Design Manual Issue May 2012

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Distribution Manual

Design guidance for water

mains and services on new
development sites

Document Reference 20368

Issue 2 May 2012

United Utilities Water plc.

All Rights Reserved.

The copyright of this document, which contains information of a

proprietary nature, is vested in United Utilities Water plc. The
contents of this document may not be used for purposes other than
that for which it has been supplied and may not be reproduced,
either wholly or in part, in any way whatsoever. It may not be used
by, or its contents divulged to, any other person whatsoever without
the prior written permission of United Utilities Water plc.
Distribution Manual

Design guidance for water mains and services on new development



Issue Date Details Prepared by Verified by

1 Dec 11 First issue. S Atkinson N Harper
2 May 12 Changes made to Section 3, S Atkinson N Harper
pressure and flow principles for
new mains, to align with new UUW
technical guidance document
Network Modelling of Water Mains
(Doc 60114, issue 1)

Design guidance for water mains and services on new development sites Document Ref. 20368

Issue 2, May 2012 Page 1 of 58 United Utilities Water plc


1 Scope and definitions 4

2 Design Principles Mains 6

2.1 Point of connection 6

2.2 Routing positioning and location 7
2.3 Depth of mains 7
2.4 Pipe materials, sizing and pressure rating 8
2.5 Standard dimensional ratio (SDR) 9
2.6 Mains in new development areas 9
2.7 Mains in existing streets 10
2.8 Mains in retail parks and commercial areas 11
2.9 Unadopted roads 11
2.10 Gated developments 11
2.11 Service strips 12
2.12 Mains in areas with restricted access 12
2.13 Land Rights 12
2.14 Water mains in a street 12
2.15 Water mains not in a street 12
2.16 Self lay in land that is not a street 13

3 Pressure and flow principles for new mains 14

3.1 Definitions 14
3.2 Design guidance Pressure 14
3.3 Design guidance Velocity of Flow 14
3.4 Hydraulic gradient 14
3.5 Reference level of service 14
3.6 Universal pressure statement 14
3.7 General requirements 15
3.8 Sizing new mains for domestic premises 15
3.9 Sizing mains for non domestic and mixed
demands 15
3.10 Managing water quality in new mains 16

4 Valves 17

5 Air Valves 17

6 Washout Hydrants 17

7 Financial considerations for new mains 18

7.1 Scheme cost 18

7.2 Phased developments 19
7.3 Water for domestic purposes 19
7.4 Water for non-domestic purposes 20
7.5 Water for mixed use 20
7.6 Deposit provisions 20

8 Financial considerations for new service connections 21

8.1 Connection charges 21

8.2 Infrastructure charges 21
8.3 Deposit 21

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9 Requirements for service Pipes 22

9.1 Definitions 22
9.2 Conditions for connection 22
9.3 General requirements for service pipes 23
9.4 Service connection arrangements 24
9.5 Standard service connection details 28
9.6 Services to multi occupancy premises 33
9.7 Communal billing agreement 35

10 Metering 36

10.1 Metering standard service connections 36

10.2 Metering non standard service connections 36

11 Fire Fighting 37

11.1 Fire hydrants 37

11.2 Statutory duty 37
11.3 Requirements for fire fighting water 38
11.4 Hydrants on large diameter mains 38
11.5 Requests for fire fighting water 39
11.6 Fire sprinkler systems 39

12 Self lay mains and services 41

13 Abandonment and Diversion of existing mains 42

14 Example layouts for new mains and services 45

14.1 New mains in a shared drive 46

14.2 New mains within a restricted working area 47
14.3 New mains in a footway 48
14.4 New mains in a courtyard 49
14.5 New mains in commercial area with an easement 50

15 Definitions 51

16 Common abbreviations 54

17 Other guidance documents 55

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1 Scope and Definitions

UUW have a statutory duty under the Water Industry Act 1991 to provide new water mains and service
connections when requisitioned and to facilitate the provision of self lay schemes by self lay organisations.
This design manual is intended to provide guidance to designers and installers and to encourage the use of
best engineering practice for these installations.

1.1 Legislation
For the purposes of this document, UUW means United Utilities Water plc. The primary legislation for UUWs
licence (appointment) and for conducting our business is the 1991 Water Industry Act.

Under powers given in this Act, the Secretary of State has made the:

Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999, Covering Waste, Misuse, Contamination, Undue
Consumption, or Erroneous measurement of the water supplied.
Water Supply (Water Quality ) Regulations 2000 ( amended 2001)
Setting standards etc for Water Quality at the customers tap.

Also from powers in the 1991 Water Industry Act, OFWAT has introduced various reporting
requirements; DG2 low pressure, DG3 interruptions etc, and Guaranteed Standards. The Water Act
2003 adds provisions to:

Improve water resources management, with amendments to the Water Resources Act 1991 and the
Water Industry Act 1991.
Strengthen the regulatory framework, and give customers a Consumer Council for Water to replace
the Director General.
Impose duties for sustainable development.
Increase opportunities for competition; strengthen legislation for DWI, particularly fluoridation, plus
drought & flood plans. Also renewal of fire hydrants.
These are almost all incorporated in the 1991 Acts by reference.

1.2 Competition.
The framework for Competition is set out in the WIA 91, and is extended by:

Competition & Services (Utilities) Act 1992

Competition Act 1998 (applicable from 1 Mar 2000)
Water Act 2003
Inset Appointments where the appointed water or sewerage company can be replaced by another
for a specific geographic area
Water Supply Licensing:- New companies can obtain a licence to supply water, competing in one of
two ways:
(1) By developing their own source.
(2) By retail selling (currently commercial only, and >50Ml/year, and on a single site).
For more information, see

1.3 OFWAT Level of Service Indicators (water services)

DG2: Properties at risk of low pressure:

UU must keep a register of properties at risk of receiving less than the Reference Level of Service*. The
allowable exclusions are:

Short occurrences < 1 hour

Abnormal demand event (max 25 days in 5 years, per property)

* The Reference Level of Service is defined as 9 litres per minute, at 10 metres head, measured at boundary
stop tap, where one is present.

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Issue 2, May 2012 Page 4 of 58 United Utilities Water plc

As this cannot easily be measured, UUW has agreed with OFWAT a Surrogate Reference, which is 15m
head in the adjacent supplying main, measured at the nearest hydrant or washout.

DG3: Properties subject to Unplanned supply interruptions of 12 hours or more.

Briefly, reports are now required in more detail, in categories:

Planned & warned
Caused by third party
Planned & warned over-run
and each of these for 3, 6, 12, 24 hours

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2 Design principles for new mains
This section is intended to provide designers and constructors with guiding principles which will cover the
great majority of situations encountered on new developments. Nothing contained in this guidance shall
relieve the designer from using their skills and experience to produce a cost-effective and sensible proposal.
This document provides examples of designs for new mains that can be used to assess how mains, services
and metering should be arranged.

2.1 Point of Connection

The start of any new water main design is the point or points at which the planned main will be connected to
the existing network. This point(s) will be calculated using the anticipated flows and demands as indicated on
the application form to UUW, together with any known future demands that are intended to be supplied
through the new main. The calculated point of connection may also include a requirement for off site
reinforcement the cost of which will form part of the overall cost of the new main.

S41 of the Water Industry Act 1991 makes it the duty of an undertaker to provide a new water main when
they are served with a notice to supply water for domestic purposes to either existing or proposed premises
in a locality. The person(s) who have the right to require such water are the owner or occupier of premises in
that locality, or an authorised person acting on their behalf.

S55 of the Water Industry Act 1991 imposes a duty to provide water for non-domestic purposes. An
undertaker may refuse this request if it is likely to cause unreasonable expenditure or is likely to put at risk
the undertakers ability to provide water for domestic purposes to meet existing and future obligations.

The point of connection can only be established by UUW and once calculated is normally available for
acceptance for up to 6 months, after this time a new application will be needed. As the network is a dynamic
system, it is not usually possible to extend the validity of a point of connection beyond 6 months.

Customer Customer provides Service levels

requisition notice

UUW receive notice

UUW advise customer if UUW advise that the 3 working

notice is incomplete notice is complete days

UUW advise alternative Will quotation be 10

quotation date to delayed beyond working
customer normal service level? days

UUW prepare on site


UUW prepare off site


UUW estimate
scheme costs

Customer 20
Alternative working
contribution and
date days
quotation issued

Requisition quotation service levels and flow chart

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2.2 Routing, positioning and location of new assets.
All possible routes should be considered to identify the most suitable route for new mains taking account of
whole life costs arising from construction, operation, maintenance, & eventual de-commissioning.
Consideration should also be given to ensuring that all existing assets are fully utilised.

In selecting a route, the following should be investigated, as appropriate:

Adverse ground conditions e.g. rock, groundwater,

Existing & future land use,
Land ownership as it affects the companys powers to install and operate apparatus.
Allow for lead-time where it is necessary to serve notices,
Traffic management,
Environmental impact of the works,
Ease of access for safe construction and future operation/maintenance of the assets,
Proximity of other utilities,
Risk of disturbance from second-comers,
Probability of failure of the pipeline and its consequences,
Operability assessment e.g. automation, remote monitoring, balanced against manual operation,
Operating pressures at key points,
Requirement for air valves, sluice valves, pressure controlling valves etc,
Requirement for washouts including means to dispose of water released,
Security of supply/cross connections to adjacent areas,
Potential betterment, statutory contributions, or compensation claims,
Available pressures the new development must not cause pressures anywhere to fall below the
reference level of service DG2 (see detailed guidance).

