Impact of PV Sources On The Overcurrent Relays in Medium Voltage Distribution Networks

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2017 Ninth Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference

Impact of PV Sources on the Overcurrent Relays in

Medium Voltage Distribution Networks

Matin Meskin, Praveen Iyer Alexander Domijan

Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
University at Buffalo, the State University of New York University at Buffalo, the State University of New York
Buffalo, USA Buffalo, USA
[email protected], [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Integration of renewable sources to the power grids current is flowing through both protective devices in the
has become more economical and prevalent. These sources cause presence of the DG unit [3], [6]-[7], [9].
the load flow to change in the network which can affect the
overcurrent (OC) relays as the main protective device in medium To solve this problem, adaptive methods have been
voltage (MV) distribution networks. In other words, increasing the suggested in some papers [10]-[11]. However, the need to
current flowing through the lines will result in operating OC relays monitor DG status continuously, disconnect the DGs [10] and
during normal conditions of the network. In addition, the measure the current of downstream OC protective devices
generation of renewables varies due to change in the weather persistently [11] are the main disadvantages of these schemes.
conditions, which can make it difficult to determine appropriate Moreover, reliance of these adaptive methods on the
OC relay settings. communication networks make them vulnerable and costly.
In this paper the impact of Photovoltaic (PV) sources on the Among the DG units, the rate of utilization of renewables,
operation of the OC relays will be examined. It will be shown that especially in the residential sector, has been increasing as they
the integration of PV sources bring about the operation of OC can meet the demand growth as well as diminish the amount of
relays inadvertently due to changes in magnitude and/or direction greenhouse emission. It has been observed that PV sources do
of flowing current through the relays. To address this problem, not have any impact on the OC relays in a radial distribution
recalculation of OC relay settings will be studied. network [4]. However, the effect of these PV sources on the
EMTDC/PSCAD software is used in this paper to simulate the operation of OC relays, when the fault occurs in the upper level
impact of PV source on the OC relays in the MV distribution of the network, has not been examined.
In this paper, the impact of PV sources on the OC relays in a
Keywords Directional Overcurrent Relay; Distribution meshed MV distribution network will be studied. Recalculation
Network; Photovoltaic Source; Renewable Source; Distributed of OC relay settings, which has been proposed in some
Generation; literatures [3], [12], will be investigated as a potential solution
to see whether it can mitigate the impact of PV sources.
The integration of distributed generation (DG) units into the II. PV MODELING AND SIMULATION
electric grid has seen a vast improvement recently. Some To examine the PV impacts on the protection system, the
benefits of this integration are meeting consumer needs and model of PV source developed in [13] is used. Fig. 1 depicts PV
shaving the peak demand; less investment in comparison to model in the PSCAD software. This model is appropriate for
installation of new transmission lines and power plants, MV distribution networks and accurate enough. Thermal time
enhancement of the reliability on the consumers side, and constants are much larger than electrical time constants and
improvement of the voltage profile in distribution level [1]-[2]. therefore cell temperature can be considered constant, and it is
However, increment in fault capacity of distribution network sufficient in most electromagnetic transients (EMT) simulations
and change in the fault current magnitude and direction are some [13]. Each PV module data and PV cell parameters are shown in
of the drawbacks from the point of view of protection [2]-[8]. Table I-Table II.
These changes would result in miscoordination, maloperation
and/or trip failure of OC protective devices. It has been shown TABLE I. PV MODULE DATA
that DG unit placement in conventional radial distribution Number of Modules Connected in Series in Each Array 20
networks has deteriorated the coordination between downstream Number of Modules Connected in Parallel in Each Array 20
and upstream OC protective devices [1], [3], [5], [7]-[9]. Number of Cells Connected in Series in Each Module 8000
Recalculation of the OC protective devices and resizing them, if Number of Cells Connected in Parallel in Each Module 6000
required, will mitigate the number of miscoordinations. Reference Irradiation 600
However, in some cases it is not feasible to maintain Reference Cell Temperature (C) 25
coordination between downstream and upstream OC protective Cell Temperature (C) 50
devices (i.e. fuse-fuse or fuse-recloser pairs) because the same

2166-5478/17 $31.00 2017 IEEE 272

DOI 10.1109/GreenTech.2017.46
The data of transformer that connects the PV source to the Table I a combination of series and parallel cells and modules
MV distribution network is given in Table III. According to are used to provide the required power in this study.

