Ramadan Daily Dua Plan - When, How and What To Ask For - ProductiveMuslim

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The key takeaways are tips for making dua during Ramadan, including remembering the power of dua, keeping duas short but meaningful, and planning which duas to make each day.

Some tips for making dua include having a list of duas prepared before Ramadan, keeping duas concise, and focusing on intentions rather than length when making dua.

Some important times to make dua during Ramadan include when breaking your fast, during the night prayer, and when making dua for forgiveness before sleeping.

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Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
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Aishah Muhammad June 17 Islam & Productivity, Ramadan & Productivity 58 Comments



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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For


Photo credit: ickr[dot]com/photos/zeyneeep/with/398255972/

A year has passed since last Ramadan. It was a year lled with happiness, excitement, sorrow, grief, anxiety
an array of emotions created by the diverse set of events that happen in our lives. We warmly welcome
each Ramadan as it is a time to escape from the preoccupation of dunya to focus on ourselves and our iman.
Whilst we all work on our worshipand faith throughout the year, Ramadan is a month that oers the
opportunity to reap mountains of reward, work on our character as well as develop a deep connection with

Allah .
One of the most generous blessings of the month of Ramadan is the opportunity of having our dua
(supplications) accepted. Last year, we shared ideas on listing down someawesome duas for an awesome
year,providing youan awesome worksheet (which you can download and print) to help you properly plan
your duas for your deen, dunya, akhirah.

In this article, well go through some of the most important duas you can make daily during dierent parts of
your day in Ramadan,In sha Allah.

Remember the power of dua

It was narrated that the Prophet said:

There are three whose supplication is not rejected: The fasting person when he
breaks his fast, the just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed person; Allah
raises it up above the clouds and opens the gates of heaven to it. And the Lord says:
By My might, I shall surely aid you, even if it should be after a while. [Jami at-

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
A believer wants nothing more than his/her dua, be it for aspects of the dunya or betterment in the akhirah,
to be accepted. Dua is the weapon of the believer; there is nothing else that can directly and regularly
shield, protect and arm us against the trials and tribulations of this life like dua.

Remember the Prophets words:

Dua (supplication) is worship [Abu Dawud]


And in another narration, he said:

The supplication is the essence of worship. [Jami at-Tirmidhi]

With the blessed days of Ramadan approaching, it is important that we formulate an action plan to capture

these invaluable moments and make as much dua as we can. Allah is the All-Knowing and He
understands our duas that are made in absolutely any language.

However, by the mercy of Allah , we are blessed to have been given the exact words we need to use
within our duas.

Duas do not need to be elaborate in length. Aisha reported that the Messenger of Allah preferred
duas that were few in words and comprehensive in meaning [Abu Dawud].

This is a vital reminder for those who will be working or studying this Ramadan:it is not the length of your
dua that matters, but rather the meaning and intentions behind it that are of importance.

1. Before Ramadan begins, make a list of duas for everything you desire. This can be as long or short as
you like. It is useful to place these duas under a few headings to make it easier for you to remember

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2. Have a list of goals you want to achieve, even if they are small. Be sure to include your goalsin your
Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How
dua list so Allah
and What to Ask For
can help you be productive in achieving them.

3. Memorize the dua for daily activities and some of the duas mentioned below. Do not worry if you cant;
just write them down on a paper or in thenotepad on your phone so you have them at hand whenever
you have a few spare minutes.
4. Make some dua cards to stick around the house to help your family reap the benets of making dua.
These can include the dua for going to the bathroom, climbing the stairs, leaving the house, etc.

Etiquette of making dua

If we want to maximize the impact and sincerity of our dua, here are a few simple guidelines we can follow:


1. Have faith that Allah will respond

2. Start your dua bypraising Allah and calling upon Him with His Most Beautiful Names

3. Follow this by sending blessings uponthe Prophet

4. End your dua with salawat on the Prophet

5. Do not raise your voice too high
6. Face the qiblah whenever possible

Morning dua tips
Morning adkhar
There isa set of duas that should be made in the morning, the majority being found in the Fortress of the
Muslim. Either purchase a copy of the pocket-sized book or download it as a dua appon your phone. Spend

some time after fajr reciting these essential duas asking Allah to make your day a productive one,
protecting you against the whispers of shaytan and the distractions of dunya.

