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Fire Retardant Polymers: Recent Developments and Opportunities

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FEATURE ARTICLE www.rsc.org/materials | Journal of Materials Chemistry

Fire retardant polymers: recent developments and opportunities

Serge Bourbigot and Sophie Duquesne
Received 16th February 2007, Accepted 21st March 2007
First published as an Advance Article on the web 18th April 2007
DOI: 10.1039/b702511d
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

In this Feature Article, we discuss recent developments of flame retardant polymers. Three
approaches are considered: (i) inherently flame retardant polymers, (ii) chemically modified
polymers and (iii) flame retardants as additives for polymers. We have tried to show the new
directions and concepts emerging in the field of flame retardancy. We have mainly focused our
comments on flame retardants, nanofillers and surface treatment because very promising concepts
appeared recently in the published literature. Synergistic aspects are also fully discussed.

1. Introduction (global demand for flame retardant is forecast to increase by

4.8% per year to 2.2 million metric tons in 2009).3
The development of science and technology provides the The flammability behavior of polymers is defined on the
availability of sophisticated products but concurrently basis of several processes and/or parameters, such as burning
increases the use of combustible materials.1 Polymeric rates (solid degradation rate and heat release rate), spread
materials are commonly used in everyday day life increasing rates (flame, pyrolysis, burn-out, smolder), ignition charac-
fire hazards and so flame retardants are very often incorpo- teristics (delay time, ignition temperature, critical heat flux for
rated into them to limit their flammability. As an example, in ignition), product distribution (in particular, toxic species
2004, there were 508 fire-related deaths in the UK, compared emissions),4 smoke production, etc. Our goal is then to inhibit
with 593 in 2003.2 The highest number recorded was 1 096 or even suppress the combustion process acting chemically
deaths in 1979. Through the 1980s and 1990s there was a and/or physically in the solid, liquid or gas phase. We can
general downward trend in fire-related deaths. This trend can interfere with combustion during a particular stage of this
be linked to the toughening of the legislation in terms of fire process, e.g. during heating, decomposition, ignition or flame
hazards combined with the growing use of flame retardants spread. Three approaches can then be considered to reduce the
flammability of polymers: (i) to use inherently flame retarded
Laboratoire des Procedes dElaboration des Revetements Fonctionnels polymers (e.g. poly(tetrafluoroethylene), polyoxazoles, poly-
(PERF), LSPES UMR-CNRS 8008, Ecole Nationale Superieure de (ether-ether ketone) or polyimides);5 (ii) to chemically modify
Chimie de Lille (ENSCL), BP 90108, 59652 Villeneuve dAscq Cedex,
France. E-mail: [email protected]; Fax: +33 (0)3 20 43 65 84; existing polymers (e.g. copolymerisation of flame-retardant
Tel: +33 (0)3 20 43 48 88 monomer into PET chains6 or organic/inorganic hybrid

Serge Bourbigot was born on textiles, the simulation of heat

7 April 1964 in Paris. transfer in intumescent coat-
Graduating from Ecole ings, and NMR methods for
Nationale Supe rieu re de characterizing (nano)filled
Chimie (ENSCL) of Lille, polymers and chars.
Prof. Bourbigot passed his
PhD in 1993. He joined Sophie Duquesne, born in
ENSCL as a lecturer in 1993 1975, received her French
and he passed his Habilitation Ingenieur degree in chemical
a Diriger des Recherches in engineering from Ecole
chemical engineering at the Nationale de Chimie de Lille
University of Lille in 1998. (ENSCL) in 1998 and her
He got the position of PhD in spectrochemistry from
Professor in chemical engineer- the University of Lille in 2001.
Serge Bourbigot ing at ENSAIT (Ecole Sophie Duquesne She joined ENSCL as a lecturer
Nationale Superieure des Arts in 2001. Her research interests
et Industries Textiles) in 1999. In 2002, Prof. Bourbigot left his include the processing of new flame retardant coatings and the
laboratory to go to NIST (National Institute of Standard and comprehension of the mechanism of intumescence from both
Technology at Gaithersburg, MD, USA) on sabbatical leave for chemical and physical aspects. She also studies the modelling of
a year. In 2003 at the end of his sabbatical leave at NIST, heat transfer in intumescent coatings during the combustion of
ENSCL offered him the position of Professor in flame the materials. Her area of interest has further broadened to
retardancy. His research interests include the development of include the processing, thermal degradation and fire retardancy
new flame retardant formulations for polymeric materials and of polymer nanocomposites.

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polymers such as epoxy resin prepared from silsesquioxanes);7 a. Inherently flame retardant polymers
(iii) to incorporate flame retardants into polymers via
Before exploring details of the high performance polymers, it is
usual procedures.1 These three approaches will be further
important to define their parameters. For this discussion,
commented upon in the first section of this Feature Article
they are classified as polymers with a continuous operating
to provide the reader with the basic understanding of the
temperature ranging from 180 uC to 300 uC (or higher) and
mechanism of action leading to flame retardancy.
a degradation temperature higher than 350 uC. The flame
After commenting on the basics of flame retardancy in the
retardant ability of the polymer is defined using usual fire
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

first part of this paper, we will emphasize recent developments

testing methods (e.g., limiting oxygen index (LOI),11 cone
in the field of flame retardant (FR) polymers. Our article is
calorimetry,12 UL-94,13 etc.).
not an encyclopedic review of the literature associated with
Development of high performance polymers started at the
polymer-based flame retardants; instead, we have tried to show
end of the 1950s with the event of space travel, and continued
the new directions and concepts emerging in this field of
with military research. Polyimides (PI), for example, cannot
science. The following section will be devoted to the concept of
be ignited and incandesce in the presence of a flame. They
intumescence. It is a relatively older concept since the first
represent an important class of heterocyclic polymers and are
comprehensive paper was published in the early 1970s8 and the
used in the most diverse applications. On the other hand,
first patent came out in 1938,9 but a brief review of the
several polymers among the so-called rigid-rod polymersa
literature shows that intumescence is largely employed to make relatively new class of heat resistant polymeric materialhave
FR polymers or FR paints and that some recent developments been developed by the US Air Force Ordered Polymer
are very promising. More recently, it has been reported that Program (polyoxazole or polythiadiazole). These polymers
the presence of nanodispersed particles (e.g. montmorillonite are relatively difficult to manufacture and process, leading
(MMT) clay, carbon nanotubes (CNT), polyhedral silses- to high production costs, but they exhibit remarkably low
quioxanes (POSS)) in polymeric matrices produces a sub- flammability.14 The tendency to char of the organic inherently
stantial improvement in fire performance (see ref. 10 and FR polymers increases with their degree of linking: the forma-
references therein). In the following part, we will comment tion of gaseous decomposition products and the tendency to
critically upon the opportunity of using nanoparticles as flame burn with an open flame diminish consequently.
retardants taking into account the aspect of dispersion and Recently, a new family of p-phenylene-heterocyclic rigid-rod
discussing the benefits of making polymer nanocomposites as and extended chain polymers including poly(p-phenylene-
FR polymers. The next section of the paper will report the 2,6-benzobisthiazole) (PBZT) and poly(p-phenylene-2,6-
aspects of synergy in FR systems. Finally, the last part will benzobisoxazole) (PBO) has attracted attention (Fig. 1).15,16
investigate a very novel route for making polymers with low It was demonstrated that these two polymers exhibit excellent
flammability. The goal is to modify the polymeric surface mechanical properties and outstanding heat and flame
laying down a thin film on the polymer using plasma assisted resistance. Their long-term mechanical tensile performance at
polymerization techniques. In addition to the reduction of high temperatures was found to be critically associated with
the flammability of the material, this approach offers the stability of the CO or CS linkage at the heterocyclic rings
opportunities for designing multifunctional materials. on these polymers backbones. PBO polymers with the CO
linkages displayed substantially higher thermal stability
2. Basics of flame retardancy compared to PBZT containing CS linkages.
The development of these rigid-rod polymers has also
Various methods can be used to protect materials more effec-
recently led to a novel polymer called poly(2,6-diimida-
tively against attack by fire. Inherently FR polymers or high
zole[4,5-b:49,59-e]pyridinylene-1,4(2,5-dihydroxy)phenylene or
performance polymers can be used but this implies the use of
PIPD, also known as M5 during the development stage
specific materials which might not have the required properties (Fig. 2).17 PIPD exhibits extremely high fire resistance
(e.g. aging, cost, etc.). Nevertheless, they exhibit very low properties like the other rigid-rod polymers.
flammability and are very efficient. The second method is to
Inorganic polymers are a broad class of polymers with
chemically modify the existing polymer to synthesize a FR
backbones consisting of alternating different atoms including
polymer. In this case, specific production processes are required carbon, silica, phosphorus, nitrogen, boron, etc. Some of them
and very often the new FR polymer remains only synthesized
at the laboratory scale. The last method is to use flame
retardants and/or particles (micro- or nanodispersed) directly
incorporated in the materials (e.g. thermoplastics or thermo-
sets) or in a coating covering their surface (e.g. structural steel
or textiles).8 This approach is often preferred to provide low
flammability to polymeric materials because it is an acceptable
compromise between cost and properties and because it brings
great flexibility to design materials with multifunctional
properties. The first two approaches will be briefly described
in the following sections based on recent works and the last
one will be fully described in terms of mechanism of action in
order to introduce the other sections of this article. Fig. 1 Repeat units of PBZT (a) and PBO (b).

