Pumps Students

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Centrifugal Pumps
Pump Head
Cavitation and NPSH
Pump Laws
Open System and Closed System
A device, which lifts or moves the fluid from lower energy
level to higher energy level.

Positive displacement Hydrodynamic

Centrifugal Axial Mixed Flow

Reciprocating Rotary

Gear pump Vane pump Lobe pump Screw pump

Centrifugal Pumps

The centrifugal pump

has long been the
workhorse of HVAC
systems, supporting
the operation of
chillers, boilers, cooling
towers, domestic water
systems, and hydronic
distribution system.

Working of Pump
A given pump with given impeller diameter and speed will
raise a liquid to a same height regardless of the weight
of the liquid.
Head is not same as pressure. Head is a measurement
of the height of a liquid column which the pump could create
resulting from the kinetic energy the pump gives to the

For practical pump applications, the term head is used.

The main reason for using head instead of pressure is that
the pressure from a pump will change if the specific gravity
(weight) of the liquid changes, but the head will not change.

Since any given centrifugal pump can move a lot of

different fluids, with different specific gravities, it is simpler
to discuss the pump's head and forget about the pressure.
Types of Head
1. Static Suction Lift (hss)
2. Static Suction Head (hss)
3. Static Discharge Head (hsd)
4. Static Head on the Pump (Hst): It is the vertical distance between the
sump level and the highest delivery point.
Pump with suction lift Pump with suction head

Hst = hsd ( - hss)

Hst = hsd - hss
= hsd + hss
Subtraction of static suction from static discharge head is an Algebraic
subtraction and NOT an arithmetic one.
Manometric head
(Total / Gross / Effective Head)

It is the head required to be developed by pump to give

It represents difference between total energy of water at
outlet and inlet of pump.

Manometric head (Hm or H) = Hst + ht

Hst = Static Head on the Pump
ht = Total head losses in the pump (excluding those in
the impeller)
= hfs + hfd + hfitting+ Vd2/2g
Bernoullis Equation
In an ideal, incompressible fluid when the
flow is steady and continuous, the sum of
pressure energy, kinetic energy and potential
(datum) energy is constant along a stream
Pressure Datum head
p V
z constant
g 2 g
Phenomena of formation of vapour
bubbles of flowing liquid and collapsing of
the vapour bubbles.
Precaution against cavitation:
Pressure of flowing liquid in any part of
hydraulic system should not be allowed to
fall below its vapour pressure.
Use of cavitation resistant materials like
aluminium bronze, stainless steel must be
Cavitation Effects

Bubble bursting on the low Actual damage caused by

pressure side of the impeller continuous implosion of
bubbles on the same area

Cavitation phenomenon
NPSH [Net Positive Suction Head]
NPSH [Net Positive Suction Head]
Applying Bernoullis equation

To avoid Cavitation,

Or NPSH = Ha Hs - Hv
Vapour Pressure

(-60 to 2400F)
NPSH [Net Positive Suction Head]

NPSH required (NPSHR): Minimum head required to

push water from sump into the pump.

NPSH available (NPSHA): Actual head available to push

water from sump into the pump.
For satisfactory working of pump,

If the NPSH available is sufficiently greater than NPSH
required, then the pump will not cavitate.
NPSH [Net Positive Suction Head]

For satisfactory working of

NPSHA must be more than
NPSHR by at least 0.5 m.

The NPSHR for a specific pump is available from the

manufacturer, either in catalogue data or upon request.

The NPSHA value is to be given to the dealer or

manufacturer by the clients when they want to buy
Relation between Pump location and available NPSH

Neglecting frictional losses in the suction pipe and vapour pressure

Open System and Closed System
Typical Open Systems
NPSH [Net Positive Suction Head]

The pump net positive suction head (NPSH) has

extremely limited usage for closed systems.

Most closed system pump application does not

require NPSH evaluation because it is possible to
obtain adequate pump suction pressurization.
Cooling tower application
It should be particularly noted that system static
height is of no importance in determining energy
head pressure drop in closed system.

This is because the static heights of the supply and

return legs are in balance; the energy head
required to raise water to the top of the supply riser
is balanced by the energy head regain as water
flows down to the return riser.
Shape of Pump Curve and Selection of Pump Curve
Total Pressure / Head- Capacity Curve
Pump Performance Curve
Pump Performance Curve
Pump Efficiency

Best Efficiency Point

Pump Efficiency

Region of


Best Efficiency Point

Pump Efficiency

High bearing load

Temperature rise
Internal recirculation

Best Efficiency Point

Flow Control in Centrifugal Pumps

1. Throttling the valve

2. Pump Speed Control

3. Multiple pump arrangement

Energy Loss due to Throttling
Multiple Pump Arrangement
When the pumped flow requirements are widely
variable, it is often desirable to install several small
pumps in parallel rather than use a single large one.