Here are a few duas from the morning adhkar (taken from the Fortress of the Muslim) that can give a
tremendous boost to your daily productivity:

We have reached the morning and at this very time all sovereignty belongs to Allah,
Lord of the worlds. O Allah, I ask you for the good of this day, its triumphs and its
guidance, and I take refuge in You from the evil of this day and the evil that follows it.

O Allah, grant my body health, O Allah, grant my hearing health, O Allah, grant my
sight health. None has the right to be worshipped except You.

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O Allah, I ask You for pardon and well-being in this life and the next. O Allah, I ask
Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How ProductiveMuslim.com
and What to Ask For
You for pardon and well-being in my religious and worldly aairs, and my family and

my wealth. O Allah, veil my weaknesses and set at ease my dismay. O Allah, preserve
me from the front and from behind and on my right and on my left and from above,
and I take refuge with You lest I be swallowed up by the earth.

O Allah, Knower of the unseen and the seen, Creator of the heavens and the Earth,
Lord and Sovereign of all things, I bear witness that none has the right to be
worshipped except You. I take refuge in You from the evil of my soul and from the evil
and shirk of the devil, and from committing wrong against my soul or bringing such
upon another Muslim.


Easy dhikr and dua while commuting

The Prophet is reported to have said:

Let not your tongue cease to be moist with the remembrance of Allah. [Jami at-

Whilst on your commute or school run, you can easily make attentive dhikr and short dua. Your commute will
add up to a signicant amount of hours over the month, so be sure to make this time worthwhile.

Praise Allah

Subhannallahi wa bihamdihi.

Glory is to Allah and praise is to him recite 100 times in the morning and evening.
[Jami at-Tirmidhi]

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Ask AllahRamadan
Reading: for aDaily
home in jannah
Dua ProductiveMuslim.com
Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

Rab-bibni Li Indaka Baytan Fil Jannah.

My Lord! Build for me a home near you in Paradise. [Quran: Chapter 66, Verse 11]

Afternoon Dua Tips
After wudu, in sujood and after obligatory salah are three times when dua are accepted. With food out of the
question, you now have plenty of time to spend on these actions during your lunch break. If your day is

super busy, utilize the moments around your obligatory prayers to connect with Allah and make dua for
everything on your list.

Blessing of dua after wudu

It was narrated that Umar bin Al-Khattab said:

The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever performs Wudu and does it well, then
says: Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah was ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa
rasuluh (I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear
witness that Muhammad is his slave and Messenger), eight gates of Paradise will be
opened for him, and he may enter through whichever one he wishes.' [Sunan an-

Blessing of dua during sujood

Abu Hurairah reported:

The Messenger of Allah said, A slave becomes nearest to his Rabb when he is
in prostration. So increase supplications while prostrating. [Muslim].

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Blessing of dua after obligatory salah

Abu Umamah narrated:
Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

It was said: O Messenger of Allah, which supplication is most likely to be listened

to? He said: (During) the last part of the night, and at the end of the obligatory
prayers. [Jami at-Tirmidhi]

Easy dhikr while at work/school/doing chores
These are the activities that will take up most of our day. We often resent actions that seem to have nothing
to do with our ibadah in Ramadan. Make use of this time by remembering Allah. In your breaks, be sure to
bring out your dua list again. Also, this is a great time to make dua for your school, work and family goals as
you are already engrossed in those activities.

Praise Allah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.

There is no power and no strength except with Allah.[Sunan Ibn Majah]

Dua for knowledge

Allahummanfani bima allamtani, wa allimni ma yanfauni, wa zidni ilman. Wal-

hamdu Lillahi ala kulli hal.

(O Allah, benet me by that which You have taught me, and teach me that which will
benet me, and increase my knowledge. Praise is to Allah in all circumstances)
[Sunan Ibn Majah]

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How
Dua for good character
and What to Ask For

Allahumma inni as-alukas sihhata waliata walamaanta wa husnal khuluqhi

warridhaa bil Qadar.

Oh Allah, I ask You for health, restraint, trustworthiness, good character and
contentment with the decree. [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad]


Evening Dua Tips

Evening adkhar
Like in the morning, there isa set of duas to make in the evening. Ensure you have some time to sit after
praying Maghribto supplicate.

