Oracle Database 12C SQL WORKSHOP 2 - Student Guide Volume 1 PDF
Oracle Database 12C SQL WORKSHOP 2 - Student Guide Volume 1 PDF
Oracle Database 12C SQL WORKSHOP 2 - Student Guide Volume 1 PDF
Edition 1.0
August 2013
Workshop II
Author Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Sujatha Nagendra
1 Introduction
Lesson Objectives 1-2
Lesson Agenda 1-3
Course Objectives 1-4
Course Prerequisites 1-5
4 Creating Views
Objectives 4-2
Lesson Agenda 4-3
Database Objects 4-4
What Is a View? 4-5
9 Manipulating Data
Objectives 9-2
Lesson Agenda 9-3
Explicit Default Feature: Overview 9-4
Using Explicit Default Values 9-5
Copying Rows from Another Table 9-6
Lesson Agenda 9-7
Multitable INSERT Statements: Overview 9-8
Types of Multitable INSERT Statements 9-10
Multitable INSERT Statements 9-11
A Table Descriptions
C Using SQL*Plus
F Hierarchical Retrieval
Objectives F-2
Sample Data from the EMPLOYEES Table F-3
Natural Tree Structure F-4
Hierarchical Queries F-5
Walking the Tree F-6
Lesson Objectives
Lesson Agenda
Course Objectives
Course Prerequisites
The Oracle Database: SQL Workshop I course offers you an introduction to Oracle Database
technology. In this course, you learn the basic concepts of relational databases and the
powerful SQL programming language. This course provides the essential SQL skills that
enable you to write queries against single and multiple tables, manipulate data in tables,
create database objects, and query metadata.
Course Agenda
Day 1:
Introduction to Data Dictionary Views
Creating Sequence, Synonyms, and Indexes
Creating Views
Lesson Agenda
Development Environments
SQL Developer
This course has been developed using Oracle SQL Developer as the tool for running the SQL
statements discussed in the examples in the slide and the practices.
The SQL*Plus environment may also be used to run all SQL commands covered in this
See Appendix B titled Using SQL Developer for information about using SQL
See Appendix C titled Using SQL*Plus for information about using SQL*Plus.
Lesson Agenda
The next few slides provide a brief overview of some of the basic concepts that you learned in
the course titled Oracle Database: SQL Workshop I.
You can restrict the rows that are returned from the query by using the WHERE clause. A
WHERE clause contains a condition that must be met, and it directly follows the FROM clause.
The WHERE clause can compare values in columns, literal values, arithmetic expression, or
functions. It consists of three elements:
Column name
Comparison condition
Column name, constant, or list of values
You use comparison conditions in the WHERE clause in the following format:
... WHERE expr operator value
Apart from those mentioned in the slide, you use other comparison conditions such as =, <, >,
<>, <=, and >=.
Three logical operators are available in SQL:
Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
The order of rows that are returned in a query result is undefined. The ORDER BY clause can
be used to sort the rows. If you use the ORDER BY clause, it must be the last clause of the
SQL statement. You can specify an expression, an alias, or a column position as the sort
FROM table
[WHERE condition(s)]
[ORDER BY {column, expr, numeric_position} [ASC|DESC]];
In the syntax:
ORDER BY Specifies the order in which the retrieved rows are displayed
ASC Orders the rows in ascending order (This is the default order.)
DESC Orders the rows in descending order
If the ORDER BY clause is not used, the sort order is undefined, and the Oracle Server may not
fetch rows in the same order for the same query twice. Use the ORDER BY clause to display
the rows in a specific order.
Conversion Date
STDDEV functions
Each of the functions accepts an argument. The following table identifies the options that you
can use in the syntax:
Function Description
AVG([DISTINCT|ALL]n) Average value of n, ignoring null values
COUNT({*|[DISTINCT|ALL]expr}) Number of rows, where expr evaluates to
something other than null (count all selected rows
using *, including duplicates and rows with nulls)
MAX([DISTINCT|ALL]expr) Maximum value of expr, ignoring null values
MIN([DISTINCT|ALL]expr) Minimum value of expr, ignoring null values
STDDEV([DISTINCT|ALL]n) Standard deviation of n, ignoring null values
SUM([DISTINCT|ALL]n) Sum values of n, ignoring null values
VARIANCE([DISTINCT|ALL]n) Variance of n, ignoring null values
You can build powerful statements out of simple ones by using subqueries. Subqueries are
useful when a query is based on a search criterion with unknown intermediate values.
You can place the subquery in a number of SQL clauses, including the following:
WHERE clause
HAVING clause
FROM clause
The subquery (inner query) executes once before the main query (outer query). The result of
the subquery is used by the main query.
A single-row subquery uses a single-row operator such as =, >, <, >=, <=, or <>. With a
multiple-row subquery, you use a multiple-row operator such as IN, ANY, or ALL.
Example: Display details of employees whose salary is equal to the minimum salary.
SELECT last_name, salary, job_id
FROM employees
WHERE salary = (SELECT MIN(salary)
FROM employees );
When you want to add, update, or delete data in the database, you execute a DML statement.
A collection of DML statements that form a logical unit of work is called a transaction. You can
add new rows to a table by using the INSERT statement. With the following syntax, only one
row is inserted at a time.
INSERT INTO table [(column [, column])]
VALUES (value[, value...]);
You can use the INSERT statement to add rows to a table where the values are derived from
existing tables. In place of the VALUES clause, you use a subquery. The number of columns
and their data types in the column list of the INSERT clause must match the number of values
and their data types in the subquery.
The UPDATE statement modifies specific rows if you specify the WHERE clause.
UPDATE table
SET column = value [, column = value, ...]
[WHERE condition];
Lesson Agenda
Additional Resources
For additional information about the new Oracle 12c SQL, refer
to the following:
Oracle Database 12c: New Features Self Studies
Oracle by Example series (OBE): Oracle Database 12c
Oracle Learning Library:
Practice 1: Overview
In this lesson, you are introduced to the data dictionary views. You learn that the dictionary
views can be used to retrieve metadata and create reports about your schema objects.
Lesson Agenda
Data Dictionary
Oracle Server
User tables are tables created by the user and contain business data, such as EMPLOYEES.
There is another collection of tables and views in the Oracle database known as the data
dictionary. This collection is created and maintained by the Oracle Server and contains
information about the database. The data dictionary is structured in tables and views, just like
other database data. Not only is the data dictionary central to every Oracle database, but it is
also an important tool for all users, from end users to application designers and database
You use SQL statements to access the data dictionary. Because the data dictionary is read-
only, you can issue only queries against its tables and views.
You can query the dictionary views that are based on the dictionary tables to find information
such as:
Definitions of all schema objects in the database (tables, views, indexes, synonyms,
sequences, procedures, functions, packages, triggers, and so on)
Default values for columns
Integrity constraint information
Names of Oracle users
Privileges and roles that each user has been granted
Other general database information
Oracle Server
Underlying base tables store information about the associated database. Only the Oracle
Server should write to and read from these tables. You rarely access them directly.