Undertakers have the power (S159 WIA 1991) to lay mains in a street,

Note: The Water Act 1991 s219 (as amended by the Water Industry Act 2003), provides that the meaning of
street shall be as in Part III of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.

Extract: New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991S48, Streets, street works and undertakers.(1)In this Part a
street means the whole or any part of any of the following, irrespective of whether it is a thoroughfare;

(a) any highway, road, lane, footway, alley or passage,

(b) any square or court,

(c) any land laid out as a way whether it is for the time being formed as a way or not.

Where a street passes over a bridge or through a tunnel, references in this Part to the street include that
bridge or tunnel.

2.3 Depth of mains

Plastic water mains should be installed at a minimum 750mm cover, except where there is a risk from, for
example, agricultural activities where 900mm cover is required.

All metallic pipes should be installed at 900mm cover.

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2.4 Pipe materials, sizes and pressure rating

It is UUW policy to use plastic pipes for all new pipes up to and including 630mm diameter and pressures up
to 16 bar. New pipe systems should be designed for a maximum of 8 bar and coiled pipes should be used for
pipes sizes up to and including 180mm.

For PE pipe in sizes 90-630mm, UUW preferred material is PE100 skinned pipe, although normal PE80 and
PE100 will still be acceptable from 3rd party organisations. A summary of UUWs preferred PE pipe
materials, sizes and pressure rating for use in land that is not contaminated is provided below: -

Size Material Pressure Rating SDR

25mm PE80 12.5 bar 11

32mm PE80 12.5 bar 11
63mm PE80 12.5 bar 11

90mm PE100 skinned pipe 10 bar 17

110mm PE100 skinned pipe 10 bar 17
160mm PE100 skinned pipe 10 bar 17
225mm PE100 skinned pipe 10 bar 17
315mm PE100 skinned pipe 10 bar 17

Where new pipes are required in contaminated land UUWs preferred material is Type A barrier pipe, other
barrier pipe materials are available for use by 3rd party organisations. A summary of UUWs preferred barrier
pipe materials, sizes and pressure rating are provided below: -

Size Material Pressure Rating SDR

25mm PE80 Type A barrier pipe 12.5 bar 11

32mm PE80 Type A barrier pipe 12.5 bar 11

63mm PE80 Type A barrier pipe 12.5 bar 11

90mm PE100 Type A barrier pipe 16 bar 11

110mm PE100 Type A barrier pipe 16 bar 11

160mm PE100 Type A barrier pipe 10 bar 17

225mm* PE100 Type A barrier pipe 10 bar 17

315mm* PE100 Type A barrier pipe 10 bar 17

*Dispensation is required from UUW Engineering. Dispensation from UUW Engineering is also required for
the use of any other sizes other than stated above (ie. 125mm, 140mm, 180mm etc).

Further guidance on preferred material choices to meet UUW requirements is set out in UUW pipeline
materials selection policy (Ref: 20971).

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2.5 Standard Dimensional Ratio (SDR)

The ratio between wall thickness and outside diameter remains constant for a given pressure rating of the
pipe. This relationship, called the standard dimensional ratio or SDR, can be expressed as an equation:

SDR = nominal (minimum) outside diameter

minimum wall thickness

2.6 Design criteria for mains within new development areas.

The design layout for water mains in a new development, i.e. in new streets, should be such that the
installation is economic to install, operate and maintain during its designed lifetime. Mains should be
provided in a street as far as the point at which it is practicable to connect the service pipe, at reasonable
cost and consistent with hydraulic efficiency.

A main should be laid in any street where 2 or more premises are being served and the communication pipe
(i.e. that part of the service pipe outside the boundary of the premises being served) would be longer than
10m. End washouts will be required on mains of 63mm and above and must be located to suit hydraulic and
operational convenience, including consideration as to how any wash out water will be drained.

Shared drive

Supply pipe Property



service pipe route

Communication pipe
Water main

Service pipe layout where supply pipe exit is less than 10m from a water

Design guidance for water mains and services on new development sites Document Ref. 20368

Issue 2, May 2012 Page 9 of 58 United Utilities Water plc

2.6 Contd. Design criteria for mains within new development areas.

Shared drive

Communication pipe

Supply pipe


New main

Water main

Mains and service pipe layout where supply pipe exit is more than 10m
from a water main.

Where mains are being laid on new developments, the main should be located on that side of the street with
the highest number of service connections; installation of new mains on both sides of a street should only be
made where for example, possible future development may occur, or the street is exceptionally wide or traffic

Mains should normally be installed in an area laid out as a street. If other utilities are being laid e.g. gas and
electricity, in addition to water, then a service strip should be provided and utilities laid in accordance with the
current NJUG requirements. The overriding principle is to design for the most economic layout, with equal
consideration being given to both initial installation cost and whole life operation and maintenance
requirements. Where mains are of such a size that NJUG spacing in the footpath cannot be achieved then
consideration should be given to placing the main in a separately designated area.

2.7 Design criteria for mains in existing streets.

Where a new main is required in an existing street to serve premises i.e. infill type developments or urban
renewal schemes then new mains should be located such that the number of road crossings made for both
mains and planned service connections is minimised. Consideration should be given to installing a new main
on both sides of a street, thereby reducing the total number of road crossings. Where a new main has not
been requisitioned and the development scheme is such that an unacceptable number of long side service
road crossings to an existing main will be made, then consideration should be given to installing a main in
front of the premises and using short side service connections. (See also Section 9.4.2)

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Issue 2, May 2012 Page 10 of 58 United Utilities Water plc

2.8 Design criteria for mains in Retail Parks, Commercial and Industrial areas.

Wherever possible new mains should be located in an area designated as a street. In retail parks,
commercial and industrial areas it may not always be clear which areas are streets and there is a particular
risk that layouts of buildings, car parks and access roads may be changed without consultation with UUW. In
such areas consideration should be given to protecting UUWs assets with an easement.New water mains
should be co-coordinated with other services such as gas, electricity and telecoms and laid in accordance
with NJUG guidelines.

5 metre wide

Service pipe

New water main

Car parking
Existing street
and main

An example showing where an easement would be needed for a new

commercial development

2.9 Unadopted Roads.

It cannot be assumed that all roads on new estates will be adopted. However, since they will almost certainly
be classed as a street, the adoption of a road should not be a factor when determining the optimum design
route for route for a new main.

2.10 Gated developments.

Gated sites should be treated in the same way as any other development. Where a main is installed within
the gated area, consideration should be given to installing an isolating valve just outside the development
such that any main within the gated area can be isolated without delay if needed.

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2.11 Service Strips

There is no legal definition or land category for a service strip. It is a common term to mean a strip of land
intended to be used for the permanent installation of utilities apparatus, and intended always to be kept
clear. They are generally a 2m wide strip of private land beside the road. Utility services will be installed in
accordance with the current NJUG guidance, and the householders deeds will restrain any activity which
obstructs access (by virtue of an easement in favour of UUW). Service strips are generally unadopted, but
the highway authority may still maintain them in respect of records, notices etc.

2.12 Mains located in areas with restricted access

In most circumstances the main will be in a footpath or service strip adjacent to a highway which will provide
adequate maintenance or operational working space for the main. Where the main is in a street, and the
street is immediately adjacent to a building, the main may be laid no less than 600mm away from the building
or foundation, provided there is still a total 5m working width for access, (this would typically be the width of
the pavement, plus part of the carriageway, as required). Where there is no other option, a reduced working
width of no less than 2m is acceptable, provided that:
The main is no larger than 160mm outside diameter
That any joints, fittings or service connections are kept to a minimum within the restricted width

2.13 Land Rights

Before any water mains are laid, either for a requisition or by a self lay organisation it is necesarry to
establish if any land rights will be required. Any main installed in third party land, which is not a street may
require land rights to be obtained. This requirement should be assessed at design stage and indicated on the
approved layout drawings prior to any acceptance of the scheme by the developer. UU Property Services
team should be advised when any proposed land rights are needed so that all required documentation is in
place at the earliest possible stage. It is of particular importance that any as laid record is fully in
accordance with the planned position of the main that was shown in any notice or proposed easement before
the main is connected to UUWs existing network.

2.14 Water mains that are to be laid in a street.

UUW are able to lay mains or adopt mains that have been laid in a street, this may be:
an adopted street on land which is owned by a Local Authority,
a street on land which is owned by the developer and which may or may not be adopted in the
a street on land which is in third party ownership.
There is no need for UUW to obtain any permission for any of the above if mains are requisitioned and then
laid by UUW or their contractor, unless the nature of the development is such that the area defined as a
street is likely to be changed such that the main is no longer in a street. This consideration is particularly
applicable to commercial and industrial developments where development may take place without any
reference to UUW, and in these areas it may be advisable to take out an easement or other charge to
preserve UUWs rights.

2.15 Water mains that are to be laid in land which is not a street.

UUW are able to lay and operate water mains in third party land by issuing a notice to the land owner and
occupiers, this right is set out in S159 of the Water Industry Act 1991, this will also need to be supplemented
by acquiring a deed of grant of easement.
Any access to private land should be preceded by an appropriate notice to the land owner and occupier, a
summary of notices requirements is provided below: -
3 months for installing a new pipe.
42 days for altering an existing pipe.
7 days for site investigation or surveys.
These notice periods are considered as reasonable under the Water Industry Act, but where new mains are
required to satisfy a requisition then a reasonable alternative period can be agreed.

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Issue 2, May 2012 Page 12 of 58 United Utilities Water plc

2.16 Self laying of water mains in land which is not a street.

Where mains are to be self laid and are intended to be subsequently adopted by UUW, the rights provided to
UUW by the Water Industry Act do not apply to the self lay organisation.

