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Ahsay A-Click Backup


Users Guide

Ahsay Systems Corporation


5 January 2015
Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Ahsay A-Click Backup

Users Guide
Copyright Notice
2015 Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited All rights reserved.
The use and copying of this product is subject to a license agreement. Any other use is prohibited. No part of
this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into
any language in any form by any means without priori written consent of Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the
part of the vendor, Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited does not warrant that this document is error free. If
you find any errors in this document, please report to Ahsay Systems Corporation Limitedd in writing.

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).

Ahsay, Ahsay Online Backup Suite, Ahsay Offsite Backup Server, Ahsay Online Backup Manager, Ahsay A-Click
Backup, Ahsay Replication Server, Ahsay BackupBox Firmware, Ahsay Universal Backup System, Ahsay NAS
Client Utility are trademarks of Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited.

Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft SQL Server are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of
their respective owners.

Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

Lotus, Domino, Notes are registered trademark of IBM Corporation.

Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo and JBoss are registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc.
www.redhat.com in the U.S. and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Apple and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.

All other product names are registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limitedd will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility
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damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of reliance on this document. By reading and
following the instructions in this document, you agree to accept unconditionally the terms of this Disclaimer
and as they may be revised and/or amended from time to time by Ahsay Systems Corporation Limitedd
without prior notice to you.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited V6.21.4

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Revision History

Date Descriptions
30 March 2011 First revision of AhsayACB user guide.

5 July 2011 Updated:

1.3 System Requirements

30 July 2011 Rebrand

14 Feb 2012 Updated:

2.4 Power options - plan settings consideration

Date Descriptions Type of modification

25 Jun 2012 3.1 Installing AhsayOBM on Windows Modified
03 Oct 2012 3.2 Installing AhsayACB on Mac OS X Modified
04 Oct 2012 Copyright Notice Modified
24 Jun 2014 1.3 System Requirements Modified
3.1 Installing AhsayACB on Windows Modified
12 Dec 2014 Copyright Notice Modified

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited V6.21.4

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Table of Contents
1 Overview............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Conventions .......................................................................................................1
1.2 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................1
1.3 System Requirements.........................................................................................2
1.4 Important Notes .................................................................................................2
2 Best Practices and Recommendations ...............................................................................3
2.1 Storage size for the AhsayACB user profile folder ...........................................3
2.2 Encryption..........................................................................................................3
2.3 Backup schedule ................................................................................................3
2.4 Power options - plan settings consideration.......................................................4
2.5 Recovery plan and routine recovery test............................................................4
3 Installing AhsayACB .........................................................................................................5
3.1 Installing AhsayACB on Windows platforms ...................................................5
3.1.1 Installing AhsayACB .........................................................................................5
3.1.2 Installing AhsayACB using the command line (silent mode) ...........................6
3.1.3 Configuring AhsayACB.....................................................................................8
3.2 Installing AhsayACB on Mac OS X platforms................................................10
4 Uninstalling AhsayACB ..................................................................................................12
4.1 Uninstalling AhsayACB on Windows platforms.............................................12
4.2 Uninstalling AhsayACB on Mac OS X platforms...........................................12
5 Using AhsayACB.............................................................................................................13
5.1 System Tray Launcher (Windows Only) .........................................................13
5.2 Logon Dialog ...................................................................................................14
5.3 AhsayACB Main Window...............................................................................18
5.4 User Profile ......................................................................................................20
5.5 About Ahsay A-Click Backup .........................................................................22
5.6 Backup Log......................................................................................................22
5.7 Restore Logs ....................................................................................................23
6 Configure Backup Sets ....................................................................................................25
6.1 Backup Source .................................................................................................25
6.1.1 Backup Filter....................................................................................................27
6.2 Backup Schedule..............................................................................................28
6.3 Backup Setting .................................................................................................29
6.3.1 Continuous Data Protection .............................................................................32
6.3.2 Encryption........................................................................................................34
6.3.3 Temporary Directory .......................................................................................35
6.3.4 Retention Policy...............................................................................................36
6.3.5 User Authentication for Windows ...................................................................36
6.3.6 Advanced Settings ...........................................................................................38 Backup File Permissions...................................................................38 Follow Link.......................................................................................39 Enable Volume Shadow Copy ..........................................................42 Enable System Logout Backup Reminder ........................................43 Enable off-line backup......................................................................45
7 Backup .............................................................................................................................47
7.1 How data are backed up...................................................................................47
7.2 How to start a backup ......................................................................................48
8 Restore .............................................................................................................................51

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Users Guide

8.1 How data are restored ......................................................................................51

8.1.1 Restore Menu ...................................................................................................52 Filter..................................................................................................53 Search................................................................................................55 Delete extra files ...............................................................................56 Follow Link.......................................................................................58 Resolve Link .....................................................................................60 Delete backed up directories and files on backup server..................60
8.2 How to start a restore .......................................................................................61
8.2.1 Restore using the AhsayACB user interface....................................................61
8.2.2 Restore using the web interface .......................................................................66
8.3 IP restriction for restore using the web interface .............................................70
9 Email Reporting ...............................................................................................................71
9.1 Welcome email ................................................................................................71
9.2 Forgotten password email ................................................................................72
9.3 Backup Job Report...........................................................................................74
9.4 Setting Change Report .....................................................................................78
9.5 Inactive User Reminder ...................................................................................79
10 Web Features ...................................................................................................80
10.1 Request Forgotten Password............................................................................80
10.2 Restore/Delete/Undelete Backup Files ............................................................80
10.3 Review Backup Jobs ........................................................................................81
10.4 Review Storage Statistics.................................................................................84
Appendix A Supported Languages...................................................................................86

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

1 Overview
1.1 Conventions
Convention Descriptions Example
Bold Important information Important: The encrypting
key is independent from a
backup account's password.

Italic Folder path or file path C:\Program Files\AhsayACB

[] Graphical Interface [Backup]


%% File path in Windows format %AhsayACB_HOME%

$ File path in Mac OS X format $AhsayACB_HOME

Italic Command sudo ./uninstall.sh

1.2 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Term/Abbreviation Definition
AhsayOBM Ahsay Online Backup Manager

AhsayACB Ahsay A-Click Backup

AhsayOBS Ahsay Offsite Backup Server

AhsayACB_HOME The install location of AhsayACB:

C:\Program Files\AhsayACB

Mac OS X

USERPROFILE The location where the operating system stores the

user account information.

Windows XP/2003
C:\Documents and Settings

Windows Vista/2008/7

Mac OS X
Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 1
Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide


1.3 System Requirements

Please refer to FAQ: Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for version 6.3
or above (2323) for the system requirements of AhsayACB.

1.4 Important Notes

Images, workflow or description in this document may be different from your
installation. If you are uncertain about any of the instructions provided,
please contact your service provider for advices.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 2

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

2 Best Practices and Recommendations

This chapter describes the best practices for your backup client application.

2.1 Storage size for the AhsayACB user profile folder

Your backup user profile folder (.acb) is stored under the operating system
user profile location %UserProfile%.

This folder is used for various purposes, such as storage of your backup logs,
user configuration files, temporary delta file and other files of temporary

Ensure that sufficient disk space is present on the partition which contains
the backup user profile.