There are several views that summarize and display the information stored in the base tables
of the data dictionary. These views decode the base table data into useful information (such
as user or table names) using joins and WHERE clauses to simplify the information. Most users
are given access to the views rather than the base tables.
The Oracle user SYS owns all base tables and user-accessible views of the data dictionary.
No Oracle user should ever alter (UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT) any rows or schema objects
contained in the SYS schema, because such activity can compromise data integrity.
The data dictionary consists of sets of views. In many cases, a set consists of three views
containing similar information and distinguished from each other by their prefixes. For
example, there is a view named USER_OBJECTS, another named ALL_OBJECTS, and a third
These three views contain similar information about objects in the database, except that the
scope is different. USER_OBJECTS contains information about objects that you own or you
created. ALL_OBJECTS contains information about all objects to which you have access.
DBA_OBJECTS contains information about all objects that are owned by all users. For views
that are prefixed with ALL or DBA, there is usually an additional column in the view named
OWNER to identify who owns the object.
There is also a set of views that is prefixed with v$. These views are dynamic in nature and
hold information about performance. Dynamic performance tables are not true tables, and
they should not be accessed by most users. However, database administrators can query and
create views on the tables and grant access to those views to other users. This course does
not go into details about these views.
To familiarize yourself with the dictionary views, you can use the dictionary view named
DICTIONARY. It contains the name and short description of each dictionary view to which you
have access.
You can write queries to search for information about a particular view name, or you can
search the COMMENTS column for a word or phrase. In the example shown, the DICTIONARY
view is described. It has two columns. The SELECT statement retrieves information about the
dictionary view named USER_OBJECTS. The USER_OBJECTS view contains information about
all the objects that you own.
You can write queries to search the COMMENTS column for a word or phrase. For example, the
following query returns the names of all views that you are permitted to access in which the
COMMENTS column contains the word columns:
SELECT table_name
FROM dictionary
WHERE LOWER(comments) LIKE '%columns%';
Note: The names in the data dictionary are in uppercase.
Query USER_OBJECTS to see all the objects that you own.
Using USER_OBJECTS, you can obtain a listing of all object
names and types in your schema, plus the following
You can query the USER_OBJECTS view to see the names and types of all the objects in your
schema. There are several columns in this view:
OBJECT_NAME: Name of the object
OBJECT_ID: Dictionary object number of the object
OBJECT_TYPE: Type of object (such as TABLE, VIEW, INDEX, SEQUENCE)
CREATED: Time stamp for the creation of the object
LAST_DDL_TIME: Time stamp for the last modification of the object resulting from a
data definition language (DDL) command
STATUS: Status of the object (VALID, INVALID, or N/A)
GENERATED: Was the name of this object system-generated? (Y|N)
Note: This is not a complete listing of the columns. For a complete listing, see
USER_OBJECTS in the Oracle Database Reference.
You can also query the ALL_OBJECTS view to see a listing of all objects to which you have
The example shows the names, types, dates of creation, and status of all objects that are
owned by this user.
The OBJECT_TYPE column holds the values of either TABLE, VIEW, SEQUENCE, INDEX,
The STATUS column holds a value of VALID, INVALID, or N/A. Although tables are always
valid, the views, procedures, functions, packages, and triggers may be invalid.
The CAT View
For a simplified query and output, you can query the CAT view. This view contains only two
columns: TABLE_NAME and TABLE_TYPE. It provides the names of all your INDEX, TABLE,
Note: CAT is a synonym for USER_CATALOGa view that lists tables, views, synonyms and
sequences owned by the user.
Lesson Agenda
Table Information
DESCRIBE user_tables
You can use the USER_TABLES view to obtain the names of all your tables. The
USER_TABLES view contains information about your tables. In addition to providing the table
name, it contains detailed information about the storage.
The TABS view is a synonym of the USER_TABLES view. You can query it to see a listing of
tables that you own:
SELECT table_name
FROM tabs;
Note: For a complete listing of the columns in the USER_TABLES view, see USER_TABLES
in the Oracle Database Reference.
You can also query the ALL_TABLES view to see a listing of all tables to which you have
Column Information
DESCRIBE user_tab_columns
You can query the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view to find detailed information about the columns
in your tables. Although the USER_TABLES view provides information about your table names
and storage, detailed column information is found in the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view.
This view contains information such as:
Column names
Column data types
Length of data types
Precision and scale for NUMBER columns
Whether nulls are allowed (Is there a NOT NULL constraint on the column?)
Default value
Note: For a complete listing and description of the columns in the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view,
see USER_TAB_COLUMNS in the Oracle Database Reference.
Column Information
By querying the USER_TAB_COLUMNS table, you can find details about your columns such as
the names, data types, data type lengths, null constraints, and default value for a column.
The example shown displays the columns, data types, data lengths, and null constraints for
the EMPLOYEES table. Note that this information is similar to the output from the DESCRIBE
To view information about columns set as unused, you use the USER_UNUSED_COL_TABS
dictionary view.
Note: Names of the objects in Data Dictionary are in uppercase.
Constraint Information
You can find out the names of your constraints, the type of constraint, the table name to which
the constraint applies, the condition for check constraints, foreign key constraint information,
deletion rule for foreign key constraints, the status, and many other types of information about
your constraints.
Note: For a complete listing and description of the columns in the USER_CONSTRAINTS view,
see USER_CONSTRAINTS in the Oracle Database Reference.
In the example shown, the USER_CONSTRAINTS view is queried to find the names, types,
check conditions, name of the unique constraint that the foreign key references, deletion rule
for a foreign key, and status for constraints on the EMPLOYEES table.
C (check constraint on a table, or NOT NULL)
P (primary key)
U (unique key)
R (referential integrity)
V (with check option, on a view)
O (with read-only, on a view)
The DELETE_RULE can be:
CASCADE: If the parent record is deleted, the child records are deleted, too.
SET NULL: If the parent record is deleted, change the respective child record to null.
NO ACTION: A parent record can be deleted only if no child records exist.
The STATUS can be:
ENABLED: Constraint is active.
DISABLED: Constraint is made not active.
DESCRIBE user_cons_columns
Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
To find the names of the columns to which a constraint applies, query the
USER_CONS_COLUMNS dictionary view. This view tells you the name of the owner of a
constraint, the name of the constraint, the table that the constraint is on, the names of the
columns with the constraint, and the original position of column or attribute in the definition of
the object.
Note: A constraint may apply to more than one column.
You can also write a join between USER_CONSTRAINTS and USER_CONS_COLUMNS to create
customized output from both tables.
