Revit API

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The key takeaways are an overview of the Revit MEP API, enhancements in Revit 2013, working programmatically with Revit MEP models, and available Revit MEP API samples.

The main topics covered in the class are introduction, analysis, hierarchical systems and connectors, electrical, HVAC and plumbing, the Revit MEP 2013 API, sample applications, and learning more.

Some prerequisites for working with the Revit MEP API include knowledge of programming in .NET and the basics of the generic Revit API and Revit MEP product usage.

Revit MEP Programming: All Systems Go

Jeremy Tammik
Principal Developer Consultant

2012 Autodesk
About the Presenter

Jeremy Tammik
Principal Developer Consultant
Developer Technical Services
EMEA, Autodesk SARL

Jeremy is a member of the AEC workgroup of the Autodesk Developer Network ADN team,
providing developer support, training, conference presentations, and blogging on the Revit API.
He joined Autodesk in 1988 as the technology evangelist responsible for European developer
support to lecture, consult, and support AutoCAD application developers in Europe, the U.S.,
Australia, and Africa. He was a co-founder of ADGE, the AutoCAD Developer Group Europe, and
a prolific author on AutoCAD application development. He left Autodesk in 1994 to work as an
HVAC application developer, and then rejoined the company in 2005.
Jeremy graduated in mathematics and physics in Germany, worked as a teacher and translator,
then as a C++ programmer on early GUI and multitasking projects. He is fluent in six European
languages, vegetarian, has four kids, plays the flute, likes reading, travelling, theatre
improvisation, yoga, carpentry, loves mountains, oceans, sports, dancing, and especially climbing.
2012 Autodesk
Class Summary
 Overview of the Revit MEP API
 MEP API enhancements in Revit 2013
 Working programmatically with Revit MEP models
 Overview of available Revit MEP API samples
 Prerequisites: we assume prior knowledge of
 How to program in .NET
 The basics of the generic Revit API
 Revit MEP product usage

2012 Autodesk
Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to:
 Understand and use the Revit MEP 2013 API enhancements
 Analyze, create, manage and modify electrical, HVAC and plumbing
models, systems, and components programmatically
 Understand and reuse Revit SDK and ADN sample functionality

2012 Autodesk
 Hierarchical systems and connectors
 HVAC and plumbing
 The Revit MEP 2013 API
 Sample applications
 Learning more

2012 Autodesk

2012 Autodesk
 ADN Autodesk Developer Network
 AEC Architecture, Engineering, Construction
 API Application Programming Interface
 BIM Building Information Model
 GUI Graphical User Interface
 HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
 MEP Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing
 RAC Revit Architecture
 RME Revit MEP
 RST Revit Structure
 SDK Software Development Kit
 UI User Interface

2012 Autodesk
MEP Application Requirements
 Mechanical, electrical and plumbing domains
 M is for HVAC, i.e. heating, ventilation and air conditioning
 Model analysis tools
 Physical, thermal, environmental etc.
 Building codes and regulations
 Geometrical relationships
 MEP project information
 Green Building XML, gbXML
 Spaces and zones
 BIM component and data access
 Systems, components, properties and parameters
 Creation and modification
 Traversal and analysis
2012 Autodesk
The Generic Revit API
 Basic Revit API is generic
 All flavours use the same Revit API .NET assemblies
 Specific additional features exist for each flavour, e.g.
 Room-related functionality in Revit Architecture
 Access to the analytical model in Revit Structure
 Access to the MEP model in Revit MEP
 Onebox supports all in one box
 Runtime discipline switching
 ProductType Architecture, Structure, MEP, Revit

