum 0.96
Healthy 99 0.08 ONH GCIPL average 0.94
RNFL Vertical cup to disc 0.96
ratio 0.93
Cup to disc ratio 0.91
Rim area 0.94
RNFL average thickness
Jeoung 201312 Glaucoma Cirrus SD-OCT Mild, moderate/
Mild 164 2.68 Macular GCIPL minimum severe
Moderate/severe 142 12.41 ONH GCIPL average 0.90, 0.96
Healthy 119 0.22 RNFL Rim area 0.82, 0.91
Cup to disc ratio 0.86, 0.94
RNFL average thickness 0.72, 0.86
0.90, 0.96
Takayama 201213 Glaucoma Cirrus SD-OCT All, early, advanced
Early 38 2.33 Macular GCIPL minimum 0.94, 0.90, 0.99
Advanced 20 14.2 RFNL GCIPL average 0.87, 0.82, 0.96
Healthy 48 0.07 RNFL average thickness 0.92, 0.89, 0.96
Lisboa 201314 Preperimetric 48 0.81 RTVue Macular GCC average 0.79
glaucoma SD-OCT ONH Vertical cup to disc 0.74
Healthy 94 0.02 RNFL ratio 0.72
Rim area 0.89
RNFL average thickness
AUC, area under receiver operating characteristics curve; GCC, ganglion cell complex; GCIPL, ganglion cell inner plexiform layer; MD, mean deviation; ONH, optic nerve head; RNFL,
retinal nerve fibre layer; SD-OCT, spectral domain-optical coherence tomography.

results of these two studies may be attributed to difference in healthy eyes from eyes with established glaucomatous visual
glaucoma severity within the study samples. However, both eld (VF) loss. A recent SD-OCT study compared the diagnostic
studies reported similar diagnostic capability with rim area and ability of RNFL, ONH and macular parameters for diagnosing
average RNFL thickness in advanced glaucoma. The role of preperimetric glaucoma in an observational cohort with
SD-OCT ONH analysis in glaucoma diagnosis is yet to be 13 years of follow-up.14 The investigators demonstrated that
determined. RNFL parameters performed signicantly better than ONH and
While total macular thickness (TMT) has been associated with macular parameters for detecting preperimetric glaucomatous
glaucoma, the diagnostic capabilities have been reported to be damage. It is plausible that a combination of parameters from
worse than with RNFL thickness. However, SD-OCT segmenta- the various scanned regions can improve diagnostic perform-
tion algorithms have enabled quantication of individual layers in ance; however, this has yet to be evaluated.
the macular region that are particularly impacted by glaucomatous Myopia is a risk factor for glaucoma and a confounder that
damage, specically, macular RNFL (mRNFL), ganglion cell layer complicates diagnosis because it presents with structural changes
with inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) and ganglion cell complex that can progressively lead to glaucomatous-appearing VF
(GCC=mRNFL+GCIPL). Recent studies reported similar area defects.15 Myopic refractive error and longer axial lengths
under the receiver operating characteristics diagnostic capability of impact RNFL and macular thickness measurements due to the
GCIPL that was comparable with RNFL10 11 and ONH para- optical projection artefact of the scanning area. It has been
meters.11 12 Furthermore, of the various GCIPL-specic para- demonstrated that non-glaucomatous myopic eyes tend to have
meters (average, minimum, sectoral), minimum GCIPL has been thinner RNFL and macular parameters that are falsely classied
reported to be the most sensitive for the diagnosis of as abnormal by OCT.16 Recent SD-OCT diagnostic performance
glaucoma.12 13 studies on glaucomatous eyes with high myopia have demon-
SD-OCT diagnostic studies have demonstrated that glau- strated that RNFL and macular thickness parameters have
comatous damage results in thinning of RNFL and GCIPL as similar ability to detect glaucoma.17 18
well as ONH structural changes that allow for discrimination The quality of reporting of diagnostic studies for glaucoma
between glaucoma and healthy eyes. However, in most of these using OCT has been demonstrated overall to be suboptimal
studies, the diagnostic accuracy may not translate when used in with only 26.7% of selected papers reporting more than half of
clinical practice for early stage glaucoma detection because the the standards for the reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies
discrimination studies are usually based on differentiating (STARD) criteria items.19 Using the same criteria, 100% of the

ii16 Bussel II, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2014;98(Suppl II):ii15ii19. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304326

