Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master Data For SAP EWM
Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master Data For SAP EWM
Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master Data For SAP EWM
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Typographic Conventions
Type Style Description
Example text Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen
titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, graphic titles, and table titles.
EXAMPLE TEXT Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program
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language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and
Example text Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths,
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Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system
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<Example text> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and
characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER.
Table of Contents
Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master Data for SAP EWM ................................... 5
Configuring the Application Logs ........................................................................................... 7
Configuration of Warehouse Structure for SAP EWM ........................................................... 8
Checking the Warehouse Number ................................................................................... 11
Checking Storage Types .................................................................................................. 13
Checking Storage Sections .............................................................................................. 28
Checking Activity Areas and Activities ............................................................................. 29
Creating Storage Bins ...................................................................................................... 31
Checking Staging Areas ................................................................................................... 41
Configuring Doors ............................................................................................................ 42
Configuring Work Centers ................................................................................................ 45
Checking the Graphical Warehouse Layout ..................................................................... 47
Configuration of Master Data for SAP EWM........................................................................ 50
Creating Vendors, Customers, and Carriers .................................................................... 51
Creating Products ............................................................................................................. 54
Creating Fixed Bin Assignments for Products .................................................................. 62
Checking Means of Transport .......................................................................................... 63
Checking Handling Unit Types ......................................................................................... 65
Creating Packaging Materials .......................................................................................... 67
Creating Palletization and Packaging Data ...................................................................... 71
Creating Routes ............................................................................................................... 85
Checking Queues ............................................................................................................. 94
Creating Resources .......................................................................................................... 97
Creating Printers ............................................................................................................ 100
Creating Spool Data ....................................................................................................... 103
This document provides an overview of warehouse structure data and master data used in
the standard warehouse W001 or your own warehouse using SAP Extended Warehouse
Management (EWM).
The warehouse structure and master data are used in the business scenario Warehouse
Management with Preconfigured Processes [External].
You have integrated SAP ERP 6.0 including SAP enhancement package 3 or higher with SAP
EWM 9.0. For more information, see Integration of SAP ERP with SAP EWM [External].
2. Change the reference distribution channel for customer and material master to 02 in
Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Master Data Define Common
Distribution Channels .
Option 1: Automatic Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master
Data for Warehouse W001
1. Automatic configuration of master data in SAP ERP (see SAP Note 1633933)
2. Automatic configuration of warehouse structure and master data in SAP EWM using
report /SCWM/RPRC_MD or transaction /SCWM/PRC_MD.
To set up the warehouse structure and master data for warehouse W001, implement
all configuration steps except the steps marked with Optional. These steps help you
to understand the configuration of the processes but do not require a manual activity.
To set up the warehouse structure and master data for your own warehouse,
implement all configuration steps. In the steps marked with Optional, check if you
need to adapt the existing entries to your own warehouse and carry out changes as
You have configured the warehouse structure and master data in warehouse W001. This is a
prerequisite for the configuration of the preconfigured business processes running in
warehouse W001.
If you want to run one of the preconfigured business processes in warehouse W001, activate
the application log, for example, for replenishment, wave release, warehouse task creation,
and warehouse order creation. This enables you to get more detailed log information in case
you encounter any problems. You can also activate the log user-dependent. For more
information about the application log objects see the Application Operations Guide for SAP
EWM 9.0 on SAP Service Marketplace at
1. Create the following entries for warehouse W001 on the SAP Easy Access screen for
Extended Warehouse Management under Settings Activate Application Log :
2. Activate the warehouse order log in warehouse W001 by creating the following entry
on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management under
Settings Warehouse Order Set Up Control Parameters for Warehouse Order
Creation :
W001 X
You use this process to configure the structure of warehouse W001 or your own warehouse.
The following figure shows the warehouse structure and the product flow in W001.
As an example the storage type T930 (Doors Inbound) is used and modeled in the system
as storage type for doors used in the business process Inbound Process with Repacking for
Putaway [External]. Two bins are assigned to the storage type T930. Another example is that
the stocks in storage type T051 are created upon returns or replenishment from storage types
T010, T020, and T050.
You have configured the warehouse structure for warehouse W001. You can now begin with
the master data configuration.
If you have configured the graphical warehouse layout in step 9, you can display the
warehouse structure on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management
under Monitoring Graphical Warehouse Layout Display Graphical Warehouse Layout .
You can use this procedure to check the warehouse number W001.
On the warehouse number level you specify, for example, the number ranges for the relevant
EWM objects such as warehouse documents. Additionally, settings such as a unit of measure
for weight and volume are assigned. The warehouse number needs to be assigned to a
supply chain unit (SCU) in your system.
For more information about the assignment of the warehouse number to the SCU, see
Warehouse Integration into the ERP Enterprise Structure [External] in Integration of SAP ERP
with SAP EWM [External].
1. Check the warehouse number definition in Customizing for Extended Warehouse
Management under Master Data Define Warehouse Numbers .
Set up a weight and a volume unit that can be used to define the capacity of a bin
because the units are used for bin capacity check. In warehouse W001 the weight unit
is set to kilogram and the volume unit to cubic decimeter.
4. Check the number ranges for the warehouse number in Customizing for Extended
Warehouse Management under Master Data Define Number Ranges .
5. Check the mapping of the EWM warehouse number to the ERP warehouse number
in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under Interfaces ERP
Integration General Settings Map Warehouse Numbers from ERP System to EWM
6. Check the mapping of the EWM warehouse number to the ERP plant and storage
locations in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under Interfaces
ERP Integration Goods Movements Map Storage Locations from ERP System to
7. Check the attributes of the units of measure in Customizing for Extended Warehouse
Management under Master Data Product Define Unit of Measurement Attribute
W001 EA 1 -
W001 CAR 2 X
W001 PAL 4 -
You have checked the configuration of the warehouse number W001.
If you want to run one of the preconfigured business processes in warehouse W001, activate
the application log, for example, for replenishment, wave release, warehouse task creation,
and warehouse order creation. This enables you to get more detailed log information in case
you encounter any problems. You can also activate the log user-dependent. For more
information about the application log objects see the Application Operations Guide for SAP
enhancement package 2 of SAP EWM 7.0 on SAP Service Marketplace at
1. Create the following entries for warehouse W001 on the SAP Easy Access screen for
Extended Warehouse Management under Settings Activate Application Log :
2. Activate the warehouse order log in warehouse W001 by creating the following entry
on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management under
Settings Warehouse Order Set Up Control Parameters for Warehouse Order
Creation :
W001 X
You can use this procedure to check the storage types of warehouse number W001.
A storage type is a storage space, storage facility, or storage zone, which you define for a
warehouse number in SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM). The storage type is a
physical or logical subdivision of a warehouse complex, which is characterized by its
warehouse technologies, space required, organizational form, or function. A storage type
consists of one or more storage bins.
