Nano Reinforced Cement and Concrete Composites Graphene Oxide Review

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Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124

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Nano reinforced cement and concrete composites and new perspective

from graphene oxide
Samuel Chuah a, Zhu Pan a, Jay G. Sanjayan b, Chien Ming Wang c, Wen Hui Duan a,
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Faculty of Science Engineering & Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia
Engineering Science Programme and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, 119260, Singapore

h i g h l i g h t s

 Summarizing the latest literature on CNTs and GO reinforced cement composites.

 Cement fabrication focuses on separating and avoiding re-agglomeration of nanomaterials.
 Preserving the workability of nanocomposites is accomplished by using admixtures.
 The seeding of CSH gel occurs on the large surface area of nanomaterials.
 Reinforcement and pore renement by 1D and 2D nanomaterials strengthen cement.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Progress in the eld of nanomaterials presents an invaluable opportunity to develop cementitious com-
Received 14 January 2014 posites at the nanoscale. Engineered nanomaterials exist in three principal shapes, namely 0D nanopar-
Received in revised form 6 June 2014 ticle, 1D nanober and 2D nanosheet. The application of 0D nanoparticle and 1D nanober, such as
Accepted 14 September 2014
nanosilica and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), respectively, has been reported in literature. The discovery of
Available online 15 October 2014
2D nanosheet known as graphene oxide (GO) provides an extra dimension to interact with cement and
concrete matrix and has yet to gain widespread attention. In this paper, recent research studies in devel-
oping cement and concrete nanocomposites are comprehensively reviewed. Also highlighted herein are
Graphene oxide
Carbon nanotubes
the effect of incorporating nanomaterials in low dosages to the fabrication, workability, hydration, micro-
Ordinary Portland cement structure, and mechanical properties of cement-based composites.
Dispersion 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mechanical property


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
2. Physical and chemical properties of common nanofillers for cement and concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
3. Fabrication of nano cement and concrete composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.1. Mechanical methods for dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.2. Physical surface modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.3. Chemical surface modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
3.4. Preparation of cement composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4. Workability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5. Effect of nano fillers on hydration behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
6. Microstructure of nano reinforced cement and concrete composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7. Mechanical properties of hardened composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (W.H. Duan).
0950-0618/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
114 S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124

7.1. Nanosilica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

7.2. CNTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
7.3. CNTs with fillers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.4. Graphene oxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
8. Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

1. Introduction arise from the strong van der Waal attractive forces that exist at
the nanoscale. Extra free water is needed to wet the large surface
Till this day, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) retains its popu- area of nanomaterials, thereby compromising the cement work-
larity as the construction material of choice in the eld of civil ability. Nevertheless, the tiny particles are able to ll the pores to
engineering. The global production of cement has exceeded 3.6 bil- provide a compact microstructure as well as having air purica-
lion tonnes in meeting mankinds thirst for urbanization that tion, antimicrobial surfaces, and self-cleaning properties to the cur-
involves construction of buildings and infrastructure, especially rent mundane concrete [16]. Unlike 0D nanoparticles, 1D bers
in fast developing countries such as China and India [1]. Cement and 2D sheets behave as reinforcing materials to bridge cracks.
is the principal binder holding the aggregates together to produce Hence, it is essential for 1D bers and 2D sheets to have high
concrete in the presence of water for hydration. As an engineered aspect ratios and intrinsic strength.
material, concrete composites are desired for their excellent com- Sanchez and Sobolev [17] and Raki et al. [18] documented the
pressive strength. state of the nanotechnology in cement and concrete, especially in
However, the major disadvantage of concrete is its brittle nat- the advancement made in experimental instrumentation and com-
ure which is attributed to its poor resistance to crack formation, putational simulations as well as nano-engineering and nanomodi-
low tensile strength and strain capacities. Depending on the mix cation of cement-based materials using a broad range of
proportions of aggregates, cement and water, the tensile strength nanomaterials. Reviews on nanoparticles have been compiled to dis-
of concrete lies in the range of 28 MPa [2]. Many attempts have cuss their role in cement composites [19]. Chen et al. [20] summa-
been directed at enhancing the performance of cement based rized the impact of CNTs on cement paste whereas Siddique and
materials by manipulating the properties of cement composites Mehta [21] covered CNT-reinforced mortar.
with admixtures [36], supplementary cementitious materials The current review is concerned with the inuence of the geom-
[710], and bers [1114]. Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) etry of nanomaterials on the fresh and hardened properties of
research began in earnest since the 1960s. Currently, FRC is com- cement composites including dispersion, workability, hydration,
monly used for special applications (e.g. shotcreting, slab rein- microstructure, and mechanical properties. The paper explores
forcement, wall cladding, bridge decks, earthquake-resistant the possibility of implementing two-dimensional sheets in the
structures and precast concrete) and the research in FRC is still form of GO as a new generation of nano-reinforcement. Initial
continuing [15]. FRC provides increased toughness and tensile results on the research of GO in cement composite is shared. At
strength. In addition, bers replace large cracks with a dense sys- present, the use of nanomaterials is conned to cement and mortar
tem of microcracks but the bers fail to stop crack initiation at matrices, with the long term view for commercial application in
nanoscale. Nanotechnology advancements have provided exciting concretes.
opportunities to further raise the performance bar with the inclu-
sion of nanomaterials in cement.
There have been many recent studies on newly produced 2. Physical and chemical properties of common nanollers for
nanomaterials such as nanosilica, nanotitanium oxide, nanoiron cement and concrete
oxide, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene oxide (GO) sheets.
These nanomaterials may be classied according to their shape Over the past years, many reinforcement materials were sys-
or morphology: zero-dimensional (0D) particles, one-dimensional tematically investigated for use in FRC [22]. The material proper-
(1D) bers and two-dimensional (2D) sheets. Nanomaterials are ties of typical llers are summarized in Table 1. They possess
treasured for their large surface areas that can be exploited for superior elastic modulus and tensile strength when compared to
reaction with cement paste. Although this is benecial as seeding OPC. Thus, the use of reinforcing material will strengthen concrete
sites for hydration products, agglomeration of nanomaterials may composites in terms of tensile and exural strengths.

Table 1
Material properties of typical llers.

