Action Research Proposal (FINAL)

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The key takeaways are that cooperative learning involves dividing students into groups to complete tasks and work towards a common goal. It has benefits such as improved academic achievement and social skills. The document discusses using station activities, which involve rotating groups through different learning activities, as a cooperative learning strategy in science classes.

Cooperative learning involves dividing students into small groups and assigning activities for the groups to complete together. It aims to improve understanding of a subject. Benefits include improved academic performance, especially for low achieving students, better race relations, and improved social and affective development. The focus is on students learning from each other through interaction and shared responsibility rather than competing individually.

The researcher is interested in studying whether the use of station activities as a cooperative learning strategy can enhance students' performance in science. Specifically, the researcher wants to determine if station activities can help engage and involve students actively in learning science.

Get Moving: Station Activities Enhance Pupils’ Involvement and Interest

in Learning Science

Prepared by:

Aireen Aneza binti Abu Bakar


Cooperation is the keyword to achieve success. Most of us do not know our strengths
and weaknesses just by standalone. We need to help each other in order to share the
victory that we aimed together. Therefore, in education world, specifically in classroom
learning, cooperative learning is one of the strategies that will lead to the positive
outcomes. According to Kagan (1992), the three most important positive outcomes of
cooperative learning are (1) academic gains, especially for minority and low achieving
students; (2) improved race-relations among students in integrated classrooms; and (3)
improve social and affective development among all students.

Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with
students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their
understanding of a subject
( .In cooperative learning,
pupils need to interact among them, taking responsible towards each other and learning
without individual competition. Each of them does not only learning during teaching and
learning session but also they are responsible to make sure their friends are also learning,
thus creating an atmosphere of achievement.

Cooperative learning might enhance pupils’ performance in Science. Teachers play an

important part in choosing and using the right method in teaching Science using this
strategy. Station Activities can be one of the most suitable methods in cooperative
learning which could enhance pupils’ performance in learning Science. Cooperative
learning is more than just working in groups. Pupils must be interdependent, interact

with each other, be individually accountable, and use interpersonal skills. According to
the research summarized here, cooperative learning can greatly enhance science
learning, but not under all circumstances. Teachers need training and practice to use
cooperative learning effectively. (

In order to creating a large numbers of individuals who achieve success, it is not

possible if there are any pupils who want to stand as the only winner in the classroom.
According to Kee E. (2006), in Jurnal Penyelidikan Tindakan (Tahun 2006),
competition thus exists in a set-up of cooperative learning classroom. There is intergroup
competition. Anyway, in cooperative learning, an individual is not the winner. It is the
group which loses or wins. The members of a particular group help each other to
promote the success of their group members.

1.1 Reflection Based On Past Experience

Based on my experience after going through two phases of practicum, I managed to

discover one issue regarding pupils’ attention affecting pupils’ performance. I have
attended my practicum at two different schools in Tawau which are both categorised in
urban area. It is not so hard to attract pupils’ attention but then to make sure they achieve
the learning objectives and paying attention at the same time is quite difficult. Therefore,
I have tried using Station Activities to attract my pupils’ attention in teaching and
learning Science.

I can see the pupils are really interested with the station activities, as they love to work
on hands-on activities rather than minds-on activities. However, I have never done a
precise test regarding their performance if I use station activities as one of the teaching
and learning strategy. Therefore, I am interested in doing a research regarding the
Station Activities; is the strategy significant with the pupils’ performance in Science
subject. There is a lot of research based on co-operative learning that has been done.
Johnson, Johnson and Holubec (1990), Kagan (1992) and T. H. Gan & Wong (1995)
found out that the strategy bring positive effects whether in academic achievement and
also behavior, interest, motivation, and social skills among pupils. However, there is still

lack of studies regarding co-operative learning focused on station activities; whether it
affects pupils’ performance in learning Science.

Cooperative learning is an approach of instruction in which students in small groups

work on specific tasks towards the achievement of a common goal (Slavin, 1987). From
my observation throughout my practicum in previous schools, I can see that Station
Activities can stimulate pupils’ to involve actively in the teaching and learning session
and they managed to understand what they learn on certain topic. When I used minds-on
activities, pupils will feel bored and they looked quite not interested, and this lead to lose
focus and they will not perform well in the test on the topic related. Therefore, the basis
of this research is to find out whether Station Activities can attract pupils’ attention and
enhance their performance in Science subject at the same time. I hope that through this
research, pupils can enhance their own performance in learning Science besides
inculcate positive values in social skills.