You can define the following commonly-used physical storage types in EWM:
On storage type level you define the storage type role, for example, staging area group, work
center, doors, or standard storage type.
Characteristics per storage type are listed here to give you an overview about the main
characteristics from a business process and layout perspective (for example, physical
structure, number of bins, bin height, width and depth, how many pallets fit into a bin). Some
of those characteristics are defined on storage type level, some by settings of dependent
objects, and some by the use within the processes.
The following tables give an overview of the characteristics of the storage types in warehouse
number W001.
Characteristic Value
Number of bins: 64
Storage bin type R27M: length 2.7 m, width 1.1 m height 1.5 m,
max. 450 kg, max. 3744 dm .
Bin characteristics
(Max. volume 3744 dm calculated as 24 dm length (3
europallets) x 12 dm width (1 europallet) x 13 dm usable
o Stor.Ctrl/Put.Compl.: Selected
HU required
HU type check
No GI: Selected
Automatic Replenishment
Cycle Counting
Characteristic Value
No GI: Selected
Automatic Replenishment
RF devices used in
processes Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging,
and Loading
Cycle Counting
Characteristic Value
Number of bins: 48
HU not allowed
No GI: Selected
Automatic Replenishment
RF devices used Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
in processes Loading
Cycle Counting
Characteristic Value
Number of bins:
Small and medium parts are stored in cartons, large parts on pallets.
R08S for small parts: length 0.8 m (1 pallet width), width 0.5 m,
height 0.8 m, max. 20 kg, max. 200 dm (8 x 5 x 5)
R12M for medium parts: length 1.2 m (1 pallet length), width 0.8
m, height 0.8 m, max. 100 kg, max. 480 dm (12 x 8 x 5)
R08L for large parts: length 0.8 m (1 pallet width), width 1.1 m,
height 2 m, max. 200 kg, max. 1728 dm (8 x 12 x 18)
HU not allowed
Mixed storage on batch level for single HU/bin has the following
No GI: Selected
Used in business
Customer Returns with Quality Inspection [External]
Automatic Replenishment
RF devices used
Periodic Physical Inventory
in processes
Cycle Counting
Cycle Counting
Characteristic Value
HU required
Used in business
Customer Returns with Quality Inspection [External]
RF devices used in
Paper used in
Customer Returns with Quality Inspection
Characteristic Value
Number of bins:
HU required
Used in business
Inbound Process with Repacking for Putaway [External]
RF devices used in
Inbound Process with Repacking for Putaway
Characteristic Value
HU required
Storage type
characteristics Capacity Check: 4 (No Check Against Key Figure,
Weight, and Volume)
Uses in business Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
processes Loading [External]
RF devices used in Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
processes Loading
Characteristic Value
Work center
Storage type role The scrapping zone has storage type role work center but is not defined
as work center in warehouse W001 as no work center activity is required
for the business process Unplanned Scrapping Due to Damaged Stock.
For other scrapping processes, it would be possible to define a work
center if additional activities are required to scrap the stock.
RF devices used
in processes
Characteristic Value
RF devices used in
Characteristic Value
HU required
Storage type
characteristics Capacity Check: 4 (No Check Against Key Figure,
Weight, and Volume)
RF devices used in
Inbound Process with Repacking for Putaway
Characteristic Value
Used in business Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
processes Loading [External]
RF devices used in Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
processes Loading
Characteristic Value
Used in business
Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping HUs [External]
RF devices used in
Characteristic Value
Capacity Check: 4 (No Check Against Key Figure,
Weight, and Volume)
Used in business
Inbound Process with Repacking for Putaway [External]
RF devices used in
Inbound Process with Repacking for Putaway
Characteristic Value
HU required
Storage type
characteristics Capacity Check: 4 (No Check Against Key Figure,
Weight, and Volume)
Used in business Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
processes Loading [External]
RF devices used in Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
processes Loading
Characteristic Value
Used in business
Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping HUs [External]
Characteristic Value
RF devices used in
Cycle Counting
The storage type settings play a central role in the EWM configuration. For more
information, see the field helps in Customizing.
If you want to use the graphical warehouse layout for displaying the warehouse
structure, you need to set the storage type level according to the physical level in
which the storage type is used.
1. Check that the storage types mentioned above exist in Customizing for Extended
Warehouse Management under Master Data Define Storage Type .
2. Check the settings below for the deletion of the fixed bin assignment for storage types
T050 and T051 in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under
Goods Receipt Process Strategies Delete Fixed Bin Assignment :
Warehouse Storage ModeFBin (Delete Mode for Fixed Storage Bin Assignment)
Number Type
W001 T050 Delete if bin is empty and Storage Bin Improvable are selected.
You have checked the configuration of the storage types in warehouse number W001.
You can use this procedure to check the storage sections of warehouse number W001.
For more information about the storage sections defined for each storage type, see
Checking Storage Types [Page 13]. A storage type for doors does not contain any
storage section. A storage type for staging areas must contain a section for the door
determination. For standard storage types we recommend defining at least one
section as additional sections might be required for business processes other than
the preconfigured ones.
Storage types are already defined in your system.
1. In Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management, choose Master Data
Define Storage Section .
2. Check the following storage section definitions for warehouse number W001:
o Storage types T930, T940, and T941 do not have any storage sections
o Storage type T051 consists of three storage sections: S001 for small parts,
S002 for midsize parts and S003 for large parts.
o Storage type T830 for packing consists of two storage sections: SI01
(Inbound Section) and S001 (Main Section).
o All other storage types consist of a single storage section S001 (Total
You have checked the configuration of the storage sections in warehouse number W001.
You can use this procedure to check the activity areas and activities of warehouse number
An activity area is a logical section of the warehouse that groups storage bins based on
defined warehouse activities.
Physical inventory
For each activity performed in an activity area, you can define a different bin sort sequence.
Activity areas can be generated from the storage types in Customizing for Extended
Warehouse Management under Master Data Activity Areas Generate Activity Area from
Storage Type . In this case the system automatically creates the activity area, assigns it to
the storage type, and defines a default sort sequence for each activity.
Storage types are already defined in your system.
1. Check the following activities defined in warehouse number W001 in Customizing for
Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Activity Areas Activities
Define Activity :
2. Check the following activity areas defined in warehouse number W001 in Customizing
for Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Activity Areas Define
Activity Area :
An activity area is defined for the standard storage types T010, T020,
and T050. Additionally, the activity areas A001 and A002 are defined for
storage type T051 to separate the areas for picking of large parts and
picking of small and medium sized parts. For the clarification zone CL-
ZONE (storage type T970) an activity area is defined which is used for
putaway purposes. For physical inventory there are three activity areas
defined: Area PIA2 for the bins with fast-moving parts (storage type
T020, storage section S001) and area PIA1 for all other bins of the
standard storage types. Additionally, the activity area PIAC assigned to
storage bin CL-ZONE-PI in storage type T970 is used for unidentified
products found during physical inventory.