2284 | J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 22832300 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
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FR epoxy formulations. Phosphorus was incorporated within

the backbone of the epoxy resin. The diamines included both
phosphonate and phosphine oxide structures while the epoxide
compounds included phosphates, phosphites, phosphonates.
They found that flame resistance is observed at a P
concentration of 1.5% by weight and fire resistance is observed
Fig. 2 Repeat unit of PIPD.
at P concentration of about 3% by weight. Flammability
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

reduction was attributed to the promotion of charring by P in

are not flammable (e.g. potassium aluminosilicate, or poly-
the condensed phase. Phosphorus appears to act as a catalyst
(sialate-siloxo) or geopolymer)18 and they do not need any
for char formation, i.e. P promotes char but is not consumed
flame retardants or any flame retardancy treatment but
in the chemical reactions that form char.
others exhibit poor flame retardancy needing FR treatment.
Marosi et al.28 used a similar approach synthesizing a
Nevertheless, pure inorganic polymers (compared with
phosphorus-containing reactive amine, which can be used
inorganicorganic polymers) are non-flammable which is
both as a crosslinking agent in epoxy resins and as a flame
why they were not studied in terms of reaction to fire in the
retardant. They showed that the synthesized amine can
literature. A particular type of inorganic polymer attracted
attention in the late 1990s, the so-called geopolymers, as substitute the traditional epoxy resin curing agents providing
potential low flammable materials for aircraft. Geopolymers excellent flame retardancy. The incorporation of nanoclay into
are linear poly(metasilicate)s with four-coordinate aluminate these systems improves the thermal stability as well as the
crosslinks. The fire response of geopolymers exhibits promis- flame retardancy. More recently, Hoffman et al.29 reported the
ing performance compared to other organic polymers.19 feasibility of introducing phosphorus-containing groups into
The organic polymers reach the time to flashover (sudden the chemical backbone of thermoplastics, leading to the
transition to a state of total surface involvement in a fire of successful synthesis of a novel halogen-free flame retardant
combustible materials within a compartment causing an poly(sulfone) with a glass transition temperature exceeding
extremely rapid temperature rise) within 20 min (except 200 uC and of a poly(ether-ether ketone) with improved
engineering plastics at 25 s but they release a lot of smoke) thermal stability. The incorporation of these novel modifiers
while geopolymers never ignite. Another study confirms the into an amine-cured epoxy system showed promising flame
good fire resistance of geopolymers in the case of granulated retardancy. Based on those results, Perez et al.30 further
blast furnace.20 evaluated the potential of such a phosphorus-modified
Many other polymers exhibit high fire and heat resistance poly(sulfone) (P-PSu) as a flame retardant (Fig. 3). They
but their inclusion would be beyond the scope of this paper. found a significant improvement of flame retardancy for the
Here only the most recent developments have been given. epoxy resin modified by P-PSu. The suggested mechanism
involves char enhancement in the conditions of fire forming a
b. Chemically modified polymers protective barrier. They also noticed an additional effect in the
gas phase depending on the concentration of phosphorus in
The incorporation of FR additives might require relatively the material.
high loadings to be effective (typically 1040 wt% except for Silicon compounds are other molecules to be incorporated
the case of nanoparticles) and may result in adverse changes to in polymeric chains to provide flame retardancy to the
the physical and mechanical properties of the polymer (see material. The flame retardant effect arises partly from the
discussion in the following sections). An alternative approach
property that silicon compounds have in diluting the more
is to incorporate FR species via copolymerization or some
combustible organic components and partly from the
other type of chemical modification (e.g. grafting). The
barrier that silicaceous residues can form.31 The use of silicon
relatively low loadings required to achieve sufficient flame
compounds as reactive components in flame-retardant systems
retardancy and the appropriate selection of the comonomer or
seems to have been little explored, despite their relatively low
other modifying group may keep detrimental changes to the
combustibility, although interest has recently been shown in
physical and mechanical properties of the polymer to an
the use of POSS as both additives and reactive components
acceptable minimum (e.g., FR in the polymeric chain including
in thermoplastics and thermosets.7,32 POSS have a notable
epoxy resins,21,22polyesters23 and polyurethanes).24 Recent
mechanical reinforcing effect upon polymers in which they are
developments in the chemistry of halogen-free flame retardant
incorporated, even at quite low loadings, and they improve
polymers involve polymers or reactive monomers that are
thermal stability and flame retardancy.
inherently flame retarding such as those containing P, Si, B, N
and other miscellaneous elements.25
Recent works report the incorporation of phosphorus into
polymeric materials as part of the polymeric chain in particular
in epoxy resins. Cured epoxy resins have a high concentration
of hydroxyl groups and therefore, P-containing flame
retardant compounds are particularly effective because P
tends to react with OH groups.26 Based on this approach,
Hergenrother et al.27 synthesized epoxies and their curing
agents (aromatic diamines) containing phosphorus to prepare Fig. 3 Phosphorus modified PSu synthesized in ref. 30.

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Very few papers were published in the recent literature on barrier). There are several ways in which the combustion
Si-containing polymers. Ebdon et al.33 investigated flame process can be retarded by physical action:
retardancy of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly-
styrene (PS) copolymerized with Si-containing acrylate mono- (i) By formation of a protective layer. The additives can form
mers. It was shown that introduction of Si-containing groups under an external heat flux a shield with a low thermal conduc-
resulted in a marginal increase in flame retardancy in both tivity which can reduce the heat transfer from the heat source
styrene and methyl methacrylate copolymers. They suggested to the material. It then reduces the degradation rate of the
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

that the flame retardancy mechanism depends on the nature of polymer and decreases the fuel flow (pyrolysis gases issuing
the Si-containing comonomer and arises mainly from a vapor from the degradation of the material) able to feed the flame in
phase mechanism except in the case of copolymers with flammable molecules. It is the principle of the intumescence
monomers containing oligodimethylsiloxane side chains in phenomenon (see section 3 of this paper).8,36 Phosphorus
which case significant char yields suggest also a condensed additives may act in a similar manner. Their pyrolysis leads to
phase component. thermally stable pyro- or polyphosphoric species which form
The flame retardant action of the boron-containing com- a protective vitreous barrier. The same mechanism can be
pounds on polymeric materials is mainly in the condensed observed using boric acid based additives, inorganic borates,
phase. It was found that these boron compounds promote char silicon compounds or low melting glasses.34,37
formation in the burning process. The mechanism involving
the formation of the char is clearly related to the thermal (ii) By cooling. The degradation reactions of the additive
action of boric acid with alcohol moieties.34 Glass coatings can can play a part in the energy balance of combustion. The
be also formed at the surface which contribute to a barrier additive can degrade endothermally which cools down the
effect, because they exclude oxygen and prevent further substrate to a temperature below that requires for sustaining
propagation of combustion. Martin et al.35 investigated the the combustion process. Aluminium trihydroxide (ATH) acts
effectiveness of boron-containing monomers as flame retar- partially under this principle and its efficiency depends on the
dant components in chain reaction polymers in styrenics. Two amount incorporated in the polymer (generally 60 wt.-% in
novel difunctional styrenic monomers2,2-bis(4-vinylbenzyl) thermoplastics).38
propane-1,3-diol and 5,5-bis(4 vinylbenzyl)-2-phenyl[1,3,2]
dioxaborinanewere synthesized and copolymerized. They (iii) By dilution. The incorporation of inert substances (e.g.
reported a significant improvement of flame retardancy via a fillers such as talc or chalk) and additives which evolve inert
mechanism involving the formation of a protective barrier of gases on decomposition dilutes the fuel in the solid and
boron oxide, which prevents the degradation of the polymer. gaseous phases so that the lower ignition limit of the gas
This brief overview of recent works shows that good mixture is not exceeded.39
performance can be achieved using FR reactive monomers
to synthesize polymers with acceptable low flammability. The
mechanism of action involves mainly a condensed phase
The most significant chemical reactions interfering with the
mechanism with the formation of a protective barrier
combustion process take place in the condensed and gas
composed of char and oxides. Gas phase involvement is
also suggested in specific cases. All these mechanisms will
be detailed in the next sections where flame retardants as
(i) Reaction in condensed phase. Here two types of reaction
additives will be considered.
can take place. Firstly, breakdown of the polymer can be
accelerated by the flame retardant causing pronounced flow of
c. Polymers containing flame retardants
the polymer and, hence, its withdrawal from the sphere of
Depending on their nature, flame retardants can act chemically influence of the flame which breaks away. Secondly, the flame
and/or physically in the solid, liquid or gas phase. Some of the retardant can cause a layer of carbon (charring), a ceramic-like
mechanisms described below have been already suggested in structure and/or a glass to be formed on the polymer surface.40
the previous sections. Our intention here is to provide the
reader with the general principles of the mode of action of (ii) Reaction in gas phase. The radical mechanism of the
flame retardants. Based on those principles, the recent combustion process which takes place in the gas phase is
developments will be then overviewed in parts 3 to 6. interrupted by the flame retardant or their degradation pro-
Flame retardants interfere with combustion during a ducts. The exothermic processes which occur in the flame are
particular stage of this process, e.g. during heating, decom- thus stopped, the system cools, and the supply of flammable
position, ignition or flame spread. The various ways in which gases is reduced and eventually completely suppressed. In
a flame retardant can act are described in the following particular, metallic oxides can act as flame inhibitors.
paragraphs. They do not occur singly but should be considered Note that fire retardant additive systems may be used alone
as complex processes in which many individual stages occur or in association with other systems (sometimes using small
simultaneously with one dominating (e.g., using hydroxides amounts of the last system) in polymeric materials to obtain a
exhibits an endothermic decomposition cooling the substrate synergistic effect, i.e. the protective effect is higher than that
and diluting the ignitable gas mixture due to the formation of assumed from addition of the separate effects of each system
inert gases associated with the formation of an oxide protective (see the fifth section of this paper).41,42

