Glossary Z

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Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain

Z: A variation of the Enochian word Zod (q.v.).

Za: The name of an Enochian angel who appeared to John Dee and Edward Kelley. His name
means "giver of gifts".
Zaa: (1) The twenty seventh of the thirty Aires of Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae. (2) The twenty
seventh aethyr or aire listed in Liber Vel Chanokh. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn: The twenty seventh aethyr of the Forty Eight Angelical Keys or Calls.
(4) The twenty seventh Aethyr of the nineteenth part of The Word of Set.
Zaabo: See Zabo.
Za'afiel (Var. Za'aphiel. Hebrew- trans. "wrath of God"): (1) Judaic. An angel of storms (Cf.
Za'amiel). (2) An angel listed in 3 Enoch.
Zaajah: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 30th degree of both Capricorn
and Aquarius.
Zaamael: See Za'amiel.
Za'amiel (Var. Zaamael): In 3 Enoch: An angel of storms (Cf. Za'afiel).
Za'aphiel: See Za'afiel.
Zaazonash: In the Lemegeton, an angel ruling the sixth hour of the night. His chief officers include
Menorita, Prenostix, Namedor, Cheratiel, Dramazod and Fuleriel. His lesser officers include
Pammon, Dracon, Gemtzod, Enariel, Rudosor and Salmon.
Zabadola (Var. Zobrach): The twenty third of the twenty eight mansions of the Moon listed in The
Zabahot: A name used in circle casting in the Grimoire of Honorius.
Zabaniyah: Arabic. An angel subordinate to Malik (q.v.).
Zabaoth: See Tzabaoth.
Zabdiel Kunya: In The Sword of Moses: One of the 14 ineffable names of Jehovah.
Zabesael: Gnostic. An angel of the seasons associated to Milkael.
Zabkiel: In Fludd's Mosaicall Philosophy: One of the angelic rulers of the order of Thrones.
Zabo (Var. Zaabo): An angel who is a senior of the south under Ebooza in the Book of
Supplications and Invocations. Zabo is invoked to acquire knowledge of mixture of natures.
Zabulon (Var. Zebulun, Zebuleon, Jabulum or Jibellum. Hebrew- trans. "heaven" or "the abode of
God"): (1) One of the twelve traditional tribes of Israel. (2) A demon described as a "distressed"
member of the angelic order of Principalities (q.v.) who is mentioned in connection with the trial of
Urbain Grandier by Grillot De Givry in his Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy. (3) A tribe of the
second of the four triplicities of the tribes of Israel listed in The Magus, the other two in this triplicity
being Jehuda and Isachar. Appears elsewhere in The Magus as Zebulun. (4) A term used in the
thirteenth and twentieth degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rites of Freemasonry.
Zaca (Var. of Zacchai (q.v.)): One of the seventy two names of Jehovah given in The Royal
Masonic Cyclopedia.
Zacam (Var. Zacar, Zacare, Zodaca, Zodacame, Zodakame, Zodacar, Zodacara, Zodakara,
Zodacare, Zodakare, Zodame): Enochian- trans. "move".
Zacar: See Zacam.
Zacare: See Zacam.
Zacchai (Var. Zaca. Hebrew- trans. "pure"): A name for Jehovah listed in The Royal Masonic
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zacharael (Var. Zachariel. Hebrew- trans. "remembrance of God"): (1) In Geonic lore: (a) One
of the 7 Archangels. (b) A prince of the order of Dominations and ruler of the 2nd heaven. (2) In
Paracelsus's Four Treatises: (a) An angel of Thursday. (b) A genii of Egypt.
Zacharel: In the Lemegeton: An angel of the 7th hour of the night who is a lesser officer under the
angel Mendrion.
Zachariah (Var. of Zechariah (q.v.)): (1) In the Bible: The father of John the Baptist. (2) One of
the twelve prophets listed in The Magus. (2) A name used in the thirty second degree of the Ancient
and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.
Zachariel (Var. of Zacharael (q.v.)): (1) In Transcendental Magic: An angel of the order of Powers
who rules the planet Jupiter. Appears to be cognate with Zadkiel (q.v.) elsewhere in Levi's book.
(2) In Hebrew mythology: One of two angels ruling Raqia (q.v.). (3) In Papus's Traite Elementaire
de Science Occulte: One of the angels of the moon.
Zachiel: (1) In Trachtenberg's Jewish Magic and Superstition: The angel ruling Zebul (q.v.). (2) In
the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: (a) An angel ruling the 17 th degree of Virgo. (b) An angel ruling
the 19th degree of both Scorpio and Sagittarius. (c) An angel ruling the 29th degree of Scorpio.
Zachriel: In Trachtenberg's Jewish Magic and Superstition: An angel ruling memory.
Zaciel Parmar: In Voltaire's Of Angels, Genii and Devils: One of the leaders of the fallen angels.
Zaciot: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 5th degree of Aries.
Zacrath: An angel whose name is invoked in the obtaining of blood from a bat in the Greater Key
of Solomon.
Zada: In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: A ministering angel invoked in conjurations.
Zadakiel: See Zadkiel.
Zaday: In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: One of the angels of the 7 planets.
Zaddik: See Zadok.
Zaddikim: Hebrew- trans. "the righteous" (Cf. Zadok).
Zades: An angel invoked in the preparation of virgin earth and wax in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zadiel: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 25th degree of Aries.