3. Check the assignment of the activity areas to the storage types in Customizing for
Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Activity Areas Assign
Storage Bins to Activity Areas .
4. Check the sort sequence defined for each activity area and activity in Customizing for
Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Activity Areas Define
Sort Sequence for Activity Area .
You can define the sort and pick-path sequence for activities within the activity area
to optimize the processes running in the warehouse.
You have checked the activity areas and activities in warehouse number W001.
You use this procedure to create storage bins in warehouse number W001.
A storage type consists of a selection of storage spaces, which are called storage bins in SAP
Extended Warehouse Management (EWM). The storage bin is the smallest spatial unit in a
warehouse. Therefore, the storage bin represents the exact position in the warehouse where
products are and/or can be stored.
Since the address of a storage bin is frequently derived from a coordinate system, a storage
bin is often referred to as a coordinate. For example, the coordinate 01-02-03 could be a
storage bin in aisle 1, stack 2, and level 3.
You can create single storage bins manually or you can create multiple bins at one time using
a storage bin template. You use the functionality for bin generation in storage types with a
large number of bins.
The following table provides an overview of which bins need to be created manually and
which can be generated by template definition delivered by SAP.
T010 (Pallet Rack Medium Parts) To be generated using templates 001 002
T020 (Pallet Rack Small Parts) To be generated using templates 003 010
T050 (Pallet Rack Large Parts) To be generated using templates 011 012
T051 (Rack All Size Parts) To be generated using templates 013 018
You can also upload storage bins from an external file. To upload storage bin data from a
legacy system, on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management,
choose Interfaces Data Upload Load Storage Bins .
If you want to use the graphical warehouse layout to display the warehouse structure,
you need storage bin types for the created storage bins.
Storage bin types group storage bins according to their physical attributes (for
example, large bins, small bins).
In addition to that, coordinates for the bins and storage bin templates need to be set
up properly.
For more information, see Checking the Graphical Warehouse Layout [Page 47].
Storage types, storage sections, activity areas, and activities are already defined in your
1. Check the following storage bin types in Customizing for Extended Warehouse
Management under Master Data Storage Bins Define Storage Bin Types :
For bin type R27L a max. capacity of 300 is maintained to allow three
europallets with a total capacity of 100 each to be stored in such a bin
2. Check bin access types in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under
Master Data Storage Bins Define Bin Access Types .
You define the bin access type as a resource type qualification. Each bin access type
reflects a resource types ability to access stock located in a specific type of physical
area in the warehouse.
3. Check the templates defined for the creation of multiple bins in Customizing for
Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Storage Bins Define
Storage Bin Structure .
For more information about the creation of templates, see the Customizing
4. Generate storage bins for storage types T010, T020, T050, and T051 from the
templates in the following way:
5. Create the storage bins listed below for the other storage types in the following
manual way:
2. Enter the warehouse number and the storage bin you want to create and
choose Enter.
3. Enter the storage type, storage section, storage bin type, and coordinates as
provided in the table below.
6. Sort the storage bins in activity areas T010, T020, T050, A001, A002, T970,PIA1,
PIA2, and PIAC in the following way:
2. Enter the activity area T010 and choose Execute. If you do not enter an
activity, the bins are sorted for all activities for which a sort sequence is
3. Repeat the last step for activity areas T020, T050, A001, A002, T970, PIA1,
PIA2, and PIAC.
You have created the storage bins in warehouse number W001. The storage bins are sorted
for all activities in the warehouse.
The following figures show the bins that were generated automatically in storage types T010,
T020, T050, and T051:
Storage Bins in Storage Type T010 (Pallet Rack Medium Parts): Front View of Rack 01
Storage Bins in Storage Type T020 (Pallet Rack Small Parts): Front View of Rack 01
Storage Bins in Storage Type T050 (Pallet Rack Storage Large Parts)
Storage Bins in Storage Type T050 (Pallet Rack): Front View of Rack 01
Storage Bins in Storage Type T051 (Pallet Rack Storage All-Size Parts)
T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- Small Bin: 1 pallet width/bin
03-01- 03-03- 03-05- 03-07- 03-09- 03-11- 03-13- 03-15- 03-17- 03-19- 03-21- 03-23- Length 0.8 m
Height 0.8 m
T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- Width 0.5 m
03-01- 03-03- 03-05- 03-07- 03-09- 03-11- 03-13- 03-15- 03-17- 03-19- 03-21- 03-23- (double-sided: 1.1 m)
Gangway: 2.3 m
T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- Distance between bins:
03-01- 03-03- 03-05- 03-07- 03-09- 03-11- 03-13- 03-15- 03-17- 03-19- 03-21- 03-23- 0.1 m (height),
0.1 m (length)
T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- T051- 0.1 m (width when double-
03-01- 03-03- 03-05- 03-07- 03-09- 03-11- 03-13- 03-15- 03-17- 03-19- 03-21- 03-23- sided)
Total height: 3.5 m
Total length: 12.3 m
Number of bins: 12 x 4 x 4 =
192 bins
Storage Bins in Storage Type T051 (Pallet Rack All Size Parts): Front View of Rack in
Section for Small Parts
Storage Bins in Storage Type T051 (Rack All Size Parts): Front View of Rack in
Section for Medium Parts
Storage Bins in Storage Type T051 (Rack All Size Parts): Front View of Rack in
Section for Large Parts
You can use this procedure to check the staging areas defined in warehouse number W001.
Staging areas are storage sections that fall within a storage type with role D. Staging areas
are used to provide interim storage for goods after unloading or before loading. During
loading, the sequence of the bins in the staging area can be used as a loading sequence.
A staging area is defined in the system by a storage type (called staging area group), a
storage section (called staging area), and one or several storage bins (called staging bays).
Additionally, it must be defined as a staging area in the system. A staging area can be
assigned to one or several doors.
Storage types with type role D are already defined in your system. They contain at least one
storage section and one storage bin.
1. In Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management, choose Master Data
Staging Areas Define Staging Areas .
2. Check the following staging areas defined for warehouse number W001:
T910 S001 X - -
T911 S001 X - -
T820 S001 X - -
T921 S001 - X -
You have checked the definition of the staging areas in warehouse number W001.
Configuring Doors
You use this procedure to configure the doors in warehouse number W001 and assign them
to staging areas.
Most steps of this procedure are optional for warehouse number W001.
A door is a location in the warehouse where the goods arrive at or leave the warehouse. The
door is an organizational unit that you assign to the warehouse number.
A door is defined in the system by a door number and a storage bin (door bin). The storage
bin must be located in a storage type with storage type role F. The storage type does not
contain any storage section. Furthermore, a door is assigned to a staging area.
In warehouse number W001, the doors used in inbound processes are separated from the
doors used in outbound processes.
Storage types with type role F are already defined in your system. They contain at least one
storage bin.