Material Elastic modulus Tensile strength Elongation at Density Diameter/ Surface area Aspect References
(GPa) (GPa) break (%) (kg/m3) thickness (nm) (m2/g) ratio
Graphene 1000 130 0.8 2200 0.08 2600 6000 [28,29]
GO 2342 0.13 0.6 1800 0.67 7001500 1500 [30,31]
CNTs 950 1163 12 1330 1540 70400 1000 [32,33]
Carbon ber 7400 0.45 1.7 1770 600020,000 0.134 1001000 [34,35]
Polymeric ber (Polypropylene 35 0.30.9 18 900 18,00030,000 0.225 1601000 [36,37]
and Nylon)
Glass ber 72 3.45 4.8 2540 500010,000 0.3 6001500 [38,39]
Steel ber 200 1.50 3.2 7800 50,000900,000 0.02 4580 [40,41]
S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124 115

Nano-Engineered Concrete

High Performance Concrete

Graphene Convenonal Concrete

Specic Surface Area (m 2/kg)

Nanoparcles Silica fume
Finely ground OPC
mineral addives Mineral addives
Fly ash
Fine aggregates

Parcle Size (nm)

Fig. 1. Comparison of nanollers with supplementary cementitious materials and aggregates in concrete. Adapted from Sobolev and Ferrada Gutierrez [49].

Microbers (such as steel, glass, polymeric or carbon) have been and polymer bers can form covalent bonds with cement matrix
extensively used to reinforce cement and concrete in the past dec- but their relatively small surface areas limit the interfacial strength
ades. They have relatively large aspect ratios ranging from 10 to [44]. In this regard, nanomaterials present a better solution than
1000 and their material properties are presented in Table 1. Carbon traditional bers because the former provides reinforcement or
ber is commonly used in the construction industry for retrotting modication at the nanoscale.
steel and concrete structures [23] owing to its considerable elastic Typical nanollers include nanoparticles, CNTs and GO that
modulus exceeding 200 MPa and tensile strength of 3.5 GPa. Com- have the potential to improve the strength and durability of con-
parable mechanical properties are displayed by steel bers, with cretes. Their sizes are compared with the typical components in
the advantage of controlling the cracks related to expansion caused cement and concrete as shown in Fig. 1. In the past, cement powder
by alkali silica reaction and rebar corrosion [24]. The 72.4 GPa elas- was deemed to be the nest component to bind the aggregates to
tic modulus and 3.45 MPa tensile strength allow glass bers to form conventional concrete. The call for high performance concrete
improve the tensile and exural strengths of cement [25]. Achiev- led to the introduction of supplementary cementitious materials
ing the aforementioned degree of improvement is possible by using including y ash, blast furnace slag, metakaolin and silica fume.
surface treatment and high zirconia glass to resist the strongly alka- With the advancement of nanotechnology, nanomaterials have
line medium in OPC [26]. Even polypropylene bers with poor been added into cement and concrete. Better performance is antic-
mechanical properties have the ability to strengthen the brittle ipated by reinforcing cement matrix at the nanoscale since their
cementitious matrix via mechanical anchoring [27]. sizes are closer to that of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) gel [18].
Fibers strengthen the cement matrix by carrying part of the Nanoparticles in powder form such as nanosilica (nano-SiO2),
applied load and above all, permitting crack and pore-bridging nano-alumina (nano-Al2O3) and nano-iron (nano-Fe2O3) have been
capabilities [42]. A large aspect ratio and excellent intrinsic widely utilized in cement and concrete [45]. Meanwhile, progress is
strength of bers are prerequisites for providing reinforcement. underway to introduce nano-titanium oxide (nano-TiO2), nano-
The bridging mechanism supplied by microbers has improved clays and calcium carbonate nanoparticles (nano-CaCO3) into the
the tensile strength and toughness. It has been demonstrated that civil practice [46]. The particle size ranges from 10 to 70 nm as
in lieu of large cracks, microbers will form a dense system of presented in Fig. 1, enabling lling and reactive characteristics.
microcracks but they fail to stop the initiation of cracks. Although Nanoparticles possess pozzolanic characteristics that consume the
the inclusion of microbers enhances the ductility and toughness, non-strength contributing calcium hydroxide (or CH crystals) to
it does not inuence the compressive strength [43]. Furthermore, produce CSH. As a result, the orientation and size of CH crystals
microbers pose problems to the reinforced cement by entrapping are diminished; thereby improving the interface structure [47].
air voids and degrading workability. Functionalization of carbon The physical ller effect plays a more prominent role at higher

Fig. 2. (a) Wrinkled graphene [71] and (b) graphene oxide [72].
116 S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124

