!!assignment Brief Leading and Managing Change

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Department of Business &


Assignment Brief

Module Title: Leading and Managing change MG625

Assignment No/Title: IBM case study 50%
Feedback Target 30th Nov
Submission Date: 9th November 2017
Date: 2017
Module Co-ordinator/
G.Malik Course Area:

Instructions to Students:

1. Complete an Assignment Submission Form ensuring that you enter your correct ID number.
2. Submit the assignment via the assignment submission boxes at the Helpdesk at E2.08.
3. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep both an electronic and a hard copy of your assignment for
future reference. You may be required to submit an electronic copy of your assignment.
4. You are reminded of the Universitys regulations on cheating and plagiarism. In submitting your assignment you
are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
5. Late submission within 2 weeks of the deadline will result in the mark for the assignment being capped at 40%.
Beyond two weeks the work will not be marked.

This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:
Understand the strategic and operational importance of change in organisations

Critically evaluate change management theory, strategies and tactical options

Critically assess the key areas of organisational and individual resistance to change

Understand change within the context of organisational leadership and business strategy

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The Assignment Task:

Read the case study on the changes that have taken place at IBM and prepare a report (with references)
to the company on how the company planned and implemented the change.

In doing this, include answers to the following two questions. Each question carries equal marks.

1. Either (i) draw up a Cultural Web diagram for the organisation before and after Gestner took
over and implemented change and describe the main differences and implications for change.

Or (ii) draw a change kaleidoscope for the organisation at the point at which Gestner took
over. Using this model (Balogun and Hope-Hailey), discuss the change options available to him
at that point.

2. What theories are you aware of that would explain the steps Gestner might have taken to help to
overcome resistance to change?

Do not exceed the word limit of 3000 words

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Assessment Criteria


Criteria Weigh 70%+ 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% Fail

ting Marginal Fail

Generic: 5 Clear precise Mostly clear precise Well structured and Insufficient Poor structure and
assignment with assignment with good relatively clear structuring with some argument
Communication excellent structure. structure. Fairly argument. flaws in argument.
Coherent and coherent and well
comprehensive argued.

Knowledge & 30 Demonstrates Demonstrates clear Basic level of Demonstrates only Very limited
excellent understanding of the understanding of the superficial understanding of
Understanding understanding of the topic, objectivity and topic, some reference understanding, theory topic. Provides no
topic, objectivity and reference to theory. to theory. Provides limited or absent. contextual research.
reference to theory. small amount of Provides limited
Provides appropriate research, research,
level of additional benchmarking may benchmarking may
research. be limited or missing. be limited or missing.

Analysis 30 Demonstrates clear Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates weak Demonstrates

and accurate analysis acceptable analysis level of analysis of level of research and inadequate analysis.
of research and of research and research and conclusions drawn
conclusions drawn conclusions drawn conclusions drawn

Evaluation 30 Fully evaluates Evaluates Adequately evaluates Evaluates Displays only weak
implications, using implications using implications, using implications using evaluation, not
appropriate reflective appropriate reflective appropriate methods poor or inappropriate reflective or based on
methods based on methods based on based on theory methods. theory.
theory theory

Assignment 5 Precisely meets Mostly meets Partially meets Guidelines on word Guidelines on word
guidelines on word guidelines on word guidelines on word count, presentation, count, presentation,
Parameters count, presentation, count, presentation, count, presentation, and referencing and referencing fully
and referencing. Must and referencing. and referencing. generally disregarded disregarded
be within word count
+/- 10% to achieve
overall Distinction.
Total 100

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