2012 Autodesk
Revit MEP API Evolution
 Generic element and parameter access can always be used
 Revit 2008 provided no MEP-specific API
 Revit 2009 introduced MEP-specific API support
 MEP model property, space and zone, electrical and mechanical equipment, lighting
device and fixture, connector, electrical system
 Revit MEP 2010 mechanical
 MEP namespace, support for HVAC and piping systems
 Revit MEP 2011 electrical
 Conduit, cable tray, panel schedule
 Revit MEP 2012 mechanical
 Pipe settings and sizes, placeholder elements, insulation and lining
 Revit MEP 2013 mechanical and analysis
 Routing preferences, analysis and calculation enhancements, new and updated APIs

2012 Autodesk

2012 Autodesk
MEP Project Info and EnergyDataSettings
 EnergyDataSettings object represents gbXML project info
 Manage > Project Settings > Project Information > Energy Data
 Access via EnergyDataSettings.GetFromDocument method
 Define settings for gbXML export, heating and cooling load calculations,
conceptual energy analysis
 For project location use Document.ActiveProjectLocation
 Green Building XML export

string folder,
string name,
GBXMLExportOptions );

2012 Autodesk
Spaces and Zones
 Architectural rooms are unsuitable for MEP analysis
 Wrong height, often too large for analysed region
 MEP uses space instead of room, and zone to manage spaces
 Rooms can be subdivided into exterior and interior subspaces
 AddSpaceAndZone SDK sample
 Programmatic creation and management of spaces and zones
 FamilyInstance class has Room and Space properties
FamilyInstance fi; // get a family instance
Space space = fi.Space; // query space containing it
Space space2 = fi.get_Space( phase ); // space in a specific

2012 Autodesk
Model Inspection Utilities
 Determine component location, space adjacency analysis, etc.
 Volumes, rooms and spaces
 FamilyInstance.Space determines space containing family instance
 Room.IsPointInRoom determines if a point is in a room volume
 Space.IsPointInSpace determines if a point is in a space volume
 GetRoomAtPoint and GetSpaceAtPoint return room or space containing point
 Element filters by intersection, Boolean operations, etc.
 BoundingBoxIntersectsFilter, BoundingBoxIsInsideFilter, BoundingBoxContainsPointFilter,
ElementIntersectsElementFilter, ElementIntersectsSolidFilter
 Ray intersection
 ReferenceIntersector class, ex FindReferencesWithContextByDirection method
 Shoot a ray through the model, given a starting point and direction vector
 Return an array of references of intersected elements and faces
 AvoidObstruction, FindColumns, MeasureHeight, RayTraceBounce SDK samples

2012 Autodesk
Revit 2013 ReferenceIntersector Class
 Constructor specifies target elements, target type and 3D view
 Elements specified by ElementId, ElementIdSet , ElementFilter
 Target type can be elements, meshes, edges, curves, faces

ReferenceIntersector( <elements>, FindReferenceTarget, View3d )

 Call Find or FindNearest to cast a ray given origin and direction

 Returns references intersecting ray, or closest to origin

Find( XYZ origin, XYZ direction )

FindNearest( XYZ origin, XYZ direction )

2012 Autodesk
Conceptual Energy Analysis API
 Energy analysis on conceptual design models
 New overload of Document.Export method taking
MassGBXMLExportOptions argument
 Create a gbXML file containing energy analysis elements generated
from conceptual mass family instances

2012 Autodesk
Detailed Energy Analysis Model API
 Produce analytical thermal model from physical building model
 Retrieve energy analysis detail model and present as tree view
 Access Export to gbXML, Heating and Cooling Loads data
 Analytical thermal model
 Composed of volumetric elements: spaces, zones, planar surfaces
 Created and initialised by calling EnergyAnalysisDetailModel.Create()
 Methods GetAnalyticalSpaces, Surfaces, Openings, ShadingSurfaces
 SDK sample Analysis > EnergyAnalysisModel

2012 Autodesk
Hierarchical Systems and Connectors

2012 Autodesk
Hierarchical System Structure and MEP Model
 MEP systems consist of hierarchically connected components
 Many components are represented using family instances
 Connectors can link neighbouring components and transfer info
 Top level node is MEP system
 Represented by MEPSystem class, with derived classes ElectricalSystem,
MechanicalSystem, PipingSystem
 Family instance provides MEPModel property
 MEPModel has ConnectorManager and ElectricalSystems properties
 Derived classes include ElectricalEquipment, LightingDevice, LightingFixture,
MechanicalEquipment, MechanicalFitting

