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Flexible Ignition System for a Gas Turbine

Anton Berg
as a student project for
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

Master of Science Thesis

KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management
Energy Technology EGI-2012-024MSC EKV882
Division of Heat and Power
Master of Science Thesis EGI 2012:
EGI-2012-024MSC EKV882

Flexible Ignition System for a Gas Turbine

Anton Berg
Approved Examiner Supervisor

2012-06-19 Torsten Fransson Jeevan Jayasuriya

Alessio Bonaldo
Commissioner Contact person

Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB produce five gas turbines models. The SGT-700 can currently
only start on gases which contain low amounts of inert gases. It is therefore of interest to widen the fuel
range which the SGT-700, as well as other gas turbines, can start on. This report investigates the
maximum limit of inert gases the SGT-700 will be able to start on, but also investigates if it is possible to
start on liquid fuel (diesel) by making a few modifications to the gas turbine.

To investigate this, the atmospheric combustion rig available at Siemens in Finspng has been used with a
standard burner, igniter and ignition unit for the SGT-700. For the liquid fuel, the igniter was replaced by
a torch igniter specially made for liquid fuels. Four different gases were evaluated; methane, propane, CO2
and N2 in order to see the effect of both various hydrocarbons and various inert gases.

A model was developed for the gaseous experiments to estimate the limit for the maximum amount of
inert gases the gas turbine would be able to start on. The model suggested that CO2 would require a larger
amount of energy than N2 for the same amount in the composition, but that varying hydrocarbons did not
have any effect if looking at the mass % of inert gas in the composition. The model was also extended
with ethane and hydrogen but no experiments were performed with these gases.

The model gave satisfying results. It overestimated the maximum amount of inert gases which could be
mixed with propane, but agreed well when comparing the two inert gases with each other. Other
interesting results were that an increased fuel flow decreased the minimum ignition energy and that an
increased air flow gave a minor decrease in the maximum amount of inert gases that was possible to ignite.

The torch igniter for the liquid fuel worked in a satisfying way. The ignition energy was however too low,
so the ignition reliability was low. A new ignition unit with larger energy output therefore needs to be
implemented. The igniter was fairly insensitive to variations in burner air flow and the ignition delay was
small enough to provide a sustainable flame.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................................................V
Index of Figures.......................................................................................................................................................... VI
Index of Tables ........................................................................................................................................................VIII
Greek Symbols..............................................................................................................................................................X
1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Siemens .......................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery ......................................................................................................1
1.3 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery SGT-700.....................................................................................2
1.4 Fuel ..............................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Atmospheric Experiments vs Full-Scale Experiments........................................................................4
1.6 Problem Formulation ...............................................................................................................................5
1.7 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................................5
1.8 Boundaries..................................................................................................................................................6
1.9 Burners........................................................................................................................................................6
1.10 Ignition........................................................................................................................................................8
1.11 Igniters Applicable for Gas Turbines.....................................................................................................8
1.12 Important Base Factors ............................................................................................................................9
1.13 Flames .......................................................................................................................................................10
2 Parameters Affecting the Minimum Ignition Energy...................................................................................11
2.1 General......................................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Gaseous Fuel............................................................................................................................................13
2.3 Liquid Fuel................................................................................................................................................13
2.4 Summary ...................................................................................................................................................14
3 Parameters Affecting the Ignition Delay Time .............................................................................................16
3.1 General......................................................................................................................................................16
3.2 Gaseous Fuel............................................................................................................................................16
3.3 Liquid Fuel................................................................................................................................................17
3.4 Summary ...................................................................................................................................................17
4 Methodology .......................................................................................................................................................19
4.1 Experimental Rig.....................................................................................................................................19
4.2 Igniters.......................................................................................................................................................20
4.3 Mixing of Gases.......................................................................................................................................21

4.4 Combustible Mixture ..............................................................................................................................23
4.5 Risk Analysis ............................................................................................................................................24
4.6 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................24
4.7 Post-Processing........................................................................................................................................25
5 Calculations .........................................................................................................................................................26
5.1 Laminar Flame Speed .............................................................................................................................26
5.2 Minimum Ignition Energy .....................................................................................................................29
5.3 Ignition Delay Time................................................................................................................................36
6 Results ..................................................................................................................................................................38
6.1 Gaseous Fuels ..........................................................................................................................................38
6.2 Liquid Fuel................................................................................................................................................40
7 Discussion ...........................................................................................................................................................42
7.1 Gaseous Fuel Experiments....................................................................................................................42
7.2 The Model ................................................................................................................................................44
7.3 Flame Propagation Gaseous Fuel.........................................................................................................52
7.4 Liquid Fuel Experiments........................................................................................................................57
7.5 Flame Propagation Liquid Fuel.............................................................................................................59
7.6 Comparison between Experimental Rig and Gas Turbine...............................................................66
8 Conclusions .........................................................................................................................................................70
9 Recommendations for Future Work...............................................................................................................71
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................73
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................................................78
Appendix 1. Risk Analysis.....................................................................................................................................78
Appendix 2. Checklist for Gaseous Fuels ..........................................................................................................80
Appendix 3. Test Matrix Gaseous Fuels.............................................................................................................81
Appendix 4. Test Matrix Liquid Fuels ................................................................................................................82
Appendix 5. Increase in MIE Larger Range ......................................................................................................83
Appendix 6. Experimental Results Gaseous Fuel.............................................................................................84
Appendix 7. Experimental Results Diesel Fuel .................................................................................................87

Firstly, I would like to thank the combustion group at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery for giving me
the opportunity to do my master thesis with them.
I would especially like to thank my supervisors at Siemens, Alessio Bonaldo and Anders Larsson, for their
support and guidance with this project.
I would also like to thank Arne Irewall for the help with the experimental rig, and Mats Andersson for
supporting with valuable tips.
My old manager Jenny Larfeldt and my new manager Anders Hggmark have been very supportive during
my project as well.
I also thank the master thesis students here at Siemens who have created a very good atmosphere to work
Several other people have also been involved from Siemens, and I am grateful for all the support I have
gotten from Siemens.
I am also grateful that my KTH supervisor Jeevan Jayasuriya has been helpful during this project.
Finally, I would like to thank my wife Megan for the great support I have received during my thesis.

Index of Figures
Figure 1.1. The SIT SGT-700 (Siemens AG, 2009).................................................................................................2
Figure 1.2. Hydrocarbons vs inert gases for all gas enquiries for SIT AB during the years 2009-2010 (SIT
AB, 2012)........................................................................................................................................................................3
Figure 1.3. 3rd generation DLE burner (SIT AB, 2012).........................................................................................6
Figure 1.4. Streamlines and normalized axial velocities in the combustion chamber and mixing tube during
full load (SIT AB, 2012). ..............................................................................................................................................7
Figure 4.1. Schematics of the atmospheric combustion rig at Siemens, Finspng (Lindholm et al., 2009)..19
Figure 4.2. Drawing of the spark igniter from Lodge Ignition Limited (currently Vibro-Meter). .................20
Figure 4.3. Drawing of the torch igniter from Vibro-Meter. ...............................................................................20
Figure 4.4. Torch igniter, seen from the front........................................................................................................20
Figure 4.5. Igniter holder used for liquid fuel experiments. .................................................................................21
Figure 4.6. Layout of the gas mixing system...........................................................................................................22
Figure 4.7. Vapor pressure of propane at different temperatures (Engineering toolbox, 2012b)..................23
Figure 5.1. Laminar flame speed for methane and propane as function of equivalence ratio........................27
Figure 5.2. Laminar flame speed for mixtures of fuels with non-hydrocarbon gases and air at
stoichiometric ratios....................................................................................................................................................28
Figure 5.3. Laminar flame speed of propane and N2 with experimental (Tang et at., 2010) and calculated
values. ............................................................................................................................................................................29
Figure 5.4. Calculated vs experimental (Andrews, Bradley, 1972) quenching distance for different
equivalence ratios.........................................................................................................................................................31
Figure 5.5. Calculated vs experimental (Han et al., 2010) MIE for different equivalence ratios....................32
Figure 5.6. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions by mol percent non-hydrocarbon gas in the fuel.
Figure 5.7. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions by mol percent non-hydrocarbon gas from the
fuel in total (air and fuel)............................................................................................................................................34
Figure 5.8. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions by mass percent non-hydrocarbon gas in the fuel.
Figure 5.9. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions for pure methane by temperature with 20 C as
base point......................................................................................................................................................................36
Figure 6.1. Ignition chart for various calculated MIE by mol %. Air flow 170 g/s. ........................................38
Figure 6.2. Ignition chart for various calculated MIE by mass %. Air flow 170 g/s. ......................................39
Figure 6.3. Ignition chart for various natural gas flows and inert gas percentages...........................................40
Figure 6.4. Fuel flow of kerosene at various pressures for the torch igniter at a fuel temperature of 18 C
(Vibro-Meter, 2006). ...................................................................................................................................................41
Figure 7.1. Ignition chart for various calculated MIE by mol % with an approximate limit. Air flow 170

Figure 7.2. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions by mol percent inert gas in the fuel for mixtures
of methane, propane and inert gases. Percentage numbers in legend indicate mol percentage of methane in
methane/propane mixture.........................................................................................................................................47
Figure 7.3. Increase in MIE for mass weighed compared to model at stoichiometric conditions by mol
percent inert gas in the fuel for mixtures of methane, propane and inerts. Percentage numbers in legend
indicate mol percentage of methane in methane/propane mixture....................................................................48
Figure 7.4. Increase in MIE for mass weighed and model at stoichiometric conditions by mol percent inert
gas in the fuel for mixtures of methane, propane and CO2. Percentage numbers in legend indicate mol
percentage of methane in methane/propane mixture...........................................................................................49
Figure 7.5. Theoretically possible ignition chart for the atmospheric rig by mol % with an air flow 170 g/s.
Figure 7.6. Increase in MIE for methane mixed with CO2 and N2.....................................................................51
Figure 7.7. Theoretical maximum limit with variable ignition unit for the SGT-600. .....................................52
Figure 7.8. Flame propagation by time for a mixture of natural gas and 28 mol % N2 with air flow of 170
g/s. The pictures have been decreased in brightness. ...........................................................................................53
Figure 7.9. Flame propagation by time for natural gas with air flow of 170 g/s. The pictures have been
decreased in brightness...............................................................................................................................................54
Figure 7.10. Flame propagation by time for a mixture of natural gas and 26 mol % N2 with air flow of 170
g/s. The pictures have been decreased in brightness. ...........................................................................................56
Figure 7.11. Flame propagation by time for natural gas with air flow of 170 g/s. The pictures have been
decreased in brightness...............................................................................................................................................57
Figure 7.12. Torch igniter in the combustion chamber in the atmospheric rig. ...............................................58
Figure 7.13. Ignition sequence of a non-successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 14 barg, purge air: 0 barg,
burner air: 150 g/s, air temperature: 20 C. ............................................................................................................60
Figure 7.14. Ignition sequence of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 9 barg, purge air: 0 barg, burner air:
200 g/s, air temperature: 110 C...............................................................................................................................61
Figure 7.15. Flame propagation of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 14 barg, purge air: 0 barg, burner
air: 200 g/s, air temperature: 20 C. .........................................................................................................................62
Figure 7.16. Flame propagation of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 5 barg, purge air: 0 barg, burner air:
0, air temperature: 20 C. ...........................................................................................................................................63
Figure 7.17. Ignition sequence of a non-successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 5 barg, purge air: 2 barg, burner
air: 200 g/s, air temperature: 20 C. .........................................................................................................................64
Figure 7.18. Ignition sequence of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 14 barg, purge air: 0 barg, burner air:
150 g/s, air temperature: 20 C.................................................................................................................................65
Figure 7.19. Ignition sequence of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 14 barg, purge air: 0 barg, burner air:
200 g/s, air temperature: 20 C.................................................................................................................................66
Figure 7.20. Schematics of the atmospheric rig, seen from the side (SIT AB, 2012).......................................67
Figure 7.21. Schematics of the atmospheric rig, seen from the burner exit (SIT AB, 2012). .........................67

Index of Tables
Table 1.1. Minimum ignition energy for fuels, in 10-5 J and flammability limits (Barnett, Hibbard,
1957)(note a source: Zabetakis, 1965). .......................................................................................................................9
Table 2.1. Factors affecting the MIE at experimental conditions. Order of importance: Severe, major,
significant, minor, insignificant. ................................................................................................................................15
Table 3.1. Factors affecting the ignition delay time at experimental conditions. Order of importance:
Severe, major, significant, minor, insignificant.......................................................................................................18
Table 4.1. Analysis of natural gas used for experiments. ......................................................................................24
Table 4.2. Experimental conditions..........................................................................................................................25

%mol Mol percentage
%mass Mass percentage
A Mass air kg
A Empirical constant
cp Specific heat J/(kg*K)

DLE Dry low emission

dq Quenching distance m

E Global activation energy J/kmol

Eign Minimum ignition energy (same as MIE) J

F Fuel mass kg
k Thermal conductivity W/(m*K)
LNG Liquefied natural gas
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas

mcrit Critical mass kg

MIE Minimum ignition energy J

MW Mol weight kg/kmol
n Empirical constant
N Total mol mol
P Pressure Pa

Rcrit Critical radius m

Ru Universal gas constant J/kmol/K

RVP Reid vapor pressure Pa

SGT Siemens gas turbine
SIT Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery
SL Laminar flame speed m/s
ST Turbulent flame speed m/s

T Temperature K
Tu Temperature of unburned gas K

Tad Adiabatic flame temperature K

U Velocity m/s

u' Root mean square of fluctuating velocity m/s

Greek Symbols
Thermal diffusivity m2/s
Density kg/m3
Equivalence ratio
Ignition delay time ms

b Burned gas
c Hydrocarbon-air mixture
n Non-hydrocarbon gas
stoich Stoichiometric ratio
tot Total gases
u Unburned gas

1 Introduction
1.1 Siemens
Siemens is a global company which was founded over 160 years ago and is currently located in more than
190 countries (Siemens AB, 2009) with a total of over 405,000 employees. Siemens have four main sectors
which are (Siemens AG, 2011):
Infrastructure and cities
In Sweden, Siemens has around 4,700 employees, of which 2,700 work for Siemens Industrial
Turbomachinery (SIT) in Finspng, developing and manufacturing steam and gas turbines (Siemens AB,
The town of Finspng has been an industrial city for a long time. It started in 1631 when Louis De Geer
bought Finspng Bruk and started manufacturing cannons. This lasted until 1911 when Nordiska
Artilleriverken, as the company was called then, went bankrupt. Only two years later, in 1913, the brothers
Birger and Fredrik Ljungstrm started Svenska Turbinfabriks Aktiebolaget Ljungstrm, STAL, in
Finspng. Their main competitor in Sweden was De Laval, until the end of the 50s when the two
companies merged into Stal-Laval. In 1944, the first development of gas turbines started in Finspng for
the Swedish Air Force, but later these jet engines were developed into stationary gas turbines. Since then,
the name has changed several times: ASEA Stal, ABB Stal, ABB Alstom Power and Alstom Power (SIT,

1.2 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery

Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery in Finspng is well-known among turbine customers all around the
world and 95 % of all sales are exported. In Finspng, the engines SGT-500, SGT-600, SGT-700, SGT-
750 and SGT-800 are produced (SGT standing for Siemens gas turbine), ranging in power output from 19
to 47 MW. All engines are dual fuel engines, i.e. the engines can run on both liquid and gaseous fuels. The
range for all Siemens gas turbines is from 4 MW to 375 MW.
The SGT-500 is the smallest gas turbine produced in Finspng with a power output of 19 MW. It can
handle a wide range of fuels and is a robust gas turbine, making it the ideal choice for off-shore and
marine applications. However, the efficiency is lower than the SGT-700 and it has higher emissions. It
also has a lower exhaust gas temperature than the SGT-700, thus decreasing the efficiency when
implemented in a combined cycle together with a steam turbine.
The SGT-600 has several similarities with the SGT-700, but has a power output of 25 MW instead of 31
MW as for the SGT-700, and a lower efficiency. It also has slightly higher emissions than the SGT-700,
but the differences are small.
The SGT-750 is the newest addition to Siemens gas turbine portfolio being released late in 2010. It was
created to fill the gap in power outputs between the SGT-700 and the SGT-800. The SGT-750 has a
power output of 36 MW and the most efficient engine with an efficiency of 38.7 %.
The SGT-800 is the largest gas turbine produced in Finspng, with a power output of 47 MW. It has as
low emissions as the SGT-700 and a slightly better efficiency than the SGT-700 (Siemens Energy, 2012a).

Siemens also produce a wide range of steam turbines, from 110 kW up to 1,900 MW. There are 20
different models available, varying in sizes and pressure and temperature allowances, making the steam
turbines suitable for a large variety of applications (Siemens Energy, 2012b).

1.3 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery SGT-700

The SIT SGT-700 is an updated version of the SGT-600 and it can be used both for power generation
and mechanical drive. Because of its compactness, long lifetime, wide fuel range capability and easy
maintenance, it is suitable for off-shore installations.
It is a twin-shaft turbine with an electrical power output of 31.21 MW at full load and with an electrical
efficiency of 36.4 %. Figure 1.1 shows the layout of the SGT-700. It has an annular combustion chamber
with 18 dry low emission (DLE) burners, providing a NOx level of less than 15 ppm when run on gaseous
fuels or less than 42 ppm when run on liquid fuels. The compressor consists of 11 stages for a
compression ratio of 18.6:1 and the turbine consists of two stages for the compressor axis and two stages
for the power axis. When used in a combined cycle, the electrical efficiency reaches 51.9 % with an
electrical power output of 43.9 MW (Siemens AG, 2009).

Figure 1.1. The SIT SGT-700 (Siemens AG, 2009).

1.4 Fuel
The fuel flexibility of a gas turbine is of great importance. Because of the flexibility of a gas turbine, many
customers ask to run their turbines on raw wellhead natural gases and similar. This is especially true for
off-shore customers who usually have limited refining availabilities. Figure 1.2 shows all gas fuel enquiries
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery had during 2009 and 2010, which are around 1,200 different gases.
The straight line between 100 % hydrocarbons and 100 % inerts means the gas only contains
hydrocarbons and inerts, whereas fuels below this line also contains H2 and/or CO. It can be seen that the
majority of gases contains large amounts of hydrocarbons, but there is also a large market for gases
containing significant amounts of inert gases and/or other gases. Siemens also had over 220 liquid fuel
enquiries during 2009 and 2010, where 41 of these were for diesel fuel. Heavy fuel oil and crude oil
combined had 71 enquiries; however, these fuels are most often enquiries for the SGT-500 because of its
robustness and ability to handle a wide range of fuels.
The SGT-700 has proven that it can run on natural gas with a N2 content of up to 40 % by volume
without any problems on both full load and part loads (Hellberg, Nordn, 2009).

