Edn2104 - Tasks 1-11 Carly Williamson 32468197
Edn2104 - Tasks 1-11 Carly Williamson 32468197
Edn2104 - Tasks 1-11 Carly Williamson 32468197
Outline what you believe to be the personal and professional role of an Australian Teacher of Literacy &
English in Primary schools in the 21st Century.
I believe that the most prominent personal roles of an English & Literacy teacher in the 21st Century
are recognizing diversity, embracing differences and exercising varied teaching & learning strategies
to motivate and engage all learners, all whilst providing generic duty of care. This involves having
compassion, confidence, good organisation, effective communication skills, time-management and
the ability to implement an engaging curriculum within a safe, non-discriminative, positive, engaging
& stimulating learning environment. Teachers are expected to implement the values & codes of
behaviours expected by society, treat everyone fairly and provide equal opportunities for learning
and engagement for each individual student, help where appropriate and cater for individual needs.
This can be done through the implementation and practice of individual/group,
collaborative authentic tasks paired with shared decision-making with the older primary students.
All of the roles discussed above are part of the Australian Professional Teaching Standards (APTS),
which teachers are required to have outstanding familiarity with and be able to demonstrate
Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement through the following:
Jean Piaget:
Relationship between cognitive development & language skills. Sensori-motor (0-2); focus on
movement/physical reactions, (mouth movements/shapes=different sounds, imitation of
sounds), pre-operational (2-6); child talks constantly, not much said aloud, no awareness of others
viewpoints, no difference talking with others or thinking aloud, concrete-operational (7-12); capable
of using logic & problem solving, language is specific/concrete facts not mental concepts, formal-
operational (12+); begin to reason & make mental distinctions between self & ideas, use language to
debate theoretical concepts.
Lev Vygotsky:
Language is a social concept developed through social interactions, language acquisition involves not
only a childs exposure to words but also an interdependent process of growth between thought &
B.F. Skinner:
Children learn language based on behaviourist reinforcement principles by associating words with
meanings (learn language through operant conditioning- children receive rewards for using
language in a functional manner. This theory also suggests that children learn language through
imitation of others, prompting, and shaping.
Jerome Bruner:
Based on the idea that the goal of education should be intellectual development. 3 models of
representation; enactive- knowledge through actions, iconic- visual representation/summarization
of images & symbolic representation- use of words & other symbols/gestures to describe
EDN2104 TASK 3:
Choose a platform to develop your own Professional Learning Portfolio framework (if you haven't already
done so). Use the AITSL professional standards and sub-standards as headings, upload all of the english
websites introduced in EDN235 (formerly EDN282) to the appropriate standard for your future reference
whilst on placement.
EDN2104 TASK 4:
This week explores your resilience and reflective practice; two essential skills for future teachers. First,
complete the BRITE Module B - Building Resilience Module B. Second, snapshot your toolkit.
EDN2104 TASK 5:
Choose a literacy program to review (preferably one being used in your school context). Comment on the
literacy knowledge required of teachers to implement the program and the language acquisition theories
it draws from.
To implement the First Steps Literacy Program teachers are obligated to:
1. Plan for & design learning experiences for the students
2. Act & do, implement plans
3. Reflect & review on how the activities went/worked
4. Question & identify individual and group strengths, interests and goals
5. Repeat the process.
Throughout this cycle, teachers are frequently collating data on student progress, ensuring that activities
are authentic and student-centred.
The First Steps Literacy Resource isnt designed or based around specific year groups, but instead allows
teachers to gage a students progress, learning and current positioning in comparison to the class by
grouping them in terms of their capabilities & skills. To determine where a student is positioned/graded
in one area of literacy (reading, writing etc) the teacher must observe, assess and make judgements on
students (which can be time consuming). Although the First Steps Literacy Resource clearly outlines what
needs to be taught and what the students learning outcomes should be, the information is quite shallow
and the learning experiences/lesson ideas given in the resource arent overly collaborative, fun, engaging
or authentic in terms of student-centred tasks.
