NICABM InfoG Memory Systems Print+friendly

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How Trauma Impacts Four Dierent Types of Memory



What It Is What It Is What It Is What It Is

The memory of general knowledge and facts. The autobiographical memory of an event or The memory of the emotions you felt during The memory of how to perform a common
experience including the who, what, and an experience. task without actively thinking about it.

Example Example Example Example

You remember what a bicycle is. You remember who was there and what street When a wave of shame or anxiety grabs you You can ride a bicycle automatically, without
you were on when you fell o your bicycle in the next time you see your bicycle after the having to stop and recall how its done.
front of a crowd. big fall.

How Trauma Can Aect It How Trauma Can Aect It How Trauma Can Aect It How Trauma Can Aect It
Trauma can prevent information (like words, Trauma can shutdown episodic memory and After trauma, a person may get triggered and Trauma can change patterns of procedural
images, sounds, etc.) from dierent parts of fragment the sequence of events. experience painful emotions, often without memory. For example, a person might tense
the brain from combining to make a semantic context. up and unconsciously alter their posture,
memory. which could lead to pain or even numbness.

Related Brain Area Related Brain Area Related Brain Area Related Brain Area
The temporal lobe and inferior parietal cortex The hippocampus is responsible for creating The amygdala plays a key role in supporting The striatum is associated with producing
collect information from dierent brain areas and recalling episodic memory. memory for emotionally charged experiences. procedural memory and creating new habits.
to create semantic memory.

Temporal lobe Inferior parietal lobe Hippocampus Amygdala Striatum
2017 The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

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