An Analysis of Anonymity in The Bitcoin System

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An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System

Fergal Reid and Martin Harrigan

Abstract Anonymity in Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer electronic currency system, is a

complicated issue. Within the system, users are identified only by public-keys.
An attacker wishing to de-anonymize users will attempt to construct the one-to-
many mapping between users and public-keys, and associate information external
to the system with the users. Bitcoin tries to prevent this attack by storing the
mapping of a user to his or her public-keys on that users node only and by allowing
each user to generate as many public-keys as required. In this chapter we consider
the topological structure of two networks derived from Bitcoins public transaction
history. We show that the two networks have a non-trivial topological structure,
provide complementary views of the Bitcoin system, and have implications for
anonymity. We combine these structures with external information and techniques
such as context discovery and flow analysis to investigate an alleged theft of
Bitcoins, which, at the time of the theft, had a market value of approximately

Keywords Network analysis Anonymity Bitcoin

1 Introduction

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic currency system first described in a paper by

Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym) in 2008 [19]. It relies on digital signatures to
prove ownership and a public history of transactions to prevent double-spending.
The history of transactions is shared using a peer-to-peer network and is agreed
upon using a proof-of-work system [3, 11].

F. Reid (*) M. Harrigan

Clique Research Cluster, Complex and Adaptive Systems Laboratory,
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Y. Altshuler et al. (eds.), Security and Privacy in Social Networks, 197

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-4139-7_10, # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
198 F. Reid and M. Harrigan

Fig. 1 Screen capture of

a tweet from WikiLeaks
announcing their acceptance
of anonymous Bitcoin

The first Bitcoins were transacted in January 2009, and by June 2011 there were
6.5 million Bitcoins in circulation among an estimated 10,000 users [27]. In recent
months, the currency has seen rapid growth in both media attention and market
price relative to existing currencies. At its peak, a single Bitcoin traded for more
than US$30 on popular Bitcoin exchanges. At the same time, U.S. Senators
and lobby groups in Germany, such as Der Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft
(the Federal Association of Digital Economy), raised concerns regarding the
untraceability of Bitcoins and their potential to harm society through tax evasion,
money laundering and illegal transactions. The implications of the decentralized
nature of Bitcoin with respect to the authorities ability to regulate and monitor the
flow of currency is as yet unclear.
Many users adopt Bitcoin for political and philosophical reasons, as much as
pragmatic ones. There is an understanding amongst Bitcoins more technical users
that anonymity is not a primary design goal of the system; however, opinions vary
widely as to how anonymous the system is in practice. Jeff Garzik, a member of
Bitcoins development team, is quoted as saying that it would be unwise to attempt
major illicit transactions with Bitcoin, given existing statistical analysis techniques
deployed in the field by law enforcement.1 However, prior to the present work,
no analysis of anonymity in Bitcoin was publicly available to substantiate or
refute these claims. Furthermore, many other users of the system do not share this
belief. For example, WikiLeaks, an international organization for anonymous
whistleblowers, recently advised its Twitter followers that it now accepts anony-
mous donations via Bitcoin (see Fig. 1) and states the following2:
Bitcoin is a secure and anonymous digital currency. Bitcoins cannot be easily tracked back
to you, and are [sic] safer and faster alternative to other donation methods.

They proceed to describe a more secure method of donating Bitcoins that

involves the generation of a one-time public-key but the implications for those
who donate using the tweeted public-key are unclear. Is it possible to associate a
donation with other Bitcoin transactions performed by the same user or perhaps
identify them using external information? The extent to which this anonymity holds
in the face of determined analysis remains to be tested.

buy-drugs-with-digital-dollars/239776 Retrieved 2011-11-12.
2 Retrieved: 2011-07-22.
An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System 199

This chapter is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we consider some existing

work relating to electronic currencies and anonymity. The economic aspects
of the system, interesting in their own right, are beyond the scope of this work.
In Sect. 3 we present an overview of the Bitcoin system; we focus on three features
that are particularly relevant to our analysis. In Sect. 4 we construct two network
structures, the transaction network and the user network using the publicly available
transaction history. We study the static and dynamic properties of these networks.
In Sect. 5 we consider the implications of these network structures for anonymity.
We also combine information external to the Bitcoin system with techniques
such as flow and temporal analysis to illustrate how various types of information
leakage can contribute to the de-anonymization of the systems users. Finally, we
conclude in Sect. 6.

