Frank Turner Extract
Frank Turner Extract
Frank Turner Extract
was just really… I don’t know, year, and do another promo- You once said in a song that
we just came on and killed it, song “The Ballad of Me and My tional tour. After that, I feel like “the only thing I’m offering is
straight away. I really felt like Friends” (from Turner’s first it might be time to do some- me” – how true do you think
we owned that show, and it album, Sleep is for the Week), thing radical like take six that is today?
was a really good feeling, and and he was basically having a months off and just kind of… I hope it’s still one hundred per-
the crowd seemed to agree. go about that song, saying that assess. Although, I say that, cent true. There’s no fiction in
Everyone was coming up to us it was overly pessimistic and the other thing I’m thinking of my songs, not because I dis-
telling us it was amazing, and I saying that he isn’t giving up. I doing is setting aside a year, agree with fiction, I think it’s
just had to say “Yeah, it was, won’t tell you how old he is, but probably 2013 off the top of my possible to be very artistically
wasn’t it”. he’s in his early thirties and head, to be the year of the side honest with fiction, but because
he’s a club promoter and a folk project. I’ve had so many awe- I’m really rubbish at it. I feel like
Tonight Frank Turner broke fectionately known by fans) ran played an interesting and well as is to be expected, though
hearts. From the opening notes his own merchandise stand considered set, with a fairly the sound quality at the start
of “Live Fast, Die Old” from the and would give personalised even ratio of new to old songs, left much to be desired. This
new album to the triumphant shout-outs to fans based on designed to please old fans was irritating, as this seemed
close of “Photosynthesis”, conversations they had. The and acquaint the radio one like an ominous sign of things
Turner played tonight’s Man- other side to this was the ex- crowd with his back catalogue. to come – impressive lights
chester show as though it were citement and pride felt at see- and smoke, huge crowd, but
his last on Earth. ing someone who deserves it His new album has some terrible sound? Shiver. How-
finally make it. Many of the die- belting songs on it, and after ever, the sound issues were
Taking to the stage, Frank hard Turner fans have accused hearing them played live, I’ll quickly rectified, and the gig
Turner opened the show as his him of “selling out” and being definitely be giving some of the went on to be one of the best I
die-hard fans have never seen disloyal to those who have slower tracks, like “Journey of have ever seen Turner play, as
before, replete with lights, full watched and listened eagerly the Magi” another go. My per- though the huge crowd’s en-
band, smoke and an astound- since the now sepia-toned sonal highlight was his rendi- ergy fed his own.
ing 800 strong crowd. Having days of Million Dead. To all tion of The Postal Service’s
seen Turner perform to an au- these sceptics, all I have to say “The District Sleeps Alone In short, if you haven’t yet seen
dience of 50 people tonight is; the boy has done us proud. Tonight”, but he also played this amazing performer, get
was something of an educa- “Smiling at Strangers on yourself a ticket for the large-
tion. Turner has performed Turner has, in the 8 years since Trains” – a bittersweet re- venue tour next year. At £15, it
every show I’ve seen with Million Dead released their first minder of his Million Dead isn’t much for the chance to
gusto and enthusiasm, despite EP, never once become jaded days. Also on the set list were say you saw the Dylan of our
having been touring almost or lost his incredible passion for “The Ballad of Me and My times.
continuously now for six years. what he does. He has consis- Friends”, “Father’s Day” and a
That’s a long time to chase the tently brought to the stage and reworked version of “Long Live In Summary:
kind of popularity he is now en- to our headphones a sense of the Queen”. The new version Amazing. Grab a ticket for the
joying. righteousness and fervour, of the latter was, if possible, next tour before they sell out.
coupled with an awesome even better than the original, But if they do sell out, with
The heady atmosphere in Man- stage presence. It’s not often yet loses none of its emotional Frank Turner, there will always
chester’s Academy Two was a that someone can do all that punch. be another tour.
bizarre combination of longing and still stay a nice guy.