2286 | J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 22832300 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
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Fig. 4 Number of references dealing with intumescence (database Fig. 5 Intumescent coating (from ref. 48).
Chemical Abstract Plus).
2. the acid esterifies the carbon rich components at
3. Intumescence: an older concept for recent temperatures slightly above the acid release temperature
3. the mixture of materials melts prior to or during
Even though intumescent systems have been reported in the 4. the ester decomposes via dehydration resulting in the
literature since 1938,9 they still appear as an attractive topic formation of a carboninorganic residue
and represent a wide and interesting area of research and 5. released gases from the above reactions and degradation
development as demonstrated by the number of papers or products cause the carbonizing material to foam
patents dealing with this subject since the 1980s (Fig. 4). The 6. as the reaction nears completion, gelation and finally
aim of this section is to comment upon the recent development solidification occur. This solid is in the form of multicellular
and applications for intumescents. foam (Fig. 5).
Intumescent systems were first reviewed in the 1970s by A typical example is the case of polypropylene (PP)
Vandersall8 and were mainly applied to paint. It was the ammonium polyphosphate (APP)/pentaerythritol (PER) sys-
pioneering comprehensive work of Camino et al. which tem.36,4345 The reaction of the acidic species (APP and its
permitted the development of this concept to polymers.43,44 degradation products into orthophosphates and phosphoric
Now it is well established that they are mainly composed of acid) with the char former agent (PER) takes place in a first
an inorganic acid or a material yielding acidic species at stage (T , 280 uC) with formation of ester mixtures. The
temperature between 100 and 250 uC, of a char former and of a carbonisation process then takes place at about 280 uC (via the
component that decomposes at the right temperature and at formation of double bonds followed by DielsAlder reaction
the right time to enable the blowing of the system. Typical and a free radical process increasing the size of the poly-
examples of components used in intumescent systems are aromatic structure).46 In a second step, the blowing agent
reported in Table 1. decomposes to yield gaseous products (i.e., evolved ammonia
The following sequences of events was proposed to occur in from the decomposition of APP) which cause the char to swell
the development of the intumescent phenomena: (280 T 350 uC). The intumescent material decomposes
1. the inorganic acid is released between 150 and 215 uC then at higher temperatures and loses its foamed character at
depending on its source and other components about 430 uC.45 Concurrently, the heat conductivity of the

Table 1 Examples of components of intumescent systems

(a) Inorganic acid source (b) Polyhydric compounds
Phosphoric Starch
Sulfuric Dextrins
Boric Sorbitol, mannitol
Ammonium salts Pentaerythritol, monomer, dimer, trimer
Phosphates, polyphosphates Phenol-formaldehyde resins
Borates, polyborates Methylol melamine
Sulfates Char former polymers (PA-6, PA-6/clay nanocomposite PU, PC, etc.)
Phosphates of amine or amide
Products of reaction of urea or guanidyl urea with phosphoric acids (c) Blowing agents
Melamine phosphate Urea
Product of reaction of ammonia with P2O5 Urea-formaldehyde resins
Organophosphorus compounds Dicyandiamide
Tricresyl phosphate Melamine
Alkyl phosphates Polyamides
Haloalkyl phosphates

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char decreases between 280 uC and 430 uC and the insulation expansion steps. It was found that the thermal insulation
of the substrate is enhanced.47 is greatly improved when using a mixture of linear and
The foam layer acts as a heat insulator, limiting the heat crosslinked copolymers as the binder in intumescent coatings
transfer from the heat source to the polymer and the mass particularly when these copolymers are prepared from mono-
transfer from the polymer to the flame resulting in improved mers showing good reactivity with ammonium polyphosphate.
fire retardant performances. When designing an intumescent Earlier in the 1980s, intumescent systems were used to flame
system, it is important to take into account the chemistry of retard polymer and in particular thermoplastics.5658 However,
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

the system. As an example, the carbon containing ingredient such systems present some drawbacks (water solubility,
must decompose in such a manner that a carbon residue migration of the additives throughout the polymer) that
is formed in the presence of the inorganic acid. However, can be prevented by synthesizing novel phosphorus- and/or
chemistry is not the whole story of the intumescence nitrogen-containing systems. As an example, APP based
phenomenon. The efficiency of the system is also driven by systems can not be used in high temperature processing
the plasticity of the coating at the temperature corresponding polymers (such as poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET) because
to the expansion of the material. First measurements have it begins to loose ammonia and water from 250280 uC45 and
recently been carried out regarding this topic.49 It was PET is usually processed in this range of temperature. In such
shown that the rheological and mechanical properties of the a case, the synthesis of phosphorus-containing copolymers
intumescent protective charred layers developed by several (see section 2) is one efficient way to address the issue of
materials could be correlated with their fire retardant flame-retardation of polymers using the intumescence concept.
performance.50,51 The growing bubbles in the corresponding Moreover, the copolymerization could fix the fire retardant
temperature field will be affected by those parameters and this monomer completely and thus dissolution or extraction cannot
effect can not be neglected in terms of temperature gradients take place when the materials are used leading to permanent
and heat transfer in intumescent systems.52 fire retardant properties. In this field, Ma et al.59 reported the
The intumescent systems were firstly designed as fire synthesis of phosphatepolyester copolymers from spirocyclic
protective coatings for metallic structures and the need for pentaerythritol di(phosphate acid monochloride)s (1). It was
such coatings is still increasing. Intumescent materials are shown that the LOI of the copolymer increases with increasing
classified as either thick or thin film intumescent coatings. phosphate content to reach a maximum of 30 vol%. Wang
Intumescent thick films are usually based on epoxy resins and et al.23 reported the synthesis of a novel intumescent flame
contain agents that intumesce when exposed to heat (typical retardant, poly(2,2-dimethylpropylene spirocyclic pentaery-
commercial systems under the brand names Nullfire from thritol bisphosphonate) (2) to yield PET with both excellent
Tremco or Chartek from Akzo Nobel). They are available as flame retardancy and anti-dripping properties.
solvent free systems that allow application of up to 810 mm
per coat. These films are particularly efficient in the case of
hydrocarbon and jet fires. Thin intumescent films were
introduced as early as the 1930s and are used for protection
from cellulosic type fires. They are generally available as
solvent or water based systems, and applied by spray or
brush-roller in thin film coats up to 3 mm thick. They typically
use thermoplastic acrylic based resin systems, and they
respond rapidly and intumesce quickly when exposed to a
cellulosic type fire environment. Although the patent literature
is abundant, research papers dealing with the mechanism of
action of the different ingredients regarding the fire protection Another drawback of the APP-based systems is their high
of intumescent coating are relatively recent. The mechanism of water solubility. The encapsulation and the coating tech-
action of a highly efficient epoxy-amine based intumescent nologies are potential ways of investigation to go beyond this
system designed to protect steel in the case of hydrocarbon fire limitation. The use of microcapsules of di-ammonium hydro-
has been recently investigated.34,53 It was shown that the gen phosphate (DAHP) with a polyether-polyurethane shell
combination of ammonium polyphosphate derivatives and and a polyester-polyurethane shell were reported as intumes-
boric acid leads to a high efficiency coating. It is suggested cent flame retardants (FR) in a commercial polyurea coating
that the formation of borophosphate is responsible for the for textiles.60 The expected advantages of this new concept of
development of a hard intumescent char: the borates provide a encapsulated FR agent are to be compatible with a polymeric
hard and mechanically resistant char, while the presence of matrix in order to give a permanent FR effect and to be itself
phosphorus allows good adhesion of the char to the steel plate. an efficient FR intumescent formulation for many materials.
The role of the binder resin in the development of thin film Both types of DAHP microcapsule present in the polyurea
intumescent coatings has also been recently investigated.54,55 coatings on cotton fabric give an efficient FR effect, although
The effect of the nature of the monomers, which compose the the char developed with microcapsules is a little less heat
binder, on the chemical reactivity between the binder and the resistant than that developed with the pure DAHP.
intumescent additives was examined. In this study, special The development of new environmentally friendly synthesis
attention was devoted to the expansion rate and to the pathways to flame retardant systems also appears as an
dynamic viscosity of the molten intumescent system within the interesting way of investigation. Recently, Liu and Wang61