2.2 Encryption
The encryption key is very important that it is recommended to write down,
and make additional copies of the key.

Please store the key in safe location so that it is readily available when
needed to restore data.

In some cases, encryption key is administrated by your service provider.

Please consult your service provider for further details.

For maximum security, please select an encryption key with more than 8
characters, containing at least two of the following three character groups:

English uppercase characters (A through Z)

English lowercase characters (a through z)
Numerals (0 through 9)

If you lose the encryption key, the data is irretrievable.

2.3 Backup schedule

In general, it is recommended that a daily backup be performed for a server
or desktop. For mission critical server, a backup schedule should be
configured according to the requirement of your recovery plan.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

2.4 Power options - plan settings consideration

Windows' power options are configured to put a computer to low power mode
(sleep or hibernate mode) automatically after a user specified time of
inactivity (no usage of mouse or keyboard).

If a computer is in low power mode when a scheduled backup should

execute, AhsayOBM will not start up the computer to execute the backup.

When the computer moves out of the low power state, AhsayOBM will not
execute the missed backup job. This can lead to missed backup.

If a backup job is running when the computer enters low power state,
AhsayOBM cannot prevent the computer from going into hibernation.

To prevent the above events, consider disabling or changing the client

machine's power options to allow scheduled backup to be triggered, and to
allow the backup job to be completed.

2.5 Recovery plan and routine recovery test

Have a recovery plan ready, and perform routine recovery test

Consider performing routine recovery test to ensure your backup is setup and
performed properly. Performing recovery test can also help identify potential
issues or gaps in your recovery plan.

For best result, it is recommended that you keep the test as close as possible
to a real situation. Often times when a recovery test is to take place, user will
plan for the test (e.g. reconfigure the test environments, restoring certain
data in advance). For real recovery situation, you will not get a chance to do

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

3 Installing AhsayACB
This chapter describes how to install the backup client application.

3.1 Installing AhsayACB on Windows platforms

There are two installation methods available:

Method 1 - Use the Installation Wizard, which guides you through the
installation process.

Method 2 - Use the command line, which is called Silent Mode


Note: For VMware Fusion virtual machine installation on Windows platform, if

the mirrored desktop option is enabled. AhsayACB cannot be started after its
installation. For more information, please refer to ISSUE: Cannot start
AhsayOBM / AhsayACB on Windows guest VM on VMware Fusion server with
mirrored desktop folder (2925) for reference.

3.1.1 Installing AhsayACB

1. Download the AhsayACB installer (acb-win.exe) from the AhsayOBS web

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 5

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

2. Follow the instructions provided by Installation Wizard to complete the


3. When completed, a system tray icon for AhsayACB will be installed, and
AhsayACB will be launched automatically.

3.1.2 Installing AhsayACB using the command line (silent mode)

1. Download the AhsayACB installer (acb-win.exe) from the AhsayOBS web

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 6

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

2. Open a Windows command prompt (with an administrative user account

on the machine).

3. Change to the directory containing the acb-win.exe file.

Type in acb-win.exe and the appropriate switches, for example:

>acb-win.exe /VERYSILENT /LANG=en /TASKS="Everyone"

acb-win.exe [{/SILENT | /VERYSILENT}] [{/LANG=xx}]

Parameter Description
/SILENT Install the backup application showing the
installation process.

/VERYSILENT Install the backup application hiding the

installation process.

/LANG=xx Install the backup application in the language


/TASK="option" Install the backup application available to all users

or one user only (e.g. me only).

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Users Guide

Value Description
xx Abbreviations of the language to install the backup
application in (e.g. en, it, fr).

option Everyone or MeOnly.

4. Press Enter.

3.1.3 Configuring AhsayACB

1. Launch the AhsayACB user interface by double-clicking on the desktop

2. Enter the backup server hostname in the [Backup Server] field.

3. Optional - For machine that requires Internet connection through proxy,

select the [Use proxy to access the backup server] option, and fill in the
[Proxy setting] setting

4. Press the [Next] button afterward.

5. Optional - If you do not have a backup user account, you can register
for a trial user account with the following steps:

Enter the [Login Name] and [Password] of your choice.

Enter your [Email] address in the textbox provided.

Press the [Submit] button.

6. If you already have a backup user account, select [Already a user?] and
logon to the server with your existing login credentials.

7. For first time login, you will be guided to create a backup set:

Select the [Backup Source] for the backup set.

Configure a backup schedule for unattended backups.

Select an encryption setting for your backup set. Accept the default
encryption settings (using the backup user accounts password string
as encrypting key) if no change is necessary.

Important: Even with the default encryption setting selected, the

encryption key is independent from a backup account's password.

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Users Guide

Since encryption settings are set at a backup sets creation time,

even if the password is changed afterward, the encryption key
remain the same.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that the encryption key is written down,

and additional copies of the key are made, and stored in safe
places so that it is readily available when needed to restore data.

If you lose the encryption key, the data is irretrievable.

Press the [OK] button to complete the configuration of backup set.

Scheduled backup will run automatically if you leave your computer


8. To perform a backup immediately, click [Backup] button on the left


9. Setup is now completed.

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Users Guide

3.2 Installing AhsayACB on Mac OS X platforms

Please note that the steps below assume that the Mac OSX installation is
already using JRE. If this is not installed on the system, you will be prompted
by the Mac OSX to install the Java SE 6 runtime.

1. Download the AhsayACB installer (acb-mac.zip) from the from the

AhsayOBS web interface.

2. Expand the archive and execute the AhsayACB package.

3. Follow the instructions provided by Installation Wizard to complete the


4. Launch the AhsayACB user interface by double-clicking on the desktop


5. Enter the backup server hostname in the [Backup Server] field.

6. Optional - For machine that requires Internet connection through proxy,

select the [Use proxy to access the backup server] option, and fill in the
[Proxy setting] section

7. Press [Next] afterward.

8. Optional - If you do not have an backup user account, you can register
for a trial user account with the following steps:

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Enter the [Login Name] and [Password] of your choice.

Note: Minimum length of the password is 6 characters

Enter your [Email] address in the textbox provided.

Press the [Submit] button.

9. If you have a backup user account already, select [Already a user?] and
logon to the server with your existing login credentials.

10. For first time login, you will be guided to create a backup set:

Select the [Backup Source] for the backup set.

Configure a backup schedule for unattended backups.

Select an encryption setting for your backup set. Accept the default
encryption settings (using the backup user accounts password string
as encrypting key) if no change is necessary.

Important: Even with the default encryption setting selected, the

encryption key is independent from a backup account's password.

Since encryption settings are set at a backup sets creation time,

even if the password is changed afterward, the encryption key
remain the same.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that the encryption key is written down,

and additional copies of the key are made, and stored in safe
places so that it is readily available when needed to restore data.

If you lose the encryption key, the data is irretrievable.

Press the [OK] button to complete the configuration of backup set.

