Cities of Tomorrow1
Cities of Tomorrow1
Cities of Tomorrow1
GDF SUEZ develops its businesses (electricity,
natural gas, services) around a model based on
responsible growth to take up todays major
energy and environmental challenges: meeting
energy needs, ensuring the security of supply,
fighting against climate change and maximizing
the use of resources.
The Group provides highly efficient and
innovative solutions to individuals, cities and employees throughout
businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply the world
sources, flexible and low-CO2-emission power > inc. 61,300 in electricity
and gas,
generation as well as unique expertise in four key
> 78,400 in energy services,
sectors: liquefied natural gas, energy efficiency > and 79,600 in environmental
services, independent power production and services.
environmental services.
in 2012 revenues.
The city of tomorrow
will be networked
Today, at the start of the century, more than one out of every
two inhabitants of the planet lives in a town or city: that
irreversible momentum means that by 2020, there will be
19 mega-cities of more than 10 million inhabitants,
including 12 in Asia. While technology can achieve all
sorts of feats, we must model the city of tomorrow on
criteria other than the infinite availability of energy and
resources. We must innovate and design urban space as
an aggregate of systems than talk to each other. The core
values of a sustainable city are linked to its capacity to
adapt and be transformed over time, to its high quality of
use and life, to economies made by its residents, by the
fluidity of its networks, by its safety, and by its sharing of
space. The GDF SUEZ group strives to put these values
Grard Mestrallet into play by incorporating its ideas as early as possible
Chairman and CEO into major urban projects. The foundations of the
sustainable city lie in very early anticipation, even before
facilities are designed, so that the resulting technical
values are established there in a sustainable and
integrated manner. The urban metamorphosis will be a
massive one. GDF SUEZ intends to take up the challenge.
Building the city
of tomorrow
with you
Cities are peoples future,
places where tomorrows
civilizations are built.
Erik Orsenna
At the same time, the city remains an irreplaceable center A city that controls its consumption of energy
of civilization. Its strengths such as human density and and natural resources
diversity, cultural and economic vitality, its formative role The frugality that comes from economical urbanization,
for the rest of the country, etc., all explain the rise of policies encouraging responsible use of resources, and
urban living. streamlining of consumption through smart network
By taking up those challenges and making the most of technologies.
those strengths, we will build sustainable cities. There is
no unique model for doing so. Over and above cultural
A city that breathes and keeps environmental
and territorial diversity, city-dwellers throughout the
impact to a minimum
world have, all the same, common concerns and needs.
Thanks to the quality of water distributed, the development
As a result, the city of tomorrow will be:
of renewable energy and zero-carbon buildings, controlled
waste management, and reduction in all kinds of pollution.
A dynamic, attractive city, creating sustainable
wealth An accessible, fluid, functional city
In other words, a center of activities designed to facilitate The accessibility of equipment, the rise in soft or shared
exchanges and to provide high-performance services to mobility, and real-time traffic regulation, all making urban
businesses and citizens, while pooling infrastructure costs. space better to share.
A city for all, where it is pleasant and safe to live The Group puts at the disposal of local authorities its
Because the diversity of neighborhoods and safe public business-intelligence and innovation capacity, which it is
areas, but also the quality of the architectural framework, continuously enhancing by taking part in open research
the existence of areas of conviviality and the presence of programs and prospective discussion groups on urban
nature in the city, all favor living together. challenges. By participating in city networks and worldwide
partnerships it is able to provide its solutions to the best
Those goals require a change of scale. That means rethinking current reference sites. In the field, it is developing local
the very shape of the city from design and construction cooperation with the other city players to share information
to management of a true ecosystem where people are at that is essential for setting up truly relevant projects.
the center. To do this, an overall, systemic, multi-sectoral,
multidisciplinary and multiple-player approach is needed. As a privileged partner of elected representatives and
This means a logic of sustainability, efficiency and quality decision-makers, GDF SUEZ works closely with all cities
of life, by integrating those interdependent aspects. And wishing to control their future, by offering them solutions
working at the same time on methods of governance, urban suited to their own context and needs, meeting their
planning models, operational logic, and tools. territorial challenges.
Your vision,
our solutions
Projects run by elected representatives and decision-makers are those that
bring meaning and consistency to urban planning. GDF SUEZ puts itself
at the disposal of local authorities to work with them on the design and
achievement of projects, making them thrive over time.