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have proposed to use the catalytic action of phosphotungstic The solid foam formed is rigid and consists of hydrated silica.
acid in the synthesis of melamine salts of pentaerythritol The structure remains solid until it reaches its glass-softening
phosphate (MPP) (3) in order to solve the problems of point. Since only water vapor is released, toxic fumes that
conventional preparation methods (the use of the poisonous may be released from organic-based systems are eliminated.
reactant POCl3; the high temperature of the reaction and thus Intumescent alkalis have serious limitations, in particular
the high energy consumption, etc.). It was showed that this they are sensitive to carbon dioxide which is present in the
acid can remarkably enhance the conversion degree of the atmosphere causing the silicate coating to gradually lose its
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

reaction and make the reaction temperature decrease by 20 uC intumescence, to become brittle, and to lose its adhesion.
while keeping a satisfactory conversion, thus greatly control- Coatings based on a system of sodium silicate, potassium
ling the energy-consumption in the preparation process silicate, and lithium silicate that provides exceptional environ-
of MPP. The results also indicated that as compared to mental stability and a high degree of intumescence, have
non-catalyzed MPP, the phosphotungstic acid-catalyzed been recently developed.70 This coating was proposed to be
MPP flame retardant system remarkably improved the used for the fire protection of glass reinforced plastics for
flame retardant properties by effectively consolidating and naval applications.
stabilizing the char layer, while maintaining good mechanical Expandable graphite represents another class of inorganic
properties. intumescent systems. Expandable graphite (EG) is a graphite
intercalation compound (GIC). It appeared in the literature in
1841.71 It is a layered crystal consisting of sheets of carbon
atoms tightly bound to each other. Chemicals (such as sulfuric
acid) may be inserted between the carbon layers. When
exposed to heat, EG expands and generates a voluminous
insulating layer thus providing fire performance of interest to
the polymeric matrix. EG has been used advantageously in
The synthesis of PEPA (1-oxo-4-hydroxymethyl-2,6,7- polyurethane coatings to develop fire protective coatings for
trioxa-l-phosphabicyclo[2.2.2]octane) (4) and bis(PEPA)phos- polymeric substrates.72
phate-melamine salt derivatives prepared by a novel and safe
protocol was also reported.62 These new salts were incorpo- 4. Polymer nanocomposites as fire retardant
rated into polypropylene (PP) and exhibit good fire retardant polymers: myth or reality
performance via an intumescence mechanism.
Gilman et al. reported that the presence of nanodispersed
montmorillonite (MMT) clay in polymeric matrices produces
a substantial improvement in fire performance.7375
Gilman and other groups subscribed to this approach and
developed hybrid polymeric materials including organo-
modified clays,7679 nanoparticles of TiO2,80 nanoparticles of
silica,81 layered double hydroxides (LDH),82,83 carbon nano-
tubes (CNT)84,85 or polyhedral silsesquioxanes (POSS) .8688
All these materials exhibit low flammability in terms of heat
release rate (HRR) associated with other properties such as
The use of polyols such as pentaerythritol, mannitol or enhanced mechanical properties. Typically, the peak of HRR
sorbitol as char formers in intumescent formulations for is decreased by 5070% in a cone calorimeter experiment.
thermoplastics is associated with exudation and water solubi- However, the UL-94 and LOI results of polymer nanocompo-
lity problems. Moreover, these additives are often not sites are poor. As an example, the peak of HRR of polyamide-
compatible with the polymeric matrix, and the mechanical 6 (PA-6)/clay nanocomposites is decreased by 63% compared
properties of the formulations are then very poor. Fire to virgin PA-6 at 35 kW m22 while the UL-94 test is failed (no
retardant intumescent polyolefin-based formulations using rating) and the LOI is only 23 vol%.89 Typical fire behavior of
charring polymers (thermoplastic polyurethane and poly- polymer nanocomposite during UL-94 or LOI testing does not
amide-6) as carbonization agents have been developed. These exhibit dripping and the formation of a char layer can be
formulated blends have improved mechanical properties in observed at the surface of the material. Nevertheless, the
comparison with polymers loaded with classical FR formula- carbonaceous layer is not effective enough to stop the flame
tions, and they avoid the problems of exudation and water and the material continues to burn slowly failing the test.
solubility.6368 According to recent published works, our aim in this section
The organic intumescent systems represent a large part of is to discuss critically if polymer nanocomposites are (or
the studies dealing with intumescence while the processing of might be) real flame retardant polymers. The first point to be
intumescent mineral systems is even older.69 Mineral intumes- considered is the nanodispersion (since the filler must be
cent systems may be based on alkali silicates. The swelling of nanodispersed to talk about nanocomposites) and its influence
the material on heating or on contact with a flame is due to on flame retardancy. The mechanism of action will be then
an endothermic process and is associated with the emission of examined and critical aspects of nanocomposites as flame
water vapor that is ionically hydrated in the silicate system.70 retardant polymers will be finally discussed.

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nanocomposite formation has not occurred. A quick overview

of the literature indicates that this is probably true.9093
Polymer clay nanocomposites can exhibit different morpho-
logies but from the discussion above no assumption may be
made about their role in the fire behavior. In general, polymer
clay composites are of three categories:94 (i) microcomposites:
the clay tactoids exist with no penetration of the polymer into
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