Gas fuel enquiries


Mol % hydrocarbons








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mol % inert gases

Figure 1.2. Hydrocarbons vs inert gases for all gas enquiries for SIT AB during the years 2009-
2010 (SIT AB, 2012).
Natural Gas
Pure natural gas usually consists of about 80 mol % methane, 10 mol % heavier hydrocarbons and 10 mol
% other gases (for example N2 and CO2) (Natural Gas, 2012), but the amounts vary greatly between
locations. Large amounts of CO2 in the raw natural gas can be encountered in South China Sea, Gulf of
Thailand, Central Europe (Pannonian basin) and Australia (Cooper-Eromanga basin) (Thrasher, Fleet,
1995). Large amounts of N2 in the natural gas can be found anywhere in the world. An example of a
natural gas rich in N2 is the Groningen gas which contains around 14 mol % N2 (Zachariah-Wollf et al.,
2007), a gas that the SGT-600 has been reliably started on with a spark igniter. The Groningen gas field is
the worlds eighth largest gas field (Sandrea, 2005). Process gas from natural gas refining typically contains
large amounts of heavier hydrocarbons and/or inert gases, for example liquefied natural gas (LNG) boil
off gas which contains large amounts of N2, usually around 35 mol %.
Natural gas is commonly refined when sold to households or run through pipelines, this is because the
heavier molecules may condense and cause a risk of explosions. The refined natural gas is usually almost
pure methane. Just as other petroleum products, natural gas is found in the earth. Natural gas has many
applications in a wide range, for example stoves and heating systems in residential applications and gas
turbines in industrial applications (Natural Gas, 2012). Natural gas has an adiabatic flame temperature of
around 2,220 K in air at stoichiometric conditions (Engineering toolbox, 2012a), but this varies with
variations in the gas composition.
Biogas is the general name for fuels produced during the anaerobic digestion of organic materials. Biogas
has for a long time been more expensive than natural gas, and still is. Due to the political will to utilize
more renewable sources in many countries however, biogas has gained a lot of interest in order to
decrease the cost of production (Aarhus University, 2011).
There are several different fuel sources for the production of biogas, some being household waste,
wastewater treatment plants sludge and agricultural waste. The general composition of biogas consists of

around 50-75 mol % methane, 20-40 mol % CO2, 6 mol % H2O, 0-5 mol % N2 and small amounts of
H2S and NH3 (ammonia) (Biogas Renewable Energy, 2012).
Propane is a by-product from both natural gas and petroleum refining. The propane is taken away from
the natural gas to prevent it from condensing in pipelines which would cause severe problems. In the
petroleum refinery it comes as a by-product when creating more important products, such as gasoline and
heating oil. Because of the by-product nature of the propane, the volume produced can not be adjusted as
the price or demand fluctuates. One of the major advantages of propane is its ease to liquefy, which is why
the standard for selling propane is in a liquefied form (Pubchem, 2012).
Propane, however, is rarely run in large amounts in gas turbines, but for the gas turbine industry the
majority of the propane run comes with raw natural gas.
Propane, just like methane and ethane, is a colorless and odorless gas, with an odorant usually added as a
safety precaution. It has a boiling point of -42 C (Pubchem, 2012). The adiabatic flame temperature of
propane is around 2,270 K at stoichiometric conditions (Turns, 2012).
When the gas turbines have to be started on a better gas than available at the location, propane is usually
used. This is because of the ease to liquefy which makes it easy to handle and the good ignition
characteristics (ignites easily and evaporates immediately when released into the atmosphere).
Diesel fuel is made from crude oil, which is naturally found in the earth. The crude oil is refined and made
into several different products, where diesel is one of the products. The chemical formula for typical diesel
varies greatly between sources, from C10.8H18.7 (Turns, 2012) to C14H30 (How stuff works, 2012), because
of the several different carbon chains the diesel contains (How stuff works, 2012). The adiabatic flame
temperature for diesel is around 2,280 K at stoichiometric conditions (Kirkpatrick, 2012). Diesel fuel has a
relatively low volatility compared with for example gasoline and hexane (Turns, 2012).
There are usually different grades of diesel, depending on the intended application. It can roughly be said
that there exists diesel for automotive engines, diesel with a lower volatility for large trucks and diesel
containing more viscous distillates for large stationary installations. This is however varied around the
world. As diesel contains several different carbon chains, the boiling temperature is not uniform within
the diesel (Environment Canada, 2012).
H2 (Hydrogen)
H2 is a fuel which is being utilized more and more in gas turbines and there is therefore a growing interest
from gas turbine manufacturers to produce a gas turbine which can run as good as possible on H2 and H2
rich gas.
Hydrogen is the lightest atom with a molar mass of around 2 kg per kmol and a density at room
temperature of around 180 g/m3. It is a colorless and odorless gas and is the most common atom in the
universe. On earth however it is most commonly found in water, the low density of the hydrogen
molecule makes it escape into the space fast when produced on the earth. The main combustion product
from hydrogen is water, meaning no CO2 will be produced which is favorable (Chemicool, 2012).
The boiling point of hydrogen is 20.28 K and the melting point is 14.01 K (Chemicool, 2012). The
adiabatic flame temperature of hydrogen is around 2,320 K at stoichiometric conditions (Engineering
toolbox, 2012a).

1.5 Atmospheric Experiments vs Full-Scale Experiments

Developing gas turbines is costly and time consuming. The SGT-700 consumes around 3 kg of natural gas
per second at full load, making it expensive to perform experiments on. The atmospheric rig in Finspng

runs at atmospheric pressures instead of high pressures (almost 19 bar at full load in the SGT-700) and
only consists of one burner, meaning that a lower air flow, and with that a lower fuel flow, is needed in
order to get the same velocities. However, there are differences between performing atmospheric
experiments and performing experiments at high pressures, so a successful test in the atmospheric rig does
not necessarily mean that it will work at full-scale. A full-scale test is therefore always conducted when
developing a new product before the product is introduced on the market. A full-scale test is generally
never performed until a thorough atmospheric test has been conducted and proven to give good results.
Ignition tests in full scale are cheaper to perform than full load tests as the pressure is atmospheric during
the start-up of a gas turbine. Atmospheric tests are however still cheaper as the compressor requires
energy and time to go up to full start-up speed. Also, building an experimental rig for a gas turbine is
expensive and it is therefore of interest to utilize the rig as efficient as possible. As ignition tests are time-
consuming, an evaluation is firstly performed in the atmospheric rig and later validated in the gas turbine.

1.6 Problem Formulation

The standard fuels used for starting the SGT-700 are propane or natural gas with low amounts of inert
gases. For customers who run their gas turbines on liquid fuels or gaseous fuels with large amounts of
inert gases, this is inconvenient and costly as separate propane bottles are needed. Customers off-shore
especially prefer not to rely on extra gas sources. Preheating of the liquid fuel is not an option either
because of the large system required for the preheating. Therefore the customers want to be able to start
the gas turbine on the fuel available at site; hence there is a demand from customers to find a cheaper and
simpler ignition system which can handle both liquid and gaseous fuels equally well.
There are also problems for the sales department because there are no guidelines for gases that could be
accepted to start the gas turbine aside from the natural gas and propane. Currently, when the customers
have an unusual gas composition, tests are performed on a gas turbine with that gas to decide whether or
not it should be accepted as startup fuel, something which is also costly.
The main problem with starting the gas turbines on fuels which are rich in inert gases is that the ignition
energy needed is larger than can be provided by a spark igniter. The problem with starting the gas turbine
on liquid fuel is that it requires large amounts of energy and the ignition delay time is long. These two
problems depend on pressure, air flow, temperature, combustible mixture, igniter and droplet size, among
other things.
The main problem with H2 is the fast kinetics making it burn faster than natural gas and propane. The
problem with starting H2 is the opposite from that of inert gases, the H2 ignites too easily and it is
therefore a safety issue.

1.7 Objectives
The objectives of this paper are:
To investigate how the ignition energy and ignition delay depends on parameters, such as
pressure, air flow, temperature, combustible mixture, igniter and droplet size.
To calculate minimum ignition energy (MIE), ignition delay time and flame speed, for various
fuel compositions to be tested at the atmospheric test rig available at Siemens Industrial
Turbomachinery in Finspng.
To investigate which additional types of igniters may be of interest for ignition of the Siemens
SGT-700 on liquid fuels and fuels rich in inert gases.
To test two given igniters, one torch igniter for the liquid fuel (commercial automotive diesel,
which can be found at any gas station, will be used for experiments) and one spark igniter for

the gaseous fuels (natural gas mixed with hydrocarbons heavier than methane and inert gases),
and evaluate the results by looking at the ignition reliability.
The final objective is to give a recommendation for how large amount of inert gases the gas
turbine can start on and if there is a reliable way to start on liquid fuels for the gas turbine. Also
recommend further work or investigations in this area if needed.

1.8 Boundaries
The boundaries of this report are:
Experiments were only made in the atmospheric rig available at Siemens Industrial
Turbomachinery in Finspng. No experiments were performed in a gas turbine.
Only the ignition was studied. No consideration was taken about how to implement the hardware
(i.e. if modifications to the gas turbine have to be made to fit the torch igniter if the torch igniter
will be implemented) into a gas turbine.
Experiments were only performed with diesel, methane, propane, CO2 and N2. H2 was only
studied theoretically.

1.9 Burners
To be able to investigate the ignition sequence, the burners have to be investigated to find out the air and
fuel flow coming to the igniter. The burners in the SGT-700 are 3rd generation DLE burners. In Figure
1.3, the burner is shown with the direction of flow being from right to left. The swirl cone is the main
reason for the low NOx emission from the DLE burners, due to the swirl it creates. The fuel and air mixes
in the swirl cone and the mixing tube is used to preheat the fuel (especially the liquid fuel which is given
enough time for vaporization to occur) and to mix the air and fuel as evenly as possibly before entering
the combustion chamber. The pilot fuel injection nozzles are used to support the main flame to add extra
stability of the burner, but as the pilot fuel is not premixed this adds some undesired NOx emissions. The
main problem with the DLE burners is the flame stability. Insufficient stability can cause pressure
pulsations, and as the burners share air supply and are closely located, the combustion dynamics may
transfer to other burners.

Figure 1.3. 3rd generation DLE burner (SIT AB, 2012).

The flows in the burner and combustion chamber can be seen in Figure 1.4. This figure however shows
the air flows during normal operating conditions as there are no analyses performed of the start-up of the
gas turbine. It can be seen that the axial velocity is largest early in the mixing tube. There are two
recirculation zones, the outer (1 in the figure) and the inner (2 in the figure). The inner recirculation zone
is caused by an expansion of the swirling flow due to the large swirl of the flow. The flame is stabilized
between the inner and the outer recirculation zone by altering the swirl number. The swirl number is
defined as the ratio between the tangential and axial velocities and is important when stabilizing the flame.
If the axial velocity is too small, the flame will be drawn towards the mixing tube and may cause a
flashback, but if the axial velocity is too large the flame will be pushed out to the combustion chamber
and may cause a liftoff. The pilot is supposed to support the main flame by creating a flame between the
outer recirculation zone and the main flame. A stagnation point (3 in figure) is formed when the hot flue
gases meet the unburnt gases.
As no CFD analyses have been performed for the start-up of the gas turbine, the exact air flows in the
combustion chamber can not be known. During the start-up, the fuel is only injected through the pilot
nozzles, making the ignition initiate in the outer recirculation zone (where the igniter is located).

Figure 1.4. Streamlines and normalized axial velocities in the combustion chamber and mixing
tube during full load (SIT AB, 2012).

1.10 Ignition
Ignition is a very vaguely defined word. Some of the definitions of ignition include initiation of rapid
exothermic reactions, appearance of a flame in a combustible mixture (Ahmed, 2006), that the maximum
concentration of a certain species (for example OH) is reached (Kee et al., 2006) and the action of setting
something on fire or starting to burn (Oxford Dictionaries, 2012). A successful ignition is however
generally characterized by an ignition kernel, a localized region of high reactivity and heat release, followed
by a propagating flame. Ignition may occur either by an external stimulus, for example a spark plug or a
laser, or without external stimulus, for example a diesel engine. It is of great importance to have a reliable
and easy ignition in a gas turbine, but with large air flows large amounts of energy is needed (Ahmed,

1.11 Igniters Applicable for Gas Turbines

There are other means of ignition than torch and spark igniters. The igniters which are mainly applicable
in gas turbines will be discussed in this chapter. The ignition sources which are currently not practical are
the glow plug as it is mainly designed for reigniting, hot-surface ignition as it requires very large amounts
of heat transfer and chemical ignition as storage and injection are problems which have to be solved for it
to be practical (Ahmed, 2006).
Spark Igniter
The spark igniter is the most convenient and satisfactory igniter in gas turbines. The main parts of a spark
plug are the electrodes, which is the area where the spark is created. The features of a spark plug are the
deposition of ignition energy in a short duration (up to 100 milliseconds) and the concentrated region (up
to a few millimeters) of the spark. As the frequency, duration and amount of energy can be controlled, the
spark plug is convenient to use (Ahmed, 2006). The temperature of the spark is around 60,000 K and
therefore heats the gases rapidly (Green Spark Plug, 2012).
Torch Igniter
Generally, the torch igniter is a spark plug and auxiliary fuel/air stream in a separate housing. The spark
ignites the fuel/air steam, which then goes along the flame tube out to the combustor, creating a torch
which ignites the main fuel. The performance of a torch igniter is mostly affected by air temperature, fuel
volatility and fuel/air ratio, but not by its location. The main problem with torch igniters in gas turbines is
fuel cracking and gumming (when the fuel becomes thick like gum and blocks the fuel inlet to the igniter)
during the inactive time of the igniter. One solution to minimize the fuel cracking and gumming is to use
solenoid valves and clean purging air once the gas turbine is started. The ignition system is usually not
turned off at the first flame, but when the flame is fully established. The typical positioning of the torch
igniters in the gas turbine is in the two lower quadrants of the combustor, in the 4 and 8 oclock positions
(Lefebvre, 1998).
Laser Igniter
Laser igniters are a promising area for ignition systems and have a number of advantages over the
conventional ignition methods, such as the ability to control the ignition location, ignition timing and
ignition energy. The fact that it is non-intrusive is also a great advantage. However, a lot of research is
needed, primarily in the areas of evolution in high-speed streams, engine-like conditions and beam quality,
before it is possible to release the laser igniter on a large scale commercially. Because of the advantages, it
is expected that laser igniters will be the dominant ignition source in many applications, including gas
turbines, in the future (Phuoc, 2006).
Plasma Jet
A plasma jet is like a spark igniter, with the difference that it ignites a plasma medium (for example H2 and
N2) in a small chamber. The discharge will create high pressures and temperatures, making the plasma

flow at supersonic velocities through the port acting as a torch igniter. By varying the discharge energy,
plasma gas feed, plasma port and chamber size, it is possible to vary the temperature and velocity of the
plasma jet, thus altering the distance it will penetrate (Ahmed, 2006). This system however uses a lot more
energy than a conventional spark plug and the life-time is short due to the wear in the chamber caused by
the large amount of energy (Knite, 2012).

1.12 Important Base Factors

Equivalence Ratio
The equivalence ratio is defined as
( A / F ) stoich
= , (1.1)
(A / F)
where is the equivalence ratio, ( A / F ) stoich is the stoichiometric air to fuel ratio and ( A / F ) is the
actual air to fuel ratio. The stoichiometric air to fuel ratio is the mass of air that is needed to combust one
mol of fuel, divided by the weight of the fuel. As can be seen, when the equivalence ratio equals one,
stoichiometric conditions are achieved and complete combustion will occur (in theory). When the
equivalence ratio is lower than one, excess air is supplied and this is usually called lean combustion. If
instead the equivalence ratio is larger than one, there will be a surplus of fuel and the mixture will be called
rich (Turns, 2012). In gas turbines, lean combustion is dominant.
MIE for Fuels
The MIE is the lowest amount of energy required to ignite a combustible mixture. The minimum ignition
energies and their equivalence ratios for several fuels are displayed in Table 1.1. It is noteworthy to see
that propane has the lowest MIE under stoichiometric conditions, furthermore the longer the carbon
chain, the larger the optimum equivalence ratio becomes (Barnett, Hibbard, 1957).
Flammability Limits
The flammability limits are the limits for how lean and rich air/fuel mixtures can be and still create a
propagating flame. The flammability limits are found when the heat expelled during combustion is smaller
than the heat lost to the surroundings within the flame. The lower flammability limit is the lowest
equivalence ratio at which the fuel can burn and the upper limit is the largest equivalence ratio (Turns,
2012). The flammability limits for several fuels are presented in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1. Minimum ignition energy for fuels, in 10-5 J and flammability limits (Barnett, Hibbard,
1957)(note a source: Zabetakis, 1965).
Fuel MIE for =1 Lowest MIE for lowest Lower limit Upper limit
MIE flammability flammability
Methane 33 28 0.88 0.46 1.64
Ethane 42 25 1.17 0.5 2.72
Propane 30.5 26 1.26 0.51 2.83
n-Hexane 95 26 1.47 0.51 4.00
H2 2.0 1.8 0.14a 2.54a

1.13 Flames
There are two different types of flames; diffusion (non-premixed) flames and premixed flames.
Diffusion (Non-Premixed) Flame
For diffusion flames the diffusion process is the rate-controlling process. Diffusion flames can be found
in aircraft gas turbines, furnaces and diesel engines. The main advantage of the diffusion flame is the ease
of which it can be controlled (Ahmed, 2006).
Premixed Flame
A premixed flame is, by definition, a flame where the fuel and oxidizer is completely mixed before
igniting. To be able to combust the mixture, the equivalence ratio must be within the flammability limits.
The premixed flame is employed in a number of practical applications, such as spark-ignition reciprocating
engines, stationary lean-burn gas turbines and household burners (Ahmed, 2006). The main advantage of
the premixed flame is the low emissions of NOx and soot because of the well-mixed conditions.

2 Parameters Affecting the Minimum Ignition Energy
2.1 General
Air Flow
An increased air flow will increase the MIE needed. This is mainly because of the increased flow of cold
mixture over the igniter, both cooling the igniter and diluting the energy over a larger volume giving a
lower efficiency. The span of equivalence ratios where ignition can be made is also reduced with
increasing air flow (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1975).
The MIE is approximately linearly depending on the velocity, but the linearity depends on several factors
like spark duration and electrode spacing and therefore no general equation can be made. The slope of the
increase in MIE at increasing velocities is however not dependent on the pressure, i.e. the difference in
MIE at two different velocities will be the same for different pressures (Swett, 1956).
Another factor affecting the MIE is the turbulence. The MIE increases slightly with increased turbulence
intensity. The reason for this is the increased heat loss from the spark kernel to the surroundings. It
however increases the burning velocity, but the rate is too small to have any significant effect. It has also
been found that the turbulence scale does not affect the MIE under low turbulence intensities. At large
turbulence intensities however, an increased turbulence scale will increase the MIE quite rapidly (Ballal,
Lefebvre, 1977).
A recent study shows that the turbulence intensity may be more important than previously expected at
large turbulence intensities. The study suggests that there is a transition in MIE at a certain turbulence
intensity. For lean mixtures, the transition occurred at a normalized turbulence intensity (i.e. turbulence
intensity divided by laminar flame speed) of around 25, whereas for stoichiometric and rich conditions the
transition occurred at a normalized turbulence intensity of around 15. Before the transition, the MIE
grows approximately linearly with the normalized turbulence intensity, whereas after the transition the
MIE grows with the normalized intensity to the power of 4 (Shy et al., 2010).
The temperature of the incoming air/fuel mixture is also of importance for the MIE. An increase of the
incoming air/fuel temperature from around 300 K to 400 K gives a decrease of the MIE by slightly less
than half (Moorhouse et al., 1974). Increasing the temperature decreases the MIE almost exponentially,
slightly more at low temperatures and slightly less at higher temperatures (Brokaw, Gerstein, 1957).
The equivalence ratio which had the lowest MIE for the preheated air/fuel mixture was slightly richer
compared to the non-preheated mixture, and the range of equivalence ratios where ignition was possible
to achieve was smaller at a larger temperature (Moorhouse et al., 1974).
An increased pressure will give a decreased MIE. When the ignition process is fully dependant on
chemical reaction rates, the MIE is proportional to P-2 (Ahmed, 2006). This fits fairly well with
experiments conducted which obtained the same results for small pressures, but for pressures above 30
kPa the exponent -2 is slightly low (Turns, 2012).
The pressure exponent however depends on the air flow and equivalence ratio. At quiescent mixtures with
an equivalence ratio of slightly larger than one the exponent is at its lowest (around -2), but grows rapidly
to -1.25 for an air flow of 10 m/s, where it stays constantly for even larger air flows. However, if the
equivalence ratio is altered as well the exponent grows even more, and is around -0.5 for an equivalence
ratio of 1.5 (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1975).