The developer will need to obtain permissions from the land owner to install the pipes and then arrange for a
deed of grant of easement in favour of UUW to be in place before the new mains can be adopted by UUW
and connected to the existing water network, it may be possible to achieve this by using a suitable multi-
partite agreement.
Any costs that are incurred in arranging the permissions and subsequent transfer to UUW are to be paid by
the developer.

Advice on all issues concerning pipes in private land should be sought, initially from UUW Property Services.
For further detailed guidance refer to UUW Procedure for entering onto private land (Ref: 50385).

Developer actions

Land purchased for


UUW or SLO actions Developer provides design

UU Legal team actions requirements to UUW or SLO
Water main design is
completed and any land
If Requisition then UU permission needs are Developer receives easement
property services issue notices identified requirements
to landowner and occupiers

Requisition or self lay

Developer requisitions from
If self lay then developer agreement is established
UUW or places order on SLO
secures landowner
permissions and a
transferable deed of grant is
established such that UU can Developer (and others as
adopt the self laid main needed) sign agreements
and return to UU Legal team

Permissions or transferable New water mains are

easements are completed installed

Location of new main is


As laid records are

provided to UUW Asset
Data Records

New mains are

connected to UUW

Flow chart indicating process where a new main is not laid in a street

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3 Pressure and flow principles for new mains
The successful hydraulic design of new mains and changes to the network should take into account demand,
velocity, head loss and pressure. Guidance on these key design parameters is provided below and in more
detail within UUW Technical Guidance for Network Modelling of Water Mains (60114 Issue 1).
3.1 Definitions
Reference level of service:
A flow of 9 litres per minute at a pressure of 10 metres head (1bar), measured at the boundary.
Surrogate to Reference level of service:
15 metres head (1.5 bar) static pressure at nearest hydrant.
3.2 Design guidance - Pressure
The Network should be designed for a minimum pressure of 2 bar (approx. 20 metres head) at any
hydrant or node. Any new development which would cause the pressure at any point to fall below 2 bar
will require appropriate system reinforcement. The only exception to this would be if the topography is such that
new mains pass through an area of high ground where there are no service connections, and are never likely to
have service connections (e.g. remote moor land), then the design minimum operating pressure can be lower;
in this circumstance the pressure must not drop below 5m available head.
Maximum mains pressure should not normally exceed 6 bar (approx 60 metres head), and mains pressure
reduction schemes should be considered for all areas where the pressure can be reduced by 1 bar at night.
Most domestic water-using fittings and appliances are designed for a maximum working pressure of
10bar. Minimum working pressures are generally in the region of 0.5 bar, but some appliances will not perform
well below say 1.5 bar.

3.3 Design guidance Velocity of Flow

The optimum design velocity of flow in mains is 1.0 m/s, with minimum and maximum design parameters of
0.2 m/s to 1.5 m/s.

3.4 Design Guidance Head loss per 1000m (Hydraulic Gradient)

Any new pipe or network change should be designed so that the hydraulic gradient is typically in the range of
2m to 4m per 1000m in the proposed main, and in any existing mains that may be influenced by the
proposal. However, if downstream pressure is available in sufficient quantity and its reduction is not a
concern, then a hydraulic gradient not exceeding 10m in 1000m can be used.

3.5 The reference level of service

Undertakers are required to record the number of domestic properties identified as receiving less than the
Reference Level of Service. These are to be reported annually under the performance indicator DG2.
The Reference Level of Service is set at 10m head at the boundary stoptap, at a flow of 9 litres/min for a
single property, measured at the customer side of any boundary fitting.
Checking compliance against this standard would require excavation and is clearly impractical. The
Surrogate Pressure Reference is agreed as a static pressure of 15m head at the nearest hydrant.
The Reference Level of Service is specific to a single 25mm domestic connection. A customer with say, a
63mm connection, could expect a flow somewhat greater than 9 litres per minute, even when there is only
the surrogate 15m head at the nearest hydrant.

3.6 Universal pressure statement

The mains water pressure in the UU area varies due to elevation, and diurnal and seasonal
fluctuations, but is generally between approx 15m (1.5 bar) and 60m (6 bar) head. This is static pressure
and will be reduced inside the building depending on the length and size of the service pipe and the rate of
flow. A standard 25mm (o.d.) service pipe will normally provide 15-20 litres per minute.
Mains pressure is adequate for all normal domestic situations but developers should satisfy
themselves that it is sufficient for their purposes, particularly in buildings above 2 storeys, or those including
fire sprinkler systems. UU has separate guidance notes for such situations.
Most domestic water using appliances will have manufacturers design and operating instructions. Installers
must consider the minimum and maximum pressure requirements, and additional protection to avoid
possible damage to fittings and appliances. Some appliances, notably combination boilers, may not
perform well at pressures below 1.5 bar.

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3.7 General requirements

All new mains must be designed to ensure that the pressure and flow for water provided for domestic and fire
fighting purposes is in accordance with s65 and s66 of the Water Industry Act 1991. There is no requirement
for new mains to be upsized to provide water specifically for fire fighting purposes.
S65 requires an undertaker to provide a constant pressure such that water can reach the top most storey of
every building within the undertakers area. However, an undertaker is not required to provide a supply of
water at a height greater than that which it will flow by gravitation from the service tank or reservoir from
which that supply is taken; additionally an undertaker is entitled to choose the reservoir or tank from which
the supply will be taken.
S66 allows an undertaker to require a float operated cistern which will provide at least 24 hours supply to any
premise where water is delivered at a height greater than 10.5m below the draw off level of the service
reservoir or tank from which the supply is taken. This means that the maximum pressure that is required to
be provided is 1.5 bar.
The definition of water for domestic purposes is provided in s218 of the Water Industry Act 1991 and refers
to water used for drinking, washing, cooking, central heating and sanitary purposes. It also includes water
used for business purposes within premises where the greater part of the premises is occupied as a house,
provided that:
no water is used for the business of a laundry or,
for a business preparing food or drink for consumption off the premises,
or for the use of a bath with a capacity exceeding 230 litres.
If an undertaker provides water for purposes other than domestic use, as defined above, in accordance with
s55 of the Water Industry Act 1991, then the cost of providing such mains and additional capacity shall be
borne fully by the person(s) requisitioning the new main. Where water to a new development is required for
both domestic and non-domestic capacity, then this shall normally be provided through a single main, unless
the non domestic demand is such that the water quality of any water provided for domestic purposes will not
meet that required by the Water Industry Act 1991.

3.8 Sizing new mains for domestic premises

As a guide the typical size of pipe for a given number of properties is shown in the table below. The values
given should not be a substitute for conducting an adequate hydraulic assessment taking into account all
pertinent factors.
Number of individual Typical pipe outside diameter (PE Nominal bore (other
dwellings pipes) materials)
1 25mm 20mm
2 32mm 25mm
3-5 50mm 40mm
5-20 63mm 50mm
20-40 90mm 80mm
40-95 110/125mm* 100mm
95-300 160/180mm* 150mm
300-700 225mm 200mm

*125mm/180mm shown in the table are UUW non-preferred sizes and should not be used without
dispensation, refer to 2.4.

3.9 Sizing mains for non domestic and mixed demands

When a main intended purely for non-domestic demand is being sized, the estimated process demand and
flow should be used.
In practice, most non domestic water is provided through mains that also provide domestic water; the
combined demands should be used when sizing the main. An exception to this is water used for fire fighting
purposes; UUW water mains should not be upsized to include this demand. UUW are permitted to allow a
reduction in pressure and flow to domestic customers during a period when water is being drawn for fire
fighting purposes.

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3.10 Managing water quality in new mains.

Management of water quality in network mains is the responsibility of UUW. Mains that have been correctly
sized and designed will maintain water quality under normal operational circumstances i.e. when the
designed demand is connected. There may be circumstances, such as during the construction phase, when
the actual demand is too low to ensure adequate turnover of water within the connected main. When a new
main is connected to UUWs existing network, service connections should be planned to be made within 7
days of the new main being connected.
Water demand on a new main should be sufficient to ensure refresh within 10 days, if this is unlikely then a
flushing and sampling regime will need to be implemented by UUW. It should be noted that a flushing regime
is an undesirable option due to the inherent waste of water, and should only be implemented where no other
option, such as cross connection to an existing network, is available.
The cost of any cross connection or flushing and sampling regime would normally be attributable to the
developer. An exception to this would be where the need to flush is due to a main being upsized by UUW to
provide supplies for another unrelated development.

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4 Valves

Valves shall be installed to control the flow within the network and enable all components to be isolated,
drained and recharged for maintenance purposes. The number, size and position of valves at the point of
connection (see 2.1) to the existing main will be determined by UUW.

A valve should be located at all branch locations and the maximum spacing of isolation valves on distribution
mains shall be 1000m or to shut off a maximum of 50 properties.

All valves must be anti-clockwise closing. Spindles must be installed on all valves which should end 200mm
below the cover to facilitate ease of future operation.

5 Air Valves

Air valves shall be installed at the highest point on a section of main and at points of changing gradient. If the
main is relatively flat with no discernable high points they should be positioned at intervals of, say, 800m,
however they are not required where customer connections will release air from the system. They should be
capable of isolation for maintenance purposes without shutting off the main to which they are connected.

6 Washout Hydrants

Washout hydrants should be installed on the end of every main and at any low point on the network that may
be required to drain the main for maintenance purposes. Where washout hydrants are required on mains
200mm or greater they shall be installed with a valve controlled branch. Washout hydrants shall be installed
ensuring the outlet is no more than 300mm from the surface upon completion.