Scheduled backup will run automatically if you leave your computer


11. To perform a backup immediately, click [Backup] button on the left


12. Setup is now completed.

*For further details of each step, please refer to the following chapters.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

4 Uninstalling AhsayACB
This chapter describes how to uninstall the backup client application.

4.1 Uninstalling AhsayACB on Windows platforms

1. On the Windows machine with AhsayACB installed.

2. Open Start menu, select [Control Panel] and [Add or Remove Programs].

3. Select [Ahsay A-Click Backup] from the list and press the [Remove]

4.2 Uninstalling AhsayACB on Mac OS X platforms

1. On the Mac OS X machine with AhsayACB installed.

2. Remove all program files by running the following command in terminal:

>cd $AhsayACB_HOME/bin
>sudo ./uninstall.sh

3. Remove all backup setting files by running the following command in


>rm -rf ~/.acb

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

5 Using AhsayACB
This chapter describes the various features available in the backup client

5.1 System Tray Launcher (Windows Only)

After a successful installation of AhsayACB, a system tray icon will be
installed, and displayed under the Windows system tray area.

Right clicking on the AhsayACB system tray icon will display a menu,
providing the following functions:

Menu Item Description

Open Click to open AhsayACBs logon dialog.

Backup Click to perform backup for a specific backup set in

silent background mode.

Backup and Logoff Click to perform backup for a specific backup set in
silent background mode and logoff from Windows
when the job is completed.

Backup and Restart Click to perform backup for a specific backup set in
silent background mode and restart Windows
when the job is completed.

Backup and Shutdown Click to perform backup for a specific backup set in
silent background mode and shutdown Windows
when the job is completed.

Backup and Standby Click to perform backup for a specific backup set in
silent background mode and enter the Standby
mode of Windows when the job is completed.

Backup and Hibernate Click to perform backup for a specific backup set in
silent background mode and enter the Hibernate
mode of Windows when the job is completed

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Users Guide

Help Open the help dialog.

Stop running backup Click to stop a running backup job chosen from the

Exit Click to closes this system tray launcher


*The availability of options listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

5.2 Logon Dialog

Double-click on the application desktop icon or system tray icon to open the
logon dialog or trial registration dialog.

For initial login, the trial registration dialog will be displayed.

Menu Item Description

Language Drop down menu for selecting language to start the
backup application.

Backup Server Input box for entering hostname or IP address of the

backup server.

http / https Drop down menu for selecting http or https protocol
when connecting to the backup server.

Proxy Setting Input area for entering proxy setting such as address,
port, proxy username and password.
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Login Name Input box for entering trial backup user login name.

Password Input box for entering trial backup user password.

Contact Input box for entering trail backup user email contact.

Submit Click to create the trial backup user account.

Already a user? Click to access the login dialog, for user with backup
user account already.

*The availability of options listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

For sub-sequence login, the login dialog will be displayed.

Menu Item Description

Login Name Input box for entering backup user account login

Password Input box for entering backup user account


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Users Guide

Save password Checkbox to enable or disable password saving.

Forgot your password? Click to request for lost password.

Options Click to access advance option such as

[Language], [Backup Server] and [Proxy Setting].

Language Drop down menu for selecting language to start

the backup application.

Backup Server Input box for entering hostname or IP address of

the backup server.

http / https Drop down menu for selecting protocol when

connecting to the backup server.

Proxy Setting Input area for entering proxy setting such as

address, port, proxy username and password.

*The availability of options listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Press the [Option] button to access the [Language], [Backup Server] and
[Proxy setting] settings.

Configure the backup server information by entering the server hostname

(e.g. backup.server.com) or IP address (e.g. of the backup
server in the [Backup Server] field.

For backup server that accepts connection on custom port only, append the
hostname or IP address in the [Backup Server] field, by adding a semi-colon
(:) and the custom port number at the end. For example:

backup.server.com:8080 or

For security concerns, you can configure the backup client application to
communicate with the backup server in SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer),
select [https] from the dropdown menu at the [Backup Server] section.

Enter your login credentials in the [Login Name] and [Password] fields.

If you do not remember your password, press the [Forgot your password?]
button to retrieve a forgotten password email.

Please do not attempt to login with an incorrect password, as a backup user

account will be locked after 3 bad password attempts. Backup job cannot be
run for backup user account with status as locked.

Please contact your service provider to unlock your account if it is locked.

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Users Guide

Configure which language to start the backup application in by select the

language of your choice under the [Language] drop down menu. For the list
of supported languages, please refer to Appendix A.

To enable [Proxy setting], select the [Use proxy to access the backup server]
checkbox button, and enter the corresponding proxy information. For [Sock]
proxy, both v4 and v5 without user authentication are supported.

Press [OK] to login when all configurations are entered.

For initial login of existing backup user on new computer, you will be
prompted for the encrypting key of all existing backup set.

Menu Item Description

Enter Correct Encrypting Key Input box for entering encrypting key of existing
backup set.

OK Click to confirm on encrypting key.

Cancel Click to proceed without using encrypting key.

Enter the correct encrypting key and click [OK] to proceed.

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Users Guide

Alternatively, if the encrypting key is lost, press [Cancel] to proceed without

encryption (e.g. for all backup job performed afterward).

This would allow data backed up in the future to be restore-able (as they are
no longer encrypted), but existing data that are already encrypted by the lost
encrypting key would not be restore-able.

In case of encrypting key lost, it is strongly recommended that a new backup

set be created, to ensure that data backed up in the future is encrypted and

5.3 AhsayACB Main Window

The main window will be displayed after a successful login.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Icon Menu Item Description

Backup Click to perform backup for an
existing backup set.

Restore Click to access the restore menu,

for restoring backed up data.

Save Setting Click to save settings.

Quit Click to exit out of the backup


User Profile Click to access the user profile


Backup Source Click to access the backup source


Backup Schedule Click to access the backup schedule


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Users Guide

Backup Setting Click to access the backup setting


About Ahsay A-Click Backup Click to access the About Ahsay A-

Click Backup dialog.

Language Drop down menu for selecting

language to be displayed.

Backup Log Click to view previous backup log.

Restore Log Click to view previous restore log.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Click on the [Backup] button to perform a backup for an existing

backup set.

Click on the [Restore] button to restore backed up data from the

backup server to the client machine.

Other options will be discussed in the following chapters.

5.4 User Profile

To access the user profile dialog, click on the [User Profile] button at
the applications main window.

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Users Guide

Menu Item Description

Change Click to access the change password dialog.

Save password Checkbox to enable or disable password saving.

Name Input box for entering contact name of the backup user

Email Input box for entering contact email address of the

backup user account.

Time Zone Dropdown menu for time zone setting.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

You can change the backup user accounts password, by pressing the
[Change] button to open the [Change Password] dialog.

Enter your [Old Password] (e.g. existing password) and [New Password] into
the corresponding textbox and press [OK].

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

To change the backup user accounts time zone setting, select the
corresponding time zone from the [Time Zone] drop down menu.

To update the contact information of the backup user account, you can enter
the corresponding information such as [Name] and [Email] in the
corresponding field, and press [OK].

5.5 About Ahsay A-Click Backup

Click on the [About Ahsay A-Click Backup] button to view information of

your backup application, such as the application version, and backup service
providers information like company name, website, email address and server
hostname or IP address.

5.6 Backup Log

All backup activities are logged to a corresponding log files. To review them,
click on the [Backup Log] button.