Reflect on my past experience, the main issue that I faced during my practicum in two
schools previously is pupils’ attention affecting pupils’ involvement in the classroom.
As a Science trainee teacher, I stressed on pupils’ performance as the measuring tools on
my successful in implementing teaching and learning process. Therefore, to enhance
pupils’ performance in Science subject is my main focus in this action research. But
then, the strategy and approach is the key to attract pupils’ involvement and interest in
learning Science. This is the key to enhance pupils’ performance by the end of the
evaluation. Nowadays, pupils need to be teach using various strategies and not just using
“chalk and talk” strategy. Therefore, I had chosen cooperative learning focused on
Station Activities to attract pupils’ attention in order to enhance their performance in
Science subject. If I am not focusing on this issue, I feel like I might not satisfy with my
teaching session even though other strategies might enhance my pupils’ performance. To
enhance pupils’ performance by using the most appropriate strategy is the main focus of
my study as I am looking forward to implement this Station Activities strategy to gain
my pupils’ attention for the whole lesson. According to Mok S.S (2003), in order to

develop pupils’ cognitive, teacher should plan interesting and meaningful teaching-
learning activities.

2.1 Research Purpose

The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of cooperative learning focused
on Station Activities against pupils’ involvement and interest in learning Science.
Instead of using traditional method, I hope this strategy will improve the pupils’
involvement and interest in learning Science besides improve pupils’ achievement in
Science subject. I also hope that this strategy will inculcate positive values while
working together among their peers. In other words, this study aimed to determine is
there any significant between Station Activities in promoting higher achievement in
Science subject among the pupils in upper primary level. According to (Slavin,1983) :
Kagan (1992), cooperative learning promotes higher achievement than competitive and
individualistic learning structures across all age levels, subject areas, and almost all
tasks. Among the studies examined by Slavin, based on controlled research studies
which were conducted for an extended time in regular elementary and secondary school
classrooms, 63% showed superior outcomes for cooperative learning, 33% showed no
differences, and only 4% showed higher achievement for the traditional comparison


There are two main objectives of this research; which are:

 To study pupils’ involvement and interest throughout Station Activities in

learning Science
 To gain pupils’ attention together with helping them to understand better in
Science subject by using Station Activities


This research is focusing on the relationship between Station Activities strategy and
pupils’ performance in Science subject, therefore it is conducted:

 To study whether there is any significant in applying Station Activities strategy

with pupils’ involvement and interest in learning Science in the classroom.
 To study whether Station Activities strategy can gain pupils’ attention and help
the pupils to understand better in learning Science.


As researcher has being assigned to attend her third phase of practicum at SK Jambatan
Putih, Tawau, the sampling will be Year 3 pupils of SK Jambatan Putih, Tawau.


Several methods will be used in data collecting for this research. Questionnaire,
interview and document analysis will be used to obtain necessary data. Data were then
transcribed, analysed and coded. Interpretation was made in order to answer the focus of

6.1 Questionnaire
Questionnaire will be distributed after the samples had gone through both
learning certain topic using Station Activities strategy and without using the
strategy. The questionnaire will be constructed by including pupils’ interest
towards the subject, motivation by learning Science by using Station Activities
and their understanding of Science subject after gone through the Station
Activities strategy. I am using the Likert Scale in order to construct the
questionnaire. The questionnaire design is referred to Penggunaan Peta Konsep
Dalam Meningkatkan Sikap dan Minat Pelajar Terhadap Sains by Jamiah binti
Abdullah (2006). However, the items are being modified so that it will be
focusing on my research purpose. The questionnaire consists of 10 items which
will be judging based on 5 scales. The scales include strongly disagree, disagree,
disagree, agree, strongly agree and very strongly agree.

6.2 Interview
As I am teaching Year 3 pupils of SK Jambatan Putih, I will used interview as
my instrument for this research. I had chosen 10 pupils from all the three classes
randomly and interview them verbally with the same questions. Their answers
will be used as one of my primary data in order to obtain this action research

6.3 Document Analysis

As I am focusing my action research to Year 3 pupils, I prefer to see the pupils’
progress throughout their weekly performance. Therefore, I had chosen
document analysis as one of my instrument. Through document analysis, I can
see their involvement in the Science activities during the teaching and learning
process going on. All their document analysis will be the proof whether my
research will be significant or not significant.


7.1 Background

I had going through twice practicum in 2009 and there is when I realised that learning
Science should be by hands-on activities rather than just use minds-on activities.
According to T.H. Gan (1999), pupils feel that cooperative learning approach is fun
because it fulfills the needs to interact among each other, creating a better learning
condition and free from pressure. Therefore, the pupils need to learn Science in a fun
way where the teacher needs to play the most important part in choosing the suitable
strategy in teaching Science.