dosage of nanoparticles. For instance, additional nanosilica from 3% push the surrounding cement particles, creating an increased void
to 6% will continue to rene the pore structure, albeit the consump- space that is detrimental to the nanosilica/cement composite
tion of CH stagnates [48]. strength [75]. By recognizing the importance of dispersion, several
Within the nanocarbon family, CNTs are 1D carbon allotropes researchers stirred nanosilica particles with some water at a rela-
with a cylindrical nanostructure, that may be viewed as a rolled tively high speed of 120 rpm before adding polycarboxylate super-
up from a single planar sheet of graphene as shown in Fig. 2. Pris- plasticiser [76,77]. Another type of water-reducing admixture
tine graphene and CNTs exhibit extraordinary elastic modulus known as UNF-5 (one kind of b-naphthalene sulfonic acid and
approaching 1 TPa and tensile strength of 1163 GPa. Supplemen- formaldehyde condensate) is useful for improving both the disper-
tary characteristics namely elastic properties [50], excellent ther- sion of nanoparticles in cement and workability of concrete [78].
mal properties [51] and electrical conductivity [52] enable To counter the evolution of air bubbles, a tributyl phosphate defo-
multifunctional and smart attributes. A large aspect ratio surpass- amer is added while stirring. Youse et al. [79] recommended dis-
ing 1000 helps in the physical reinforcement whilst the large persing nanoparticles in lime-saturated water followed by
surface area within the vicinity of 1002600 m2/g contributed by ultrasonication, prior to mixing with cement.
these nano-sized carbon allotropes makes them highly reactive. Parveen et al. [80] presented a literature review of the dispersion
These fundamental attributes have vast applications in the eld of CNTs in various solutions and polymer matrixes. As a supple-
of electronics [53], nanoltration [54], biologically-compatible ment, this paper is devoted to the state-of-art practice for dispers-
devices [55,56], and nanocomposites including polymer [57], ing nanomaterials in cement and concrete. Some recent research
ceramic [58] and cement matrices [59]. In the context of reinforc- studies are selected and summarized in Tables 2 and 3. Compared
ing cementitious composites, these nanocarbons offer substantial with 0D nanosilica, the dispersion of CNTs proves to be a challenge
aspect ratios for improving the mechanical properties of brittle due to their large aspect ratios. In order to obtain a reasonable dis-
cement as well as promoting the reactivity due to its large surface persion, it is crucial to have the following means or their combina-
area. tions, i.e. chemical surface modication (functionalization) and
As a graphene derivative, GO consists of a hexagonal carbon physical means that include physical surface modication (surfac-
network bearing hydroxyl, epoxide, carboxyl and carbonyl func- tant/polymer wrapping), ultrasonication and mechanical stirring.
tional groups as shown in Fig. 2. These oxygen-containing func-
tional groups render GO sheets hydrophilic and highly 3.1. Mechanical methods for dispersion
dispersible in water [60]. Two-dimensional GO offers a larger sur-
face area for CSH nucleation than the much-researched CNTs Uniform dispersion is attainable using various types of mechan-
[6163]. Consequently, the various functional groups coupled with ical methods, including ultrasonication, ball milling, shear mixing,
the large surface area create a highly reactive GO nanomaterial. calendaring, stirring and extrusion [104]. Among the aforemen-
However, functionalization may degrade the mechanical proper- tioned mechanical methods, ultrasonication has been widely used
ties of graphene when functional groups are grafted [64]. There- to achieve a uniform dispersion in an aqueous solution. The ultra-
fore, GO sheets exhibit a lower elastic modulus and tensile sonic probe imparts excitation energy to break up the nanotube
strength than graphene. The mean elastic modulus of 32 GPa and clusters via high local shear [105]. Ultrasonication disentangles
tensile strength of 130 MPa are still superior to cement. the CNT bundles at the expense of decreased aspect ratios. Metaxa
In summary, the major inuence of nanoparticles is to increase et al. [95] studied the effect of ultrasonication at energies of 2100,
the hydration rate [65,66] whereas 1D nanober and 2D nanosheet 2800 and 3500 kJ/l on the exural strength of the nanocomposite
not only accelerate hydration but also reinforce the cement matrix and found that 2800 kJ/l offers the optimum performance. Low
from their large aspect ratios [61,67]. The introduction of nanom- ultrasonic energies offer ineffective dispersion whereas high
aterials in cement to control cracks at nanoscale deserves attention energy input shortens the embedding ber length. Hence, the
[68,69]. Since the spacing between individual nanoreinforcements energy input must be controlled to avoid excessively fragmented
is so tiny, they are distributed at a ner scale as compared to nanotubes. The extent of damage caused by ultrasonication relies
traditional bers. Thus, the properties of nanocomposite can be on the type of CNTs. Sobolkina et al. [92] applied ultrasonication
tailored at an extremely low content of nanomaterial. Surface to disperse nitrogen-doped CNTs (N-CNTs) or mixed CNTs contain-
effects instead of bulk properties are responsible for the upgraded ing single-, double- and MWCNTs. After sonication, N-CNTs were
performance and novel functionality of nanocomposites [70]. The observed as individual broken CNT whereas the mixed CNTs form
increased surface area of nanomaterials raises its reactivity. These a net-like distribution. Unfortunately, ultrasonication facilitates
nanomaterials are intended to interact with cement at the nano- temporary exfoliation of CNTs and often leads to re-agglomeration
scopic level, with the average diameter of CSH estimated at [106]. Hitherto, the combination of ultrasonication and surface
5 nm [18]. Cement derives its strength from the high specic modication of CNTs appears as the most promising method.
surface area and consequently, the adhesive property from the
nano-sized CSH. 3.2. Physical surface modication

Surfactants facilitate dispersion of nanomaterials in water by

3. Fabrication of nano cement and concrete composites lowering the surface energy of CNTs. Many past studies have
focused on surfactant-assisted dispersion of CNTs within aqueous
Nanomaterials have been identied as the strength and durabil- and organic solutions as well as polymer matrices [107]. Concerns
ity enhancers of cementitious composites provided that the were raised regarding the potential incompatibility of surfactants
nanomaterials are well dispersed. Van der Waals forces hold the with cement hydration by retarding or preventing hydration,
nanomaterials together as clumps due to the large surface area of entrapping substantial air in the paste, or undergoing reactions
the nanomaterial. Defect sites in the form of voids or unreacted with admixtures [91]. Polyacrylic acid is reported to behave as a
pockets is the consequence of agglomerates [73,74]. The stress plasticizing agent for the cement paste and a dispersing agent for
concentrated in this zone will eventually lead to rupture. the CNTs [108]. Collins et al. [91] evaluated the dispersion of CNTs
There have been considerable attempts to disperse nanoparti- and consistency of fresh CNTsOPC mixtures by using various
cles, especially nanosilica. Dispersion of nanosilica is crucial to ful- chemical admixtures such as air entraining agent, styrene butadi-
ll its function as llers. Otherwise, larger agglomerates tend to ene rubber, calcium naphthalene sulfonate, naphthalene sulfonic
S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124 117

Table 2
Mix design for CNTs in cement-based composite.

Ref. Matrix CNTs (wt.%) w/c Dispersion method Mixing method

Mechanical Chemical
[81] Paste MWCNT/SWCNT 1% 0.36 Sonication (400 W) for 30 min N.A. N.A.
[82] Mortar FMWCNT* 0.5% 0.45 Sonication for 3 h in basin Water-reducing agent Mix for 8 min in rotary
[83] Paste FMWCNT 0.045 0.25, 0.3, Sonication for 215 min Polyacrylic acid polymer or Gum Arabic Vacuum mixer
0.15% 0.4 surfactant
[84] Mortar Annealed MWCNT 0.4 Sonication in acetone for 4 h Superplasticizer UNI-EN 196-1
[85] Paste MWCNT 0.0480.08% 0.5 Sonication at 19002100 J/mL Surfactant-to-CNT ratio of 4 ASTM C305
[86] Paste MWCNT 0.25% 0.4 Sonication for 4 h in N.A. Mix for 5 min in electric
Polyvinylpyrrolidone mixer
[87] Mortar FMWCNT 0.30.75% 0.48 N.A. Polycarboxylate or melamine Concrete mixer
[88,89] Paste MWCNT 0.08% 0.3 Sonication at 19002100 J/mL Surfactant-to-CNT ratio of 4 ASTM C305
[90] Paste MWCNT 0.040.2% 0.4 Sonication with 0.46 W/mL ADVA cast 575 Planetary blender
[91] Paste MWCNT 0.52% 0.350.6 Sonication for 12 min 7 types of admixtures Kenwood KNM20 planetary
[92] Paste N-doped CNTs 0.05, 0.5 Sonication for 120 min SDS or Brij 35 and defoamer N.A.
[93] Paste FMWCNT 0.020.09% 0.4 Sonication and centrifugation SDS surfactant N.A.
[94] Paste MWCNT 0.51% 0.4 Sonication for 30 or 240 min N.A. Kitchen mixer
[95] Paste CNT 0.05% 0.5 Sonication at 19002100 J/mL Surfactant-to-CNT ratio of 4 ASTM C305
[96] Paste MWCNT 0.050.15% 0.35 Sonication for 30 min Gum Arabic surfactant N.A.

