Instructional Planning: Unit Plan: Neutral Atom/Atomic Structure 8 Grade Janet Aneni

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Instructional Planning: Unit Plan

Neutral Atom/Atomic Structure Subject/Course: Science
Grade/s: 8th Grade Name: Janet Aneni

Stage 1: Desired Results


4.1 Expectation: The student will explain that atoms have structure and this structure serves as the basis
for the properties of elements and the bonds that they form.

4.1.1 The student will analyze structure of the atom and describe the characteristics of the particles
found there
4.1.2 The student will demonstrate that the arrangement and number of electrons and the properties of
elements repeat in a periodic manner illustrated by their arrangement in the periodic table
4.1.3 The student will identify and describe the meaning of the atomic number and mass number and use
them to calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom
4.1.5- The student will analyze the structure of the atom and explain what makes the atom neutrally

Supporting/Repeating Standards:

1.5.1 demonstrate the ability to summarize data

1.6.1 use ratio and proportion in appropriate situations to solve problems.
1.6.4 manipulate quantities and/or numerical values in algebraic equations.

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that
1) All objects are made up of parts too small to be What is an atom?
seen with even the most powerful microscope What is a proton? Its Charge?
2) Atoms are made of extremely tiny particles called
protons, neutrons, and electrons. What is an electron? Its charge?
3) Protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom, What is a neutron? Its charge?
making up the nucleus.
4) Electrons surround the nucleus. What is atomic mass
5) Protons have a positive charge.
What does the atomic # represent?
6) Electrons have a negative charge.
7) The charge on the proton and electron are exactly How is energy level differentiated?
the same size but opposite.
8) Neutrons have no charge. The periodic table is a Can you label all parts of an element block?
chart containing information about the atoms that What can you tell by looking at a periodic table?
make up all matter.
9)An element is a substance made up of only one type
of atom.
10) The atomic number of an atom is equal to the
number of protons in its nucleus.
11) The number of electrons surrounding the nucleus
of an atom is equal to the number of protons in its
12) The atoms in the periodic table are arranged to
show characteristics and relationships between
atoms and groups of atoms. The electrons
surrounding an atom are located in regions around
the nucleus called energy levels.
13) An energy level represents the 3-dimensional space
surrounding the nucleus where electrons are most
likely to be.
14) The first energy level is closest to the nucleus. The
second energy level is a little farther away than the
first. The third is a little farther away than the
second, and so on.
15) Each energy level can accommodate or hold a
different number of electrons before additional
electrons begin to go into the next level.
16) When the first energy level has 2 electrons, the
next electrons go into the second energy level until
the second level has 8 electrons.
17) When the second energy level has 8 electrons, the
next electrons go into the third energy level until
the third level has 8 electrons.
18) Atoms in the same column (group) in the periodic
table have the same number of valence electrons.

Students will know Students will be able to

Describe an atoms and all parts in it
1) Protons
2) Electrons Successfully read and analyze elements on the
3) Neutrons periodic table
4) group
5) atomic mass
6) atomic number
7) orbital
8) group
9) period
Atomic # = #protons = #electrons
#Neutrons= Atomic mass- #protons

Stage 2a: Assessment/Evidence

Explain any performance tasks you will use (major projects and core task, i.e., common assessments):

Formative assessments Daily: Students will be given series of independent question to measure
there level of retention and determine the mastery level of daily objective

Element Facebook Page : Students will create a 5-section Facebook Profile page for an element of
I assign To show your knowledge of atoms/elements, to have fun, and to give an opportunity for
mastery (One element page required; one more element page (2 total) for enrichment for mastery)
Explain other assessment evidence you will use: (quizzes, tests, prompts, work samples and observations):

Vocabulary Quizzes: Students will be given two vocabulary quizzes during the course of the unit.
Each vocabulary quiz will include listening and reading questions.

Warm-ups Daily: Students will bw given warm-up questions daily to reflection on information retain
from prior class and/or introduce them to new information to see what students already know
Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Plan (Activities and Resources):

Day 1-2:
Students will be able to explain, in terms of electrons and protons, why a charged object is attracted or repelled by
another charged object. They will also be able to explain why a charged object can even be attracted to an uncharged
object. Students will also be able to explain that the attraction between positive protons and negative electrons holds an
atom together.

Day 3-5:
Students will identify different atoms by the number of protons in the nucleus and realize that the number of electrons
equals the number of protons in a neutral atom. They will also be able to explain the meaning of atomic number and
atomic mass.

Day 6-7:
Students will be able to interpret the information given in the periodic table to describe the arrangement of electrons on
the energy levels around an atom.

Day 8-9:
Student will complete a element facebook page to show mastery of unit.

Day 10:
Students will master Unit exam

Other Notes/Handouts/Rubrics:

*Students will be given review packet before unit test is taken to brush up on learned skills

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