Lesson Agenda
You can add a comment of up to 4,000 bytes about a column, table, view, or snapshot by
using the COMMENT statement. The comment is stored in the data dictionary and can be
viewed in one of the following data dictionary views in the COMMENTS column:
In the syntax:
table Is the name of the table
column Is the name of the column in a table
text Is the text of the comment
You can drop a comment from the database by setting it to empty string (''):
COMMENT ON TABLE employees IS '';
Answer: e
In this lesson, you learned about some of the dictionary views that are available to you. You
can use these dictionary views to find information about your tables, constraints, views,
sequences, and synonyms.
Practice 2: Overview
In this practice, you query the dictionary views to find information about objects in your
In this lesson, you are introduced to the sequence, synonyms, and index objects. You learn
the basics of creating and using sequences, synonyms and indexes.
Lesson Agenda
Overview of sequences:
Creating, using, and modifying a sequence
Cache sequence values
NEXTVAL and CURRVAL pseudocolumns
SQL column defaulting using a sequence
Database Objects
Object Description
A sequence:
Can automatically generate unique numbers
Is a shareable object
Can be used to create a primary key value
Replaces application code
2 4 6 8 10
1 3 5 7 9
Creating a Sequence
The example in the slide creates a sequence named DEPT_DEPTID_SEQ to be used for the
DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table. The sequence starts at 280, does not
allow caching, and does not cycle.
Do not use the CYCLE option if the sequence is used to generate primary key values, unless
you have a reliable mechanism that purges old rows faster than the sequence cycles.
For more information, see the CREATE SEQUENCE section in the Oracle Database SQL
Language Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
Note: The sequence is not tied to a table. Generally, you should name the sequence after its
intended use. However, the sequence can be used anywhere, regardless of its name.
After you create your sequence, it generates sequential numbers for use in your tables.
Reference the sequence values by using the NEXTVAL and CURRVAL pseudocolumns.
The NEXTVAL pseudocolumn is used to extract successive sequence numbers from a
specified sequence. You must qualify NEXTVAL with the sequence name. When you
reference sequence.NEXTVAL, a new sequence number is generated and the current
sequence number is placed in CURRVAL.
The CURRVAL pseudocolumn is used to refer to a sequence number that the current user has
just generated. However, NEXTVAL must be used to generate a sequence number in the
current users session before CURRVAL can be referenced. You must qualify CURRVAL with
the sequence name. When you reference sequence.CURRVAL, the last value returned to
that users process is displayed.
Using a Sequence
The example in the slide inserts a new department in the DEPARTMENTS table. It uses the
DEPT_DEPTID_SEQ sequence to generate a new department number as follows.
You can view the current value of the sequence using the sequence_name.CURRVAL, as
shown in the second example in the slide. The output of the query is shown below:
Suppose that you now want to hire employees to staff the new department. The INSERT
statement to be executed for all new employees can include the following code:
INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, department_id, ...)
VALUES (employees_seq.NEXTVAL, dept_deptid_seq .CURRVAL, ...);
Note: The preceding example assumes that a sequence called EMPLOYEE_SEQ has already
been created to generate new employee numbers.
SQL syntax for column defaults has been enhanced so that it allows
<sequence>.nextval, <sequence>.currval as a SQL column defaulting expression
for numeric columns, where <sequence> is an Oracle database sequence.
The DEFAULT expression can include the sequence pseudocolumns CURRVAL and NEXTVAL,
as long as the sequence exists and you have the privileges necessary to access it. The user
inserting into a table must have access privileges to the sequence. If the sequence is
dropped, subsequent insert DMLs where expr is used for defaulting will result in a compilation
In the slide example, sequence s1 is created, which starts from 1.
You can cache sequences in memory to provide faster access to those sequence values. The
cache is populated the first time you refer to the sequence. Each request for the next
sequence value is retrieved from the cached sequence. After the last sequence value is used,
the next request for the sequence pulls another cache of sequences into memory.
Gaps in the Sequence
Although sequence generators issue sequential numbers without gaps, this action occurs
independently of a commit or rollback. Therefore, if you roll back a statement containing a
sequence, the number is lost.
Another event that can cause gaps in the sequence is a system crash. If the sequence
caches values in memory, those values are lost if the system crashes.
Because sequences are not tied directly to tables, the same sequence can be used for
multiple tables. However, if you do so, each table can contain gaps in the sequential numbers.
Modifying a Sequence
If you reach the MAXVALUE limit for your sequence, no additional values from the sequence
are allocated and you will receive an error indicating that the sequence exceeds the
MAXVALUE. To continue to use the sequence, you can modify it by using the ALTER
SEQUENCE statement.
In the syntax, sequence is the name of the sequence generator.
For more information, see the section on ALTER SEQUENCE in Oracle Database SQL
Language Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
You must be the owner or have the ALTER privilege for the
Only future sequence numbers are affected.
The sequence must be dropped and re-created to restart
the sequence at a different number.
You must be the owner or have the ALTER privilege for the sequence to modify it. You
must be the owner or have the DROP ANY SEQUENCE privilege to remove it.
Only future sequence numbers are affected by the ALTER SEQUENCE statement.
The START WITH option cannot be changed using ALTER SEQUENCE. The sequence
must be dropped and re-created to restart the sequence at a different number.
Some validation is performed. For example, a new MAXVALUE that is less than the
current sequence number cannot be imposed.
ALTER SEQUENCE dept_deptid_seq
The error:
SQL Error: ORA-04009: MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value
04009. 00000 - "MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value"
*Cause: the current value exceeds the given MAXVALUE
*Action: make sure that the new MAXVALUE is larger than the current value
Sequence Information
The USER_SEQUENCES view describes all sequences that you own. When you create the
sequence, you specify criteria that are stored in the USER_SEQUENCES view. The columns in
this view are:
SEQUENCE_NAME: Name of the sequence
MIN_VALUE: Minimum value of the sequence
MAX_VALUE: Maximum value of the sequence
INCREMENT_BY: Value by which the sequence is incremented
CYCLE_FLAG: Whether sequence wraps around on reaching the limit
ORDER_FLAG: Whether sequence numbers are generated in order
CACHE_SIZE: Number of sequence numbers to cache
LAST_NUMBER: Last sequence number written to disk. If a sequence uses caching, the
number written to disk is the last number placed in the sequence cache. This number is
likely to be greater than the last sequence number that was used. The LAST_NUMBER
column displays the next available sequence number if NOCACHE is specified.
After creating your sequence, it is documented in the data dictionary. Because a sequence is
a database object, you can identify it in the USER_OBJECTS data dictionary table.
You can also confirm the settings of the sequence by selecting from the USER_SEQUENCES
data dictionary view.
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 3 - 17
Lesson Agenda
Overview of sequences:
Creating, using, and modifying a sequence
Cache sequence values
NEXTVAL and CURRVAL pseudocolumns
SQL column defaulting using a sequence
A synonym
Is a database object
Can be created to give an alternative name to a table or to
an other database object
Requires no storage other than its definition in the data
Synonyms are database object that enable you to call a table by another name.
