Food Chemistry: Chen Qihe, He Guoqing, Jiao Yingchun, Ni Hui

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Food Chemistry 98 (2006) 624629

Eects of elastase from a Bacillus strain on the

tenderization of beef meat
Chen Qihe a, He Guoqing a,*
, Jiao Yingchun b, Ni Hui a

Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China
Department of Agricultural Science, Qinghai University, Xining 810003, China

Received 12 January 2004; received in revised form 15 June 2005; accepted 15 June 2005


The tenderization eect of a new elastase from Bacillus sp. EL31410 was investigated on beef meat. Meat tenderization was done
by dipping the meat cut in a solution containing proteolytic enzymes after freeze-dehydration. It was found that a marination time
of 4 h was enough for enzyme adsorption. The samples were treated for 4 h in dierent enzyme solutions and then was stored at 4 C
for 24, 48, 72 h, and subjected to texture measurement, sensory evaluations, biochemical analysis and histological observations. A
marked decrease in hardness, by texture measurements, was observed in the meats with papain and elastase and higher sensory
scores for tenderness were observed in the meats treated with enzymes than in the control. The papain-treated beef meat received
the highest score for tenderness, but the scores given for juiciness and taste were lower than that of the control. Rapid increases of
fragmentation of myobrils from the enzyme-treated meat were observed in the rst 24 h of storage, especially for papain-treated
meat. Meantime, elastin of myobrilar structure was selectively degraded by elastase compared with the control when stored at 4 C
for 48 h as shown by electron microscopy. These ndings suggest that Bacillus elastase (EL31410) is a promising substitute for
papain as a favourable meat tenderizer.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Meat tenderization; Papain; Elastase; Freeze-dehydration; Myobrils; Intramuscular connective tissue

1. Introduction or physically, which mainly reduce the amounts of

detectable connective tissues without causing extensive
Of all the attributes of eating quality of meat, con- degradation of myobrillar proteins. Treatment by pro-
sumers rate tenderness as the most important. Meat teolytic enzymes is one of the popular methods for meat
toughness can be subdivided into actomyosin toughness, tenderization. At present, most enzymes used are de-
which is attributable to changes in myobrillar proteins, rived from plants: e.g., papain and bromelain, have been
and background toughness, which is attributable to con- widely used as meat tenderizers in America and Europe
nective tissues. Recently, most studies have focussed on (Kang & Rice, 1970; Liu & Tang, 2001). However, these
clarifying understanding of the role of connective tissues enzymes often degrade the texture of the meat, due to
in meat and meat products. It is also found that the the broad substrate specicity, and develop unfavour-
structure of collagen and elastin is a signicant factor able taste due to over-tenderization (Cronlund & Woyc-
that aects the texture of meat (Takagi et al., 1992). hik, 1986, 1987). Consequently, the ideal meat tenderizer
There are several means for tenderizing meat, chemically would be a proteolytic enzyme with specicity for colla-
gen and elastin in connective tissues, at the relatively low
Corresponding author. Fax: +86 571 86971166. pH of meat, that would act either at the low temperature
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Guoqing). at which meat is stored or at the high temperature

0308-8146/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Qihe et al. / Food Chemistry 98 (2006) 624629 625