Spark Plug Location
To increase the possibility of ignition, a correct spark plug location has to be found. The spark plug
should be located in the area where the equivalence ratio is around one, or slightly larger than one. If the
spark plug is moved around 5-10 mm towards the leaner side, the ignition probability may decrease from
100 % to 0 % (Neophytou et al., 2012). These results are not unique, but have been found by Ahmed as
well (Ahmed, 2006).
Also Marchione et al. did experiments with the location. In the experiments, the best location was in the
recirculation zone, where the fuel recirculated back towards the fuel nozzle as this was when the flame
kernel spread best. Also multiple sparks were used, but the igniter giving multiple sparks could only be
located along the wall. The best location for the multiple sparks was around one burner diameter in an
axial direction away from the burner. This coincided with the largest width of the recirculation zone. Also
here it was found that moving away from this distance with 5-10 mm decreased the possibility of ignition,
but only from 100 % to around 60 %. The single spark was not able to ignite at close to the wall though,
wherefore the multiple spark may have worked even better if located in the recirculation zone (Marchione
et al., 2009).
Spark Duration
When using spark plugs, the spark duration is of large importance. If the spark discharge occurs too
rapidly, the energy losses are high. On the other hand, if the spark discharge occurs too slowly, the energy
will be spread over too large amount of the fuel/air mixture, causing a too low temperature to ignite the
mixture. There are a number of factors influencing the spark duration. An increased air flow will cause a
decrease in optimum spark duration, which occurs because the spark stretches when it follows the flow,
and a longer spark means a larger resistance. During stoichiometric conditions the optimum spark
duration is the longest, and going away from stoichiometric conditions will decrease the optimum spark
duration. An increased pressure decreases the optimum spark duration. The turbulence intensity has no
influence on the optimum spark duration (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1974). The spark duration should however
always be shorter than the ignition delay time (Bradley, Lung, 1987).
Spark Rate (Frequency)
The spark rate also affects the ignition when using a spark plug. An increased spark rate will increase the
ignition probability, even if the same amount of power is used (i.e. more spark with lower energy per
spark). However, a larger spark frequency gives a larger ignition unit, which is the reason an optimum
spark frequency has to be found depending on application (Ahmed, 2006).
H.H. Foster found the same results during one of his experiments, where experiments were performed
with a spark rate between 3 and 150 sparks per second and it was found that the larger the spark rate was
the larger the ignition probability was. He found three reasons to why this result was found, which were
(Foster, 1951):
Increasing the probability of a spark occurring at the instant a flammable mixture of air and fuel
passes through the spark.
As the air and fuel in small localized areas (i.e. between the electrodes) are never perfectly mixed,
a larger spark rate will increase the amount of small volumes passing the spark and thus increase
the chance that a well mixed volume will pass the spark and be able to ignite.
Increasing temperature of the spark electrodes which act as a preheater for the mixture, thus
making the mixture easier to ignite.
Also when doing experiments with a single spark and a spark rate of 100 sparks per second, it was found
that the multiple sparks increased ignition reliability. This was found even though the multiple sparks used
an ignition energy which was around one third of the single spark energy. The reasons why the multiple
sparks helped were the same as those found by Foster (Marchione et al., 2009).

Spark Electrode and Gap Width
When choosing spark plug, the electrodes and gap width are of importance. The reason there is an
optimum gap width is that when the gap width is too small the quenching effect will result in a larger
MIE, and when the gap width is too large the MIE will be larger as energy is wasted in creating a larger
spark kernel than needed for ignition (Ahmed, 2006). There is however a small amount of data available
about which parameters that influence the optimum spark gap. Experiments performed by Ballal and
Lefebvre with different inert gases showed that CO2 has the largest optimum spark gap, followed by He,
N2 and Ar (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1977).
A smaller cross sectional area of the electrodes will reduce the MIE. However, electrodes with smaller
cross sectional area will wear faster and have an inconsistent energy release. Also the electrode material
influences the MIE. The MIE is proportional to the fourth root of the boiling temperature of the material.
It is therefore preferable to choose a material that has as low boiling point as possible, however, when
choosing material also wear resistance and price is of major interest (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1974).

2.2 Gaseous Fuel

The difference between propane and methane is small. In experiments performed by Ballal and Lefebvre,
the MIE was found to be almost similar for the two fuels when mixed with inert gases and when the
mixture was both quiescent and flowing. However, the propane had a smaller MIE in the experiments
(Ballal, Lefebvre, 1977). As seen in Table 1.1, also ethane has a MIE which is approximately the same as
propane and methane.
Equivalence Ratio
When looking at the equivalence ratio for gaseous fuels, Ballal and Lefebvre found that the MIE increases
rapidly when moving away from near stoichiometric conditions. It was also found that the larger the
velocity was, the faster the MIE increased for non-stoichiometric conditions (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1975). This
contradicts the findings by Barnett and Hibbard which predicts different optimum equivalence ratios for
different fuels (Barnett, Hibbard, 1959). Ballal and Lefebvre also found that the MIE always coincides
with maximum flame speed (SL) for flowing mixtures. This suggests that the transport process for
combustion outweighs the diffusion rates (Lewis number) for high velocities (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1975).
Inert Gas
The inert gas also influences the MIE, and also the optimum electrode gap width. When testing argon, N2,
helium and CO2, CO2 is the inert gas which requires both the largest MIE and the largest optimum gap
width. Also the fuel is important for the MIE when mixed with inert gases. When switching inert gas from
N2 (i.e. normal air) to CO2, the MIE will increase around 5-10 times for methane, but will increase slightly
less when propane is used. Also the inert gas has an effect on the optimum gap width; CO2 has around 50
% larger optimum gap width than air (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1977).

2.3 Liquid Fuel

The most important factor for the liquid fuels is the volatility when it comes to the MIE. N-heptane,
which is a highly volatile fuel, has a MIE which is approximately 5 times lower than methanol, which is a
low volatile fuel (Danis et.al., 1988).
Equivalence Ratio
For the liquid fuel, the optimum equivalence ratio to achieve as low MIE as possible is at very rich
conditions (larger than =2). The equivalence ratio was however insensitive to the volatility of the fuel.

The equivalence ratio is however not as important as when the fuel is pre-vaporized or for gaseous fuels.
The reason that very rich conditions are optimal is that the total amount of gaseous (i.e. vaporized) fuel in
the ignition zone increases with increased equivalence ratio (Danis et.al., 1988).
Also Lee et al. found that the optimum equivalence ratio is large for liquid fuels. Experiments with larger
equivalence ratios than the experiments conducted by Danis et al. showed that the optimum equivalence
ratio was around =4 (Lee et al., 2001).
Droplet Diameter
Generally, a smaller droplet diameter will decrease the MIE. However, it has been found that if the
droplet diameter becomes too small (less than 10-15 m), the MIE increases. This suggests that there is an
optimum droplet diameter in that area (Danis et.al., 1988)(Singh, Polymeropoulos, 1986). The reason that
there exists an optimum droplet diameter is that if the droplets are too small, the droplets will be blown
away by the gas motion created by the spark, and therefore will not be heated enough to achieve any
ignition (Singh, Polymeropoulos, 1986).
The reason larger droplets will increase the MIE for a given equivalence ratio is that there will exist a
smaller droplet surface area, and thus there will be less fuel for ignition to occur. Another explanation why
larger droplets will require a larger MIE is because of the propagation of the flame kernel. Larger droplets
will not move as significantly as smaller, and when the droplets get too large, the droplets will stay in the
kernel without any interaction with the droplets outside the kernel (Danis et.al., 1988).
Pre-vaporizing the liquid fuels decrease the MIE. The optimum equivalence ratio decreases also, to slightly
less rich conditions (around =1.5 to =2). However, the pre-vaporization only has a small effect for
highly volatile fuels, whereas for low volatile fuels, the effect is severe (Danis et al., 1988).
The difference between pre-vaporized and not pre-vaporized fuels with low volatility have been
investigated and it was found that the not pre-vaporized fuels had a MIE which was around 10 to 20 times
larger than the pre-vaporized fuels. The temperature difference between the pre-vaporized and not pre-
vaporized fuels was around 25 degrees, so the temperature may have influenced the results slightly (Choi
et al., 2007).

2.4 Summary
As previously stated, there are a number of factors affecting the MIE. A summary of the optimum values
and an estimation of their influence on the MIE for all factors have been made in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Factors affecting the MIE at experimental conditions. Order of importance: Severe,
major, significant, minor, insignificant.
Parameter Influence on MIE/optimum value
Air flow Major/Lowest possible
Turbulence intensity Significant/Lowest possible
Turbulence scale Significant/Lowest possible
Temperature Severe/Highest possible
Pressure Major/Highest possible
Spark plug location Severe/Recirculation zone
Spark duration Affected by air flow, pressure, equivalence ratio
Spark rate Significant/Largest possible
Fuel (gaseous) Insignificant/Propane
Equivalence ratio (gaseous) Severe/Slightly rich
Inert gas (CO2/N2) CO2 ~5 times larger
Fuel (liquid) Severe/Highly volatile
Equivalence ratio (liquid) Major/Rich (~4)
Droplet diameter (liquid) Significant/~10-15 m
Pre-vaporization (liquid) Severe for low volatile/Pre-vaporized
Minor for highly volatile/Pre-vaporized

3 Parameters Affecting the Ignition Delay Time
3.1 General
The temperature of the flame plays an important role for the ignition delay time. The ignition delay time is
very short (down to 1 s for pressure of 20 bar) for high temperatures (1,800 K). This test was however
done with the fuel preheated to such a degree that it was already evaporated when coming into the
combustion chamber (Vasu et al., 2008). The fuel in the experiments was Jet A, which is a slightly more
volatile fuel than diesel (Vasu et al., 2008), but with a similar ignition temperature (ME Petroleum, 2000).
Zhang et al. showed in an experiment that the ignition delay time rapidly decreases for an increase in
flame temperature. It was also found that the ignition delay is exponentially decreasing with the
temperature (Zhang et al., 2012).
The inlet air temperature is also of great importance when using a torch igniter. When the temperature
decreases from normal ambient temperature to 220 K, the time required to get 90 % spreading in the gas
turbine will be several times longer (Lefebvre, 1998). The time for complete spreading of the flame in a
gas turbine is however relatively short. In a smaller gas turbine (around 350 mm in diameter), full
spreading occurs in around 50 ms after ignition (with kerosene as fuel), when igniting on two opposite
locations at once and the inlet temperature is 0 C (Boileau et al., 2008).
The pressure has a strong impact on the ignition delay time. It has been found that the ignition delay is
proportional to around P-1. During experiments it was found that the exponent -0.98 was the one best
fitting, but due to the uncertainties of the experiment the exponent -1 was used instead (Vasu et al., 2008).
Spadaccini and TeVelde found that an exponent of -2 for the pressure was the best fitting during their
experiments, which were performed with five different liquid fuels. Several other sources are reported in
the report by Spadaccini and TeVelde which have exponents in the area of -1 to -2, so the exact exponent
lies in this area (Spadaccini, TeVelde, 1984).
Zhang et al. found similar data, but also found that the pressure is heavily influenced by the fuel used, and
therefore no unanimous coefficient could be found. These experiments were however performed with
gaseous fuel (Zhang et al., 2012).

3.2 Gaseous Fuel

The ignition delay time depends on the fuel chemistry. For example, propane is a fuel which exhibits low-
temperature chemistry while methane exhibits high-temperature chemistry, therefore propane ignites
faster. In experiments performed by Healy et al., an increase in propane in a methane/ethane/propane
mixture from 3.3 % to 15 % resulted in a decreased ignition delay time of around half (Healy et al., 2008).
Equivalence Ratio
When the pressure is low (up to around 5 bar) a lean equivalence ratio will give the shortest ignition delay
time. For pressures larger than 5 bar, the equivalence ratio is unimportant when the temperature is over
1,000 K. For temperatures below 1,000 K, a rich mixture has a shorter ignition delay time. At low pressure
the chemical kinetics mostly depends on the oxygen level. A larger oxygen level gives a shorter ignition
delay. At high pressure and low temperature, the chemical kinetics is mostly influenced by the fuel, this
being the reason for the inversed result. For high pressures and temperatures it is the high-pressure
kinetics which influence the ignition delay time the most (Healy et al., 2010).

3.3 Liquid Fuel
Fuel and Droplet Size
For fuels with low volatility, the ignition delay time increases with increasing droplet diameter. The reason
for this is that the combustion takes place in a vaporization-controlled region, and as the droplets get
larger, a longer time is needed to reach the boiling point for the droplet. For fuels with high volatility, the
ignition delay time decreases or stays constant with an increase of droplet diameter. The reason for this is
that the high volatility makes the combustion be in the reaction controlled region. For small droplets, the
ignition delay time is approximately the same between highly and low volatile fuels, but when the droplet
diameter increases the highly volatile fuels acquire a faster ignition delay time (Takei et al., 1993).
Equivalence Ratio
It has been shown that for a highly volatile fuel, a lower equivalence ratio (around =0.5 to =1) will
give a shorter ignition delay. This is because an increased equivalence ratio will add more spray particles
and thus increase the evaporative cooling which results in a cooler local area (Wang, Rutland, 2005). For
fuels with lower volatility, the optimum equivalence ratio is at very rich conditions (larger than =2).
When mixing low volatile with high volatile fuels, the amount of high volatile fuel will be very important.
When there is 50 % high volatility fuel in the fuel mixture, the optimum equivalence ratio is as low as
when the fuel only contains high volatile fuels. When the fuel mixture contains 10 % high volatile fuels
however, the optimum equivalence ratio will be slightly larger than two, which is significantly lower than
for pure low volatility fuels (Aggarwal, 1989).
For fuels which are not preheated, the volatility of the fuel is of great importance. When the temperature
of the torch flame increases from 1,100 to 1,700 K, the ignition delay time for a spray of decane (which is
a low volatile fuel) droplets with 100 m in diameter will decrease from 10 to 3 ms, whereas it will
decrease from 10 to 1.5 ms if 10 % hexane (which is a more volatile fuel) is added to the mixture (Mawid,
Aggarwal, 1990).
The velocity influences the ignition delay time when the fuel is not pre-vaporized, as the velocity
influences the droplet heating and vaporization time. Increasing the velocity decreases the vaporization
time, when the velocity increased from 1 m/s to 10 m/s, the time for complete evaporation decreased
almost 30 %, and the time for first vaporization decreased with around half. These experiments were
performed with diesel (Sazhin et al., 2006).

3.4 Summary
There are fewer parameters affecting the ignition delay time of a torch ignited liquid fuel spray than the
spark ignited gaseous fuel mix, but a summary is made in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Factors affecting the ignition delay time at experimental conditions. Order of
importance: Severe, major, significant, minor, insignificant.
Parameter Influence on ignition delay/optimum value
Flame temperature Severe/Largest possible
Preheating temperature Severe/Largest possible
Pressure Significant/Highest possible
Fuel (gaseous) Major/Propane
Equivalence ratio (gaseous) Insignificant/Lean
Fuel (liquid) Minor/Highly volatile
Droplet size (liquid) Significant for low volatile/Smallest possible
Insignificant for highly volatile/-
Equivalence ratio (liquid) Major/~0.5-1 for highly volatile, >2 for low volatile
Velocity (liquid) Significant/Largest possible

4 Methodology
4.1 Experimental Rig
A section of the experimental rig is shown in Figure 4.1. The combustion chamber consists of a casing
and a liner which has convective cooling. The combustion chamber is a single can combustor with a
squared cross section and is allowed to move freely in the axial direction downstream in order to cope
with material expansion due to heating. The outer casing consists of three different sections which are
divided by steel plates. The upstream part (left part in figure) is for the combustion air which can be
preheated. The middle part is for cooling of the combustion chamber and the downstream part (right part
in figure) is an exhaust plenum before the exhausts enters the stack where the exhausts are water cooled.
The cooling air is separated from the combustion air in order to be able to use preheated air for the
combustion and be able to control the cooling of the liner of the combustion chamber. A small amount of
the cooling air enters at the impingement cooled front panel and then exits into the main cooling air flow,
which enters at the bottom of the middle part and then the flow enters an annular cooling channel
through slots close to the front panel and end up in the exhaust plenum where it is mixed with flue gases.
There are three perpendicular windows allowing for optical access. The windows are slightly different than
the figure as the windows have been altered since the drawing was made. The windows are currently
rectangles with the dimensions 20x18 cm. It is for example possible to use the windows for laser
measurements or recording movies with a high-speed camera. The upper window location is however the
same location as where the igniter unit is plugged in, thus usually only two windows are available. The
lower window was used for recording videos and the side window was used to analyze the ignition
sequence visually. There is also a possibility to have an additional window for optical access in the area
where the water cooled emission probe is located in the figure. As the experiments conducted in this
report do not involve any emission analysis, the additional window was used to gain additional visibility
when analyzing the ignition.

Figure 4.1. Schematics of the atmospheric combustion rig at Siemens, Finspng (Lindholm et al.,

4.2 Igniters
The spark igniter used for the experiments is the standard igniter used in the SGT-700. It is a Lodge
Ignition Limited (currently Vibro-Meter) S24328 which can be seen in Figure 4.2. The wire is connected
to the top of the igniter (left side in figure) and the spark initiates at the bottom of the igniter.

Figure 4.2. Drawing of the spark igniter from Lodge Ignition Limited (currently Vibro-Meter).
The torch igniter tested was a Vibro-Meter S16967 which is an igniter specially produced for liquid fuels.
It is not a typical torch igniter with a housing, but more like a flamethrower as it consists of only a spark
area and a fuel nozzle. The igniter fit in the atmospheric rig by using a specially designed holder. A
drawing of the igniter can be seen in Figure 4.3. It can be seen that the igniter differs slightly from the
spark igniter in that the igniter carries a fuel connection as well. The inside of the igniter is of course very
different from the spark igniter. To be able to use the igniter, a pressurizer for the diesel fuel was needed.

Figure 4.3. Drawing of the torch igniter from Vibro-Meter.

Figure 4.4 shows the torch igniter mounted in the atmospheric rig. It can be seen that the fuel nozzle is in
the middle and that the spark occurs on the side. It can also be seen that there is a space between the
igniter and the holder, something which is there to let purge air enter during the experiments.



Figure 4.4. Torch igniter, seen from the front.

The ignition unit used was a standard ignition unit to the SGT-700, which is a Vibro-Meter S25950. The
ignition unit has a spark energy, spark duration and spark rate that can not be altered.
The igniter holder used for the gaseous fuel experiments was a standard holder to the SGT-700. The
igniter holder used for the liquid fuel experiments was slightly different from a standard holder. As seen in
Figure 4.5, a major difference between the standard holder and the liquid fuel holder was with the cooling
air hole. In a standard holder, there is a cooling air hole, whereas there was no cooling air hole in the torch
igniter holder. Instead a purge air connection was present for the torch igniter holder to be able to supply
additional air if needed. The thermal expansion unit in Figure 4.5 is present to handle the thermal forces
when the gas turbine is running at full load so the igniter and holder will not bend or break.

Igniter Purge air connection


Cooling air Fuel unit
hole location Thermal expansion unit connection connection

Figure 4.5. Igniter holder used for liquid fuel experiments.

4.3 Mixing of Gases

The gas mixing system can be seen in Figure 4.6. The natural gas, H2 and N2 have standard lines in the
atmospheric rig, therefore no need to alter these lines was needed (even though H2 was not used). The
CO2, LPG (Gasol in figure), cold torch (Kallfackla in figure) and tank are objects that are not standard in
the rig. A cold torch is a fuel release to the surroundings without burning it. As the system has inertia, it
would be hard to open few valves and get the correct proportions of gases directly to the burner (brnnare
in figure); therefore a tank was used for better control of the mixing of the gases. The tank was filled by
first letting gas go to the cold torch and when the correct proportions were found for the current test
point, the valve to the cold torch was closed and the pressure inside the tank was allowed to rise.

Figure 4.6. Layout of the gas mixing system.
The tank is designed for pressures up to 10 barg, but a pressure of 7 barg was used, except when LPG was
used. As seen in Figure 4.7, the vapor pressure of LPG is low and the LPG would become liquid at
around 18 C for a pressure of 7 barg. Due to the cooling effect when extracting LPG from a bottle, it
was decided to use a pressure of 4 barg, which vaporizes at around 3 C. A lower pressure would have
been better to make sure no liquid would occur in the mixing tank, but to get a large enough fuel flow, 4
barg was needed.

Vapor Pressure Propane



Pressure (barg)


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Temp (degrees Celsius)

Figure 4.7. Vapor pressure of propane at different temperatures (Engineering toolbox, 2012b).
The tank has a volume of 12 liters, thus only a small amount of gas is being filled into the tank, but still a
large enough amount to get a large enough fuel flow. The buffer amount of gas was however desired
because of inertia when finding the new proportions and to limit the amount of gas going to the chimney
when the ignition attempt was unsuccessful. When the tank was filled, the valves for the incoming fuels
were closed and the valve to the burner was opened to release the fuel. The reason that the fuel was not
released to the burner during the tuning in to find the correct proportions was because of safety issues as
the unburned fuel would go into the chimney and when ignition was started, some fuel might still have
been left in the exhaust plenum and chimney with the potential to cause an explosion in the chimney.

