How You Can Help ICC Adoption of ASCE 7-16 PDF

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Editorial How You Can Help ICC Adoption

new trends, new techniques and current industry issues

of ASCE 7-16
By Ronald O. Hamburger, S.E., SECB

lease assist us in supporting the I-Code adoption of ASCE coefficients at eaves, edges, and ridge lines, as well as increase the
7-16 and opposing the attempt to block the update to width of these zones for low-slope roofs. However, in most regions,
the 2016 edition of ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads & this is balanced by a reduction in mapped wind speeds, resulting in
Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures for the no net design increase for roofs and substantial reductions in main
International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code wind force resisting systems. Net pressure increases are primarily
(IRC), and International Existing Building Code (IEBC). limited to coastal hurricane zones within 600 feet of the shoreline
(Exposure D). Both research and empirical evidence indicate that
increase is warranted.

Background Beyond the wind coefficient issues, NAHB also opposed the update

At the April International Code Council (ICC) Structural Committee to ASCE 7-16 over concern that seismic design requirements in some
Hearings in Louisville, KY, a coalition lead by the American Roofing portions of the country increase with the new standard. ASCE 7-16

Manufacturers Association (ARMA) and the National Association of may increase seismic design requirements for some sites and some
Home Builders (NAHB), opposed the adoption to the 2016 edition yrig buildings because of the adoption of new maps, and because of a

of ASCE 7. The coalition put forward a successful assembly motion change in site class coefficients. A review of 34 cities in areas of high

that will result in an automatic public comment at the ICC Final seismicity indicates that, in most cases, the changes are typically less
Action Hearings in October. This public comment will move to modify than +/-20%. In fact, in two-thirds of these cities the changes are less
proposal ADM-94 that, among other actions, administratively adopts than +/-10%, and on average the new standard will result in a slight
ASCE 7-16 in place of ASCE 7-10. The public comment will move
i n
decrease in ground motion relative to the ASCE 7-10 maps.

R z
to retain ASCE 7-10 instead of ASCE 7-16, and, if successful, will As with the wind maps, significant reductions occur in Southern

T a
create a significant problem for structural engineers and building California. An increase does occur in the region surrounding Las

officials as well as the ICC. Vegas, Nevada, and the basis for the increase was developed and

a supported by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology. The new

Why Help is Needed
The updated 2016 Edition of ASCE 7-16 includes new seismic,
site class coefficients have a small effect on short period buildings of
most interest to home builders but can result in significant increase
in base shear coefficients for tall buildings with long periods located
snow and wind hazard maps, and site coefficients which have been on Class D or E sites. ASCE 7-16 requires site-specific spectra for
coordinated with the 2018 IBC. If the 2016 Edition is not approved, such buildings, which has been common practice for many years.
the 2018 IBC will have an uncoordinated and confusing mixture While concern over increased construction costs is understandable, it
of requirements: some based on ASCE 7-10 and some on ASCE is also important to recognize the significant improvements in ASCE
7-16. This will create significant enforcement problems for building 7-16 including the following:
officials and general confusion for anyone attempting to follow and New wind speed maps that result in reduced wind speeds for
use the code. much of the country and clarify the special wind study zones;
New regional snow data generated by state Structural
Engineers Associations in Colorado, Oregon, New
How to Help Hampshire, Washington and other mountainous states, that
The next step in the code adoption process will occur at the is now directly referenced and eliminates many, older site-
Public Comment Hearings, in Kansas City in October, when ICC specific Case Study zones;
Governmental Members will vote yea or nay on this and other public Entirely new chapter with tsunami design provisions.
comments. We urge ICC Governmental Members to vote against
the public comment to the ADM-94 challenging adoption of ASCE
7-16. We also urge engineers who know building officials and other
Take Action Now
ICC Governmental Members to contact them and urge them to vote Contact building officials and other ICC Governmental
against this public comment opposing the adoption of the ASCE 7-16, Members and urge them to vote against this public com-
and support adoption of the 2016 Edition of ASCE 7. ment opposing the adoption of the ASCE 7-16 and
support adoption of the 2016 Edition of ASCE 7.
Technical Issues
Ronald O. Hamburger is a Senior Principal at Simpson
ARMA launched this challenge over concerns that ASCE 7-16 wind
Gumpertz & Heger in San Francisco. He presently chairs the
pressure coefficients for low-slope roofs substantially increase wind
ASCE 7 Committee. If you have comments, contact SEI at
pressure design requirements for buildings 60 feet or less in height.
[email protected].
Indeed, ASCE 7-16 does modify and increase the wind pressure

STRUCTURE magazine 7 September 2016

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