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Users Guide

Menu Item Description

Log Drop down menu for selecting which log to review (in
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format).

Show Drop down menu to filter display of only Information,

Warning, Error, or all log entries.

Logs per page Drop down menu for selecting the number of log entries to
display per page.

Page Drop down menu to switch the page number.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

5.7 Restore Logs

Similar to backup, all restore activities are also logged to a corresponding log
files. To review them, click on the [Restore Log] button.

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Users Guide

Menu Item Description

Log Drop down menu for selecting which log to review (in
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format).

Show Drop down menu to filter display of only Information,

Warning, Error, or all log entries.

Logs per page Drop down menu for selecting the number of log entries to
display per page.

Page Drop down menu to switch the page number.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

6 Configure Backup Sets

This chapter describes how to configure a backup set.

A backup set defines the configuration of a backup routine, such as backup

schedule, backup source and encryption setting as well as other options.

6.1 Backup Source

Click on the [Backup Source] button at the applications main window

to configure the backup source of a backup set.

A Backup Source defines the files and directories to be included for backup.

There are two types of backup source: Selected and Deselected.

Selected backup source defines files and directories that are to be

included in a backup set.

Deselected backup source defines files and directories that are to be

excluded from a backup set.

On the basic backup source selection dialog, you can select directories that
are commonly selected as backup source for backup:

Desktop folder
My Documents folder
Favorites folder
Outlook and Outlook Express folder

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Click on [Advanced] button to access the advanced backup source dialog to

select other directories for backup.

The checkbox beside a root drives, directory or file can be in one of the
following mode:

Mode Description
All directories and files under this directory will be backed up.

All directories and files under this directory except those explicitly
excluded will be backed up.

Directories and files selected to this directory in the future will be

backed up as well.

Only the checked directories and files under this directory will be
backed up.

Directories and files selected to this directory in the future will not
be backed up.

No directory or file under this directory will be backed up.

Note: For installation on Windows platforms, hidden directories and files will
be displayed only if the [Hide protected operating files] setting of Windows
Explorer is disabled.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 26

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

By selecting a parent directory as backup source, all child directories and files
including any hidden directories or files would be backup as well.

To avoid backing up hidden directories such as the Recycle Bin folder, please
select the corresponding directories or files required as backup source directly,
instead of selecting the parent directory or root drive letter.

6.1.1 Backup Filter

Backup Filter is a set of user defined criteria to include or exclude directories
and files as backup source of a backup set.

Click on the [Backup Filter] button at the advanced backup source dialog to
configure the backup filter of a backup set.

Apply to Click to browse to the directory that the filter applies


File name extension Textbox to enter the file name extension to include or
exclude as backup source.

Click [Add] to add new file name extension or

[Remove] to delete existing file name extension.

Filter Mode Include match - Radio button to include all files

matching the file name extension specified as backup

Exclude match - Radio button to exclude all files

matching the file name extension specified as backup
Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 27
Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide


OK Click to apply filter. Once applied, the files matching

the file name extension will be include or exclude as
backup source automatically.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Click on the button and browse to the directory which the filter is intended for.

For example, to automatically include all Words document files within the
selected directory, enter the file extension of Words document (e.g. .doc) in the
File name extension field and press [Add].

Select [Include matched] as filter mode and then click on the [OK] button, and
all Words document files within the corresponding directory will be included as
backup source automatically.

There is no need to select each Word document files within the advanced backup
source dialog manually.

6.2 Backup Schedule

Click on the [Backup Schedule] button at the applications main window

to configure the backup schedule of a backup set.

A Backup Schedule defines the time, time period allowed, and frequency that
backup job for an existing backup set should be run automatically.

Menu Items Description

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 28
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Users Guide

Run scheduled backup on this computer Checkbox to enable or disable

the corresponding backup set to
run on this computer.

[Sunday] to [Saturday] Checkbox to select the day(s) of

a week to perform the backup

Time (At) To start backup job at a specific


Start - Dropdown menu to select

the start time of the backup job.

Stop Option to allow the

backup job to run to completion,
or to stop the running backup
job after a specified hour.

Time (Periodically) To start backup job at regular

intervals of time.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Only a weekly backup schedule can be configured in the backup schedule

setting dialog.

When the [Stop after ${number} hour(s)] option is enabled, the

corresponding scheduled backup job will be allowed to run until the specified
hour (e.g. 8 hours) is reached.

6.3 Backup Setting

Click on the [Backup Setting] button at the applications main window

to configure the backup settings of a backup set.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 29

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Menu Items Description

Enable CDP Checkbox to enable or disable
Continuous Data Protection.

Encryption key Text box displaying the

encryption key for the
corresponding backup set.

Note: Encryption is masked

when the [Mask encrypting key]
option is enabled.

Temporary Directory Input box for specifying the

temporary directory used.

Recycle Bin Input box for retention policy

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 30
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Users Guide

User Authentication for Windows Input area for entering user

authentication information.

Backup File Permission Checkbox to enable or disable

backup of file permission.

Follow Link Checkbox to enable or disable

the option of following link.

Enable Volume Shadow Copy Checkbox to enable or disable

Volume Shadow Copy.

Enable System Logout Backup Reminder Checkbox to enable or disable

system logout Backup reminder.

Enable off-line backup Checkbox to enable or disable

off-line backup reminder.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 31

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

6.3.1 Continuous Data Protection

Continuous Data Protection (CDP) is a feature providing backup for selective
data whenever any change is made. Depending on the option selected, every
version of a file is backed up close to real time.

To enable CDP, click on the [Enable Continuous Data Protection] checkbox.

Menu Items Description

Enable Continuous Data Protection Checkbox to enable or disable CDP.

Note: CDP will only backup directories

and files on local drive, but not on
floppy drive, removable drive or
network drive.

Backup file(s) selected by backup Radio button to select if CDP will only
sources and filters backup modified directories or files
selected as backup source.

Backup all files Radio button to select if CDP will back

up all modified directories or files on
all local drive.

Do not backup files defined as system When this option is enabled, CDP will
files automatically exclude the following
files from its backup:

C:\Program Files\*
C:\System Volume Information
${App_Data}\Kaspersky Lab

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 32

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

*\Application Data\Macromedia\*
*\Application Data\Mozilla\*
*\Local Settings\Application

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

To configure CDP for backup of the directories and files selected as backup
source, select the [Backup file(s) selected by backup sources and filters]

To configure CDP for backup of all local drive(s) (all files that are updated
after CDP is enabled), select the [Backup all files] option.

Some advantages of using CDP include:

1. It prevents loss of data as the modified contents of the files are backed
up automatically in close to real-time.

2. Frequently modified data is backed up in almost real-time. Thus, you

can accurately restore an earlier version created on the same day.

Although CDP can be a helpful feature, the protection offered by CDP is often
heralded without consideration of the disadvantages that it can present.
Specifically, the continuous CPU, memory and bandwidth usage can adversely
affect the corresponding machines performance.

Also note that CDP is not a replacement for the traditional schedule backup
feature but works along with the scheduled backup to provide timely
protection for your data.

CDP will automatically be stopped when a manual or scheduled backup is

started, and will resume when the job is completed.