1.1 A Note Regarding Motivation and Disclosure

Our motivation for this analysis is not to de-anonymize individual users of the
Bitcoin system. Rather, it is to demonstrate, using a passive analysis of a publicly
available dataset, the inherent limits of anonymity when using Bitcoin. This will
ensure that users do not have expectations that are not being fulfilled by the system.
In security-related research, there is considerable disagreement over how best to
disclose vulnerabilities [7]. Many researchers favor full disclosure wherein all
information regarding a vulnerability is promptly released. This enables informed
users to promptly take defensive measures. Other researchers favor limited disclo-
sure; while this provides attackers with a window in which to exploit uninformed
users, a mitigation strategy can be prepared and implemented before public
announcement, thus limiting damage (e.g. through a software update). Our analysis
illustrates some potential risks and pitfalls with regard to anonymity in the Bitcoin
system. However, there is no central authority that can fundamentally change the
systems behavior. Furthermore, it is not possible to prevent analysis of the existing
transaction history.
There are also two noteworthy features of the dataset when compared to conten-
tious social network datasets (e.g. the Facebook profiles of Harvard University
students) [18]. First, the delineation between what is considered public and private
is clear: the entire history of Bitcoin transactions is publicly available. Secondly,
the Bitcoin system does not have a usage policy. After joining Bitcoins peer-to-
peer network, a client can freely request the entire history of Bitcoin transactions;
no crawling or scraping is required.
Thus, we believe the best strategy to minimize the threat to user anonymity is to
be descriptive about the risks of the Bitcoin system. We do not identify individual
users apart from those in the case study, but we note that it is not difficult for other
groups to replicate our work. Indeed, given the passive nature of our analysis, other
parties may already be conducting similar analyses.
200 F. Reid and M. Harrigan

2 Related Work

2.1 Electronic Currencies

Electronic currencies can be technically classified according to their mechanisms

for establishing ownership, protecting against double-spending, ensuring ano-
nymity and/or privacy, and generating and issuing new currency. Bitcoin is
particularly noteworthy for the last of these mechanisms. The proof-of-work
system [3, 11] that establishes consensus regarding the history of transactions
also doubles as a minting mechanism. The scheme was first outlined in the B-
Money Proposal [10]. We briefly consider some alternative mechanisms in this
section. Ripple [12] is an electronic currency wherein every user can issue
currency. However, the currency is only accepted by peers who trust the issuer.
Transactions between arbitrary pairs of users require chains of trusted intermediaries
between the users. Saito [24] formalized and implemented a similar system, i-WAT,
in which the chain of intermediaries can be established without their immediate
presence using digital signatures. KARMA [28] is an electronic currency wherein the
central authority is distributed over a set of users that are involved in all transactions.
PPay [30] is a micropayment scheme for peer-to-peer systems in which the issuer of
the currency is responsible for keeping track of it. However, both KARMA and PPay
can incur large overhead when the rate of transactions is high. Mondex is a smart-
card electronic currency [26]. It preserves a central banks role in the generation
and issuance of electronic currency. Mondex was an electronic replacement for
cash in the physical world whereas Bitcoin is an electronic analog of cash in the
online world.
The authors are not aware of any studies of the network structure of electronic
currencies. However, there are such studies of physical currencies. The commu-
nity currency Tomamae-cho was introduced into the Hokkaido Prefecture in
Japan for a 3-month period during 20042005 in a bid to revitalize the local
economy. The Tomamae-cho system involved gift-certificates that were re-usable
and legally redeemable into yen. There was an entry space on the reverse side of
each certificate for recipients to record transaction dates, their names and
addresses, and the purposes of use, up to a maximum of five recipients. Kichiji
and Nishibe [16] used the collected certificates to derive a network structure that
represented the flow of currency during the period. They showed that the cumula-
tive degree distribution of the network obeyed a power-law distribution, the
network had small-world properties (the average clustering coefficient was high
whereas the average path length was low), the directionality and the value of
transactions were significant features, and the double-triangle system [22] was
effective. Studies have also been performed on the physical movement of cur-
rency: Wheres George? [29] is a crowd-sourced method for tracking U.S.
dollar bills in which users record the serial numbers of bills in their possession,
along with their current location. If a bill is recorded sufficiently often, its
geographical movement can be tracked over time. Brockmann et al. [6] used
An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System 201

