Simulation of High Power Factor Single Phase Inverter For PV Solar Array
Simulation of High Power Factor Single Phase Inverter For PV Solar Array
Simulation of High Power Factor Single Phase Inverter For PV Solar Array
Abstract Photovoltaic (PV) systems are solar energy supply simulation of single-phase solar inverter by Pulse Width
systems, which either supply power directly to an electrical Modulation. A Pulse Width Modulation is a technique that
equipment or feed energy into the public electricity grid focuses use as a way to decrease total harmonic distortion in inverter
on the latest development of modelling and control of grid circuit. The model is implemented using MATLAB software
connected photovoltaic energy conversion system This paper
with the SIMPOWER SYSTEM block set based on computer
depicts information about DC-AC inverter used in solar
inverter. We will get DC power from solar panels and this
simulation. Computer simulation plays an important role in
converter inverts DC to AC. This design and modulation is the design, analysis, and evaluation of power electronic
based on MATLAB software. In circuit, for switching purpose converter and their controller. MATLAB is an effective tool
IGBT is used. There are many other devices also but IGBT has to analyze a PWM inverter. Advantages of using MATLAB
more advantages than others that are shown by comparison with are the following:
others. The main thing is that this conversion and switching of
IGBT is done using different types of PWM methods. Here we 1. Faster response
are using HCCPWM method for conversion of AC power. This 2. Availability of various simulation tools
method is very efficient than other methods and also it reduces
3. Various functional blocks, etc.
harmonics to very much extent in output. The Thesis objective
are, to design an inverter model by using MATLAB and making
analysis on the output voltage and to study the function of PWM
in single phase inverter. Its scopes are:
1. Modeling and simulation using MATLAB.
2. Using HCCPWM method for the switching operation.
Project application: This Project is based on solar inverter.
This inverter will be used in our college for lab applications.
Presently world is facing too much challenges one of them is Figure 1 General Diagram of Solar Inverter System
to generating the enough electrical power that will fulfill the
requirements of mankind. Today generation of electrical II. BLOCK DIAGRAM
power based on the conventional coal, gas and nuclear based. Block diagram of single phase solar inverter is shown in Fig 2.
World population is increasing day by day so the requirement Solar panel output is 24volt. Dc to dc boost converter
of them also increased and hence generation of electrical converts 24-volt dc voltage to 36-volt dc. This dc voltage is
power is also increased. Basically there are two types of converted to ac voltage using inverter. Inverter output is sine
power generation sources: coded PWM pulses. These sine-coded pulses are stepped up
1. Conventional using step up transformer. These sine coded PWM pulses are
2. Non-conventional. converted into sine wave using low-pass filter. This sine wave
Today most of generation of electrical power based on ac voltage is fed to the load. The ac output is 220volt 50Hz.
Conventional sources such as coal, gas and nuclear etc. For design the output power of solar inverter is taken 250VA.
Conventional sources are no more after some of the years and
which are not sufficient to fulfill the requirement of the
mankind. Nuclear energy is not much preferable because its
radiation effect. Therefore some part of energy should be
generated based on non-conventional sources. There are also
problems of increasing pollution and energy demands and
hence the exploitation of solar has received more and more
attentions. This project is also focus on modeling and
Simulation of High Power Factor Single Phase Inverter For PV Solar Array
C. Control of DC to DC converter
Where: IA: PV array output current As the ratio Ton/Tt is duty ratio and as this duty ratio varies,
VA: PV array output voltage the output voltage also varies. This is called constant
IPh: Solar cell photocurrent frequency, variable duty ratio control [1].
IRS: Solar cell reverse saturation current (aka dark current)
q: Electron charge, 1.60217733e19 Cb
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-7, Issue-5, May 2017
is used to control the switches of inverter to control the power
supplied to the motor. By controlling the ON-OFF time of the
switches we can control the speed of the motor. When we
need more speed we increase the ON time of the switches
similarly when we need to slow down the motor we decreases
the OFF time of the switches. Higher switching frequency for
the switches so that the power losses is insignificant as
compare to the power supplied by the source.
Simulation of High Power Factor Single Phase Inverter For PV Solar Array
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-7, Issue-5, May 2017
The output power and voltage produced from the photovoltaic HYSTERESIS CURRENT CONTROL PWM BASED
array with the above parameters are given below in figure 12. SINGLE PHASE INVERTER
The MPPT technique perturbs & observer has been used here
to generate the switching signal for maximum power tracking
that shown in figure
Figure 14 Output waveform of boost dc-dc converter (a) Inverter output voltage & current in normal state
Simulation of High Power Factor Single Phase Inverter For PV Solar Array
(b) Inverter output voltage & current in zoom state (c) Gate signal for switch no 3
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-7, Issue-5, May 2017
suitable for studies that require the detailed cell information
such as implementation of maximum power techniques and
analysis of the effect of change in irradiance and temperature
on the performance of the PV cell. On the other hand,
simplified models usually provide a direct estimate of the
maximum power generated from the PV cell at certain
operating conditions. This highlights HCC-PWM switching
scheme for the proposed multilevel inverter. It utilizes three
reference signals and a triangular carrier signal to generate
PWM switching signals. The behavior of the proposed
multilevel inverter was analyzed in detail. By controlling the
modulation index, the desired number of levels of the
inverters output voltage can be achieved.
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