4.4 Combustible Mixture

A number of combustible mixtures were being tested. The gaseous experiments were conducted on pure
natural gas, natural gas mixed with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to simulate ignition where the natural
gas contained larger amounts of heavier hydrocarbons and pure LPG to see what effect the fuel has. The
natural gas used in the experiments was normal natural gas delivered by AGA. Because of the large
amounts of natural gas used at the test rig, the natural gas is analyzed once per year unless there is a special
need for an extra analysis. As this report does not need to know the exact composition, the latest analysis
(performed in November 2011) was used and can be seen in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. Analysis of natural gas used for experiments.
Component Concentration (mol %) Relative uncertainty (% at 95
% confidence interval)
Methane 97.76 0.5
Ethane 0.81 9
Propane 0.25 2
N2 1.12 11
Heavier hydrocarbons 0.06 -
It can be seen that the natural gas is almost pure methane, with very small amounts of N2. The natural gas
will therefore be treated as methane in this report. This analysis is very similar to the analysis made the
year before where the methane content was 96.95 % and the other concentrations were very similar,
except for CO2 which was around 1 percent. The N2 and CO2 used in the experiments were of industrial
quality, but are approximated in this report to be 100 % pure.

4.5 Risk Analysis

Before any experiments were conducted, a risk analysis had to be performed as ignition is not a standard
test in the atmospheric rig. During normal operation of the atmospheric rig, a gas torch is used. The risk
analysis for the ignition tests can be seen in appendix 1 (in Swedish), but this risk analysis is part of a risk
analysis for the whole rig (not included in this report). A checklist had to be made, written down and
double checked before all attempts in order to minimize the risks of anything going wrong. The checklist
can be found in appendix 2 (in Swedish).
Most concern was with the chimney as large explosions may occur if a large amount of unburned gas is
being released into the chimney before a successful ignition occurred. Also large concerns were raised
about the LPG as this gas is not commonly run in the experimental rig. The rig is however designed to be
able to run on LPG, and it was decided that LPG would be allowed to test as well.

4.6 Procedure
The procedure for the experiments with the gaseous fuels was:
Air was started and continuously injected into the combustion chamber.
Fuel was mixed using the cold torch according to paragraph 4.3.
First test was pure natural gas to verify the concept (i.e. that it is possible to use a spark igniter in
the atmospheric rig) and to find a fuel flow which gave reliable ignition.
CO2 and N2 were mixed one by one with the natural gas to test the limits of the individual gases.
The fraction of inerts was firstly low, and then increased until no more ignition could be found.
The fraction was then backed down to the last successful ignition point and verified.
CO2 and N2 were mixed together with the natural gas to see how the system would behave with
several gases mixed.
LPG was added with natural gas and the earlier steps were redone to see the effect of LPG.
Last LPG was tested without natural gas but with the inerts to see the effect.
Different air flows were tested to see the dependence of the air flow.

A test matrix is available in appendix 3, which states all points that were intended to be tested. For all test
points, for ignition to be classified as successful a limit of three consecutive successful ignitions was set.
The reason for this is that when the igniter is used in a gas turbine, every ignition attempt should be
For the torch igniter, the procedure was to start the air flow and keep it continuously running for the
whole duration. A diesel pressure and purge air pressure was tuned in, and then the fuel was injected into
the torch at the same time as the sparks were initiated. The flame stability (if ignition occurred) was
observed and the same procedure was run until a significant amount of data was found. The air flow, fuel
pressure, purge air pressure and air temperature were tested individually to investigate the effect of these
parameters. A test matrix for the liquid fuel is available in appendix 4.
A summary of all experimental conditions are listed in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2. Experimental conditions.
Spark igniter Torch igniter
Fuels Natural gas , LPG Diesel
Oxidizer Air Air
Inert gases in fuel (I) N2, CO2 -
Fuel/(I+Fuel) 0.3-1 1
Pressure 101.3 kPa 101.3 kPa
Fuel flows 4-15 g/s 4-8 g/s
Air flows 150-250 g/s 150-250 g/s
Air temperature 20 C 20-110 C

4.7 Post-Processing
As it was not possible to alter the ignition energy to the igniter, the information about the ignition from
the experiments was if the mixture ignited or not. Also information about flow rates, temperatures and the
combustible mixtures were available. Data from the calculations (for example MIE and concentration of
inert gases) was stored with the findings from the experiment to try to estimate if the calculations were
valid. The data was further analyzed in the aspect of how the findings can be transferred into a gas turbine
(by analyzing geometries and flows) to try to estimate what mixtures the gas turbines can start on and if it
is possible to start the gas turbines on liquid fuel.

5 Calculations
Calculations of the air/fuel ratio and minimum ignition energies for the gaseous fuels were conducted in
Microsoft Excel. The air/fuel ratio was calculated by equivalence ratio and simple chemistry, as described
in paragraph 1.9. To calculate the laminar flame speed of the gaseous fuels, which is necessary for the
calculation of the MIE, Chemkin 4.1 has been used. For the ignition delay time, a simple equation was
found evaluated. To model the diesel in Chemkin is beyond the purpose of this report, therefore the
ignition delay time was estimated based on old experiments. Due to the high spark temperature in the
spark plug, the ignition delay can not be modeled in Chemkin, nor can any formulas be found for it. For
the sake of simplicity, natural gas is being treated as methane in the calculations. This assumption will be
discussed later in the report.
Chemkin is a powerful chemistry simulation tool, solving complex chemical reactions. It has a fast
simulation speed and is the most accurate and validated chemistry simulation product (Reaction design,

5.1 Laminar Flame Speed

As stated before, the flame speed was calculated using the tool Chemkin 4.1. Chemkin 4.1 comes with a
number of predefined tutorials, where the flame speed of propane-air mixtures for different
stoichiometric ratios is one of the tutorials. This tutorial consists of a premixed laminar flame-speed
calculation model. The pressure and surrounding temperature was adjusted according to experimental
conditions and fuels specified as needed for the calculations of the MIE.
The values were calculated and examined for validity by comparing the values with three different sources
which all show the same trend, that the flame speed peaks at around 40 cm/s at slightly rich conditions
(Kee et al., 2006). When calculating the flame speed of methane, the same approach was used. The results
for both methane and propane are shown in Figure 5.1. As can be seen, the methane has a lower
maximum flame speed of about 36 cm/s at slightly rich conditions. These findings were also validated as a
number of experiments have been evaluated which all show that the real laminar flame speed is about 36
cm/s and at slightly rich conditions (Egolfopoulos et al., 1989).
This however means that the equivalence ratio giving the lowest MIE (as discussed in paragraph 2.2) is
not coinciding with the maximum laminar flame speed. The values for the equivalence ratios giving the
lowest MIE for flowing mixtures were around stoichiometric for methane, whereas the values for propane
were rich. As seen in Figure 5.1, both maximum flame speeds are at rich conditions, wherefore it can be
assumed that Ballal and Lefebvre (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1975) were incorrect in stating that the lowest MIE
coincides with the maximum laminar flame speed.
All modeling was done at 298 K and 1.0 atm. The model is simplified in the tutorials with nine
intermediate and four end products. The intermediate products were; CH3, O, HO2, CO, CH, H, OH,
HCO and H2 and the end products were CO2, H2O and N2. The chemistry set used was SD-mech. Also
GRI-mech was tested, but the two chemistry sets gave equally good results for this modeling and
therefore it did not matter which one was chosen. The largest difference between the two chemistry sets is
that GRI-mech predicts larger values of the laminar flame speed than SD-mech, especially for the propane
fuel, but the two chemistry sets follow the same trends.

Flame speed



Flame speed [cm/s]



0,15 Propane



0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10 1,20 1,30 1,40

Equivalence ratio

Figure 5.1. Laminar flame speed for methane and propane as function of equivalence ratio.
The laminar flame speed also depends on temperature, but this dependence varies with equivalence ratio
as well. At stoichiometric conditions, the laminar flame speed depends on the temperature with an
exponent of around 1.7 for methane (Konnov, 2010). There is less data available for propane, but the data
available suggests that the exponent is either smaller (Razus et al., 2010) or larger (Metghalchi, Keck,
1980). This means that it is difficult to estimate what coefficient to use, but to use the same coefficient for
both methane and propane would be the most natural choice.
It is also of interest to analyze the flame speed when the fuels are mixed with some non-hydrocarbon
gases (inert gases and H2). This was done using the same approach as when modeling the equivalence
ratios, i.e. the tutorial file was used and modified. In this case, only the fuel was modified and the results
can be seen in Figure 5.2. It can be seen that when H2 is added the flame speed increases. This is because
of the fact that H2 is a fuel itself with a maximum flame speed of 210 cm/s (Turns, 2012). It can also be
noted that the CO2 decreases the flame speed more for a given amount than the N2 does. This is due to
the fact that the flame speed depends on k u c p , with k being the thermal conductivity, u being the

density of unburned gases and c p being the specific heat, and that CO2 has a larger density and cp-value
than N2 (Turns, 2012). The flame speed for mixtures of propane and non-hydrocarbon gases follows the
same trends as for methane and non-hydrocarbon gases, but with a smaller divergence of the flame speed
compared to its original flame speed.

Flame speed



CO2 methane
Flame speed [cm/s]

N2 methane
H2 methane
CO2 propane
N2 propane
H2 propane


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Mol % non-hydrocarbons

Figure 5.2. Laminar flame speed for mixtures of fuels with non-hydrocarbon gases and air at
stoichiometric ratios.
How well the calculated values from Chemkin 4.1 agree with experimental values (Tang et al., 2010) can
be seen in Figure 5.3. It can be seen that Chemkin 4.1 overestimates the influence of the N2 with around
30 %. The experimental values have support by another set of experimental values (Zhao et al., 2004), so
Chemkin is likely to overestimate. However, the trends are similar between the experiments and Chemkin,
Chemkin shows constantly around 30 % larger influence by the N2.

Normalized flame speed propane

Normalized laminar flame speed






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Mol % N2 in fuel

Chemkin (SD-mech) Experiments (Tang et al., 2010)

Figure 5.3. Laminar flame speed of propane and N2 with experimental (Tang et at., 2010) and
calculated values.

5.2 Minimum Ignition Energy

When calculating the MIE, there are two equations which have been used, which are
E ign = b c p (Tad Tu ) Rcrit 3 (5.1)

E ign = b c p (Tad Tu )d q 3 , (5.2)

Eign is the minimum ignition energy,

b is the density of the gas burned,

c p the specific heat,

Tad Tu the temperature difference between the adiabatic and unburned temperatures,

Rcrit the critical gas volume and

d q the quenching distance.

Neither of the equations however deals with the flow velocity of the mixture, which will increase the MIE
as discussed in paragraph 2.1. In the calculations, all values (like density and cp-values) have been mass
averaged. b is found by using the ideal gas law.

The two equations are very similar. Equation (5.1) is given by Turns (Turns, 2012) and is derived from the
energy needed to heat up a volume of gas called the critical volume, which is the smallest volume of which
a flame will be able to propagate from. The critical radius is derived from the heat lost in conduction to
the air, which has to match the heat gained from the spark. The equation for the critical radius is

Rcrit = 6 , (5.3)
is the thermal diffusivity and
S L is the laminar flame speed.
When the critical radius has been found it is then used in equation (5.4), which is
E ign = mcrit c p T , (5.4)

mcrit is the critical mass.
The same approach is taken by Ballal and Lefebvre (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1981) in equation (5.2), but using the
quenching distance, which is the minimum diameter that a flame will propagate in a tube. As this
expression is derived from the heat lost to the walls, it is slightly different than the critical diameter. The
equation for the quenching distance is given to be

d q = 10 (5.5)
Also Ballal and Lefebvre use equation (5.4) for the MIE. As can be seen, when moving some constants,
10 5
d q is a factor larger than Rcrit or, if both are given as radiuses, a factor larger. This means that
6 6
the MIE derived from Ballal and Lefebvre will be more than 8 times larger than the MIE derived from
Turns. Turns also shows that the quenching distance is larger than the critical radius, so in that sense both
Turns and Ballal and Lefebvre seem to agree. As the MIE is affected by the quenching distance to the
power of three, this is a main part of the equation. It is therefore of major interest to find the quenching
distance first. To make it easier to understand equation (5.5), must be known, which is
= , (5.6)
u c p
k is the thermal conductivity,
u is the density of the unburned gas and
c p is the specific heat

and k and c p should be evaluated at the mean temperature. However, Turns also shows that the
quenching distance is connected with the temperature, where a decrease of adiabatic temperature will give
an increase in quenching distance.

As the adiabatic flame temperature is at its maximum at around =1.05 for methane (Kirkpatrick, 2012),
this suggest that the lowest value for the quenching distance should occur for this equivalence ratio.
However, as seen in Table 1.1, the MIE for methane is occurring at =0.88.
Turns also shows that the equivalence ratio for the minimum quenching distance is the same as for the
MIE for methane, suggesting that these equations are not consistent with experimental data and that it is
the equation of the quenching distance which is the equation which is subject to errors. Another factor
that supports this is that Turns uses the same equation for the flame thickness as for the quenching
distance, except for a constant. The minimum flame thickness is then found experimentally to be around
=1.05, i.e. the same equation has been used for two separate cases and get two different results when
varying the equivalence ratio. Figure 5.4 also supports the fact that it is the quenching distance that is the
major responsible for the inaccuracies in the MIE. It shows that for equivalence ratios smaller than 0.9,
the calculated values are larger than the experimental, but for equivalence ratios larger than 0.9, and
especially for mixtures larger than 1.05, the calculated quenching distance is significantly smaller than the
experimental. As the MIE is proportional to the cube of the quenching distance, a small inaccuracy in
quenching distance will give a severe effect on the MIE.

Quenching distance vs eq ratio for methane


Quenching distance [mm]





0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4
Equivalence ratio

Experiment (Andrews, Bradley, 1972) Calculated with eq (5.5)

Figure 5.4. Calculated vs experimental (Andrews, Bradley, 1972) quenching distance for different
equivalence ratios.
Calculating the adiabatic flame temperature in Chemkin, it shows that also propane has a maximum
adiabatic flame temperature at around =1.05, which should occur in the same equivalence ratio as the
optimum MIE. However, looking at Table 1.1 again, it can be seen that the equivalence ratio for the
optimum MIE is at 1.26, again suggesting that the equation for the quenching distance is not correct.
In 2003, Kondo et al. showed that these equations were not correct (Kondo et al., 2003) by evaluating
equation (5.2). This equation consistently gave results which were about 10 times larger than the measured
values, but it was not linearly growing 10 times faster but was growing with an exponent. The MIE for the
quenching distances were more accurate when using the quenching distance squared instead of cubed,
suggesting that the gas heated is more of a thin surface layer than an actual sphere. However, no attempts
to calculate the quenching distance was performed but existing data for stoichiometric ratios for different

fuels was used, so nothing can be said about the effect of the equivalence ratio or calculation of quenching
distance from this study.
Figure 5.5 shows the calculated MIE against experimental results. It can be seen that for equivalence ratios
larger than 1, the calculated values coincides fairly close to the experimental values, but for equivalence
ratios of 1 and below, the calculation gives a large overestimation. Comparing Figure 5.5 with Figure 5.4,
the calculated MIE is larger than the experimental, even for quenching distances which are the same,
supporting the findings from Kondo et al. However, these calculated values do not differ as significantly
as the values found of Kondo et al. (Kondo et al., 2003). This can depend on the fact that a quenching
distance of 2.5 mm (for methane) was used in their calculations, which is larger than both the calculated
values and the values found by Andrews and Bradley (Andrews, Bradley, 1972).

MIE vs equivalence ratio for methane



MIE [10^-5 J]




0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1 1,2 1,3
Equivalence ratio

Experimental (Han et al., 2010) Calculated with eq (5.2)

Figure 5.5. Calculated vs experimental (Han et al., 2010) MIE for different equivalence ratios.
Increase in MIE
The calculations of the MIE are subject to errors as it does not agree with experimental data. However,
calculations were performed to evaluate the increase in MIE needed for different amounts of non-
hydrocarbon gases compared to the pure hydrocarbon fuels. The reason that the increase in percentage
was used for the MIE, and not actual values of the MIE, was due to the difference between equation (5.1)
and equation (5.2) and the fact that the MIE for propane was calculated to be around 30 % less than for
methane at stoichiometric conditions, which is larger than the difference found in experiments (see Table
1.1). The equation does not have any flow component either, and as this is known to affect the MIE, the
calculated values will not agree with the experimental results. All curves will therefore start at 0, and then
increase when adding inert gases and decrease when adding H2.
The results from these calculations can be seen in Figure 5.6, where also ethane has been included. Blanc
et al. have tested the MIE for different amounts of non-hydrocarbon gases when burning ethane and
oxygen, where increasing the oxygen content from 21 % to 35 % in the oxidizer decreased the MIE with a
factor 7. However, when the oxygen content was increased even further, from 35 % to 50 %, the MIE
only decreased with a factor 2, indicating that at low oxygen levels the gain is the most (Blanc et al., 1949).

Figure 5.6 shows that the increase in MIE is smaller for propane than for the methane at a given amount
of inert gas. CO2 gives a larger MIE increase than N2, around 3 times as large increase in MIE is needed
for CO2 compared to N2 for the methane mixture. However, for the propane, the MIE increase is only
around 2.5 to 3 times larger for CO2 compared with N2. It is interesting to highlight that the MIE is
increasing more for the N2 mixed with methane compared to the CO2 mixed with propane, suggesting
that heavier hydrocarbons are more prone to ignition with significant amounts of inert gases.
Zhang et al. performed computer simulations on the MIE of H2 mixed with inert gases where it was
found that there was a clear transition area. For low amounts of inert gases (below 40 to 60 mol %,
depending on inert gas) the MIE was not affected of the inert gases, whereas for larger amounts of inert
gases, the MIE increased very rapidly and had an ignitability limit occurring around 10 mol % larger than
where the transition area occurred. For low amounts (below 40 mol %) of the inert gases N2 and Ar, the
MIE was lower than with pure H2, suggesting that if the ignition energy is the limiter, ignition should
always occur for low amounts of inert gases, especially N2 and Ar (Zhang et al., 2012). The calculated
values which can be seen in Figure 5.6 differ significantly from the reported values from Zhang et al. as
there is no transition, but that the MIE is continuously growing.
As seen in Table 1.1, the MIE for hydrogen is around 93 % less than the MIE for methane and propane.
The model however overestimates the influence by the hydrogen quite severely and the reduction of 93 %
occurs at around 72 mol % H2 mixed with methane. It can therefore be expected that the model
overestimates the final values, but may be correct in variations between methane and propane. A wider
range of the model can be found in appendix 5.

Increase in MIE


CO2 methane
100 N2 methane
MIE increase in %

80 H2 methane

60 CO2 ethane
N2 ethane
CO2 propane
N2 propane
0 H2 propane


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Mol % non-hydrocarbons in fuel

Figure 5.6. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions by mol percent non-hydrocarbon gas in
the fuel.
As shown in Figure 5.6, the different gas compositions are characterized by different increases in MIE. It
would therefore be preferable to convert the values to find an indicator which can be easy to use.
Converting the mol percent non-hydrocarbon gas in the fuel into a mol percent of non-hydrocarbon gas
in total (i.e. both air and fuel) can be done by the equation

%mol n
%mol tot = , (5.7)
N c * (100 %mol n ) + %mol n

%moltot is the mol percent of non-hydrocarbon gas in total,

%moln is the mol percentage of non-hydrocarbon gas in the fuel and

N c is the total mol of air and hydrocarbon when burning one mol of hydrocarbon.

As the calculations in this report have been performed at stoichiometric conditions, also N c is at
stoichiometric conditions. Figure 5.7 shows that the model predicts a very small difference between
methane and propane when the mol percent of non-hydrocarbon gas in total is used as indicator. The
explanation why the non-hydrocarbon gas in the total gas is a better indicator than non-hydrocarbon gas
in the fuel is that propane requires 2.5 times more air than methane at stoichiometric conditions and
therefore the fraction of non-hydrocarbon gas in total is significantly lower when propane is used as fuel.
4 mol % in total is around 51 mol % in the fuel for propane and around 30 mol % in the fuel for methane.
If comparing with Figure 5.6, it can be seen that 51 mol % of non-hydrocarbon mixed with propane
coincides very well with 30 mol % of non-hydrocarbon mixed with propane, validating Figure 5.7.