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7 Financial considerations for new water mains

The financial considerations for new water mains are set out in s42 and s43 of the Water Industry Act 1991.
These provide methods to calculate the developer contribution to a new main, such that either a Relevant
Deficit (RD) amount is paid over a 12 year period, or a single sum known as a discounted aggregate deficit
sum (DADS) is paid following installation of the new main. The remainder of the cost of the new main is
funded from actual revenue that is collected over the 12 year period for an RD, or estimated revenue over
the 12 year period for a DADS calculation. UUW use a financial model to calculate both RD and DADS
values, this model is updated regularly to reflect changes in interest rates, revenue and other factors and it is
essential that only a current model is used when calculations are made.

7.1 Scheme cost

The scheme cost is the basis for all financial calculations and should include the cost of the following
when water is requisitioned for domestic purposes: All new mains and associated equipment installed
within the boundary of the development site.

All off site mains and associated equipment that are required to provide additional capacity for the
new development.
Such proportion as is reasonable of the costs incurred in providing any additional capacity in an
earlier main, which falls to be used in consequence of the provision of the new main. This
provision applies to any requisitioned or adopted main that has been provided in the 12 years
immediately before the provision of the new main.

Any water design should reflect the most economical method of constructing a safe maintainable and
extensible network. The following factors should be considered:
Validation for the type of pipe being installed e.g. barrier pipe, PE pipe, ductile iron etc.
The possibility of future demand from the planned network.

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7.1 Scheme cost contd.

An example of a discounted aggregate deficit sum (DADS) graph is given below; this is used to calculate
the single payment (commuted sum) option for a developer contribution to a requisitioned main. The other
option i.e. relevant deficit (RD) is based on the actual revenue and the actual cost of the loan for each of
the 12 years following commissioning if the requisitioned main. It should be noted that the graph is based
on discounted values, such that future values are discounted to reflect current cost values.

Discounted Aggregate Deficit Sum (DADS)








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Cost of loan repayment Estimated annual revenue

For each of the 12 years following connection of the new main any difference between the cost of the loan to
fund the scheme and the estimated revenue is calculated and summated, this provides the value for the
single payment commonly referred to as the commuted sum. For self lay schemes, the asset payment is
the lesser of the summated values of the estimated annual revenue or the annual cost of the loan. It should
be noted that for self lay schemes certain deductions, in accordance with provisions of the Water Industry
Act 1991, may be made from this asset payment.

7.2 Phased Developments.

Where a requisitioned water main is increased in capacity to provide water for domestic purposes for future
development phases (not necessarily connected with the current development), then the additional cost of
up-sizing will be recorded and then recovered on a proportional basis from any subsequent developer for a
period of up to 12 years following the commissioning of the upsized main. This applies to both on site mains
and to any off site reinforcement provided for a previously requisitioned main.

7.3 Water for domestic purposes.

S41 of the Water Industry Act 1991 sets out an undertakers duties when a supply for domestic purposes is
requested. The person requesting the supply must be the owner or occupier of the premises, or an
authorised person acting on their behalf, and must provide sufficient information to allow the undertaker to
proceed with the request. An undertaker cannot refuse to provide a main where water has been requested
for domestic purposes. The financial requirements of this provision are set out in s42-43A of the Water
Industry Act 1991. There is an approved model that must be used to calculate the contributions required from
the applicant for a new main.

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7.4 Water for non-domestic purposes.

Obligations relating to the provision of water for non-domestic purposes are set out in s55 of the Water
Industry Act 1991.
In simple terms, we must provide non domestic water unless the provision is likely to restrict our ability to
provide water for existing or future obligations for water, for both domestic and non-domestic purposes. The
cost of providing water wholly for non-domestic purposes is fully attributable to the person requiring the new

7.5 Mixed water use (domestic and non-domestic use).

The costs associated with provision of non domestic water are fully attributable to the person(s) requesting
the supply. The approved DADS financial model will provide a default position, based on Building Research
Establishment data, where an applicant is unable to provide a substantive split between domestic and non-
domestic water.
The following examples set out how the scheme cost calculation is carried out:

(a) Where water is to be used entirely for domestic purposes and an upsize/reinforcement is provided
on the site for a future demand on the same development:
Cost of on site main required for the development (a)
Cost of upsized main to serve future demand (same developer) (b)
Costs included within the scheme cost (c) = (a) + (b)

(b) Where water is to be used entirely for domestic purposes and a previous upsize/reinforcement is
utilised by a subsequent developer:
Cost of on site main required for the development (a)
Cost of previously installed upsized main (b)*
Proportioned cost of upsized main to serve future demand (c) = (b) x (f)**
Where (f) is a proportioning factor
Costs included within the scheme cost (d) = (a) + (c)
*(b) applies where an upsize/reinforcement was provided within a period of 12 years prior to this provision.
**(f) this factor is derived from the usage of previously installed additional capacity.

(c) Where water is to be provided for both domestic and non-domestic purposes and an
upsize/reinforcement is provided for a future demand by the same developer
Cost of on site main required for the development (a)
Cost of on site main for non - domestic purposes (b)*
Cost of upsized main to serve future demand (same developer) (c)
Costs included within the scheme cost (d) = (a) - (b)* + (c)
* The value at (b) is to be fully recovered from the developer

(d) Where water is to be provided for both domestic and non-domestic purposes and an
upsize/reinforcement is utilised by a subsequent developer:
Cost of on site main required for the development (a)
Cost of on site main for non - domestic purposes (b)^
Cost of previously provided upsized main to serve future demand(c)*
Proportioned cost of upsized main to serve future demand (d) = (c) x (f1)** x (f2)***
Costs included within the scheme cost (e) = (a) - (b) + (d)

^ (b) is to be fully recovered from the developer.

* applies where an upsize/reinforcement was provided within a period of 12 years prior to this provision.
** (f1) this factor is derived from the usage of previously installed additional capacity.
*** (f2) this factor is the ratio of domestic to non-domestic water provided

7.6 Deposit provisions

A water company is allowed under s42 of the Water Industry Act 1991 to take a deposit from the person
requisitioning the new main. The deposit should not be any greater than the estimated developer

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8 Financial considerations for new service connections

The financial implications for new domestic service connections are set out in s46 of the Water Industry Act
The person requiring the connection, who should be the owner, occupier or an authorised person acting on
their behalf, is responsible for paying the reasonable costs of connecting the premises to the water main.

8.1 Connection charges

UUW publish a list of charges for making standard connections (25mm outside diameter pipe) to a water
main. These charges include installation of the communication pipe and provision and installation of a meter,
other sizes are quoted individually. Where multiple service connections are requested, then UUW may
choose to lay a main rather than a number of adjacent communication pipes. The charge payable in such
circumstances will be based on laying the equivalent number of communication pipes.

8.2 Infrastructure Charges

Water companies are permitted to make an infrastructure charge, when premises are connected to their
sewage and water network for the first time. Where the new premises occupy land that is being redeveloped,
there may, under certain circumstances, be infrastructure credits available in respect of previous premises
on that land. Any infrastructure credit that may be available, and its expiry date, will be advised when we
quote for the new connection.

8.3 Deposit
Water companies are able to take a deposit equal to the estimated reasonable cost of the connection, before
the work commences. Under normal circumstances UUW would only accept a deposit payment up to 3
months before the work is due to commence.

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9 Requirements for service pipes

9.1 Definitions

Service pipe: the length of pipe that connects a water main to the premises being served.
Supply pipe: that part of a service pipe which is laid within the boundary of the premises being served.
Communication pipe: that part of a service pipe which is laid from the water main to the point of delivery.
Service pipe

Property boundary

Communication pipe
Supply pipe (customer)

Water main

Street boundaries

Service pipe, communication pipe and supply pipe

9.2 Conditions for connecting a service pipe to a water main (s47 WIA)

When a connection notice is served on a water company by the owner or occupier of premises, S47 of the
Water Industry Act, permits a water undertaker to require that any of the following conditions are complied
with before a service pipe is connected to a water main. These conditions must be notified to the customer no
later than 14 days after a connection notice has been provided.
A requirement that a reasonable security has been provided in respect of any work that will be
carried out by the undertaker.
A requirement that a meter has been installed either by the undertaker or another party fully in
accordance with the specifications approved by the undertaker.
That any part of the service pipe not laid by the undertaker and the plumbing of the premises
comply fully with the specifications approved by the undertaker.
That a separate service pipe has been provided to each house or building on the premises, or to
those different parts of a building on the premises which are separately occupied. Where a building
is in multiple occupancy other arrangements are not prohibited, provided that the undertaker
remains able to efficiently perform all its functions in relation to the supply of water to those
premises or any part of those premises.
Where the building e.g. a high rise building is not capable of being supplied at a pressure in
accordance with the requirements of the WIA, a requirement that a cistern with a float operated
valve and capable of providing 24 hours water supply is provided within the building.
A requirement that any water fittings used in connection with the supply of water to the premises,
and that all the plumbing in the premises have been installed fully in accordance with the Water
Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.

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9.3 General requirements for Service Pipes

Modern developments are arranged in many different ways and it is difficult to be specific about the location
and provision of service pipes. Mains, service pipes, stop taps and meters for any new development should
be configured for optimum hydraulics, construction, and maintenance. Specifically the arrangement should
not cause unreasonable cost or difficulty to either Water Company or customer to construct or to undertake
any future maintenance

(1) The normal rule is one premise one service pipe one meter

(2) Supply pipes i.e. that part of the service pipe laid within the boundary of the premises served should be
laid such that the communication pipe will be generally perpendicular to the main to which it will be connected,
and such that no part of the supply pipe is laid in any land that is not within the boundary of the premises
being served.