In the first place, I am not interested in implementing conservative method such as

“chalk and talk” because I can see that pupils’ will lose their focus in the middle of the
lesson. According to Kagan (1992), we as educators today have the unprecedented job of

preparing pupils to participate in a world we can only dimly imagine Therefore, I’ve
decided to try Station Activities strategy in order to gain pupils’ attention throughout the
whole lesson and to ensure that they understand what they are learning in one hour
teaching and learning session.

I am going for my third phase practicum in another school in Tawau. I will grab this
opportunity to study whether Station Activities in learning Science will promote a higher
quality in pupils’ performance in Science or vice versa. I am very excited to see the
results as I feel like this cooperative learning strategies might be the solution to my focus
of study.

7.2 Constraint

For this study, I had fixed my study area will be at Sek Keb Jambatan Putih, Tawau and
the research will focused just to Year 3 pupils.

7.3 Data Analysis

As I need to collect the data from primary source, I will use Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS) in order to transcribe, analyse and code the results that will be
obtained. The instruments used are pre and post test and questionnaire. For the pre and
post test, I will test them on the cognitive aspect; which are their knowledge and
understanding on certain topics. For the questionnaire, the items that I construct are
related to their motivation and interest in learning Science subject using Station
Activities strategy.


8.1 Plan of Action

I. Before the implementation of “Station Activities”, researcher will conduct a test

based on their past lesson to identify the pupils’ cognitive level.
II. First of all, researcher will choose two classes with the different cognitive level
and teach them on the same topic without using the “Station Activities”.
III. After teaching on a topic without using the “Station Activities” strategy,
researcher will analysed pupils’ involvement and interest by referring to
document analysis.
IV. On the preferred week, researcher will teach both classes with the same topic
again but by using “Station Activities”. As researcher enters the classes,
researcher will mention to the pupils about the new strategy that will be applied.
V. After implement the strategy, researcher will choose 10 pupils rancomly in order
to interview the about learning Science by using Station Activities. Their
answers will be recorded in an interview form.
VI. Lastly, researcher will do an analysis of data and implement a follow-up action.

8.2 Station Activities

I. The strategy that the researcher used is categorized in cooperative learning.
II. Pupils will be divided into six or five group (according to the samples) and they
will sit in their group to conduct the activities instructed by the researcher.
III. After five to ten minutes, the researcher will used sound to instruct the pupils to
change their position to another station.
IV. This process will continue until all pupils finished rotating to all stations.

8.3 Table of action implementation

Num. Activity Date of Notes

1 Identifying problem and During first and -
collecting data second practicum
2 Writing research proposal 1st-5th February During third
2010 practicum
st th
3 Planning 1 -5 February During third
2010 practicum
th th
4 Implementation 5 -30 July 2010 Internship
5 Discussing problems that 5th -30th July 2010 Internship
arises during research
6 Reflection August 2010 After Internship
7 Writing research report August 2010 After Internship
8 Presentation of result September 2010 After Internship

8.4 Table of Data Collection and Data Analysis

Num. Activity Instruments Date of

1 Teaching the topic without Document First week
using Station Activities Analysis
2 Teaching topic using Station Second week
Activities Document
3 Giving test regarding the topic Second week
that have being taught using -
Station Activities
4 Asks the pupils regarding the Questionnaire Third week
teaching and learning session
using Station Activities

5 Interview the pupils regarding Interview Fourth week

Station Activities
6 Reflection - Fifth week
7 Writing research report - Sixth to eighth
8 Presentation of result Multimedia September

9.0 COST

Quantity x price
Num. Material Total
per unit
1 A4 paper 5 ream X RM 59.50
RM 11.90
2 Printer cartridge (black) 2X RM 120.00
RM 60.00
3 Printer catridge (colour) 2X RM 150.00
RM 75.00
4 Others RM 50.00


Kagan S. (1992). Cooperative Learning. Kagan Cooperative Learning: San Juan


Mok S.S. ( 2003). An Education Course for K.P.L.I. Theme 1 (Student Development,

Teaching-Learning Process & Evaluation). Kumpulan Budiman Sdn. Bhd. :
Subang Jaya

Kee H.L. (2006). A Teacher’s Personal Reflection on the Usage of Cooperative

Learning Strategies in Teaching Primary School Science. Jurnal Penyelidikan
Tindakan, 1, 12-28

Hasnah binti Musa. (2008). Cemerlang Sejarah Dengan Peta Minda. Jurnal Paradigma,
7, 36-44

Suhaimi Yusof. (2007). Pembelajaran Masteri dan Koperatif Membantu Meningkatkan

Prestasi Pelajar Dalam Pembelajaran Fizik. Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan
Penyelidikan Pendidikan Guru 2007. 1, 3-16

Cooperative Learning [Online]. Available :

Blosser,P. (1992).Using Cooperative Learning in Science [Online]. Available:

OERI. (1992). Cooperative Learning [Online]. Available:


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