achieved during cooking (Gerelt, Ikeuchi, & Suzuki, ing glucose and casein and corn steep our, at 37 C for
2000). 30 h. Ammonium sulfate precipitation of the culture
Although most studies have focussed on the identi- uid was performed to obtain the partially puried en-
cation and purication of elastase-producing strains, zyme, and this fraction was then further puried, using
these enzymes are not successful in meat tenderization, SephadexG-100 column chromatography.
mainly because of safety problems, such as pathogenic-
ity, or other disadvantageous eects. We isolated a new 2.2.3. Enzyme assay
elastase from Bacillus sp. EL31410 (Chen & He, 2002) Elastolytic activity was assayed by the colorimetric
this enzyme was a protease with very high elastolytic method of Sachar (1955). Enzyme preparation was incu-
activity. Therefore, it is interesting to further study its bated with 20 mg of Congo-red elastin in 2 ml of 0.2 M
structural and functional relationships, including the boric acid buer (pH 7.4) with shaking for 20 min at
dierence in substrate specicity. In the present study, 37 C. The reaction was stopped by adding 2 ml of
we investigated elastase, applied to beef meat tenderiza- 0.7 M sodium phosphate buer (pH 6.0), and immedi-
tion, in comparison with other non-specic proteases, ately ltered. Absorbency of the ltrate was read at
such as papain, and evaluated the feasibility of using it 495 nm against a control (no enzyme). One unit of elas-
for this purpose. tase activity was dened as the amount of enzyme re-
quired to solubilize 20 mg elastin-congo-red under the
tested conditions.
2. Materials and methods
2.2.4. Preparation of myobrils and fragmentation index
2.1. Materials Myobrils were made from each muscle according to
the procedure described by Busch, Stromer, Goll, and
The elastase was puried from Bacillus sp. EL31410 Suzuki (1972). The ground muscle was suspended in 5
culture. Papain (salt precipitation, 200,000 U/ml) was volumes (w/v) of 50 mM TrisHCl buer (pH 7.6) con-
obtained from the Biochemical Co., Ltd. Of Guangxi, taining 100 mM KCl and 5 mM EDTA by using a blen-
China. The Congred elastin from bovine neck ligament der for 1 min. The myobrils were sedimented in a
was purchased from the Sigma Company. Milk casein centrifuge at 1000g for 10 min and suspended again in
was purchased from Shanghai Biochemical Co., Ltd. 5 volumes of the same buer by use of a blender for
(Shanghai, China). Beef meat was excised from the 1 min. The re-suspended myobrils were sedimented at
shoulder part of a culled-cow carcass after slaughter 1000g for 10 min, and the resuspension-sedimentation
and stored at 25 C (Hangzhou meat process factory, process was repeated three more times. After the fth
China). Before use, it was tempered overnight in a cold wash, the myobrils suspended in the same buer were
room (4 C) and cut into small pieces (50 50 30 mm). passed through a 20-mesh nylon net to remove connec-
Three small pieces of beef meat were prepared for each tive tissue. The strained myobrils were sedimented at
experiment. 1000 g for 10 min washed three times in 1000 mM KCl
and nally suspended in 100 mM KCl. After adjusting
2.2. Analytical methods the protein concentration to 0.5 mg/ml of 100 mM
KCl, turbidity at 540 nm of the solution was measured
2.2.1. Dehydration and enzyme treatment as fragmentation index by HP spectrophotometer
Each piece of beef meat was freeze-dried at 50 C 751GW.
overnight until it appeared porous. After the dehydra-
tion, each sample was dipped for dierent times (in a 2.2.5. Mechanical texture measurement
cold room) in 5 volumes of a solution containing prote- A Rheometer, NRM 2002, measured meat tenderness
olytic enzymes, such as papain (from plant) and elastase with a conical plunger according to the procedure de-
(Bacillus sp. EL31410). The concentrations of enzyme scribed by Okabe (1979).
solution were 0.1% and 1% for papain and 1% for elas-
tase. Elastase activity of the preparation was 300 U/ml 2.2.6. Electron microscopic studies
by column chromatography. Papain activity of prepara- Specimens for scanning electronmicrograph (JSM-
tion was 200,000 U/ml. An untreated sample (control) T300JEOL) of intramuscular connective tissue were pre-
was dipped in deionized water instead of an enzyme pared by the cell-maceration method of Ohtani, Ushiki,
solution after freeze-dehydration. Taguchi, and Kikuta (1988). Briey, small pieces from
the control and enzyme-treated muscles were xed in
2.2.2. Enzyme preparation 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buer, pH
Crude elastase and puried elastase were prepared as 7.0, for 24 h, the NaOH solution being replaced every-
described by Takagi et al. (1992). Briey, a Bacillus sp. day by a fresh one and then rinsed in distilled water
EL31410 was aerobically cultured in a medium contain- for 5 days at room temperature. Then the pieces were
626 C. Qihe et al. / Food Chemistry 98 (2006) 624629