Note: It is not possible to run multiple CDP backup sets on the same machine
with different backup user accounts.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

6.3.2 Encryption
Before files are uploaded to the backup server, they are first compressed and
encrypted with a key of your choice.

Menu Items Description

Encryption key Text box displaying the encryption key for the
corresponding backup set.

Mask encryption key Checkbox to enable or disable masking of the

encrypting key.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Encryption settings are set at a backup sets creation time and cannot be
modified afterward. It is not possible to modify encrypting key

Menu Items Description

Do not use encryption Checkbox to disable encryption (not

Default Radio button to select using default encrypting


Encrypting key Input box for entering your choice of encrypting


Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 34

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

By selecting the [Default] encryption setting, you will be using the backup
user accounts password string as the encrypting key for this backup

Important: Even with the default encryption setting selected, the

encryption key is independent from a backup account's password.

Since encryption settings are set at a backup sets creation time,

even if the password is changed afterward, the encryption key
remain the same.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that the encryption key is written down, and

additional copies of the key are made, and stored in safe places so
that it is readily available when needed to restore data.

If you lose the encryption key, the data is irretrievable.

If you are entering your own encrypting key, please considering selecting an
encryption key with more than 8 characters, containing at least two of the
following three character groups:

English uppercase characters (A through Z)

English lowercase characters (a through z)
Numerals (0 through 9)

6.3.3 Temporary Directory

Temporary files such as the local file list, remote file list and temporary delta
files may be generated during backup by the backup application.

These temp files are stored in the directory specified under [Temporary
Directory for storing backup files].

Menu Items Description

Change Click to change the directory for storing temporary

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

To change the directory storing these temp files, click on the [Change] button.
The temporary directory configured can be a local drive as well as a network
Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 35
Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

For network shared drive configuration, specify the UNC path (e.g.
\\${Server-name}\share) to the network location, and enter the login
credentials of a Windows account with sufficient permission to access the
network drive in the [User Authentication for Windows] field.

Please ensure that there is sufficient disk space on the partition which
contains the AhsayACB user profile folder.

6.3.4 Retention Policy

Retention policy defines the time period which files are kept in the retention
area, before they are automatically removed from the backup server.

When a backup job is performed, if it is determined that a file was deleted, or

modified on your computer, the backup server will place these corresponding
deleted or pre-modified file already on the backup server into the retention

Retention policy will only affect retained files, for example files that have
already been deleted or updated from your computer.

For those files that have not been updated on your computer, they will be
kept in the current area on the backup server and they will not be affected by
the setting of retention policy.

These backup copies of unchanged files will stay on the backup server until
the original files are removed or modified from your computer.

Menu Items Description

Keep deleted file(s) for Input box for entering the retention policy setting.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

To change the retention policy setting of a backup set, input the required
number of days, or select the number of days available under the drop down

6.3.5 User Authentication for Windows

For backup of network shared drive, you need to specify a Windows domain
account for the backup client application with sufficient permission to access
the network location to allow the backup application to access the data for
Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 36
Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

backup (by default the backup application services run as Local System,
which does not have permission for network resource).

Menu Items Description

Domain Input box for entering domain of the Windows domain

User Name Input box for entering username of the Windows domain

Password Input box for entering password of the Windows domain


*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Enter the login credentials of a Windows domain account with sufficient

permission to access the network shared drive to allow access for AhsayACB.

Please also modify the Log On account of the backup applications scheduler

1. Under [Control Panel], select [Administrative Tools] and [Services].

2. Right click on [Online Backup Scheduler (Ahsay A-Click Backup)].

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Users Guide

3. Select [Properties], and the [Log On] tab.

4. Select [This account], and enter the login credentials of a Windows

domain account with sufficient permission to access the network shared

This will allow the backup application to access the network shared drive for

6.3.6 Advanced Settings Backup File Permissions
Backup File Permissions defines whether to backup file permissions for
directories and files selected as backup source.

Backup File Permissions Action

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 38
Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Enabled Backup the files selected as backup source with

their file permission.

Disabled Backup the files selected as backup source

without their file permission.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Note that file permission may not be restore-able depending on the restore
destination (e.g. on the same computer or on a different computer with
different operating system or different user setup).

The following table summarizes the outcome when a restore is performed

with different options and on different location.

Backup File Permissions Restore to Action

Enabled Original Directories and files, with their
computer respective file permissions are
restored to the original

Alternate Directories and files are restored

computer to an alternate computer.

File permission may not be

restore-able, depending on the
alternate computers operating
system or users setup.

Disabled Original Directories and files are restored

computer to the original computer.

Alternate Directories and files are restored

computer to the original computer. Follow Link

Follow Link defines whether to follow an NTFS junction point or NTFS
symbolic link during backup.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Follow Link Action

Enabled Backup junction point or symbolic link as well as the
directories and files that it links to (even if the target data
are not located under the backup source).

Disabled Backup junction point or symbolic link only.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

When the follow link option is enabled, not only is the symbolic link or
junction point backed up, but directories and files that the junction point links
to will also be backed up.

Restore outcome would be different with the different setting used during
backup and during restore (e.g. there is a follow link option for backup and a
follow link option in the restore menu).

The following table summarizes the outcome when a restore is performed

with different options:

Follow Link Restore to Action

Enabled Original Location Junction points are restored to the
original location.

Restore follow link option enabled -

Target directories and files are
restored to the original location.

Restore follow link option disabled -

Target directories and files are not

Alternate Location Junction points are restored to the

location specified.

Restore follow link option enabled -

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Target directories and files are

restored to the location specified.

Restore follow link option disabled -

Target directories and files are not

Disabled Original Location Junction points are restored to the

original location.

No data is restored to the junction

points destination.

Alternate Location Junction points are restored to the

location specified.

No data is restored to the junction

points destination.

To enable the [Follow Link] option, select the checkbox beside the follow link

Note that system protect junction point such as the Documents and Settings
junction on Windows 2008 server cannot be selected as backup source under
the advanced backup source dialog (e.g. there is no select-able checkbox
beside system protected junction point).

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 41

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

To manually select system protected junction points for backup; please select
the parent directory of the junction point, or contact your service provider for
assistance. Enable Volume Shadow Copy

Enable Volume Shadow Copy defines whether to enable Microsoft Volume
Shadow Copy Service (VSS) for the backup set.

Enable Volume Shadow Copy Action

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 42
Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Enabled Create a snapshot of the data to be

backed up for exclusively opened file.

Disabled Do not create a snapshot of the data to

be backed up for exclusively opened

Error message will be shown for files

that are opened during the backup

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Enabling the Volume Shadow Copy option will allow backup of local files that
are exclusively opened during the backup process (e.g. Outlook PST file).

Some requirements of the Volume Shadow Copy option include:

Volume Shadow Copy can only be applied for local drive; exclusively
opened file on network shared drive cannot be backed up even with the
Volume Shadow Copy option enabled.

Volume Shadow Copy is only available on Windows platforms released

after Windows 2000 (e.g. XP / 2003 / Vista etc).

The user using the backup application must have administrative

privileges to access the Volume Shadow Copy service on a computer.