Allaahumma bika amsaynaa wa bika asbahnaa, wa bika nahyaa, wa bika namootu

wa ilaykal maseer.

(Oh Allah, you bring us the end of the day as you bring us the beginning. You bring us
life and you bring us death and to you is our fate.) [Fortress of the Muslim]

Dua upon breaking the fast

This is one of the most important times to make dua, so seize this opportunity. Abu Hurairah narrated that

the Messenger of Allah said:

There are three whose supplication is not rejected: The fasting person when he
breaks his fast, the just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed person; Allah
raises it up above the clouds and opens the gates of heaven to it. And the Lord says:
By My might, I shall surely aid you, even if it should be after a while. [Jami at-

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
Another dua to consider is the dua the Prophet made upon breaking his fast. He said when he
broke his fast:

Thirst has gone, the arteries are moist, and the reward is sure, if Allah wills.

Dua for parents

Rabbana ighr lee waliwalidayya walilmumineena yawma yaqoomu alhisab.

Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the account is
established. [Quran: Chapter 14, Verse 41]

Dua for your family

Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wathurriyyatina qurrata ayunin wajalna

lilmuttaqeena imama.

Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and ospring comfort to our eyes and
make us an example for the righteous. [Quran: Chapter 25, Verse 74]

Make dua as a family

Ramadan is a beautiful opportunity to develop family relationships. Especially those with children who go to
university or work, dinner times together as a family can be a rarity. Eat and make dua together for the things
you want to achieve as a family. Teach some dua to your family members and reect upon your days
achievements together.
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Night Dua Tips ProductiveMuslim.com

Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
Extra prayers
There are many optional prayers a believer can add into their life. In Ramadan, many pray taraweeh. This is

an additional time to bring our dua list and focus on your relationship with Allah .

Making a long dua after witris also recommended. This is one of the duas the Prophet would make
during witr:


O Allah, guide me among those Thou hast guided, grant me security among those
Thou hast granted security, take me into Thy charge among those Thou hast taken
into Thy charge, bless me in what Thou hast given, guard me from the evil of what
Thou hast decreed, for Thou dost decree, and nothing is decreed for Thee. He whom
Thou befriendest is not humbled. Blessed and Exalted art Thou, our Lord. [Abu

Make sure you get enough sleep before you start the next blessed day. However, before going to bed, be

sure to reect upon the reason this month is upon us and ask Allah to continue to help you grow as a

There are several duas to make before sleeping which one can nd in the Fortress of the Muslim:

In Your name my Lord, I lie down and I in Your name I rise, so if You should take my
soul then have mercy upon it, and if You should return my soul then protect it in the
manner You do so with Your righteous servants.
All praise is for Allaah, Who fed us and gave us drink, and Who is sucient for us and
has sheltered us, for how many have none to suce them or shelter them.

O Allaah, I submit my soul unto You, and I entrust my aair unto You, and I turn my
face towards You, and I totally rely on You, in hope and fear of You. Verily there is no
refuge nor safe haven from You except with You. I believe in Your Book which You
have revealed and in Your Prophet whom You have sent.

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It is also worth
Reading: noting
Ramadan thatDua
Daily the Plan:
Prophet ProductiveMuslim.com
When, How retiring
and Whatto tohis
Forevery night, would hold his palms
together, spit in them, recite the last three chapters of the Quran and then wipe over his entire body as

much as possible with his hands, beginning with his head and face and then all parts of the body; he would
do this three times. [Fortress of the Muslim]

Last third of the night

Remember the power and might of this portion of the night. Abu Hurairah narratedthat the Messenger

of Allah said:


Our Lord (gloried and exalted be He) descends each night to the earths sky when
there remains the nal third of the night, and He says: Who is saying a prayer to Me
that I may answer it? Who is asking something of Me that I may give it to him? Who is
asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive him? It was related by al-Bukhari (also by
Muslim, Malik, at-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud). In a version by Muslim the Hadith ends
with the words: And thus He continues till [the light of] dawn shines. [40 Hadith

When your alarm clock goes o for suhoor, recite the dua for waking up:

All praise is for Allah who gave us life after having taken it from us and unto Him is
the Resurrection. [Fortress of the Muslim]

Then, make wudu and pray two rakahs (or more units) of tahajjud. Leave yourself some time to sit and ask

Allah for forgiveness and guidance.