put in a solution of 1% tannic acid for 3 h, rinsed in dis- Table 1

tilled water for several hours, and post-xed in 1% os- Hydrolysis of elastin, casein and collagena
mium tetraoxide-0.1 M phosphate buer, pH 7.0, for Enzyme OD275/mg Relative activity
1 h. The specimens were dehydrated through graded eth- Elastin Collagen Casein Elastin/ Collagen/
anol, and dried by the alcohol freeze-drying method. casein casein
The dried specimens were coated with gold and exam- Elastase 220 50 420 0.53 0.11
ined using a SEM. Papain 4.9 45 140 0.035 0.32
Bromelain 10 62 220 0.045 0.28
2.2.7. Sensory evaluation Elastase reaction conditions: 200 mM boric acid buer (pH 7.4),
The samples treated with proteolytic enzymes were temperature 37 C; papain and bromelain reaction conditions:
200 mM NaCl, 2 mM EDTA, 5 mM Cys and 10 mM mercaptoethanol
stored in a cold room for 3 days and subjected to sensory (pH 6.5) for bromelain and papain, temperature 37 C.
evaluation. The elastases from Bacillus sp. EL31410 and
papain were used to treat the beef meat. A no-enzyme 3.2. Dehydration and absorption of enzyme solutions
solution was adopted as the control. Sides of the samples
cut into small pieces were grilled at 100 C for 1 min. The The absorption ratio of enzyme solution is shown in
eight panel members were students and sta of Zhejiang Table 2. As shown in the table, the absorption ratio was
University, but were not trained in the sensory analysis around 80% of the water removed in dehydration. Dif-
of meat. Panel members were asked to ll in a question- ferences between absorption ratios were observed
naire, containing six questions about its traits, on among enzyme solutions, the absorption ratio of elas-
appearance (B1), tenderness (B2), juiciness (B3), bitter- tase was higher than those of 1% papain and control.
ness (B4), avour (B5), and taste (B6). Each trait except The absorption ratio almost linearly increased with
bitterness was scored on a 7-point scale from 3 to +3: the increase of dipping time up to the four hours, then
very poor, fairly poor, a little poor, average, a little good, gradually increased and reached about 87%, but the
fairly good, and excellent. In the case of bitterness, a fading of meat colour due to the release of myoglobin
7-point scale from 3 to +3 means an increase of bitter- from meat into enzyme solution increased markedly
ness (Prusa, Chambers, Bowers, Cunningham, & Day- over 4 h of dipping time (as shown in Fig. 1). Therefore,
ton, 1981). In this test, the scores were evaluated in considering the time cost and meat quality, 4 h of
comparison to known control (non-treated).

Table 2
3. Results and discussion
Adsorption ratio of enzyme solution for beef meat at dierent dipping
3.1. Specic activity of elastin and collagen
Treats Absorption ratio (%)
3h 4h 8h
Elastin is an important connecting component of stri-
ated muscle such as beef meat, which is veried to be the Control 75.0 1.21 76.5 1.78 77.1 2.01
Papain (1%) 80.2 1.45 82.5 1.96 83.1 2.11
main factor aecting animal muscle tissue tenderness
Papain (0.1%) 76.7 1.32 78.2 1.43 78.9 1.65
(Thomas & Patridge, 1966). Consequently, it is neces- Elastase 82.6 1.58 85.9 1.69 86.2 1.87
sary to investigate the actions of dierent tenderizers
on elastin. Bacterial elastase, belonging to the family
of metalloproteinases, has been studied for many years.
These proteinases require Zn2+ atoms for activity, and
in contrast to the serine proteinases, they cleavage pep- 3h
tide bonds on the amino-terminal side of the amino acid 4h
absorbance ratio(%)