The unit wt.% is with respect to the weight of cement powder.

Notes: FMWCNT: functionalized Multi-walled carbon nanotubes.

Table 3
Mix design for CNTs with other additives in cement-based composite.

Ref. Matrix CNTs (wt.%) w/c Dispersion method Mixing method

Mechanical Chemical
[97] Paste CNT 0.022% 0.365 N.A. Silica fume 10% Mortar mixer
[98] Mortar MWCNT 0.5, 1% 0.5 Sonication for 10 min Fly ash 20% N.A.
[99] Paste MWCNT 0.5, 1% 0.5 Sonication for 1 h N.A. N.A.
[100] Mortar MWCNT 0.0050.1% 0.5 N.A. Nanometakaolin in ammonium chloride solution Dry mixing
[101] Paste MWCNT 0.251% 0.4 Sonication for 90 min in ethanol Hydroxyethyl cellulose and carbon ber 0.25% N.A.
[102] Concrete CNT 0.120.4% 0.2 or 0.37 Sonication for 10 min Polyacrylic Acid (PAA) and ADVA cast 575 Mortar mixer
[103] Mortar MWCNT 0.15, 0.3% 0.25 N.A. Silica fume 1030% Polycarboxylate Standard Hobart mixer

acid derivative, lignosulfonate and aliphatic propylene glycol ether ment between the nanotubes with no dened orientation was
including ethoxylated alkyl phenol which are not compatible with observed, indicating a proper bond of the carboxyl groups to the
CNTs, with the exception of polycarboxylate. Studies done by CNT surface. Sanchez et al. [112] also acknowledged the effective-
Tyson et al. [109] and Abu Al-Rub et al. [110] conrmed that the ness of surface treatment with 70% nitric acid to facilitate carbon
commercial high-range polycarboxylate based water-reducing nanober (CNF) dispersion and interfacial interaction between
ADVA Cast 575 admixture lowers the viscosity of cement mix. CNFs and the cement matrix. However, an inevitable side effect
The amount of polycarboxylate required to attain a successful dis- of the aggressive chemical functionalization is the creation of
persion of CNTs and satisfactory workability is 0.4 wt.% of cement defects at the CNT surface, consequently degrading the intrinsic
powder. strength [113].
Owing to the importance of dispersing CNTs, researchers have
3.3. Chemical surface modication advocated a combination of ultrasonication and chemical treat-
ment as listed in Tables 3 and 4. In contrast, GO can be dispersed
Chemical functionalization refers to the process of attaching without the assistance of surfactants. The morphology of GO is a
functional groups onto the CNT surface by covalent linkage. Cova- sheet of functionalized graphene produced from the oxidation of
lent surface modication improves the hydrophilic behavior of graphite based on the modied Hummers method [114] that
CNTs while reducing their tendency to form agglomerates. Acid involves three steps, i.e. oxidation, purication, and exfoliation.
treatment is required to oxidize CNTs before bonding with carbox- By oxidation, functional groups containing oxygen are inserted into
ylic acid (COOH) or hydroxyl groups (OH). Li et al. [82] found graphite to increase the interlayer space and convert graphite into
that carboxylic acid functional group can be attached to the CNT hydrophilic graphite oxide. In fact, the XRD pattern of GO with var-
surface by mixing with sulfuric and nitric acid at a 3:1 volume ious oxygen contents shows that the interlayer spaces between GO
ratio. The treated CNTs were uniformly dispersed without any nanosheets get larger with increasing degree of oxidation. Further-
aggregation detected [111]. Nasibulina et al. [93] carried out the more, these functional groups supply reactive sites that allow the
functionalization using a similar protocol with the exception of development of strong bonds with CSH during nucleation
eliminating carboxylated carbonaceous fragments (a by-product [115]. Thus, GO can be dispersed without the assistance of surfac-
of CNT oxidation). Insertion of carboxyl groups on the CNT surface tants because of the electrostatic repulsion from the functional
can also be done using nitric acid only [87]. A disordered entangle- groups, rather than just the hydrophilicity of GO [116].
118 S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124

Table 4
Fresh properties of nanocomposites.

Ref. Admixture type CNT weight fraction (%) w/c Result

[123] Superplasticiser: polycarboxylate ether 0.02 0.21 Flow table test: workability preserved
[89] Surfactant Short 0.08 Long 0.048 0.5 Rheology: CNT raises the viscosity from 0.07 to 0.09 Pa s
[91] 0.8 wt.% polycarboxylate admixture 0.5 (l/d = 150250) 0.35 Mini-slump: CNT slightly reduce the diameter by 4.7%