1. Check the following door definitions in Customizing for Extended Warehouse
Management under Master Data Warehouse Door Define Warehouse Door :
W001 DI01 -
W001 DI02 -
W001 DI03 -
W001 DO01 -
W001 DO02 -
W001 DO03 -
4. Assign a door bin to each door in warehouse number W001 by creating the following
entries on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management under
Master Data Shipping and Receiving Assign Door Storage Bin and Supply Chain
Unit :
DI01 -
DI02 -
DI03 -
5. Define the access sequence for staging area and door determination in warehouse
W001 by creating the following entries on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended
Warehouse Management under Settings Shipping and Receiving Access
Sequence for Staging Areas and Door Determination :
Inbound 1 - X X
Inbound 2 - X -
Outbound 1 X X -
Outbound 2 - X -
You have configured the doors in warehouse number W001.
You use this procedure to configure the work centers in warehouse number W001.
Most steps of this procedure are optional in the configuration of the warehouse
structure of W001.
The work center is a physical unit in the warehouse, in which you can perform warehouse
activities such as packing, distribution, or weighing. You can use the work center in the
following activities:
Quality Inspection
The following table lists the work centers in W001 and the business processes in which they
are used:
WP01 Work Center Packing Inbound Process with Repacking for Putaway
Inbound [External]
WP02 Work Center Packing Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing,
Outbound Staging, and Loading [External]
WP03 Work Center Packing Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing,
Outbound Staging, and Loading [External]
WP04 Work Center Packing Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping HUs
Outbound [External]
WQ01 Work Center Quality Customer Returns with Quality Inspection [External]
Storage types with type role E are already defined in your system. They contain at least one
storage section and one storage bin.
1. Check the following work center layouts in warehouse number W001 in Customizing
for Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Work Center Specify
Work Center Layout :
3. Define master data attributes for the work centers by assigning the following storage
bins to the named work centers on SAP Easy Access screen for Extended
Warehouse Management under Master Data Work Center Define Master Data
Attributes :
You have configured the work centers in warehouse number W001.
You can use this procedure to check the configuration of the graphical warehouse layout
(GWL) to display the warehouse structure.
You have created and checked the warehouse structure. The storage bins you have created
are assigned to a storage bin type and have X-Y-Z coordinates.
1. To visualize doors and bins that are not configured in the system, set up additional
GWL objects. Check that the following entries exist in Customizing for Extended
Warehouse Management under Monitoring Graphical Warehouse Layout Define
GWL Object Category :
2. Check that entries exist for the object categories listed above with the following
coordinates in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under
Monitoring Graphical Warehouse Layout Define GWL Object :
o X Lower Left
o Y Lower Left
o X Lower Right
o Y Lower Right
You have configured the graphical warehouse layout. You can now display the graphical
warehouse layout on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management
under Monitoring Graphical Warehouse Layout Display Graphical Warehouse Layout .
If you have created the storage bins as described, the layout is displayed as follows:
You can enhance the functionality of the graphical warehouse layout by an implementation of
enhancement spot /SCWM/ES_GWL. For more information, see the documentation of the
Business Add-In and example implementation /SCWM/ESI_GWL_EXAMPLE.
More Information
For more information about the visualization of your warehouse structure, see SAP Library for
SAP Extended Warehouse Management 7.0 including SAP enhancement package 2 at under SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM)
Monitoring Using the Graphical Warehouse Layout .
You use this process to configure and create the master data required for the preconfigured
business processes in warehouse number W001.
Some master data such as vendors, customers, and products must be defined in SAP ERP
first and transferred to SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) using Core Interface
(CIF). This configuration documentation does not describe how to create the data in SAP
ERP or how to transfer them to EWM using CIF. It only gives an overview of the master data
and of the master data settings required for the EWM business processes to run.
Although storage bins are considered as master data in EWM, their configuration is
described in Configuration of Warehouse Structure for SAP EWM [Page 8]. For more
information, see Creating Storage Bins [Page 31].
1. Creating Vendors, Customers, and Carriers [Page 51]
You have configured and created the master data required for the preconfigured business
processes in warehouse number W001. You can now begin with the configuration of the
business processes.
You use this procedure to create the vendors, customers, and carriers used in the
preconfigured business processes in warehouse number W001. You create the vendors,
customers, and carriers in SAP ERP first. They are transferred automatically to SAP
Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) using Core Interface (CIF). In EWM, the vendors,
customers, and carriers are automatically created as locations and business partners.
Business partners are mainly used in the delivery processing, locations in the EWM routing
Overview of Vendors, Customers and Carriers
Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as
Customer Shipping HUs [External]
Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU,
CUST003 Customer Packing, Staging, and Loading [External]
CUST004 Customer Returns with Quality Inspection
Customer [External]
In SAP ERP you have created a distribution channel 02 in addition to the distribution channel
01 delivered in standard as follows:
1. You have copied the distribution channel 01 in Customizing for Enterprise Structure
under Definition Sales and Distribution Define, copy, delete, check distribution
channel and changed the description to Distribtn Channel 02.
2. You have changed the reference distribution channel for customer and material
master to 02 in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Master Data Define
Common Distribution Channels .
1. Create vendors in SAP ERP.
Important settings:
o Account group
Choose an account group for which CIF is set up, for example, LIEF (Vendor
(ext.number assgnmnt)).
o Confirmation Control
Important settings:
o Account group
Important settings:
o Account group
Choose an account group for which CIF is set up, for example, KUNA
(Customer (ext.number assgnmnt)).
o Address
Since the Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
Loading uses different routes to the customers and for each route different
travel distances and transportation durations are defined, we recommend to
maintain the following cities and postal codes for the customers:
o Region
o Transportation zone
o Order combination
o Shipping conditions
o Terms of payment
o Incoterms
4. In EWM, change the business partners for the carriers in business partner (BP) role
CRM010 Carrier:
After the CIF transfer, the carriers exist in EWM as business partner with BP role
Business Partner (Gen.). The carriers must also exist in BP role Carrier in EWM for
the creation of transportation units with carrier as well as for the creation of carrier
profiles in the EWM routing guide.
The vendors, customers, and carriers you have created in SAP ERP exist as business
partners and locations in EWM and can be used in the preconfigured business processes in
warehouse number W001.
Creating Products
You use this procedure to create the products used in the preconfigured business processes
in warehouse number W001. You create the products in SAP ERP first. They are transferred
automatically to SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) using Core Interface (CIF).
Afterwards, you maintain additional data in EWM.
The following table provides an overview about the products and the business processes in
which they are used:
GR01: Inbound Process Without Packing Information (Manual WT) [External] and
Inbound Process Without Packing Information (Manual GR) [External]
GI02: Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and Loading
Cycle counting indicator, putaway control indicator, stock removal control indicator, quantity
classification, and HU type are defined in SAP EWM.
These entries exist if you created the standard warehouse number W001 as described in
Integration of SAP ERP with SAP EWM [External].