A responsible, civic company
For GDF SUEZ, operating as a responsible company means
above all providing easy access to energy and water for all.
Now, poverty is increasing in terms of those essential
services, and not only in the poorest cities of the planet.
Everywhere the Group is serving individual customers, it
pays special attention to the most disadvantage people,
The solutions we offer are built in a privileged way on building partnerships with NGOs and associations for offering
sustainable business models: a circular economy based on the solutions against that poverty and for better housing.
reuse of resources, and a service economy that fosters usage GDF SUEZ also asserts its social responsibility through an
value. That improves the lifetime and efficiency of services active policy of re-integration within the workforce, aimed
provided to city residents. at promoting local, non-relocatable employment connected
The Groups investment in research & development and its
with its business activities. Several thousand employees
involvement in pilot projects for new towns and eco-districts
will be hired in France by 2015 to support the Groups
throughout the world, give it an innovation capacity over and
above the related technologies: GDF SUEZs achievements
growth in its energy and environment businesses.
incorporate all the parameters of a sustainable urban-planning GDF SUEZ is raising the awareness of its employees in
project. terms of eco-citizen behavior and is applying in-house the
Feedback from work carried out in France and worldwide same good environmental practices that it recommends to
enables the Group to provide innovative solutions that at the its customers. By developing renewable energy and by
same time define new standards in quality of service and streamlining the energy efficiency of its production base,
operational results. the Group is taking part in the fight against climate change.
At the heart of the approach: for GDF SUEZ employees, the At the same time, it is acting to protect biodiversity and the
values of transparency, dialog, human contact, and respect for water resource, and to improve air quality.
the common good, combine with the most demanding profes-
GDF SUEZs civic commitment is relayed in the field by
sionalism. That is the major key to the economic, social, and
numerous actions of environmental, social and cultural
environmental performance of our solutions.
sponsorship, often on the initiative of its employees.
In 2013 the GDF SUEZ Corporate Foundation and the
Association Maisons de Qualit [quality housing association]
are organizing a contest for ideas around the theme of The
Single Family Home: Energy for Living. The goal is to bring
out new energy-renewal solutions for families in poverty.
Upstream to
downstream support
In France and throughout the world, GDF SUEZ deploys its expertise from
strategic consulting through to carrying out and managing major structural
Working with Chinese city mayors
In order to limit the impact of stormwater
discharge into the natural environment,
GDF SUEZ designed an innovative, dynamic,
predictive management system for
wastewater networks. The tool provides for
anticipating heavy rainfall so as to avoid
flooding and pollution, with minimum
ground space.
France PARIS
A 100% innovative carpooling system
For Greater Angouleme, the launch intermodal with the collective
in December 2012 of a car-pooling transportation network.
service falls within an overall 106,000 Angouleme inhabitants
project for favoring less polluting are concerned by the setting up of
transportation, for multimodality, this innovative, sustainable mobility
and for creating a cleaner, less service aimed at both individuals
polluted, more responsible and and businesses.
more attractive town.
As operator of this service,
Angouleme is committed to a GDF SUEZ designed, deployed
pioneering approach: it will be the and operates mobilivolt.
first town equipped with a 100% The town won the Trophes
French car-pooling solution (using Avere prize for electromobile
Mia autos manufactured in the towns.
Deux-Svres department) and fully
Pooling the management of electricity, water, sanitation and lighting networks
water and energy needs. The city and public lighting. Customer
sets its goals and ensures overall management of around a million
control, assigning investments and users is also done centrally.
management responsibility to the
operator. In parallel, GDF SUEZ is carrying
out actions for generating the
Within the framework of a 30- general publics awareness about
year concession contract, the protecting resources and saving
Group set up centralized process energy.
control for four of the main urban
networks and services: electricity
GDF SUEZ is supporting the supply, drinking water distribution,
development of the largest city collection and treatment of
in the Maghreb by meeting its wastewater and stormwater,
A 20-year presence
In particular, GDF SUEZ manages
Singapores public lighting system and
equipment for road and pedestrian
tunnels corresponding to 47,000 lights
and 2,500 control cabinets.
An overall energy and environmental performance approach
for current and planned equipment.