Figure 2 Second Sigil of Zadkiel in the

Figure 1 First Sigil of
Zadkiel in the Armadel
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zadkiel (Var. Tzadkiel, Zidekiel, Zadakiel, Zadykiel, Tzadqiel, Tzadkiel, Tzadiqel, Tsadkiel.
Hebrew- trans. "righteousness of God"): (1) In The Zohar: The angel Michael's angelic standard
bearer in battle. (2) In Camfield's A Theological Discourse of Angels: An angel ruling the planet
Jupiter. (3) One of the seven great archangels according to Eliphas Levi in Transcendental Magic.
According to Levi, Zadkiel was known to the Christian Gnostics as Sealtiel. This is probably the
same angel as Zachariel (q.v.), which also appears in Levi's Transcendental Magic. (4) In The
Magus: (a) One of the seven angels which stand in the presence of Jehovah, the others being
Zaphiel, Camael, Raphael, Haniel, Michael and Gabriel. (b) The ruler of the Dominations and the
Hasmallim. (c) The ruler of Jupiter. (5) One of the seven angels which stand in the presence of
Jehovah, listed in the Scale of the Number Seven in The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia. (6) One of
seven angels whose names appear on the first Archangelic Square dictated to John Dee through
medium Edward Kelley by the angel Uriel. (7) One of the Spirits listed in the Grimoire of Armadel.
He is first mentioned in the first section of the Armadel, "As Regardeth the Planets the Sanhedrin".
In this section Zadkiel is described as a spirit who teaches active and passive sciences and is to be
invoked on Monday morning. His sigil as listed in this section is depicted in figure 1. Later in the
Armadel Zadkiel is described as an angel who gives treasures and good advice. In this section
Zadkiel is to be invoked at daybreak on Thursday. His sigil as listed in this section is depicted in fig.
Zadok (Var. Zaddik. Hebrew- trans. "just" or "righteous"): A name occurring in some of the
ineffable degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.
Zadykiel (Var. of Zadkiel (q.v.)): In Lenormant's Chaldean Magic: An angel associated to Sophiel.
Zadzaczadlin: A name used for the Biblical figure Adam in Dee's Book of Soyga.
Zael: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 28th degree of Libra.
Zafasai: A governor of the aethyr or aire Zen listed in Liber Scientiae, Auxili et Victoriae Terrestris,
in Liber Vel Chanokh and in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Zafasai has 7689 servants.

Figure 3 Sigil of Zagan

Zafiel: Judaic. An angel in control of showers of rain.

Zafniel: In Trachtenberg's Jewish Magic and Superstition: One of the monthly angels.
Zafrire: Judaic. Morning spirits.
Zagalo: A spirit subordinate to Belzebud in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.
Zagan: The sixty first spirit of the Lemegeton, described as a king and president who appears as a
bull with griffin's wings. Zagan has the power to change water into wine, to change blood into oil
and oil into water, to change any metal into coins of the realm and to change fools into wise men. He
commands 33 legions of spirits. His sigil is depicted in fig. 3.
Zagiel: (1) In Enoch I: An evil archangel. (2) In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel
ruling the 25th degree of both Taurus and Gemini.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zagiil: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 15th degree of Gemini.
Zagin: In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: A ministering angel.
Zagnzagiel: See Zagzagel.
Zagnzaqiel: See Zagzagel.
Zagveron: An name used in the process consecrating the lustral bath with salt in the Greater Key of
Zagzagael: See Zagzagel.
Zagzagel (Var. Zagnzaqiel, Zagzagael, Zagnzagiel, Zamzagiel, Zanzagiel, Sagsagel. Hebrew- trans.
"divine splendour"): In 3 Enoch: An angel who instructed Moses in the knowledge of the ineffable
name of Jehovah.
Zahabriel: In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 1st heaven.
Zahael: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 29th degree of Sagittarius.
Zahaftirii: In Hechaloth lore: An angelic prince of the presence and the holder of the seal at the 5th
gate of heaven.
Zahariel (Var. Zaharil. Hebrew- trans. "brightness"): In The Apocalypse of Abraham: A great
angel. (2) In Transcendental Magic: An angel invoked to resist the temptations of Moloch (q.v.).
Zahari'il: See Zaharil.
Zaharil (Var. Zahari'il): One of 10 Uthri (q.v.) that accompany the sun on its daily course.
Zahbuk: In The Sword of Moses: An evil angel invoked to separate a husband from his wife.
Zahgurim: A spirit who slays enemies slowly in the Necronomicon.
Zahiphil: Used in the preparation of parchment in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zahrim: A warrior spirit who destroys armies in the Necronomicon.
Zahrun: In Mandaean mythology: One of 10 Uthri (q.v.) that accompany the sun on its daily
Zahun: One of the Genii of the first hour, called a "genius of scandal", found in the Nuctemeron of
Apollonius of Tyana.
Zain (Var. Zayin. Hebrew- trans. sword): (1) The seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet ( ),
equivalent to the letter "Z" in the English alphabet. It is assigned the numerical value of "7" in the
Qabalah. (2) A name used in conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zainael: One of the Spirits listed in the Grimoire of
Armadel. Zainael is described as a spirit who taught Moses
how to use his magick rod and who can make one rich. He
may be invoked at any hour. His sigil, depicted in fig. 4, is
used to teach divination as practiced by the Egyptians and

Figure 4 Sigils of Zainael

Zainfres: See Zamfres.

Zainon: A name used in the preparation of parchment in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zaitux: A word used to compel a genii to work for you in the Black Pullet.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zaken (Hebrew- trans. "old"): A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used to
make oneself appear old in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This

Zakiel: Syrian. A spellbinding angel.

Zakkiel: Judaic. An angel of storms who was present when Jehovah exalted Enoch in heaven.
Zakun: Judaic. An angel who was punished by Jehovah for interfering with Moses' prayers against
Zakzakiel (Hebrew- trans. "merit God"): (1) In The Talmud: An angelic prince who records the
merits of Israel on the throne of glory. (2) In 3 Enoch: The superior of the angel Galizur (q.v.).
Zalambur: Islamic. The demon of mercantile dishonesty, one of the five sons of Eblis (q.v.).
Zalanes (Deriv. Greek term meaning "trouble bringer"): A spirit subordinate to Paimon in The Book
of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.
Zalbesael (Var. Zehlebhsheel, Zalebsel. Hebrew- trans. "heart of God"): Judaic. An angel of the
rainy season.
Zalburis: One of the Genii of the eighth hour, called a "genius of therapeutics", found in the
Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana.
Zalebsel: See Zalbesael.
Zaleos: See Sallos.
Zaliel: One of the angels of the fifth heaven ruling in the south on Tuesday in The Magus.
Zalmaii (Var. Salmay, Samaey): An angel invoked in the consecration of parchment in the Greater
Key of Solomon.
Z.A.M.: Acronym used as a title for Osiris in Liber CCXXXI.
Zamael (Var. of Samael (q.v.)): (1) In the Greater Key of Solomon: (a) An angel that rules several
hours of each day of the week, according to the following chart:
Sunday 5th, 12th, 19th
Monday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd
Tuesday 6th, 13th, 20th
Wednesday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
Thursday 7th, 14th, 21st
Friday 4th, 11th, 18th
Saturday 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain

(b) An angel related to the archangel Khamael, Mars, iron, the colour red and Tuesday. (2) The
ruler of Mars in The Magus. (3) An angel associated with the planet Mars in the magickal system of
the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Zamaii: Used in a prayer while approaching a ritual site in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zamarath: A name used to confer profound knowledge in the Black Pullet.
Zamarchad: Judaic. An angelic name inscribed on kameas to ward off evil.
Zamfres (Var. Zainfres): A governor of the aethyr or aire Zid listed in Liber Scientiae, Auxili et
Victoriae Terrestris, in Liber Vel Chanokh and in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn. Zamfres has 4362 servants.
Zamion: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Samil.
Zamiyad: In Koranic lore: An angel watching over the houri and nymphs of Paradise.
Zamradiel: One of the Genii of the qlippoth in Liber CCXXXI.
Zamran (Var. Zodamerann, Zodameranu, Zodamran): Enochian- trans. "appear" or "show
Zamzagiel: See Zagzagel.
Zamzummim (Hebrew- trans. "achievers"): (1) In Enoch I: An order of fallen angels, others listed
including the Nephilim, Emim, Rephaim. (2) In the Dictionaire Infernal: An order of fallen angels.
Zanabosane (Corruption of Nabuzaradan (q.v.)): Used in the twentieth degree of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.
Zan-Madone: Vodou. One of the Rada-Dahomey Lwas.
Zandeldena: See Sadahacha.
Zanias: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Gamiel.
Zan Tha-hi (Var. Zantahi): Vodou. One of the Rada Lwas.
Zan Tha-hi Medeh (Var. Zantahi Medeh. Vodou. One of the Rada Lwas.
Zaniel: In the Heptameron: An angel of Monday residing in the first heaven and invoked in the
Zannel: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 20th degree of Capricorn.
Zantahi: See Zan Tha-hi
Zantahi Medeh: See Zan Tha-hi Medeh.
Zanzagiel: See Zagzagel.
Zanziel: In Hechaloth lore: One of the angelic guards of the gates of the west wind.
Zaou Pemba: Vodou. A Lwa of both the Pethro and the Congo traditions.
Zapan: A demon mentioned by Grillot De Givry in his Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy.
Zaphiel (Var. Zapkiel, Zaphkiel): (1) In The Magus: (a) One of the seven angels which stand in the
presence of Jehovah. The others are Zadkiel, Camael, Raphael, Haniel, Michael and Gabriel. (b) An
angel ruling the Hasmalim. (c) The ruler of Saturn. (2) In Paradise Lost: One of the Cherubim.
(3) In La Kabbale Pratique: Chief angel of the order of Thrones.
Zaphkiel (Var.Zapkiel. Hebrew- trans. "knowledge of God"): (1) The ruler of the Thrones and the
Aralim (Abalim) in The Magus. (2) One of seven angels whose names appear on the first
Archangelic Square dictated to John Dee through medium Edward Kelley by the angel Uriel. (3)
Chief of the order of Thrones and of the planet Saturn according to Agrippa, Heywood, and
Camfield. (4) A spirit listed in the Grimoire of Armadel. Zaphkiel is said to be able to teach one
about the rebellion and fall of the angels who rebelled against Jehovah. His sigil is depicted in fig. 5.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zapkiel (Var. of Zaphkiel (q.v.)): One of the seven angels which
stand in the presence of Jehovah, listed in the Scale of the Number
Seven in The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia.

Figure 5 Sigils of Zaphkiel in

the Armadel

Zaqen: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).

