Rock Eval Pyrolysis

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Rock Eval pyrolysis is used to identify the type and maturity of

organic matter and to detect petroleum potential in sediments. Rock
Eval pyrolysis is done using the Delsi-Nermag Rock Eval II Plus TOC
module. Samples chosen to be measured on the Rock Eval are
usually subsampled from the freeze-dried material previously
crushed for analyses on the coulometer and CNS.

The Rock Eval (RE) pyrolysis method consists of a programmed

temperature heating (in a pyrolysis oven) in an inert atmosphere
(helium) of a small sample (~100 mg) to quantitatively and
selectively determine (1) the free hydrocarbons contained in the
sample and (2) the hydrocarbon- and oxygen-containing
compounds (CO2) that are volatilized during the cracking of the
unextractable organic matter in the sample (kerogen).

The pyrolysis oven temperature program is as follows: for 3 min,

the oven is kept isothermally at 300C and the free hydrocarbons
are volatilized and measured as the S1 peak (detected by FID). The
temperature is then increased from 300 to 550C (at 25C/min).
This is the phase of volatilization of the very heavy hydrocarbons
compounds (>C40) as well as the cracking of nonvolatile organic
matter. The hydrocarbons released from this thermal cracking are
measured as the S2 peak (by FID). The temperature at which
S2 reaches its maximum depends on the nature and maturity of the
kerogen and is called Tmax. The CO2 issued from kerogen cracking is
trapped in the 300-390C range. The trap is heated, and CO2 is
released and detected on a TCD during the cooling of the pyrolysis
oven (S3 peak).

In summary, the four basic parameters obtained by pyrolysis

(Fig. F4; from Tissot and Welte, 1984) are as follows:

S1 = the amount of free hydrocarbons (gas and oil) in the sample

(in milligrams of hydrocarbon per gram of rock). If S1 >1 mg/g, it
may be indicative of an oil show. S1 normally increases with depth.
Contamination of samples by drilling fluids and mud can give an
abnormally high value for S1.
S2 = the amount of hydrocarbons generated through thermal
cracking of nonvolatile organic matter. S2 is an indication of the
quantity of hydrocarbons that the rock has the potential of
producing should burial and maturation continue. This parameter
normally decreases with burial depths >1 km.
S3 = the amount of CO2 (in milligrams CO2 per gram of rock)
produced during pyrolysis of kerogen. S3 is an indication of the
amount of oxygen in the kerogen and is used to calculate the
oxygen index (see below). Contamination of the samples should be
suspected if abnormally high S3 values are obtained. High
concentrations of carbonates that break down at lower
temperatures than 390C will also cause higher S3 values than
Tmax = the temperature at which the maximum release of
hydrocarbons from cracking of kerogen occurs during pyrolysis (top
of S2 peak). Tmax is an indication of the stage of maturation of the
organic matter.

The RE II apparatus can also be used to determine the TOC of the

sample by oxidizing (in an oxidation oven kept at 600C) the
organic matter remaining in the sample after pyrolysis (residual
organic carbon). The TOC is then determined by adding the residual
organic carbon detected to the pyrolyzed organic carbon, which in
turn is measured from the hydrocarbon compounds issuing from

The type and maturity of organic matter in petroleum source rocks

can be characterized from Rock Eval pyrolysis data (see
Fig. F5; from Emeis and Kvenvolden, 1986. This figure has been
adapted for marine sediments cored by ODP.) using the following

HI = hydrogen index (HI = [100 x S2]/TOC). HI is a parameter used

to characterize the origin of organic matter. Marine organisms and
algae, in general, are composed of lipid- and protein-rich organic
matter, where the ratio of H to C is higher than in the carbohydrate-
rich constituents of land plants. HI typically ranges from ~100 to
600 in geological samples.
OI = oxygen index (OI = [100 x S3]/TOC). OI is a parameter that
correlates with the ratio of O to C, which is high for polysacharride-
rich remains of land plants and inert organic material (residual
organic matter) encountered as background in marine sediments.
OI values range from near 0 to ~150.
PI = production index (PI = S1/[S1 + S2]). PI is used to characterize
the evolution level of the organic matter.
PC = pyrolyzable carbon (PC = 0.083 x [S1 + S2]). PC corresponds
to carbon content of hydrocarbons volatilized and pyrolyzed during
the analysis.

Maturation of the organic matter can be estimated by (1) the

location of HI and OI on Figure F5 (the arrows point toward
increasing maturation) and (2) Tmax range. Tmax = 400-430C
represents immature organic matter; Tmax = 435-450C represents
mature or oil zone; Tmax > 450C represents the overmature zone.

Rock Eval pyrolysis is not normally used to make real-time drilling

decisions because of the lengthy sample preparation, running, and
interpretation time.

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