Flavo Lechon Survey Form
Flavo Lechon Survey Form
Flavo Lechon Survey Form
4) Do eat and purchase lechon 4) Do eat and purchase lechon 4) Do eat and purchase lechon
manok? manok? manok?
5) How often do you purchase 5) How often do you purchase 5) How often do you purchase
lechon manok? lechon manok? lechon manok?
More than once a week More than once a week More than once a week
Once a week Once a week Once a week
Three times a month Three times a month Three times a month
Two times month Two times month Two times month
Once a month Once a month Once a month
Only on special occasions Only on special occasions Only on special occasions
(Christmas, birthdays, etc.) (Christmas, birthdays, etc.) (Christmas, birthdays, etc.)
Others (please specify) Others (please specify) Others (please specify)
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
6) At what time do you often 6) At what time do you often 6) At what time do you often
purchase lechon manok? purchase lechon manok? purchase lechon manok?
7) Would like to try lechon manok 7) Would like to try lechon manok 7) Would like to try lechon manok
if there is a business that offers if there is a business that offers if there is a business that offers
several flavors such as garlic, several flavors such as garlic, several flavors such as garlic,
spicy, honey glazed, curry, etc. spicy, honey glazed, curry, etc. spicy, honey glazed, curry, etc.