You can create synonyms to give an alternative name to a table or to an other database
object. For example, you can create a synonym for a table or view, sequence, PL/SQL
program unit, user-defined object type, or another synonym.
Because a synonym is simply an alias, it requires no storage other than its definition in the
data dictionary.
Synonyms can simplify SQL statements for database users. Synonyms are also useful for
hiding the identity and location of an underlying schema object.
To refer to a table that is owned by another user, you need to prefix the table name with the
name of the user who created it, followed by a period. Creating a synonym eliminates the
need to qualify the object name with the schema and provides you with an alternative name
for a table, view, sequence, procedure, or other objects. This method can be especially useful
with lengthy object names, such as views.
In the syntax:
PUBLIC Creates a synonym that is accessible to all users
synonym Is the name of the synonym to be created
object Identifies the object for which the synonym is created
The object cannot be contained in a package.
A private synonym name must be distinct from all other objects that are owned by the
same user.
To create a PUBLIC synonym, you must have the CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM system
For more information, see the section on CREATE SYNONYM in Oracle Database SQL
Language Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
Drop a synonym:
Creating a Synonym
The slide example creates a synonym for the DEPT_SUM_VU view for quicker reference.
The database administrator can create a public synonym that is accessible to all users. The
following example creates a public synonym named DEPT for Alices DEPARTMENTS table:
Removing a Synonym
To remove a synonym, use the DROP SYNONYM statement. Only the database administrator
can drop a public synonym.
For more information, see the section on DROP SYNONYM in Oracle Database SQL
Language Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
Synonym Information
DESCRIBE user_synonyms
The USER_SYNONYMS dictionary view describes private synonyms (synonyms that you own).
You can query this view to find your synonyms. You can query ALL_SYNONYMS to find out the
name of all the synonyms that are available to you and the objects on which these synonyms
The columns in this view are:
SYNONYM_NAME: Name of the synonym
TABLE_OWNER: Owner of the object that is referenced by the synonym
TABLE_NAME: Name of the table or view that is referenced by the synonym
DB_LINK: Name of the database link reference (if any)
Lesson Agenda
Overview of sequences:
Creating, using, and modifying a sequence
Cache sequence values
NEXTVAL and CURRVAL pseudocolumns
SQL column defaulting using a sequence
An index:
Is a schema object
Can be used by the Oracle Server to speed up the retrieval
of rows by using a pointer
Can reduce disk input/output (I/O) by using a rapid path
An Oracle Server index is a schema object that can speed up the retrieval of rows by using a
pointer and improves the performance of some queries. Indexes can be created explicitly or
automatically. If you do not have an index on the column, a full table scan occurs.
An index provides direct and fast access to rows in a table. Its purpose is to reduce the disk
I/O by using an indexed path to locate data quickly. An index is used and maintained
automatically by the Oracle Server. After an index is created, no direct activity is required by
the user.
Indexes are logically and physically independent of the data in the objects with which they are
associated. This means that they can be created or dropped at any time, and have no effect
on the base tables or other indexes.
Note: When you drop a table, the corresponding indexes are also dropped.
For more information, see the section on Schema Objects: Indexes in Oracle Database
Concepts for Oracle Database 12c.
Creating an Index
Create an index on one or more columns by issuing the CREATE INDEX statement.
In the syntax:
index Is the name of the index
table Is the name of the table
Column Is the name of the column in the table to be indexed
Specify UNIQUE to indicate that the value of the column (or columns) upon which the index is
based must be unique. Specify BITMAP to indicate that the index is to be created with a
bitmap for each distinct key, rather than indexing each row separately. Bitmap indexes store
the rowids associated with a key value as a bitmap.
For more information, see the section on CREATE INDEX in Oracle Database SQL
Language Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
In the example in the slide, the CREATE INDEX clause is used with the CREATE TABLE
statement to create a PRIMARY KEY index explicitly. You can name your indexes at the time
of PRIMARY KEY creation to be different from the name of the PRIMARY KEY constraint.
You can query the USER_INDEXES data dictionary view for information about your indexes.
The following example illustrates the database behavior if the index is not explicitly named:
(employee_id NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY ,
first_name VARCHAR2(20),
last_name VARCHAR2(25));
Observe that the Oracle Server gives a generic name to the index that is created for the
You can also use an existing index for your PRIMARY KEY columnfor example, when you
are expecting a large data load and want to speed up the operation. You may want to disable
the constraints while performing the load and then enable them, in which case having a
unique index on the PRIMARY KEY will still cause the data to be verified during the load.
Therefore, you can first create a nonunique index on the column designated as PRIMARY
KEY, and then create the PRIMARY KEY column and specify that it should use the existing
index. The following examples illustrate this process:
Step 1: Create the table:
Function-Based Indexes
You can create multiple indexes on the same set of columns if the indexes are of different
types, use different partitioning, or have different uniqueness properties. For example, you
can create a B-tree index and a bitmap index on the same set of columns.
Similarly, you can create both a unique and non-unique index on the same set of columns
When you have multiple indexes on the same set of columns, only one of these indexes can
be visible at a time.
Note: Invisible Index An invisible index is maintained by DML operations. To create an
invisible index, you can use the CREATE INDEX statement with the INVISIBLE keyword.
The code example shows the creation of a B-tree index, emp_id_name_ix1, on the
employee_id and first_name column of the employees table in the HR schema. After the
creation of the index, it is altered to make it invisible. Then a bitmap index is created on the
employee_id and first_name column of the employees table in the HR schema. The
bitmap index, emp_id_name_ix2, is visible by default.
The table is small or most queries are expected to retrieve more than 2%
to 4% of the rows in the table
The table is updated frequently
Index Information
DESCRIBE user_indexes
You query the USER_INDEXES view to find out the names of your indexes, the table name on
which the index is created, and whether the index is unique.
Note: For a complete listing and description of the columns in the USER_INDEXES view, see
USER_INDEXES in the Oracle Database Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
In slide example a, the USER_INDEXES view is queried to find the name of the index, name of
the table on which the index is created, and whether the index is unique.
In slide example b, observe that the Oracle Server gives a generic name to the index that is
created for the PRIMARY KEY column. The EMP_LIB table is created by using the following
title VARCHAR2(25),
category VARCHAR2(20));
DESCRIBE user_ind_columns
The USER_IND_COLUMNS dictionary view provides information such as the name of the
index, name of the indexed table, name of a column within the index, and the columns
position within the index.
For the slide example, the emp_test table and LNAME_IDX index are created by using the
following code:
CREATE TABLE emp_test AS SELECT * FROM employees;
CREATE INDEX lname_idx ON emp_test(last_name);
Removing an Index
You cannot modify indexes. To change an index, you must drop it and then re-create it.