Increase in MIE



80 CO2 methane
N2 methane
MIE increase in %

H2 methane
40 CO2 ethane

20 N2 ethane
CO2 propane
N2 propane
-20 H2 propane


0,0% 0,5% 1,0% 1,5% 2,0% 2,5% 3,0% 3,5% 4,0%
Mol % non-hydrocarbons in total (air plus fuel)

Figure 5.7. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions by mol percent non-hydrocarbon gas
from the fuel in total (air and fuel).
When several heavier hydrocarbons are present in the fuel, calculating stoichiometric air/fuel ratio and
mol percent non-hydrocarbon gases in total (air and fuel) is a rather complex process. It would therefore
be beneficial to use an easier indicator. Figure 5.8 shows the increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions
by mass percent of the non-hydrocarbon gas in the fuel, something which can be calculated with the

%mol n * MWn
%mass n = , (5.8)
%mol n * MWn + (100 %mol n ) * MWc
% mass is the mass percentage and
MW is the mol weight, with n being for the non-hydrocarbon and c being for the hydrocarbon.

As the propane weighs 44 kg/kmol, compared to 16 kg/kmol for methane and 30 kg/kmol for ethane,
the mass percentage will be larger for the non-hydrocarbons mixed with methane than with propane or
ethane. For example, 10 mol % CO2 mixed with methane will be around 23 mass %, whereas 10 mol %
CO2 mixed with propane will be 10 mass % (as both CO2 and propane weighs 44 kg/kmol). It can be seen
that the curves for the propane, ethane and methane are very close to each other for the various non-
hydrocarbons, but there is still a difference between the different non-hydrocarbon gases. It is also
noteworthy to see the rapid decrease of MIE when H2 is present. This can however be explained by the
very small mass of hydrogen, only 2 kg/kmol which is an eighth of the mass of methane (i.e. 10 mass %
of H2 is 47 mol % when mixed with methane and 71 mol % when mixed with propane).

Increase in MIE



120 CO2 methane

100 N2 methane
MIE increase in %

H2 methane
CO2 ethane
N2 ethane
CO2 propane
20 N2 propane
0 H2 propane


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Mass % non-hydrocarbons in fuel

Figure 5.8. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions by mass percent non-hydrocarbon gas in
the fuel.
Pressure Dependence
The influence of the pressure on the model is with the exponent -2 for all pressures. This is because the
modeling in Chemkin 4.1 was performed at atmospheric pressures as the gas turbine starts at atmospheric
pressures. The exponent -2 agrees well with experimental data discussed in paragraph 2.1 for pressures
below 3 barg, a stoichiometric ratio and no air flows, whereas for larger pressures, other equivalence ratios
and air flows the exponent is slightly large.

Air Temperature Dependence
The air and fuel temperatures are also of interest for the MIE. As seen in Figure 5.9, the MIE increases
with decreased temperature, and for the air the difference is noticeably large. For the fuel however, the
difference is minor. This is because the fuel and air temperatures have been mass weighed and calculations
have been performed during stoichiometric conditions, i.e. when there is around 15-17 times the amount
of air as fuel in the mixture (by weight). As stated in paragraph 2.1, an increase in temperature from 300 K
to 400 K will approximately half the MIE, whereas the model predicts a decrease of 41 %, which agrees
rather well with the experimental data.

MIE dependence of temperature



MIE increase in %


10 Air

5 Fuel



-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Temperature (degrees C)

Figure 5.9. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions for pure methane by temperature with
20 C as base point.

5.3 Ignition Delay Time

The ignition delay time for liquid fuels is most heavily dependent on the flame temperature of the torch in
this case as the pressure can be considered constant at 1 atm and the droplet diameter can not be altered.
The adiabatic flame temperature of diesel is stated earlier in the report to be around 2280 K, but the
temperature of the flame in the torch will be lower due to heat losses. If successful ignition and flame
stabilization will be found or not will depend on ignition delay time, air flow velocity and the flame itself
as sufficient time for the combustible mixture in the flame has to be given for it to have time to ignite.
The equation
= n
exp( ) (5.9)
P Ru T
is an Arrhenius-type equation which has been used by Spadaccini and TeVelde with satisfying results.
is the ignition delay time,
A and n are empirical constants,
E is the global activation energy,

Ru is the universal gas constant and

T is the temperature.
This equation is however not accurate under the experimental conditions in this report as the equation
assumes the fuel to be pre-vaporized. This equation gives the result that the ignition delay time is around 3
ms for 1000 K and decreases down to around 3 s for a temperature of 1500 K (Spadaccini, TeVelde,
The ignition delay time found by Spadaccini and TeVelde however shows the importance of preheating,
and that for high temperatures; the heating of the droplets is the main source for the long ignition delay
times. This fact has also been proven in experiments. For diesel with a droplet diameter of 50 m,
vaporization started occurring after around 7 ms at a temperature of 880 K and an air flow of around 1
m/s (Sazhin et al., 2006).
However, looking at experiments performed in chapter 3, an ignition delay time of around 1 to 3 ms can
be expected.

6 Results
6.1 Gaseous Fuels
Figure 6.1 shows a comparison between the experimental results and the theoretical results. The steps of
inert gases were made in intervals of 5 mol % (except for the N2 mixed with propane where ignition
occurred at 63 mol %, but not at 70 mol %). The maximum amount of inert gases agree well between the
fuels, but the mix of inerts and propane have a limit which is slightly lower than the limit for inerts mixed
with methane. Only the tested points closest to the limit have been plotted as all points below were
successful. The experimental results from the gaseous fuels can be found in appendix 6.

Calculated lines with experimental test points



MIE increase in %

N2 methane
CO2 propane
60 N2 propane

No Ignition


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Mol % inert gases in fuel

Figure 6.1. Ignition chart for various calculated MIE by mol %. Air flow 170 g/s.
Figure 6.2 shows that the limit for the mass % is somewhere between 45 and 64 %, depending on what
composition is being used, meaning that the mass % can not be used as indicator for what fuels to allow
start-up on. The experiments validated the model in that fuels containing CO2 require larger ignition
energies than the fuels containing N2 but that there is a difference between the fuels, a lower mass % for
propane can be ignited than for methane.

Calculated lines with experimental test points


100 CO2
MIE increase in %

N2 methane
60 N2 propane

No ignition


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Mass % inert gases in fuel

Figure 6.2. Ignition chart for various calculated MIE by mass %. Air flow 170 g/s.
Burner Air Flow
When an air flow of 170 g/s was used, a limit of 40 mol % N2 was found (experiments performed before
altering spark cable and grounding ignition unit), but when the air flow was increased to 220 g/s, the limit
decreased to 35 mol % N2. This is an increased MIE with around 10 %, whereas the burner air flow
increased around 30 %.
Fuel Flow
During the first experimental session, the fuel flow (i.e. the flow of pure natural gas, LPG was only tested
at the second session) was increased for increased amounts of inerts. Figure 6.3 shows all results from
these experiments, showing that the fuel flow was crucial. The 5 g/s and no inerts has a failed ignition
point due to other problems, even though ignition occurs for that flow. Gas turbines run on lean
equivalence ratio and the start-up is no exception, which Figure 6.3 shows in that increased fuel flow
makes ignition occur easier. All natural gas flows tested above 7 g/s, the test point of 35 mol % inert gas
with 6.5 g/s natural gas flow and the test point with 30 mol % inert with 6 g/s natural gas flow are tested
with a larger burner air flow, which is the reason for unsuccessful ignition in that area.
When the fuel flow was altered, the maximum amount of inert gases was at around 55 mass % which.
This suggests that it was rather the limiting fuel flow which set the limit earlier in the experiments instead
of the ignition energy.

Experimental NG flows for one experimental session

Flow NG

5 Ignition

4 No ignition

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Mol % inert gas in fuel

Figure 6.3. Ignition chart for various natural gas flows and inert gas percentages.

6.2 Liquid Fuel

The liquid fuel experiments were successful and the igniter worked in a satisfying way. The ignition
reliability was however low (less than 50 %). A new ignition unit would be required for higher ignition
reliability. The burner air flow was no problem for the igniter, except for increasing the ignition energy
needed. Purge air decreased the ignition reliability severely.
The best fuel pressures in the experiment were between 9 and 14 barg. Figure 6.4 shows the fuel flow of
kerosene for the igniter at different pressures. There was no curve available for diesel from the
manufacturer, but the flow can be assumed to be close to the same (diesel and kerosene are both low in
kinematic viscosity, the diesel has a viscosity of 7.4 cSt and the kerosene a viscosity of 2.56 cSt, compared
with for example hydraulic oil which has a viscosity of 43.2 cSt (Martagan, 2012)).
Modifications had to be made to the igniter holder to achieve successful results as the igniter holder was
too long. The longer igniter holder supported no stable flame whereas the shorter igniter holder supported
the flame in a good way. Experimental results from the experiments with the new igniter holder can be
found in appendix 7.

Torch fuel flow

Fuel flow [g/s]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Pressure [barg]

Figure 6.4. Fuel flow of kerosene at various pressures for the torch igniter at a fuel temperature of
18 C (Vibro-Meter, 2006).

7 Discussion
7.1 Gaseous Fuel Experiments
Cooling Air
To keep the igniter from overheating when the gas turbine is running at full load, the igniter holder has a
hole in it to allow cooling air to pass over the igniter, as seen in Figure 4.3. This hole is however not
closed during the start-up of the gas turbine and thus cooling air is flowing over the spark during the
ignition sequence. To get the conditions in the atmospheric rig to be as close to the conditions in the gas
turbine as possible, the same ratio as in the gas turbine between cooling flow and air flow in the
combustion chamber was used. These conditions were found to be a major problem in the atmospheric
rig. Several attempts to ignite under these conditions were made, with various flows of natural gas and
with no inert gases mixed in. For all natural gas flows, ignition was difficult to find but occurred
occasionally when the natural gas flow was above 5 g/s. It was however decided to close the hole during
the experiments. After the hole was closed, ignition occurred easy, concluding that the cooling air over the
igniter was the reason.
Instead of closing the hole in the igniter holder, the cooling air was turned off completely to see if the
effect would be the same as when the hole in the holder was closed. The lowest natural gas flow to ignite
was around 4-5 g/s when the hole in the igniter was closed, whereas it around 2 g/s when the cooling air
was completely turned off. The difference from enginelike conditions was considered too large, therefore
it was decided to cover the hole in the igniter holder to achieve as similar conditions as the gas turbine as
possible, but still be able to ignite. The reason closing all the cooling air gave such a severe effect on the
amount of fuel needed to ignite is due to leakages of cooling air into the combustion chamber and that
when several successful ignitions had occurred; the walls were warm and therefore made the following
ignition attempts easier.
Igniter Location
The igniter tip was located about 5 to 10 mm inside the combustion chamber during the experiments. As
the liquid fuel experiments ran parallel with the gaseous experiments, the spark igniter holder was tested
with an adapter to be able to use the top plates used in the liquid fuel experiments. With this
configuration, the igniter was around 5 mm further out, so it was located 0 to 5 mm inside the combustion
chamber. This was believed to be a small alteration and would not have any noticeable impact. However,
it turned out to have a very large impact on the ignition, and ignition would only occur for less than 15
mol % N2 mixed with natural gas. It was therefore decided to switch back to the original configuration
where ignition occurred up to around 45 mol % N2.
Spark Cable
Another problem during the experiments with the gaseous fuel was with the cable between the spark plug
and the ignition unit. When the cable was located close to a piece of metal (for example one of the beams
the rig is mounted on), small sparks could be seen between the cable and the metal. The cable was
examined visually to see if any cracks or other defects could be found, but the cable was in good
condition. Aside from being a safety issue that sparks may come from the cable, it also affected the
sparking in the combustion chamber. When sparks were found between the cable and the metal, the
mixtures with large amounts of inert gases (around 20-40 mol %) ignited very rarely. When the cable was
moved away from the metal, ignition occurred easily again.
To minimize the energy losses from the spark cable and ignition unit, the cable was switched for a slightly
shorter cable which was better insulated and the ignition unit was. With these alterations, the maximum
amount of N2 which could be started on increased from 40 to 45 mol %, and for a lower fuel flow (i.e.
lower equivalence ratio and therefore even larger MIE).

Burner Air Flow
Experimental results showed that an increased air flow decreased the maximum limit of inerts which could
be ignited. The exact influence is however still unknown as there are many factors to take into account.
Firstly, the experiments were fairly crude, where it was hard both to know and tune in the exact fuel
composition, which is why steps of 5 mol % were used.
Another factor influencing is the fuel flow. For the 40 mol % test points, a slightly lower overall
equivalence ratio was used for the 220 g/s burner air flow test point than for the 170 g/s burner air flow
test point as it was not possible to achieve large enough fuel flow due to the pipes being small. A larger
fuel flow may have made the maximum amount of N2 reach 40 mol % for 220 g/s of burner air flow as it
was proven that increasing the equivalence ratio lowered the MIE. Due to the limited fuel flow, it was not
possible to test any larger burner air flows than around 220 g/s. However, a decreased fuel flow was
almost impossible too as the smallest amount of burner air the fan can deliver to the atmospheric
combustion rig is around 150 g/s, which is only around 10 % less than 170 g/s which was the standard air
flow during the experiments.
Gas Temperatures
Due to the expansion of the fuel coming from the fuel tank, the temperatures of the incoming gases may
have been different as a decrease in pressure will give a decrease in temperature (NASA, 2008). The gases
were mixed in the mixing tank and left in the tank a few seconds before being released into the
combustion chamber, and due to the mixing the temperature differences got smaller in the tank. As
known by the ideal gas law, the density increases with decreased temperature. The system will therefore
show a larger mol % of the warmer gas than what will come out of the tank due to the temperature mixing
in the tank. As an example, if the natural gas was 20 C, the CO2 was -45 C, a perfect mixing of the
temperatures occurred and the CO2 was tuned in to 25 mol %, the actual value after the mixing would be
around 30 mol %.
The CO2 was to be significantly cold when exiting the tube as the pipe right after the tube was very cold
after CO2 had been extracted. However, the 25 and 30 mol % CO2 test points were tested first during a
new test session to let the pipe be warm so the CO2 would gain as much heat as possible before going
through the measuring equipments to get as correct amount values as possible. The pipe was around 2
meters, so the heat gained by the CO2 before entering was limited. The N2 and natural gas were kept on a
long distance from the measuring equipments, so these gases can be assumed to have gained enough
temperature to be close to room temperature when entering the tank. Due to these circumstances, it might
be possible to start on a larger fraction of CO2 if all gases would have the same pressure in their tanks and
would cool equally before entering the mixing tank.
Achieving Correct Fuel Composition
For an ignition sequence to be considered successful, three successful ignitions in a row had to be found.
When one ignition was found, the pressure had generally dropped to around 5 barg (for the natural gas,
around 3 barg for the LPG). For the experiments to go faster, and to waste less fuel, the incoming fuel
valves to the tank were opened without the cold torch valve being open, thus only a small refill of the tank
was needed. For small amounts of inert gases, this was no problem, but with larger amounts, the system
needed to be flushed through with the correct gas composition for a few seconds. The reason is the
human factor and the fact that there is one valve for every gas, opening two or more valves at the exact
same time is impossible. Even if the differences in when the valves get opened are small, the differences
are enough when testing the maximum limit. It was therefore decided to flush through the system after
every attempt.
Another problem with this method is that the pressure regulators can be adjusted to slightly different
levels. When tuning in the gas flows, the flows are correct, but the pressures from the different gases may

differ and will then fill up the mixing tank at different speeds. For example, if the natural gas would have
6.8 barg and the N2 7.0 barg, the last 0.2 bar would be only N2.
Mixing Procedure
Tuning in the pressure to an exact level was easy for N2 and natural gas, but for LPG and CO2 this proved
to be difficult. Also, due to the temperatures this method was very challenging. For LPG mixed with N2,
the experiments worked well, but for CO2 mixed with LPG, no consistent results could be found. A new
method was therefore tested, which was to fill the tank based on pressure. To do this, firstly one gas was
used to fill the tank to a predefined pressure, and later the other gas was used to fill the tank to the full
pressure for the experiment (4 barg for mixtures containing LPG and 7 barg for mixtures containing
natural gas). Two new problems occurred with this method; to avoid getting residues from the old gas
composition when a new composition was used and to avoid getting the wrong composition in the pipes
to the burner. This was solved by;
Mixing the correct composition.
Letting go of some of the composition to the cold torch by using the pipes towards the burner
(existing pipe in Figure 4.6), but not a too large amount to keep the pressure drop at a low level.
Closing a valve from the tank to the pipes (not in Figure 4.6).
Letting go of the mixture to the cold torch by a pipe directly from the tank to the cold torch (not
in Figure 4.6).
Mixing the correct composition again.
Opening the valve to the pipes leading to the burner.
With this method, the mixture in the pipe only had traces of residues, and the contents in the tank can be
assumed to be the correct composition. As three consecutive ignitions were needed to be classified as
successful, the correct mixture can be was present for at least the two last attempts with this method.
The factor that the gases have different pressures when tuning in is excluded with this method. However,
the temperatures of the gases are still influencing. The CO2 was the gas which had the most cooling when
leaving its tank. Due to heating inside the mixing tank, the pressure rose after the CO2 had been added.
The CO2 was therefore added slowly and turned off just before full pressure for the composition was
reached so that full pressure would be reached when the heating was finished.
Fuel Flow
For the natural gas, both the pressures of 4 and 7 barg were tested to evaluate the effect of the different
pressures used for the different fuels. The difference was however not noticeable as long as the fuel flow
was set to a constant value.
The fuel pipes from the tank to the pilot nozzles in the atmospheric rig turned out to problematic. During
normal operation, only a small amount of the fuel is run through the pilot nozzles and the fuel is usually
not containing any significant amounts of inert gases, the pipes are therefore not dimensioned for large
flows. The flow which could be extracted from the tank to the pilot nozzles was just about enough to
ignite pure natural gas, but not more (only 4-5 g/s could be run). To keep the energy flow the same when
adding inert gases, significantly larger fuel flows had to be utilized. The main fuel pipe therefore used
instead, as it can handle a larger fuel flow due to a larger diameter. The main fuel pipe was then connected
to the pilot nozzles as they are the fuel supplies used during the start-up sequence.

7.2 The Model

As seen in Figure 7.1, there is an approximate limit which is at an increased MIE of around 90 % larger
than the base MIE for methane, and around 10 % lower (i.e. 10 % of the total 190 %, thus an increase of

71 %) for propane. The base MIE was set to 0 for pure natural gas and reset to 0 for LPG, as the model
differentiates these two fuels severely. The reason for resetting between the fuels was that the model
predicts that the methane will require a MIE almost 50 % larger than propane at stoichiometric
conditions, even though earlier experiments have shown that methane only requires less than 10 % larger
MIE than propane. The natural gas is assumed to be pure methane and the LPG is assumed to be pure
propane, even though the case is slightly different, as shown in Table 4.1 (for the natural gas).
There are a few reasons to why the model predicts a higher limit of the MIE for the natural gas than for
the LPG. The main reason is that the natural gas exhibits a lower MIE at low equivalence ratios than the
LPG (Moorhouse et al., 1974), and that the equivalence ratios during the experiments were below 1 (the
exact equivalence ratio at the position of the igniter at the time of the spark was not known). The
equivalence ratio in the model was set to 1 during all experiments as the equivalence ratio was unknown at
the location of the spark and it has been proven that the model can not deal with alterations of the
equivalence ratio in a satisfying way (as seen in Figure 5.5).
The equivalence ratio for the LPG may also have been slightly lower than for the natural gas. As seen in
Figure 1.4, the pilot nozzle is directed towards the middle of the outer recirculation zone, but deviates
from its trajectory by the strong air flow. As methane has a mol weight of 16 kg/kmol, whereas propane
has a mol weight of 44 kg/kmol, the same mass flow of fuel gives larger velocities for methane. The
deviation from its trajectory will therefore be smaller for the natural gas, and thus more fuel will be
collected in the recirculation zone than for the LPG.