(3) A shared service pipe can serve any number of properties (typically in a multi-occupied building). It will
not normally be in a street or in land protected by an easement, but should be installed such that it remains
accessible for repair. It remains a shared service pipe, not to be confused with a Common Supply Pipe.

(4) For low-rise buildings, in multiple occupancy, the number of separate service pipes to the building should
be minimised. Ideally, 2 or more occupancy units should have a suitably sized shared service pipe, with
separate meters inside the building, preferably accessible from a common area. The developer should be
encouraged to provide a ground floor services cupboard, where individual stop taps and supply pipes may be
taken from a common manifold arrangement. Meters for each dwelling may be located either at the intake
position manifold or within the individual dwelling. A multiport box at the end of a shared service pipe can be
located adjacent to premises to provide individual external control to each occupancy unit, but this should not
be used to house water meters for individual service connections. In such cases the meter should be located
within the premises being served; multiport boxes should not be used in a cascade arrangement.

(5) For high-rise buildings, characterised by the requirement for pumping to upper floors, a shared service
pipe from the tank/pump to each floor is often installed. A single common tank and pump is usually
acceptable where a building has more than one tower, whether or not the buildings are linked at the ground
floor. Meters may be installed in service cupboards where individual stop taps and supply pipes are fitted to a
common manifold arrangement or within each individual dwelling.

(6) For high or low rise multi-occupancy premises, a common billing agreement is available as a non-
preferred option, but may be allowed after consultation with UUW. Irrespective of the agreed billing
arrangement, the water service pipe work within the building must be arranged such that individual metering
to each dwelling or to any shared water provision can be installed without the need to carry out any

9.3.1 Sizing service pipes

The sizing or service pipes to new developments is governed by the requirement that there should be an
adequate supply to meet customer demands, at the point of delivery, at all times while ensuring that water
quality is not compromised through the use of oversized pipes.

As a guide the typical size of pipe for a given number of properties is shown in the table below. The values
given should not be a substitute for conducting an adequate hydraulic assessment taking into account all
pertinent factors.

Number of individual dwellings Typical pipe outside diameter (PE pipes)

1 25mm
2 32mm
3-5 50mm*
5-20 63mm

*UUW non-preferred size but can be installed for customer supply pipe where appropriate.

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9.4 Service connection arrangements
When a new development is being planned service connections should be designed in conjunction with both
new and existing mains such that services are:
laid in a position agreed with UUW,
generally perpendicular to the main,
are not crossing others land,
Are a minimum of 25mm diameter blue PE (or barrier pipe as required), min depth 750mm, max
depth 1350mm,
are spaced (service tapping into the main) in accordance with the table below: -

Main Material Minimum spacing for tappings

PE (PE80/PE100 including PE barrier pipe) 300mm

Iron (cast/spun/ductile) 300mm
PVC-U 500mm or 5 x main diameter (whichever is the

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9.4.1 Service connections in new streets or a street where a main is not installed.
Developers requiring new water supplies are able to choose to requisition a main, or to request service
connections. Where no main currently exists in a street, or where a new development and associated streets
are being created it is likely that a new main will be requisitioned, although that may not always be the case.

New water service New development

connections boundary

New site road

New water main

Existing water main Existing carriageway

Example showing where new service connections would require

installation of a new main

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9.4.2 Service connections to existing mains

Example 1: New development is on the same side as an existing main

Where a new development is on an existing road and new services are being connected to an existing main
which is located on the same side as the new properties, then the service would usually be connected to that

New property and water service

connection Existing properties and service

Existing water main Existing carriageway

Example 1 - showing where a new services would be connected to an

existing main

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Example 2- New development is on the opposite side to an existing main

Where an existing main is located on the opposite side of the road to the new premises, it is often preferable
to install a new main on the side adjacent to the new premises using a single road crossing, rather than use a
separate road crossing for each property.

The following considerations should be made when deciding how to plan this type of connection:

(1) Is the street traffic sensitive,

(2) Is the footpath in front of the new development being renewed,

(3) Is it likely that further connections to properties will be needed?

Existing properties and service

Existing water connections


New water main

New development and water

service connections

Example showing where a new main would be installed to avoid

multiple road crossings

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9.5 Standard service connection details

UUW do not require boundary stop-taps on new household connections where the meter arrangement on the
property is in an in-wall or wall-mounted meter box. (These have an integral quarter-turn control valve, which
can be operated from outside the property). In a difficult situation it is possible to squeeze-off the PE service
pipe. Where meters are located within the premises, a stop tap located in an approved boundary box
positioned in a hard standing area outside the premises at the point where the service pipe enters the

The following pages indicate the arrangements available for standard service connections to new household
premises, and for a temporary supply.

A developer may choose to use any of the following service arrangement options, and is also able to
choose which building elevation to use for any external, in wall or wall mounted equipment.

Where an internal meter option is chosen then the boundary box in which the stop tap is located
should be in a hard standing area adjacent to the premises being served.

Supply pipes should leave the land associated with the connected premises so that the
communication pipe is laid perpendicular to the connected main.

These arrangements together with additional information on how the various options must be
installed, are provided in UUWs New development information pack a current version of which is
available at

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9.5.1 Internal meter installation

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9.5.2 Wall mounted box installation

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9.5.3 In wall box arrangement

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9.5.4 Temporary supply installation

Hose union bib-tap

Lockable Housing
Insulated pipe-work
and fittings securely
bracketed to post or
brick wall

Drain tap

Double check valve

WRAS approved meter assembly
box located at point of
connection. In-line Stop Tap
Ground Level

750mm Min

Insulated ducting

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9.6 Services to multi occupancy premises

Premises that consist of a number of separate occupancy units, which may be domestic, commercial or
industrial, can be metered using a common billing arrangement or individually with meters being provided for
each occupancy unit. Additionally, there may be a need to fit separate meters to record water consumption
for communal facilities such as communal hot water or laundry facilities. Where meters are installed in a
communal area, each meter should be clearly indentified using a tag with permanent lettering, so that
customers may easily identify which meter serves their property. Where meters are located in a secure area,
customers should be provided with access both for meter reading and to enable the water to their premises
to be individually controlled. Meters should not be located in any area such as a plant room or similar that
could present access difficulties or other safety related issues.

It is usually acceptable for domestic and commercial units to be served via a single shared supply within a
multi occupancy premise.

9.6.1 Individual internal metering using a large diameter riser

Drain off

Concentric meter

Stopcock at point
of entry


Communal area

X - Stop tap
M - Water meter

Meters located in each individual unit with large

diameter connections to a rising main

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9.6.2 Individual meters using a manifold meter arrangement

Communal Area

Meter manifold
housed in
communal area



- Stop tap
Control valve
M- Water meter

Site built manifold

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9.6.3 Individual internal meters and services with external multiport

Drain off

Concentric meter
M M adaptor

Stop tap at point

of entry

Internal meter


External multi-port control

- Stop tap

M - Water meter

Optional control valve

Water Main

Communal premises with internal meter arrangement

9.7 Communal billing agreement

A communal billing agreement, or Bulk metering arrangement as it often referred to, uses a meter that
measures the whole consumption of multi-occupancy premises, is available under certain circumstances. It
is a requirement that a legal agreement between UUW and the developer is in place during construction,
which is subsequently transferred on building completion to the premise owner. The owner of the premise
will then be liable to UUW for all water consumed together and other service related charges. To cater for the
bulk metering arrangement being discontinued, consideration should be given to ensuring that service pipe
work is constructed so that billing to individual units is possible.
It is recognised good practice to install a separate service pipe from a manifold arrangement to each
occupancy unit. This provides benefits in controllability of leakage, management of water quality, metering of
individual units if the bulk agreement is cancelled and control of water supplies to empty occupancy units.
Designs using other distribution designs are not precluded, however, any alternative arrangements must be
subject to a risk assessment as part of UUWs obligation under the Water Supply (Water Fittings)
Regulations, to ensure that water quality and leakage control will be maintained under all possible operating

A bulk metering arrangement will not be made available where occupancy units within the premises are
being offered for sale at the time that the first connection is made.

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10 Metering

10.1 Metering standard service connections

UUW policy is to install a remote reading facility, known as Automated Meter Reading (AMR) to all new
15mm or 20mm meters fitted to standard service connections. The various locations and individual
requirements for standard service arrangements are set out in Section 6 (Requirements for service pipes) of
this document.

10.1.1 Meter carrier arrangements

It is the customers responsibility to install a meter carrier fully in accordance with UUWs specification for all
new standard service connections. During the design process, the location and accessibility of the meter
must be clearly defined such that the meter remains accessible for operational and maintenance purposes.

10.1.2 Internally located meters.

Where a meter is to be installed inside the premises the meter carrier should be located immediately after
the controlling stop tap and immediately before the drain valve. The meter may be oriented in any direction,
but should be positioned such that the recording dial can be read directly and with sufficient space to permit
a meter change. Consideration should also be given to how possible changes to the immediate surroundings
of the meter will impact on future maintainability. A stop tap located within an underground meter chamber
should be positioned externally close to where the service pipe enters the building.

10.1.3 Externally located meters for standard connections.

Meters may be located within an in wall box or a wall mounted box, as set out in Section 6 of this
document. When either of these options is chosen, a risk assessment should be carried out with regard to
any external influences that may impact on the meter enclosure. Frost protection is an integral feature of any
externally located meter box, and where there is any possibility of the enclosure being damaged by external
influences then relocation or additional mechanical protection should be considered.