Remove an index definition from the data dictionary by issuing the DROP INDEX statement. To
drop an index, you must be the owner of the index or have the DROP ANY INDEX privilege.
In the syntax, index is the name of the index.
You can drop an index using the ONLINE keyword.
ONLINE: Specify ONLINE to indicate that DML operations on the table are allowed while
dropping the index.
Note: If you drop a table, indexes and constraints are automatically dropped but views
Answer: b
Note: Indexes are designed to speed up query performance. However, not all indexes are
created manually. The Oracle server automatically creates an index when you define a
column in a table to have a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE constraint.
In this lesson, you should have learned about database objects such as sequences, indexes,
and synonyms.
Practice 3: Overview
This lessons practice provides you with a variety of exercises in creating and using a
sequence, an index, and a synonym. You also learn how to query the data dictionary views
for sequence, synonyms and index information.
Creating Views
In this lesson, you are introduced to views, and you learn the basics of creating and using
Lesson Agenda
Overview of views
Creating, modifying, and retrieving data from a view
Querying the dictionary views for view information
Data manipulation language (DML) operations on a view
Dropping a view
Database Objects
Object Description
What Is a View?
You can present logical subsets or combinations of data by creating views of tables. A view is
a schema object , a stored SELECT statement based on a table or another view. A view
contains no data of its own, but is like a window through which data from tables can be
viewed or changed. The tables on which a view is based are called base tables. The view is
stored as a SELECT statement in the data dictionary.
Advantages of Views
Views restrict access to the data because they display selected columns from the table.
Views can be used to make simple queries to retrieve the results of complicated queries.
For example, views can be used to query information from multiple tables without the
user knowing how to write a join statement.
Views provide data independence for ad hoc users and application programs. One view
can be used to retrieve data from several tables.
Views provide groups of users access to data according to their particular criteria.
For more information, see the CREATE VIEW section in Oracle Database SQL Language
Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
There are two classifications for views: simple and complex. The basic difference is related to
the DML (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) operations.
A simple view is one that:
- Derives data from only one table
- Contains no functions or groups of data
- Can perform DML operations through the view
A complex view is one that:
- Derives data from many tables
- Contains functions or groups of data
- Does not always allow DML operations through the view
Creating a View
You can create a view by embedding a subquery in the CREATE VIEW statement.
In the syntax:
OR REPLACE Re-creates the view if it already exists. You can use this clause to
change the definition of an existing view without dropping,
re-creating, and regranting object privileges previously granted
on it.
FORCE Creates the view regardless of whether or not the base tables exist
NOFORCE Creates the view only if the base tables exist (This is the default.)
view Is the name of the view
alias Specifies names for the expressions selected by the views query
(The number of aliases must match the number of expressions
selected by the view.)
subquery Is a complete SELECT statement (You can use aliases for the
columns in the SELECT list.)
WITH CHECK OPTION Specifies that only those rows that are accessible to the view can
be inserted or updated
Constraint Is the name assigned to the CHECK OPTION constraint
WITH READ ONLY Ensures that no DML operations can be performed on this view
Note: In SQL Developer, click the Run Script icon or press F5 to run the data definition
language (DDL) statements. The feedback messages will be shown on the Script Output
tabbed page.
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 4 - 8
Creating a View
The example in the slide creates a view that contains the employee number, last name, and
salary for each employee in department 80.
You can display the structure of the view by using the DESCRIBE command.
The subquery that defines a view can contain complex SELECT syntax, including joins,
groups, and subqueries.
If you do not specify a constraint name for the view created with the WITH CHECK
OPTION, the system assigns a default name in the SYS_Cn format.
You can use the OR REPLACE option to change the definition of the view without
dropping and re-creating it, or regranting the object privileges previously granted on it.
Creating a View
You can control the column names by including column aliases in the subquery.
The example in the slide creates a view containing the employee number (EMPLOYEE_ID)
with the alias ID_NUMBER, name (LAST_NAME) with the alias NAME, and annual salary
(SALARY) with the alias ANN_SALARY for every employee in department 50.
Alternatively, you can use an alias after the CREATE statement and before the SELECT
subquery. The number of aliases listed must match the number of expressions selected in the
FROM salvu50;
You can retrieve data from a view as you would from any table. You can display either the
contents of the entire view or just specific rows and columns.
Modifying a View
With the OR REPLACE option, a view can be created even if one exists with this name already,
thus replacing the old version of the view for its owner. This means that the view can be
altered without dropping, re-creating, and regranting object privileges.
Note: When assigning column aliases in the CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW clause, remember
that the aliases are listed in the same order as the columns in the subquery.
The example in the slide creates a complex view of department names, minimum salaries,
maximum salaries, and the average salaries by department. Note that alternative names have
been specified for the view. This is a requirement if any column of the view is derived from a
function or an expression.
You can view the structure of the view by using the DESCRIBE command. Display the
contents of the view by issuing a SELECT statement.
FROM dept_sum_vu;
View Information
1 DESCRIBE user_views
After your view is created, you can query the data dictionary view called USER_VIEWS to see
the name of the view and the view definition. The text of the SELECT statement that
constitutes your view is stored in a LONG column. The LENGTH column is the number of
characters in the SELECT statement. By default, when you select from a LONG column, only
the first 80 characters of the columns value are displayed. To see more than 80 characters in
SQL*Plus, use the SET LONG command:
In the examples in the slide:
1. The USER_VIEWS columns are displayed. Note that this is a partial listing.
2. The names of your views are retrieved
3. The SELECT statement for the EMP_DETAILS_VIEW is displayed from the dictionary
Data Access Using Views
When you access data by using a view, the Oracle Server performs the following operations:
It retrieves the view definition from the data dictionary table USER_VIEWS.
It checks access privileges for the view base table.
It converts the view query into an equivalent operation on the underlying base table or
tables. That is, data is retrieved from, or an update is made to, the base tables.
You can perform DML operations on data through a view if those operations follow
certain rules.
You can remove a row from a view unless it contains any of the following:
- Group functions
- A GROUP BY clause
- The DISTINCT keyword
- The pseudocolumn ROWNUM keyword
You can modify data through a view unless it contains any of the conditions mentioned in the
previous slide or columns defined by expressions (for example, SALARY * 12).
You can add data through a view unless it contains any of the items listed in the slide. You
cannot add data to a view if the view contains NOT NULL columns without default values in the
base table. All the required values must be present in the view. Remember that you are
adding values directly to the underlying table through the view.
For more information, see the CREATE VIEW section in Oracle Database SQL Language
Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
It is possible to perform referential integrity checks through views. You can also enforce
constraints at the database level. The view can be used to protect data integrity, but the use is
very limited.