2012 Autodesk
 Family editor connection elements
 Independent elements for defining connectors
 Used to model library parts in family context
 Specialised derived classes for duct, pipe and electrical connectors
 Connector class
 Used to represent connections in the Revit BIM project context
 Part of MEP component, not independent Revit database element
 Logical connectors
 Used in electrical domain
 Cables and wires are possibly not specified
 Enables traversal of connected
electrical system hierarchies
 Physical connectors
 Connect neighbouring components physically
 Transmit sizing dimensions and flow information

2012 Autodesk

2012 Autodesk
Electrical System Hierarchy
 Three-tier recursive hierarchy, cf. electrical system browser
 Panel > systems or circuits > circuit elements, may be panels
 Logical connections between components
 Wires are annotation elements
 System can be traversed through connectors
 Connectivity information also available in element parameters
 Electrical samples
 PowerCircuit SDK sample shows creation and editing power circuits
 PanelSchedule SDK demonstrates use of the electrical panel schedule API
 AdnRme electrical sample demonstrates traversal using both MEP connectors
and generic parameters (much harder)

2012 Autodesk
HVAC and Plumbing

2012 Autodesk
HVAC and Piping Hierarchy
 Systems manage the top level system properties
 Ducts and pipes define the main flow elements
 Fittings implement bends and branches in the system
 Connectors hook up the ducts, pipes and fittings

2012 Autodesk
 MechanicalSystem and PipingSystem classes
 Access to equipment, connectors and system type
 Access to system properties such as flow and static pressure
 DuctNetwork and PipeNetwork properties access system contents
 Ducts and fitting elements in no particular order
 Does not include terminals or equipments
 Query connector managers for traversal in flow direction
 TraverseSystem SDK sample

2012 Autodesk
Duct and Pipes
 Represented by Duct, FlexDuct, Pipe and FlexPipe classes
 Derived from MEPCurve
 Provide read access to duct properties, types, and geometry
 Change duct or pipe type
 Move duct or pipe
 Use Move method rather than Location
 Layout duct or pipe
 Driven by two points, point and connector, or two connectors

2012 Autodesk
 Represented by standard RFA family instances
 Created using dedicated creation doc New*Fitting methods
 Elbow, Tee, Cross, Takeoff, Transition, and Union
 Access fitting properties, shape and dimensions through the
FamilyInstance.MEPModel property

2012 Autodesk
 Read duct, pipe, and fitting connector properties
 Flow, Coefficient, Demand
 Access physical connector properties
 Origin, Angle, Height, Width, Radius
 Read and write assigned connector properties
 The fitting connectors define the properties
 Flow, Flow Configuration, Coefficients, Loss Method
 Change connector size and location
 Connect and disconnect

2012 Autodesk
Element Creation
 Methods on Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Document
 Create New Systems
 NewMechanicalSystem, NewPipingSystem
 Create New Elements
 NewDuct, NewFlexDuct, NewPipe, NewFlexPipe
 Create New Fittings
 New...Fitting for Cross, Elbow, TakeOff, TeeFitting, Transition, Union
 New classes Conduit, CableTray provide static Create methods
 Connector elements
 Created in the family context using methods on FamilyItemFactory
 Accessed through the Document.FamilyCreate property
 NewDuctConnector, NewPipeConnector, NewElectricalConnector

2012 Autodesk
The Revit MEP 2013 API
and the past few releases as well...

2012 Autodesk
Revit MEP 2011 API Enhancements
 New classes for cable tray and conduit
 Pipe to conduit converter sample
 Panel schedules
 API access and PanelSchedule SDK sample
 Other Enhancements
 Validation in ElectricalSystem Properties
 WireMaterialType, InsulationType, TemperatureRatingType
 DuctConnector, PipeConnector, ElectricalConnector
 Demand Factor and Load Classifications

