Pneumonia Case Study
Pneumonia Case Study
Pneumonia Case Study
College of Nursing
Legarda Campus
S.Y. 2011-2012
Submitted to:
Mr. Jon Jon Martinez R.N.,M.A.N
Clinical Instructor
Submitted by:
Lopez, Irish Michelle B
BSN 3-1 / Group 3
There are many kinds of pneumonia that range in seriousness from mild to life-
threatening. In infectious pneumonia, bacteria, viruses, fungi or other organisms attack
your lungs, leading to inflammation that makes it hard to breathe. Pneumonia can affect
one or both lungs. In the young and healthy, early treatment with antibiotics can cure
bacterial pneumonia. The drugs used to fight pneumonia are determined by the germ
causing the pneumonia and the judgment of the doctor. Its best to do everything we
can to prevent pneumonia, but if one do get sick, recognizing and treating the disease
early offers the best chance for a full recovery.
A case with a diagnosis of Pneumonia may catch ones attention, though the
disease is just like an ordinary cough and fever, it can lead to death especially when no
intervention or care is done. Since the case is 51 years of age an appropriate care has
to be done to make the patients recovery faster. Treating patients with pneumonia is
necessary to prevent its spread to others and make them as another victim of this
I am are presenting a case of Pneumonia to review the anatomy and physiology,
the pathophysiology, and to know the medical treatment and nursing management of
the disease.
She stated in her nursing notes that nursing "is an act of utilizing the
environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery" that it involves the
nurse's initiative to configure environmental settings appropriate for the gradual
restoration of the patient's health, and that external factors associated with the
patient's surroundings affect life or biologic and physiologic processes, and his
The omission of any of these factors can retard, if not impede, the recovery
process.Any deficiency in one or more of these factors could lead to impaired
functioning of life processes or diminished health status.
In addition to her theory she also emphasized the need for a calm, noise-
free and warm environment for patients. She put forth that nurses should not only
record the times of meals but also assess the effects of the diet on the patient.
A. General Data
Name : Mr. X
Address : 719 tramo st. Interior Mamuto 1 LPC
Age : 51 y/o
Sex : Male
Date of Birth: March 3, 1961
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Civil Status: Married
Educational Attainment : High School Graduate
Attending Physician: Dr. Diosdado Agao
Source of emergency Wife
Contact Person
Admission data:
Chief Complaint: 1 day PTA pt. Complaint of right sided chest pain and
I day prior to admission the patient had a right sided chest pain and
difficulty of breathing he brought him to the hospital with his wife and was
admitted immediately.
C. Past Health History:
No hospitalization / medical history
No opearations / surginal history
No accidents or injuries
No allergies
D. Social History:
The patient does smoke, he smoked 1 pack per day. He lives with his
wife and his only child daughter. He has no job he stayed at home all the time
and watch television.
Age Hygiene
Environmental factor
Activation of defense
Clinical Manifestations:
Difficulty of breating
Chest pain
Productive cough
1. Nutrition Has a very good asks his wife to The average adult
appetite; eats 2-3 buy him some drinks about 1500
cups of rice per food from outside ml per day with
meal the hospital
moderate activity
Eats 3x/day and drinks
sometimes even approximately and temperature,
eats biscuits for 500cc of but needs 2500 ml.
snacks water/day per day, an
Very fond of additional 1000 ml.
eating (Fundamentals of
vegetables And Nursing, Kozier, pp.
as an alternative,
1067-1068) An
they are fond of
eating canned insufficient fluid
goods specially intake reduces the
sardines if they amount of fluid in
dont have the chime, which
money enters the large
drinks intestine which in
approximately 6
turn results in drier,
cups of water, 2-
3 cups of sodas harder feces. (
Fundamentals of
Nursing, Kozier, pg.
6. Sleep and Rest usually sleeps at the patient cant The sleep wake
around 8 or 9 sleep easily due cycle is very
pm and wakes to difficulty of important to adults.
up at 7 to 7:30 breathing The usually have an
am wakes up for active lifestyle, and
describes sleep vital signs are thought to
as complete and describes sleep require 7 to 8 hours
stated feeling as incomplete of sleep each night
relaxed after and feels tired by may do well on
waking up even after less.
sleeps soundly waking up This is a normal
and describes Sleeps lightly sleep pattern in the
sleep as deep and is easily hospital ward,
wakes up in the awaken by however, this
middle of the disturbances in resulted due to
night to urinate the environment acute pain due to
but can easily go UTI.
back to sleep
does not nap
during the
afternoons or
any time of the
day besides
night time
7. Sexual Activity inactive sex life inactive sex life At any time in life,
primary form of primary form of physical,
affection is kiss affection is kiss psychological and
on the forehead on the forehead
social problems
may a profound
effect on a persons
expression of
sexuality. This
should be taken into
account when it
involves a persons
health or the
delivery of care.