The WITH CHECK OPTION clause specifies that INSERTs and UPDATEs performed through
the view cannot create rows that the view cannot select. Therefore, it enables integrity
constraints and data validation checks to be enforced on data being inserted or updated. If
there is an attempt to perform DML operations on rows that the view has not selected, an
error is displayed, along with the constraint name if that has been specified.
UPDATE empvu20
SET department_id = 10
WHERE employee_id = 201;
SQL Error: ORA-01402: view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation
01402. 00000 - "view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation"
Note: No rows are updated because, if the department number were to change to 10, the
view would no longer be able to see that employee. With the WITH CHECK OPTION clause,
therefore, the view can see only the employees in department 20 and does not allow the
department number for those employees to be changed through the view.
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 4 - 18
You can ensure that no DML operations occur on your view by creating it with the WITH READ
ONLY option. The example in the next slide modifies the EMPVU10 view to prevent any DML
operations on the view.
Any attempt to remove a row from a view with a read-only constraint results in an error:
Removing a View
You use the DROP VIEW statement to remove a view. The statement removes the view
definition from the database. However, dropping views has no effect on the tables on which
the view was based. Alternatively, views or other applications based on the deleted views
become invalid. Only the creator or a user with the DROP ANY VIEW privilege can remove a
In the syntax, view is the name of the view.
You cannot add data through a view if the view includes the
pseudocolumn ROWNUM keyword
a. True
b. False
Answer: a
Practice 4: Overview
The practice provides you with a variety of exercises in creating, using, querying data
dictionary views for view information, and removing views.
This lesson contains information about constraints and altering existing objects. You also
learn about external tables and the provision to name the index at the time of creating a
PRIMARY KEY constraint.
Lesson Agenda
Managing constraints:
Adding and dropping a constraint
Enabling and disabling a constraint
Deferring constraints
Creating and using temporary tables
You can add a constraint for existing tables by using the ALTER TABLE statement with the
ADD clause.
In the syntax:
table Is the name of the table
constraint Is the name of the constraint
type Is the constraint type
column Is the name of the column affected by the constraint
The constraint name syntax is optional, although recommended. If you do not name your
constraints, the system generates constraint names.
You can add, drop, enable, or disable a constraint, but you cannot modify its structure.
You can add a NOT NULL constraint to an existing column by using the MODIFY clause
of the ALTER TABLE statement.
Note: You can define a NOT NULL column only if the table is empty or if the column has a
value for every row.
Adding a Constraint
The first example in the slide modifies the EMP2 table to add a PRIMARY KEY constraint on
the EMPLOYEE_ID column. Note that because no constraint name is provided, the constraint
is automatically named by the Oracle Server. The second example in the slide creates a
FOREIGN KEY constraint on the EMP2 table. The constraint ensures that a manager exists as
a valid employee in the EMP2 table.
Dropping a Constraint
By using the ON DELETE clause, you can determine how Oracle Database handles referential
integrity if you remove a referenced primary or unique key value.
The ON DELETE CASCADE action allows parent key data that is referenced from the child
table to be deleted, but not updated. When data in the parent key is deleted, all the rows in
the child table that depend on the deleted parent key values are also deleted. To specify this
referential action, include the ON DELETE CASCADE option in the definition of the FOREIGN
KEY constraint.
When data in the parent key is deleted, the ON DELETE SET NULL action causes all the
rows in the child table that depend on the deleted parent key value to be converted to null.
If you omit this clause, Oracle does not allow you to delete referenced key values in the
parent table that have dependent rows in the child table.
Cascading Constraints
This statement illustrates the usage of the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause. Assume that the
TEST1 table is created as follows:
col2_fk NUMBER,
col1 NUMBER,
col2 NUMBER,
CONSTRAINT ck1 CHECK (col1_pk > 0 and col1 > 0),
CONSTRAINT ck2 CHECK (col2_fk > 0));
An error is returned for the following statements:
ALTER TABLE test1 DROP (col1_pk); col1_pk is a parent key.
ALTER TABLE test1 DROP (col1); col1 is referenced by the multicolumn
constraint, ck1.
Cascading Constraints
Submitting the following statement drops the EMPLOYEE_ID column, the PRIMARY KEY
constraint, and any FOREIGN KEY constraints referencing the PRIMARY KEY constraint for the
EMP2 table:
If all columns referenced by the constraints defined on the dropped columns are also
dropped, CASCADE CONSTRAINTS is not required. For example, assuming that no other
referential constraints from other tables refer to the COL1_PK column, it is valid to submit the
following statement without the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause for the TEST1 table created
on the previous page:
ALTER TABLE test1 DROP (col1_pk, col2_fk, col1);
When you rename a table column, the new name must not conflict with the name of any
existing column in the table. You cannot use any other clauses in conjunction with the
The slide examples use the marketing table with the PRIMARY KEY mktg_pk defined on
the id column.
CREATE TABLE marketing (team_id NUMBER(10),
target VARCHAR2(50),
CONSTRAINT mktg_pk PRIMARY KEY(team_id));
Example a shows that the id column of the marketing table is renamed mktg_id. Example b
shows that mktg_pk is renamed new_mktg_pk.
When you rename any existing constraint for a table, the new name must not conflict with any
of your existing constraint names. You can use the RENAME CONSTRAINT clause to rename
system-generated constraint names.
Disabling Constraints
You can disable a constraint, without dropping it or re-creating it, by using the ALTER TABLE
statement with the DISABLE clause.
In the syntax:
table Is the name of the table
constraint Is the name of the constraint
You can use the DISABLE clause in both the CREATE TABLE statement and the ALTER
TABLE statement.
The CASCADE clause disables dependent integrity constraints.
Disabling a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint removes the unique index.
Enabling Constraints
You can enable a constraint without dropping it or re-creating it by using the ALTER TABLE
statement with the ENABLE clause.
In the syntax:
table Is the name of the table
constraint Is the name of the constraint
If you enable a constraint, that constraint applies to all the data in the table. All the data
in the table must comply with the constraint.
If you enable a UNIQUE key or a PRIMARY KEY constraint, a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY
index is created automatically. If an index already exists, it can be used by these keys.
You can use the ENABLE clause in both the CREATE TABLE statement and the ALTER
TABLE statement.
Deferring Constraints
Changing a specific
SET CONSTRAINTS dept2_id_pk IMMEDIATE; constraint attribute
You can defer checking constraints for validity until the end of the transaction. A constraint is
deferred if the system does not check whether the constraint is satisfied, until a COMMIT
statement is submitted. If a deferred constraint is violated, the database returns an error and
the transaction is not committed and it is rolled back. If a constraint is immediate (not
deferred), it is checked at the end of each statement. If it is violated, the statement is rolled
back immediately. If a constraint causes an action (for example, DELETE CASCADE), that
action is always taken as part of the statement that caused it, whether the constraint is
deferred or immediate. Use the SET CONSTRAINTS statement to specify, for a particular
transaction, whether a deferrable constraint is checked following each data manipulation
language (DML) statement or when the transaction is committed. To create deferrable
constraints, you must create a nonunique index for that constraint.