Dua for forgiveness

Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller calling to faith, [saying], Believe in your
Lord, and we have believed. Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our
misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous. [Quran: Chapter 3, Verse 193]

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
Dua for guidance

Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our aair right
guidance. [Quran: Chapter 18, Verse 10]

Additional recommended dua times
There are some additional times whenduas are accepted that we should be aware of. Try to supplicate,
even if it is for a couple of minutes, within these times as well as those mentioned above.

During the last hour on Friday

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah that the Prophet said:

Friday is divided into twelve hours. Amongst them there is an hour in which a Muslim
does not ask Allah for anything but He gives it to him. So seek it in the last hour after
the afternoon prayer. [Sunan Abi Dawud]

On the night of Laylatul Qadr

The blessed night of laylatul qadr could be truly transforming of ones destiny throughout the year.

Aisha reported:

I asked: O Messenger of Allah! If I realize Laylat-ul-Qadr (Night of Decree), what

should I supplicate in it? He replied, You should supplicate: Allahumma innaka

afuwwun, tuhibbul-afwa, fafu anni (O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love
forgiveness; so forgive me). [At-Tirmidhi].

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Whilst traveling ProductiveMuslim.com

Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
Abu Harairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:

Three supplications are accepted, there is no doubt in them (about them being
accepted): The supplication of the oppressed, the supplication of the traveler, and the
supplication of his father against his son. [Jami at-Tirmidhi]


If youll be travelling during Ramadan, be sure to utilize your travelling time to make all the duas youve
shortlisted and anything else you think of at that moment. Think of our ummah in dierent parts of the world

and ask Allah to alleviate their suering, grant them aid and sustenance and bless them with peace and
security. Also, depending on when youre travelling, see if there are anyrecommended duas to makeduring
that time and make those as well.

I hope the above breakdown of recommended and suggested duas for dierent times of yourRamadan day
isbenecial to you and will help you in utilizing your timein Ramadan to make as much dua as possible, in
sha Allah.

Use the comments section below to share the duas you want to make this Ramadan and dont forget to
make dua for all your brothers and sisters around the world!


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About Aishah Muhammad

Aishah is a medical doctor, weight loss coach and personal trainer. She has
a keen interest in promoting a healthier lifestyle for Muslim women and
blogs regularly on health, tness and personal development. Aishah
provides as unique service, both online and face-to-face , oering tness coaching to
Muslim women all over the world. Visit her blog here and follow on social media: instagram
and twitter

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June 17, 2015 at 5:22 am

May Allah bless u sis for reminding us of the appropriate time for making our duas during
this sacred month.


June 17, 2015 at 5:33 am


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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

June 17, 2015 at 6:00 am

May Allah continue to Bless you. Ameen!



June 17, 2015 at 6:05 am

I was looking forward to such a great compilation. But Im denitely missing the arabic
version, which I like to read and practice every time I utter a dua, so Im a bit
dissappointed! Could you please add the eye-soothing arab writing to it Thank you wa
jazakumullah khairan!


Tarannum Khatib
June 17, 2015 at 6:15 am

Ma sha Allahquite comprehensive article on dua.jazakAllahkhair.may Allah help us

all to make the most of this Ramadanaameen


June 17, 2015 at 6:59 am



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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How
Taibat Mohammed Awal
and What to Ask For
June 17, 2015 at 6:24 am

Nice and Good Duaa May almighty Allah make it easy for us..Ameen


Zoha Mujeeb
June 17, 2015 at 7:10 am

MA SHA ALLAH i am veryyyy impressed by all the eorts you put in every single day to
help Muslims all around the world in gaining knowledge and becoming better Muslims.
Allah will surely reward you for your hard work and IN SHA ALLAH make you successful
in this world and the hereafter.
I have joined this website recently and I am reallly glad I did. Thank you sooooo much for
helping all of us have a productive Ramadan this year. May Allah make you successful in
this life and the hereafter. Also I hope Allah grants you the highest level of Paradise
Thank you once again.


