English Translation Phonetic Transcription Punjabi (Gurmukhi Script)

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Northview Community Church: Basic Punjabi TLC Lesson 1: Greetings and familial terms

Lesson 1 goals: Learn basic Punjabi greetings and familial terms. Introduce sounds of
Punjabi. Introduce Gurmukhi script. Gather information from participants about
expressions they would like to learn during the course, and their occupation.

English translation Phonetic transcription1 Punjabi (Gurmukhi script)

Hello! Hi! Good day! st sri kal ji2 sq srI Akwl jI
How are you? thaa ki hal cal h ji / quhwfw kI hwl cwl hY (jI) /
thaa ki hal h quhwfw kI hwl hY
I am fine. ik h (ji) / ik ak TIk hY (jI) / TIk Twk
My name is ______. mera na ______ h (ji) myrw nwN____ hY (jI)
What is your name? thaa na ki h / quhwfw nwN kI hY /
thaa ki na h quhwfw kI nwN hY
Glad to meet you! than ml ke bht ki hoy quhwnUM iml ky bhuq KuSI hoeI
See you later! fr mlange Pyr imlwNgy
Thank you! dnvad / mehrbani / kria DMnvwd / myhrbwnI / SukrIAw
Thank you very much! b(h)t b(h)t dnvad / bhuq bhuq DMnvwd /
mehrbani / kria myhrbwnI / SukrIAw
Yes. ha ji / aho hwN jI / Awho
No. nah ji nhIN jI
O.K., O.K. ik h, ik h TIk hY, TIk hY
wife vi3 / grvali vhutI / GrvwlI
husband grvala Grvwlw
mother m / mmi mwN / mmI
father ddi fYfI
woman (women) jnani / rt jnani / rt jnwnI / AOrq jnwnIAW / AOrqW
man (men) admi admi AwdmI AwdmI
parents mape mwNpy
child(ren) bcca (m.) / bcce (m.) / b`cw / b`cy /
bcci (f.) / bcc (f.) / b`cI / b`icAW /
kaka (m.) / kake (m.) / kwkw / kwkyAW /
kaki (f.) kak (f.) kwkI kwikAW
girl(s) ki ki kuVI kuVIAW
boy(s) ma me muMfw muMfy
daughter(s) di di DI DIAW
son(s) pt / pttr pt / pttr puq / puqr puq / puqrW

The symbols used are a simplification of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
Kaur Singh (2011. Sikhism: An Introduction) gives the meaning of the individual words of this greeting
as: st: true, absolute, sri: supreme, kal: timeless, ji: politeness marker. The meaning of the whole is
given as Truth is the Timeless One.
This term is used for a young bride.

Northview Community Church: Basic Punjabi TLC Lesson 1: Greetings and familial terms
English translation Phonetic transcription1 Punjabi (Gurmukhi script)
sister(s) b b Byx BYxW
brother(s) bra brav Brw BrwvW
grandfather (FaFa4) dada dwdw
grandfather (MoFa) nana nwnw
grandmother (FaFaWi) dadi / bebe / mata ji dwdI / byby / mwqw jI
grandmother (MoFaWi) nani / bebe / mata ji nwnI / byby / mwqw jI
grandson (SoSo) potra poqrw
grandson (DaSo) dotra doqrw
granddaughter (SoDa) potri poqrI
granddaughter (DaDa) dotri doqrI

Fa: father; Mo: mother; Wi: wife; So: son; Da: daughter

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