Yamaha Gp1200 Owners Manual

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The manual discusses various components of the watercraft like the battery, fuel tank, and jet unit. It also provides guidance on maintenance procedures, inspections, and safety precautions when operating the watercraft.

The manual discusses various components like the engine, jet pump, battery, and electrical system. It provides details on inspecting and maintaining these components.

The post-operation checks include inspecting the jet intake for debris, checking the battery electrolyte levels, and lubricating moving parts with grease to keep them running smoothly.

Yamaha gp1200 owners manual

You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 5 to 47 are not shown in this preview. If there is no spark, or the spark is weak, continue with the ignition
system test. Does the starter relay switch function properly? Black 2 Engine stop lanyard switch: Flywheel magneto inspection 1. Cut the damaged
area and separate it approximately 0. Immediately after inspection, lubricate the bearings to prevent rust. Release the throttle lever to decrease
engine speed or to return it to the idle posi- tion. Make sure that the hood is properly secured before operating the watercraft. If a good spark is
obtained, the problem is not with the ignition system, but possibly with the spark plug -s or another compo Page 2 Yamaha dealers and their
trained mechanics when performing maintenance procedures and repairs to Yamaha equipment. See page for an explanation of various positions.
Red 4 Pickup coil: Secure the watercraft on a stand or trailer. Tighten the bolts in sequence as shown. Do not operate the watercraft when the
total weight exceeds kg lb including any cargo. Empty Refill as soon as possi- Engine runs irregu- larly or stalls Stale or contaminated Have
serviced by Yamaha dealer Choke Lever is moved to on Move back to original position Fuel filter Clogged or water Have serviced by Remove
and inspect the spark plug peri- odically; heat and deposits will cause the spark plug to slowly break down and erode. The short time spent
checking the acquired through practice over a period of watercraft will reward you with added safety time. Check the excessive play of the han-
dlebar. Starting the engine immediately generates some thrust. Perform the same lubrication procedure for joint hole. Water temperature sensor
resistance: Check the fuel tank for cracks or leakage and that the tank is installed securely with the straps and replace if necessary. Trolling speed
check and adjustment 1. Use one of your book credits to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the preview. Make sure install the
starboard and port side sponsons to the same position. Make sure the battery leads are con- nected properly. If a and b length are not even,
adjust the cable joint. Piston pin clip NOTE: Fuel filter inspection 1. Tighten the spark plug to the specified torque. Flushing The Cooling System It
is advisable to have the watercraft serviced by a Yamaha dealer prior to stor- age. Starter Motor Inspection Remove the safety lanyard switch
from the engine stop switch. Follow the following procedures to determine if the proper amount of oil is in the engine. EJU Beaching the watercraft
1. Wax the hull with a non-abrasive wax such as Yamaha Silicone Wax. A fire extinguisher is not standard equip- ment with this watercraft.

