The Roadrunner: General Meetings Monday, October 15, 2007 at 7:00pm at Utep

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Volume 36 Issue 5 October & November, 2007

The Roadrunner

General Meetings
Inside the
Monday, October 15, 2007 at 7:00pm
at UTEP Centennial Museum, corner of
Chapter Info
Wiggins & University

Sanctuary News 3
Electric Company Lineman Saves Raptors
from Electrocution
Bird-watching 4&5
Electric company lineman Steve Ayers will re-
count his experiences and present photos related to his work for more
Calendar 6
than a decade to stop accidental raptor deaths, a global problem oc-
curring in deserts and prairies. He had noticed many hawks and ea-
gles were being electrocuted on older utility poles in his work area
around El Paso. When plastic bird guards became available for new
pole installations, Mr. Ayers began to also retrofit older lines with the
guards to prevent long-winged birds from touching two electrical con-
ductors simultaneously. The public is welcome to attend this impor-
tant meeting. Refreshments will be provided.

Monday, November 19, 2007 at 7:00pm

at UTEP Centennial Museum, corner of Wiggins & University
Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park Opening Soon!

Folks seeking nature will be able soon to roam a new 400-acre New
Mexico State Park opening in the Mesilla Valley officially in February
2008. Heritage educator for the new Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park,
Alex Mares, will speak on the park’s developmental history as well as
the seven indigenous plant communities and the resident and migra-
tory birds found there. Mr. Mares says that a number of novel inter-
pretive exhibits and a new amphitheatre are now under construction
there. He also foresees offerings such as educational walking tours
that will showcase the historic park setting and offer glimpses of its
wildlife. The public is welcome. Refreshments will be provided.

Volume 36 Issue 5 Page 2

The Audubon Foundation of El Paso/Trans-Pecos Audubon Society

Texas represents Texas Officers
Audubon chapters in the Earth
Share of Texas payroll-deduction President: Scott Cutler, 581-6071
plan for charitable giving. Vice President: Jane Fowler, 598-2448
Secretary: Lucretia Chew, 587-9589
Treasurer: Eddie Chew, 587-9589
Earth Share OF TEXAS
Membership: Roxanne Schroeder, 533-0061 Publicity: Kathy Kiseda, 533-4615
Programs: Ursula Sherrill, 526-7725 Education: Kathleen Whelen, 751-2408
Conservation: vacant Publications: Jane Fowler, 598-2448
Field Trips: vacant Ways & Means: vacant
Hospitality: Janet Perkins, Sanctuary: John Sproul, 545-5157

ABOUT EARTH SHARE Conservation Organizations

September marks the start of workplace campaigns Chihuahuan Desert Wildlife Rescue
for Earth Share of Texas and other charitable organi-
zations. If your workplace offers the Earth Share op-
El Paso Zoo 521-1850
tion, that's where we'd like to urge you to direct your
Keystone Heritage Park 581-7920
And specifically, we'd like to encourage you to con-
tribute to the Audubon Foundation of Texas (AFT),
one of Earth Share's member organizations. AFT's Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park
mission is to support the National Audubon Society's (505) 524-3334
20 Texas chapters. Among other things, it provides
funding for new chapters just getting off the Friends of Rio Bosque 747-8663
ground. And it helps established chapters meet their
operating expenses.
Southwest Environmental Center
(505) 522-5552
The AFT also provides grants to support chapters' special
projects. Some recent grants include $1000 to Travis [email protected]
Audubon for work at Chaetura Canyon, the Chapter's new-
est sanctuary. Big Country Audubon Society used a grant Franklin Mt. Wilderness Coalition
to construct an observation blind in Abilene State
Park. Other grants have supported conservation work in
Latin America. Working with the Houston Audubon Soci-
ety, AFT helped fund Ninos y Crias, an educational organi- eptpashome.html
zation in the Yucatan which works to protect Caribbean
Flamingos and to encourage sustainable development. And El Paso Audubon Online supplements the
together with the Nature Conservancy, AFT helped sup- Roadrunner and includes information about
ported a conference of Central American researchers upcoming field trips, a calendar of upcoming
studying the wintering grounds of the endangered Golden- events, recent bird sightings and an up-
cheeked Warbler.
dated list of birding links to the Internet.
For a complete list of workplaces participating in the
Make bird sighting reports at:
Earth Share campaign, visit

