UT Dallas Syllabus For Taught by Timothy Bray (tmb021000)

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EPPS 6313.

Introduction to Quantitative Methods
Professor Dr. Timothy M. Bray
Term Fall Semester, 2010
Meetings Monday 4:00 pm – 6:45 pm, SOM 2.717

Professor’s Contact Information

Office Phone (972)883-5432
Office Location WSTC 1.6
Email Address [email protected]
Office Hours Anytime by Appointment

General Course Information

Pre-requisites, Co- WARNING! You must be able to do math at a college algebra level. If
requisites, & other you cannot, and you do not seek remedial assistance, it is likely that you
restrictions will fail this course! If you doubt your ability, see me. Many errors on
tests and assignments arise from improper execution of basic algebra:
order of operations, powers, roots, and equations. DO NOT FEAR!
Remedial help is available, so there’s no need to drop this course. Just be
sure of your abilities before we start.
Course Description This introductory graduate-level statistics course is geared to the
consumption of statistical methods commonly used in social science
research. Topics include creating and interpreting graphical and tabular
summaries of data, descriptive statistics, basic probability theory,
sampling distributions, basic hypothesis testing (t-tests, chi-square tests,
and analysis of variance), and estimation of population parameters,
confidence intervals and correlation. An introduction to regression
analysis will also be provided. Topics are supported by computer-
supported data analyses.
Learning Outcomes The student will become acquainted with common statistics used in the
social sciences, and will learn to compute these basic statistics as
appropriate for the data at hand. Most importantly, the student will
become an educated consumer of statistical information, with the ability
to apply what is learned in class to statistical information presented in
everyday life and in the course of education in the social sciences. In
addition, the student will become familiar with the computer tools used to
complete basic and advanced statistical analyses in the social sciences.
Finally, students will have a sound foundation in the mathematical skills
required for social science research.
Texts, Readings, &
Materials  Required: Levin, Fox, & Forde, Elementary Statistics in Social
Research, 11th Edition
 Suggested: Kranzler, Moursund, and Kranzler, Statistics for the
Terrified, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007
 Calculator: While we won’t be working with large sets of numbers,
the involved math with be sufficiently complex to require a calculator.
Sophisticated, expensive graphing or programmable calculators are not
necessary, and will be of no use to you. Simple arithmetic functions, as
well as the ability to take square roots and raise numbers to powers will
be helpful. As an example, the Texas Instruments TI-30Xa retails for
under $10.
 Software: One goal of this course is to familiarize you with the
software often used in graduate education to complete simple and
sophisticated quantitative analyses. For this class (and many others in
the School of EPPS), this is Stata. The latest version of Stata is
available in the EPPS computer labs. If you can afford it, or if you plan
on continuing your statistical and methodological education in EPPS,
you may purchase your own copy for home / office use under UTD’s
“GradPlan” arrangement with Stata, which affords you a significant
discount on your purchase. For information, and to order, visit
http://www.stata.com/order/new/edu/gradplans/gp-direct.html. Either
“Small Stata” or “Intercooled Stata” will meet the needs of this course.
If you’re making an investment and buying the software, please buy at
least the Stata/IC version. Small Stata is too limited.
 Statistical Data: Various problem sets and in-class examples will
make use of electronic datasets. These Stata-formatted datasets will be
made available to you via the WebCT site for this class.
 Internet: This class will make extensive use of WebCT for posting
grades and resource materials, and this will require that you activate
your NetID. WebCT is accessible at http://webct.utdallas.edu. If you
have difficulty, call the help desk at (972)883-2911.
Assignments & Academic Calendar
Unit Material
Unit 1 Basic Descriptive Statistics
Aug. 23 – Sep. 20 Agresti & Finlay 1-5; Kranzler 4-7; Hamilton 3-4
Sep. 20 EXAM 1
Unit 2 Comparing Groups and Testing Hypothesis
Sep. 27 – Oct. 18 Agresti & Finlay 6, 7, & 12; Kranzler 11-12; Hamilton 5
Oct. 18 EXAM 2
Unit 3 Categorical Measures and Correlation
Oct. 25 – Nov. 8 Agresti & Finlay 8-9; Kranzler 8, 13; Hamilton 4
Nov. 8 EXAM 3
Unit 4 Regression
Nov. 15 – Dec. 6 Agresti & Finlay 9-11, 13; Kranzler 9; Hamilton 6-7, 10
Dec. 6 EXAM 4

No Class
Sep. 6 Labor Day Holiday

Course Policies
Grading (credit) Grades in this class come from your performance on exams. Grades are
Criteria structured as follows:
4 Exams 250 Points
Total 1000 Points
Letter grades will be assigned on the following point scale. This course does
not adopt the +/- option in final course grading.
90% and Above A
80% to 89% B
70% to 79% C
Below 70% F

Exams and the Open Book Policy

We will have four (4) exams. You will have the entire class period to
complete the exam. If you arrive late to class you will not be afforded any
additional time. If you arrive to class after the first completed test has been
turned in, you will not be eligible to take the exam (see Make-up Exam).

In the real world, your employer will not ask you to perform statistical
calculation “without referring to your notes;” neither will I. Your exams will
be open note / open book. Resist the temptation to think these will be easy.
Open book tests are generally harder because the answer is not in the book.
While you may rely liberally on your notes and text for exams, you may not
rely on your neighbor (see Cheating).

Showing Your Work & Partial Credit

Any assignments, quizzes, and exams done for this class must show all steps
(i.e., all calculations). To receive any credit for an answer, all work must
be shown. If you only provide the “final” answer, you will not receive any
credit for the answer. If I cannot read your answer, follow the steps that
you have taken, and clearly see how you arrived at your answer, you will
not receive any credit for the answer.
Provided you have shown your work, your answer will be considered correct
if it is within rounding error of the answer I have calculated on the key.
Incorrect answers receive no credit. Partial credit is not given unless a
particular item shows a partial credit breakdown.
Make-up Exams Should you miss a scheduled exam or be ineligible to complete it, you may
take the make-up final exam offered during the final exam date for this class.
This exam is comprehensive, but will follow the open note / open book policy
discussed above. Your grade on this exam will replace your missing grade.
Extra Credit Grades in this class are based on the work that you do. There will be NO end
of semester extra-credit assignments made on an individual student basis.
Late Work Late work will not be accepted.
Class Attendance Class attendance is essential. It is also your responsibility. Whether or not you
attend, you are responsible for all material delivered in class. This will
probably include: deviations from the published text or notes, notification of
errors in the text or notes, rescheduled or cancelled tests, announcement of
extra credit opportunities, etc. You can avoid many headaches by checking
with a friend (or me) to see what you missed.
Incorporation of The University has established a variety of rules and procedures that govern your
University experience as a student. While not spelled out explicitly in this syllabus, they are
Policies none the less applicable to you. You should make yourself aware of these policies, as
they define your rights and responsibilities as a student. Particular examples include
the following:
 Student Conduct and Discipline
 Academic Integrity
 Email Use for Official Correspondence
 Withdrawals from Class
 Student Grievances
 Incomplete Grades
 Disability Services
 Religious Holy Days
 Off-Campus Instruction and Course Activities
To view these and other policies in detail, visit http://go.utdallas.edu/syllabus-
policies. All applicable University policies are incorporated herein by inclusion of
this link.

These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor. The
most recent, date, time and policy addenda announced in class or through e-mail take
precedent over any material published in this syllabus.

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