2012 Autodesk
Revit MEP 2012 API Enhancements
 Pipe settings and sizes
 Placeholder ducts and pipes
 Duct and pipe insulation and lining
 Small Enhancements and Changes
 MEP related APIs
 Detailed Energy Analysis
 Conceptual Energy Analysis

2012 Autodesk
Revit MEP 2013 Product Features
 Routing preferences
 Calculation enhancements
 MEP centrelines
 New MEP properties
 Enhanced analysis and simulation functionality

2012 Autodesk
MEP 2013 API Enhancements
 Routing preferences
 MEP pressure loss calculation sections
 Fluid viscosity and density friction properties
 Thermal properties
 External services
 And more...

2012 Autodesk
Routing Preferences API Access
 Select preferred fitting types for various sizes and materials
 Set routing preference policies for end users
 Query fittings and segments used for given size criteria
 RoutingPreferenceManager class
 Manages routing preference rules for segments and fittings
 Query fitting or segment chosen by Revit for a given size condition
 MEPCurveType RoutingPreferenceManager property
 Access main routing preferences object for a given MEPCurve type
 Currently only PipeType and DuctType support routing preferences
 Use demonstrated by RoutingPreferenceTools SDK sample

2012 Autodesk
Routing Preference Helper Classes
 RoutingCriterionBase and PrimarySizeCriterion
 Criteria for fitting and segment selection based on min max size constraints
 Manage one segment or fitting preference
 RoutingCondition and RoutingConditions
 RoutingPreferenceManager.GetMEPPartId input to select fittings and segments
 Segment and PipeSegment
 Represent a length of MEPCurve of specific material and set available sizes
 Subclass representing a length of pipe
 RoutingPreferenceRuleGroupType enumeration
 Types of routing items managed by routing preference rules
 Elbows, Junctions, Crosses, Transitions, Unions, MechanicalJoints, Segments,
TransitionsRectangularToRound, TransitionsRectangularToOval, TransitionsOvalToRound

2012 Autodesk
Routing Preference Usage
 Routing preferences choose first symbol in rule list matching criteria
 Set size criteria to ensure a later symbol is chosen for a given scenario
 Temporarily re-order rules using RemoveRule and AddRule methods

2012 Autodesk
Flow Analysis Sections
 MEPSection base class for duct and pipe sections
 Support for pressure loss calculation
 Represent a series of connected elements
 Ducts or pipes, fittings, terminals and accessories
 All section members have same flow analysis properties
 Flow, Size, Velocity, Friction and Roughness
 An element can belong to multiple sections
 A tee fitting with three connectors usually belongs to three sections
 A tap will divide a duct or pipe segment into two separate sections

2012 Autodesk
Fluid Viscosity and Density
 More precise temperature dependant friction calculation
 New FluidTemperature class
 Represent viscosity and density properties at a given temperature
 Extended FluidType class
 Provide read-write access to a collection of FluidTemperature objects
 Represent fluid properties at various different temperatures
 AddTemperature, GetTemperature, RemoveTemperature

2012 Autodesk
Thermal Properties
 New properties on ThermalProperties class
 Absorptance, heat transfer, roughness, thermal mass and resistance
 Available on BIM elements, e.g. wall, floor, ceiling, roof, door, window, etc.
 ThermalAsset class
 Thermal properties on materials
 Specify using PropertySetElement and SetMaterialAspectByPropertySet
 Thermal property control in gbXML export
 EnergyDataSettings.IncludeThermalProperties determines whther to include
thermal information from model assemblies and components in gbXML export
 Use calculated values or pre-defined values from Constructions.xml:
MEPBuildingConstruction GetBuildingConstructionOverride,