The purication sequence encompasses ltration, centrifuga- 0.5 wt.% MWCNTs was substantially reduced and high pressures
tion, and followed by dialysis. After oxidation, remnant ions from of 125 MPa over a duration of 45 min were necessary for adequate
acid and oxidizing agents must be removed by ltration so as to compaction. The ow characteristics of Ultra High Performance
avoid the contaminants from interacting with the cement compo- Concrete (UHPC) fresh paste reinforced with 0.02 wt.% MWCNTs
nents. Centrifugation eliminates unexfoliated graphite oxide which is judged by measuring the inherent spread diameter on the ow
is usually present in small amounts. Finally, dialysis is needed to table [123]. Polycarboxylate ether based superplasticiser emerges
completely remove residual salts and acids via diffusion through as the ideal candidate to preserve the workability of both cement
a semi-permeable membrane. Exfoliation, the process of widening paste and mortar matrices, coupled with elevated packing density.
the interlayer space between GO sheets can be accomplished with The noncovalent approach based on steric stabilization requires
the aid of ultrasonication. The desirable GO size may be obtained 0.72 wt.% polycarboxylate ether to disperse MWCNTs. Collins
by controlling the degree of sonication. Upon successful separation et al. [91] assessed the factors governing the workability of CNT
of the graphite oxide interlayers, the resulting GO sheets are then paste mixtures, namely, w/c, ultrasonication, quantity, CNT aspect
harnessed for cement fabrication. ratio and type of admixture. In the end, ultrasonicated CNTs dis-
persed with polycarboxylate provides highly owable mixtures
3.4. Preparation of cement composites and excellent compressive strength albeit having a w/c of 0.35
and requires a relatively high concentration of polycarboxylate
Besides dispersing nanomaterials in aqueous solution, the admixture by 0.8 wt.%.
nanomaterials must also remain dispersed in cement medium for Rheology is a laboratory method used to study the ow and
effective reinforcement. ASTM C305 is usually quoted as the point deformation of a material by relating stress, strain, rate of strain
of reference for mixing CNTs with cement in the standard Hobart and time [124]. Besides gaining an insight into the uid behavior
mixer as shown in Tables 2 and 3. Nevertheless, the high speed of concrete, rheology has been applied to evaluate the degree of
shear mixer can improve the distribution of GO in cement paste dispersion of CNT suspensions. Higher viscosity corresponds to
by high shear energy input [117]. The proposed mixing method suspensions with large scale agglomerates [125]. Konsta-Gdoutos
conforms to ASTM C1738-11a pertaining to the standard practice et al. [89] recognized the importance of sonication to facilitate
for high shear mixing of hydraulic cement paste. The mixer speed proper dispersion while achieving satisfactory viscosity. Cementi-
is capable of reaching high speeds of up to 12,000 rpm in order to tious composite reinforced with MWCNTs (length of 10100 lm;
attain a homogenous distribution of GO sheets in cement paste. aspect ratio of 1600) using a surfactant to CNT ratio of 6.25 has a
Alternatively, a hand mixer operating at a speed of 2000 rpm for viscosity of 0.09 Pa s, which is close to plain cement paste with
5 min has been used to mix the cement slurry containing GO [62]. 0.07 Pa s at a low shear stress condition. Some research studies
on the workability of CNT/cement are tabulated in Table 4.
4. Workability The unique 2D GO sheet being a double-edged sword, promotes
CSH nucleation at the expense of a lower workability [61,62].
Workability is a key parameter to gauge the ease of transport The hydrophilic GO has a large surface area to adsorb water mole-
and placement of fresh concrete. Regardless of the microber type, cules present in the mix to its surface. As a result of the lack of free
the loss of workability is proportional to the concentration of ber water, the frictional resistance among the cement particles and the
in concrete. Worse still, the inclusion of nanomaterials in cements sheets is increased without ample lubrication. This inter-particle
alters the rheological properties of pastes and severely degrades friction phenomena has been identied as the root cause for exac-
the workability of mortars and concrete mixtures. The large surface erbated workability [126].
area of nanomaterials demands more water to wet their surface, The workability dilemma is addressed in depth with the aid of
thereby reducing the free water content required for lubrication the conventional mini-slump test accompanied by the rheological
at a given water-to-cement ratio (w/c). studies. The mini-slump test shows a 50% reduction in workability
The addition of nanosilica into the cement matrix caused a whilst the viscosity test conrms the result [117]. In fact, the vis-
noticeable reduction in ow spread, improved cohesion and cosity increases with the size of GO, conrming the inuence of
increased yield stress [118]. Berra et al. [119] suggested adding geometry on the workability. The larger sized GO experiences
water in stages instead of pouring all the water prior to mixing. intermeshing, leading to a higher frictional resistance. Therefore,
Retaining a certain amount of water to be added after a short per- the dominant force on workability during the investigation of the
iod of time helps to minimize the adverse effect of nanosilica on effect of aspect ratio is friction instead of water adsorption.
the workability. Kong, Su [75] examined the inuence of nanosilica In an earlier investigation on the workability of GO-reinforced
size on the fresh properties of cement paste. Small-sized fumed sil- cement, Pan et al. [62] duly noted the reduction in workability is
ica (510 nm) acts as llers to displace some free water in void about 42% via a mini-slump test with the incorporation of
spaces and hence contributes to a workable mix. In contrast, large 0.05 wt.% GO. It is deduced that admixtures may be required to
agglomerates of precipitated silica (2030 nm) absorb some free improve the workability of GO cement to compensate for the
water originally contributing to the uidity of paste. The adverse decrease of available water in the fresh mix, similar to the case of
workability caused by nanosilica has been acknowledged. There- nanosilica [118] and CNT cement composite [91]. Further tests
fore, the use of other additives such as y ash [120] and superplas- using 0.03 wt.% GO also show a signicant decline in workability
ticisers [121] were recommended to offset the reduction in uidity. by 34.6% [61]. Moreover, it is emphasized that small amounts of
Early work conducted by Kowald and Trettin [122] discovered GO sheets (0.020.05 wt.%) exhibits an even poorer workability
that the ow behavior, or consistency of the paste containing than CNTs. These separate studies infer an inverse correlation
S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124 119