this dataset as a proxy for studying multi-scale human mobility and as a tool for
computing geographic borders inherent to human mobility.
Grinberg [13] considered some of the legal issues that may be relevant to
Bitcoin in the United States. For example, does Bitcoin violate the Stamp Payments
Act of 1862? The currency can be used as a token for a less sum than $1, intended
to circulate as money or to be received or used in lieu of lawful money of the United
States. However, the authors of the act could not have conceived of digital
currencies at the time of its writing and therefore Bitcoin may not fall under
its scope. Grinberg believes that Bitcoin is unlikely to be a security, or more
specifically an investment contract, and therefore does not fall under the
Securities Act of 1933. He also believes that the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 and
the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 pose the greatest risk for Bitcoin
developers, exchanges, wallet providers, mining pool operators, and businesses
that accept Bitcoins. These acts require certain kinds of financial businesses,
even if they are located abroad, to register with a bureau of the United States
Department of the Treasury known as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FinCEN). The legality of Bitcoin is outside the scope of our work, but is interesting

2.2 Anonymity

Previous work has shown the difficulty in maintaining anonymity in the context
of networked data and online services that expose partial user information.
Narayanan and Shmatikov [21] and Backstrom et al. [4] considered privacy attacks
that identify users using the structure of networks, and showed the difficulty in
guaranteeing anonymity in the presence of network data. Crandall et al. [9] infer
social ties between users where none are explicitly stated by looking at patterns of
coincidences or common off-network co-occurrences. Gross and Acquisiti [14]
discuss the privacy of early users in the Facebook social network, and how
information from multiple sources could be combined to identify pseudonymous
network users. Narayanan and Shmatikov [20] de-anonymized the Netflix Prize
dataset using information from IMDB3 that had similar user content, showing
that statistical matching between different but related datasets can be used to
attack anonymity. Puzis et al. [23] simulated the monitoring of a communications
network using strategically-located monitoring nodes. They showed that, using
real-world network topologies, a relatively small number of nodes could collabo-
rate to pose a significant threat to anonymity. Korolova et al. [17] studied strategies
for efficiently compromising network nodes to maximize link information

202 F. Reid and M. Harrigan

observed. Altshuler et al. [1] discussed the increasing dangers of attacks targeting
similar types of information, and provided measures of the difficulty of such
attacks, on particular networks. All of this work points to the difficulty in
maintaining anonymity where network data on user behavior is available, and
illustrates how seemingly minor information leaks can be aggregated to pose
significant risks. Security researcher Dan Kaminsky independently performed an
investigation of some aspects of anonymity in the Bitcoin system, and presented his
findings at a security conference [15] shortly after an initial draft of our work was
made public. He investigated the linking problem that we analyze and describe in
Sect. 4.2. In addition to the analysis we conducted, his work investigated the
Bitcoin system from an angle we did not consider the TCP/IP operation of the
underlying peer-to-peer network. Kaminskys TCP/IP layer findings strengthen
the core claims of our work that Bitcoin does not anonymise user activity.
We provide a summary of Kaminskys findings in Sect. 5.2.