At least one of the partitions on the machine must be in NTFS format.

For more technical information on Volume Shadow Copy, please refer to

following page from Microsoft for details:

http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc785914(WS.10).aspx Enable System Logout Backup Reminder

Enable System Logout Backup Reminder defines whether to enable the
[System Logout Backup Reminder] feature.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 43

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Enable System Logout Backup Reminder Action

Enabled Prompt for backup before
logging out or shutting down.

Disabled Do not prompt for backup.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

When the [System Logout Backup Reminder] setting is enabled, a pop up

logout reminder menu will be prompted, requesting for backup before the
user logs out of the system or before shutting down Windows.

Menu Items Description

Yes Click to perform a backup for the backup set before
logging out or shutting down.

No Click to proceed to logout or shutdown directly.

Locking workstation Checkbox to lock the corresponding machine when

the backup is being performed.

Shutdown Computer Radio button to shutdown computer after the backup

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Users Guide

job is completed.

Restart Computer Radio button to restart computer after the backup

job is completed.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability. Enable off-line backup

Enable off-line backup defines whether to enable the [off-line backup] feature.

The [off-line backup] feature is designed for notebook users who may be off-
line most of the time, and cannot rely on backup scheduled for regular
backup of their data.

Enable off-line backup Action

Enabled Prompt for backup if the time between the last
backup to the current time exceeded the
[Backup Interval].

Disabled Do not prompt for backup.

Backup Interval Time interval between each backup job.

Email Notification Time interval when email would be sent for

backup reminder.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

With the [off-line backup] setting is enabled, when the computer is connected
online and the time between the last backup to the current time elapsed the
[Backup Interval], a pop up off-line backup confirmation menu will be
prompted, reminding the user to perform a backup.

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Users Guide

Menu Items Description

Yes Perform the backup job immediately.

No Do not perform the backup job.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 46

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

7 Backup
This chapter describes how to perform a backup job using the backup client

7.1 How data are backed up

Stages of a backup job are outlined below:

1. A connection from the backup client application to the backup server is


2. A Shadow Copy set of the backup source volume is created (if available).

3. Download the server file list from the backup server.

4. Data of the backup source is compared with the server file list to compile
the following file lists:

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

New file list

Modified file list
Deleted file list

5. Delta file is generated for modified file (if necessary).

Note: Only modified part of a file (delta file) is uploaded to the backup
server, reducing the time required to complete the backup job.

6. Data are encrypted, compressed, and then uploaded onto the backup

7. The Shadow Copy set of the backup source is removed (if necessary).

8. Backup is completed successful.

7.2 How to start a backup

Please refer to the following steps for starting a backup:

1. Login to the backup applications user interface.

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Users Guide

2. Click on the [Backup] button on the backup applications main window

to perform a backup manually.

3. For scheduled backup, a backup job would be automatically performed

at the scheduled time specified.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Note: Scheduled backup job may be missed if the client computer is switched
off, in hibernated, standby mode. Please ensure that the computer is not in
the mode stated above at the scheduled backup time.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

8 Restore
This chapter describes how to perform a restore using the backup client
application or web console.

8.1 How data are restored

Stages of a restore are outlined below:

1. A connection from the backup client application to the backup server is


2. Download the restore file list from the backup server.

3. Create the directory path for the restoration (if necessary).

4. Download the backup data from the backup server.

5. All the data will be decompressed and decrypted on the backup client

6. Merging of delta files (for file with multiple delta files, if necessary).

7. Merging of combined delta file with full file.

8. Restore is completed successfully.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

8.1.1 Restore Menu

Menu Items Description

Show files as of Job Radio button to display files available for restore as
of which backup job.

[YYYY/MM/DD] Dropdown menu to select the date of a backup job

(used with the [Show files as of Job] option).

[hh/mm/ss] Dropdown menu to select the time of a backup job

(used with the [Show files as of Job] option).

Show all files Radio button to display all files available for restore.

Filter Click to open the filter option.

Delete Click to delete the selected file from the backup


Important: Files will no longer be available for

restore after they are deleted from the backup

Original location Restore directories and files to their original location.

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Users Guide

Alternate location Restore directories and files to an alternate location


Change Click to change the directory path of the restore


Restore file permissions Checkbox to enable or disable restore of file


Search Click to open the Search option.

Advanced Click to open advanced option:

Delete extra files - Click to synchronize the selected

restore source with the restore destination during
the restore process.

Follow Link Click to restore link destinations data.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

Select the [Show files as of Job] to display files available as of a particular

backup job.

For example, to display the files available for restore since the backup job
performed on 11:00am Mar 11th, 2011. Select [Show files as of Job],
[2011/03/11] and [11/00/00]

Alternatively, select the [Show all files] to display all files available for restore.

For restore to the original location on the client machine, select the [Original
location] radio button.

For restore to an alternate location, select the [Alternate location] radio

button, and click [Change] to change the directory path which you would like
to restore to. Filter
Click on the [Filter] button to expand the filter option.

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Users Guide

Menu Items Description

Pattern Input box for entering the pattern of files that you
would like to show.

Type Dropdown menu for selecting the type of pattern,

they includes:

[starts with]
[ends with]

Match case Checkbox to enable or disable case sensitivity.

Apply Click to apply the filter settings.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

The [Filter] option is useful when you want to restore only files that follow a
certain pattern. For example, Microsoft Words document file that ends
with .doc only.

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Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Enter the pattern .doc into the [Pattern] textbox, select type [ends with]
from the [Type] dropdown menu, and click [Apply]. Search
Click on the [Search] button to open the filter menu.

Menu Items Description

Look in Click on the [Change] button to browse to the
search destination.

Pattern Input box for entering the pattern of files that you
would like to search for.

Type Dropdown menu for selecting the type of pattern,

they includes:

[starts with]
[ends with]
Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 55
Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide

Apply to Dropdown menu for selecting if the search is applied


[Files and Directories]

[Files only]

Search subfolders Click to enable or disable search on the subfolders of

the selected [Look in] directory.

Match case Checkbox to enable or disable case sensitivity.

Search Click to begin the search.

Stop Click to stop the search process.

*The availability of features listed above may be service provider dependent. If a feature is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

The [Search] option can be used to locate a directory or file within a backup
set with large amount of data. When the search is completed, user can select
the data for restore in the search menu.

For restore that follow a certain pattern, for example, Microsoft Words
document file that ends with .doc only. Enter the pattern .doc into the
[Pattern] textbox, select type [ends with] from the [Type] dropdown menu,
and click [Apply]. Delete extra files

Click on the [Advanced] button, select the [Delete extra files] checkbox to
enable the delete extra file option.

When the [Delete extra files] option is enabled, the restore process will
attempt to synchronize the selected restore source with the restore

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Users Guide

In the image above, where C:\ is selected as the restore source, and
[Original location] is selected as the restore destination.

The restore process will attempt to synchronize the restore destination

(current C:\ on the client machine) with the restore source (C:\ that is
backed up on the backup server).

Specifically, the restore process will restore the Application, Documents and
Settings folders and the data within, and then delete all other data on C:\ to
mirror the restore source and destination.