Volume 36 Issue 5 Page 3

Feather Lake re-opened to the public Sep-
tember 1. Water conditions are good right now,
but we’ll need some late-fall/early-winter storms
to keep it a lake into the winter months. Among at
the avian visitors September 1: a Cordilleran RIO BOSQUE
Flycatcher, the 217th bird species recorded at WETLANDS
the lake. PARK
Volunteer response to staffing our sanctuary
during visitor hours has been terrific. Thanks to
everyone who has helped so far. Are you inter- Last year, water deliveries to Rio
ested in spending a relaxed morning or after- Bosque began October 29. For the latest
noon staffing Feather Lake this fall? Please on this year’s water conditions and what
contact John Sproul (747-8663, birds are being seen, check the Park’s
[email protected]). website, Upcoming
free walking tours at the Park:
We hope you’ll join us for our annual pot-luck
picnic on Sat., November 3 (see page 4). 9 a.m. Sat., October 6 (Bird tour)
Celebrate the final day of Daylight Saving Time 9 a.m. Sun., October 14
at Feather Lake! And don’t forget our final (Introductory tour)
workday for the year. It’s Sat., December 1,
starting at 2 p.m. If the cottonwoods put on a 9 a.m. Sat., November 3 (Bird tour)
good display of fall color, this will be prime time 3 p.m. Sun., November 18
to be at the lake. (Introductory tour)

Feather Lake is located at 9500 North Loop at The meeting place is a bridge crossing
Bordeaux in El Paso, 0.3 miles west of Ameri- the Riverside Canal. To get there from I-
cas Ave. Hours are 8 a.m. to noon on Satur- 10, take Americas Ave. (Loop 375) to Pan
days and 2 p.m. to dusk on Sundays. Admis- American Drive, turn left onto Pan Ameri-
sion is free. can and travel 1.5 miles. Information:


THE ROADRUNNER is now also available elec-

tronically as a PDF file. If you would like to re-
ceive our newsletter in this way via e-mail, just
send a note to John Sproul at [email protected].

Volume 36 Issue 5 Page 4

SATURDAY November 3, 4:00 until ??:??
16th Annual Pot Luck Picnic.
At our FEATHER LAKE sanctuary 9500 North Loop Drive
Bring your own main dish, hot dogs hamburger, or steak. This is a family affair, the kids will en-
joy it as the birds will be performing. The grill will be hot about 5:00 so you may cook. But come at
4:00 PM so you can build up your appetite as you walk around looking at the birds. By early Nov.
ducks are arriving and we will have some of regular night roosters (not chickens) flying in.
We ask you to bring a dish (Salad, Pasta, Dessert, or something else) to share with a few others,
Also your own utensils and what ever beverages you like. Our coffee pot with hot water and instant
mix will be ready.
Usually spotted at the Lake after Sep: American Wigeon, Cinnamon Teal, Northern Pintail, Sora,
Black-necked Stilt, Eurasian Collared Dove, Burrowing Owl Belted Kingfisher, Yellow Warbler,
Western Tanager, Lark Sparrow.
If you think you might be coming give John Sproul (545-5157, [email protected] ) or Bob Johnson
(751-0125, [email protected]) or Jane Fowler (598-2448 [email protected] ) a call.
need an If you have a change of plans and on the last day and find you can come, please come .

Let's see what we can find in the neighboring
county. After leaving the X roads, a drive to
Crawford Road, then on to the Sod Farm and
maybe, if time permits, out to Gardner Road.
we might see some buntings.

Date: Sunday, October 14.

Time: 7:30 AM
Place: Crossroads Ponding area Bring your pre-teen and teenagers to the
(Mesa/Doniphan/Country Club) Crossroads ponding area, so that they may
Trip Coordinator: John Groves learn about our wild birds of the valley. If you
Cell 490-2892 no longer have young people at home bring
your grand-kids, nieces and nephews and/or
CELEBRATION of OUR MOUNTAINS the neighbors young-uns. Come everyone
even if no kids to bring, all are always wel-
On October 27th, from 7:30 AM -12 N we will come. Date: Sunday Nov. 11th
be having a birding observation and identifi- Time: 3 PM (sunset will be at 5:10)
cation location staffed at Keystone. This will Where: Doniphan and Mesa
be in conjunction with various tours con- (Crossroads Ponding area)
ducted for the Celebration of Our Mountains. Instructors: Chapter Birders
For these tours check the Oct. EL PASO
SCENE, the El Paso Times each week from For further information on all BIRD
the end of Sep. Come to The Oct. General WATCHING trips contact Bob Johnson.
Meeting on the 15th to learn more.