People who do not
have active sex life
still express
sexuality in their
clothes, grooming,
activities and roles.
Vital Signs:
Tempereature: 36.7c
Pulse Rate 89 bpm
Respiratory Rate: 25 cpm
Blood Pressure: 120/80 mmHg
>> Color, >> Lighter than the >> Lighter than the Normal
appearance color of the face; color of the face;
negative to masses, >>presence of Deviation from
lumps, lice and dandruff normal due to
dandruff, nits and hospitalization
other depressions
>> Color >> Black >> white and gray Normal for his age
>>Evenness of >>Evenly distribution Deviation from
growth over the of hair >>Hair is not evenly normal due to aging
scalp distributed
Normal due to
>>Thickness or >>Thick hair aging
thinness >>Thin hair
>>Symmetric facial
*Eye structures
and visual acuity
>> Blinking >>Approximately 15
to 20 involuntary
blinks per minute; >> both eyes blink
bilateral blinking at the same time Normal
>>Bulbar >>When lids open, no
conjunctiva visible sclera above
corneas, and upper
and lower borders of >> Transparent
cornea are slightly
covered Deviation from
>>Palpebral normal due to poor
conjunctiva >> Bilateral blinking, peripheral
involuntary, at circulation and lack
approximately 15 >> Pale conjunctiva of sleep
>>Lacrimal gland Normal
>>Transparent; >> No edema or Normal
>>Lacrimal sac capillaries sometimes tenderness
and nasolacrimal evident
duct >> No edema Normal
>>Shiny, smooth, and
>>Cornea pink or red
>> Iris are visible,
transparent shiny Normal
>>No edema or
>>Pupil: color, tenderness over
shape, symmetry lacrimal gland >> Black in color,
of size, direct and equal in size
consensual >>No edema or >> The pupil
reaction to light tearing constricted when
and illuminated
>>Transparent, shiny, >> Pupil constricted
and smooth; details of when looking at
the iris are visible near objects and
pupils dilate when
>>Black in color; looking at far object
equal in size;
normally 3-7 mm in
diameter; round,
smooth border, iris
flat and round
>>Illuminated pupil
constricts (direct
pupil constricts
(consensual response
>>Pupil constrict
when looking at near Deviation from
vision; pupils dilate normal due to
when looking at far deterioration of the
>>Extraocular object; pupils >> unable to read optic nerves as a
Muscles converge when near newsprint result of aging
(Oculomotor, object is moved
Abducens, toward the nose
Trochlear Nerves)
>>Eyes are
coordinated, move in
unison, with parallel
>>Visual acuity >>>Able to read
>>>Near vision newsprint
>>Smooth tongue
base with prominent
>>Smooth with no
palpable nodules
>>Swallowing ability,
tongue movement,
taste (posterior
(Barbara Kozier, et
al., Fundamentals of
Nursing Seventh
Edition, page 614)
>> Able to identify
(Weber Handbook of
Health Assessment,
p. 101)
>>Muscles for >>Equal on both >>equal on both Normal
size sides of the body sides
No fasciculation or Normal
>>Muscles for tremors >> no tremors
fasciculation or
Deviation due to
>>Muscle tonicity >>Normally firm >> not firm aging
Color Dark yellow
Transparency Turbid
Reaction 6.0
Specific gravity 1.030
Protein 3+
Sugar Negative
Pus cells 50-100/HPF
Rbc 2-5/HPF
Bacteria Many
Fine granular cast 0-2/LPF
Clinical Chemistry
Examination Result Reference Analysis
FBS 5.49 3.3-6.1 mmol/L Normal
Uric acid 596 149-458 mmol/L Increased uric acid levels
may indicate gout or
impaired kidney function.
Uric nitrogen 22.06 2.5-7.5 mmol/L Elevated BUN levels occurs
in renal disease, reduced
renal blood flow (due to
dehydration), urinary tract
Createnine 204.4 M 71 115 Elevated levels generally
mmol/L indicate renal disease that
F 53 106 has seriously damaged
mmol/L 50% or more of the
Elevated levels may also
indicate gigantism and
Tell wife to avoid exposing the patient to an environment with too much
pollution (e.g. smoke).
Smoking damages ones lungs natural defenses against respiratory infections.
Try to stay away from anyone with a compromised immune system. When that
isnt possible, a person can help protect others by wearing a face mask and
always coughing into a tissue.