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selected diagnostic studies in this review reported more than potential for early detection in a high-risk population.7 As of
half of the STARD items (mean 71.4%; range 54%92%). this writing, the use of SD-OCT for glaucoma screening in
In summary, the literature to date suggests that RNFL thick- high-risk populations has not been reported. The United States
ness remains the most diagnostically accurate parameter for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality evaluated the evi-
detecting glaucoma. Though there have been some conicting dence from the primary studies that investigated the diagnostic
reports, several studies suggest that the diagnostic performance performance of OCT and reported that all the studies had
of segmented macular and ONH parameters are comparable appreciable heterogeneity and were at risk of investigating sub-
with RNFL parameters. Furthermore, there is a reported differ- jects that did not reect the general or the clinically relevant
ence in RNFL thickness measurement between different population (spectrum bias).6 In summary, OCT currently lacks
SD-OCT devices attributed to variation in optical properties the necessary diagnostic performance for general population
and segmentation algorithms, and therefore the measurements glaucoma screening.
are not inter-changeable between devices.20 However, despite
these variations, the devices have demonstrated similar diagnos-
tic capabilities.21 GLAUCOMA PROGRESSION
Once glaucoma is diagnosed, a sensitive method for detection of
GLAUCOMA SCREENING progression is essential because appropriately intensifying treat-
Individuals with glaucoma are usually asymptomatic until late in ment can slow RGC loss and preserve vision. The detection of
the disease processes and it is possible to either slow or prevent glaucoma progression with OCT remains a challenge because
the progression of vision loss if detected early by adequate treat- when assessing structural changes over time, it is difcult to dis-
ment. Therefore, a glaucoma screening tool for the general criminate between glaucomatous structural damage and measure-
population is desirable. Population-based glaucoma screening is ment variability or age-related structural loss. A prospective study
currently not cost-effective but it may be more benecial and assessing age-related loss enrolled 100 healthy subjects for cross-
cost-effective in a targeted high-risk population such as older sectional evaluation and then randomly selected 35 subjects for
African Americans and Hispanics or those with a family history 30 months of longitudinal evaluation.23 Cross-sectional analysis of
of glaucoma. Screening for glaucoma in a community-based healthy subjects demonstrated a signicant negative correlation
high-risk population with TD-OCT resulted in moderate sensi- between age and average RNFL thickness of 0.33 m/year while
tivity and high specicity for denitive glaucoma suggesting that the longitudinal analysis reported a 0.52 m/year rate of
the device does not have adequate sensitivity to be used alone age-related loss of RNFL. Furthermore, the same study reported
but may have utility in excluding subjects from further evalu- that age-related structural loss varies as a function of baseline
ation.22 However, SD-OCT has been reported to have higher RNFL where a higher baseline thickness is subject to higher rates
sensitivity than TD-OCT in glaucoma screening and may have of decline.

Table 2 Summary of selected longitudinal studies of glaucoma progression detection

Study, year Duration Number Progression Progression
(reference) (years) Subjects of eyes Device standard parameters Summary