Volume 36 Issue 5 Page 5

October 20th and 21st, 2006 HUECO TANKS

HUECO TANKS STATE Bird Identification Tour
HISTORICAL SITE Admission:Hueco Tanks Historical Park $4.
$2 for Seniors 65,Children under 12 - FREE.
This will be the 13th Annual Interpretive Fair and Bird Identification Tours
will be held in conjunction with the LONE STAR Sunday Oct 21 8:08 AM
LEGACY WEEKEND. Fair activities include Bird Sunday Nov 18 8:08 AM
Tours; Rare Plant Tour; Pictograph Tours; Sunday Dec 16 8:08 AM
Guest Speakers; Native American Perform- Please check in at the Headquarters. Res-
ances by Kiowas, Mescaleros, Ysleta del Sur, ervations and Information 857-1135.
New Mexico Pueblo; Charro Performance; Leader Bob "Wildbirder" Johnson 751-0125.
Climbing Demo; Atl-atl Throwing and other
contests; Folklorico Dancers; Matachine
Dancers; Cowboy Singers and Storytellers, at LOOKING AHEAD:
Christmas Bird Count - Hueco Tanks, some-
the Evening Campfire Program. time between Dec 14 and Jan 5. Date and
Booths with: Info., Books, Art & Crafts, and Food. details in the Dec. Roadrunner
Saturday 20th Oct. 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Sunday 21st Oct. 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM Annual trip to the Bosque Del Apache
(Bird Tours will start at 8 AM both days) National Wildlife Refuge near Socorro
NM Jan. 19 & 20.
Date: Saturday, December 1st
Chance to see some of the birds that inhabit
the desert scrub, Cactus Wren, Pyrrhuloxia, At THE EL PASO/TRANS-PECOS AUDUBON SOCIETY
Scaled Quail and Curve-billed thrasher to
name a few.
Then out along Hawk Alley for Red-tailed MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 AT 7:00 PM
Hawk, American Kestrel. Sometimes there is a UTEP CENTENNIAL MUSEUM
Prairie Falcon or Golden Eagle sitting on the
poles. Time: 7:45 AM TO ENTER THE CONTEST:
Meet: El Paso Museum of Archeology EMAIL YOUR PHOTOS TO SCOTT CUTLER
(formerly Wilderness Park Museum) at [email protected]. Limit of 5 photos per
4301 Trans-Mountain Road. person. There will be a winner in each photo
For those of you that would like to sleep a little category:
longer, we will regroup at Lowe’s parking lot
4531 Trans Mt. Rd. 8:45 AM ♦ OTHER WILDLIFE
The gate at Keystone will be open the last week-
end of each month for birders to come in and bird
on their own. No tour guides.
Sat. Oct. 27 7:30 - - 12 Noon You can send electronic JPEG FILES
Sun. Oct. 28 4:00 - - 6:30 PM from a DIGITAL CAMERA, OR Bring
Sat. Nov. 24 7:00 - - 9:30 AM TRANSPARENCIES OR PRINTED PHO-
Sun. Nov. 25 2:30 - - 5:00 PM TOS to Scott at the UTEP Centennial
Sat. Dec. 29 7:30 - - 10:00 AM Museum
Sun. Dec. 30 2:30 - - 5:00 PM

El Paso/Trans‐Pecos  Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage
Audubon Society  PAID
P.O. Box 972441  El Paso, Texas
El Paso, Texas  79997  Permit #2440

           Return service request 

Dates to Remember Call Bob Johnson for details 751-0125

National Audubon Society 
                Chapter Membership Application 
October November December
6 & 14: Rio Bosque 3 & 18: Rio Bosque Sat 1: Feather Lake
  Yes, I’d like to join.  Work Day
Mon 8: Board Meeting Sat 3: Feather Lake Picnic
Please enroll me as a member of the National  Sat 1: Desert Birds
Audubon Society and my local chapter. Please  Sun 14: Dona Ana Sun 11: Young Folks Day
Mon 3: Board Meeting
send AUDUBON magazine and my  Mon 15: General Meeting Mon 12: Board Meeting
membership card to the address below.  Sun 16: Hueco Tanks
   [ ] My check for $20.00 is enclosed  20 & 21: Hueco Tanks Fair Sun 18: Hueco Tanks
Mon 10: X-mas Party
  27 & 28: Keystone Mon 19: General Meeting
29 & 30: Keystone
 Name ________________________________  24 & 25: Keystone
 Address ______________________________ 
 City_______________ State ___  Zip ______ 
Please make all checks payable to the   El Paso/Trans-Pecos Local Chapter Only Membership Your $15.00
National Audubon Society  will help support chapter activities & you’ll receive
The Roadrunner delivered to your mailbox.
National Audubon Society 
Chapter Membership Data Center  Make checks payable to the El Paso/Trans-Pecos Audubon Society 
P.O. Box 51001 
Name: _________________________________
Boulder, Colorado  80322‐1001 
El Paso/Trans‐Pecos Audubon  Address: ________________________________
               W10          City: ______________ State: _____ Zip:_______
           Local Chapter Code 
                                               7XCHA  Mail to: EPTP Audubon P.O. Box 972441 El Paso, Texas 79997

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