You can define constraints as either deferrable or NOT DEFERRABLE (default), and either
initially deferred or INITIALLY IMMEDIATE (default). These attributes can be different for
each constraint.
Usage scenario: Company policy dictates that department number 40 should be changed to
45. Changing the DEPARTMENT_ID column affects employees assigned to this department.
Therefore, you make the PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEYs deferrable and initially deferred.
You update both department and employee information, and at the time of commit, all the
rows are validated.
Example 2: Insert a row that violates bonus_ck. In the CREATE TABLE statement,
bonus_ck is specified as deferrable and also initially deferred. Therefore, the constraint is
not verified until you COMMIT or set the constraint state back to immediate.
The row insertion is successful. But you observe an error when you commit the transaction.
The commit failed due to constraint violation. Therefore, at this point, the transaction is rolled
back by the database.
Example 3: Set the DEFERRED status to all constraints that can be deferred. Note that you can
also set the DEFERRED status to a single constraint if required.
However, you observe an error when you commit the transaction. The transaction fails and is
rolled back. This is because both the constraints are checked upon COMMIT.
Example 4: Set the IMMEDIATE status to both the constraints that were set as DEFERRED in
the previous example.
You observe an error if you attempt to insert a row that violates either sal_ck or bonus_ck.
INSERT INTO emp_new_sal VALUES(110, -1);
Note: If you create a table without specifying constraint deferability, the constraint is checked
immediately at the end of each statement. For example, with the CREATE TABLE statement of
the newemp_details table, if you do not specify the newemp_det_pk constraint deferability,
the constraint is checked immediately.
CREATE TABLE newemp_details(emp_id NUMBER, emp_name
CONSTRAINT newemp_det_pk PRIMARY KEY(emp_id));
When you attempt to defer the newemp_det_pk constraint that is not deferrable, you observe
the following error:
Oracle Database provides a feature for dropping tables. When you drop a table, the database
does not immediately release the space associated with the table. Rather, the database
renames the table and places it in a recycle bin, where it can later be recovered with the
FLASHBACK TABLE statement if you find that you dropped the table in error. If you want to
immediately release the space associated with the table at the time you issue the DROP
TABLE statement, include the PURGE clause as shown in the statement in the slide.
Specify PURGE only if you want to drop the table and release the space associated with it in a
single step. If you specify PURGE, the database does not place the table and its dependent
objects into the recycle bin.
Using this clause is equivalent to first dropping the table and then purging it from the recycle
bin. This clause saves you one step in the process. It also provides enhanced security if you
want to prevent sensitive material from appearing in the recycle bin.
Lesson Agenda
Managing constraints:
Adding and dropping a constraint
Enabling and disabling a constraint
Deferring constraints
Creating and using temporary tables
Temporary Tables
A temporary table is a table that holds data that exists only for the duration of a transaction or
session. Data in a temporary table is private to the session, which means that each session
can see and modify only its own data.
Temporary tables are useful in applications where a result set must be buffered. For example,
a shopping cart in an online application can be a temporary table. Each item is represented by
a row in the temporary table. While you are shopping in an online store, you can keep on
adding or removing items from your cart. During the session, this cart data is private. After you
finalize your shopping and make the payments, the application moves the row for the chosen
cart to a permanent table. At the end of the session, the data in the temporary table is
automatically dropped.
Because temporary tables are statically defined, you can create indexes for them. Indexes
created on temporary tables are also temporary. The data in the index has the same session
or transaction scope as the data in the temporary table. You can also create a view or trigger
on a temporary table.
Lesson Agenda
Managing constraints:
Adding and dropping a constraint
Enabling and disabling a constraint
Deferring constraints
Creating and using temporary tables
External Tables
An external table is a read-only table whose metadata is stored in the database but whose
data is stored outside the database. This external table definition can be thought of as a view
that is used for running any SQL query against external data without requiring that the
external data first be loaded into the database. The external table data can be queried and
joined directly and in parallel without requiring that the external data first be loaded in the
database. You can use SQL, PL/SQL, and Java to query the data in an external table.
The main difference between external tables and regular tables is that externally organized
tables are read-only. No data manipulation language (DML) operations are possible, and no
indexes can be created on them. However, you can create an external table, and thus unload
data, by using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT command.
The Oracle Server provides two major access drivers for external tables. One, the loader
access driver (or ORACLE_LOADER) is used for reading data from external files whose format
can be interpreted by the SQL*Loader utility. Note that not all SQL*Loader functionality is
supported with external tables. The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can be used to both
import and export data by using a platform-independent format. The ORACLE_DATAPUMP
access driver writes rows from a SELECT statement to be loaded into an external table as part
then use SELECT to read data out of that data file. You can also create an external table
definition on another system and use that data file. This allows data to be moved between
Oracle databases.
Use the CREATE DIRECTORY statement to create a directory object. A directory object
specifies an alias for a directory on the servers file system where an external data source
resides. You can use directory names when referring to an external data source, rather than
hard code the operating system path name, for greater file management flexibility.
You must have CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privileges to create directories. When you
create a directory, you are automatically granted the READ and WRITE object privileges and
can grant READ and WRITE privileges to other users and roles. The DBA can also grant these
privileges to other users and roles.
A user needs READ privileges for all directories used in external tables to be accessed and
WRITE privileges for the log, bad, and discard file locations being used.
In addition, a WRITE privilege is necessary when the external table framework is being used
to unload data.
Oracle also provides the ORACLE_DATAPUMP type, with which you can unload data (that is,
read data from a table in the database and insert it into an external table) and then reload it
into an Oracle database. This is a one-time operation that can be done when the table is
created. After the creation and initial population is done, you cannot update, insert, or delete
any rows.
'path_name' Specify the full path name of the operating system directory
to be accessed. The path name is case-sensitive.
You create external tables by using the ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL clause of the CREATE
TABLE statement. You are not, in fact, creating a table. Rather, you are creating metadata in
the data dictionary that you can use to access external data. You use the ORGANIZATION
clause to specify the order in which the data rows of the table are stored. By specifying
EXTERNAL in the ORGANIZATION clause, you indicate that the table is a read-only table
located outside the database. Note that the external files must already exist outside the
TYPE <access_driver_type> indicates the access driver of the external table. The
access driver is the application programming interface (API) that interprets the external data
for the database. If you do not specify TYPE, Oracle uses the default access driver,
You use the DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause to specify one or more Oracle database directory
objects that correspond to directories on the file system where the external data sources may
The optional ACCESS PARAMETERS clause enables you to assign values to the parameters of
the specific access driver for this external table.
Assume that there is a flat file that has records in the following format:
Records are delimited by new lines, and the fields are all terminated by a comma (,). The
name of the file is /emp_dir/emp.dat.