the clay lamellae; (ii) exfoliated composites: the individual clay

layers are dispersed as single platelets into a continuous
polymer matrix; (iii) intercalated composites: in an intercalated
composite the insertion of polymer into the clay structure
occurs so as to swell the spacing between platelets in a
regular fashion, regardless of the clay to polymer ratio.
Characterization and quantification of the nanomorphology
Fig. 6 Comparison of the heat release rate (HRR) plots for pure
EVA, EVA-Na+ (microcomposite) and EVA-C30B (nanocomposite)
is not an easy task with the usual techniques (e.g. WXRD,
at 50 kW m22 heat flux with a mass fraction of 5% layered silicate. TEM) which is why we have developed at NIST a novel
method using solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
of protons. It is able to quantify the degree of nanodispersion
a. Nanodispersion and flame retardancy
of the layered silicate in the bulk polymer.95,96 From our
The obvious aspect of nanodispersion when investigating approach, we proposed 2 parameters relating to the dispersion.
flame retardancy is not always commented on in the literature The first parameter, f, is the fraction of the potentially
and it is often assumed when incorporating the so-called available clay surface which has been transformed into
nanoparticles that a polymer nanocomposite is formed. The polymer/clay interfaces. The second parameter, e, is a relative
first question is then: what is the role of the nanodispersion? measure of the homogeneity of the dispersion of these actual
To answer this question, we take as a representative example polymer/clay interfaces. These parameters can be used to
poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) containing MMT clay quantitatively investigate the effect of the morphology of the
(numerous organomodified (OM) MMTs are widely used to polymer nanocomposite on the fire properties. Zhu and Wilkie
make polymer nanocomposites). MMT clays organomodified synthesized different polystyrenes (PS) according to a protocol
by methyl, tallow, bis-2-hydroxyethyl, quaternary ammonium described in reference 97 used as well calibrated samples
chloride (C30B) and raw MMT (Na+) were melt blended for our purpose. Cloisite Na+ was organomodified by three
with EVA (EVA containing 19% vinyl acetate) according to different ammonium salts, namely, N,N-dimethyl-n-hexadecyl-
a protocol described in ref. 90. EVA-C30B exhibits an (4-hydroxymethylbenzyl)ammonium chloride, OH16, N,N-
exfoliated/intercalated intermediate structure determined both dimethyl-n-hexadecyl(4-vinylbenzyl)ammonium chloride,
by X-ray diffraction and by transmission electronic micro- VB16, and n-hexadecyl triphenylphosphonium chloride,
scopy (TEM) while EVA-Na+ is a microcomposite. Cone P16.76 The preparation of the VB16, OH16 and P16
calorimetry experiments reveal that the peak of heat release nanocomposites with styrene was then accomplished by the
rate (HRR) is decreased by 25% for the microcomposite bulk polymerization technique. The values of the fraction of
(EVA-Na+) and by 50% for the nanocomposite (EVA-C30B) the interface polymer/clay available in PS, f, as well as the
compared to virgin EVA (Fig. 6). This result suggests that a associated degrees of homogeneity of the nanomixing, e, are
real nanodispersion should be achieved to achieve the lowest given in Table 2.
flammability. Similar conclusions were also reported in other PS nanocomposites containing OH16, P16 and VB16 clays
published works.91,92 Zheng and Wilkie93 extended those have been evaluated by cone calorimetry. It is found that clay-
conclusions in a more general way suggesting based on based nanocomposites have a lower heat release rate (HRR)
experience and on literature that no reduction or a slight than does the virgin polymer (Fig. 7). The peak of HRR
reduction in the HRR peak can be taken as an indication that (PHRR) of the virgin PS is 1025 kW m22 and those of PS-P16,

Table 2 Fraction of the interface polymer/clay, f, available in PS and estimation of the degree of homogeneity, e, in PS/MMT nanocomposites
Polymer Residuea (wt%) T1H/s fb e (%) TEM/XRD conclusions

PS 0 26 0
PS/P16 2.3 9.31 0.46 69 Nanodispersed, intercalated
PS/OH16 2.0 10.5 0.34 63 Nanodispersed, intercalated/exfoliated
PS/VB16 2.0 9.00 1.0 39 Exfoliated
Residue at 800 uC measured by TGA in air. b An exfoliated structure allows intimate contact between each MMT platelet and the polymer;
hence, maximal interfacial area will be exposed and f will be close to one. In the opposite case of a microcomposite structure, the dispersion of
MMT platelets is comparatively poor and the polymer/clay interfacial area is small (f will be close to zero). In the intermediate case
(intercalated structure or mixed intercalated/exfoliated), the measured relaxation rate at the shorter times will be controlled by the
nanodispersion of MMT, by the number and the size of tactoids and by the number of delaminated layers in the polymer (0 , f , 1). The
lower f value of PS/OH16 exhibiting a mixed intercalated/exfoliated morphology compared to PS/P16 exhibiting an intercalated structure
suggests the presence of larger tactoids for PS/OH16 than for PS/P16 (see ref. 96 for complete discussion).

2290 | J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 22832300 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
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Fig. 7 Heat release rate (HRR) curves at 50 kW m22 of PS,

PS/OH16, PS/VB16 and PS/P16 versus time.

PS/VB16 and PS/OH16 fall to 590 kW m22, 520 kW m22 and

500 kW m22 respectively. The suggested mechanism by which
clay nanocomposites function involves the formation of a char
that serves as a barrier to both mass and energy transport. It
should also be noticed that PHRR is decreased by about 50% Fig. 8 TEM image of PS/MWNT (without IM) (on a part of the
for the three nanocomposites as expected for nanocomposites image the background was removed to perform image analysis).
exhibiting a reasonable dispersion. From Fig. 7, it can be seen
that there is not a large difference between the three nano- case of PS/MWNT-IM (Fig. 9) (similar compatibilization has
composites. According to NMR data, PS/OH16 and PS/P16 been found with MMT in epoxy resin103).
almost exhibit the same nanostructure (same f and e) but have To evaluate the influence of the nanodispersion, PS
90 kW m22 difference in PHRR. PHRR of PS/VB16 falls at an nanocomposites were evaluated using a radiative gasification
intermediate value between those of PS/OH16 and PS/P16 instrument similar to the cone calorimeter developed at
and its nanostructure is an exfoliated structure not very well NIST.104 The mass loss rate of the three samples recorded
distributed in the polymer (e = 39%). This observation suggests versus time is shown in Fig. 10. Reduction of mass loss rate of
that no definitive conclusion may be made regarding the PS nanocomposites is observed compared to the virgin PS but
morphology of nanomixing and fire performance relation-
ship. We need now to synthesize exfoliated PS nanocomposites
with a very good distribution of MMT platelets as a model to
determine and to quantify precisely the effect of exfoliation on
fire properties. This work is in progress in our laboratory and
will be published in a separate paper.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can also be nanodispersed in
polymeric matrix and are of interest for flame retardancy.
Kashiwagi et al. reported the first study on the flammability of
polymer carbon nanotube nanocomposites.98 They showed
significant flame retardant effectiveness of polypropylene
(PP)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) (1 and 2% by
mass) nanocomposites. According to the authors, CNTs were
reasonably well dispersed but no further compatibilization was
used and we suspect that some aggregates might remain.
Indeed nanotubes preferentially aggregate into bundles, where
adjacent tubes are held together by strong van der Waals
attractions.99 Further compatibilization can be achieved
through functionalization; such as through covalently bonding
organic groups directly to the CNT.100,101 We have prepared
well dispersed MWNT polystyrene (PS) nanocomposites via
melt extrusion using trialkylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate
(IM) compatibilized MWNT.102 TEM images combined with
image analysis reveal that agglomerates (#1 mm) of nanotubes
dominate in the case of the PS/MWNT without IM (Fig. 8) Fig. 9 TEM image of PS/MWNT-IM (on a part of the image the
while well dispersed single nanotubes can be observed in the background was removed to perform image analysis).

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b. Mechanism of action
Polymer nanocomposites exhibit low flammability and this
section will discuss the recent understanding of the mechanism
of action. The mechanism of protection involves in each case
the formation of a char layer covering the entire sample
surface acting as insulating barrier and reducing volatiles
escaping to the flame. The formation of such a layer which
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