between the concentration of GO and workability. Despite the nanoindentation and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) are
excellent dispersion of GO nanosheets in the cement matrix, poly- techniques utilized to quantify the porous nature of cement. Crack
carboxylate remains an indispensable admixture for reducing water propagation begins at the pores and nanomaterials are instrumen-
consumption without losing the uidity of the cement paste [63]. tal in rening the pore structure.
Nanosilica accelerates the hydration rate to yield a compact
5. Effect of nano llers on hydration behavior microstructure at a short curing time [133]. Concrete durability
can be improved with the addition of nanosilica by increasing
Anhydrous cement is composed of four types of minerals resistance to water penetration [134] and mitigating the leaching
namely alite (C3S), belite (C2S), aluminate (C3A) and ferrite of calcium [135]. Moreover, the dense microstructure with mini-
(C4AF). Upon adding water to cement grains, various chemical mal amount of CH crystals were reported with the addition of
reactions occur simultaneously to give rise to the formation of a nanosilica [47]. Thus, renement in microstructure of cement con-
rigid cement paste. The resulting porous multi-phase matrix con- taining nanosilica can be explained not only from the lling effect
tains CH with traces of aluminates and unhydrated clinker of nanosilica but also its participation in the pozzolanic reaction
embedded into the binding agent, CSH gel. The CH by-product [76].
is responsible for the cement alkalinity. Thus, extra attention Similarly, CNTs densify the cement microstructure by lling the
should be paid towards dispersing nanomaterials in a high pH- pores between hydration products of OPC. CNTs reduce the poros-
value cement medium. Moreover, the heterogeneous nature of ity of cement composite by lowering the amount of mesopores,
cement contains mostly calcium ions with traces of magnesium, dened as pore sizes less than 50 nm in diameter [136]. The total
aluminum, iron, potassium, sodium and sulfur ions. The interac- porosity and total surface area diminished with increasing MWCNT
tion of nanomaterials with these ions must also be taken into content up to 1 wt.% [99]. The reduced porosity with a uniform
account. pore size distribution due to CNTs well dispersed with Gum Arabic
Generally, the use of nanomaterials such as nanotubes, nano- is also observed by Wang et al. [96]. The pore renement produces
bers, nanosilica or nanoclay are capable of accelerating the degree a compact composite, leading to increased toughness. Thus, it is
of hydration [127]. Nanosilica with large amounts of siliceous sur- more efcient to produce cement matrix with a lower total poros-
face consumes lime quickly especially at early ages. Nanosilica ity by dispersing small amounts of CNTs in surfactant. Water sorp-
with a mean particle size of 12 nm has been proven to expedite tivity is employed to characterize the cement porosity through
the cement hydration when compared with silica fume 150 nm capillary attraction to gauge the degree of microcracking [137].
in diameter [128]. A higher specic surface area or an extra dosage Kim et al. [103] used 0.15 wt.% CNTs dispersed with 10% silica fume
will shorten the initial setting time of cement pastes. This short- subjected to water sorptivity testing and concluded that compres-
ened duration could be a result of the accelerated transformation sive strength is not only affected by total porosity but also by CNT
of CSH surrounding the cement particles to the stable form, dispersion, silica fume addition and interfacial interaction between
via fast pozzolanic activity. However, the degree of hydration slows CNTs and hydration products.
down after 7 days because the quantity of water available for Nanoindentation tests have been applied to characterize the
hydration is adsorbed by the nanosilica [129]. More evidence per- nanoporosity and amount of CSH gel. It can be deduced that
taining to the role of nanosilica in accelerating hydration at an CNTs are effective in lling the areas between CSH. Samples
early age can be inferred from the reduction in setting time, short- reinforced with CNTs exhibit a lower autogenous shrinkage which
ened duration to reach the peak heat of hydration and increased is benecial in relieving capillary stresses [85]. As a result of the
production of CH at early age [118,130]. improved early strain capacity, shrinkage and microcracking can
The results of the effect of CNTs on the cement hydration are be curbed at an early age.
limited. The accelerated rate of hydration is rst noted by Makar Cement containing 0.5 wt.% functionalized MWCNTs appears to
et al. [131] by using Vickers hardness. Early improvements in the have the best pore renement effect [82]. The MIP test shows the
hardness up to 14 days indicate the role of CNT in accelerating reduction in total porosity and pore sizes exceeding 50 nm by
the growth of hydration products via nucleation. Further evidence 39% and 45%, respectively. In a separate study, 0.3 wt.% functional-
of CNTs acting as nucleating sites for C3S hydration products is pre- ized MWCNTs dispersed with two admixtures of naphthalene-sul-
sented by Makar and Chan [132] whereby CNTs were rapidly fonate plasticizer and modied polycarboxylate resulted in 21.6%
coated with CSH. lower porosity and 31.3% smaller average pore diameter [87].
Besides the aforementioned nanomaterials, GO also accelerates The prospect of using functionalized CNTs appears promising for
the rate of hydration. The non-evaporable water is measured with producing highly durable cement. The outcomes of the aforemen-
TGA as hydration progresses with time. The test aims to gauge the tioned tests for determining the microstructure of CNT/cement are
degree of hydration by recording the non-evaporable water and CH listed in Table 5.
content within the cement composite. GO cement increases the GO has a profound impact on the surface area and pore struc-
non-evaporable water content by 9% and CH by 6% [61]. This dis- ture occurring at the nanoscale. The increased surface area corre-
parity in water and CH contents is consistently at a higher propor- sponds to the development of the highly porous phase. Nitrogen
tion than OPC at all ages. Hence, GO increases the degree of absorption/desorption technique detected an increase in pore
crystallinity in polymeric nanocomposite by providing preferential diameter at nanoscale (180 nm) [62]. The small pores (1
nucleation site at its oxygen functional groups. Lv et al. [63] mon- 10 nm), also known as gel pores are composed of pore system in
itored the development of hydration products periodically under CSH gel. The inference of GO promoting the hydration process
SEM. They discovered that the functional groups of GO plays a due to the increased proportion of gel pores is postulated.
major role as the growth points of hydration products by attracting An alternative method to characterize the porosity of GO-
C3S, C2S and C3A. cement described in a pore size distribution is conducted using
MIP [61]. The results indicate that the inclusion of GO successfully
6. Microstructure of nano reinforced cement and concrete rened the microstructure by lowering the amount of capillary
composites pores (between 10 nm and 10 lm) by 27.7%, doubling gel pore vol-
ume by 109%, and reducing the total porosity by 13.5%, which are
Analyzing the porosity of nano-reinforced cement is vital since closely related to the accelerated hydration owing to the 2D shape
it is closely related to the mechanical properties. Water sorptivity, of GO.
120 S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124

Table 5
Microstructure results of nanocomposites.

Ref. Methodology Test Amount and Results

CNT type
[82] Sonication and carboxylation with sulfuric and nitric acid MIP 0.5% FCNT Total porosity decreased by 39% Pores with
diameter exceeding 50 nm decreased by 45%
[97] Mixing of CNF, cement, SF followed by water Water/N2 2% CNF and 10% Water porosity decreased by 8% CNF promoted
absorption Silica fume pore renement at 6200 nm diameter range
[85] [89] Ultrasonication and surfactant Nano- 0.08% MWCNT Youngs Modulus <10 GPa corresponding to the
indentation porous phase is reduced
[87] Naphthalene-sulfonate plasticizer and polycarboxylate N2 0.3% FMWCNT Total porosity reduced by 21.6% Mean pore
admixtures absorption diameter reduced by 31.3%
[99] Ultrasonication MIP 1% MWCNT Total porosity decreased by 16% Total surface
area decreased by 22.6%
[92] Ultrasonication and 0.25% wt surfactant and foam reducing MIP 0.05 % N-doped SDS: Highly porous samples caused by formation
agent MWCNT of foam Brij 35: Denser microstructure
[96] Ultrasonication and 0.48% wt Gum Arabic surfactant with MIP 0.12% wt Total porosity reduced by 20.92% Mean pore
0.13% wt tributyl phosphate defoamer MWCNT diameter reduced by 56.2%
[103] Mixing and 1.6% polycarboxylic acid admixture Water 0.15% CNT and Denser microstructure
absorption 10% silica fume