nostalgia for “the good old
days” where Frank (as he is af- But back to the gig. Turner Turner played everything well,
the DIY punk scene loves them but to tiny amounts of people.
and they’re ok with that, they After this, we’ll definitely be out
don’t want to lift up, it’s good – we have to strike when the
enough for them. It would have iron’s hot, really, and just get
been good enough for us, until out there. We’re doing a lot of
things changed festivals through summer, and
that’s the aim really. We’ve got
When and how did you about seven at the moment,
form? and we’re trying for Reading
About five years ago. We were and Leeds, and apparently
a three-piece formed out of two we’re in the running for it We’re
different bands, a post hard- still out there, but some of us
core band and No Comply, who are still working, so we can’t
were a ska-punk band. We lost tour all the time. I’m doing a
the ska bit… When those solo tour in May, because the
bands fell apart we got rest of the band can’t do it. The
together, because we were all next band tour will probably be
good friends, and then about a October, with the Skints
year later we got another guy
in. We had no idea what style Do you prefer support slots
of music we wanted to do. We in large venues, like tonight,
drew from every source then, or headlining smaller ven-
and people say we’re quite a ues?
hotch-potch of sounds anyway, They both have their virtues.
but it was far more so then. It’s much easier, in our comfort
Then we lost our fourth tant, but do you ever worry show with Mike Davie’s punk zone, to play small venues, on
that by confronting issues rock show, which was a cover the floor with the crowd, right in
member, and along came Tim, like this in your music, you of an anti-fascist song, which people’s faces. I love that kind
and it’s never been better. might stop yourself from be- was written in the sixties. I of action. I do like the vastness
We’re the band it always coming as famous as some- wrote one of the verses myself, of these shows, though, and
should have been. Five years one who just wrote songs where I updated the song to in- everyone has been really nice
in the making. about lighter issues? clude a verse about the BNP. to us. This tour is dreamlike, it
We never worry about it, no. That was one of our main doesn’t feel real to us, and it’s
When you are writing songs, Our label said that to us before, songs for the show, but for odd. I’m sure I’ll look back and
do the lyrics or the tune “Do you really want us to put some mysterious reason it ask “What did we just do?! That
come first? that on the band biography?” didn’t appear on this late-night was insane!” We still feel a bit
I write most of the songs, both We were like, yes, we do. so called punk rock show… I out of our depth.
musically and lyrically. I write all There are far more important don’t mean any disrespect,
the lyrics, and most of the things wrong with the world to because I think the show is Do you all have similar
music, and it all comes worry about. I’m not going to awesome, but I just wonder music taste, or is there a lot
together through jams in the compromise talking about who decided the song couldn’t of variety?
practice room. If it’s great, then things just because it might be aired. We definitely said, Absolutely. We have the same
it goes into a song somewhere. stop us getting played on this is one of our main three taste in music, we’re like clones
Songs kind of get thrown daytime radio. Most people songs, but it wasn’t even in- of each other! We always have
around in the practice room; agree, they’re not extreme pol- cluded as an internet down- the same albums on rotation in
certain parts get dropped, or itics, they’re seen as common load. It was just kind of the van. Baroness, for in-
cut off or questioned. That’s not sense ideas. Vegetarianism for conveniently lost. We were told stance, is everyone’s favourite
to say that people couldn’t instance. Twenty five years ago that it would be played on the band, and if it’s not that it’s
bring things to the table… we were called “Cranks”, and show later in the year, but Sheerwater’s new album,
now it’s completely accepted nothing. I think they were which is amazing or First Aid
Tim: I’ve still got things to learn, as the most most viable and scared of the libel attached to it Kit’s new album, which is
before I can even start thinking wholesome lifestyle. Veganism and backed off. Which is a amazing as well. Obviously we
about making something… is maybe not so much ac- shame, because the song don’t have exactly the same
ceoted, but another twenty shows a different side to us, it’s taste in music, but of all the
You say on your facebook years and it will be. These an acoustic song. So yeah. it things that are put on, no one
that you feel that it’s impor- aren’t extreme views, they’re annoys me, but I won’t stop doesn’t want to hear it. We all
tant to talk about your vege- just common sense. doing it for popularity reasons. hang out together at home. I
tarianism, your atheist know it’s a realy cliché, but we
beliefs and your support of It’s less popular to talk about Will you be doing a headline are a real family band, we’re
human and animal rights. this stuff though. tour soon? like a family.
