1 - Introduction To Impact Evaluation PDF
1 - Introduction To Impact Evaluation PDF
1 - Introduction To Impact Evaluation PDF
This is the first guidance note in a four-part series of notes related to impact evaluation developed
by InterAction with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation. The other notes in this series
are: Linking Monitoring & Evaluation to Impact Evaluation; Introduction to Mixed Methods in Impact
Evaluation; and Use of Impact Evaluation Results. The complete series can be found on InterActions
website at: http://www.interaction.org/impact-evaluation-notes.
This guidance note has benefited from feedback from members of InterActions Evaluation and Program
Effectiveness Working Group. Information about evaluation methods in Guidance Note 1 has been drawn
from BetterEvaluation, an international collaboration for sharing information to improve evaluation.
More information about each of the methods can be found on the website www.betterevaluation.org.
Introduction 1
9. Explaining to What Extent Observed Results Have Been Produced by the Intervention 9
Summary 17
InterAction has produced a series of guidance methods, approaches and designs that can be
notes addressing these questions to support man- used for the different aspects of impact evalua-
agement, program and M&E staff in international tion: clarifying values for the evaluation, develop-
NGOs to plan, design, manage, conduct and use ing a theory of how the intervention is under-
impact evaluations. These notes can also inform stood to work, measuring or describing impacts
their discussions with external evaluators, partners and other important variables, explaining why
and funders. impacts have occurred, synthesizing results, and
reporting and supporting use. The note discusses
This first guidance note, Introduction to Impact what is considered good impact evaluation
Evaluation, provides an overview of impact evaluation that achieves a balance between the
evaluation, explaining how impact evaluation competing imperatives of being useful, rigorous,
differs from and complements other types ethical and practical and how to achieve this.
of evaluation, why impact evaluation should be Footnotes throughout the document contain ref-
done, when and by whom. It describes different erences for further reading in specific areas.
Methods that help negotiate between dif- There can be multiple theories of change differ-
ferent sets of values ent theories showing how the intervention works at
different stages, in different contexts (acknowledg-
Delphi process that works through a ing effects of external influences) and for different
series of written interactions without face- impacts; and different theories that are developed
to-face context, where key stakeholders over time as better understanding develops.
provide their opinions about what they
see as important, then respond to the ag- Theories of change can improve impact evaluation
gregated results (Delphi Method | Delphi by helping to:
Method: Techniques and Applications |
Delphi Survey - Europa). Identify intermediate outcomes or impacts
that can be observed within the time frame of