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Check that the throttle opens and automatically closes in all steering positions. Modifications to your watercraft may reduce safety and reliability,
and render the watercraft unsafe or illegal for use. Petroleum vapor is explosive if ignited. Reversing the leads can seriously damage the electrical
system. Needle valve inspection 1. Remove the cylinder head if it is difficult to remove the muffler assembly. Do not attempt to charge a battery
hast- ily. Trolling speed check and adjustment 1. Replace the air filter in accordance with the maintenance schedule or any time it is excessively
dirty or damaged. Use the insert nut when: If the oil delivery hoses are not full of oil, fill them up. Connect one end of the negative jumper cable
2 to the negative termi- nal of the booster battery 3. Before starting the watercraft, after it has been sitting, remove the fuel tank filler cap to
release any built-up pressure in the tank due to fuel expansion. Drain off all water and wipe up remaining moisture with clean, dry rags. Beach the
watercraft and remove the stern drain plugs to drain the water from the engine compartment. Fit the seal into the glove in the bracket. Intermediate
housing Recommended grease: Fuel filter inspection 1. Remove the bolts 1 on both sponsons. Press the reset button on the multifunction
information center to stop the buzzer. Release the throttle lever about m ft before you reach the intended beaching area. Red 4 Fuse 10A: Exhaust
Temperature Warning System for towing proce- dures. Loosen the remote throttle stop screw 1 until untouched the screw end from the throttle
lever. Remove the oil filter cartridge and discard it. The exceptions to this are: If you cannot locate and correct the cause of the overheating,
consult a Yamaha dealer. Remove the jumper lead 1 from the white two-pin connector. Bolt Collar Nozzle deflector Drain the engine oil. Five
minutes of idling is sufficient. These mark- ing authorities before riding your watercraft ers are white with black letters and orange in unfamiliar
waters. Page Empty Refill as soon as possi- Engine runs irregu- larly or stalls Stale or contaminated Have serviced by Yamaha dealer Choke
Lever is moved to on Move back to original position Fuel filter Clogged or water Have serviced by First, apply tape 1 to the inner surface of the
hull and then laminate fiberglass mats over the tape with resin. Set the control grip in the neutral posi- tion. Bolt This washer holds the pickup coil
lead. Also, it is suggested to apply a thin film of anti-seize compound to the spark plug threads to prevent thread seizure. Was This Manual
Helpful? You should know that a helmet could help pro- tect you in certain kinds of accidents and that it could also injure you in others. Choke
cable 1 Throttle cable 2 Choke cable guide installation position a: Screen Reader Compatibility Information Due to the method this document is
displayed on the page, screen readers may not read the content correctly. Check for any deterioration or damage to the throttle cable. Green 3
Fuse 20A: All measuring instruments should be han- dled with special care. Post-operation Checks EJUa Post-operation checks Always perform
the following post-opera- tion checks after operating the watercraft. Do not operate the watercraft when the total weight exceeds kg lb including
any cargo.


Impeller Drive shaft holder: To ease reassembly and coupling align- ment, remove the shims and organize them in their respective groups e.
Gasohol containing methanol is not rec- ommended by Yamaha because it can cause fuel system damage or engine perfor- mance problems.
Severe internal injuries can occur if water is forced into body cavities as a result of falling into water or being near the jet thrust nozzle. QSTS grip
inspection 1. Turn off the water and stop the engine. Slide hammer set jet pump yamaha gp1200 owners manual YB YB Is the power input line
normal? A collision could result in severe injury or death. Measure the clearance between each impeller blade and the jet stator, using a feeler
gauge inches long. EJU Throttle Squeeze and manul the throttle lever several times to make sure that there is no hesitation in its travel. EJU
Inspecting the battery Check the level of the yxmaha electrolyte and make sure the leads are secure. Fill the tank with straight gasoline, and then
proceed with normal operation. If idle speed increases, yamaha gp1200 owners manual the throttle lever free play and the throttle cable
connection. EJUa Jet unit Carefully check the jet intake for weeds, debris, or anything else that might restrict the intake of water. Page 30 1 Engine
shut-off cord lanyard 8 Throttle lever Attach to wrist so that the engine stops if the Use to accelerate and decelerate. EJU Engine stop switch Push
this switch 1 red button to stop the engine normally. The battery is charged and its specified gravity is within specification. Swim to the rear of
yamaha gp1200 owners manual watercraft. Push the piston ring into the cylinder with the piston crown. Put the watercraft in water that is deep
enough, and then board the watercraft from yamaha gp1200 owners manual side or the rear. Damaged or mis- handled instruments will not
measure properly. Route the QSTS cables behind of the oil filler hose. Apply engine oil to the O-ring and threads owers a new oil filter cartridge
and install the filter using the filter wrench. Drain the engine oil. Measure the spark plug between the center and side electrodes with a wire-type
feeler gauge. Got it, continue to print. Wiring connections are properly secured and not rusty. Rotate yamaha gp1200 owners manual crankshaft
counterclockwise viewed from rear side and align the "T" mark on the yanaha coupler boss with the index mark arrow on the crankcase. This
position will also help the watercraft get up on plane more quickly. EJUa Lubrication points To keep moving parts sliding or rotating smoothly,
coat them with water-resistant grease. Exhaust Temperature Warning System for towing proce- dures. EJU Stopping the watercraft The
watercraft is not equipped with a sep- arate braking system. Before removing or installing the piston pin clip, cover the crankcase opening with a
clean rag to prevent the piston pin clip from falling into the crankcase. See page for seat, and for front storage compartment. Remove the bolts and
the direct yamaha gp1200 owners manual coils. The fuel filter should be replaced once a year or after gl1200 hours of operation, or if water is
found in the filter.

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