Calculated lines with experimental test points and

experimental approximate limit

120 CO2
100 N2 methane
MIE increase in %

CO2 propane

N2 propane
No Ignition

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Mol % inert gases in fuel

Figure 7.1. Ignition chart for various calculated MIE by mol % with an approximate limit. Air
flow 170 g/s.
Two other reasons are that the point for successful ignition of the N2 mixed with methane was close to
not igniting, it required several sparks before ignition occurred, but it was reliable ignition. The point for
not successful ignition for the CO2 and propane was on the other hand close to igniting and ignited
sometimes, though not often enough to be reliable. Due to these circumstances, and as seen in Figure 7.1,
the limit for MIE increase in % can be between 90 and 110 % for the natural gas and between 70 and 90
% for the LPG. The difference in MIE between the fuels can therefore be in the range from no difference
at all to a limit which is 25 % higher for the natural gas. However, as the points of N2 with methane was

close to not igniting and CO2 with propane was close to igniting, the difference between the propane and
methane can be assumed to be 10 % or less.
Flow Component
The model does not take into account any flows, which has been proven to affect the MIE. The air flow
was constant during the experiments (except for when testing other air flows), so the effect from the
experiments may have been constant. The equation
dq = , (7.1)
( S T 0.63u ' )

d q is the quenching distance,

is the thermal diffusivity,

ST is the turbulent flame speed and
u ' is the root mean square of the fluctuating velocity,
can be used together with equation (5.2) to calculate the MIE for flowing mixtures (Ballal, Lefebvre,
1981). However, to find these values for all tested compositions would require several additional
experiments to find the turbulent flame speed and the fluctuating velocity, which is beyond the objectives
of this report. As the experiments support the model, the turbulent flame speed and root mean square of
the fluctuating velocity only can be assumed to differ from the laminar flame speed only by a constant, but
validation is needed to support this theory.
Model Compared to Mass and Mol Percentages
The model gives a better estimation for the MIE than the mol % and mass % of inert gases, as it takes
into account factors like density, thermal conductivity and specific heat, which vary with the inert gases.
The CO2 has a lower thermal conductivity, but larger density and specific heat than the N2. These factors
all influence the MIE for the CO2. Also the laminar flame speed, which has been calculated using
Chemkin 4.1, is lower for CO2 than for the same amount of N2. The laminar flame speed depends on the
thermal conductivity, density and specific heat according to Turns (Turns, 2012), but on the adiabatic
flame temperature and initial temperature according to Ballal and Lefebvre (Ballal, Lefebvre, 1977). The
adiabatic flame temperature however primarily depends on the specific heat (Turns, 2012).
The specific heat, density and thermal conductivity are therefore the most important parameters in the
model. These factors also explain why the mass percentage is not a good indicator, CO2 requires a larger
MIE for the same mass percentage due to the specific heat and the thermal conductivity.
Different Gas Compositions
The natural gas used was not pure methane, which can be seen in Table 4.1. Most natural gases used with
gas turbines are not pure methane either, as can be seen in Figure 1.2. As seen in Figure 7.2, the model has
been further developed to contain compositions of three gases, methane, propane and one inert gas. The
legend shows the inert gas modeled and the mol percentage of methane in the methane/propane mixture.
For example, the mixture of 90 % methane and 50 % N2 contains 50 mol % N2, 45 mol % methane and 5
mol % propane. It can be seen that when propane is added, the MIE for the mixture decreases.
Figure 7.2 shows that heavier hydrocarbons lowers the MIE for the same amount of inert gas. The
amount of CO2 that can be started on (assuming a limit of 90 % increase in MIE to be able to start) is
around 3 mol % larger and the amount of N2 is only around 4 mol % larger for the 90 % methane mixture
compared to the 100 % methane mixture.

CO2 100%
Increase in MIE methane

N2 100%

120 CO2 95%

MIE increase in %

90 N2 95%

CO2 90%

N2 90%

CO2 0%
0 methane
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
N2 0%
Mol % inert gases in fuel

Figure 7.2. Increase in MIE at stoichiometric conditions by mol percent inert gas in the fuel for
mixtures of methane, propane and inert gases. Percentage numbers in legend indicate mol
percentage of methane in methane/propane mixture.
Instead of further developing the model for all different gas compositions, weighing the different gases to
achieve similar results as the model would be preferable. Figure 7.3 shows the difference between the
model, for 90 and 95 mol % methane in the methane/propane mixture, and a mass weighed alternative by
using the pure methane and pure propane values. Negative values mean that the mass weighed value is
larger, whereas positive values mean that the model is larger.
The two options stay close together until around 30 mol % CO2, after that the model shows significantly
smaller values. The N2 however agrees well between the mass weighed and the model all the way up to 50
mol %. However, as shown in Figure 7.1, the limit in the atmospheric rig was around 25-30 mol % CO2
and around 45-50 mol % N2 in the fuel. As shown in Figure 7.3, the difference for these values are small
and thus the mass weighed values can be used with satisfying results when analyzing further gas
compositions. Figure 7.3 may however show results which are not fully reliable as the actual amount of
propane which can be started on may be lower than the model predicted, as previously discussed.
The lines in Figure 7.3 have small inaccuracies. This depends on the resolution used, steps of 1 mol %
were taken and the convergence from Chemkin 4.1 makes the values not steady. Also in other figures
where unsteady lines are found the reason is the small steps used and the convergence from Chemkin 4.1.

Calculated increase in MIE between mass weighed and

MIE increase in % for mass weighed

CO2 95 %
-10,00 methane
compared to model

-15,00 N2 95 %
CO2 90 %
N2 90 %
-35,00 methane


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Mol % inert gases in fuel

Figure 7.3. Increase in MIE for mass weighed compared to model at stoichiometric conditions by
mol percent inert gas in the fuel for mixtures of methane, propane and inerts. Percentage
numbers in legend indicate mol percentage of methane in methane/propane mixture.
Figure 7.4 shows the difference between the model and the mass weighed alternative for CO2, and even
though Figure 7.3 shows that there is a difference for CO2 at around 30 mol % between the model and
the mass weighing, but Figure 7.4 shows that the difference in maximum amount of CO2 to start on
(based on a MIE increase of 90 % as limit) is only about 0.5 mol %, which is significantly smaller than the
uncertainty of the experiments conducted. The mass weighing can therefore be used with satisfying

100 %
Calcualed increase in MIE between mass weighed and methane
model model

95 %
130,00 methane
MIE increase in %

110,00 95 %
90,00 weighed

90 %
70,00 model

50,00 90 %
23% 25% 27% 29% 31% 33% 35% methane
Mol % CO2 in fuel weighed

Figure 7.4. Increase in MIE for mass weighed and model at stoichiometric conditions by mol
percent inert gas in the fuel for mixtures of methane, propane and CO2. Percentage numbers in
legend indicate mol percentage of methane in methane/propane mixture.
Figure 7.5 shows the effect of when heavier hydrocarbons than methane is present in the fuel based on
mass weighed values. The left side of the curves is the ignitable area, whereas the right side is the not
ignitable area. Methane has been used as the base fuel as methane is the most common fuel in natural gas.
The curves are theoretical curves for an increase in MIE of 90 %. The curves are growing linearly, thus a
linear equation can be created to find the amount of inert gases which can be ignited for a given fuel

Calculated ignition chart in atmospheric rig

Mol % methane in hydrocarbon mixture

80% Propane CO2


60% Propane N2


40% Ethane CO2


20% Ethane N2


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Mol % inert gases in fuel

Figure 7.5. Theoretically possible ignition chart for the atmospheric rig by mol % with an air flow
170 g/s.
Natural gas generally contains ethane; an estimated effect is therefore preferred as no experiments were
performed with ethane. As seen in Table 1.1, ethane has a larger MIE than methane and propane at
stoichiometric conditions. However, the lowest MIE is approximately the same for the ethane as for the
propane and methane, and is at a lower equivalence ratio than propane. The values in Table 1.1 are
however old and based on few studies, the values should therefore be validated with additional studies.
The work by Moorhouse et al. (Moorhouse et al., 1974) shows that ethane has the lowest MIE of the
three gases, and has a significantly lower MIE at low equivalence ratios than propane. The ethane can
therefore be expected to increase the amount of inert gases in the fuel as predicted by Figure 7.5.
Figure 7.6 shows a comparison for methane mixed with pure CO2, pure N2 and a mixture of 50 mol %
CO2 and 50 mol % N2. For the mixture with 50 mol % of each inert, the figure shows curves for the
model, mass weighed and mol weighed. The mass weighed option is better at large amounts of inert gases,
whereas the mol weighed is better at low amounts of inert gases. The difference between the model and
the mass weighed is however rather small at low amounts of inert gas as well, and thus the mass weighed
option is giving satisfying results.

Calculated increase in MIE for mass weighed, mol weighed
and model CO2 methane

N2 methane
MIE increase in %

150 50 % N2, 50 %
CO2 methane
50 % N2, 50 %
CO2 methane
50 mol weighed

0 50 % N2, 50 %
CO2 methane
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
mass weighed
Mol % inert gases in fuel

Figure 7.6. Increase in MIE for methane mixed with CO2 and N2.
Gases not Included in the Model
There are several gases which have not been included in the model, for example the hydrocarbons heavier
than propane. These gases are flammable but require large MIE, especially at lean conditions (Barnett,
1957). It is therefore hard to predict the impact these hydrocarbons will have on the MIE, however, as
most gas compositions only contain small amounts of heavier hydrocarbons, these hydrocarbons can be
neglected in most situations.
Sour gas (H2S) has also been neglected as also here most gas compositions contain small amounts of this
gas. CO is a gas which can be found in a number of different gas compositions and is a highly flammable
gas. There is however very limited data on the MIE of CO, but it has a MIE which is slightly lower than
methane (Explosion Solutions, 2012). CO has a laminar flame speed which is around half as large as
methane (Dong, et al., 2009). The formula to calculate MIE is therefore not applicable as it depends on
the cube of the laminar flame speed, thus the results will show a MIE of 8 times smaller than for methane.
Ignition Unit
The standard ignition unit in the gas turbines offer only half the amount of energy compared to what a
variable ignition unit offers. This report is dealing with the SGT-700, but no large amounts of inert gases
have been used for starting the SGT-700. However, the SGT-600 has proven to start on Groningen gas
(with 14 mol % N2), the lower limit to start the SGT-600 is therefore an increased MIE of around 15 %.
Doubling the energy would mean that the increased MIE should be at least 130 %, a line which is shown
in Figure 7.7. For methane, the limit would be around 33 mol % CO2 and 52 mol % N2. Figure 1.2 shows
that several additional gas enquiries would be possible to start on by implementing the variable ignition
unit. This limit is however only based on the Groningen gas, the limit for the standard igniter might be
higher and thus the limit for the variable ignition unit would also be higher.

Theoretical minimum limit in SGT-600 with ignition energy
twice as large

160 methane
N2 methane
MIE increase in %

CO2 ethane
N2 ethane

80 CO2 propane

60 N2 propane

40 Limit

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Mol % inert gases in fuel

Figure 7.7. Theoretical maximum limit with variable ignition unit for the SGT-600.
Comparison with Results by Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2012)
The experimental results agree well with the model but disagree with the results found by Zhang et al. as
the MIE should stay rather constant up to a transition area according to their results. These results
disagree with the results from Zhang et al. is proven with that several different limits were found when
small alterations were performed. Altering the igniter location decreased the limit from 45 mol % N2 to 15
mol % N2, altering the spark cable and grounding the ignition unit increased the limit from 40 mol % N2
to 45 mol % N2. The results found by Zhang et al. also showed that the MIE decreased for up to 40 mol
% N2 in the fuel, disagreeing with the experimental results in this report.
A similar model as the one by Zhang et al. but evaluated for hydrocarbon fuels would be interesting to see
if the reason for their results is the fuel or if their result is independent of the fuel.
Future use of the Model
The mass percentage of inert gas in the fuel was not a good indicator for possible ignition. Mass weighing
the values was however successful, both for the hydrocarbons and for inert gases. The propane was
around 0-20 % lower in MIE than methane, something which has to be taken into account. The ignition
energy required for a known fuel can be calculated with the gases in the model by taking the differences
between the fuels and the ambient air temperature into account and mass weighing the gases (with
question marks for ethane and hydrogen, gases which were not used during the experiments).

7.3 Flame Propagation Gaseous Fuel

A video camera was used to analyze the behavior of the flame, but the camera was limiting with a frame
rate of 12.5 Hz and bad focus. A high-speed camera would be an excellent tool in analyzing the ignition
sequence and flame propagation, but there was no high-speed camera available during the experiments. A
high-speed camera provides very large frame rates with short shutter times and gives very detailed analyses
of the ignition sequence. A high-speed camera would also be able to reveal very interesting details about
the very first milliseconds after ignition, for example how the swirl influences the ignition and flame

Figure 7.8 shows that the spark ignites the mixture closest around it; 80 ms later there is a flame in almost
the whole combustion chamber which is close to dying out at 160 ms, only leaving a localized and intense
flame with a less intense flame around it. At 240 ms however, the flame has spread again, showing traces
of what the flame eventually will look like (pilot flame). At 400 and 560 ms the flame is a fully developed
pilot flame.

0 ms 80 ms

160 ms 240 ms

400 ms 560 ms

Figure 7.8. Flame propagation by time for a mixture of natural gas and 28 mol % N2 with air flow
of 170 g/s. The pictures have been decreased in brightness.
Figure 7.9 shows that the localized flame is more visible and a pulsation (flame filling the whole
combustion chamber, then small centralized flame, then a flame filling the whole combustion chamber
again) can be seen in the cases with pure natural gas. When N2 is added, as shown in Figure 7.8, the

pulsation is less clear and barely visible. Detonation of the fuel is believed to be the major cause as the
combustion chamber act like an enclosed volume (it is not fully enclosed, but as seen in Figure 4.1, the
outlet has a significantly smaller area than the rest of the combustion chamber, and the outlet from the
exhaust plenum to the chimney is perpendicular to the combustion chamber). The combustion chamber
also contains a significant amount of fuel, which are good conditions for detonation to occur as the
detonation ignites all the fuel at a very high speed. When the detonation is over and all the fuel has been
combusted, only a small flame is being recirculated while the combustion chamber is again filled up with
fuel, and therefore the sequence after is also as a detonation, even though a smaller one. The recirculation
after this is fairly constant, so the pulsation goes away as all fuel entering the combustion chamber after
this will meet hot products, be ignited very rapidly and stabilize the flame.

0 ms 80 ms

160 ms 240 ms

Figure 7.9. Flame propagation by time for natural gas with air flow of 170 g/s. The pictures have
been decreased in brightness.
The pulsation was clearly visible for all videos, however, when N2 was added the localized flame (i.e. the
flame in the picture after 160 ms) was found by the wall, but when pure natural gas was used the flame
was located in the centre of the picture. This phenomenon is believed to occur due to the increased fuel
flow (to keep a constant energy flow). Figure 1.4 shows that, for the full load case, most of the pilot fuel is
going into the outer recirculation zone (1 in figure), but follows the air from the burner going into the
recirculation zone. The air and fuel therefore mixes slightly, most fuel will go into the outer recirculation
zone and some fuel will follow the air stream into the inner recirculation zone (2 in figure). Adding more
fuel increases the mass flow from the pilot nozzle and increases the speed of the fuel. The increased speed
keeps the fuel away from the air stream, thus more fuel is collected in the outer recirculation zone and less
fuel goes into the inner recirculation zone. The outer recirculation zone is smaller than the inner and thus
recirculation occurs faster in the outer recirculation zone, causing the hot gases to ignite the uncombusted
gases earlier and therefore the second detonation is smaller when N2 is added. No air flows are known

during start-up as Figure 1.4 shows for full load, but based on the pictures the recirculation zones seem to
occupy the same locations both during start-up and full-load.
A fast enough high-speed camera can be used to find the ignition delay time. There are however easier
ways of measuring the ignition delay, for example by looking at pressure, CH emissions or OH emissions.
The measuring equipment has to be fast enough to detect changes of preferably less than one s and has
to be synchronized with the spark to get correct values (Gauthier et al., 2004).
When the fuel consisted of only natural gas or LPG, a clear bang could be heard, but the more inert gases
in the fuel, the less loud the bang was and for 40 mol % N2 mixed with natural gas, no bang at all was
heard. Large amounts of inert gases decreases the laminar flame speed, thus the flame will propagate
slower and therefore the pressure does not increase as rapidly. The theory that a detonation is occurring in
the ignition sequence is supported as a detonation causes a sudden pressure increase, something which
makes a sound. The larger the fuel flow was the louder the bang was, again supporting the theory that the
fuel detonates at the ignition sequence.
The location of the camera in Figure 7.8 and Figure 7.9 is by the additional window at the exhaust
plenum, where the emission probe is located in Figure 4.1. For Figure 7.10 and Figure 7.11, the camera
was located by the window below the combustion chamber, with the burner being located in the top of
the picture and the spark in the center of the picture. A different camera is used in Figure 7.8 and Figure
7.9 than in Figure 7.10 and Figure 7.11, but the cameras are equally good.
Figure 7.10 shows an ignition sequence following the same trend as those in the earlier figures; a spark in
the first picture, a large flame in the second picture, a third picture where the flame is dying out, a fourth
where the flame is large again, then the flame gets smaller in the fifth and sixth picture. If the third picture
(at 160 ms from ignition) would have been taken during normal operation, a flashback would be assumed
to occur very soon as the flame seems to be very far into the burner. However, the fuel flow is coming
from the pilot nozzles only, so a flashback can not occur at the main fuel holes. Figure 7.8 and Figure 7.9
show that the picture at 160 ms is also a localized flame, so the same phenomenon is recorded from two
different angles. As discussed previously, this phenomenon is due to recirculation. The flame after 240 ms
occurs quite far away from the burner, supporting the theory that the flame needs to recirculate before
igniting the fuel which entered after the first flame (after 80 ms), but that once the recirculation has begun,
the fuel ignites very fast (as seen in pictures after 320 and 400 ms).

0 ms 80 ms

160 ms 240 ms

320 ms 400 ms

Figure 7.10. Flame propagation by time for a mixture of natural gas and 26 mol % N2 with air flow
of 170 g/s. The pictures have been decreased in brightness.
Figure 7.11 shows that the flame is significantly more orange than the flame in Figure 7.10. The fuel in
Figure 7.10 contains 26 mol % N2 whereas the fuel in Figure 7.11 is pure natural gas, and a larger natural
gas flow is used in Figure 7.11. Inert gases make the flame bluer (Takahashi et al., 2008), and a smaller fuel
flow decreases the equivalence ratio making the flame colder, thus the flame becomes even bluer.

Figure 7.11. Flame propagation by time for natural gas with air flow of 170 g/s. The pictures have
been decreased in brightness.

7.4 Liquid Fuel Experiments

Burner Air Flow
In the early stages of the experiments the flame extinguished as soon as burner air was added. That the
igniter is unsuitable for large crossflows was the first believe, but a sustainable flame sustained was found
for all burner air flows after altering the igniter location. The burner air flow however increased the
minimum ignition energy and thus the ignition reliability was low.
Fuel Spray
The spray angle of the igniter was analyzed to get a better understanding of the igniter. The igniter was
connected to a water line and a pressure gauge and the spray angle was observed at different pressures.
The spray angle was wide for pressures above 3 barg. The droplets were small, making the ignition delay
time smaller and is therefore a positive characteristic. The spray angle was believed to be a problem at the
early stages of the experiment, but after altering the igniter location was altered, the spray angle was no
The fuel nozzle is designed to be used with any distillate fuel of 28-40 seconds Redwood No1. A
Redwood second is a unit of kinematic viscosity and is measured as the time it takes for 50 ml of the
sample to flow through a Redwood viscometer (Contractors Unlimited, 2012). Diesel no.2 (i.e.
commercial diesel as bought in a gas station) however is around 44 Redwood No1 seconds (depending on
temperature and exact composition), but was still used with satisfactory results. Water was tested to see
the droplet size and spray angle and has a viscosity of 29 seconds Redwood No1 (Martagan, 2012). The
droplets from the diesel were therefore slightly larger than from the water as increased viscosity increases
the average drop size (Elliott Equipment, 1995).
Igniter Location
The igniter was believed to be located close to the inner surface of the combustion chamber in the early
stages of the experiments, but no sustainable flame could be achieved with any burner air flows. The
igniter was therefore unscrewed around 10-15 mm according to manufacturer specifications, stating that
the torch should be recessed 10-12 mm when high draft velocities occurred (Vibro-Meter, 2006). The
flame still did not sustain with any burner air flows. The combustion chamber was then opened up (by
removing a window) and the igniter location was analyzed. Figure 7.12 shows the igniter location when
the igniter was fully screwed in and the igniter was already recessed around 15 mm. A new holder was
therefore ordered which would place the igniter at the same level as the inner surface of the combustion
chamber, but with a screw thread long enough to alter the recess of the igniter with around 15 mm. The
thermal expansion unit had to be excluded on the new holder as it was too large to fit. The experiments

conducted were cold (i.e. when flame was initiated, the fuel supply was shut off in order to prevent the
walls to heat) so the thermal expansion unit was not needed. If implementing the torch igniter into the
SGT-700, a thermal expansion unit is needed to handle the thermal forces.