The assignment of the cycle counting indicator to the product can also be done
automatically. If you perform an ABC classification within SAP Advanced Planning
and Optimization (SAP APO), you are able to transfer the cycle counting indicator
from SAP APO to EWM on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse
Management under Master Data Product Transfer Cycle Counting Indicator from
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) 7.0
including SAP enhancement package 2 on SAP Help Portal at In SAP Library, choose SAP Advanced Planning and
Optimization (SAP APO) Service Parts Planning (SPP) Inventory Planning ABC
Classification .
1. Create products in SAP ERP in the following way:
Plant: PL01
4. Maintain the following views using the data from the table below:
For each product, enter transportation group 0001 and loading group
Accounting 1
WM Packaging
Pro- Length x Unit Con- Gross Net Volume Sales Unit of Order Mov-
duct Width x of version Weight Weight / / dm Measure Unit ing
Height / Meas- Factor / kg kg Price /
dm x dm ure to Distri- Distri- EUR
x dm Base bution bution
UoM Chan- Chan- (Price
nel nel Con-
trol =
01 02 V)
4 system
5. After the CIF transfer, enter additional attributes for the products from the
following table on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse
Management under Master Data Product Maintain Warehouse Product
A = 20
B = 60
C = 120
Minimum Quantity:
1.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
1.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
1.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
1.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
1.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
1.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
4.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
1.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
1.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
2.000 CAR
Maximum Quantity:
4.000 CAR
Minimum Quantity:
0.000 PAL
Maximum Quantity:
1.000 PAL
Minimum Quantity:
0.000 PAL
Maximum Quantity:
1.000 PAL
Minimum Quantity:
0.000 PAL
Maximum Quantity:
1.000 PAL
The system posts a product for which you do not maintain the EWM-
specific data to the clarification zone during the inbound business
The products you have created in SAP ERP exist in EWM and can be used in the
preconfigured business processes in warehouse number W001.
You use this procedure to assign fixed bins to the large parts that are put away in storage
type T050 in warehouse number W001 to store these products always in the same storage
Alternatively, you can assign a fixed bin automatically during the first putaway of a
product in the storage bin. To do so, in the storage type definition, deselect the Do
Not Assign Fixed Bin Automatically checkbox.
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management, choose
Master Data Storage Bin Maintain Fixed Storage Bin .
You have assigned the large products to fixed bins in warehouse number W001.
You can use this procedure to check the means of transport used in the preconfigured
business processes in warehouse number W001. Means of transport are necessary to create
vehicles and transportation units in the system.
Means of transport are independent from the warehouse number. This means they
are valid for all warehouse numbers in the client.
1. Check the following means of transport in Customizing for SCM Basis under
Master Data Transportation Lane Maintain Means of Transport :
3. Check that the number range interval 01 for transportation units exists in Customizing
for Extended Warehouse Management under Cross-Process Settings Shipping
and Receiving Number Ranges Define Number Range Interval for Transportation
Units .
4. Check the following assignment of the number range interval to the means of
transport in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under Cross-
Process Settings Shipping and Receiving General Settings Define Control
Parameters for Forming Vehicles/Transportation Units :
MTR2 TU 01
You have checked the means of transport used in warehouse number W001.
You can use this procedure to check the handling unit (HU) types and HU type groups used in
the preconfigured business processes in warehouse number W001.
HU types are used to describe the spatial appearance of a handling unit, and thus to find the
optimum storage bins, or to check whether a handling unit can be stored in a storage bin.
Additionally, you may group the HU types into warehouse-specific HU type groups. By
assigning the HU type groups to the resource types, for example, you are able to control
which resource is able to handle which HUs within the resource management.
HU types are independent from the warehouse number. This means they are valid for
all warehouse numbers in the client.
1. Check the following HU types in ERP Customizing for Integration with Other SAP
Components under Extended Warehouse Management Additional Material
Attributes Attribute Values for Additional Material Master Fields Define Handling
Unit Type :
C1 Carton
D1 Dummy HU
E1 Europallet
M1 Means of Transport
W1 Wire Basket
C1 Carton
D1 Dummy HU
E1 Europallet
M1 Means of Transport
W1 Wire Basket
3. Check the following HU type groups in the Customizing for Extended Warehouse
Management under Cross-Process Settings Handling Units Basics Define HU
Type Groups :
W001 C1 HG01
W001 D1 -
W001 E1 HG02
W001 M1 -
W001 W1 HG02
You have checked the HU types and HU type groups used in warehouse number W001.
You use this procedure to create packaging materials that are used for the creation of
handling units (HUs). You assign each packaging material to a packaging material type to
group your packaging materials. The packaging material type contains essential control
characteristics how the packaging material is used.
Packaging material types are independent from the warehouse number. This means
they are valid for all warehouse numbers in the client.
1. Check the following packaging material types in ERP Customizing for Logistics
General under Handling Unit Management Basics Define Packaging Material
Types :
2. Check the packaging material types defined in EWM Customizing for Extended
Warehouse Management under Cross-Process Settings Handling Units Basics
Define Packaging Material Types :
3. Check that the internal number range interval 01 for the identification of HUs exists in
Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under Cross-Process Settings
Handling Units External Identification Define Number Range for HU Identification
Do not create any external number ranges for handling units. If no external number
range exists, you can enter any HU number outside the internal number range.
For the automatic HU creation in EWM you have to assign a number range to the
packaging material types.
W001 PT01 01
W001 PT02 01
W001 PT03 -
W001 PT04 02
W001 MTR2 01
WM Packaging
Pac Desc Base Length Width Hei W Volu Capa- Clos Allo Allo Pa HU
kagi ripti UoM / dm / dm ght ei me / city ed wed wed cka Typ
ng on / gh dm3 Usage Pack Pack gin e
Mate dm t/ agin agin g
rial kg g g Ma
Weig Volu teri
ht / me / al
kg dm3 Ty
CAR Cart EA 6 4 4 0. 96 - X 20 70 PT C1
TON on, 7 03
_M medi
SKE et
COL Coll EA - - - - - - - - - PT D1
LEC ec- 01
TIV tive
DUM Dumm EA - - - - - - - - - PT D1
MY_ y HU 03
6. After the CIF transport, create the following link between the packaging material (TU)
and the means of transport on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse
Management under Settings Shipping and Receiving Link Between Packaging
Material (TU) and Means of Transport .
With this setting you define if and how many TUs and vehicles are to be created for a
certain packaging material and a means of transport.
You have created the packaging materials used in warehouse number W001.
You use this procedure to create palletization and packaging data for the products. In
warehouse number W001, you define palletization and packaging data using the following
You can create packaging specifications for products, for standard HU types, and for pick-
handling units (HUs). The packaging specifications for products are related to the units of
measure (UoM) defined for the products. In warehouse W001 the units of measure used for
small and medium parts are EA (each), CAR (carton), and PAL (pallet), the units of measure
used for large parts are EA and PAL. The packaging specifications for standard HU types and
for pick-HUs consist primarily of a packaging material (for example, europallet, wire basket, or
carton), as well as an HU type and the HU relevance flag.