Zar (Var. Zodare): Enochian- trans. "course(s)".
Zarabanda (Var. Zarabanda Pungo, Dibudi): (1) One of the most powerful Congo deities, cognate
with the Yoruba deity Oggun. (2) In Palo Mayombe: A type of Prenda (q.v.), the difference being
that while a Prenda has a spirit called a Kiyamba (q.v.) associated with it, the Zarabanda is associated
with the Mpungo (deity) Zarabanda, and is always prepared in a cauldron, never in a sack.
Zarabanda Pungo: See Zarabanda.
Zaragil: A spirit subordinate to the four sub princes Oriens, Paimon, Ariton and Amaimon in The
Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.
Z'araignee (Creole): Vodou. A spider.
Zarall: Judaic. One of the twin Cherubim on the mercy seat of the arc of the covenant, the other
being Jael.
Zarautor: See Zelator.
Zarazaz: In Pistis Sophia: An angelic guardian or the veil of the celestial treasure house, also
known as Maskelli.
Zaren: One of the Genii of the sixth hour in the Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana. Zaren is called
an "avenging genius".
Zariatbatmik (Var. of Zariatnatmik (q.v.)): A name used in a Grand Appellation in the Grand
Grimoire and the Red Dragon.
Zariatnatmik (Var. Zariatbatmik): A name used in the consecration of ritual wands in the
Grimorium Verum.
Zariatnamix: A name used in the grand conjuration of Lucifuge Rocofale in the Grand Grimoire.
Zarmesiton: An name used in the process consecrating the lustral bath with salt in the Greater Key
of Solomon.
Zarnaah: (1) One of the twelve angelic kings in the Liber Scientiae, Auxilii et Victoriae Terrestris,
who rules over the divine territories of Doagnis, Opmacas, Ronoamb, Orcanir, Mirzind, Mathula and
Odraxti. (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A governing angel
under Hctga.
Zarobi: One of the Genii of the third hour, called a "genius of precipices", found in the Nuctemeron
of Apollonius of Tyana.
Zaron: A name used in the preparation of parchment in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zaroteij: In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: An angel of the Seal.
Zarzakiel: In 3 Enoch: An angel appointed by Jehovah to record the merits of Israel on the throne
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
of glory.
Zarzaparilla (Var. Sarsaparilla): Santeria. A plant sacred to the Orisha Chango (q.v.), used to cure
rheumatism and syphilis.
Zarzi: See Zazi.
Zarzilg: (1) One of the twelve angelic kings in the Liber Scientiae, Auxilii et Victoriae Terrestris,
who rules over the divine territories of Occodon, Samapha, Pristac, Doanzin, Tabitom, Tahando and
Tocarzi. (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A governing angel
under Arsl.
Zashiel: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 20th degree of Aquarius.
Zata, Elman: An Arab who was allegedly one of the early disciples of the founder of the
Rosicrucians, Christian Rosenkreutz. In Regardie's The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic:
A name used in the initiation of the Adeptus Minor Grade.
Zathael: Judaic. One of the 12 angels of vengeance.
Zatriel: Syrian. A spellbinding angel.
Zau Anpin: See Zauir Anpin.
Zauir Anpin (Var. Zeir Anpin, Zau Anpin. Hebrew- trans. "Lesser Countenance" or Microprosopus
(q.v.)): (1) Qabalistic. One of the 5 Partsuf (q.v.). (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn: A name mentioned in the initiation of the Practicus grade.
Zaurva (Var. Zaurvan): Zoroastrianism. The demon of decrepitude.
Zaurvan: See Zaurvan.
Zavael: (1) In 3 Enoch: The angel of whirlwinds. (2) In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: (a) An
angel ruling the 16th degree of Pisces. (b) An angel ruling the 26th degree of Pisces.
Zavebe: In 3 Enoch: One of the fallen angels.
Zawar: In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: One of 15 Throne angels listed.
Zax: (1) The tenth of the thirty Aires of Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae. (2) The tenth aethyr or aire
listed in Liber Vel Chanokh. (3) An aethyr invoked in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli. (4) In the magickal
system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: The tenth aethyr of the Forty Eight Angelical
Keys or Calls. (5) The tenth Aethyr of the nineteenth part of The Word of Set.
Zaxanin: A governor of the aethyr or aire Tor listed in Liber Scientiae, Auxili et Victoriae Terrestris,
in Liber Vel Chanokh and in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Zaxanin has 7333 servants.
Zayariel: A spirit found in the True Magickal Work of the Jesuits.
Zayin (Var. of of the Hebrew letter Zain (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn: (a) A letter invoked in the consecration of the Lotus Wand. (b) A letter associated
with Gemini.
Zazahiel: In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 3rd heaven.
Zazaii (Var. Zazay): In the Greater Key of Solomon: (a) An angel invoked in the consecration of
parchment. (b) An angel named in a prayer spoken while approaching a ritual site.
Zazas: A name which appears in the cry of the aethyr Zax in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli.
Zazay (Var. of Zazaii (q.v.)): An angel invoked in the consecration of incense in the Grimorium
Zazean: An angel whose name is invoked in the obtaining of blood from a bat in the Greater Key of
Zazel: (1) A spirit invoked in a love spell in the Grand Grimoire, the Grimorium Verum and the
Grimoire of Honorius. (2) A name "answering to the numbers of Saturn" and representing the Spirit
of Saturn in The Magus. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn:
(a) The spirit of Saturn. (b) An angel associated with Cauda Draconis, Carcer and Tristitia.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zazi (Var. Zarzi): An angel who is a senior of the north under Pziza in the Book of Supplications
and Invocations. Zazi is invoked to acquire secrets.
Zazi Boulonnin (Var. Boulonmin): Vodou. One of the Pethro Lwas.
Zazior: In the Lemegeton, an officer under the angel Oriel.
Zazriel (Hebrew- trans. "strength of God"): In 3 Enoch: An angelic prince representing divine
strength and power.
Zdaxg: See Zdxg.
Zdxg (Var. Zdaxg): An angel who is a senior of the east under Hxgzd in the Book of Supplications
and Invocations. Zdxg is invoked to acquire secrets.
Zeasar: Gnostic. A power associated to the river Jordan.
Zeba'marom (Hebrew- trans. "hosts from the heights"): A term for angels used in Isaiah 24:21.
Zebaoth (Var. of Tzabaoth (q.v.)): (1) In the Lemegeton: (a) A name of Jehovah used in the First,
Second and Third Conjurations of Spirits. (b) A name of Jehovah used in the Chain Curse. (2) A
spirit invoked in a "Kabalistic Invocation of Solomon" to evoke "spirits belonging to religions issued
from Judaism" in Levi's Transcendental Magic. (3) In The Magus: (a) A name used in an exorcism
of the spirits of the air. (b) A name used in the conjuration of Monday.
Zeba'shamaim (Hebrew- trans. "hosts of heaven"): A term for angels used in Deuteronomy 17:3.
Zebel (Var. of Zebul (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a)
The fourth of the Seven Heavens of Assiah (q.v.). (b) A name mentioned in the initiation of the
Practicus grade.
Zeboth: A name invoked in a rite of necromancy in the Verus Jesuitarum Libellus.
Zebul (Var. Zebel. Hebrew- trans. "habitation"): (1) In Hebrew mythology: (a) The sixth of the
seven heavens, ruled by the angel Zachiel and his assistants Zebul and Sabath. (b) The assistant of
Zachiel (See (a) above). (2) In Visions of Ezekiel: The name of the third heaven. (3) In 3 Enoch:
The name of the 3rd heaven. (4) In The Talmud: The name of the 4th heaven. (5) A spirit related
to Bethor and the angel Sachiel in the Theosophia Pneumatica. (6) The name of the 6th heaven,
related to Thursday and the angel Sachiel in The Magus.
Zebuleon (Var. of Zabulon (q.v.)): In The Revelation of Esdras: One of the 9 angels who will rule
at the end of the world.
Zebuliel: In The Zohar: The chief angel in the western part of the 1st heaven.
Zebulun (Greek variation of Zabulon (q.v.)): (1) Used in The Magus. (2) In the magickal system
of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A tribe of Israel invoked in the consecration of the
Lotus Wand. (b) A tribe of Israel associated with Capricorn.
Zeburial: In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 7th heaven.
Zechariah (Var. Zachariah. Hebrew- trans. "whom Jehovah remembers"): A Hebrew prophet of the
sixth Century B.C.E. that recommended the rebuilding of the Temple. A book of the Old Testament
is named for him.
Zechariel (Hebrew- trans. "Jehovah remembers"): In Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy:
One of the 7 angelic regents of the world.
Zechiel: An angel whose name is used in conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zechriel: In Sepher Raziel: One of 70 guardian angels of children.
Zecor: Hebrew- trans. "remember".
Zedeesia: See Zedereza.
Zedeexia: See Zedereza.
Zedekiah (Hebrew- trans. "justice of Jehovah"): (1) The name of the twentieth and last king of
Judah, mentioned in 1 Kings 22:11 in the Bible. (2) A king's name mentioned in some higher
degrees of Freemasonry.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zedekiel (Var. of Zadkiel (q.v.)): (1) One of the seven angels of the Sigillum Dei Aemeth (q.v.) in
John Dee's Enochian system of magic, associated with the planet Jupiter, from which its name is
derived (Cf. Tzedeq). (2) One of the seven great angels of the Sigillum Dei Aemeth listed in Liber
Vel Chanokh. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: The variation
of the name Zadkiel used in describing the angels of the Sigillum Dei Aemeth.
Zedereza (Var. Zedeesia, Zedeexia and Zedexias): A name of Jehovah used in a conjuration in the
Greater Key of Solomon.
Zedex (Var. of Tzedek (q.v.)): A name for Jupiter which appears in The Book of True Black Magic.
Zedexias: See Zedereza.
Zedi: See Yazidi.
Zeffar: One of the Genii of the ninth hour, called a "genius of irrevocable choice", found in the
Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana.
Zegiel: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 15th degree of Taurus.
Zehanpuryu'h (Hebrew- trans. "this one sets free"): (1) In 3 Enoch: An angel of mercy who is the
advocate general of heaven. (2) In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 7th hall of
the 7th heaven.
Zehlebhsheel: See Zalbesael.
Zeirna: One of the Genii of the fifth hour, called a "genius of infirmities", found in the Nuctemeron
of Apollonius of Tyana.
Zekuniel: An alternate name for the 2nd Sephira (q.v.).
Zelator (Greek "zelotes" ("zealot"). Israel Regardie claimed that it was derived from the ancient
Egyptian "Zarautor", which he translates as "searcher of Athtor", Athtor being an Egyptian Goddess
who is the personification of night): (1) The lowest degree in the Rosicrucian system. (2) The
second rank above the beginner's rank of probationer within the lowest order of the Astrum
Argentium, represented by the formula 2 degree = 9 squared. (3) The first grade of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn. (4) The second of ten degrees of initiation with Gavin and Yvonne
Frosts Church and School of Wicca.
Zelator Adeptus Minor (Abbrev Z. A. M.): A subgrade below that of Theoricus Adeptus Minor in
the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Zelebsel (Hebrew- trans. "heart of God"): In Vocabulaire de L'Angelologie: The angel of the rainy
Zemen (Var. of Shemesh (q.v.)): A word for Sunday which appears in The Book of True Black
Zemi: Originally this was a fetish or charm used by the Arawaken Indians who were the aboriginal
inhabitants of Haiti. This term was subsequently adopted by practitioners of Vodou.
Zemoel: In the Lemegeton, an officer under the angel Bariel.
Zen: (1) A Buddhist discipline of meditation, originating in Japan. It first appeared in the 9th
century C.E., but did not become popular until 1191 C.E. when the priest Eisai (1141-1215) returned
from China. Eisai's Rinzai style of Zen taught that Satori (enlightenment) may be sought by
meditation and solving riddles called Koans. The priest Dogen (1200-1253), one of Eisai's students,
founded another style, called Soto, stressing work, practice and philosophical questions to achieve
Satori. Rinzai was more popular with the nobility, while Soto became popular with the peasants. (2)
The eighteenth of the thirty Aires of Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae. (3) The eighteenth aethyr or aire
listed in Liber Vel Chanokh. (4) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn:
The eighteenth aethyr of the Forty Eight Angelical Keys or Calls. (5) The eighteenth Aethyr of the
nineteenth part of The Word of Set.
Zena: A name used in the consecration of ritual swords in the Grimorium Verum.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zenith: See Medium Coeli.
Zenith of Intensity: See Workings.
Zep Tepi: Egyptian. The "Frist Time" or age in which the Gods are supposed to have ruled the
country, before the advent of the Pharaohs.
Zepar: The sixteenth spirit of the Lemegeton, described as a great duke
who appears as a soldier dressed in red. Some translations assign him the
power to make women love men and to transform them into other shapes
and other translations assign him the power to make women barren. He
is said to rule over 26 legions of spirits. His sigil is depicted in fig. 6.