This is all obviously impor- It’s true. For instance, we did a We headline tour all the time,
journalist with a
reputation to die for.
aul du Noyer is quiet, meet. To be honest, the ones
reserved and polite. It that are pleasant encounters I
is hard to put together tend to forget, because you just
the calm man before you walk out with a sense of relief,
with the illustrious career he thinking, thank god nothing
has behind him – one cannot went wrong! The most memo-
help but expect the stereo- rable ones for me are when I
typical editor – but then meet the people who were
again, Du Noyer is stars before I became a jour-
anything but average. He has nalist, so when I get to meet
written for or created almost Paul McCartney or David
every major UK music Bowie, that’s quite a thrill, be-
magazine, interviewed the cause it reawakens the child-
biggest names in the indus- fan in me, you know, and I
try and written several ac- would say it was more exciting
claimed books. SELLOUT for me to interview Dusty
hunts down the man behind Springfield than it was to meet
the deeds. Madonna, she was the first pop
star I knew of as a child, be-
You have been in the maga- cause Madonna wasn’t a pop
zine industry for over 30 star when I was a kid, she was-
years now, what would you n’t even invented, so to speak.
say is your proudest moment
in journalism? You have been involved in
In journalism, it was probably the creation of a vast number
launching Mojo, which when it of
started, was quite a difficult magazines in your time in the
magazine to persuade the industry, which one would
publishers to do – they couldn’t you be most likely to read
quite see the point of it. But I’m now?
pleased to say that although I The one that I currently write for
don’t have any involvement in it now is The Word magazine,
anymore it’s survived, in a and because it’s tailored to my
pretty hard market It still sur- interests, my age, it’s the one I
vives – I think it’s still the kind would be most likely to read,
of magazine that I thought it were I not also writing for them.
was going to be when it started. I’ve been fortunate in that usu-
ally I was able to work for a
Who was your favourite in- magazine that I would have
terview with? been a reader of anyway. I
Well, some interviews are nice worked for NME at a time when
just because it’s a pleasant en- I was an NME reader, Q I
counter, and some are a great started for people of my age ferent directions. A couple of What song would you
thrill because it’s somebody and outlook, and the same with things at random are Kings of choose to sum up Liverpool?
that you’ve always wanted to Mojo. The one that I didn’t have Leon; seventy different I’d pick “The Killing Moon” by
any personal involvement with versions of a jazz song called I Echo and The Bunnymen.
“It was more was HEAT I suppose, and once Cover the Waterfront. I liked the
I walked out the door after the song, and I was just wondering What song do you think best
exciting for me to launch, I never picked up a how many people had covered represents London?
interview Dusty copy again! it. That’s the great thing about For London I would nominate
Spotify; I just keyed in the title “Up the Junction” by Squeeze.
Springfield than What’s on your spotify and up popped seventy differ-
it was to meet playlist? ent covers, from Frank Sinatra
to Billie Holliday.
Who was your most difficult
It’s never just one thing in par-
Madonna.” ticular. It’s generally things that Either Lou Reed or Van Morri-
are drawn from a hundred dif- son. I’d say they were joint top.
I don’t see any reason why not.
I don’t see why the foundation
of musical talent should either
grow or decline, and I don’t see
why the supply of genius
should be any less than it used
to be. However, whom those
people will be, when we look
“I don’t see
why the
supply of
should be
Du Noyers leading interview with
any less than
Souxise and the Banshees on the it used to.”
cover of NME.