It is essential that the meter box is installed fully in accordance with the manufacturers requirements and
that the installation is fully re-validated at the time the service connection is made. This re validation is
particularly important as there can often be a considerable period of time between installation of the meter
box and its connection to the water supply during which the integrity of the box and insulation may have been
affected. Under no circumstances should any box, wall-mounted or in-wall be connected to the water
network unless it has been installed fully in accordance with the manufacturers requirements.

10.2 Metering non-standard connections.

Service connections greater than 25mm are classed as non-standard connections, these connections may
be used to provide supply to a number of individually metered premises or may be used to supply single
premises and fitted with a bulk meter. The arrangements for metering and their locations are likely to be
design specific and dependant on the construction of the building, the layout of the pipe work and the
availability of sufficient space to facilitate the meter installation.

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11 Fire Fighting

Section 57 of the Water Industry Act 1991 provides that undertakers have a duty to provide water free of
charge for fire fighting, including water used for testing and training purposes.

UUW has no duty to provide infrastructure specific to fire fighting, i.e. hydrants or additional mains capacity,
which would be rechargeable to the requisitioner. Hydrants are ordinarily requisitioned by the Fire Service, but
not mains capacity.

The mains network is designed by UUW to meet the normal [non-fire] requirements of our customers.

11.1 Fire Hydrants

For more information see National Guidance Document on the Provision of Water for Fire Fighting, Third
edition January 2007. This third edition of the National document has been produced jointly by
representatives of the Water Industry, the Fire and Rescue Service with the encouragement of the
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, The Welsh Assembly Government and the Department
for Communities and Local Government.
It demonstrates commitment by all Water Companies and the Fire and Rescue Service to improve working
relationships and secure co-operation in meeting the challenges facing both parties UK.

11.2 Statutory Duty

The ideal flows, which the Fire Service would like from hydrants, are given in the National Guidance
Document on the Provision of Water for Fire Fighting - Water UK, January 2007. The actual flow
available from hydrants will be less than this in many cases.
The Water Industry Act does not provide for Fire Services to requisition hydrants on Trunk Mains, but
UUW has a policy to cover such requests. Typically the Fire Service will identify a particular fire risk
adjacent a trunk main and a valve-controlled hydrant will be agreed where possible.
Water Undertakers are required to allow any person to take water for fire fighting, from any pipe to which a
hydrant is fixed.

Hydrants are fitted to water mains at the request of the Fire Brigades. They are installed, maintained, and
replaced at the Fire and Rescue Services expense.

Legislation does not specify the pressure and flow which must be made available at a hydrant, but the
following extract taken from Appendix 5 of the guidance sets out:

The following flows represent the ideal requirements (see Section 5.1 and Appendix 4 for guidance on how
these flows should be considered) on new developments and during permanent system changes. In some
locations the existing distribution system will not allow the delivery of such flows.

11.3 Requirements for fire fighting water

Housing developments with units of detached or semi detached houses of not more than two floors should
have a water supply capable of delivering a minimum of eight litres per second through any single hydrant.
Multi occupied housing developments with units of more than two floors should have a water supply capable
of delivering a minimum of 20 to 35 litres per second through any single hydrant on the development.

11.3.2 Transportation

Lorry/coach parks multi-storey car parks service stations, all of these amenities should have a water
supply capable of delivering a minimum of 25 litres per second through any single hydrant on the
development or within a vehicular distance of 90 metres from the complex.

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11.3.3 Industry

In order that an adequate supply of water is available for use by the Fire and Rescue Authority in case of fire
it is recommended that the water supply infrastructure to any industrial estate is as follows with the mains
network on site being normally at least 150 mm nominal diameter
Up to one hectare 20 litres per second.
One to two hectares 35 litres per second.
Two to three hectares 50 litres per second.
Over three hectares 75 litres per second.

11.3.4 Shopping, offices, recreation and tourism

Commercial developments of this type should have a water supply capable of delivering a minimum flow of
20 to 75 litres per second to the development site.

11.3.5 Education, health and community facilities

Village halls should have a water supply capable of delivering a minimum flow of 15 litres per second through
any single hydrant on the development or within a vehicular distance of 100 metres from the complex.

11.3.6 Primary schools and single storey health centres

Should have a water supply capable of delivering a minimum flow of 20 litres per second through any single
hydrant on the development or within a vehicular distance of 70 metres from the complex.

11.3.7 Secondary schools, colleges, large health and community facilities

Should have a water supply capable of delivering a minimum flow of 35 litres per second through any single
hydrant on the development or within a vehicular distance of 70 metres from the complex.

11.4 Hydrants on large diameter mains

S58(2)(b) of the Water Industry Act 1991 says that we need not fix fire hydrants on trunk mains. This
proviso to our legal responsibilities is long-standing. However, we have been asked by the Fire Services to
allow, in certain circumstances, hydrants to be fixed to large diameter mains.
There are advantages to both parties in allowing this, providing certain criteria are met. The Fire
Service may enjoy a better supply to fight certain fires e.g. in industrial estates, and we may suffer less
discolouration problems if a large volume of firefighting water is drawn from a trunk main rather than from the
local distribution network.
The following criteria should form part of any decision relating to the installation of a fire hydrant on a trunk

1. Any request to install a fire hydrant on a large diameter main will be treated on its own merits.
2. Fire hydrants will not be allowed on strategic supply mains which are, or can be, used to transfer bulk
water supplies between areas.
3. Fire hydrants will not be allowed on large diameter mains where it is anticipated that loss of supply and/or
pressure or discolouration will occur if used. As a guide, assuming a flow rate of 1250 litres per minute, the
operation of the hydrant should not cause the flow in the main to exceed 1metre per second, or drop the
pressure by greater than 10m.
4. Fire hydrants may be allowed on large diameter mains, which are a deemed to be a normal
distribution main within a district meter area. UUW local operations staff will determine whether or not a
main can be used for fire fighting purposes, in liaison with the Asset Performance Manager, as required.
Operations staff will consider the practicality of installing a hydrant on such a main i.e. whether or not
the installation can take place under pressure or without a shut off affecting large numbers of properties.
5. The hydrant will be installed with a controlling gate valve on the hydrant tee in every case.
6. Where a request is granted then the installation will be re-charged at actual cost.
7. UUW reserves the right to remove a fire hydrant from a trunk main after installation if problems are
subsequently caused on the network.

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11.5 Requests for water for fire fighting
Any requirement for a fire hydrant is a Fire and Rescue Service decision; all new developments should be
notified to the relevant Fire and Rescue Service during the design stage, such that any fire hydrants can be in
place prior to new mains being connected and premises being occupied. The Fire and Rescue Service should
respond to any enquiry from a water company or other water infrastructure designer within 42 calendar days of
the enquiry being made.
Where new mains are being installed as part of a requisition, the general process for applications will be as
The finalised water mains design should be forwarded to the FRS office within the area that the new
development is sited.
The Fire and Rescue Service has 42 calendar days in which to respond and to provide details of any
hydrants that may be required.
Fire and Rescue Service will raise an order to UUW for each fire hydrant to be requested.
Where new mains on a new development site are being self laid, the Fire and Rescue Service will deal
directly with the self lay organisation (SLO). The process is the same as that which applies to a requisitioned
The SLO will provide a copy of the approved design to the Fire and Rescue Service.
The Fire and Rescue Service will then have 42 days to respond directly to the SLO, who will then
amend the approved design accordingly, and provide a copy to UUW
All financial transactions relating to the provision and installation of the hydrant will be between the
SLO and the Fire and Rescue Service.

11.6 Fire sprinkler systems

UUW policy is based on information taken from BSI BS9251 Rev2, for which the Fire Sprinkler
Association (FSA) have issued a guidance document:
FSA Guidance on BS9251:2005 - REVISION 2 - dated 21st June 2006
UUW have published a fact sheet Sprinkler Systems for Residential and Domestic Occupancies Nov 2002 to
summarise UUW policy.
UUW p r e f e r developers to supply their domestic sprinklers from a storage tank and pump. This is a
higher capital cost, but has the advantages:
There will always be water available for fighting a fire.
The same standard service pipe can supply the property.
No difficulties with metering.
Less risk of contamination from dead-legs.
There is no service impact on the local network
If a developer insists on installing a mains-fed sprinkler, the connection and service pipe will need to be
adequately sized for the flow. It will be the developers responsibility to requisition a suitably sized service pipe,
using information on local pressure. A 32 mm service is unlikely to be adequate, so a 63mm will often be
necessary. Pipe work layouts, including check valves etc, are given in the UUW leaflet.

11.6.1 C o m m e r c i a l Sprinklers

Although water for fire fighting is provided free of charge, in many circumstances the capital cost of the
installation will be less if the fire and domestic supplies are provided from the same mains connection. It
should be so arranged that the normal supply can be isolated from outside the premises, whilst leaving the fire
fighting supply intact.
Depending on the size of supply pipe, and the number of sprinklers, it may be acceptable to supply the
sprinklers (or hose reels) directly i.e. without a tank. The developer should satisfy himself of the adequacy of
the pipe work, and consider not least the hydraulic restriction of the incoming water meter.

11.6.2 F i r e Mains
In the event that the developer requires underground hydrants within the site, these will normally require
a dedicated fire main (an additional service pipe exclusively for firefighting) from a separate mains
connection, with backflow protection. This is also the case for commercial sites where multiple customers are
fed through a bulk-metered private network.
The flows required from hydrants will usually be very restricted by any meter, and the meter would be liable to
dam age, possibl y causing further block age. Fire Valves on meter by-passes ar e n ot acceptable.