Figure 6 Sigil of Zepar

Zepaule: Vodou. A shoulder dance of the Rada rites.

Zephaniah (Var. Zephemiah, Zephaniel. Hebrew- trans. "the Lord has hidden"): (1) Judaic. (a) A
biblical prophet of the seventh century B.C.E., after which one of the books of the Old Testament is
named. (b) The name of the witch of Endor. (2) One of the twelve prophets listed in The Magus.
Zephaniel (Var. of Zephaniah (q.v.)): In Rabbinic lore: The chief of the angelic order of Ishim
Zephemiah: See Zephaniah.
Zephon (Var. Tzephon, Xaphan. Hebrew- trans. "looking out"): (1) Qabalistic. (a) A cherubim
who is associated to the 6th Sephira (q.v.). (b) The guardian prince of Paradise. (2) In Paradise
Lost: An angel dispatched by Gabriel to find Satan.
Zerachiel (Var. of Verchiel (q.v.)): In Enoch I: one of 7 angels who keep watch. (2) In Esdras IV:
One of 7 angels who keep watch. (3) In Papus' Traite Elementaire de Science Occulte: (a) An
angel of the Sun. (b) An angel of the sign of Leo. (c) The angel of July.
Zerahiyah: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).
Zerahyahu: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).
Zerbal: The name of the captain of the guards in the degree of Perfect Master and Intimate
Secretary in Freemasonry.
Zeroel: See Zeruch.
Zeruch (Var. Zeroel, Zeruel. Hebrew- trans. "arm of God"): In apocryphal literature: An angel of
strength who is the subordinate of Cerez or Kenaz.
Zeruel: See Zeruch.
Zeta: The sixth letter of the Greek alphabet ().
Zethar: Judaic. One of the angels of confusion.
Zethel: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 18th degree of Libra.
Zeus: (1) Greek. Father and ruler of the Olympian Gods. He was the son of Rhea and Cronus. He
rescued his brothers and isters Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Poseidon from Cronus, becoming
the supreme God. The Roman God Jupiter took on many of the characteristics of Zeus. (2) One of
the eight symbolic planets in Uranian astrology. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of
the Golden Dawn: A God mentioned in the initiation of the Practicus Grade.
Zeut: One of the seventy two names of Jehovah given in The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia.
Zevanion: An angel invoked in the consecration of parchment in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zevao (Var. of Tzabaoth (q.v.)): A name used in the consecration of ritual ink horns in The Book of
True Black Magic.
Zevaron: Used in the preparation of parchment in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zeveac (Var. of Lebanah (q.v.)): A word for Monday which appears in The Book of True Black
Zevtiyahu: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).
Zevudiel: In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 1st heaven.
ZHR: See Zohar.
Zhsmael: In The Sword of Moses: An evil angel invoked to separate a man from his wife.
Zhui: The forty fifth of the 64 hexagrams or patterns of the Chinese divination
system called I Ching (see fig. 7). It represents the necessity to consult with
leaders or elders; to return to one's ancestral temple.