does not form cracks when burning is critical to obtain a low

heat release rate from nanocomposites.
Kashiwagi et al.109 first examined the mechanism of flame
retardancy of a PA-6 clay nanocomposite. Visually, they
observed the formation of a thin char layer on the top of the
samples during a cone calorimeter experiment. In the case of
Fig. 10 Mass loss rate of the virgin PS compared to PS nanocompo-
the PA-6 nanocomposite, the char layer is tougher and grows
sites in a gasification experiment at 50 kW m22.
throughout the combustion yielding a rigid multicellular
char-brick. TEM of the combustion char layer of the nano-
the mass loss rate of PS/MWNT-IN is significantly lower composite reveals a multilayered silicate structure. The silicate
than that of PS-MWNT. This indicates as in the case of MMT sheets forms a large array of fairly even layers. It was suggested
that the highest nanodispersion is required to get the best that this structure may act as an insulator and a mass transport
performance. barrier, slowing the escape of volatile products generated as
With the two typical examples presented above, we may PA-6 decomposes. This first important result provides two
suggest that the quality of the particles nanodispersion is one pieces of information: (i) the accumulation of silicate platelets
of the key parameters to get the highest performance in terms at the surface and (ii) the favored carbonization to yield a
of peak of HRR. Other works found in recent published protective layer. The accumulation of aluminosilicate platelets
papers using different particles confirm our conclusions. was evidenced by Wang et al.110 using X-ray photoelectron
Costantino et al.105 synthesized new hydrotalcites organo- spectroscopy (XPS) examining several polystyreneclay nano-
modified with different anions which were melt-blended in composites. The accumulation of oxygen, from the alumino-
polyethylene (PE) to form PE nanocomposites. An exfoliated silicate, on the surface of the polymer was observed, along with
morphology was reported and the peak of HRR was decreased the loss of carbon. This confirms that the formation of the
by 55% as expected when a real nanocomposite is formed. barrier comes from the clay. They noticed that there is no
Laachachi et al.106 used nanoparticles of Fe2O3 and TiO2 at difference depending upon the extent of exfoliation or
different loading to make poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) intercalation of the nanocomposite. This result suggests as
nanocomposites by melt-blending. They compared the nano- we mentioned above that the nanomorphology should not
composites with their microcomposites at the same loading significantly influence the fire behavior.
(15 wt%) but surprisingly, the peaks of HRR for those samples In a recent work, Kashiwagi et al.111 investigated step by
(micro vs. nano) are similar. The peak of HRR is decreased by step the mechanism of the formation of the char layer in PA-6
30% for Fe2O3 and by 40% for TiO2. The explanation was clay nanocomposites (nanocomposites exhibit an exfoliated
given by Wilkie et al.107 arguing the fact that PMMA/clay morphology) collecting residues at various sample mass losses
nanocomposites do not exhibit any changes in the evolved prepared via a gasification process. The analysis of the
products upon incorporation of clay. They suggested that the floccules of blackened residues showed that up to 80% by
number of degradation pathways of the polymer is one of the mass of the residues consists of clay particles and the
factors that can affect the fire retardancy of polymer/clay remainder is thermally stable organic components with
nanocomposites. If the degradation occurs by only a single possible graphitic structure. Furthermore, clay particles
pathway as in the case of PMMA, then more thermally stable were stacked in the carbonaceous floccule residues and the
products are not produced and the fire retardancy is not d-spacing of the clay platelets is in the range of 1.31.4 nm as
significantly improved in the presence of clay. The measured compared to the well exfoliated original sample. It is then
performance can only be explained by the relatively high suggested that the accumulation of the initially well-dispersed
loading diluting the fuel and by the formation of a potential clay particles in the sample on the burning/gasifying sample
oxide barrier at the surface. Du et al.108 used halloysite surface is due to two possible mechanisms. One is recession of
nanotubes (HNTs) with hollow nanotubular structures in the polymer resin from the surface by pyrolysis with the de-
polypropylene (PP). A surface treatment of HNTs can make wetted clay particles left behind. Another mechanism is the
them organophilic and enables the preparation of PP transportation of clay particles pushed by numerous rising
nanocomposites. According to scanning electronic microscopy bubbles of degradation products and the associated convection
(SEM) the authors suggested HNTs were dispersed in the PP flow in the melt from the interior of the sample toward the
matrix evenly at the nanoscale. Cone calorimetry gives support sample surface. Kashiwagi et al. mentioned that numerous
for this assumption since the peak of HRR is decreased by rising bubbles may have another effect on the transport of clay
55% while PP microcomposites prepared with unmodified particles. Bursting of the bubbles at the sample surface pushes
HNTs gives only 25% reduction. the accumulated clay particles outward from the bursting area

2292 | J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 22832300 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
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and forms the island-like floccules instead of forming a compared to virgin polymer.120 The suggested mechanism is
continuous net-like structure of clay filled protective layer. char formation at the surface of the material which can act as
Therefore, both PA6clay nanocomposite samples did not an insulating barrier.121 It is similar to the mechanisms we
produce sufficient amounts of protective floccules to cover the described above. The organic groups on POSS cages undergo
entire sample surface and the protection is not completely homolytic SiC bond cleavage at y300350 uC in air.
efficient. In a more recent work, Lewin112 completed the This process is immediately followed by fusion of POSS
fundamentals of the previous mechanism. He pointed out that cages to form a thermally insulating and oxidatively stable
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

the causes of the migration are: temperature and viscosity silicon oxycarbide black glass surface char (SiOC
gradients of the melt with regard to heat source; propelling the ceramified char).122
organically layered silicate to the surface by gas bubbles As a conclusion of this section, we have seen that polymer
from the decomposing surfactant and polymer; and by the nanocomposites exhibit similar mechanisms of flame
difference in surface free energy between the polymer and the retardancy whatever the nanoparticles involves. The key point
polymerclay aggregate. He emphasizes that the structure of is the formation of a protective charred layer lowering the heat
the nanocomposite changes to a microcomposite when the release rate and hindering the combustion of the polymer.
sample burns. The concentration of the surfactant decreases This then gives rise to the question: can we achieve real low
and the polymer is removed from the clay, pristine clay is flammability with polymer nanocomposites?
formed, and aggregates to microcomposite particles, which do
not migrate to the surface in non-directional heating. Finally, c. Critical discussion
he postulated that the migration depends on (i) the amount
of exfoliated clay particles which are the reservoir for the Polymer nanocomposites exhibit low flammability when
migration, (ii) the nature of the surfactant, and (iii) its rate evaluated by cone calorimetry (sample in horizontal position)
of decomposition. but fail other tests, in particular those with samples in vertical
Similar mechanisms were reported for polymer CNT nano- positions (e.g. LOI, UL-94). In a critical paper on the
composites and polymer POSS nanocomposites. Once again flammability of layered silicate polymer nanocomposites,
Kashiwagi et al.113,114 investigated the mode of action of CNTs Bartholmai and Schartel123 showed no relevant flame behavior
(multi-wall and single-wall CNTs) as flame retardants as they enhancement in LOI and UL-94 tests except for the dripping
did in the case of polymer clay nanocomposites. They found which becomes limited. They proposed a mechanism of
that the shape of carbon particles appear to be important for protection similar to that described above but they suggested
effectively reducing the flammability (comparison carbon the interesting feature that the influence of the barrier vanished
black vs. MWNT) but they reported that the effects of residual for small external heat flux (like in the cases of LOI and
iron particles and of defects in the MWNTs on the HRR of the UL-94). They also noticed that the fire behavior observed for
nanocomposite were not significant. The flame retardant nanocomposites was different in terms of slower burning
performance is achieved through the formation of a relatively velocity and hindered dripping. They postulated that viscosity
uniform network-structured floccule layer covering the entire became the governing parameter. In addition to this, we
sample surface without any cracks or gaps. In the particular should notice that in a typical cone calorimetry evaluation,
case of a PMMA/SWNT nanocomposite, they noticed when nanocomposites tend to burn slowly and nearly completely. In
the concentration of SWNT was low (0.2 wt%) the formation terms of total heat evolved, no relevant difference between
of discrete islands assigned to the localized accumulation of the nanocomposites and reference material is generally detected
nanotubes as a result of fluid convection accompanying bubble proving that the charred layer slows the escaping flammable
formation and rise of the bubbles to the surface through the molecules and spreads out the time of combustion. Using
molten sample layer and bursting of the bubbles at the surface. kinetic analysis, Bourbigot et al.124 suggested that the clay acts
These then formed a network layer acting as a heat shield to as a char promoter slowing the degradation and providing a
slow the thermal degradation of the polymer. In a recent transient protective barrier to the nanocomposite in combina-
comprehensive work,115 they demonstrated that the incorpora- tion with the aluminosilica barrier which arises from the clay.
tion of CNTs as well as carbon nanofibers at a sufficient The combination of these two effects is an important factor
loading (1 wt%) in a polymer matrix permitted upon heating lowering the HRR.
the formation of a jammed network structure such that the Nanocomposites need further improvements to increase the
material as a whole behaves rheologically like a gel. This ignition delay time which is usually less than that of the
permits quickly the formation of a continuous network neat polymer.114,125 The first convincing explanation of this
protective layer much more efficient that the formation of behavior was proposed by Kashiwagi et al.114 in the particular
discrete islands aggregating as a function of time. case of PP/MWNT. The external heat flux is absorbed very
POSS is also a candidate for the design of polymer nano- near the sample surface in the case of PP/MWNT. Therefore, a
composites.116118 It reinforces polymer chains on a molecular narrow layer in the vicinity of the PP/MWNT sample surface is
level analogous to the macroscopic reinforcement that fibers rapidly heated and its temperature becomes high enough to
provide in composite structures. Lichtenhan et al.119 showed initiate thermal degradation of PP and to generate evolved
the efficiency of using POSS in commodity and engineering degradation products to initiate ignition. On the other hand,
polymers. As an example, the peak of heat release rate the PP sample is heated over a greater depth and it thereby
(external heat flux = 35 kW m22) of a polyether block amide takes a longer time to heat the sample to initiate degradation.
polymer (PEBAX) is decreased by 77% when using POSS Very recently Dubois et al.126 reported that incorporating

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crushed MWNT in EVA permits surprisingly both the formulations, including halogenantimony, bromineammo-
reduction of the PHRR of EVA and the increase of the time nium, brominechlorine, brominephosphorus, etc.128131
to ignition. They attributed this effect to a chemical effect It is not the aim of this section to give an exhaustive list
through the chemical reactivity of the radical species existing of the existing synergisms but to discuss the effects of
at the surface of crushed MWNTs during combustion. The synergists with pertinent examples in metal hydroxides and
demonstration is based on the slight increase of thermal in intumescent systems.
stability (15 uC) comparing EVA/MWNT and EVA/crushed Metal hydroxides are widely used to flame retard polymers
Published on 18 April 2007. Downloaded by Universidade do Minho (UMinho) on 15/01/2017 20:55:34.