that determines specicity (Robert et al., 1997). In this 8h

study, the specic activities for elastin and casein were 80
under investigation, using authentic substrates (Table
1). Under optimum buer and reaction conditions, both 75
elastin and casein degradative activities of the elastase
were greater than those of other enzymes, based on
the results of Table 1 (0.53). Elastase showed relatively
more elastin degradative activity than other enzymes.
On the other hand, papain showed higher specic activ- 65
ity on collagen when compared with elastase and brome- Control 1% papain 0.1% papain elastase
lain. It is apparent that elastase has strong activity for Fig. 1. Eects of dierent kinds of enzymes on adsorption of enzyme
selectively cleaving and degrading elastin. solution for beef meat at dierent dipping times.
C. Qihe et al. / Food Chemistry 98 (2006) 624629 627

dipping time was chosen as the treatment time in the Table 4

following study. ANOVA results of dierent treatments and meat traits
Source Sum of square DF MS F value P value
3.3. Texture measurements Block 12.4375 7 1.7768 1.0509 0.3997
Factor A 36.6806 2 18.3403 10.8481 0.00005
The changes in the relative hardness of enzyme-trea- Factor B 5.3681 5 1.0736 0.6350 0.6734
AB 127.1528 10 12.7153 7.5209 0.00000
ted meat, as expressed as a percentage of that of the con- Error 201.1875 119 1.6907
trol (untreated meat) stored for 24 h, are shown in Total 382.8260 143
Fig. 2. Signicant decrease in the relative hardness was
observed during storage, irrespective of enzyme treat-
ment or not. However, it occurred more rapidly and taste are signicantly lower than those of the control
completely in the enzyme-treated meats, especially for and elastase. The panel also gave a high score for bitter-
1% papain-treated meat compared with elastase and ness in papain-treated meats. The meats treated with
the control. The relative hardness of elastase-treated elastase from Bacillus sp. EL31410 received higher
meat was near to that of papain-treated meat, and its scores in appearance, taste and tenderness. From the
relative hardness change is slower than that of papain. ANOVA results of dierent factors, it is obvious that
However, tenderness is only one of many meat sensory dierent treatments had signicant eects on meat sen-
characterizations and all should be equally important sory scores (p < 0.01); however, dierent traits showed
in the meat tenderization process. In view of the results no signicant dierences (p > 0.1). The interaction of
for meat texture and sensory quality in the next part, dierent treatments and meat traits is very eective for
elastase-treated meat received a high score for sensory meat sensory characteristics (p < 0.01).
evaluation compared with papain-treated meats. Based on the Duncans multiple range test (Tang &
Feng, 1997) results of Table 5, meat treated with elastase
3.4. Sensory evaluations showed the same eect on meat sensory scores as that
treated with papain, but both had highly signicant ef-
The results of the sensory evaluation of grilled meats fects on sensory properties of meat when compared with
treated with enzymes are demonstrated in Tables 3 and the control. Dierent kinds of traits showed no signi-
4. The papain-treated meat received the highest score in cant dierences in this experiment, which implies that
tenderness; however, the scores given for juiciness and the meat sensory scores is determined by dierent
The sensory evaluation score for tenderness is in good
120 control agreement with the results of texture measurement. The
100 1% papain increase of bitterness and the decrease of juiciness and
0.1% papain taste are problems when using papain as a meat tender-
relative hardness