Work steps and auxiliary packaging materials are not used in the packaging
specifications for the preconfigured business processes of warehouse number W001.
In warehouse number W001, palletization and packaging data is used for the following
For this function you use either alternative units of measure, for example, for small
parts, or packaging specifications for products, for example, large parts.
In the Inbound Process Without Packing Information (Manual GR) [External] and
Inbound Process Without Packing Information (Manual WT) [External], product
PROD-S01 is packed in 900 EA or 18 CAR per pallet. You receive 36 cartons on 2
pallets from your vendor. Based on the alternative units of measure defined for the
product, the system automatically creates two putaway warehouse tasks (in the case
of automatic warehouse task creation upon goods receipt) or proposes to create two
putaway warehouse tasks (in the case of manual warehouse task creation). In the
warehouse task, the alternative unit of measure is PAL. In the quant data in the
source bin and in the destination bin in storage type T020, the alternative unit of
measure is CAR, as this is the preferred unit of measure.
In the Inbound Process Without Packing Information (Manual GR) [External] and
Inbound Process Without Packing Information (Manual WT) [External], product
PROD-L01 is packed in 4 EA per pallet. You receive 8 EA from your vendor. Based on
the packaging specification defined for the product, the system automatically creates
two putaway warehouse tasks (in the case of automatic warehouse task creation
upon goods receipt) or proposes to create two putaway warehouse tasks (in the case
of manual warehouse task creation). In the warehouse task and in the quant data in
the destination bin in storage type T020, the alternative unit of measure is PAL and
the HU type is E1 (europallet).
For this function, you use either packaging specifications for products, for example,
product PROD-M01, or a combination of alternative units of measure for the products
and packaging specifications for standard HU types, for example, PROD-M11.
In the Inbound Process with Repacking for Putaway [External], product PROD-M01 is
packed in 48 EA or 12 CAR per pallet. You receive 96 EA from your vendor. Based on
the packaging specification defined for the product, the system proposes to build two
HUs at the inbound packing station, each with 48 EA in packaging material
EUROPALLET. In the warehouse task and in the HU data the alternative unit of
measure is PAL and the HU type is E1 (europallet).
In the Inbound Process with Repacking for Putaway [External], product PROD-M11 is
packed in the same way as PROD-M01, but you do not define a packaging
specification for the product. Instead, you use a packaging specification for the
standard HU type. The system proposes to build two HUs at the inbound packing
station, each with 12 CAR, in packaging material EUROPALLET. The quantity of 12
CAR is proposed from the alternative units of measure defined for the product; the
packaging material EUROPALLET and the HU type E1 are proposed from the
packaging specification for standard HU types. In the quant data in the destination bin
in storage type T020, the alternative unit of measure is CAR, as this is the preferred
unit of measure
For this function you use either alternative units of measure or packaging
specifications for products.
In the Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and Loading
[External], the warehouse worker picks cartons (small and medium parts) or eaches
(large parts) and puts them into a wire basket (equal to pick-HU). In the Outbound
Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping HUs [External], the warehouse worker picks
eaches and puts them into a small, medium, or large carton (equal to pick-HU).
Depending on the packaging specification defined for the packaging profile used in
the process and on the weight/volume of the products to pick, the system creates a
pick-HU with packaging material WIRE_BASKET, EUROPALLET, CARTON_S,
A packaging specification can only be used in a process if the following prerequisites are met:
The packaging specification contains a condition record for the condition type
assigned to the procedure
When you use the same packaging specification for several functions, you create several
condition records for the packaging specification.
The packaging specification settings and the packaging specifications themselves are
not warehouse-dependent. When you create the condition record for a packaging
specification, you enter the supply chain unit of the warehouse, thus making the
packaging specification valid in your warehouse.
The following table gives an overview of the determination procedures and condition types
used in warehouse number W001:
The following tables give an overview of the packaging specifications defined in warehouse
Characteristic Value
PS Group: PG01
Pack. Spec. Header
Level Set: LS01
Product (1 EA)
No dimension/weight/volume defined here
Used in Processes:
Condition record: one 0WHT condition record with product for the
packaging specification of the same product.
Used in Processes:
Determination via
Condition Record
Inbound Process Without Packing Information
(palletization and setting of alternative UoM in an inbound
process without HU putaway from clarification zone)
Characteristic Value
PS Group: PG02
Pack. Spec. Header
Level Set: LS02
Product (1 EA)
No dimension/weight/volume defined here
Total Quantity: 48 (EA per pallet) Total Quantity: 32 (EA per pallet)
Condition record: one 0WHT condition record with product for the
Determination via packaging specification of the same product
Condition Record
Used in Processes:
Outbound Processes (determination of alternative UoM)
Characteristic Value
(one pack. spec. per packaging (one pack. spec. per packaging
material) material)
Content None
Used in Processes:
Characteristic Value
(one pack. spec. per packaging (one pack. spec. per packaging
material) material)
Content None
Content None
HU Type: E1 (Europallet)
Target Quantity: 1
Used in Processes:
Characteristic Value
General packaging Repack Inbound (one pack. spec. per standard HU type from
information product master)
PS Group: PG01
Pack. Spec. Header
Level Set: LS01
Content None
Warehouse Data:
HU Type: E1 (Europallet)
Pack. Spec. Level 1
Operative UoM: PAL
The following table gives an overview of the packaging specifications required for the sample
products and pick-HUs in warehouse number W001. The packaging specification group
indicates whether a packaging specification contains one level (PG01) or two levels (PG02).
For each packaging specification at least one condition record must exist.
You can reduce the number of packaging specifications for products by creating a
packaging specification for one product and entering this product as the reference
product in the product master data (packaging data) of all similar products. However,
you still have to create the condition records for each product.
You have created the work centers, products, packaging materials, and HU types.
1. Check the number ranges for packaging specifications and element groups in the
following way:
3. Check that the following number ranges are defined as internal number
02 Packaging specifications
03 Element groups
2. Check that the number range 03 is assigned to the element groups in Customizing
for Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Packaging
Specification Define General Packaging Specification Parameters .
Element groups are created automatically when you maintain a packaging material in
a packaging specification. For this reason, you must assign a number range for the
element groups in the general parameters for packaging specifications.
3. Check the level types LT01 and LT02 in Customizing for Extended Warehouse
Management under Master Data Packaging Specification Maintain Structure of
Packaging Specification Define Level Type .
The packaging specifications in warehouse W001 contain one or two levels. For each
level you define a level type. Since one level might be a carton or a pallet, you do not
define any value proposals here. In subsequent steps you assign an element type
(PACK for packaging material) to the level type, the level type to a level set, and the
level set to a packaging specification group. You can also restrict the allowed
packaging material types for an element type.