Figure 7 Zhui
Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa: A Sumerian phrase translated as "Spirit, God of the Sky, remember" in the
Zi Dingir Kia Kanpa: A Sumerian phrase translated as "Spirit, God of the Earth, remember" in the
Zi-kum: See Tiamat.
Zi-kura: See Tiamat.
Zianor: A name used in the consecration of the sacred pen in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Ziarahs: Seven Yazidi (q.v.) towers referred to by Anton LaVey as "Towers of Satan" in The
Satanic Rituals.
Zibanitu: See Libra.
Zibra: A name derived by reversing the name of the angel Arbiz (q.v.). A cacodemon commanding
the cacodemons of Earth of Earth in the Book of Supplications and Invocations.
Zid: (1) The eighth of the thirty Aires of Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae. (2) The eighth aethyr or aire
listed in Liber Vel Chanokh and Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli. (3) In the magickal system of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: The eighth aethyr of the Forty Eight Angelical Keys or Calls.
(4) The eighth Aethyr of the nineteenth part of The Word of Set.
Zidekiel: See Zadkiel.
Zideon: Possibly derived from the Hebrew name Zibeon ("dyed"). An angel invoked in the
consecration of parchment in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zidur: A name used to invoke Lugalugga in the Necronomicon.
Zien (Var. Zodien): Enochian- trans. "hand(s)".
Zi'iel: In 3 Enoch: An angel of commotion.
Zikekiel: Judaic. The preceptor angel of Abraham (Cf. Zadkiel).
Zikiel (Var. Ziqiel): In 3 Enoch: The angel of sparks, lightning and comets.
Ziku: In the Necronomicon, Ziku, the mother of the God Enki, is a spirit who bestows riches of all
kinds and can find hidden treasures. This appears to be a corruption of one of the names of Tiamat
Zil: Enochian- trans. "stretch forth".
Zilah Moyo: Vodou. One of the Congo Lwas.
Zilda: Enochian- trans. "to water".
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zildar (Var. Zodiladare): Enochian- trans. "fly" or "flew".
Zildron: A governor of the aethyr or aire Khr listed in Liber Scientiae, Auxili et Victoriae Terrestris,
in Liber Vel Chanokh and in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Zildron has 3626 servants.
Z'ile Minfort: Vodou. The island below the water where the Lwa Agwe (q.v.) lives.
Zilodarp (Var. Arp, Zodilodarepe): (1) Enochian- trans. "conquest". (2) A title of Jehovah used in
the works of John Dee.
Zim: (1) The thirteenth of the thirty Aires of Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae. (2) The thirteenth aethyr
or aire listed in Liber Vel Chanokh. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn: The thirteenth aethyr of the Forty Eight Angelical Keys or Calls. (4) The thirteenth Aethyr
of the nineteenth part of The Word of Set.
Zimeloz: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Narcoriel.
Zimii (Var. Zodimii): Enochian- trans. "enter".
Zimimar: See Ziminiar.
Zimimay: See Ziminiar.
Ziminar: See Ziminiar.

Figure 8 Zin
Ziminiar (Var. Ziminar, Zimimar, Zimmar, Zimimay): An angel who is King of the North in the
Zimmar: See Ziminiar.
Zimz (Var. Zimza, Zodimezod, Zodimezoda): Enochian- trans. "vestures", "apparel" or "clothing".
Zimza: See Zimz.
Zin: (1) Vodou. An iron or clay pot used for cooking in rituals. Its full secret name is Ouanzin.
They are usually reserved for either the living (Zins Vivants) or the dead (Zins Morts). They sit upon
an iron tripod called the Pieds-Zin or Poteaux Zins. Those used for the Nago rites are iron, the rest
are clay. (2) The thirty fifth of the 64 hexagrams or patterns of the Chinese divination system called
I Ching (see fig. 8). It represents the maintenance of peace through bribes.
Zinclin Zain: See Zinclinzin.
Zinclinzin (Var. Zinclin Zain): Vodou. One of the Rada Lwas.
Zing: The forty eighth of the 64 hexagrams or patterns of the Chinese divination
system called I Ching (see fig. 9). It represents unchanging internal foundations
despite superficial external changes.