Fig. 1. PV system simulation in PSCAD


Effective Area/Cell 0.01 The network under study is represented in Fig. 3 which
Series Resistance/Cell () 0.02 encompasses conventional and PV sources working in the
Shunt Resistance/Cell () 1000 frequency of 60 Hz. Base voltage and power are 34.5 kV and
Diode Ideality Factor 1.5 100 MVA respectively. The network data is presented in Table
Band Gap Energy (eV) 1.103 IV-Table VIII. All of the relays are inverse-time OC relays with
a standard (normal) inverse curve containing directional
Saturation Current at Reference Conditions/Cell (A) element. The OC relay current settings are referred to the
Short Circuit Current at Reference Conditions/Cell (A) 10.5 primary side.
Temperature Coefficient of Photo Current 0.001


Rated Leakage No Load Copper
Ratio Secondary
Power Impedance Losses Losses
(kV) Winding
(MVA) (P.U) (P.U) (P.U)
0.6/34.5 5 0.00571 0.0016 0.0066 Yn-Yn
I-V characteristic of PV arrays is depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 3. Single line diagram of the study MV distribution network

When the contribution of PV is small, the load on buses 4

and 5 are fed from the generator on bus 1, and thus the current
flows from bus 5 to bus 4. By increasing the generation of the
PV source, the loads on buses 4 and 5 are fed through the PV
source leading the current direction to change from bus 4 to bus
The operation of relay R5 is studied under several cases to
see the impact of the PV source on the operation of the OC relays
Fig. 2. I-V characteristics of the simulated PV modules without MPPT in the MV distribution network.
The maximum solar radiation corresponding to the TABLE IV. NETWORK GENERATOR DATA
maximum power generation is assumed to be 12 in
this simulation. It should be mentioned that the maximum power Voltage (kV) Inductance (H) Resistance ()
point tracking (MPPT) is not considered in this study. Control
138 0.000895 0 Fixed
The focus in this paper is on the OC protection system of
MV distribution networks, and hence the internal protection and TABLE V. NETWORK TRANSFORMER DATA
control system of PV source is not taken into consideration.
However, in reality these systems should be designed in a way Ratio
Rated No Load Copper
to meet applicable requirements. Power Losses Losses
(kV) Winding
(MVA) (P.U) (P.U)
138/34.5 100 0.003 0.005 Yn-D

TABLE VI. NETWORK LINE DATA current due to PV source integration is considered as a fault by
the conventional directional OC relay.

Positive Seq.

Positive Seq.



From Bus

Zero Seq.

Zero Seq.
Line No.

To Bus B. Case 2





In this case, the PV source comes into service at t=1.5 Sec.
The current direction before PV source connection was from bus
1 2 3 0.05695 0.17388 0.08543 0.26082 0.034 5 to bus 4, but after the PV source delivers power to the grid, the
2 3 4 0.01335 0.04211 0.02003 0.06317 0.0128 current flows from bus 4 to bus 5 and its magnitude exceeds the
3 2 5 0.04699 0.19797 0.07049 0.29696 0.0438 current setting of R5. Therefore, a trip command is issued at
4 4 5 0.06701 0.17103 0.10052 0.25655 0.0346 t=7.5177 Sec. Fig. 5 represents the operation of conventional
directional OC relay R5 under this condition.
Load Real Load Reactive
Load on Bus
Power (MW) Power (MVAR)
2 15 9
3 7 1.6
4 7.8 3.9
5 12.9 5.6


Current Time Setting Current Time Setting

Relay Relay
Setting Multiplier Setting Multiplier
Number Number
(kA) (TSM) (kA) (TSM)
1 0.53 0.32 5 0.21 0.17
2 0.14 0.05 6 0.28 0.25
3 0.41 0.24 7 0.21 0.05
4 0.14 0.19 8 0.53 0.3
A. Case 1
In this case, the PV source connected to bus 4 generates
power. This power delivered to the grid causes the flowing
current through transmission lines to change in both direction
and magnitude. These changes result in the operation of Fig. 5. Operation of conventional OC protection R5 during normal condition
directional OC relay R5 at t=7.3491 Sec. when the PV source comes into service at t=1.5 Sec.