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11.6.3 High Rise Residential

For high rise buildings UUW has no specific requirement for a separate fire main riser. Water meters will
normally tolerate flows through sprinklers in individual flats, and this arrangement is acceptable.
Designers should satisfy themselves that there is sufficient water available at the Point of Delivery (usually the
highway boundary) and that the pipe work is hydraulically adequate for the required flow.

Where residential premises are fitted with sprinklers supplied from a [usually] dedicated tank, it is acceptable
for that tank to be replenished from the domestic supply. There are particular Fittings Regulations applicable
where fire fighting water is drawn from the domestic supply.
Pipe work sized for an exceptional fire flow is likely to be oversized for normal use, leading to stagnation.
Designers should bear in mind that UUW does not normally know if premises are fitted with fire protection
systems, and, except where there is dedicated storage, any interruption to the supply could leave the premises
unprotected. This could be due to UUW planned or unplanned work, or if the supply to the premises is shut-off
longer term for any reason e.g. when vacant. In the case of flats, whether high or low rise, regulations require
an external stop tap is available so that the individual unit can be isolated from a common access area in an
emergency, typically for frost damage when occupancy units are empty.

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12 Self lay of mains and services.

S51A of the Water Industry Act 1991 permits an undertaker to make an agreement with a person wishing to
lay a water main or to connect service pipes and to subsequently adopt the main and service pipes. The
requirements in terms of design and specification for self laid mains and service connections in UUW's
licensed area are the same as those set out for requisitioned mains and services, and this document applies
equally to both requisitioned and self laid mains and services.

The processes that apply to self lay are set out in the Self Lay Code of Practice and in UUW's addendum to
that code.

When a quotation is provided, UUW will also give an indication of the self lay asset value payable, based
upon the requisition design. This value is subject to confirmation when a self lay agreement is completed.

In self lay the asset payment, is what the water company must pay to the person constructing the water
main, public sewer or other related infrastructure. In calculating the charges for requisitions or a payment for
a self lay scheme, the water company will calculate these as if it had borrowed the money (a hypothetical
loan) to enable it to carry out the work. This means that the charge or payment includes both the capital
costs of the work, and interest.

For self lay, the water company may sometimes be required to provide certain infrastructure as part of the
new water supply, which the person constructing the water main, public sewer or infrastructure cannot
provide. Where the water company incurs a cost as a result of carrying out this work, it can ask for an
amount to be deposited with it as security before starting the work. The company cannot ask for an amount
greater than the estimated total cost of the works.

It is also possible for services to be self laid and connected to a requisitioned main. In such a case the
developer will pay the self lay company directly for the service connection work, other connection related
charges, such as infrastructure charges will be paid to the water company either directly, or indirectly through
the self lay company.

Further information regarding self lay is available on United Utilities website.

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13 Abandonment and diversion of existing mains.

S185 of the Water Industry Act 1991 provides for a water company to alter or remove any pipe or other
apparatus if requested to do so, by any person who has an interest in land that is being improved, on the
basis that the land cannot be improved without the required alteration or removal. This requirement does not
apply to any pipe or equipment that is located in a street.

The following provision and examples can be used to ascertain how the various combinations of new
requisitioned mains, diverted mains and abandoned mains would be treated.

UUW will require advance payment of the estimated reasonable cost of diverting or abandoning any existing
mains or other associated equipment. This applies to both self lay and requisition schemes

Important note:

If a new development is to take place on land where existing equipment is to be altered, it is important that
this information is passed to UUW as early as possible. This will assist in avoiding the possibility of
equipment being altered during a site clearance exercise and then being replaced in the same location when
the site is subsequently redeveloped.

UUW will be pleased to assist in forward planning when a site is being redeveloped. This is particularly
relevant in city centre re-developments where the capacity of existing mains may be reduced due to
encrustation or by activities such as slip lining.

The following pages provide examples of how abandonment and diversions associated with redeveloped
sites will be dealt with.

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13.1 A development with both a new main and an abandoned main

New street and 63mm main (A)

30m new main

Existing street and main

Street and 63mm main to be abandoned (B)

25m main

25m new main

New street and 63mm main (C)

Boundary of land being redeveloped

Example 1 - Development with both a new main and an abandoned main

Requisitionable: In this situation ALL of the new mains i.e. 55m (A+C) can be requisitioned.

Abandoned Main: The developer would pay the reasonable cost of abandoning the existing 25m of 63mm
main (B).

Allowable Income: The income from ALL 7 new premises is allowable against the cost of providing the
requisitioned main.

Infrastructure charges: Provided that the new main is requisitioned no later than 5 years after any charges
for domestic water in respect of the disconnected premises have been made, then 2 infrastructure credits
would be allowable.

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13.2 Example of a redeveloped site with a diverted/abandoned main

In this example, an existing 110mm main feeding an adjacent street is currently in place across the land
being redeveloped. Two new streets are being created and new mains are to be installed in those streets to
serve a total of 7 new premises. The diverted main is to be laid in one of the new streets and re-used to
supply some of the new premises on the redeveloped site.

Existing street
Existing street
and main
and main

New street and 63mm main

30m new main (A)

45m of 110mm main (B) to be diverted/abandoned

25m of main (C)

upsized from 63mm to

New street and 110mm diverted main

20m extension of new main (D) to

reach existing network

Boundary of land being redeveloped

Diversion: The reasonable cost of diverting a main is usually borne by the developer. In this case, there is
an overlap between the requisitioned main and the diverted main.
Requisitioned main: The two sections of requisitioned main, A and B, would normally be sized at 63mm.
However, as section C (25m) is shared with the diverted main it is required to be upsized to 110mm.
Allowable Income: The income from all 7 new premises can be set against the cost of providing the
requisitioned mains.
Requisitioned main 55m of 63mm main (A+C)
Main requiring diversion/abandonment 45m of 110mm main (B)
Upsized requisitioned main 25m of 63mm upsized to 110mm (C)
Extension of main to reach existing network 20m of 110mm main (D)
Requisition calculation is based on 55m (A+C) of 63mm main, allowable income is based on 7 new
premises to be connected.
Diversion cost is based on abandoning 45m (B) of 110mm main, plus the cost of 25m (C) of upsize from
63mm to 110mm, plus the cost of 20m (D) of 110mm main.

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14 Example layouts for new mains and services

This section provides examples that demonstrate how this guidance would be applied to a design for a new

The general principles are,

New mains should be laid in a street,

New mains should be on the side of the street with the greatest number of service connections,

Routes for new mains should be planned in conjunction with other utilities and laid in accordance
with NJUG guidance,

Service connections should be arranged so that they run perpendicular to the main that they are
connected to,

The total length of pipe installed (both mains and services) is minimised, this is particularly relevant
in areas such as shared drives and courtyards.

All equipment such as valves and stop taps should be installed so that access is generally available
without any requirement for special arrangements such as traffic management notices etc.

These examples are provided to assist in planning new developments; it should not be assumed that any
final design will always be fully in accordance with these examples.

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14.1 Example of new mains in a shared driveway

In the above example the new mains and communication pipes will be installed within the shared driveway. There is no requirement for an easement as the
new main is installed in a street.

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14.2 Example of new mains with reduced working area and a shared driveway

In the above example the new mains and communication pipes will be installed within the shared driveway to serve plots 7 and 8. There is no requirement for
an easement as the new main is installed in a street. The new 90mm main is to be installed with a reduced work width of approximately 2.5m between plots 9
and 10; this is acceptable as there are no service connections or joints in the main.

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14.3 Example of new mains installed in a footway adjacent to public open space

In the above example the new mains and communication pipes will be installed within the footway adjacent to the public open space. It does not matter whether
the footway is adopted or a shared footway as the new main is installed in a street and there is no requirement for an easement.

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14.4 Example of new mains to be installed in shared private driveway within a gated development

In the above example the new mains and communication pipes will be installed within the private driveway of a gated development. There is no requirement for
an easement as the new main is installed in a street. A controlling valve is sited outside the gated area so the main/services can be isolated without delay if

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14.5 Example of new mains on a commercial development requiring an easement

New water main will require

easement for full length of main.

In the above example the new main would require an easement to protect UUWs asset from any future
changes to the site layout. The communication pipes would be installed up to the edge of the defined
easement area to the point of delivery.

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A potable pipe upstream of the O.M.S. meter, separately shown and individually named on the Regional
Connectivity Diagram.
(For the purpose of DWI reporting these are called Large Diameter Trunk Mains LDTMs)
(OMS meters are the operational bulk-supply points, treatment works, aqueducts off-takes, transfers)

Trunk Mains
A Water Main from a source of supply to a filter (WTW) or reservoir, or from one filter or reservoir to another,
or for conveying water in bulk, whether wholly within UUWs area or not
[compressed from WIA s.219(1) ]
This definition includes what we call Aqueducts or what OFWAT refers to as Large Diameter Trunk Mains.
For UU purposes: a Trunk Main is a potable pipe between the last OMS meter or DMZ boundary typically a
WTW or aqueduct off-take and a District Meter.
The Water Industry Act does not entitle the Fire Brigades to requisition fire-hydrants on trunk mains, but it
is UU policy that valve-controlled fire-hydrants may be installed in certain risk areas at the request of the
Fire Service, and following consultation with the Network Services team. Service connections will not normally
be provided from a trunk main.

Distribution Main
Any potable main within a District Meter Area.
These will normally have both fire hydrants and service connections.

Non-potable mains
Any main of any size, which conveys raw or partially treated water, either between sources, or from source
to treatment.