Prior to the data synchronization, the backup application will prompt for

When using the [Delete extra files] option, please select the lowest possible
child directories or files, instead of the highest parent directories for

To demonstrate, assuming that you want to synchronize the restore

destination (e.g. C:\Application) with the backed up C:\Application folder
(restore source), select the Application folder, instead of the C:\ for restore.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 57

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide Follow Link

Click on the [Advanced] button, select the [Follow Link] checkbox to enable
the follow link option.

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Users Guide

When the follow link option is enabled, not only is the symbolic link or
junction point restored, but directories and files that the junction point links
to will also be restored.

The following table summarizes the outcome when a restore is performed

with different options.

Follow Link Restore to Action

Enabled Original Location Junction points are restored to the
original location.

Follow Link option enabled for backup

- Target directories and files are
restored to the original location.

Follow Link option disabled for backup

- Target directories and files are not

Alternate Location Junction points are restored to the

location specified.

Follow Link option enabled for backup

- Target directories and files are
restored to the location specified.

Follow Link option disabled for backup

- Target directories and files are not

Disabled Original Location Junction points are restored to the

original location.

No data is restored to the junction

points destination.

Alternate Location Junction points are restored to the

location specified.

No data is restored to the junction

points destination.

Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 59

Ahsay A-Click Backup
Users Guide Resolve Link

Note that the resolve link option is only available when the restore
destination is configured to [Alternate location], and [Resolve Link] must be
used in conjunction with the [Follow Link] option.

When the resolve link option is enabled, the junction point would be restored,
and directories and files that the junction point links to will also be restored.

The following table summarizes the outcome when a restore is performed

with different options.

Resolve Link Action

Enabled Junction points are restored to the alternate location
specified, with its target directories and files also
restored to the location specified in their relative

Target of the junction is updated to the new relative

path. In other words, junction now points to the new
alternate location).

Disabled Junction points are restored to the alternate location

specified, with its target directories and files also
restored to the location specified in their relative

Target of the junction is not updated to the new

relative path. In other words, junction now points to
the original location. Delete backed up directories and files on backup server

Click on the [Delete] button to delete backed up data that reside on the
backup server.

This option is useful for removing backed up directories or files on server that
is no longer required.

Select the checkboxes beside the corresponding directories or files that you
would like to delete, and click [Delete].
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Users Guide

Prior to the data removal, the backup application will prompt for confirmation:

Important: Files will no longer be available for restore after they are
deleted from the backup server.

8.2 How to start a restore

There are two methods for restoring data:

Method 1 - Use of the backup client applications user interface for

restore on the client machine.

Method 2 - Use of the web console interface for restore anywhere.

8.2.1 Restore using the AhsayACB user interface

Refer to the following steps for restore using the backup applications
user interface:

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1. Login to the backup applications user interface.

2. Click on the [Restore] button on the backup applications main window

to open the Restore Menu.

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3. Select the [Show files as of Job] to display files available as of a

particular backup job.

For example, to display the files available for restore since the backup
job performed on 11:00am Mar 11th, 2011. Select [Show files as of Job],
[2011/03/11] and [11/00/00]

Select the [Show all files] to display all files available for restore.

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4. Expand the directories by selecting the button beside a folder.

5. Make use of the other options such as [Filter], [Search] and [Advanced]
option available, more details can be found in the sections above.

6. For restore to the original location on the client machine, select the
[Original location] radio button.

For restore to an alternate location, select the [Alternate location] radio

button, and click [Change] to change the directory path which you
would like to restore to.

7. Click [Start Restore] to begin the restore process.

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8.2.2 Restore using the web interface

Refer to the following steps for restore using the web interface:

1. Login to the web interface.

2. Click on the [File Explorer] tab at the top menu of the web interface.

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3. Click on the [Restore] button to open the web restorer applet:

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4. Select the corresponding backup set and press [Next]

5. Select the [Show files as of Job] to display files available as of a

particular backup job.

For example, to display the files available for restore since the backup
job performed on 11:00am Mar 11th, 2011. Select [Show files as of Job],
[2011/03/11] and [11/00/00]

Select the [Show all files] to display all files available for restore.

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6. Expand the directories by selecting the button beside a folder.

7. Make use of the other options such as [Filter], [Search] and [Advanced]
option available, more details can be found in the earlier sections of this

8. For restore to the original location on the client machine, select the
[Original location] radio button.

For restore to an alternate location, select the [Alternate location] radio

button, and click [Change] to change the directory path which you
would like to restore to.

9. Click [Start Restore] to begin the restore process.

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8.3 IP restriction for restore using the web interface

IP address restriction can be imposed on the backup server to restrict
computer with un-authorized IP address from restoring data using the web

This can only be done by the administrator of the backup server. Please
consult your service provider for more information on this option.

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9 Email Reporting
This chapter describes the various email reports sent by the backup server to
the backup user.

9.1 Welcome email

Welcome email is sent to the contact email address of newly created backup
user account.

Sample Report

A welcome email contains the following information:

Key Description
Getting started Download link to download the backup application.

Further Information Download link to the Frequently Asked Questions

document of the backup application.

User Setting User setting information including:

Login Name Login name of the newly created user


Alias - Alias of the newly created backup user


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Password Password (in hashed format) of the newly

created backup user account.

Language - Preferred language for all email reports

sent to the newly created backup user account.

Contact - Contact email address of the newly created

backup user account.

Backup Quota - Backup quota assigned for the newly

created backup user account.

*The availability of report listed above may be service provider dependent. If a report is not available,
please check with your service provider for further details and availability.

9.2 Forgotten password email

A backup account user can retrieve his / her password by requesting for a
forgotten password email, which is sent to the contact email address of a
backup user account.

User can request for a forgotten password email by clicking on the [Forgot
your password?] button on the backup applications login dialog, or the
[Forgotten your password?] button on the web console login page.

Sample Report

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A forgotten password email contains the following information:

Key Description
User Setting User setting information including:

Login Name Login name of the backup user


Password Password (in hashed format) of the

backup user account.

Alias - Alias of the backup user account.

Language - Preferred language for all email reports

sent to the backup user account.

Contact - Contact email address of the backup user


The hashed password can be used for login to the web console, or the backup
application user interface.

After logging into the backup application, the user will be prompted to reset
the password.

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9.3 Backup Job Report

For each backup job that you have run, a backup job report will be sent to
you by email. This report contains a summary for the backup job that was
run and a full listing of all files being backed up by the backup job. The
backup summary report contains the following information:

Sample Report

A forgotten password email contains the following information:

Key Description
Backup Time The time when the backup job ran.
Job Status The overall status of the backup job. Normally, you should
see Backup finished successfully in this field. If you
happen to get something else, please consult the attached
full report for more information.
New Files Total number and size of backup files added to your
backup set.
Updated Files Total number and size of backup files updated in your
backup set.
Updated Access Total number and size of backup files with file permission
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Permissions. updated in your backup set.

Deleted Files Total number and size of backup files deleted from your
backup set.
Moved Files Total number and size of backup files relocated in your
backup set.
Copied Files Total number and size of backup files copied to another
location in your backup set

Login Name Login Name

Alias Alias
Language Preferred Language for your backup report.
Contact Email Address that will be used to contact you.