June 17, 2015 at 8:24 am

Alhamdullilah what an informative article.

May Allah reward you for your eorts n may we all gain maximum benet from it.
Have a wondergul Ramadhan n remember us in your duas.
Jazak Allah


June 18, 2015 at 11:27 am

Ameen! May this month be the start of great change for us all inshAllah

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

Rosliana Nasrullah
June 17, 2015 at 8:28 am

Its a good read! I like so much! Thank You!!

I even share them to some of my friends. Some short things to do even while you are
busy! WOW!


June 18, 2015 at 11:27 am

I am glad you foud it useful alhumdullilah. May Allah swt bless you always


June 17, 2015 at 9:31 am

Masha Allah! Such a beautiful reminder. May Allah give us the ability to ask Him and may
He respond to us. Jazakumullahu khairan.


June 17, 2015 at 10:59 am

JazakAllahu khairan :)


lubna abbasi
June 17, 2015 at 12:25 pm

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
Kindly write dua in Arabic. So we dont make any mistake. And its so hard to read in
English. Love the arrival and looking forward to more articals. Thanks


June 17, 2015 at 2:38 pm

Masha Allah. This is very helpful. May ALLAH reward all that you do and make us among
those who benet from this blessed month of Ramadan.


June 18, 2015 at 11:30 am



June 17, 2015 at 5:36 pm

thank you very much for the beautiful duas! Amin


June 17, 2015 at 8:18 pm

Jazakillah khair for this comprehensive plan! Very very useful :)


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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How
and What to Ask For
June 18, 2015 at 11:28 am

I am glad you found it useful! May Allah bless you always


Asif Surti
June 17, 2015 at 10:00 pm

Jazakallah khair! May Allah ( swt ) help us to do dua, ameen


June 17, 2015 at 11:39 pm

MashaAllah !
JazakAllahu khairan kathira for sharing this beautiful duas
May Allah reform our hearts and increase our love for one another.


June 18, 2015 at 11:32 am

May Allah bless you always


Naba Azam
June 18, 2015 at 1:07 am

Maa Shaa Allah! Such a helpful reminder, May Allah (swt) make this our best Ramadaan

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Jazakalllah Khair for sharing this. :)

Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

June 18, 2015 at 11:31 am




June 18, 2015 at 1:13 am

Are you just writing an article, or you are going to follow this? this year Ramdan will test
the people patient as longest days in last decades with hot summer . Are you ready for
it. however, I would like to thanks to share this kind of article. thank you so much.


June 18, 2015 at 1:27 am

May Allah reward you for this soul lifting message. and may He count us among His
servants that will benet and be blessed this month and beyond. ameen.


June 18, 2015 at 11:31 am

May Allah bless you always.


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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How
and What to Ask For
June 18, 2015 at 1:40 am

Lovely! Masha Allah! Exactly what i needed. May Allah reward u immensely for your
eorts. JazaakAllaahu khayran dear!


June 18, 2015 at 11:30 am

Wa iyaaki



June 18, 2015 at 5:57 am

Thanks for such a nice post.

I would appreciate if you can help me giving a list of all dua from the quran if you have.

jazakumullah khair


Ibrahim Muhammad
June 18, 2015 at 5:59 am

MA SHA ALLAH i am veryyyy impressed by all the eorts you put in every single day to
help Muslims all around the world in gaining knowledge and becoming better Muslims.
Allah will surely reward you for your hard work and IN SHA ALLAH make you successful
in this world and the hereafter.
I have joined this website recently and I am really glad I did. Thank you so much for
helping all of us have a productive Ramadan this year. May Allah make you successful in

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this life and the hereafter. Also I hope Allah grants you the highest level of Paradise
Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
Thank you once again.



3,207 shuaib
June 18, 2015 at 6:24 am

baa rakallahu feeki ya aaishah

may ALLAH give us full rewards and benets of this month :)


June 18, 2015 at 11:30 am



June 18, 2015 at 10:01 am

can some these dua be recited even after the ramadhan


June 18, 2015 at 11:41 pm

Jazakallahu khairan for the article. Would you edit the dua again with Arabic? Because I
dont want to make any mistakes when pronouncing them
Barakallahu Feek! :)

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

Mariam Nomayri Mababaya
June 19, 2015 at 11:15 am

This is a beautiful article with lots of important messages and Sunnahs to do regularly for
Allahs sake :)

JazakAllahu khair sister in Islam Aisha and the brothers and sisters at ProductiveMuslim
3,207 network for sharing your Islamic knowledge may Allah the Most Merciful always accept
our good deeds, answer all our good duas and forgive all our sins. Ameen.