Figure 7.12. Torch igniter in the combustion chamber in the atmospheric rig.
The igniter was tested on several different distances from the inner surface of the combustion chamber,
but the best location was with the igniter fully screwed in, i.e. when the igniter tip was at the same level as
the inner surface of the combustion chamber. The flame was then very stable even for large burner air
flows and the recommendation about a recess of 10-12 mm was not optimal at these conditions, even
though a large air flow was utilized. The recommendation from the manufacturer was not optimal during
these conditions as the fuel sprayed on the walls of the igniter holder when the torch was recessed and due
to the airflow. The torch has a very wide application range including gas turbines (both DLE and
conventional burners), heating burners and flare stacks and it can therefore be expected that the swirl flow
helps supporting the flame severely as the DLE burner is the only burner using a swirl of the burners
Spark Ignition
The mixture burnt with a stable flame when ignition occurred with the new igniter holder. To find the
best conditions for ignition to occur, several fuel pressures, burner air flows, purge air flows and air
temperatures were used, but no combination to provide reliable ignition was found. A reliable point was
believed be found in 14 barg fuel pressure and no purge air early in the experiments, but when tested again
it only ignited less than half of the times. This occurred due to hot walls in the combustion chamber,
several ignitions had been performed and a low flow of cooling air had been used, making the walls gain
temperature very fast.
Figure 4.4 shows that the fuel nozzle is in the middle and the spark occurs on the side in the torch igniter.
Generally, several sparks were required before ignition took place. A potential cause for this is that the
spark is located in an area where the fuel is not sprayed, thus a too low fuel to air ratio may occur in this
area. Paragraph 2.3 shows that a rich equivalence ratio is optimal for minimizing the MIE. This however
contradicts the hypothesis that ignition occurs easier on low fuel flows due to a lower equivalence ratio.
Experiments performed on a kerosene/air mixture with a spark rate of 6 Hz showed that ignition never
occurred on the 8 first sparks, and occurred most commonly around the 20th spark (i.e. more than 3
seconds after first spark). This proves that liquid fuels require some time before igniting, but the authors
did not suggest why this phenomena occurs (Lang et al., 2010).

The igniter comes from Vibro-Meter and to order a new ignition unit thee same manufacturer would be
the easiest as it fits with the igniter without modifications. Vibro-Meter offer a variable ignition unit
delivering twice the amount of energy as the standard ignition unit used in the SGT-700. The ignition
reliability was low with the standard ignition unit, but ignitions occurred. Twice the amount of energy may
therefore be more than needed, but the ignition energy is variable so experiments should be performed to
find the ignition energy required to reliably ignite the diesel fuel.
Fuel Pressure
The manufacturer specification has a chart (Figure 6.4) for ignition with kerosene up to 14 barg. No diesel
pressures above 9 bar were ignitable in the early stages of the experiments. Several possible explanations
were found for this; the ignition energy was, another fuel was used and that the spray mostly ended up in
the wall. The last explanation turned out to be the correct one, with the new holder in place ignition was
found up to 14 barg. The pressures with the highest ignition reliability were 9 to 14 barg, but the ignition
reliability was still low.
Purge Air
Torch air was evaluated in experiments to see if the ignition reliability could increase. The purge air
however decreased the ignition reliability, no successful ignition was found with purge air. The purge air
decreased the ignition reliability as the air blew away the diesel before the flame had spread.
Additional Factors
Two additional factors mentioned by the manufacturer are that the torch should terminate between 15
and 45 cm away from the main fuel source and that the firing end should be directed toward the main fuel
spray. The main fuel source (which when starting are the pilot fuel nozzles) was however never tested
during the ignition tests and therefore the two factors may affect the start-up. It can be expected that the
two reasons should not affect the start-up because;
The burner air flow in the gas turbine has a large swirl stabilizing the flame. The swirl also makes
the fuel and air from the burner travel an additional distance before entering the torch, so the fuel
will travel 15-45 cm before igniting.
The gas turbine has recirculation zones. The recirculation zones help stabilizing the flame and
therefore enough time is provided to combust the fuel before leaving the combustion chamber.

7.5 Flame Propagation Liquid Fuel

The ignition sequence was analyzed also for the liquid fuel. The same camera as in Figure 7.10 and Figure
7.11 was used for this purpose. A high-speed camera would have been an excellent tool when analyzing
the flame initiation and propagation also for the liquid fuel.
Figure 7.13 shows a sequence of a non-successful ignition. At the pictures of the spark and at 80 ms after
the spark, the flame appears to be large enough to ignite the other fuel. Several unsuccessful sparks have
occurred before this sequence, enough fuel should therefore exist in the combustion chamber to create a
stable flame. After 160 ms however, the flame is completely gone, leaving no trace of any flame. The
conditions were good with a fuel pressure of 14 barg, burner air flow of 150 g/s, no purge air and this
being the 13th spark.

0 ms 80 ms

160 ms

Figure 7.13. Ignition sequence of a non-successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 14 barg, purge air: 0
barg, burner air: 150 g/s, air temperature: 20 C.
Figure 7.14 shows the ignition sequence with a fuel pressure of 9 barg, no purge air, a burner air flow of
200 g/s and an air temperature of 110 C. The spark ignites a significant amount of fuel in the first picture
and after 80 ms the whole combustion chamber is filled by a flame. This flame lasts around 2 seconds
before the intensity decreases. After 3 seconds the flame has stabilized and looks practically the same as
the later pictures. The flame was able to sustain such intensity for around 2 seconds because the ignition
occurred on the sixth spark, i.e. the fuel was flowing for around 3.5 seconds before ignition occurred.

0 ms 80 ms

2s 3s

4s 5s

Figure 7.14. Ignition sequence of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 9 barg, purge air: 0 barg,
burner air: 200 g/s, air temperature: 110 C.
The two different attempts in Figure 7.13 and Figure 7.14 are fairly similar but behave differently. The
flame at the time of the spark in both Figure 7.13 and Figure 7.14 are about the same size and both have
had sparks going before, enough fuel should therefore exist in the combustion chamber to ignite more
fuel and create a sustainable flame. This might be due to the camera. When the flame turns white, the
picture has been overexposed and thus the flame in Figure 7.14 might be significantly warmer than the
flame in Figure 7.13, and the temperature difference might be the difference between extinction and
propagating flame.

Comparing the pictures of the gaseous fuel flames with the liquid fuel flames, the liquid fuel has a yellow
flame whereas the gas has a bluer flame. The liquid fuel is significantly more yellow because the liquid fuel
is a complete diffusion flame, whereas the gaseous fuel is somewhat premixed at the ignition due to the
turbulence of the air and fuel.
The flame in Figure 7.14 is mostly on the left side of the picture because of the swirl from the burner air,
which is swirling in that direction (i.e. looking from the same angle as the camera, the air is swirling
counterclockwise). The diesel is igniting rapidly due to the high temperature in the flame, but it takes time
for the droplets to completely burn out, thus the flame spreads over a large amount of the combustion
Figure 7.15 however shows that the flame spreads to the right side of the picture as well. This sequence
shows a pressure of 14 barg, compared to 9 barg as in Figure 7.14, which might cause the fuel to spread
wider and thus increase the size of the flame. The flame is spread on both sides and thus it becomes less
sensitive to different air flows.

Figure 7.15. Flame propagation of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 14 barg, purge air: 0 barg,
burner air: 200 g/s, air temperature: 20 C.
The color is different between Figure 7.14 and Figure 7.15, but the camera is the explanation. The focus is
better in Figure 7.15 and thus the colors look different.
Figure 7.16 shows an ignition sequence when no burner air is injected into the combustion chamber. The
flame is very large, and most of the flame is located at the bottom of the combustion chamber. Comparing
this flame with the flames in Figure 7.14 and Figure 7.15, the burner air helps stabilizing the flame rather
than blowing it out. This may be surprising, but the air mixes the air and fuel faster, thus helping the diesel
droplets get more oxygen faster and making the combustion faster.

Figure 7.16. Flame propagation of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 5 barg, purge air: 0 barg,
burner air: 0, air temperature: 20 C.
Figure 7.17 shows a non-successful ignition sequence with a fuel pressure of 5 barg, purge air of 2 barg,
burner air of 200 g/s and an air temperature of 20 C. The flame is blown out when purge air is being
added in the ignition sequence. The figure shows six different sparks, all igniting the fuel but the air blows
away the fuel before any flame large enough to propagate has developed. Almost all sparks under these
conditions led to a development as seen in the pictures, suggesting that the purge air increases the ignition
reliability, probably due to an equivalence ratio which has a lower MIE than when no air is injected. Even
though the spark is located away from the fuel nozzle, large amounts of fuel seem to exist in the spark
area. The air also keeps the spray angle narrow as the droplets get blown downwards instead of being able
to propagate to the side.
The ignition reliability was generally higher at lower fuel pressures, suggesting that an increased fuel flow
increases the MIE and decreases the ignition reliability. That the ignition reliability is larger on lower
pressures is either because of a smaller equivalence ratio at the spark or that the fuel velocity is decreased
over the spark. However, the flame sustained at higher pressures, suggesting that even though the ignition
reliability is larger at lower pressures, the ignited fuel blows away before being able to ignite more fuel and
thus can not create a sustainable flame.

Figure 7.17. Ignition sequence of a non-successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 5 barg, purge air: 2
barg, burner air: 200 g/s, air temperature: 20 C.
Figure 7.18 shows the ignition sequence of a successful ignition, but as can be seen, the flame is initiated
at the bottom of the combustion chamber. That the flame is initiated at the bottom of the combustion
chamber may be explained by;
The flame is initiated at the spark but detaches from the fuel nozzle and follows the swirl a full
rotation before igniting the fuel from the igniter again, and then a sustainable flame is found, but
the camera only records when the flame is on the bottom of the combustion chamber.

The ignition occurred at the sixth spark and a few ignitions in a row had been found before that,
therefore a significant amount of unburnt fuel vaporized. The fuel was then ignited by a, what
would have been if fuel vapor had not existed, unsuccessful spark. As a significant amount of the
fuel was at the bottom at this point, the flame ignited this fuel before the fuel which was coming
out from the nozzle.

0 ms 80 ms

Figure 7.18. Ignition sequence of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 14 barg, purge air: 0 barg,
burner air: 150 g/s, air temperature: 20 C.
Figure 7.19 may show the same phenomenon as Figure 7.18. Figure 7.19 shows that even though the
flame is located close to the fuel nozzle after 80 ms, only a very small flame is visible at the time when the
spark occurs. The flame in the first picture is also travelling towards the bottom of the combustion
chamber, so a possible explanation is that Figure 7.19 and Figure 7.18 could be seen as one sequence; First
the flame travels to the bottom (Figure 7.19, 0 ms), then a flame at the bottom is initiated (Figure 7.18, 0
ms), then the flame travels to the fuel nozzle (Figure 7.19, 80 ms) and finally the flame fills the
combustion chamber (Figure 7.18, 80 ms). If this is a valid explanation, the question still remains of why
the flame jumps from the igniter to the bottom of the combustion chamber.
One potential explanation to this phenomenon is that the spark jumps through the spray of diesel all the
way to the combustion chamber, instead of sparking between the electrodes. However, the picture is very
bright where sparks normally occur, and it is a significantly longer distance going with the spray than
between the electrodes. Another factor is that it is a spray, i.e. it is small droplets with air in between, so
the spark would have to travel through a significant amount of air.
Other explanations to this phenomenon may exist, but to analyze and understand this would require a
high-speed camera.

0 ms 80 ms

Figure 7.19. Ignition sequence of a successful ignition. Fuel pressure: 14 barg, purge air: 0 barg,
burner air: 200 g/s, air temperature: 20 C.

7.6 Comparison between Experimental Rig and Gas Turbine

There are some factors which are different between the atmospheric rig and the gas turbine. The effects of
the differences will be discussed here.
Cooling Air over the Igniters
The cooling air over the igniter decreased the ignition reliability in the atmospheric rig. In the gas turbine
there is cooling air over the igniter and it can therefore be assumed that this flow is limiting the ignition
reliability also for the gas turbine. The flow over the igniter was adjusted to have the approximate same
flow as in the gas turbine.
During the liquid fuel experiments, no cooling air over the igniter could be utilized to achieve ignition and
a sustainable flame. No cooling air was needed either because the experiments were performed with max
30 seconds flame establishment, so the walls temperatures were kept below 600 C. In the gas turbine, the
igniter would deform very fast if no cooling air was used due to the large heat from the combustor. The
specification from the manufacturer states that the firing end of the igniter should not be subject to
temperatures in excess of 600 degrees C continuously (Vibro-Meter, 2006).
Combustion Chamber
The combustion chamber in the atmospheric rig is slightly larger than the combustion chamber in the
engine. The atmospheric rig is built to replicate a burner section of the gas turbine, but due to the
complex geometry of the engines combustion chamber, it is not possible to exactly replicate it for a single
Igniter Location
The igniter locations are different between the gas turbine and the atmospheric rig. Drawings of the
atmospheric rig and a comparison of the igniter locations between the gas turbine (approximate location,
the location is different due to different combustion chamber geometry) and the atmospheric rig is seen in
Figure 7.20 and Figure 7.21. It can be seen that the spark igniter was positioned into the combustion
chamber around 1 cm, whereas the torch igniter and the spark igniter in the gas turbine are at the same
level as the inner surface of the combustion chamber.

Approximate torch igniter location in the atmospheric rig

Approximate spark igniter

location in the atmospheric rig

Approximate burner location in

the atmospheric rig

Figure 7.20. Schematics of the atmospheric rig, seen from the side (SIT AB, 2012).

Approximate torch igniter

location in the atmospheric rig
and spark igniter location in gas
Approximate spark igniter
location in the atmospheric rig

Air swirl flow in the atmospheric rig

Air swirl flow in the gas turbine

Counterflow burner air in

gas turbine

Figure 7.21. Schematics of the atmospheric rig, seen from the burner exit (SIT AB, 2012).
Both in the gas turbine and in the atmospheric rig the igniters are located approximately 20 % (around
12.5 degrees) to the side as seen in Figure 7.21.
The distance and angle (upwards angle, not the same as the side angle as discussed in previous section)
from the burner to the igniters are also different between the gas turbine and the atmospheric rig. The
distance to the spark igniter is around 25 % larger in the atmospheric rig than in the gas turbine and the
distance to the torch igniter is slightly larger. The angle to the igniters is a few degrees smaller in the
atmospheric rig.

Air Flows and Aerodynamics
The air flow during the gaseous experiments was adjusted to 170 g/s. Air flows of 220 g/s were also
tested during the experiments to evaluate the effect of the air flow. The gas turbine starting air flow is
generally standard, but this can be lowered if needed.
For the liquid fuel, the air flow was adjusted to be around 200 g/s. Different air flows were tested, but the
flame was very stable for all air flows tested once it had ignited.
Another difference between the atmospheric rig and the gas turbine is the swirl, and Figure 7.14 and
Figure 7.15 show that the flame is stable with a swirl present. However, as the gas turbine has an annular
combustion chamber and 18 similar burners, there will be a counterflow of air where the side walls are in
the atmospheric rig, as seen in Figure 7.21.
For the diesel, the counterflow may cause problems as all fuel is coming from the torch (no fuel is injected
through the pilot nozzles until a flame has established from the torch) as the diesel needs some time
before complete combustion has occurred. If too large amount of fuel is blown away by the swirl from the
adjacent burner before the ignited droplets have ignited the not yet ignited droplets, the flame will not
Also the gaseous fuels may have problems with the counterflowing air. During start-up of the gas turbine,
gas is only fed to the burner closest to the igniter. As discussed previously, the fuel flow was a critical
point to get ignition for the gaseous fuel. For large amounts of inert gases, it usually required a few sparks
before ignition could be found; suggesting that some fuel needed to recirculate to get enough fuel at the
igniter. However, the counterflow of air will make some of the fuel escape to the other burners, thus it
may be very hard to get enough fuel close to the igniter.
Fuel Flow
The pressure from the gas tank was limited to 7 barg (4 barg for the LPG compositions) in the
experiments, and a fuel flow of 5 g/s was used as reference. In a gas turbine however, the fuel pressure
can be altered over a wide range, but there is no other way to control the fuel flow (for example a valve).
As the torch has never been tested in the SGT-700, the pressures of the diesel in the experiments are not
the same as in the gas turbine. If the torch becomes implemented in the gas turbine, a diesel pressurizer
has to be implemented as well, probably in the area which was the most successful during the experiments
(9-14 barg). However, full-scale tests are required to reveal the best pressure range for the gas turbine
before a decision about implementation can be made.
The pressure inside the atmospheric rig is atmospheric, which is the same as the pressure in the gas
turbine during start-up. The air inlet temperature during the experiments was set to around 20 C (except
for a few attempts with higher temperatures on the liquid fuel), which is the temperature during start-up
of the gas turbine (depending on geographical location and weather as the surrounding air temperature is
the start-up temperature). The burner used during the experiments was a standard burner for the SGT-700
to get the correct air flows and fuel flows from the pilot nozzles. The spark igniter and ignition unit was
standard equipment to the SGT-700.
Estimated Total Effect of Differences between Experiments and Gas Turbine
Any recommendations the limit in the gas turbine will not be drawn due to the large differences between
experiments and the gas turbine. The main differences are that the cooling air over the igniter and the
igniter location vary between the experiments and the gas turbine, and experiments showed that these
factors affect the ignition reliability. Without those differences, the limit for possible ignition would be at
approximately the same level as during the experiments, or with even larger amounts of inert gases as the
air flow can be decreased and the fuel flow can be increased. However, the igniter location and cooling air

can not be altered, and therefore a lower amount of inert gases than during the experiments can be
assumed to be the limit.
For the torch igniter, the differences are rather small, with the main difference being the aerodynamics.
However, as the flame spreads on both sides of the igniter, the aerodynamics should not affect the igniter
severely and it can therefore be assumed that the igniter should work approximately equally good in the
gas turbine as during the experiments.
Validity on Other Gas Turbines
Instead of trying to estimate the effect on the other individual gas turbines, a separation of the
conventional burner from the DLE burner is better. The DLE burner has a strong swirl flow whereas the
conventional burner does not, which is why the two systems need different approaches in their analyses.
All gas turbines are however different as well, so the limit for the gaseous fuel in one gas turbine may be
completely different than from another gas turbine. As the experiments were performed with a DLE
burner, the results from the experiments are transferrable to the DLE burner gas turbines.
Especially for the torch igniter the swirl seemed to be helpful, so removing the swirl component may
cause the torch igniter to work in an insufficient way. On the other hand, without the swirl the air velocity
is lower and therefore the ignition reliability may be larger. The spark igniter does not require the swirl,
and it can therefore be expected that the results should be easy to transfer into a gas turbine with a
conventional burner. Also for the conventional burner the lack of swirl component may be beneficial as
the air velocity is lower and thus a smaller MIE is required for ignition.

8 Conclusions
Experiments have been performed for two separate starting alternatives. Gaseous fuels have been ignited
with a spark igniter, and liquid fuel has been ignited with a torch igniter. The conclusions for the spark
igniter are:
A model to calculate the increase in minimum ignition energy has been developed for methane,
ethane, propane mixed with CO2, N2 and H2 and evaluated with experimental data for methane,
propane, CO2 and N2.
According to model results and experimental results, reliable ignition is achieved for higher inert
gas concentrations with heavier hydrocarbons present in the fuel composition with mol % as
indicator. With mass % as indicator, reliable ignition is achieved for the same concentration of
inert gas in the fuel composition for all hydrocarbons.
Model results and the experimental results showed that the increase in minimum ignition energy
is larger for CO2 than for N2 at the same inert gas concentration in the fuel composition with
both mol % and mass % as indicator. The thermodynamic properties of the specific inert gas
have a large influence on the minimum ignition energy.
According to experimental results, the ignition reliability was high when the calculated increase in
minimum ignition energy was below 80 %. Increase in minimum ignition energy above 80 % was
characterized by low ignition reliability.
According to model results the H2 gas fuel mixtures are characterized by decreasing the minimum
ignition energy.
Increased fuel flow decreased the minimum ignition energy by increasing the overall equivalence
ratio as the equivalence ratio during ignitions was lean.
Increasing the burner air flow and fuel flow by 30 %, increases the minimum ignition energy
around 10 %.
The conclusions for the torch igniter are;
The igniter had low ignition reliability due to too small energy output. A new ignition unit with
larger ignition energy is therefore needed to achieve larger ignition reliability.
The ignition delay time was small enough to achieve a sustaining flame during the experiments.
The air flow provided a good amount of oxygen to sustain the flame.
The igniter tip had to be at the same level as the inner surface of the combustion chamber. If the
tip was located further inside the igniter holder tube, the igniter sprayed on the igniter holder
walls and no sustainable flame could be found.
When purge air was added over the torch igniter tip, ignition was achieved less often and the
flame did not sustain as well.
The range of diesel pressures with largest ignition reliability was 9 to 14 barg. Ignition was
achieved more commonly at low pressures within the range, but the flame sustained better at the
elevated pressures.