2012 Autodesk
More Revit MEP API News
 ConnectorProfileType and PartType enumeration changes
 ConnectorElement changes and new static creation methods
 More LabelUtils access to localized user-visible display strings
 Access to panel schedule spare circuit values
 Light and Light Group API
 ReferenceIntersector class
 External services framework
 Wrap external service functionality, enable encapsulation, replacement
 Basis for future MEP calculations and structural code checking
 In place and fully functional, but not yet used, so no examples

2012 Autodesk
Sample Applications

2012 Autodesk
Sample Overview

 Revit SDK Samples  AdnRme

 AddSpaceAndZone  Electrical System Hierarchy
 AutoRoute  HVAC Air Terminal Sizing
 AvoidObstruction  Blog
 CreateAirHandler  Pipe to Conduit Converter
 EnergyAnalysisModel  Cable Tray Creation and Layout
 PanelSchedule  Loose Connector Navigator
 PowerCircuit  MEP Placeholders

2012 Autodesk
 Retrieve and list existing
spaces and zones
 Demonstrates use of an element filter
 Create new spaces
 For each closed wall loop or space
 Demonstrates use of the NewSpaces
 Create a new zone element
 Specified level and phase
 Add and remove spaces in a zone
 Use the AddSpaces and Remove methods

2012 Autodesk
 Automatically create and route a set of ducts and fittings
 Source is the air supply equipment
 Sink is two air outlet terminals
 Positions can be freely moved
 Create a new mechanical system, ducts, fittings and connections
 NewMechanicalSystem, NewDuct, NewElbowFitting,
NewTeeFitting and Connector.ConnectTo
 Determine the bounding box of all the three elements
 Use the middle line or quarter lines on the X and Y axes
 Uses.NET framework Trace class to create a log file

2012 Autodesk
 Detect and resolve collisions between ducts, pipes, and beams
 FindReferencesWithContextByDirection ray cast intersection analysis
 Split pipe into segments and insert elbows to reroute detour

2012 Autodesk
 Create an air handler with pipe and duct connectors
 Check family category to verify mechanical equipment starting point
 Use FamilyItemFactory class methods
 NewExtrusion, NewPipeConnector, NewDuctConnector
 Set proper connector parameters
 Use Document.CombineElements to join extrusions
 Geometric shape creation is generic
 Addition of the connectors is MEP specific
 Runs in all flavours of Revit anyway

2012 Autodesk
 Retrieve energy analysis detail model and present as tree view
 Analytical thermal model generated from physical building model
 Similar to Export to gbXML and Heating and Cooling Loads
 Analytical thermal model is composed of spaces, zones, planar surfaces
 Volumetric elements
 Created and initialised by calling EnergyAnalysisDetailModel.Create()
 Methods GetAnalyticalSpaces, Surfaces, Openings, ShadingSurfaces

2012 Autodesk
 Data exchange sample showing use of the Panel Schedule API
 PanelScheduleExport read + export panel schedule CSV or HTML
 InstanceViewCreation create panel schedule view instance
 SheetImport place all panel schedule views on a sheet

2012 Autodesk
 Operate power circuits, similar to legacy RME Circuit Editor toolbar
 Show use of MEPModel and ElectricalSystem classes
 Demonstrate handling interactive element selection
 Implement toolbar user interface for external command
 Use .NET ResourceManager class for image and string resources
 Create a new power circuit with selected elements
 Edit circuit and add and remove circuit elements
 Select or disconnect a circuit panel

2012 Autodesk
 Routing preference analysis and reporting
 Analyse routing preferences of a given pipe type
 Look at all rules and criteria for a given pipe type
 Check for common problems
 Routing preference builder XML import and export
 CommandReadPreferences and CommandWritePreferences
 Set project pipe type, fitting, and routing preferences
 Export for archival, documentation, and collaboration purposes
 Enable users to work with RP data in a shareable XML format
 Suitable for reuse in a wide variety of BIM management environments