If theres anything that could change destiny it is the dua, which is another reason why
people should avoid mistreating Muslims, for the duas they pray against those evildoers
may inshaAllah be answered at the time Allah knows is most appropriate.

Allah the Almighty knows best. It is better to say your duas in Arabic while praying.
When not praying, you can say your duas and talk to Allah our True Friend in your own
language as Allah the All-Knowing understands His servants dierent languages :)

Include all Muslims in your good duas :)



Aisha Shettima
June 19, 2015 at 11:00 pm

Jazakallahu khair for this wonderfully uplifting article. I especially love how you broke it
down to t all times & daily situations. Productive Ramadan is trying to outdo itself in
teaching us to be productive in this blessed month, lol. May Allah reward you all
abundantly and grant you the ikhlaas & tawfeeq to do even more.


June 20, 2015 at 2:54 pm

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
Glad you found it useful Alhumdullilah!
May Allah bless this Ramadan for you!


saber mohammed
June 20, 2015 at 12:17 am

Mashallah very nice article. Jazakallah.


Sidra Hashmi
June 20, 2015 at 4:12 am

Amazing article Aisha and its great that you manage your time so well, me being a
medical doctor knows how time consuming the course is.. i would love to have some tips
from you to connect to the Ummah the way you do :)


June 20, 2015 at 2:55 pm

JazzakAllah khair for your kind words! May Allah bless this month for you and your
family inshaAllah


Aboubacar Donzo
June 21, 2015 at 8:58 am

ideed very interesting duaos but i weteher they can be in arabic for brothers muslims
who do not understand english.

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i would be very glad if i can see that sooner.

thank in advance.
Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

Shahiriya Zanoosey
June 21, 2015 at 6:07 pm

Jazakallahu khairan for sharing the knowledge. May Allah azza wa jalla bless you.

June 21, 2015 at 8:21 pm

Jazakallah khayran dear Aisha.. I lived to read the English meanings if the duas, I feel the
connection with Allah swt even more now.


Iddrisu B. Ahmed
June 22, 2015 at 1:18 am

Jazakallahu Khairan. Thanks for the wonderful compilation put up for us. Inshaa Allah
may Allah( SWT) reward you abundantly both in this dunya and Akhirah.
Am also of the view that you add the Arabic version of the duas and if possible the
transliteration aspect for the benet of everyone.
Wa salaam.


June 23, 2015 at 4:58 am

thanks a lot may Allah reward you with Aljannatul rdause .

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

Amra Selim
June 25, 2015 at 2:49 pm

Jzk so helpful. May Allaw swt reward you



farha aljaraddy
June 7, 2016 at 4:29 am

Assalaam Alaykuum Sister

Masha allah thank u soo much sister it was really helpful and am happy that i found this
site Alhamdulillah may Allah swt bless u with innite happiness and success and blesses
u with what u desire moost.
In sha Allah


Amna ali
July 2, 2016 at 11:41 pm

Asalam o alikum .. Found this article when ramadan is almost leaving.. But still i found it
very usefull, :) Duas beautifully put together.. Really loved the translations are tagged
along with arabic verses.
May Allah s.w grant u ppl barakah. JazakaAllah khairun kaseera


October 26, 2016 at 7:10 am

thanks for sharing very good dua and good post

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Reading: Ramadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For

Modern Metal Wall Art Decor and Sculptures
December 17, 2016 at 7:48 am

Really good for people out there! Ive found out it always helps me a lot. Thanks for



April 7, 2017 at 1:31 am

asalamu alaikum warahmatullah

amazing article learnt a lot from it.
may Allah grant us all our righteous wishes
and make us amongst those who get close to him forever.
too excited for Ramadan


May 21, 2017 at 9:14 pm

Thank you very much. God Bless


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