Fig. 4. Operation of conventional OC protection R5 during normal condition

Fig. 6. Operation of conventional OC protection R5 during normal condition
Fig. 4 indicates the RMS value of the current in phase A (the when the breaker at R3 is open
upper graph) and the operation of conventional directional OC
protection (the lower graph) due to integration of the PV source
to the MV distribution network. In other words, increment of

C. Case 3 can cause the OC relays with the new settings to operate
In this case, it is assumed that the breaker at R3 is open. Thus inadvertently. However, increment of current settings will
R5 senses a current that is further beyond its setting leading the decrease the sensitivity of the entire protection system. In other
circuit to be cut off at t=1.737 Sec. Fig. 6 depicts this condition. words, the fault current should be high enough to cause the OC
relay to initiate a trip and thus OC relays may not operate in
D. Case 4 some conditions when the fault current is not large enough.
In this case the variation of solar radiation is examined. The Moreover, changing in solar radiation leads to the variation
solar radiation starts from  and then reaches  of PV source output. This means that the generation of PV
at the time of 2 Sec. and finally attains  at t=3.5 source varies from zero (out of service) to the maximum, and
Sec. and remains on this value until the end of simulation. This therefore these settings obtained from maximum generation of
variation in solar radiation causes the current through relay R5 PV source are somewhat unjustifiable when the PV source is out
to go beyond its setting, and hence a trip is initiated at t=9.564 of service. In other words, the operating times of the OC relays
Sec. according to Fig. 7. with the application of recalculated settings increase when the
contribution of the PV source to the power generation is zero or
small amount. This will result in rising the fault clearing time.
Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show such a case for the operating times of
relays R1 and R2 with original (blue curve) and recalculated
(green curve) TSM. Original TSM refers to the TSM obtained
from the original network without the PV source (see Table
VIII) and recalculated TSM is shown in Table IX obtained from
the network with integration of the PV source. Considering a
three-phase fault in front of relay R2 at t=3.2 Sec lasting for 1.5
Sec. According to Fig. 8, relay R1 operates at t= 4.1343 Sec for
this fault when the original TSM is applied to the relay R1 while
it initiates a trip at t=4.1995 Sec for recalculated TSM. The same
happens for relay R2 for the same fault conditions. Relay R2
operates at t=3.2683 Sec and t=3.532 Sec for original and
recalculated TSMs respectively. Hence, using the recalculated
TSMs when the PV source does not generate the power brings
about longer fault clearing time. This would even worsen when
several DG units get involved in the power generation.

Fig. 7. Operation of conventional OC protection R5 during normal condition

with variable solar radiation

E. Recalculation of OC Relay Settings to Improve Operation

of OC Relays
To address the misoperation problem, the time and current
settings of OC relays should be recalculated to take the PV
source effect into account. An optimal method described in [14] Fig. 8. Operating time of Relay R1 with original and recalculated TSM
is used to obtain the new settings of OC relays. These settings
are given in Table IX. It should be noted that the maximum
power generation of PV source corresponding to the solar
radiation of 12 is considered for recalculation of OC
relay settings.


Current Current
Relay Relay
Setting TSM Setting TSM
Number Number
(kA) (kA)
1 0.68 0.3 5 0.8 0.11
2 0.72 0.05 6 0.76 0.18
3 0.66 0.2 7 0.65 0.05 Fig. 9. Operating time of Relay R2 with original and recalculated TSM
4 0.8 0.11 8 0.7 0.27
Application of these new settings solves the problem of PV The other issue that should be investigated is the
source integration, and thus none of the aforementioned cases coordination between OC relays. Without the PV source, relays
R2 and R7 are the last OC relays in the network and they do not

need to be coordinated with other front OC relays; however, they relays which is more problematic when the contribution of the
should be coordinated with their front OC relays (here R1 for R7 PV source is zero. In other words, when the contribution of the
and R8 for R2) when the PV source is coming into service. PV source to power generation gets to zero, the higher pick-up
current of OC relays would result in longer fault clearing time.
The results show that resizing of OC protective devices in
general resolves the maloperation of these devices at the expense
of unnecessary increment in pick-up currents, and therefore
longer fault clearing time of OC equipment. Hence, other
solutions for this problem should be considered to avoid such
negative side effects.
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