MWNT during the first step of degradation. It is then assigned and in particular elastomers for cable applications. However,
to the modification of the thermooxidative pathway. This one of the major drawbacks of this class of additives is the
explanation might be correct to explain the TG curve but it is high loading in the polymer to reach similar levels of flame
not sufficient for the fire behavior. The authors did not take retardant behavior as conventional halogen based fire
into account the potential modification of thermophysical retardants. The introduction of more than 60 wt% of additives
properties of the surface of the sample due to the incorpora- in the matrix leads to deleterious effects on melt viscosity and
tion of crushed MWNTs (see discussion above). This last effect mechanical properties of the materials (and in particular their
might be predominant and, in this particular case, beneficial. elasticity).132 That is the reason why researches dealing with
We can suggest that the shorter length of crushed MWNTs the development of synergistic agents for metal hydroxides are
modifies the IR absorption as explained above in such a way the topic of numerous papers. As an example, the use of
that the resulting effect increases the time to ignition. It was polymer nanocomposites and in particular those based on
confirmed by Delichatsios127 in the case of a PA6 clay layered silicates133 and/or carbon nanotubes134 in combination
nanocomposite (such an effect can be also assumed for with metal hydroxides allow the total additives loading to
MWNTs) who suggested that ignition occurs earlier because decrease while maintaining the performance of the system. To
the formation of the melt, which has higher conductivity than maintain heat release rate as low as 200 kW m22, the content
the solid, is delayed in the nanocomposite. Because of the of ATH in ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer can be
lower conductivity of the solid, the time to reach the ignition decreased from 65% by weight to 45% by weight by the
temperature at the surface decreases for the nanocomposites. incorporation of only 5% by weight nanofiller.133 Similarly, the
This provides evidence that the thermophysical properties are combination of metal hydroxides (aluminium or magnesium)
the governing parameters for the time to ignition. with organomodified clay has been studied as a potential fire
From this discussion, we can draw some conclusions about retardant system for polypropylene.135 The combination of
the ability of polymer nanocomposites to be considered as polypropylene with 5% inorganic clay and 20% of metal
flame retarded polymers. When the dispersion of the filler is at hydroxide gives 80% reduction in the peak heat release rate,
the nanoscale, the resulting nanocomposite has a relatively which is similar to what is obtained when 40% of the hydroxide
limited contribution to fire associated with enhanced dripping is used alone (Table 3).
behavior but it is not self-extinguishing, the ignition time is The mechanism of action of synergists in metal hydroxide
shorter and it does not reduce the flammability of the materials based systems is mainly attributed to physical effects in the
(LOI, UL 94). Three parameters are then crucial: (i) the condensed phase. The reinforcement of the ceramic-like
nanodispersion state, (ii) the quality and the rate of formation structure resulting from the degradation of the polymer/metal
of the protective barrier, and (iii) the viscosity of the melt. hydroxide blends should lead to inhibition of the heat and
mass transfer between the surface and the melting polymer and
5. Synergy thus to higher fire retardant performance. This phenomenon
was proposed to occur using zinc borate in metal hydroxide
How is synergy defined? The word is derived from the Greek based systems. Zinc borates are multifunctional fire retardants
word synergos, meaning to work together or, literally, to co- containing different proportions of zinc and boric oxides.136
operate. Synergy is often associated with the cliche: the whole They are recognized for their ability to suppress smoke and
is greater than the sum of its parts (which dates back to after-glow that may occur during the burning of polymers.137
Aristotle, in The Metaphysics). In the field of fire retardancy, It was reported that the addition of Firebrake1 415
synergists are often required in order either to sharply improve (4ZnO?B2O3?H2O) and Firebrake1 ZB (2ZnO?3B2O3?
the performance of materials or to decrease the loading of 3.5H2O) in a magnesium hydroxide (MDH)/ethylene vinyl
FR additives while maintaining the performance. Numerous acetate (EVA) copolymer blend leads to a sharp improvement
additives can provide synergistic effects in flame retardant of the fire retardant performance of the material.138 LOI

Table 3 Cone calorimeter data for PP/metal hydroxides composites and their nanocomposites (experiment carried out with incident heat flux of
50 kW m22)
PP content ATH content MDH content Oligomerically modified Reduction in
(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) clay (wt%) PHHR/kW m22 PHRR (%)

100 1967 50
80 20 817 40 59
60 40 467 5 76
77 20 3 677 38 66
70 20 10 592 18 70

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Fig. 11 EVA/MDH (a) and EVA/MD/ZB (b) residues after heat

treatment at 700 uC in a furnace.

increases from 38 vol% for EVA/MDH 40/60 to 43 vol% when

Fig. 12 Mechanical resistance at 400 uC of intumescent EVA/APP/
Firebrake1 415 substitutes 3% of the metal hydroxide while PA6 based formulation and its blends with MMT and LDH (this
maintaining a UL94-V0 rating. The mechanism of action was measurement was carried out in a planplan rheometer. A sample
attributed to the formation, in the presence of ZB, of a vitreous (diameter = 25 mm, thickness = 1 mm) was located in the oven of the
protective residual layer, which reduces the combustion rate rheometer and heated at 400 uC for 4 min before measurement in order
and act as a physical barrier and as a glassy cage for polymer to enable the development of the intumescence without any perturba-
fragments. It was also shown using rheological analysis139 tion. Then the upper plate was placed in contact with the material and
that EVA/metal hydroxide/ZB systems show a significant linearly (0.02 mm s21) lowered. The compression force was followed
modification of the structure resulting from the presence of versus the distance between the two plates (the gap)).
zinc borate. This latter reinforces the metal oxide structure
changing it from a thin fragile structure to an expanded intumescent shield. Higher mechanical stability of the
foamed one with increased hardness (Fig. 11). intumescent shield avoids the formation of cracks and so the
Similarly to what was proposed for ZB, a suitable amount of heat and mass transfer are limited, leading to interruption of
fumed silica can increase the fire performance of EVA/MDH the combustion triangle. This is shown using a novel approach
decreasing the total amount of additive in the blends.140 The measuring the destruction force of the intumescent shield at
synergistic flame retardant mechanism of SiO2 was attributed high temperature by rheometry (Fig. 12).
to its physical effect in the condensed phase. The accumulation The chemical effect can be related to the formation of a
of fumed silica near the ignited sample surface was observed. chemical structure exhibiting higher mechanical properties
This fumed silica incorporates MDH and it leads to the when the intumescent system degrades. The formation of rigid
formation of a charred layer inhibiting heat and mass transfer crystalline domains in the presence of synergists, for instance,
between surface and melting polymer. modifies the mechanical properties of the intumescent shield.
In intumescent systems, synergistic agents are often used to In that case, two phenomena are concomitant. The rigid
pass specific test required by the legislation. For instance for crystalline domains are initiators for the formation of cracks in
electrical applications, V0 rating is required at the UL94 test. the protective coating which has a negative effect but rigid
The requirement for V0 rating is now needed for 0.8 mm thick domains can also increase the mechanical properties of the
samples whereas 1.6 mm or even 3.2 mm were acceptable few protective shield. As a consequence, the amount of synergist in
years ago. As a consequence the development of even more a formulation has to be adapted in order to increase the
effective flame retardant systems is required. Synergistic agents mechanical properties of the intumescent but in such a way
in intumescent systems affect the materials in various ways that the formation of cracks is avoided. This aspect was parti-
(chemical and/or physical effects). The mechanical properties cularly investigated in the first studies dealing with the develop-
of the intumescent shields developed in the case of fire are ment of synergistic effects in intumescent systems142145 which
particularly important since internal pressure (due to degrada- demonstrated that the incorporation of a small amount of
tion products) or external environment can easily destroy it zeolite in the intumescent ammonium polyphosphate (APP)
leading to a loss of insulating properties of the protective layer. pentaerythritol (PER) system leads to a synergistic effect. The
Synergistic agents can act in increasing the mechanical presence of the zeolite leads to an increase in the stability of the
properties of the intumescent shield either by a physical effect material at high temperature (T . 550 uC). The increase in
(reinforcement) or by a chemical effect. thermal stability in the presence of zeolite was attributed to the
A physical reinforcement of the intumescent shield can be formation of localized turbostatic carbon in the structure.
achieved using particles presenting high aspect ratio. As an The zeolite permits retention of the comparatively unorganized
example, the addition of a layered inorganic filler (MMT or carbon species in the high-temperature range while rigid
LDH) in an EVA/APP/PA6 intumescent system leads to domains are proposed as initiators for the formation of cracks
classification in the UL94 test (respectively V0 and V2) in the coating. The relationship between the formation of a
whereas the formulation without layered filler is unclassified coherent macromolecular network and the improved fire-
regarding this test.141 The mode of action of the layered retardant performance of the APP-PER/zeolite system was
inorganic fillers was attributed to the high aspect ratio of the proposed. The synergistic agent may also have a chemical
fillers which is responsible for the increase in the rigidity of the effect promoting the charring properties and the thermal