Figure 9 Zing
Zin'ga: Vodou. One of the Congo Lwas.
Zinggen: (1) One of the twelve angelic kings in the Liber Scientiae, Auxilii et Victoriae Terrestris,
who rules over the divine territories of Pascomb, Tiarpax, Aspiaon, Lexarph, Omagrap, Zaxanin and
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Soageel. (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A governing angel
under Oro.
Zins Morts: See Zin.
Zins Vivants: See Zin.
Zio: Used in the consecration of parchment in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zip: (1) The ninth of the thirty Aires of Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae. (2) The ninth aethyr or aire
listed in Liber Vel Chanokh and Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli. (3) In the magickal system of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: The ninth aethyr of the Forty Eight Angelical Keys or Calls.
(4) The ninth Aethyr of the nineteenth part of The Word of Set.
Zipll: A name derived by reversing the name of the angel Llpiz (q.v.). A cacodemon commanding
the cacodemons of Fire of Earth in the Book of Supplications and Invocations.
Zipporah (Var. Tipperah. Hebrew- trans. "little bird"): Judaic. The wife of Moses, mentioned in
Exodus 2:21, who later became one of the angels of the order of Virtues in the women's section of
Ziqiel: See Zikiel.
Zir (Var. Zirdo, Zodireh, Zire, Zodir, Zodiredo, Zodireda, Zodivedo): Enochian- trans.: (a)
"presence". (b) "I am".
Zir Moz Iad (Abbrev. of "Zodireh Mozod Iada" (q.v.)): An alternate form of the Enochian phrase
meaning "I am the Joy of God".
Ziracah: (1) One of the twelve angelic kings in the Liber Scientiae, Auxilii et Victoriae Terrestris,
who rules over the divine territories of Dialiva, Pacasna, Ambriol, Cucarpt, Sigmorf, Obuaors and
Saziami. (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A governing angel
under Mor.
Zirdo: See Zir.
Zire: See Zir.
Zirenaiad (Deriv. Enochian "Zir Enay Iad" ("I am the Lord your God")): A title of Jehovah used in
the works of John Dee.
Zirn (Var. Zodirenu. Enochian- trans. "wonder(s)".
Zirom (Var. Zirop, Zodirome, Zodirope): Enochian- trans. "was" or "were".
Zirop: See Zirom.
Ziruph: One of the names of Jehovah in The Magus.
Zirza: See Ziza.
Zirzird: A governor of the aethyr or aire Maz listed in Liber Scientiae, Auxili et Victoriae Terrestris,
in Liber Vel Chanokh and in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Zirzird has 7220 servants.
Zisa: Norse/Asatru. Wife of the God Tyr (q.v.).
Zisi: A spirit who reconciles enemies and silences arguments in the Necronomicon.
Zitanseia: An name used in the process of taking a lustral bath (q.v.) in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Ziukkinna: A spirit possessing knowledge of the movements of the planets and stars in the
Ziv Hii: In Mandaean lore: One of the 4 Malki of the north star.
Zixlay (Var. Zodixalayo): Enochian- trans. "to stir up".
Ziza (Var. Zizon, Zirza, Zodeezodah, Zodazodee. Hebrew- trans. "abundant" or "resplendent"): (1)
A name used in the fourth degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry. (2) An angel
who is a senior of the north under Pziza in the Book of Supplications and Invocations. Ziza is
invoked to acquire secrets.
Zizon (Var. of Ziza (q.v.)): Used in Freemasonry.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zizop (Var. Zodizodope): Enochian- trans. "vessel" or "container".
Zizuph: One of the Genii of the eighth hour, called a "genius of mysteries", found in the
Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana.
Zkzoromtiel: In The Sword of Moses: One of the nomina barbara who is the leader of the angels of
Zlar (Var. Zliar): An angel who is a senior of the east under Erzla in the Book of Supplications and
Invocations. Zlar is invoked to acquire knowledge of mixture of natures.
Zliar: See Zlar.
Zlida (Var. Zodelida, Zodelide): Enochian- trans. "to water".
Zmnad: See Mnad.
Zna: Enochian- trans. "motion" or "movement".
Znrza: See Znurza.
Znurza (Var. Zurza, Znrza, Zodenurezoda): Enochian- trans. "sware".
Zo: (1) Vodou. One of the Rada Lwas, a Lwa common to all rites. (2) A name of one of the nine
chambers of the Aiq Beker (q.v.).
Zo Climo: Vodou. A Lwa of the Caplaou tradition.
Zo Flanco Pethro: Vodou. One of the Pethro Lwas.
Zo Man Kile: Vodou. One of the Rada Lwas, a Lwa common to all rites.
Zobrac: See Zabadola.
Zoclimo: Vodou. One of the Canga Lwas.
Zod (Var. Z): Enochian- trans. "they".
Zodaca: See Zacam.
Zodacame: See Zacam.
Zodacar: See Zacam.
Zodacara: See Zacam.
Zodacare: See Zacam.
Zodacare Od Zodameranu!: In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn:
An Enochian phrase used in the Evocation of the Angel Chassan to Visible Appearance. It translates
as: "Move and show yourself!"
Zodakame: See Zacam.
Zodakara: See Zacam.
Zodakare: See Zacam.
Zodame: See Zacam.
Zodamerann: See Zamran.
Zodameranu: See Zamran.
Zodameta: Enochian- trans. "conjure thee".
Zodamran: See Zamran.
Zodare: See Zar.
Zodayolana: See Zylna.
Zodazodee (Var. of Ziza (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn:
An angel governing Fire mentioned in the section on Enochian Tablets.
Zodeboluch: See Sadahacha.
Zodeezodah (Var. of Ziza (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn: A spirit governing Fire mentioned in the section on Enochian Tablets.
Zodelida: See Zlida.
Zodelide: See Zlida.
Zodenurezoda: See Znurza.
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zodiac, Signs of (Deriv. Greek "zodiakos", deriv. Greek "zodion" ("animal") and "kylos" ("circle")):
The Zodiac is an imaginary belt in the sky extending for 8 degrees on either side of the Sun's
apparent path in the sky, called the Ecliptic. It includes the path of the moon and the planets. It is
divided into 12 equal parts, 30 degrees wide, each having its own constellation or Sign. The
constellations or Signs are: Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Aries, Libra, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Taurus. The Zodiac is used in Astrology to calculate horoscopes (q.v.).
Zodien: See Zien.
Zodiladare: See Zildar.
Zodilodarepe (Var. of Zilodarp (q.v.)): A title of Jehovah used in the magickal system of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Zodimezod: See Zimz.
Zodimezoda: See Zimz.
Zodimibe: Enochian- trans. "veil".
Zodimii: See Zimii.
Zodir: See Zir.
Zodireda: See Zir.
Zodiredo: See Zir.
Zodireh: See Zir.
Zodireh Mozod Iada (Var. Zir Moz Iad): Enochian- trans. "I am the Joy of God".
Zodirenu: See Zirn.
Zodirome: See Zirom.
Zodirope: See Zirom.
Zodivedo: See Zirdo.
Zodixalayo: See Zixlay.
Zodizodarasa: See Bal-zizras.
Zodizodearasa: See Bal-zizras.
Zodizodope: See Zizop.
Zodomeda: See Zomd.
Zodonace: See Zonac.
Zodonugonu: See Zong.
Zodonurenusagi: See Zonrensg.
Zodoreje: See Zorge.
Zodumebi: See Zumvi.
Zogenethles: Gnostic. One of the aeons.
Zogogen: A name invoked in a rite of necromancy in the Verus Jesuitarum Libellus.
Zohar (Hebrew "ZHR" ("splendour")): (1) One of the four main treatises of the dogmatic Qabalah
(q.v.), the others being the Asch Metzareph, the Sepher Sephiroth and the Sepher Yetzirah. The
Zohar was written in the thirteenth century C.E. (2) A name used in the consecration of parchment
in the Greater Key of Solomon. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn: A text mentioned in the initiation of the Philosophus grade.
Zohar Me-Ouroth (Hebrew- trans. "the splendour of all the lights"): In the magickal system of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A term used in the opening of the Zelator Grade.