In warehouse W001 the level types are defined as in the following table. The level
types do not contain any value proposal as it is assumed that you create packaging
specifications by copying an existing packaging specification.
HU type C1
HU type E1
HU type E1
4. Check the element typesPACK and AUX in Customizing for Extended Warehouse
Management under Master Data Packaging Specification Maintain Structure of
Packaging Specification Define Element Type .
With the element types, you can distinguish main packaging materials and auxiliary
packaging materials. In the preconfigured business processes of warehouse W001,
only main packaging materials are used.
5. Check the level sets in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under
Master Data Packaging Specification Maintain Structure of Packaging
Specification Define Level Set .
With the level sets you combine level types and element types as described above. In
warehouse W001 we distinguish between packaging specifications with one level
(level set LS01) and packaging specifications with two levels (level set LS02).
Check that level sets LS01 and LS02 are defined and that level types and element
types are assigned to each level set as described in the first table in step 3.
6. Check the assignment of packaging material types PT01 and PT03 to element type
PACK in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data
In Creating Packaging Materials [Page 67] you have checked the existence of the
packaging material type PT01 used in warehouse number W001. Here you check that
only packaging materials with packaging material type PT01 are allowed as main
packaging material in packaging specifications. For this purpose you check the
assignment of the packaging material type of the packaging material to the element
type used in the level set of the packaging specification group. If no packaging
material types are assigned to an element type, then all packaging materials are valid
in the level element.
7. Check the packaging specification groups PG01 and PG02 in Customizing for
Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Packaging Specification
Define Packaging Specification Group .
When you create a packaging specification, you must enter a packaging specification
group. It contains settings such as the level set and the number range for the
packaging specification. Furthermore, you define in a packaging specification group
whether a condition record must exist before a user can activate a packaging
8. Check that the determination procedures are assigned to warehouse number W001 in
Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Define
Warehouse Number Control .
You must assign a determination procedure for each function on warehouse number
level. When executing this function, the system determines a packaging specification
by searching for a condition record of the condition type assigned to the procedure.
9. Create the packaging specifications for the products and the pick-HUs on the SAP
Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data
Packaging Specification Maintain Packaging Specification .
Create the packaging specifications for each product and pick-HU as described in the
overview tables. Enter the content and the level data. In the Determination field of the
packaging specification header, create the condition records used for the
determination of the packaging specification in the business processes.
You do not need to enter any weight, volume, or capacity data. They are filled
automatically upon saving.
Creating Routes
You use this procedure to create routes used in the following business processes in
warehouse number W001:
Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and Loading [External]
The route determination for outbound deliveries is based on the routing guide. The routing
guide works with the following:
Location master data defined for the warehouse and for the customers
In both outbound business processes the route determination and scheduling is done in SAP
Extended Warehouse Management (EWM).
The warehouse delivers goods to four customers situated in four different regions:
In the Outbound Process Using Waves, Pick-HUs, Packing, Staging, and Loading
you define four different routes to transport the goods from the warehouse to each
customer. Each route contains only one leg (from the warehouse to the customer)
and departs once a week at a predefined time. The goods are transported by truck by
a carrier (CARR001).
In the Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping HUs you define a single route
for the overnight delivery of small quantities to the four customers in one transport.
The route contains four legs (from the warehouse to first customer, from the first to
the second customer, and so on) and departs daily at 18:00. The goods are
transported by van.
Overview of Routes in the Outbound Process with Waves, Pick-HUs, Packing, Staging,
and Loading
Means of
Route From To Departure Time
W001_CU001 Customer
Warehouse Mondays at 16:00 Truck
W001_CU002 Customer
Warehouse Tuesdays at 16:00 Truck
Customer Wednesdays at
W001_CU003 Warehouse Truck
CUST003 16:00
W001_CU004 Customer
Warehouse Thursdays at 18:00 Truck
Customer Customer
Customer Customer
Customer Customer
For the Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping HUs you have maintained
geocoordinates for the regions of the customers in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver
under General Settings Set Geocoding Process Geographical Data for Countries
and Regions . The geocoordinates (longitude and latitude) of the region are copied
automatically to the location master data of the plant and of the customers during CIF
transfer and are used for the distance and travel time calculation.
You have maintained address data including a region for the customers and the plant
in SAP ERP and they are contained in the location master data in EWM, for example,
in the location master data PLPL01 (plant PL01) and CUCUST001 (customer
You have assigned the supply chain unit of the plant (for example, PLPL01) to the
You have defined the means of transport used in the Inbound Process with
Repacking for Putaway and in the Outbound Process Using Wave Pick-HU, Packing,
Staging, and Loading to create transportation units. For more information, see
Checking Means of Transport [Page 63].
1. Check the activation of the routing guide in the current client in Customizing for SCM
Basis under Routing Guide General Settings for Route Determination .
Check that the Activate RG checkbox is selected. A cost profile in not required in the
outbound business processes.
2. Check definition of request types for routing guide in Customizing for SCM Basis
under Routing Guide Define Request Types for Routing Guide .
In case of route determination depending on the outbound delivery order type, you
must define a routing guide request type for each outbound delivery order type. The
routing guide request type must be identical with the outbound delivery order type.
OUTB Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and Loading
3. Check the transportation zone hierarchy structure. For the route determination it is
necessary to define a transportation zone hierarchy structure and a transportation
zone hierarchy.
4. Create the transportation zone hierarchy RELH_ZONE on the SAP Easy Access
screen for SCM Basis, choose Master Data Hierarchy Maintain Hierarchy :
5. Check the activation of route determination for the following outbound deliveries in
Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under Goods Issue Process
Outbound Delivery Route Determination Activate or Deactivate Route
Determination .
In addition to the activation of the routing guide on client level, the route determination
must be activated for outbound deliveries. In the outbound business processes the
route determination is activated in warehouse W001 for each outbound delivery order
For more information, see the documentation of this Customizing activity in the
6. Check that scheduling within route determination for your warehouse, document type,
and document category is defined.
In the outbound business processes most customer orders should be delivered with
the next possible route departure. Therefore the delivery date is usually todays date
and EWM executes a forward scheduling based on todays date. EWM executes only
a backward scheduling in case a customer specifies a requested delivery date in the
future. As a result of scheduling, the planned date/time of departure from yard and
the planned delivery date/time are changed. Planned picking, loading, and goods
issue (GI) dates coming from ERP are not taken into account in the scheduling.
Customer CUST004 orders some goods on Monday. The customer does not wish an
overnight delivery. The carrier delivers goods to this customer every Friday morning.
As a result of the forward scheduling, the delivery date is automatically changed to
Friday morning and the planned date of departure from yard is changed to Thursday
For more information, see the documentation of this Customizing activity in the
Date/Time Type
In this step you create the five departure calendars used in the outbound business
processes and assign them to the supply chain unit of the warehouse. In the route
definition, you can only use departure calendars assigned to the start location (that is,
supply chain unit of the warehouse).