9 Recommendations for Future Work
The model in this report is accurate enough to use as a guideline for what gases to start the gas turbine
with. However, no experiments were conducted in a gas turbine, so the limit in the gas turbine has to be
found as well. Different gas turbines may have different limits as well, depending on geometry and burner
The approximate limit can be found by ordering a specified gas (for example a composition of 75 mol %
methane and 25 mol % CO2) and using an ignition unit with variable energy output. Comparing the
energy required to ignite the composition in the gas turbine with the energy from a standard spark igniter,
the model can be used to estimate the approximate limit with standard energy output. With this method
only one gas composition is needed and the experiments can be conducted fast, thus reducing the cost of
the experiment.
The model overestimated the influence of H2 quite severely, so further studies should be performed on
compositions containing inert gases as well as also they can be over- or underestimated. A variable ignition
unit can be used to verify that the ignition energy increases as expected by the model, or that the model
only is giving relevant values comparing different gases for the same energy amount but is less correct
when altering ignition energy.
The torch igniter has potential, so the next step is to perform continued experiments with increased
ignition energy. If successful, the igniter should be tested in a gas turbine with the variable ignition unit.
The pressure range which gave the best possibility for ignition and sustainable flame (9-14 barg) will have
to be verified to be a satisfying pressure level in the gas turbine as well. Also the igniter holder has to be
considered when implementing into a gas turbine. The igniter during the experiments was so short that
the thermal expansion unit (see Figure 4.5) on the holder had to be removed in order to get the holder
short enough to fit the igniter. Also, due to the limited temperature range of the igniter (max 600 C), the
temperature at the igniter has to be kept below 600 C.
Implementing an ignition unit with larger ignition energy as an optional part for gas turbine can be
interesting for customers running the gas turbine on gaseous fuels with large amounts of inert gases. This
would increase the amount of inert gases the gas turbine can start on and therefore remove the need for
propane start in some cases. The igniter is designed to withstand larger energies, so only a new ignition
unit is needed.
Optimizing the spark duration, spark frequency and ignition energy for both the spark igniter and the
torch igniter can be of interest. As discussed in paragraph 2.1, increasing the spark rate instead of energy
output may be equally good, or even better for achieving higher ignition probability. If several sparks with
lower energy causes less wear on the igniter, the lifetime of the igniters can be increased.
A high-speed camera would be an excellent tool to get a better understanding of the ignition sequence. It
can reveal interesting details about the first milliseconds, or even microseconds if a good enough camera is
used, of the ignition. Possible applications of a high-speed camera would be to explain the behavior of
Figure 7.18 and Figure 7.19 or to reveal the influence that the burner air flow has on ignition.
For more accurate experimental results, a more reliable gas mixing system has to be utilized as the gas
mixing system was one of the limiting factors during the experiments. Other gases would be interesting to
include, for example ethane, H2 and CO. Also mixing H2 and CO with inerts would be interesting to cover
most fuels available. The model would then have to be extended for these gas compositions.
Computer simulations could also be used to calculate the air flows, fuel flows and equivalence ratios in the
gas turbine during the start-up sequence. These calculations would not reveal the ignition energy required,
but could instead reveal an optimum location of the igniter. As stated in chapter 2, the MIE is as lowest at
a slightly rich equivalence ratio and as low air flow as possible.

Further studies about the burner air flow are also recommended. Due to the limitations in fuel flow and
burner air flow in the atmospheric rig, the study on the effect of the burner air flow is limited. Larger fuel
flows to keep the same equivalence ratio, or smaller air flows with a smaller fan would be needed to
further study the effect of the burner air flow in the atmospheric rig.

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Appendix 1. Risk Analysis

Appendix 2. Checklist for Gaseous Fuels
Att gra infr frsta frsket:
1. Kontrollera gasdetektorer s att dessa fungerar.
2. Frankra lsa flaskor.
3. Kontrollera att lucka och mottrycksventil till KP-rigg r stngda.
4. Kontrollera tryckniver p regulatorer s dessa r jmnt instllda till verenskommet vrde (5 bar nr propan r med, 7 bar nr enbart naturgas, CO2 och N2
r med).
5. Kontrollera s att inga lckage finns (grs frmst med CO2 eller N2).
6. Spola ur tanken med N2 eller CO2 fr att skerstlla att inga brnnbara blandningar finns i tanken. Spolas till kallfackla.
Att gra fr varje frsk:
7. Stll in brnnarluft till korrekt vrde.
8. Stll in kylluft till korrekt vrde.
9. ppna ventil mot kallfackla frn tank.
10. Kontrollera att ventil mot brnnare r stngd.
11. ppna ventiler frn gaser till tank.
12. Stll in korrekt blandning.
13. Stll in korrekt brnsleflde.
14. Stng ventil mot kallfackla.
15. Stng ventiler frn gaser till tank nr fullt tryck r uppntt (tar ngra sekunder).
16. Sl till gnista.
17. ppna ventil frn tank till brnnare.
18. Efter 3 sekunder, stng ventil frn tank till brnnare.
19. Stng av gnista.
20. Vid misslyckat frsk: Utfr punkt 7-15. Minst 3 min ska ha gtt frn senaste tndfrsk innan punkt 16 fr upprepas. Efter 3 min r det ok att kra
punkt 16-20.
Vid lyckat frsk: Upprepa frn punkt 7.
Att gra efter sista frsket:
21. Stng av brnnarluft.
22. Stng av kylluft.
23. Spola ur systemet med N2 eller CO2 fr att skerstlla att inga brnnbara gaser finns kvar i systemet. Spolas till kallfackla.
24. Tm tanken (lt trycket g ner till 1 bar genom att lta ventil mot kallfackla st ppen).

Appendix 3. Test Matrix Gaseous Fuels
Test point Air flow Total fuel Mol % Mol % Flow Flow Comments
[g/s] flow [g/s] N2 CO2 natural LPG
gas [g/s] [g/s]
1 190 4-8 0 0 4-8 0 See that ignition occurs with spark igniter.

2 190 10-15 <60 0 4-8 0 Find the maximum amount of N2 that is possible to start on

3 190 10-15 0 <50 4-8 0 Find the maximum amount of CO2 that is possible to start on.

4 190 10-15 <30 <30 4-8 0 See the effect when both inerts were mixed with methane.

5 190 10-15 <60 0 3.5-7 0.5-1 Test to see if the LPG has any effect on the maximum volume
of inerts.
6 190 10-15 0 <50 3.5-7 0.5-1 Test to see if the LPG has any effect on the maximum volume
of inerts.
7 190 4-8 0 0 0 4-8 Same as test point 1, but with LPG.

8 190 10-15 <75 0 0 4-8 Same as test point 1, but with LPG.

9 190 10-15 0 <50 0 4-8 Same as test point 1, but with LPG.

10 150 Repeat all test points (points 1-3 if time is limited) to see the
effect of the flow.
11 220 Same as test point 10, but with a different air flow.

Appendix 4. Test Matrix Liquid Fuels
Test point Air flow Fuel flow Fuel temp Comments
[g/s] [g/s]
1 190 4-6 20 C Try different flows to see if it ignites and on what flow.

2 190 4-6 110 C See the effect of preheating the fuel, if ignition occurs more easily.

3 150 3-5 20 C See the effect of the air flow.

4 220 4-7 20 C See the effect of the air flow.

Appendix 5. Increase in MIE Larger Range

Calculated increase in MIE



300 CO2 methane

MIE increase in %

N2 methane
H2 methane
CO2 ethane
N2 ethane
100 CO2 propane
N2 propane
H2 propane

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Mol % non-hydrocarbons in fuel

Appendix 6. Experimental Results Gaseous Fuel
Fuel Air
Test Inert Mass Flow CH4/ C3H8 flow % from Successful
Date Time point Fuel %CO2 %N2 % % [g/s] flow [g/s] [g/s] MIE standard ignition?
2012-03-08 09:49:19 1 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 4.0 4 190 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-08 10:06:15 2 Methane 0% 19% 19% 29% 4.2 3 190 100.22 19.44 Yes
2012-03-08 10:11:59 3 Methane 0% 30% 30% 43% 4.4 2.5 190 115.79 38.00 Yes
2012-03-08 10:13:05 4 Methane 0% 40% 40% 54% 4.3 2 190 138.60 65.18 No
2012-03-08 10:15:14 5 Methane 0% 35% 35% 49% 4.3 2.2 190 125.82 49.95 No
2012-03-08 10:20:07 6 Methane 0% 35% 35% 49% 4.3 2.2 170 125.82 49.95 Yes
2012-03-08 10:25:03 7 Methane 0% 40% 40% 54% 4.3 2 170 138.60 65.18 No
2012-03-08 10:32:07 8 Methane 19% 0% 19% 39% 4.3 2.6 170 125.79 49.92 Yes
2012-03-08 10:36:45 9 Methane 32% 0% 32% 56% 4.6 2 170 185.95 121.61 No
2012-03-08 10:38:37 10 Methane 26% 0% 26% 49% 4.3 2.2 170 151.66 80.74 Yes
2012-03-08 10:50:54 11 Methane 30% 0% 30% 54% 4.8 2.2 170 173.64 106.94 No
2012-03-08 11:21:33 12 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.0 5 170 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-12 10:09:32 13 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.0 5 175 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-12 12:07:06 14 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.0 5 175 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-12 12:07:50 15 Methane 25% 0% 25% 48% 9.6 5 175 147.15 75.37 No
2012-03-12 12:48:22 16 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 4.0 4 170 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-12 12:48:39 17 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 4.5 4.5 170 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-12 12:49:09 18 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 4.0 4 170 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-12 12:54:25 19 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 3.5 3.5 190 83.91 0.00 No
2012-03-12 12:55:17 20 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 3.0 3 190 83.91 0.00 No
2012-03-12 12:57:27 21 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 4.0 4 190 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-12 13:27:43 22 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 4.0 4 190 83.91 0.00 No
2012-03-12 13:32:03 23 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.0 5 190 83.91 0.00 No
2012-03-12 13:36:43 24 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.0 5 170 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-12 13:54:37 25 Methane 0% 12% 12% 19% 5.4 4.4 170 93.00 10.84 Yes
2012-03-12 14:07:39 26 Methane 0% 19% 19% 29% 6.8 4.8 170 100.22 19.44 Yes

2012-03-12 14:16:39 27 Methane 0% 28% 28% 40% 8.4 5 170 111.80 33.24 Yes
2012-03-12 14:18:53 28 Methane 0% 30% 30% 43% 8.9 5.1 170 115.79 38.00 Yes
2012-03-12 14:45:46 29 Methane 0% 30% 30% 43% 8.9 5.1 170 115.79 38.00 Yes
2012-03-12 14:48:23 30 Methane 0% 33% 33% 46% 9.5 5.1 170 121.29 44.55 No
2012-03-12 14:53:52 31 Methane 0% 35% 35% 49% 10.7 5.5 170 125.82 49.95 Yes
2012-03-12 15:00:32 32 Methane 0% 40% 40% 54% 13.0 6 170 138.60 65.18 No
2012-03-12 15:06:31 33 Methane 0% 40% 40% 54% 13.6 6.3 170 138.60 65.18 Yes
2012-03-12 15:10:08 34 Methane 0% 44% 44% 58% 15.4 6.5 170 150.57 79.44 No
2012-03-12 15:12:38 35 Methane 0% 40% 40% 54% 14.1 6.5 170 138.60 65.18 Yes
2012-03-12 15:20:01 36 Methane 18% 0% 18% 38% 8.0 5 170 122.70 46.23 Yes
2012-03-12 15:26:23 37 Methane 25% 0% 25% 48% 9.6 5 170 147.15 75.37 Yes
2012-03-13 13:25:05 38 Methane 25% 0% 25% 48% 9.6 5 170 147.15 75.37 Yes
2012-03-13 13:29:12 39 Methane 30% 0% 30% 54% 10.9 5 170 173.64 106.94 Yes
2012-03-13 13:33:03 40 Methane 35% 0% 35% 60% 12.4 5 170 209.56 149.75 No
2012-03-13 13:43:37 41 Methane 11% 25% 36% 54% 10.8 5 170 132.73 58.19 No
2012-03-13 13:51:20 42 Methane 10% 20% 30% 47% 9.5 5 170 121.61 44.93 No
2012-03-13 13:55:35 43 Methane 10% 10% 20% 36% 8.6 5.5 170 109.27 30.23 Yes
2012-03-13 14:02:09 44 Methane 10% 15% 25% 42% 10.3 6 170 115.01 37.07 Yes
2012-03-13 14:02:15 45 Methane 10% 20% 30% 47% 11.3 6 170 121.61 44.93 Yes
2012-03-13 14:07:33 46 Methane 10% 20% 30% 47% 11.3 6 170 121.61 44.93 Yes
2012-03-13 14:13:41 47 Methane 10% 25% 35% 52% 12.6 6 170 129.45 54.27 Yes
2012-03-13 14:18:03 48 Methane 10% 30% 40% 57% 14.0 6 170 138.78 65.40 No
2012-03-13 14:23:26 49 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.0 5 220 83.91 0.00 No
2012-03-13 14:23:41 50 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.5 5.5 220 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-13 14:26:18 51 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 6.0 6 220 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-03-13 14:30:55 52 Methane 0% 20% 20% 30% 8.6 6 220 101.24 20.66 Yes
2012-03-13 14:35:20 53 Methane 0% 30% 30% 43% 10.5 6 220 115.79 38.00 No
2012-03-13 14:36:33 54 Methane 0% 30% 30% 43% 10.5 6 220 115.79 38.00 Yes
2012-03-13 14:38:42 55 Methane 0% 35% 35% 49% 14.6 7.5 220 125.82 49.95 No
2012-03-13 14:40:33 56 Methane 0% 35% 35% 49% 12.6 6.5 220 125.82 49.95 No

2012-03-13 14:47:21 57 Methane 0% 35% 35% 49% 14.9 7.7 220 125.82 49.95 Yes
2012-03-13 15:07:26 58 Methane 0% 40% 40% 54% 17.3 8 220 138.60 65.18 No
2012-04-11 13:56:15 59 Methane 0% 25% 25% 37% 7.9 5 170 107.88 28.57 No
2012-04-11 14:23:06 60 Methane 0% 10% 10% 16% 7.2 6 170 90.81 8.23 Yes
2012-04-12 14:22:07 61 Methane 0% 20% 20% 30% 7.2 5 170 101.24 20.66 Yes
2012-04-12 14:22:24 62 Methane 0% 30% 30% 43% 8.7 5 170 115.79 38.00 Yes
2012-04-12 14:24:39 63 Methane 0% 40% 40% 54% 10.8 5 170 138.60 65.18 Yes
2012-04-12 14:26:01 64 Methane 0% 50% 50% 64% 13.7 5 170 177.21 111.20 No
2012-04-12 14:30:39 65 Methane 0% 46% 46% 60% 12.4 5 170 158.20 88.54 Yes
2012-04-12 14:35:10 66 Methane 0% 50% 50% 64% 16.5 6 170 177.21 111.20 No
2012-04-12 14:51:51 67 Methane 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.0 5 170 83.91 0.00 Yes
2012-04-12 14:52:52 68 Propane 0% 40% 40% 30% 7.1 5 170 70.78 20.66 Yes
2012-04-12 15:10:53 69 Propane 0% 48% 48% 37% 7.9 5 170 76.55 30.50 Yes
2012-04-12 15:14:33 70 Propane 0% 60% 60% 49% 9.8 5 170 88.89 51.52 Yes
2012-04-12 15:20:03 71 Propane 0% 70% 70% 60% 11.2 4.5 170 112.80 92.28 No
2012-04-12 15:20:27 72 Propane 0% 64% 64% 53% 9.6 4.5 170 95.92 63.51 No
2012-04-12 15:21:37 73 Propane 0% 63% 63% 52% 10.4 5 170 94.27 60.70 Yes
2012-04-12 15:56:49 74 Propane 15% 0% 15% 15% 5.9 5 170 65.96 12.44 Yes
2012-04-13 09:32:57 75 Propane 20% 0% 20% 20% 6.2 5 170 69.22 17.99 Yes
2012-04-13 09:36:05 76 Propane 30% 0% 30% 30% 7.1 5 170 78.03 33.01 Yes
2012-04-13 09:49:43 77 Propane 30% 0% 30% 30% 7.1 5 170 78.03 33.01 No
2012-04-13 10:59:47 78 Propane 40% 0% 40% 40% 8.3 5 170 89.99 53.41 Yes
2012-04-13 13:12:36 79 Propane 45% 0% 45% 45% 9.1 5 170 98.85 68.51 Yes
2012-04-13 13:13:06 80 Propane 50% 0% 50% 50% 10.0 5 170 110.04 87.58 No
2012-04-13 13:32:36 81 Methane 25% 0% 25% 48% 9.6 5 170 147.15 75.37 Yes
2012-04-13 13:39:18 82 Methane 30% 0% 30% 54% 10.9 5 170 173.64 106.94 No
2012-04-13 13:52:43 83 Methane 25% 0% 25% 48% 9.6 5 170 147.15 75.37 Yes
2012-04-13 13:52:56 84 Methane 30% 0% 30% 54% 10.9 5 170 173.64 106.94 No

Appendix 7. Experimental Results Diesel Fuel
Time Diesel pressure [barg] Purge air [barg] Burner Air [g/s] Air Temp [C] Ignition

09:27 5 0 200 20 No
09:28 5 2 200 20 No
09:28 5 3,8 200 20 No
09:30 5 0 150 20 No
09:30 5 0 150 20 No
09:31 5 0 150 20 No
09:31 5 2 200 20 No
09:33 5 3,8 200 20 No
09:34 5 0 0 20 Yes
09:35 5 0 0, increasing to150 after ignition 20 Yes
09:36 5 2 200 20 No
09:36 5 2 200 20 No
09:38 5 2 0 20 Yes
09:42 8 0 0 20 Yes
09:44 8 0 150 20 Yes
09:45 8 0 200 20 No
09:46 8 0 200 20 No
09:47 8 2 200 20 No
09:47 10 0 200 20 No
09:48 10 0 200 20 Yes
09:49 10 0 200 20 Yes
09:51 14 0 200 20 Yes
09:52 14 0 200 20 Yes
09:52 14 0 200 20 Yes

09:54 14 2 200 20 No
09:54 14 0 200 20 Yes
09:56 14 0 200 20 Yes
09:58 14 0 150 20 Yes
09:58 14 0 150 20 Yes
10:00 20 0 150 20 No
10:01 20 0 200 20 No
10:02 11 0 200 20 Yes
10:03 11 0 200 20 Yes
10:07 11 0 200 20 Yes
10:13 17 0 200 20 No
10:13 12,5 0 200 20 No
10:14 12,5 0 200 20 No
10:14 12,5 0 200 20 No
10:14 12,5 0 200 20 No
10:14 12,5 0 200 20 No
10:15 12,5 0 150 20 No
10:16 12,5 0 150 20 No
10:17 14 0 150 20 No
10:33 14 0 150 20 No
10:34 14 0 150 20 No
10:51 14 0 150 20 No
10:51 14 0 150 20 No
10:52 14 0 150 20 No
10:54 14 0 150 20 No
10:55 14 0 150 20 Yes
10:56 14 0 150 20 Yes
10:57 14 0 150 20 Yes

10:59 20 0 150 20 No
13:35 10 0 200 110 No
13:36 10 0 200 110 No
13:37 9 0 200 110 No
13:38 9 0 200 110 No
13:39 9 0 200 110 Yes
13:56 9 0 200 80 No
13:57 14 0 200 75 Yes


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