When the demand drops, one or more smaller

pumps may be shut down, thus allowing the
remainder to
operate at or near peak efficiency.

Some of the advantages of multiple pump

arrangements are
and the ability to meet changing flow needs efficiently in
systems with high static head components.
Parallel operation of Pumps
Parallel operation of Pumps
Parallel operation of Pumps
Impeller Trimming

Impeller trimming refers to the process of machining the diameter of an

impeller to reduce the energy added to the system fluid.
Trimming an impeller changes its operating efficiency, and the
nonlinearities of the affinity laws with respect to impeller machining
complicate predictions of a pumps performance. Consequently, impeller
diameters are rarely reduced below 70% of their original size.
Flow rate calculations
Heat load or Chiller capacity =
Chilled water flow rate x Liquid density x Liquid specific heat
x liquid specific gravity x Temp. difference

For water:
1 Btu / lb 0F is specific heat of water, 62.4 is density of water in lb/ft3,
1 ft3 = 7.48 US gallons

Btu / hr = gpm x 60 x (62.4 / 7.48) x 1 x T

= gpm x 500 x T

For Brine:
Btu / hr = gpm x 500 x sp. gravity of brine x sp.
heat of brine x T
Flow rate calculations

What will the pump flow rate through a

chiller rated at 1100 tons and operating at
42F supply water temperature and 54F
return water?

How many tons of cooling is served by a

5,000 GPM operating at 42F supply water
temperature and 54F return water?
Pump Power Equations

1 GPM = 0.13368 ft3/min = 0.002228 ft3/s

= 0.002228 ft3/s x 62.4 lb / ft3 = 0.1390272 lb / s
62.4 lb / ft3 = density of water
1 GPM x 1 ft = 0.1390272 x 1 ft lb / s
1 hp = 550 ft lb / s
550 / 0.1390272 = 3956.06 @ 3960
Gauge Locations

(a) (b)
Pump Law 1

GPM 2 rpm2

GPM 1 rpm1
Pump Law 2
Head 2 rpm2

Head1 rpm1

Pump Law 3
W2 rpm2

W1 rpm1
Pump Law 4

GPM 2 D2
GPM 1 D1
Head 2 D2
Head1 D1
W2 D2
W1 D1
W is Pump Power , D is Pump Impeller Diameter
Flow rate calculations

What will the pump flow rate through a

chiller rated at 1000 tons and operating at
42F supply water temperature and 54F
return water?

How many tons of cooling is served by a

6,000 GPM operating at 42F supply water
temperature and 54F return water?
Installing larger diameter pipe in
pumping system results in
reduction ____

a) static head
b) frictional head
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b

b) Frictional head
Generally water pipe lines are
designed with water velocity of

a) < 1 m/s
b) up to 2.0 m/s
c) > 2 m/s
d) None of the above

b) up to 2.0 m/s
What is the impact on flow and
pressure when the impeller of a pump
is trimmed?
a) Flow decreases with increased
b) Both flow and pressure increases
c) Both pressure and flow decreases
d) None of the above

c) Both pressure and flow

For high flow requirement, pumps
are generally operated in
a) parallel
b) series
c) any of the above
d) none of the above

a) Parallel
In case of throttling operation, the
pump has to overcome additional
pressure in order to deliver the
reduced flow

a) True
b) False

a) True
The intersection point of the
pump curve and the system
curve is called _____
a) Pump efficiency
b) Operating point
c) System efficiency
d) None of the above

b) Operating Point
Use of Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Case Studies

1. Pump selection methodology

2. Pump selection Fire fighting

3. Pump Test report format (Page 7)

4. Parallel pump test readings


1. Operating efficiency = 32.67 %

Using Pump Laws

1. New speed = 1021 rpm

2. New head = 26 m
3. New power = 40.3 kW
4. Savings in power = 83.7 kW

1. Estimated power savings = 22.4 kW

2. Annual savings = Rs. 8.96 lakhs

3. Simple pay back = 4 months

1. Give one application each of pumps in
parallel and pumps in series. Write flow
and head equations for pumps in parallel
and pumps in series. Also draw pump
curves for pumps in parallel and pumps in
2. List out the parameters affecting pump
system curves.
3. How pump operating point will be

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