2. Enter a supply chain unit, for example, PLPL01 and then choose Assign.
3. In the field Departure Cal., enter DAILY1800 and then choose Create.
Description Years in the Past Years in the Future Time Zone Calendar
5. On the Calculation Rule tab page, create the following entries by choosing
Change Calculation Rule.
Weekdays Fr To
1 18:00:00 18:00:01
2 18:00:00 18:00:01
3 18:00:00 18:00:01
4 18:00:00 18:00:01
5 18:00:00 18:00:01
7. Go back to the SCU Calendar Assignment screen and save the assignment
of the calendar to the supply chain unit.
8. Repeat the steps for creation and assignment of the following calendars:
The transportation lanes are used in the Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU,
Packing, Staging, and Loading to define the transportation distance, the
transportation duration, and the additional retention time between a start location (for
example, warehouse), and a destination location (for example, customer) for a
specific means of transport (for example, truck). This data is used in the scheduling
within route determination.
The Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping HUs does not use transportation
lanes. In this business process, the scheduling uses the average speed of the means
of transport and the geocoordinates of the starting location and the destination
location of each leg within the route.
3. Create an entry for the means of transport MTR2 as shown in the table below
and save the data.
In the Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and Loading you
assign a carrier to the transportation unit used to deliver the goods to the customer.
The carrier must be assigned to the first leg of the route. For this, you must first
create a carrier profile for the carrier. In this step you define only the header data for
the carrier profile. The system automatically fills the transportation data upon
assignment of the carrier to a leg.
This step is not needed for the Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping HUs.
2. Create a carrier profile for carrier CARR001. You do not need to enter any
data beside the business partner number of the carrier.
10. Create route W001_OUTS for the Outbound Process Using Pick-HUs as Shipping
For this business process you define a route with four legs for means of transport
MTR1 (van). The route departs every day at 18:00. The route has a lead time of 3
hours. This means that an outbound delivery must be created at least 3 hours before
route departure, otherwise it is assigned to the next route departure.
4. Create an entry for request type OUTS (delivery order type used in this
6. Assign departure calendar DAILY1800 to request type OUTS for the first leg
of the route.
11. Create routes for the Outbound Process Using Wave, Pick-HU, Packing, Staging, and
For this process you define for each customer a route with one leg for means of
transport MTR2 (truck). Proceed as described in the previous step using the following
Leg Ship- All
W001_ L_W001_ PLPL0 CUCUST ping Transp
1_CU0 MTR2 OUTB 10h
CU001 CU001_0 1 001 Con- .
1 dition Groups
Leg Ship- All
W001_ L_W001_ PLPL0 CUCUST ping Transp
1_CU0 MTR2 OUTB 10h
CU002 CU002_0 1 002 Con- .
1 dition Groups
Leg Ship- All
W001_ L_W001_ PLPL0 CUCUST ping Transp
1_CU0 MTR2 OUTB 10h
CU003 CU003_0 1 003 Con- .
1 dition Groups
Leg Ship- All
W001_ L_W001_ PLPL0 CUCUST ping Transp
1_CU0 MTR2 OUTB 10h
CU004 CU004_0 1 004 Con- .
1 dition Groups
12. Assign a carrier with an existing carrier profile to the leg and means of transport of
each route:
You have created the routes used for outbound deliveries from warehouse W001 to the
More Information
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Extended Warehouse Management 7.0
including SAP enhancement package 2 on SAP Help Portal at In
the SAP Library, choose SCM Basis Route Determination .
Checking Queues
You can use this procedure to check queues to which warehouse orders are assigned,
according to defined physical areas in the warehouse, for example, picking area, and
according to activities, for example, picking activities.
1. In Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management, choose Cross Process
Settings Resource Management Define Queues .
For replenishment, the bin access type from source and destination bin
is different but the resource is the same. Therefore, the bin access type
is not used for the queue determination of replenishment warehouse
tasks. For picking and scrapping, the source bin access type is used and
therefore the entry makes sense including the BAT. For putaway, the
destination bin access type is used and therefore the entry makes sense
including the BAT.
W001 1 X X X X X
W001 2 X - X X X
W001 3 - X X X X
W001 4 X X - X X
W001 5 X - - X X
W001 6 - - - X X
W001 7 X - - - X
You have checked the queues used in warehouse number W001.
Creating Resources
A resource is an entity representing a user or equipment, which can execute work in the
warehouse. A resource belongs to a resource type and resource group.
Overview of the Resources Used Within Warehouse W001
From To
Step\Storage T010 T020 T050 T051
T831 T830
No No
resource resource
Putaway Forklift - - -
(paper- (paper-
driven) driven)
High- No
High-Level High-Level
Level resource
Picking Order Order - -
Order (paper-
Picker Picker
Picker driven)
Replenishment Order Forklift - - -
High- No
High-Level High-Level
Level resource
Scrapping Order Order - -
Order (paper-
Picker Picker
Picker driven)
1. Check the resource types.
You define the resource types to create a grouping of resources with similar technical
or physical qualifications. The resource type determines the preferences of its
constituent resources regarding bin access type and handling unit (HU) type group.
RT01 AT02
RT01 AT03
RT02 AT01
RT02 AT02
RT02 AT03
RT01 HG02
RT02 HG01
RT02 HG02
PD01 Handheld **
3. To group together resources with similar characteristics, create the following resource
groups on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management
under Master Data Resource Management Maintain Resource Group :
4. Create a queue sequence for resource groups on the SAP Easy Access screen for
Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data Resource Management
Maintain Queue Sequence for Resource Group .
You assign/unassign a resource group to/from a queue using the queue sequence.
5. Create the following resources on the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended
Warehouse Management under Master Data Resource Management Maintain
Resource :
You have created the resources used in warehouse number W001.
Creating Printers
You use this procedure to create the following printers for warehouse number W001.
Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master Data for SAP EWM 100
SAP Library
(Manual GR)
(Manual GR)
Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master Data for SAP EWM 101
SAP Library
Create the printers using the data from the table above. The names of the printers in the table
are examples. During the configuration of the warehouse replace them with the names of the
printers that have been set up by your system administrator.
For more information about how to set up printers, see SAP Printing Guide on SAP Help
Portal at SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Including SAP Enhancement
Package 3 / English SAP-NetWeaver Library SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability Solution
Life Cycle Management by Key Capability SAP Printing Guide (BC-CCM-PRN) .
Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master Data for SAP EWM 102
SAP Library
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen for Extended Warehouse Management, choose
Work Scheduling Print Settings Maintain Warehouse-Specific Printing
Parameters .
2. Select warehouse W001 and choose Spool Parameters in the dialog structure.
3. Create the following entries for the printers used in warehouse number W001:
01 X X X 1
02 X X X 2
You have created the spool data used in warehouse number W001.
Configuration of Warehouse Structure and Master Data for SAP EWM 103