3 The Bitcoin System

The following is a simplified description of the Bitcoin system (see Nakamoto [19]
for a more thorough treatment). Bitcoin is an electronic currency with no central
authority or issuer. There is no central bank or fractional reserve system controlling
the supply of Bitcoins. Instead, they are generated at a predictable rate such that the
eventual total number will be 21 million. There is no requirement for a trusted third-
party when making transactions. Suppose Alice wishes to send a number of
Bitcoins to Bob. Alice uses a Bitcoin client to join the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network.
She then makes a public transaction or declaration stating that one or more
identities that she controls (which can be verified using public-key cryptography),
and which previously had a number of Bitcoins assigned to them, wishes to re-
assign those Bitcoins to one or more other identities, at least one of which is
controlled by Bob. The participants of the peer-to-peer network form a collective
consensus regarding the validity of this transaction by appending it to the public
history of previously agreed-upon transactions (the block-chain). This process
involves the repeated computation of a cryptographic hash function so that the
digest of the transaction, along with other pending transactions, and an arbitrary
nonce, has a specific form. This process is designed to require considerable compu-
tational effort, from which the security of the Bitcoin mechanism is derived.
To encourage users to pay this computational cost, the process is incentivized
using newly generated Bitcoins and/or transaction fees, and so this whole process
is known as mining.
In this chapter, three features of the Bitcoin system are of particular interest.
First, the entire history of Bitcoin transactions is publicly available. This is neces-
sary in order to validate transactions and to prevent double-spending in the absence
of a central authority. The only way to confirm the absence of a previous transaction
An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System 203

is to be aware of all previous transactions. The second feature of interest is that a

transaction can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs. An input to a transaction
is either the output of a previous transaction or a sum of newly generated Bitcoins
and transaction fees. A transaction frequently has either a single input from a
previous larger transaction or multiple inputs from previous smaller transactions.
Also, a transaction frequently has two outputs: one sending payment and one
returning change. Third, the payer and payee(s) of a transaction are identified
through public-keys from public-private key-pairs. However, a user can have
multiple public-keys. In fact, it is considered good practice for a payee to generate
a new public-private key-pair for every transaction. Furthermore, a user can take
the following steps to better protect their identity: they can avoid revealing
any identifying information in connection with their public-keys; they can repeat-
edly send varying fractions of their Bitcoins to themselves using multiple (newly
generated) public-keys; and/or they can use a trusted third-party mixer or laundry.
However, these practices are not universally applied.
The three aforementioned features, namely the public availability of Bitcoin
transactions, the input-output relationship between transactions and the re-use and
co-use of public-keys, provide a basis for two distinct network structures: the
transaction network and the user network. The transaction network represents
the flow of Bitcoins between transactions over time. Each vertex represents a
transaction, and each directed edge between a source and a target represents an
output of the transaction corresponding to a source that is an input to the transaction
corresponding to the target. Each directed edge also includes a value in Bitcoins and
a timestamp. The user network represents the flow of Bitcoins between users over
time. Each vertex represents a user, and each directed edge between a source and a
target represents an input-output pair of a single transaction wherein the inputs
public-key belongs to the user corresponding to the source and the outputs public-
key belongs to the user corresponding to the target. Each directed edge also includes
a value in Bitcoins and a timestamp.
We gathered the entire history of Bitcoin transactions from the first transaction
on January 3, 2009 up to and including the last transaction that occurred on July 12,
2011. We gathered the dataset using the Bitcoin client4 and a modified version of
Gavin Andresens bitcointools project.5 The dataset comprises 1,019,486
transactions between 1,253,054 unique public-keys. We describe the construction
of the corresponding transaction and user networks, and their analyses, in the
following sections. We will show that the two networks are complex, have non-
trivial topological structure, provide complementary views of the Bitcoin system,
and have implications for the anonymity of users.


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