Zoharariel JHWH: In Hechaloth lore: One of the highest angels.
Zoigmiel: In the Lemegeton: An angel of the 9th hour of the day who is a lesser officer under the
angel Vadriel.
ZOIR ANPIN: See Zauir Anpin.
Zol: Enochian- trans. "hand(s)".
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
Zom: (1) The third of the thirty Aires of Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae. (2) The third aethyr or aire
listed in Liber Vel Chanokh. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn:
The third aethyr of the Forty Eight Angelical Keys or Calls. (4) The third Aethyr of the nineteenth
part of The Word of Set.
Zombi: See Zombie.
Zombie (Var. Zombi. Poss. deriv. Arawauken term "Zemi" (q.v.)): Vodou. Originally a zombie was
a Lwa who is spirit of the python specifically and snakes in general. In more modern usage in the
West Indies it has become a term referring to a dead person who has been raised from the dead to
serve as a servant.
Zomd (Var. Zodomeda): Enochian- trans. "in the midst of".
Zomen: An angel invoked in the preparation of virgin earth and wax in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Zonac (Var. Zodonace): Enochian- trans. "they are apparelled".
Zonei (Var. Zonoei. Greek- trans. "girdle", referring to the Zodiac and the courses of the heavenly
bodies): (1) Chaldean. The planetary deities or intelligences. (2) A term used in the Necronomicon
in reference to the seven stellar deities like Nanna.
Zong (Var. Zodonugonu, Zongon): Enochian- trans. "wind(s)".
Zongon: See Zong.
Zoniel: In The Secret Grimoire of Turiel: One of the 3 messengers of the planet Saturn.
Zonrensg (Var. Zodonurenusagi): Enochian- trans. "delivered".
Zoooasar (Var. Zooasar): One of the Genii of the twenty two scales of the serpent in Liber
Zophas: One of the Genii of the eleventh hour, called a "genius of pantacles", found in the
Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana.
Zophiel (Hebrew- trans. "God's spy"): (1) A name used in a preparatory prayer in the Greater Key
of Solomon. (2) In Klopstock's The Messiah: The herald of Hell. (3) According to Fludd: The
ruler of the order of Cherubim.
Zorami: A name used to make a genii work for you in the Black Pullet.
Zoray: A subordinate of Sargatanas in the Grand Grimoire.
Zorge (Var. Zodoreje): Enochian- trans. "be friendly".
Zoroaster (Var. Zarathustra, Zarathushtra): A Persian philosopher (628 - 551 BCE) who lived
during the reign of king Darius. Zoroaster conceived the idea of the Gods being divided into forces
of good and light and forces of darkness and evil. This Zoroastrian philosphy was later incorporated
into Christianity (See Zoroastrianism).
Zoroastrianism (Var. Mazdaism, Parsiism): The teachings of the prophet Zoroaster (q.v.). His
philosophies are found in the Avesta (the Zoroastrian scriptures), the Gathas (older hymns), the
Persian Pahlavi Books and reports of various Greek authors.
Zoroaster taught that he had received a divine visitation from Ahura Mazda, the Good God
of light, who told him to preach to truth to others. Ahura Mazda was a creator God who was
surrounded by seven Amesha Spentas or "Beneficent Immortals": Spenta Mainyu (Holy Spirit), Asha
Vahishta (Justice, Truth), Vohu Manah (Righteous Thinking), Armaiti or Spenta Armaiti (Devotion),
Khshathra Vairya (Desirable Dominion), Haurvatat (Wholeness) and Ameretat (Immortality).
Ahura Mazda's opponent was Ahriman, an evil God of darkness. Zoroaster taught that in the
beginning, all spirits met and chose which of the two Gods they would follow. Thus the two Gods
ended up ruling two kingdoms: a kingdom of Justice and Truth opposed by a kingdom of the Lie
(Druj). The spirits of Druj were known as daevas. Zoroastrianism teaches that in the end Ahura
Mazda and his Amesha Spentas will prevail over Ahriman and his Daevas. Those choosing to follow
Ahura Mazda, called ashavan, attain immortality. Those who follow Ahriman end up in a pitiful state
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
roughly equivalent to the modern Christian concept of hell.
Christianity adopted the basic Zoroastrian concepts of goodness/light Versus evil/darkness
and the idea of a good God opposed by an evil spirit who would eventually be vanquished by the
Good God. It also influenced Christian dualist sects such as the Manicheans, Bogomils, Paulicians
and the Cathari or Albigenses.
Zoroel: In The Testament of Solomon: An angel with the power to defeat Kumeatel (q.v.).
Zorokothera: Another name for Melchizedec (q.v.).
Zorokothora: Another name for Melchizedec (q.v.).
Zortec: In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 1st heaven.
Zorya: (1) A Russian Goddess of war. (2) A deity mentioned in "Homage to Tchort" in LaVey's
The Satanic Rituals.
Zotiel (Hebrew- trans. "little one of God"): In the books of Enoch: A Cherub encountered by
Enoch on his journey beyond the Erythraean sea.
Zotoas: A name used to bring good fortune in a lottery in the Black Pullet.
Zouriel: Gnostic. An angelic name inscribed on amulets.
Zrruao (Mis-spelling of the name Zrruoa (q.v.)): Appears in Laycock's Complete Enochian
Zrruoa: See Zrrvoa.
Zrrvoa (Var. Zrruoa): A name derived by reversing the name of the angel Aovrrz (q.v.). A
cacodemon commanding the cacodemons of Fire of Air in the Book of Supplications and
Zsneil: In The Sword of Moses: An angel invoked to cure dropsy and inflamation.
Zudna: An Enochian word, found in the works of John Dee, for which there is no known
Zuhair (Var. Zuheyr): In Mandaean mythology: One of 10 Uthri (q.v.) that accompany the sun on
its daily course.
Zuheyr: See Zuhair.
Zulum: A spirit possessing knowledge of business and commerce and the timing of planting in the
Zulummar: A spirit who can confer great strength in the Necronomicon.
Zumbi: Enochian- trans. "seas".
Zumech: An angel whose name is invoked in the consecration of iron needles or Burins in the
Greater Key of Solomon.
Zumiel: In Sepher Raziel: One of the 70 guardian angels of children.
Zumvi (Var. Zodumebi): Enochian- trans. "sea".
Zuphlas: One of the Genii of the eleventh hour, called a "genius of forests", found in the
Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana.
Zur: One of the names of Jehovah in The Magus.
Zuraah (Var. Zurah): Enochian- trans. "fervently" or "with humility".
Zurah: See Zuraah.
Zurchol (Var. of Zvrchol (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn: A governing angel under Teaa.
Zure: An Enochian word, found in the works of John Dee, for which there is no known translation.
Zuriel (Var. Tsuriel. Hebrew- trans. "God in the rock"): (1) In Camfield's A Theological Discourse
of Angels: A prince of the angelic order of Principalities who rules the sign of Libra. (2) An angel
ruling the astrological sign Libra in The Magus. (3) In Sepher Raziel: One of the 70 guardian
angels of children. (4) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) An
Lexicon of Occult Terminology 2010 Kerr Cuhulain
angel invoked in the consecration of the Lotus Wand. (b) An Angel of the symbolic tribe of Asshur.
(c) An angel associated with Puella. (d) An archangel under Pdoce.
Zurza: See Znurza.
Zvrchol (Var. Zurchol) One of the twelve angel kings in the Liber Scientiae, Auxilii et Victoriae
Terrestris, who rules over the divine territories of Vsnarda, Tapamal, Vixpadg, Oxlopar and Dazinal.
Zylna (Var. Zodayolana): Enochian- trans. "in itself".

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