Consideration of technical, economic, financial, and social
Offers favoring the growth of the circular economy and
usage value.
Responsible mobility
Urban travel plans.
Support systems for transportation operation and traveler
Smart traffic management systems.
Development of intermodality.
Distribution of drinking water Soft mobility (people movers, bicycles, etc.) and shared
mobility (carpooling) offers.
Improvement in the quality of the water supplied. Energy mixes suited to different types of mobility: natural
Treatment plants for drinking water taken from rivers, lakes gas, electricity, hybrid vehicles, alternative fuels, etc.
and water tables. Reduction in travel needs thanks to urban mix and remote
Seawater desalination by reverse osmosis. services.
Smart building management
Overall services management (water, heating, cooling,
safety, upkeep, etc.).
State-of-the-art technologies for measuring and monitoring
Management of inside air quality.
Performance improvement plans.
Garden city
Eco-maintenance of green areas.
Maintaining biodiversity.
Landscaped gardens.
Shared gardens.
Wastewater recovery
Treatment of wastewater by ultrafiltration to be reused for Energy management
urban, agricultural and industrial purposes.
The possibility of making water drinkable using suitable Energy and environmental efficiency solutions.
treatment methods. Energy rationalization programs.
Heat recovery from wastewater networks for producing heat Positive-energy buildings.
and refrigeration at the heart of towns and cities. Advice and information for consumers.
By combining its international experience and local presence with expertise
in its businesses and innovation, GDF SUEZ can provide every city with best
practices suited to its urban project.
WELL... fiber
Developing circular economy by recycling sludge
In Suzhou industrial park, on the The dried sludge is reused as of Shanghai and 16 other Chinese
outskirts of Shanghai, GDF SUEZ fuel in the industrial parks power cities (Chongqing, Qingdao, Sanya,
treats sludge from an urban com- plants, helping to reduce carbon Tanggu, Macao, etc.), serving a total
munity of 610,000 people (treatment consumption. The entire cycle of nearly 13 million inhabitants.
capacity: 300 metric tons/day). is carried out with a CO2-neutral
Energy is recovered during the
treatment phase thanks to the Moreover, GDF SUEZ supplies
safest technology on the market. water-related services to the city
United Kingdom LONDON
An Olympic heating and cooling network
The benefits
The solution deployed
- 75 % of electricity needs covered.
The needs of the city Two ultramodern power plants
- 40 % savings in energy consumed,
Within the framework of its policy to equipped with a trigeneration
equivalent to a reduction of 2,900
make the Olympic Games a system heating, cooling, and
metric tons of CO2 compared with
sustainable development driver for electricity together with underground
conventional facilities.
the entire city, the British capital storage, were installed at Kings
assigned GDF SUEZ a 40-year Yard and Stratford. The boilers
France DIJON
A PPP streetcar line for sustainable mobility
France BALMA
Heating a neighborhood with solar power and biomass
Sustainable, measurable
For both energy and the environment, the solutions offered are part of a con-
tinuous improvement process based on a permanent quest for efficiency
and on medium- and long-term results measurement.
Lighting up the capital of Burgundy wines
In Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine department),
GDF SUEZ recovers heat from wastewater The towns needs complete renovation of the public
for heating an eco-neighborhood. Part In order to liven up the town, lighting system, the illumination, in
of the energy is geothermic. A gas-fired including during the low tourist pictures, of the historic center in
power plant for peak and back-up needs season, Beaune wished to summer, and the creation of a
are additional elements in this totally highlight its cultural heritage Pictures and Lights festival
innovative system. through a concept of specific during the wine sale in the fall.
lighting that does not increase the That innovative approach is part
energy bill. of a public-private partnership,
the first of its kind in France.
NETHERLANDS MAASTRICHT The solution deployed
The Lighting up Beaune plan is The benefits
GDF SUEZ took part in the building of focused both at bringing the best - A more than 47% reduction in
new CO2-neutral buildings at Maastricht out of its heritage and at energy consumption and in the
University campus. The innovative heating strengthening the safety and carbon footprint.
and cooling system preserves the original comfort of residents, while - The territorys even greater
architecture of the buildings, which house reducing the towns energy tourist appeal.