In my opinion the First Steps Literacy Program can be linked with the Four-Resource model where for
students to be able to understand the tasks & learning experiences they are given, they need to firstly
attain & develop the skills/knowledge, and then implement them to be a code breaker, text participant,
text user or text analyst.
EDN2104 TASK 6:
Ask your mentor teacher about the recommended literacy resources used at your EDN2104 school. In
consultation with your mentor identify what English has been taught to date for your classroom in Term,
1, 2 and 3. Identify areas of strength and weaknesses in the eyes of your mentor in preparation for place.
Caversham Primary School
Year 6
Miss Kerry Gillies
Curriculum Goals
AC English : Year 6 : Text structure and organisation: Understand how authors often innovate
on text structures and play with language features to achieve particular aesthetic, humorous
and persuasive purposes and effects (ACELA1518)
AC English : Year 6 : Creating literature: Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of
texts students have experienced in innovative ways (ACELT1618)
Discuss/Guided Responses:
EDN2104 TASK 8:
Before your placement you need to profile the school context in which you are entering, being forensic is
being informed! Explore the MySchool website; Department school list; etc to reveal demographics, staff,
programs, etc. Contact your mentor teacher and obtain a class list and weekly timetable.
65 Coast Road
West Swan WA 6055
Caversham Primary School is situated in the suburb of West Swan at the southern end of the Swan
Valley region in Western Australia 15 km north-east of Perth. Many families are attracted to the
semi-rural lifestyle that the region offers and the sense of community evident from being in The
Valley of Taste. There are strong partnerships with parents and community members, with
Caversham Primary having an active P&C group, an efficient School Council and a band of volunteers
who give several hours of time each week to work with the students and staff.
Elected student councilors work hard to support a range of school programmes run throughout
Caversham Primary School, such as:
School Choir
Run Club
Getting it Right (Numeracy)
Primary Connections
Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC)
Instrumental Music Program Guitar
Interschool Sports / In Term Swimming
Garden Enterprise Project
Online Curriculum Services project (OCS)
Sunshine Online
Reading Eggs
Study Ladder
School Facts
School sector: Government
School type: Primary
Year range: K-6
Location: Major Cities (Caversham, West Swan, 6005)
Total enrolments: 297
Girls: 137
Boys: 160
Full-time equivalent enrolments: 273
Indigenous students: 2%
Language background other than English: 42%
School Staff
Teaching staff: 19
Full-time equivalent teaching staff: 15.6
Non-teaching staff: 12
Full-time equivalent non-teaching staff: 7.5
Student Background
Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA)
School ICSEA value: 1026
Average ICSEA value: 1000
School Distribution
Bottom quarter: 21%
Middle quarters: 30% and 29%
Top quarter: 20%
EDN2014 TASK 9:
As a new pre-service teacher in the classroom - design a one-page flyer that introduces you to your class
parent community. Begin with who you are and what you are doing over the fortnight. eg an educator in
your second placement and co-teaching (eg planning/teaching/assessing) Outline your personal interests,
talents, achievements include a photo (upload to LMS)
Parents of Year 6,
I will be at in your childs classroom for two weeks while at this school with the aim of developing,
implementing and reviewing classroom management practices, and my skills and knowledge of
teaching and learning strategies with the hope that I can in some way help, guide or inspire your
child. Over the two-week period I will be co-teaching, where I will take a number of lessons
alongside the classroom teacher who will be overseeing and guiding me as my mentor.
The aim of this Practicum Experience is to gain new skills, knowledge and capabilities while
implementing and developing already existing ones. It will help me in further boosting my
communication skills, ability to manage a classroom and gain understandings of school practices,
structures and classroom functioning. I will be mainly focused in the subject area of English.
My interests include sport and being outdoors, my known sport is Hockey, at which I have
represented both my state (Western Australia), the Northern Territory and Australia at both
National & International levels. My drive and dedication to my sport has provided me with a go get
it attitude and I believe that this will aid in me being a successful teacher and educator in your
childs classroom.
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact me,