7. Mechanical properties of hardened composites liberated CH leaches out to replace a portion of cement. This phe-
nomenon is detrimental to the compressive strength since the
Nanomaterials such as nanotubes, nanobers, nanosilica or redundant nanosilica (depleted CH) does not contribute to
nanoclay are capable of accelerating the degree of hydration strength. Furthermore, the size of ller signicantly contributes
[127] due to the large total surface area, which has the potential to the compressive strength. Small-sized nanosilica (510 nm) out-
to improve the mechanical properties. Improvements in mechani- performed agglomerated nanosilica (2030 nm) by a factor of two.
cal properties especially at an early age are testament to the effec- The ner nanosilica supplies more ller and fewer weak zones
tiveness of nanomaterials in contributing to the development of when compared to the use of agglomerated nanosilica [141].
fracture toughness, compressive, exural and tensile strengths
(see Tables 6 and 7). 7.2. CNTs

The implementation of 1D CNTs and 2D GO with an enormous

7.1. Nanosilica surface area is a promising prospect with regard to reinforcing
cement at the nanoscale on top of the nucleating effect displayed
The increased amount of CSH gel is responsible for the by 0D nanosilica.
increased compressive and exural strengths when nanosilica is Preliminary efforts by Campillo et al. [81] showed that
added into cement [76]. The best mechanical performance of con- MWCNTs outperforms SWCNT because the presence of defects
crete containing 4 wt.% nanosilica recorded compressive, tensile can be advantageous in terms of increasing the interaction points
and exural strengths greater than control specimens by a factor with the matrix and securing a better anchorage. Functionalized
of 1.7, 2.2 and 1.6 times respectively after 28 days. At 5 wt.% addi- CNTs supply supercial functional groups, leading to a strong cova-
tion of nanosilica, the mechanical properties begin to decrease in lent force on the interface between the reinforcement and matrix
comparison to the optimal dosage of 4 wt.% is primarily due to as veried by the SEM and FT-IR [82]. Overall, the mechanical
the defects generated by inadequate dispersion [140]. The amount properties of the mortar composite are improved because of the
of nanosilica surpassing the quantity required to combine with better load-transfer efciency from cement matrix to CNTs.

Table 6
Hardened properties of cement and concrete composites.

Ref. Methodology CNT weight fraction Results (% improvement) Code

[81] Ultrasonication 1 Compressive: SWCNT : 6% MWCNT: 30% N.A.
[82] Sonication and carboxylation with sulfuric and nitric acid 0.5 Compressive: 19% Flexural: 25% N.A.
[83] Sonication with Polyacrylic acid 0.045 Compressive: 50% Flexural: 10% N.A.
[84] Sonication with acetone and modied acrylic polymer and 0.5 Compressive: 11% Flexural: 34% UNI-EN 196-1
[138] Sonication and NaDC surfactant 0.2 Compressive: 29.50% Flexural: 35.45% GB/T1 7671
[85] Sonication and surfactant 0.08 Elastic Modulus: 35% Flexural: 40% N.A.
[89] Sonication and surfactant 0.08 Elastic Modulus: 45% Flexural: 25% ASTM C348
[86] Sonication and polyvinylpyrrolidone organic solvent 0.25 Load capacity: 47% Toughness: 25% N.A.
[87] Naphthalene-sulfonate plasticizer and modied polycarboxylate 0.3 Modulus: 14% Compressive: 12% Splitting NBR 7215, 8522
admixtures tensile: 34% 7222
[88] Sonication, surfactant and swing centrifugation 0.08 Elastic Modulus: 35% Flexural: 35% ASTM C348
[90] Sonication and water reducing admixture ADVA cast 575 0.2 Flexural : 269% Ductility: 81% N.A.
[91] Sonication and polycarboxylate admixture 0.5 Compressive: 25% N.A.
[92] Sonication and surfactant (Brij35 and foam reducing agent) 0.05 Compressive: 40% N.A.
[93] Sonication and puried from carboxylated carbonaceous 0.03 Compressive: 97.2% N.A.
[94] Sonication 0.5 Compressive: 15% Splitting tensile: 36% ASTM C39 C496
[95] Debulking, sonication and surfactant 0.048 Elastic Modulus: 75% Flexural: 50% N.A.
[96] Sonication and Gum Arabic surfactant with tributyl phosphate 0.08 Flexural toughness index: 57.5% ASTM C1018-97
S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124 121

Table 7
Hardened properties of nanocomposite containing other additives.

Ref. Methodology Mix ratio Results (% improvement) Code

[98] Sonication for 10 min 1% CNT with 20% Fly Compressive: 10%
[100] Dry mixing 0.02% MWCNT and 6% Compressive: 29% ASTM
NMK C109
[101] CNT: sonication in ethanol CF: sonication in hydroxyethyl 0.75% MWCNT and Flexural: 88.42% Load carrying capacity: 366.67% IS 4031
cellulose (HEC) 0.25% CF
[139] Sonication in acetone, mix cement, CaCl2, bagasse ber and CNT 1.5% MWCNT with Flexural: 43%
for cement panel 20% bagasse ber
[102] Sonication with Polyacrylic acid and 4.9% polycarboxylate in 0.145% CNF and 3.55% Flexural : 46% Max deection : 2200% Energy ASTM C78,
water, microwave radiation to produce UHPC steel ber sorption : 3400% Impact resistance: 280% D7136
[103] Mixing and 1.6% Polycarboxylic acid admixture 0.15% CNT and 10% Compressive: 32% ASTM C39
silica fume