Strategic Main
This definition is required only for the purposes of DG3 (interruptions) reporting. A strategic main may be any
of the above.
Strictly, a strategic main conveys water in bulk to a centre of population which has no other supply which can
fully meet normal demand.
For simplicity and consistency, UU considers strategic mains to be those shown on the DMZ connectivity

Service Pipes
The Service Pipe is that part of the water supply system which conveys water from the distribution main to the
customers property, and is normally at mains pressure.
It consists of 2 elements:
Communication Pipe
Supply pipe
The Communication Pipe extends from the water main to the property boundary (the boundary of the
premises with the part of the street where the main is laid), and includes the ferrule connection,
The Supply Pipe is from the boundary (i.e. the point of delivery) to the mandatory internal stop tap, and
normally from there to the sink tap and to the valve at the inlet to the cold water storage cistern. Only so much
of the internal plumbing as is at mains pressure is part of the service pipe. (Note that the Water Quality
Regulations apply at the first drinking water tap). Other internal plumbing, if not part of the supply pipe will
normally comprise distributing pipes and parts of water or space heating systems.

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Service pipe

Property boundary

Communication pipe
Supply pipe (customer)

Water main

Street boundaries

Service pipe, communication pipe and supply pipe

A Common Supply Pipe (CSP) serves more than one property, generally terraced houses, through a small
diameter pipe, usually of lead. A CSP characteristically runs through the back-yards, or under floors, with
uncontrolled branches to each house.
Properties served by CSPs often suffer poor pressure/flow. Repair & maintenance of the CSP is the joint
responsibility of the householders*. The individual property is responsible for the branch pipe.
(*Current UU policy is to repair a CSP once in 12 months, and to provide up to 50m of new distribution main
to facilitate CSP replacement).

Shared Service Pipe

A single pipe supplying a building in multiple occupancy is not a Common Supply Pipe in the traditional sense
and does not qualify for free repair or replacement schemes.

Meter Boxes
Underground meter box -commonly knows as boundary boxes, but not necessarily located at the boundary.

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In Wall meter box built into the wall of the building.
Wall mounted meter box attached to the wall externally.
Note: The position of the meter does not represent the change of ownership in the service pipe. That point is
normally at the street boundary.

Potable Water
The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 refer to Wholesomeness, which is described as
(1) Water supplied
(a) for such domestic purposes as consist in or include, cooking, drinking, food preparation or
washing, or
(b) to premises in which food is produced.
(2) The requirements of this are met if the water does not contain (a) any micro-organism or parasite, or
(b) any substance ( other than a parameter listed in Schedule 1- named microbiological and
chemical parameters )
at a concentration which would constitute a potential danger to human health.
The point at which the requirements are to be met is:
(a) in the case of water supplied from a tanker, the point at which the water emerges from the
tanker, or
(b) in any other case, the consumers first tap.

Generally, a carriageway or other way includes any footway or verge, over which there is a public right of way
(i.e. thoroughfare). The term highway is of no practical significance for the provision of water supplies.

The whole or part of any highway, road, lane, footway, alley or passage, square or courtyard, whether or not a
thoroughfare. Where a street passes over a bridge or through a tunnel, these are included as part of the
* Water mains may be laid in any street,
* It is not necessary for the street to be (1) publicly maintainable, (2) constructed to any particular standard e.g.
including footways, or (3) a right of way.
* A Street is a length of land, as distinct from an area of land. Thus in a retail park for example, the mains
would normally be placed in the road part, and we would not consider the parking areas as part of the Street.
* The transition from communication pipe to supply pipe at the edge of the street is derived from the
definitions in the Act.

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Unplasticised pvc, developed in the mid 50s but not extensively used until late 60s, it is no longer used by
UU following failures of pipelines installed in 1970s and 80s. Generally, until approx 1992, it was imperial
sized, grey coloured, and called uPVC. Then UU changed to blue PVCu which is a much tougher material, and
metric sized.

PVC alloy or modified PVC. Previously called mPVC. Much improved fracture
toughness over PVCu. Early problems with joints now overcome by new Forsheda seals. PVCa is
manufactured only by Hepworth, (marketed as Hep30 ) and Wavin ( Aquaforce )

Molecularly Oriented PVC. Previously called moPVC. Thin walled & very tough. Made small and then
stretched to a larger dia. Only from Wavin (Apollo) & Uponor (Mondial). Only in 12.5 bar, and only as
straight pipes.

Next Generation Stabiliser. From 25 Dec 2003 Lead-based stabilisers are prohibited
for all types of PVC for potable use. Non-Pb pipes are marked NGS.

PE80 Medium density polyethylene (MDPE) which has a minimum 50 year strength of 8Mpa
(80kgf/cm . Enables operation at 12.5 bar @ SDR11 or 8bar @ SDR17

High Performance Polyethylene (HPPE) which has a minimum 50 year strength of 10Mpa (100kgf/cm ).
Enables operation at 16 bar @ SDR11 or 10 bar @ SDR 17
Standard Dimension Ratio. ( PE pipes only ) Nominal OD / minimum wall thickness
Preferred SDRs 11, 17, 26 ( SDR 17.6 is a gas spec ) Add NH comments here


Low density ( BS 1972) and high density ( BS3284) Polyethylenes. A.k.a black poly or trade name Alkathene.
Popular 1950 1970 but no longer used.

Cast Iron
1860-1930 vertically cast Grey Iron
1930-1950 centrifugally sand-spun Grey Iron
1930-1971 centrifugally metal-spun Grey Iron
1963>centrifugally metal-spun Ductile Iron

Ductile Iron

Spun iron. Pipe made in a horizontally spinning mould. Applies to both Cast & Ductile Iron.

Galvanised Iron (strictly galvanised steel used for service pipes, mainly in Cumbria)

Asbestos Cement (manufacture ceased 1986)

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Glass Reinforced Plastic

Up to and including [diameter] e.g. all pipes up to and including 300mm

nominal bore

internal diameter

external or outside diameter

An alpha-numeric designation of size for components of a pipework system.
Comprises the letters DN followed by a dimensionless whole number indirectly
related to the size , in mm, of the bore or o.d. The DN series is DN 10, 15, 20, 25, 32,
40, 50, 60, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, .4000

Lead. Mostly service pipes 3/8, , 3.4 internal diameter. Not used since early 1970s


17 Other guidance documents

UUW Documents referenced in this guidance document:

UUW Distribution Manual Definitions (20268)
UUW Distribution Manual Statutory Requirements (20278)
UUW Distribution Manual Design Principles General (20288)
UUW Distribution Manual Design Principles Mains (20298)
UUW Distribution Manual Design Principles Service Pipes (20308)
UUW Distribution Manual Design Principles Pressure (20318)
UUW Distribution Manual Design Principles Provision for Fire Fighting (20328)
UUW Distribution Manual Testing & Commissioning (20338)
UUW Distribution Manual Pipe Materials (20348)
UUW Distribution Manual Service Connections to Mains (20268)
UUW Procedure for entering onto private land (Ref: 50385)
UUW Pipeline Materials Selection Policy (Ref: 20971)
UUW Mains Hygiene Practices (Ref: WD/D/001/44)
UUW Network Standard Assemblies (Version G/WM)
UUW Water Metering & Connections New Development Information Pack
UUW Standard Conditions for Works Adjacent to Pipelines (Ref: 90048)
UUW Addendum to: Code of Practice for Self-Laying of Water Mains and Services England & Wales (2
Edition May 2009)
UUW factsheet: Sprinkler systems for residential and domestic occupancies (Ref: DFF 05/05)
UUW Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry (UU CESWI 6 Issue 2, March 2008)
UUW Network Modelling of Water Mains (Ref: 60114, Issue 1)

Other referenced documents:

Water Industry Act 1991

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Water Act 2003
Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999
Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000
Competition & Services (Utilities) Act 1992
Competition Act 1998 (applicable from 1 March 2000)
New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991
Traffic Management Act 2004
Code of Practice for Self-Laying of Water Mains and Services England & Wales (2 Edition May 2009)
Volume 1 - NJUG Guidelines on the Positioning and Colour Coding of Underground Utilities Apparatus
Volume 2 - NJUG Guidelines on the Positioning of Underground Utilities Apparatus for New Development
Volume 4 - NJUG Guidelines for the Planning, Installation and Maintenance of Utility Apparatus in Proximity
to Trees
Volume 5 - NJUG Guidelines on Environmental Good Practice
National Guidance Document on the Provision of Water for Fire Fighting (3 Edition January 2007)
Fire Sprinkler Association Guidance on BS9251:2005 Revision 2 (June 2006)

UUW Metering and Connections Policies:

Common Metering Arrangements (Bulk Metering) New Multi Occupancy Premises
Policy (Ref: C.05.02.12)
Compulsory Metering of Non-Household Premises Policy (Ref: C.05.02.13)
Free Meter Option Policy (Ref: C.05.02.01)
High Level Water Metering Policy (Ref: C.05.02.02)
Meter Location Policy (Ref: C.05.02.06)
Meter Maintenance Policy (Ref: C.05.02.03)
Resizing of water meters (Ref: C.05.02.10)
Meter Reading Policy (Ref: C.05.02.05)
Meter Relocation Policy - Household Meters (Ref: C.05.02.08)
Meter Sizing Policy (Ref: C.05.02.07)
Testing of Household and Non-Household Water Meters (Ref: C.05.02.11)
New Household Water Connections (Ref: C.05.02.14)
New Non-Household Water Connections (Ref: C.05.02.15)
Notional downsizing of water meters (Ref: C.05.02.09)
Metering of Split / Merged Premises Policy (Ref: C.05.02.16)

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