Understanding TCXOs

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PAGE 42 APRIL 2005


Understanding TCXOs
by Ramon M. Cerda, Crystek Crystals Corp.

emperature Compensated high impedance; typically it calls for a
Crystal Oscillators (TCXOs) 10K Ohm load. The clipped-sine driv-
are widely used in todays er is perfect for driving PLL ICs direct-
wireless communications systems. ly providing a low current solution.
They have become a vital component There are four digitally implement-
to cell phones and the growing wire- ed (and one basic analog) types. These
less PDA industry. High-end TCXOs are as follows:
are also an important component in TCXO Temperature
telecom and other industries. Compensated Crystal Oscillator
The major difference between a (See Figure 2)
TCXO and a simple crystal oscillator ADTCXO Analog Digital
is that the TCXO contains additional Temperature Compensated Crystal
circuitry that corrects (compensates) Oscillator (See Figure 3 with the
the crystals frequency vs. tempera- exception that the DAC and Logic
ture characteristics. Figure 1 depicts a are replaced with a Cubic function Figure 1: TCXO Compensation
simple illustration on how the crystal and analog amplifiers respectively)
is corrected. The additional compen- DTCXO Digital Temperature
sating circuitry falls into three Compensated Crystal Oscillator
major categories: Digital, Analog (See Figure 3)
or Analog/Digital combination. MCXO Microprocessor
Understanding the differences Compensated Crystal Oscillator
between digital and analog compensa- (See Figure 4)
tion is important since they, in some DCXO Digitally Controlled
cases, are not interchangeable. Crystal Oscillator
The un-compensated frequency The ADTCXO in Figure 3 is the
stability shown in Figure 1 is of a typ- type now used in the cell phone indus- Figure 2: Analog TCXO
ical AT-cut quartz crystal. It is actual- try and is available in 5x3.2x1.5mm
ly a family of curves determined pri- and smaller. These oscillators are also
marily by the angle at which the crys- being designed in all types of equip-
tal blank is cut. These curves follow a ment due to their small size and low
cubic equation of the form: cost. But, designers beware: with the
DTCXO version of Figure 3 and the
other digital implementations, phase
hits (abrupt phase changes) will occur
when the oscillator makes a correction
because it sensed a temperature
change. The ADTCXO version of
Figure 3 does not have phase jumps
Commodity TCXOs are available from due to its analog back-end.
Figure 3: Digital Temp. Comp. Crystal Osc. (DTCXO)
+/-1.5ppm to +/-5ppm frequency stabil- Determining if an oscillator has
ity over -40C to +85C, with the most phase hits or frequency steps may not
standard spec being +/-2.5ppm over be easy to see in the frequency vs. tem-
-30C to +75C. Frequency stabilities perature curve. Taking the first deriva-
below +/-1.5 ppm over 0C to +70C tive of the frequency vs. temperature
are difficult to achieve and hence fall data can help reveal the phase hits.
into the high-performance category. Another way to see the phase hits is to
Commodity TCXOs typically cost less set up a test with the TCXO being used
than $8, while high-performance as the reference frequency to a phase
TCXOs are often $15 or more. locked loop (PLL), then monitor the
Commodity TCXOs can be manu- error voltage on phase detector while
factured in very small packages, such as the TCXO is ramped over temperature.
5x3.2x1.5mm and even 3.2x2.5x1mm A large phase hit can un-lock many
with smaller sizes on the horizon. These communication links if it cannot be Figure 4: Microprocessor Compensated Crystal Osc. (MCXO)
tiny oscillators are all ASIC-based for absorbed. Therefore, due diligence
high-volume manufacturing. Due to the must be done upfront by the designer
specific ASIC being used, the crystal considering using a digitally imple-
oscillator companies cannot offer any mented oscillator. Freq VS Temp
customization except for frequency The Digitally Controlled Crystal Osc. 0 to 70C Temp Price
Type ( ppm) Sensor P Range
within the range of the family. In addi- Oscillator (DCXO) is not shown here
XO 10 to 100 No No Lowest
tion, all these small TCXOs are actual- as a block because it can be imple-
VCXO 10 to 100 No No Low
ly VCTCXOs that is, they provide a mented in many different ways. The
TCXO 0.1 to 5 Yes No Medium
pin for electrical tuning or deviation. author defines a DCXO as any crystal
Output waveform options on these oscillator where the frequency of the
ADTCXO 1 to 5 Yes No Low
tiny TCXOs are limited to clipped-sine crystal is corrected by the equipments
DCXO 0.05 to 5 Yes Yes (in
or sinewave only. If you need host microprocessor. The correction
and No host eqpt) Low
HCMOS, for example, it is available intelligence may be the following:
MCXO 0.05 to 1 Yes Yes Highest
only on the larger packages. High per- 1) Crystals freq. vs. temp. curve
formance TCXOs are available with all 2) Timing from an external source Table 1: Oscillator Type Comparison of Stability and Price Range
the popular waveform options (i.e., a cell station can pass timing
(Sinewave, HCMOS, LVPECL, etc.). to the PDA or cell phone)
The clipped-sine waveform has one 3) Reference frequency from an alone TCXO. Another advantage to
major advantage over the other wave- external or internal source using the host microprocessor to per- Reference
forms: current draw. The typical cur- The designer of a DCXO may not form corrections is that one can halt John R. Vig, Quartz Crystal
rent draw for clipped-sine is 2mA max want to achieve the stability of a good the update when transmitting, and Resonators and Oscillators
at +3V. The internal clipped-sine driver TCXO. For example he or she might possibly while receiving.
is simply sourced from the collector of be satisfied with compensating/cor- Table 1 summarizes the different ver- CRYSTEK CRYSTALS
a bipolar transistor. This means that recting a +/-25ppm crystal to +/-5ppm sions of the TCXOs as well as simple CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO.
load seen by the oscillator has to be without adding the cost of a stand- clocks (XO) and VCXOs for comparison.

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