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stability of an intumescent system leading to an increase of its electrons, atomic or molecular ions, energetically excited
efficiency. Divalent and multivalent metallic compounds were atoms or molecules. Cold plasma reactive species can then
reported as catalysts for the flame retardancy performance promote surface functionalization reactions or generate
of intumescent systems working on this mechanism.146 The organic or inorganic thin layers as a result of recombination
catalytic effect of the divalent ions on the APP-PER system in of radicals or molecular fragments species on the surfaces. This
PP146 was correlated with their ability to favor crosslinking is this second approach that has been used to develop fire
and dehydration reactions, whereas multiple valency metal retardant protective coatings for polymeric materials. In this
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ions favor oxidation reaction. field, one may distinguish the plasma enhanced chemical vapor
Synergistic agents exhibit not one mode of action but rather deposition (PECVD) and plasma induced graft-polymerization
a number of concomitant mechanisms of action in intumescent (PIGP) techniques. Within the first technologies, a monomer is
systems. This is particularly the case for nanoparticles.147150 injected in the plasma. The monomers, non-functionalized
In intumescent EVA, the synergistic effect of montmorillonite monomers which are not utilized in conventional polymer
(MMT) was partially explained by the increase in the mechani- synthesis, become excited and partially decomposed in the
cal properties of the intumescent shield due to chemical plasma157 with the subsequent formation of a highly cross-
interactions between the particles and the intumescent system linked polymer thin film at the surface of the substrate. The
leading to the presumed formation of aluminosilicophosphate properties of the plasma polymers formed are naturally
complexes and/or to the reinforcement due to the presence of a affected by the molecular structure of the starting monomer
lamellar structure.147 Moreover, it was also observed that as well as by the operating parameters such as power input,
the viscosity of the burning polymer is sharply modified in monomer flow rate and pressure in the reaction chamber.
presence of nanoparticles. This phenomenon leads to an Silicon-containing organic compounds (organosilicones) are
increase in the fire performance of the intumescent system.148 widely used as monomers in low-pressure plasma deposition
Indeed, the viscosity of the material in the high temperature due to their availability, liquid state, volatility at room
range (that is to say in the range of temperature corresponding temperature, safe handling and low cost.158 The structure of
to the development of the intumescence) is an important the formed deposits is very dependent on the more or less
parameter in particular regarding dripping. Moreover, since energetic character of the plasma and can be, in fact, turned
the intumescent process is a dynamic process due to low from SiO2-like inorganic coatings to silicon-like polymers,
diffusion of gaseous products in a viscous carbonaceous depending on whether the plasma conditions are hard or soft.
matrix, this parameter is even more important compared with As an example, thin films obtained from tetramethyldisiloxane
other fire retardant additive classes. Additionally, concomitant (TDMS) monomer pre-mixed with oxygen are presented in
schematic mechanisms of action of MMT in intumescent Fig. 13. The deposits are dense and the films are composed of
PP were also proposed.150 The silicate layers can limit the
cauliflower shaped [articles, the sizes of which increase as the
oxygen diffusion to the substrate or give a less disturbing low
oxygen flow rate increases. Oxygen addition could inhibit the
volatilization rate, which produces a positive effect on the fire
TMDS fragmentation leading to the formation of a film
properties. At the same time, an ablative reassembling of the
exhibiting larger grain size.159 Flame retardant properties of
silicate layers can hinder NH3 and other degradation products
polyamides and polyamide nanocomposites can be improved
from swelling, and this leads to a negative effect on the fire
using this deposit.160164 LOI of the coated PA-6 nanocompo-
sites is strongly improved as soon as a film thickness equal to
0.6 mm is deposited. It grows from 22 vol% for uncoated PA6
6. Surface treatment: a novel route for preparing nanocomposite to 45 vol% for coated materials. The mode of
fire retardant polymers and multifunctionality action of this barrier was attributed to the fact that when
opportunities burning, the nanocomposite structure of the polymer leads to
the formation of a surface protective layer the action of which
The use of surface treatment is one of the easiest and one of the
is reinforced by the coating. The carbonaceous and silica-like
most efficient ways to protect materials against fire.8,151
layer acts as a barrier limiting mass and heat transfers between
Indeed, it presents several advantages: it does not modify the
the flame and the polymer and slows the toxic gas emission
intrinsic properties of the materials such as for example the
produced by polymer combustion.
mechanical properties, it is easily processed and it can be used
on several materials such as metallic materials,152 polymers,153
textiles154 and wood.155 Moreover, while inflammation occurs
usually on the surface of a material it is important to con-
centrate the protective action at this location. Intumescent
coatings designed for the fire protection of metallic structures
have been reported in section 3 of this paper. This part of the
paper will present novel approaches to develop fire retardant
polymers using low pressure or cold plasma technologies.
Cold plasma technologies are surface modification pro-
cesses. Hence the inherent advantages of the substrates can
be kept and materials exhibiting various properties can be Fig. 13 Scan electron micrographs of deposits at 3 sccm (a) and
made.156 The plasma contains several reactive species such as 195 sccm (b) oxygen flow rate (from ref. 161).

2296 | J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 22832300 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
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is almost always involved. The development rate and the

quality of this layer are therefore of the primary importance
and research work should focus on this. A typical example is
the intumescence exhibiting the formation of an expanded char
acting as a thermal shield.
Research work in intumescence is very active. New
molecules and new concepts have appeared recently including
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Fig. 14 Experimental procedure for the plasma-induced graft-poly- microencapsulation and new solutions of mineral intumes-
merization of monomers (from ref. 167). cence. In this case, the basic mechanism is always the same
but those approaches permit the development of new applica-
The plasma induced graft-polymerization technique consists tions (e.g. higher efficiency in the protection of steel).
of the simultaneous grafting and polymerization of function- Nanocomposites represent a relatively new technology in the
alized monomers, such as acrylate monomers, on the surface of field of flame retardancy. Polymer nanocomposites are FR
a material. This technology requires the experimental proce- polymers in specific scenarios (high heat flux) but fail
dure reported in Fig. 14. The monomer (mixed with or without flammability tests (LOI, UL-94). The mechanism of protection
photoinitiators and solvent) is placed on the substrate by is the formation of a mineral layer associated with char
dipping, padding, back-coating or other techniques. The promotion but the protective layer is not efficient enough to
coated substrates are then introduced in the plasma reactor. provide the highest standard of protection. This technology
The reactor is then evacuated, the gas flow rate is adjusted and gives the best results combined with conventional flame
the discharge is initiated. The coated materials are then washed retardants and leads to synergistic effects. As an example,
to remove non-grafted monomers or polymers and dried. intumescent nanocomposites exhibit superior flammability
This approach has been used advantageously to flame retard properties as well as other enhanced properties such as
polyamide using fluorinated acrylate165,166 and textiles using mechanical properties. Very promising developments in the
phosphorus-based acrylates.167169 Grafting and polymerizing synergy aspects are then expected and efforts should be
of 1,1,2,2-tetrahydroperfluorodecyl acrylate onto the PA6 made in this direction. The last approach suggested in this
surface leads to efficient fire retardant properties. A decrease paper is to use plasma treatment to deposit thin protective
in the peak heat release rate (cone calorimeter 35 kW m22) of films on polymers. FR performance is significantly enhanced
50% was observed in comparison with uncoated PA6. This and synergistic effects are observed on polymer nanocompo-
effect was attributed to a reaction of radicals in the gas phase sites. It is very promising because only one treatment of a
with different fragments of polymer evolved during the coating of about 10 mm thick on a polymer results in low
thermal degradation leading to a dilution of the combustible flammability and the development of multifunctional materials
gases.165 The flame retardancy of the fabrics (cotton, cotton/ might be expected.
polyester and polyacrylonitrile) treated with acrylate phos-
phate, phosphonate and phosphoramidate monomer is also References
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