Wollstein 4.7 Glaucoma 55 Prototype Visual field RNFL Greater likelihood of progression as measured by
200525 Glaucoma 9 TD-OCT OCT compared with visual field
Wessel 201326 3 Glaucoma 38 Spectralis Optic disc photos RNFL Significant difference in rate of structural change
Healthy 24 SD-OCT between glaucoma progressors (2.12 m/year) and
non-progressors (1.18 m/year)
Naghizadeh 2 Glaucoma 51 RTVue Visual field RNFL Glaucoma eyes had non-significant rates of
201327 Healthy 17 SD-OCT ONH structural change in RNFL (0.33 m/year), cup area
macular (0.03 mm2/year), rim area (0.03 mm2/year) and
GCC (0.19 m/year). Only GCC global (3.8%/year)
and focal (1.5%/year) loss volumes had significant
rates of structural change compared with healthy
Na 201228 2.1 Glaucoma 141 Cirrus Optic disc photos, RNFL No significant difference in sensitivity to detect
Healthy 61 SD-OCT red-free RNFL photos macular glaucoma progression among RNFL (5%), TMT
(14%) and GCIPL (8%)
Sung 201229 2.2 Glaucoma 98 Cirrus Optic disc photos, RNFL By photographs, glaucoma progressors had
SD-OCT red-free RNFL photos, macular structural rates of RNFL change of 1.19 m/year
visual field and macular thickness 4.74 m/year. By visual
field index, glaucoma progressors had structural
rates of RNFL change of 2.08 m/year and macular
thickness 5.12 m/year. Only macular rates of
change were significantly different from glaucoma
Na 201330 2.2 Glaucoma 279 Cirrus Optic disc photos, RNFL Glaucoma progressors had significantly different
SD-OCT red-free RNFL photos, ONH rates of structural change in RNFL (1.26 m/year),
visual field macular rim area (0.02 mm2/year), average cup to disc ratio
(0.004/year) and macular cube volume (0.07 m/
year) compared with glaucoma non-progressors
GCC, ganglion cell complex; GCIPL, ganglion cell inner plexiform layer; OCT, optical coherence tomography; ONH, optic nerve head; RNFL, retinal nerve fibre layer; SD-OCT, spectral
domain-optical coherence tomography; TD-OCT, time domain-optical coherence tomography; TMT, total macular thickness.

Bussel II, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2014;98(Suppl II):ii15ii19. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304326 ii17

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SD-OCT has been reported to be more sensitive than studies need to be cautiously evaluated in light of the relatively
TD-OCT in detecting RNFL changes in glaucoma progres- short duration of follow-up in the context of the typically slowly
sion.24 SD-OCT glaucoma progression algorithms measure progressing glaucoma.
changes based on either event-based or trend-based analysis.
Event-based analysis detects progression when a follow-up meas- CONCLUSIONS
urement exceeds a pre-established threshold for change from SD-OCT is a valuable clinical tool for glaucoma diagnosis and
baseline. This analysis identies a gradual change over time that detection of progression. RNFL parameters have been demon-
eventually crosses a threshold or an acute event that exceeds a strated to provide accurate information for disease diagnosis and
threshold. The limitation of this approach is the susceptibility to sensitive method for disease progression. Initial studies evaluat-
the effect of outliers that can be inappropriately labelled as pro- ing macular and ONH parameters show encouraging results.
gression. Trend-based analysis detects progression by evaluating
the slope of measured parameter over time. Trend analysis is Contributors IIB: drafting the article. GW: revising the article critically for
less sensitive to measurement variability and identies a rate of important intellectual content and nal approval of the version to be published. JSS:
nal approval of the version to be published.
progression that may be extrapolated for time-to-event predic-
tions. The limitation of this approach is the requirement for a Funding Supported in part by National Institutes of Health contracts NIH
R01-EY013178, P30-EY008098 (Bethesda, Maryland, USA); The Eye and Ear
large number of tests before the analysis can be considered as Foundation (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA); and Research to Prevent Blindness
reliable. Furthermore, trend analysis has an a priori assumption (New York, New York, USA).
of a linear rate of structural loss, which might not be applicable Competing interests Dr Wollstein is a consultant for Allergan. Dr. Schuman
for all eyes. receives royalties for intellectual property licensed by Massachusetts Institute of
Table 2 summarises selected longitudinal studies of glaucoma Technology to Zeiss.
progression. The rst study to show the potential of OCT in Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
detecting glaucoma progression used an event-based approach to
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
evaluate TD-OCT RNFL thickness measurements over time and Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which
reported a mean loss of average RNFL thickness of 11.7 m over permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
4.7 years in glaucoma subjects.25 In a longitudinal SD-OCT study and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
of glaucoma and healthy eyes followed for 3 years, the investiga- properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/
tors reported a signicantly greater rate of RNFL loss in glau-
comatous optic disc progressors compared with
non-progressors.26 A 2-year study of perimetric glaucoma and REFERENCES
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Bussel II, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2014;98(Suppl II):ii15ii19. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304326 ii19

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OCT for glaucoma diagnosis, screening and

detection of glaucoma progression
Igor I Bussel, Gadi Wollstein and Joel S Schuman

Br J Ophthalmol 2014 98: ii15-ii19 originally published online December

19, 2013
doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304326

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