542 apartments and a sports complex. consumption. It includes a
Modernizing waste collection to improve daily life
Storing energy underground in an eco-neighborhood
The citys needs The solution deployed The benefits
On the banks of the River IJ, Within the framework of a 15-year - Supply of flexible energy, adapted
Overhoeks has 477,000 m2 of management contract, GDF SUEZ to variations in demand.
housing, offices, shops and designed and operates a heating and - 40% less annual energy
cultural areas, as well as the Shell cooling network consisting of 4 power consumption, corresponding to
Technology Center Amsterdam. plants that are completely incorporated savings of 2,900 metric tons of
The town aims to make the supply within the urban landscape, connected CO2.
of sustainable energy a major to collection stations and 14 storage
component of that new eco- wells 180 m under the ground. As a
neighborhood. result, heat (in summer) and cold (in
winter) can be recovered and reused
according to needs.
40 %
An iconic skyscraper
It is the spire that characterizes the skyline lifetime. Rather than going for a total
of Montreal city center. Number 1000 De la renovation of the facilities, the Group
Gauchetire Street, with its unique retained the option of improving the current
architecture, is one of the most prestigious ones (re-commissioning) by eliminating
buildings of the city, which is dominated by waste, making a proper use of resources,
its 51 floors. and having the best operating practices.
GDF SUEZ is in charge of building The operation brought about a 13% energy
management and upkeep and has set up bill saving and avoided an annual CO2
an energy optimization program. The discharge of 192 metric tons.
goals: to reduce operating costs while
improving the comfort of the occupants,
the quality of service, and the equipment
the future
Designing and developing services and technologies to support cities
increasing expertise while protect the planets resources: that is the ambition
of GDF SUEZs Research & Innovation Division.
R&I figures 1,100
research units
the world
The GDF SUEZ group designs and tests new solutions Programs involving numerous industrial,
for meeting the challenges of tomorrow. That spirit of university and associative partners:
innovation is embodied in R&I programs that anticipate the
needs of cities and their inhabitants, to give them more and
- Energy-positive buildings.
more powerful services on a daily basis, one step ahead of
the rest. - Renewable energy: solar, biomass, wind, etc.
- Decentralized electricity production, combined electricity/
Programs devoted to towns and cities heat production (cogeneration), and energy storage.
nergy management (Cofely Vision), smart networks
Smart Energy & Environment (AMI Greenlys project) and smart metering (DolceVita
The goal: to offer value-added services that exploit the Zenbox).
intelligence of information and communications networks
- Innovative water and waste treatment (recycling, energy
to streamline the management of energy, resource,
recovery, desalination, etc.).
equipment and mobility.
Sustainable mobility and clean natural-gas-powered,
Cities and Buildings of Tomorrow hybrid, and electric vehicles, etc.
The goal: to develop innovative packages, methodological - The human factor, social acceptance of new technologies.
tools, and prospective studies focused on improving the
various aspects of the urban ecosystem.
Innovative solutions
for the smart city
The understanding of the complex system represented As a longstanding partner of social housing for supplying
by a city is a major challenge for assessing the impact energy and water, and for operating heating systems,
of projects, making pertinent choices, and reporting to GDF SUEZ developed a comprehensive, integrated
stakeholders. Now, urban managers are faced with a solution for helping social housing associations and
multitude of heterogeneous data. To gain access to a their tenants to control energy and water charges. The
global vision, GDF SUEZ designed an open technological Performance in the Home offer combines the
platform that incorporates all useful information related monitoring of consumption and equipment operation
to the city, its infrastructures, territory and environment. with information for residents about best practices. At
That dashboard for the city constitutes a practical and the end of the day, there is better management of the
evolutionary tool for: buildings and an overall reduction in energy and water
- running the infrastructures, consumption.
- alerting to, anticipating, and managing events,
- assessing changes in the environment and territorial
- rationalizing investments and anticipating major risks.
Exploring the
sustainable city
GDF SUEZs virtual showcase, set up within the framework
of the City and Building of Tomorrow program, highlights
the innovations developed by the Group for supporting
towns and cities with their sustainable urban planning
for a
sustainable city
Deployment of services whose consistency and
complementarity contribute to virtuous operations.
Building towns and cities with their
inhabitants and stakeholders.
Developing synergy among our
businesses by adapting them to the
local context and by favoring a strong
local foothold.
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May 2013