Cwirzen et al. [83] performed a compressive testing on nano- a 32% increase. SF can mechanically break the agglomerates into
composites with 15 different combinations of w/c ratios, MWCNTs smaller sizes without ultrasonication. Adding more SF was found
(pristine and functionalized) and surfactant. One of the trial mix to separate agglomerated CNTs better although the degree of
displays an increase in compressive strength by 50% with the addi- improvement is not as prominent as 10% addition of SF. The addi-
tion of 0.045 wt.%. COOH modied MWCNTs. Musso et al. [84] tion of CNTs should not exceed 0.15% otherwise reagglomeration
claimed that commercially obtained functionalized CNTs are infe- will occur, leaving an adverse impact on the compressive strength.
rior to pristine and annealed CNTs due to the hydrophilic func- The similar concept of using minuscule particles to facilitate
tional groups having the ability to adsorb water while hampering dispersion of CNTs was put to practice by Morsy et al. [100].
the hydration process. TGA results showing a lower amount of Nanometakaolin (NMK) and CNTs have a complementary strength-
tobermorite gel formation was used to support this argument. ening effect on the cement nano-composite in terms of dispersion,
Findings made by Makar and Chan [132] supported the fact that packing effect and pozzolanic reaction and resisting microcracks.
CSH preferred to form on the surface of nanotube bundles rather Utilizing 6 wt.% exfoliated NMK, various CNT ratios were tested
than on the surface of adjacent cement grains. The dense CSH and the optimum amount is found to be 0.02 wt.% MWCNTs. In
formation appears to be tightly bonded to the CNTs, demonstrating fact, the enhanced compressive strength of 29% and 18% compared
reinforcing behavior. Konsta-Gdoutos et al. [89] recorded a sub- to cement mortar and 6 wt.% NMK with cement mortar, respec-
stantial increase in Youngs Modulus by 45% and exural strength tively, is proof of higher performance by hybrid reinforcement.
by 25% when the MWCNT reinforced sample is subjected to three Recently, Peyvandi et al. [102] combined steel microbers with
point bending. Nanomechanical tests carried out by using nanoin- CNFs to control the inception and growth of cracks encompassing
dentation suggest that MWCNTs increase the amount of high stiff- all scales. Dispersed using polyacrylic acid in water for sonication
ness CSH while reducing the nanoporosity. and followed by polycarboxylate to produce UHPC, the nanobers
Abu Al-Rub et al. [90] measured the mechanical properties of enhance the bonding and pullout behavior of microbers. The 46%
CNTOPC composites containing different concentrations and increase in exure is related to the toughening effects from pulling
aspect ratios of MWCNTs. The reinforcing ability provided by nano- out the bers. The UHPC matrix also offers higher compaction den-
composites with a low concentration of long MWCNTs gives com- sity, reduced porosity, ner capillary pore system together with
parable mechanical performance to nanocomposites with a higher improved interfacial bonding as compared to normal cement
concentration of short MWCNTs. Besides economic considerations, matrix.
short MWCNTs at high concentrations help to arrest microcracks
better. Furthermore, CNTs with low aspect ratios are more effective
7.4. Graphene oxide
in lling nano-sized voids while enhancing the packing density.
Application of MWCNTs dispersed by Gum Arabic elevates both
The unique features of the two-dimensional GO such as its
the fracture energy and exural toughness of OPC paste [96]. The
rough surface and functional group have a favorable inuence on
observed CNT pull-out without rupture failure ensures the load
the mechanical behavior of cement. Introducing small quantities
transfer in the case of tension and eventually contributes to
of GO as little as 0.05 wt.% increases the compressive strength by
improved exural toughness. Moreover, the CNTs acting as bridges
1533% and the exural strength by 4159%, respectively [62].
across cracks and voids establish a network to transfer the load in
The compressive and exural strengths of GO-cement outperform
its plain cement counterpart encompassing all ages till 56 days.
In addition, the small standard deviation in strength highlights that
7.3. CNTs with llers GO has little inuence on strength anisotropy. The astounding
enhancement is accredited to the very large surface area offered
Tiny particles can be mixed together with 1D nanoreinforce- by the 2D GO sheet.
ments for synergetic benets. For example, the reinforcing ability Reinforcing cement with GO is benecial in terms of its superior
of CNTs to compensate the strength reduction associated with aspect ratio when compared to conventional bers as illustrated in
the replacement of cement with y ash by 20% [98]. Sanchez and Table 1. Reaction wise, GO has a seeding effect on the cement
Ince [97] exploited the ne particle size of SF ranging 100 hydration kinetics, stimulating the growth of hydration products.
500 nm to behave as wedges in an attempt to mechanically sepa- Initial studies on the failure mode show that the GO-reinforced
rate the CNFs. By placing the SF between CNFs, the Van der Waals cement exhibits ductile behavior. The interfacial adhesion by
forces are rendered ineffective. Further work is conducted by Kim GOs functional groups corresponds to the case of functionalized
et al. [103] to ne tune the mix proportion of varying contents of CNTs [82]. The strong covalent bond on the GO interface with
CNTs and SF within the mortar matrix. Mixing 0.15% CNTs with hydration products deposited on the sheet makes GO a promising
10% SF gives the best improvement in compressive strength with material to enhance the cement matrix.
122 S. Chuah et al. / Construction and Building Materials 73 (2014) 113124

Fig. 3. Effect of 0.05 wt.% GO for w/c of 0.5 on: (a) Stressstrain curves under compression; (b) Loaddisplacement curves under exure [62].

The elastic modulus gathered from the stressstrain curve To fulll the promise of newly developed nanomaterials in the
depicted in Fig. 3 shows a moderate increase to 3.7 MPa from construction industry, the following issues should be addressed.
3.48 MPa. The increased strain capacity can be explained from
the delayed microcrack initiation. In a separate investigation of  Agglomeration of nanomaterials hinders their potential to
the effect of 0.03 wt.% of GO, the compressive strength improved improve the properties of concrete. In this regard, the disper-
by 46.2% alongside increased failure stress and strain [61]. GO sion mechanism of nanomaterials is yet to be developed.
shows a better gain in compressive strength at a lower concentra- Although GO appears to be well-dispersed in water, there is
tion when compared to CNT reinforced cement. The gain is attrib- no such guarantee of good dispersion in the cement matrix.
uted to the excellent reinforcement provided by GO.  Admixtures play an important role to preserve the cement
workability when nanomaterials are added. However, detailed
8. Concluding remarks studies on the role of nanomaterials on the hydration and inter-
action with the various phases of cement, including admixtures
The impact of nanomaterials in the form of 0D particles, 1D require attention.
bers and 2D sheets on cement and concrete composites have been  The durability aspect of cement and mortar containing nanoma-
reviewed. Reports dating back from the turn of the 21st century terial provides an interesting avenue for research. The behavior
have presented the advantages of nanomaterials. The effects of of such composite under degradation such as decarbonation,
nanomaterials on the cement and concrete can be summarized as acid resistance, sulfate resistance should be analyzed.
follows:  More in-depth studies are needed to prove the role of nanoma-
terials as nucleating sites with the aid of nanoscale instrumen-
 Careful attention should be dedicated to the mixing of nanoma- tation as well as the atomistic modeling.
terial slurry as well as the quality of nanomaterials such as
nanosilica, CNTs and GO to name a few. Agglomeration of
nanomaterials is a common problem due to the strong van Acknowledgments
der Waals attractive forces at the nanoscale. Obtaining properly
dispersed nanomaterial requires a combination of sonication for The authors gratefully acknowledge the nancial support from
mechanical separation and admixture to avoid re-agglomera- the Australian Research Council Australia in conducting this
tion in the cement matrix. study.
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