elastase izer. On the other hand, the elastase from Bacillus sp.
60 EL31410 seems better as a meat tenderizer to this point.
In view of these data, it was apparent that elastase pre-
fers elastin and/or collagen to myobrillar proteins as a
20 substrate, whereas papain tends to degrade, not only
collagen, but also myobrillar proteins, which could re-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 sult in the over-tenderization of meat.
storage time (h)
Table 5
Fig. 2. Changes in hardness of enzyme-treated beef meat. Results of Duncans multiple range test between means of the xed
eects for the two factors (A and B) under elastase treatment
Sources Mean Signicant Highly signicant
Table 3 value level (5%) level (1%)
Sensory evaluations of dierent enzyme-treated meatsa
A (treatments)
Traits Treatments A2 0.50 a A
A1 (elastase) A2 (papain) A3 (the control) A1 0.2708 a A
A3 0.6667 b B
B1 (apperance) 0.250 0.250 0.125
B2 (tenderness) 0.125 0.250 0.500 B (traits)
B3 (juciness) 0 0.125 0.500 B2 0.3337 a A
B4 (bitterness) 0.375 0.125 0 B5 0.1667 a A
B5 (avor) 0.125 0.250 0.375 B6 0.1250 a A
B6 (taste) 0.500 0 0.250 B4 0.0833 a A
a B1 0.0837 a A
A means dierent treatments; B shows dierent meat traits; The
B3 0.25 a A
data from each meat sensory trait were means from eight panellists.
628 C. Qihe et al. / Food Chemistry 98 (2006) 624629

3.5. Fragmentation of myobrils from 24 to 72 h. In contrast, a slight increase of the frag-

mentation was found in the myobrils treated with pa-
The degradation of myobrils was examined by mea- pain. Based on the case of the control, gradual
suring the relative fragmentation index. Myobril frag- increase of the fragmentation was observed during all
mentation involves the shortening of the myobril storage, but the ratio of the fragmentation was always
length and reduction of the sarcomere number, due to lower than that of the enzyme-treated myobril, espe-
the destruction of the Z lines. These structural changes cially in the rst 24 h storage period, the fragmentation
occur post-mortem and are correlated with meat tender- index of the control was about half that of the enzyme-
ness (Moller, Vestergaard, & Wismer-Pedersen, 1973). treated myobrils. According to the dierences of RFI
The changes in the relative fragmentation of myobrils between the papain-treated and elastase-treated sam-
prepared from enzyme-treated meat, expressed as a per- ples, it is clear that elastase had the same fragmentation
centage of that of the control, are shown in Table 6. As ability against beef meat as did papain. However, the
compared with the control, the rapid increases of frag- elastase prefers elastin and/or collagen to myobrillar
mentation from the enzymes-treated meats were ob- proteins as a substrate, whereas papain tends to de-
served in the rst 24 h of storage. The relative grade, not only collagen, but also myobrillar protein,
fragmentation index of the myobrils, treated with elas- which could result in the over-tenderization of meat.
tase and papain reached about 230% and 200%, respec- These results are good in agreement with results of
tively. After that gradual increases of the fragmentation texture measurement of Fig. 2. The appearance of frag-
were observed in the myobrils treated with elastase mentation of myobrils from the meats treated with
proteolytic enzymes is one of the reasons for the meat
Table 6 tenderization, as conrmed in the texture measurements.
Changes in the relative fragmentation index of myobrils prepared
from enzyme-treated beef meats during storage perioda 3.6. Ultrastructure of intramuscularly connective tissue
Storage Control Papain Elastase
time (h) (RFI, %) (RFI, %) (RFI, %) Scanning electronmicrographs of the intramuscular
0 100 100 100 connective tissue in the meats with elastase and the con-
24 111 200 230 trol (no enzyme) are shown in Fig. 3. Marked deformation
48 140 230 245
and disruption of honey-like structure were observed at
72 138 240 240
48 h of storage as compared with that of the untreated
The experimental results were averaged from three replicates.
meat, based on the results of the 5000 times magnication.

Fig. 3. Scanning electronmicrographs of intramuscular connective tissue prepared from the elastase-treated beef meats and the control (a, control
200; b, control 5000; c, elastase 200; d, elastase 5000; the treatment time is 48 h, other tenderization conditions shown in methods).
C. Qihe et al. / Food Chemistry 98 (2006) 624629 629

In this study the structure from papain-treated meat was Chen, Q. H., & He, G. Q. (2002). Optimization of medium compo-
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