2012 Autodesk
 Traverse a mechanical or piping system in the direction of flow
 Check MechanicalSystem IsWellConnected property
 Dump the traversal results into an XML file
 Determine system
 Query base equipment as starting point
 Query connector manager for connected neighbour elements
 Similar approach works for electrical as well, cf. AdnRme sample

2012 Autodesk
AdnRme Sample
 Non-SDK sample, included in presentation material
 HVAC air terminal analysis and sizing
 Hierarchical display of an electrical system
 Implements a ribbon panel, about box, and progress bar

2012 Autodesk
AdnRme Electrical Sample
 Traverse the electrical system
 Reproduce the system browser data
structure in a tree view
 Display the complete connection
hierarchy in a tree view
 CmdElectricalConnectors is similar to
TraverseSystem SDK sample for ducts
 Traversal is also possible using
parameter data instead of connector
manager, but harder

2012 Autodesk
AdnRme HVAC Sample
 HVAC Task
 Place and size air ducts and terminals
 Analysis and verification of results
 Commands aligned with HVAC
engineering workflow
 Assign flow to terminals
 Change air terminal size
 Verify design by air flow per surface area
 Reset demo
 All modification uses generic parameter and type access
 Changes are reflected by schedules and colour fill

2012 Autodesk
Pipe to Conduit Converter
 Two hundred lines of code
 My First Revit 2011 Add-in
 Illustrates all major Revit 2011 API renovations
 Revit API assembly split
 Namespace reorganisation
 Command registration manifest
 External command Execute method and attributes
 Transaction mode
 Regeneration option
 Task dialogues for user messages
 Interactive filtered element selection
 Redesigned element filtering
 New element creation paradigm
 Access to pipe and conduit sizes
2012 Autodesk
Cable Tray Fitting Creation and Layout
 Inserting a cable tray is as easy as a conduit, cf. p2c
 Inserting fittings requires exact alignment, i.e. proper orientation

2012 Autodesk
Modeless Loose Connector Navigator
 Modeless navigation interacting with Idling event
 Ensure that modeless dialogue remains on top of Revit
 Filter for all MEP connectors in project
 Combine all relevant classes and family instance categories
 Check IsConnected property on each connector
 Log results to file and display to user
 Interact with Revit and navigate through results in modeless dialogue

2012 Autodesk
MEP Placeholder Sample
 Placeholder ducts and pipes
 CreatePlaceholders and ConvertPlaceholders commands
 Duct and pipe insulation and lining
 InsulateDuctwork command
 Read and write access to MEP pipe settings and sizes
 GetPipeSettings command

2012 Autodesk
Summary and Further Reading

2012 Autodesk
 Blog posts
 Hand-outs and sample code
 MEP placeholder sample
 HVAC and electrical MEP sample code
 Modeless loose connector navigator
 Cable tray sample

2012 Autodesk
Learning More
 Revit Developer Center: DevTV and my first plugin introductions, SDK, samples, and API help
 Product Online Help and Developer Guide
 ADN Revit and Revit MEP API Webcasts, Trainings and Archives > Revit API > Revit API
 Discussion Group > Revit Architecture > Revit API
 ADN AEC DevBlog and The Building Coder Revit API Blog
 ADN, The Autodesk Developer Network, and DevHelp Online for ADN members
 Learning Autodesk Revit MEP 2012 video training
2012 Autodesk
Class Summary
 Overview of the Revit MEP API
 MEP API enhancements in Revit 2013
 Working programmatically with Revit MEP models
 Overview of available Revit MEP API samples

2012 Autodesk
Learning Objectives
So... are you now able to:

 Use the Revit MEP 2013 API enhancements?

 Analyze, create, manage and modify electrical, HVAC and plumbing
models, systems, and components programmatically?
 Understand and reuse Revit SDK and ADN sample functionality?

Good luck and much success!

2012 Autodesk
Autodesk, AutoCAD* [*if/when mentioned in the pertinent material, followed by an alphabetical list of all other trademarks mentioned in the material] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and
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2012 Autodesk

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