Backup Source All files/directories that will be backed up.

Data Area The total backup data stored in the data area.
Retention Area The total backup data stored in the retention area. Old
copies of updated or deleted backup files are retained in
the retention area for the number of days as specified by
the retention policy of the backup set before they are
removed from the system.
Backup Quota Backup quota
Remaining Remaining quota

The full backup report, which contains a full listing of all files backed up by
the backup job, is attached to the backup job report email as a zip file. You
need to unzip it before you can read the full report.

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Sample Report

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Key Description
Login Name Login name
Backup Set The name of the backup set.
Backup Job The name of the backup job (which is the start time of the
backup job).
Job Status The overall status of the backup job. Normally, you should
see Backup finished successfully in this field. If you
happen to get something else, please consult the attached
full report form more information.
Backup Time The time when the backup job ran.

Backup Logs All messages logged when running this backup job.
New Files Total number and size of backup files added to your
backup set.
Updated Files Total number and size of backup files updated in your
backup set.
Permission Total number and size of backup files with file permission
Update Files updated in your backup set.
Deleted Files Total number and size of backup files deleted from your
backup set.
Moved Files Total number and size of backup files relocated in your
backup set.
Copied Files Total number and size of backup files copied to another
location in your backup set.

New File List Full list of all backup files added to your backup set.
Updated File List Full list of all backup files updated in your backup set.
Permission Full list of all backup files with file permission updated in
Updated File List your backup set.
Deleted File List Full list of all backup files deleted from your backup set.
Moved File List Full list of all backup files relocated in your backup set.
Copied File list Full list of all backup files copied to another location in
your backup set.

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9.4 Setting Change Report

After you have updated your user profile or backup setting, a setting change
report will be sent to you. This report allows you to track record of the
changes that have been made to your backup account.

Sample Report

Key Description
Login Name Login Name
Alias Alias
Language Preferred Language for your backup reports
Contact Email Address that will be used to contact you.
Backup Quota Backup Quota

Source(s) All backup sources of the backup set.

Schedule(s) All backup schedules of the backup set.
Filter All backup filters of the backup set.
Retention The retention policy of the backup set.
Transfer Block The transfer block size of the backup set.
Pre- All Pre-Command(s) of the backup set.
Post- All Post-Command(s) of the backup set.
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9.5 Inactive User Reminder

You will receive an inactive user reminder in email if your account has been
left inactive for the period of 7 days (or the period specified by the system
administrator). This is to remind you that you have not been running backup
for more than 7 days. If you are a free trial user, your account will be
removed from the system automatically if the system can track no records of
your backup activities in the next 30 days after receiving this report.

Sample Report

Key Description
Login Name The login name of the user.
Alias Alias
Language Preferred Language for your backup reports.
Contact Email Address that will be used to contact you.

Last Login Time The last time you logon to the backup system.
Last Backup Time The last time you ran a backup job.

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10 Web Features
Other than the features of AhsayACB described in previous chapters, the web
interface of AhsayOBS provides you access to some additional features that
are not available in AhsayACB. This chapter describes each of these features
in details.

10.1 Request Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password, you can retrieve it by simply entering
your login name or your registered email address on the [Password Request]
form and press the [Request] button. Your password will be sent to your
registered email address automatically.

10.2 Restore/Delete/Undelete Backup Files

Using the [File Explorer], you can browse through the backup data (both
current and previous versions) on AhsayOBS. You can select any current
backup files to Restore or Delete. You can also select any deleted backup files
(in gray) to Undelete.

Note: Restore of native features, e.g. file attributes/file

permission/symbolic links/junction points are not supported by the
Web Restore Applet.

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10.3 Review Backup Jobs

In addition to reviewing your backup activities from the email report and
from AhsayACB, you can also review any of your backup jobs by using the
[Report] panel available on the web interface. To review a backup job, select
the required backup job from the [Backup Set] and [Backup Job] drop-down

Key Description
Job Status The overall status of the backup job. Normally, you should
see Backup finished successfully in this field. If you
happen to get something else, please click the [Detailed
Report] image on the page.
Backup Time The time when the backup job ran.

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New Files Total number and size of backup files added to your backup
Updated Files Total number and size of backup files updated in your
backup set.
Permission Total number and size of backup files with file permission
Updated File updated in your backup set.
Deleted Files Total number and size of backup files deleted from your
backup set.
Moved Files Total number and size of backup files relocated in your
backup set.
Copied Files Total number and size of backup files copied to another
location in your backup set.

Data Area The total backup data stored in the data area.
Retention Area The total backup data stored in the retention area. Old
copies of updated or deleted backup files are retained in the
retention area for the number of days as specified by the
retention policy of the backup set before they are removed
from the system
Total Upload Total number and size of backup files uploaded to the
backup server.
Backup Quota Backup Quota
Remaining Remaining Quota

You can open the [Full Backup Report] to review all information logged by a
backup job by clicking the [Detailed Report] image on the [Report] panel.

Full Backup Report

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Key Description
Login Name The login name of the user.

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Backup Set The name of the backup set.

Backup Job The name of the backup job (which is the start time of the
backup job).
Job Status The overall status of the backup job.
Backup Time The time when the backup job ran.

Backup Logs All messages logged when running this backup job.
New Files Total number and size of backup files added to your
backup set.
Updated Files Total number and size of backup files updated in your
backup set.
Permission Total number and size of backup files with file permission
Updated Files updated in your backup set.
Deleted Files Total number and size of backup files deleted from your
backup set.
Moved Files Total number and size of backup files relocated in your
backup set.
Copied Files Total number and size of backup files copied to another
location in your backup set.

New File List Full list of all backup files added to your backup set.
Updated File List Full list of all backup files updated in your backup set.
Permission Full list of all backup files with file permission updated in
Updated File List your backup set.
Deleted File List Full list of all backup files deleted from your backup set.
Moved File List Full list of all backup files relocated in your backup set.
Copied File List Full list of all backup files copied to another location in
your backup set.

10.4 Review Storage Statistics

You can review the amount of data you have stored on the backup server and
uploaded to the backup server on each day by opening the [Statistics] panel
available on the web interface. To review your storage statistics for a
different month, just select the month from the [Month] drop-down list.

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Key Description
Date The date that the following statistics are collected.
Data Area Total number and size of backup files stored in the data
area on a particular date.
Retention Area Total number and size of backup files stored in the
retention area on a particular date.
Uploaded Size Total number and size of backup files uploaded to the
backup server on a particular date.
Total Storage Total number and size of backup files stored under your
backup account on particular date.

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Appendix A Supported Languages
Language Code Language
bg Bulgarian
ca Catalan
cs Czech
da Danish
de German
el Greek
en English
el Spanish
eu Basque
fi Finnish
fr French
hu Hungarian
is Icelandic
it Italian
iw Hebrew
ja Japanese
ko Korean
lt Lithuanian
nl Dutch
no Norwegian
po Polish
pt_BR Portuguese (Brazil)
pt_PT Portuguese (Portugal)
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sl Slovenian
sv Swedish
th_th Thai (Thai Digit)
tr Turkish
zh_CN Chinese (Simplified)
zh_TW Chinese (Traditional)

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