Quirino Grandstand Reso
Quirino Grandstand Reso
Quirino Grandstand Reso
Quezon City, Metro Manila
First Regular Session
WHEREAS, the hostage taker, Rolando Mendoza, a police officer who was
facing dismissal from service because of robbery, extortion, and grave
threats, took over a bus with 25 people, mostly Hong Kong citizens, in
Quirino Grandstand, Manila, and demanded for his reinstatement;
WHEREAS, it was reported that the hostage-taker had access to live TV and
radio reports of the incident;
WHEREAS, as the situation unfolded, it became evident that the police force
was unprepared, ill-equipped, and severely disorganized to resolve the
incident peacefully;
WHEREAS, the negotiation even includes public officials outside the police
force, including Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez and Vice-Mayor Isko
Moreno, raising concerns about the lack of control and command during the
negotiations and the absence of capable hostage negotiator;
no clear assault plan and decisive implementation thereof
WHEREAS, officials of the police force were routinely speaking to media and
were even discussing their plans to the public, giving the hostage-taker
strategic advantage over the disorganized assault team;
WHEREAS, no news black out was imposed on media coverage, and blow by
blow accounts of the actions being undertaken by the assaulting team were
broadcasted live by various TV stations and radio outfits;
WHEREAS, it was likewise clear that the police assaulted the bus
unprepared and ignorant of the engineering, make-up and safety features of
the vehicle, therefore bungling the operation several times and giving the
hostage-taker time and advantage to prepare for the attack and revealing
that there was no clear assault plan and decisive implementation thereof;
WHEREAS, as a result of the incident, Hong Kong issued a Black Travel Alert
for the Philippines, warning its citizens against going to the country because
of ‘severe threats’;
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