To convert this file as the data source for an external table, whose metadata will reside in the
database, you must perform the following steps:
1. Create a directory object, emp_dir, as follows:
CREATE DIRECTORY emp_dir AS '/emp_dir' ;
2. Run the CREATE TABLE command shown in the slide.
The example in the slide illustrates the table specification to create an external table for the
FROM oldemp
An external table does not describe any data that is stored in the database. It does not
describe how data is stored in the external source. Instead, it describes how the external table
layer must present the data to the server. It is the responsibility of the access driver and the
external table layer to do the necessary transformations required on the data in the data file
so that it matches the external table definition.
When the database server accesses data in an external source, it calls the appropriate
access driver to get the data from an external source in a form that the database server
It is important to remember that the description of the data in the data source is separate from
the definition of the external table. The source file can contain more or fewer fields than there
are columns in the table. Also, the data types for fields in the data source can be different
from the columns in the table. The access driver takes care of ensuring that the data from the
data source is processed so that it matches the definition of the external table.
You can perform the unload and reload operations with external tables by using the
ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver.
Note: In the context of external tables, loading data refers to the act of data being read from
an external table and loaded into a table in the database. Unloading data refers to the act of
reading data from a table and inserting it into an external table.
The example in the slide illustrates the table specification to create an external table by using
the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver. Data is then populated into the two files: emp1.exp
and emp2.exp.
To populate data read from the EMPLOYEES table into an external table, you must perform the
following steps:
1. Create a directory object, emp_dir, as follows:
CREATE DIRECTORY emp_dir AS '/emp_dir' ;
2. Run the CREATE TABLE command shown in the slide.
Note: The emp_dir directory is the same as created in the previous example of using
You can query the external table by executing the following code:
SELECT * FROM emp_ext;
Answer: b
In this lesson, you learned how to perform the following tasks for schema object management:
Alter tables to add or modify columns or constraints.
Use the ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL clause of the CREATE TABLE statement to create
an external table. An external table is a read-only table whose metadata is stored in the
database but whose data is stored outside the database.
Use external tables to query data without first loading it into the database.
Practice 5: Overview
In this practice, you use the ALTER TABLE command to add, drop and defer constraints. You
create external tables.
In this lesson, you learn how to write multiple-column subqueries and subqueries in the FROM
clause of a SELECT statement. You also learn how to solve problems by using scalar,
correlated subqueries and the WITH clause.
Lesson Agenda
You can use a subquery in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, which is very similar to
how views are used. A subquery in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement is also called an
inline view. A subquery in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement defines a data source for
that particular SELECT statement, and only that SELECT statement. As with a database view,
the SELECT statement in the subquery can be as simple or as complex as you like.
When a database view is created, the associated SELECT statement is stored in the data
dictionary. In situations where you do not have the necessary privileges to create database
views, or when you would like to test the suitability of a SELECT statement to become a view,
you can use an inline view.
With inline views, you can have all the code needed to support the query in one place. This
means that you can avoid the complexity of creating a separate database view. The example
in the slide shows how to use an inline view to display the department name and the city in
Europe. The subquery in the FROM clause fetches the location ID, city name, and the country
by joining three different tables. The output of the inner query is considered as a table for the
outer query. The inner query is similar to that of a database view but does not have any
physical name.
Lesson Agenda
Multiple-Column Subqueries
Main query
So far, you have written single-row subqueries and multiple-row subqueries where only one
column is returned by the inner SELECT statement and this is used to evaluate the expression
in the parent SELECT statement. If you want to compare two or more columns, you must write
a compound WHERE clause using logical operators. Using multiple-column subqueries, you
can combine duplicate WHERE conditions into a single WHERE clause.
SELECT column, column, ...
FROM table
WHERE (column, column, ...) IN
(SELECT column, column, ...
FROM table
WHERE condition);
The graphic in the slide illustrates that the values of MANAGER_ID and DEPARTMENT_ID from
the main query are being compared with the MANAGER_ID and DEPARTMENT_ID values
retrieved by the subquery. Because the number of columns that are being compared is more
than one, the example qualifies as a multiple-column subquery.
Note: Before you run the examples in the next few slides, you need to create the empl_demo
table and populate data into it by using the lab_06_insert_empdata.sql file.
Column Comparisons
The example in the slide compares the combination of values in the MANAGER_ID column
and the DEPARTMENT_ID column of each row in the EMPL_DEMO table with the values in the
MANAGER_ID column and the DEPARTMENT_ID column for the employees with the
FIRST_NAME of John. First, the subquery to retrieve the MANAGER_ID and
DEPARTMENT_ID values for the employees with the FIRST_NAME of John is executed. This
subquery returns the following:
The example shows a nonpairwise comparison of the columns. First, the subquery to retrieve
the MANAGER_ID values for the employees with the FIRST_NAME of John is executed.
Similarly, the second subquery to retrieve the DEPARTMENT_ID values for the employees with
the FIRST_NAME of John is executed. The retrieved values of the MANAGER_ID and
DEPARTMENT_ID columns are compared with the MANAGER_ID and DEPARTMENT_ID
columns for each row in the EMPL_DEMO table. If the MANAGER_ID column of the row in the
EMPL_DEMO table matches with any of the values of MANAGER_ID retrieved by the inner
subquery, and if the DEPARTMENT_ID column of the row in the EMPL_DEMO table matches
with any of the values of DEPARTMENT_ID retrieved by the second subquery, the record is
Lesson Agenda
A subquery that returns exactly one column value from one row is also referred to as a scalar
subquery. Multiple-column subqueries that are written to compare two or more columns, using
a compound WHERE clause and logical operators, do not qualify as scalar subqueries.
The value of the scalar subquery expression is the value of the select list item of the
subquery. If the subquery returns 0 rows, the value of the scalar subquery expression is
NULL. If the subquery returns more than one row, the Oracle Server returns an error. The
Oracle Server has always supported the usage of a scalar subquery in a SELECT statement.
You can use scalar subqueries in:
The condition and expression part of DECODE and CASE
All clauses of SELECT except GROUP BY
The SET clause and WHERE clause of an UPDATE statement
However, scalar subqueries are not valid expressions in the following places:
As default values for columns and hash expressions for clusters
In the RETURNING clause of data manipulation language (DML) statements
As the basis of a function-based index
In GROUP BY clauses, CHECK constraints
In CONNECT BY clauses
In statements that are unrelated to queries, such as CREATE PROFILE
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 6 - 14
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 6 - 15
The second example in the slide demonstrates that scalar subqueries can be used in the ORDER
BY clause. The example orders the output based on the DEPARTMENT_NAME by matching the
DEPARTMENT_ID from the EMPLOYEES table with the DEPARTMENT_ID from the
DEPARTMENTS table. This comparison is done in a scalar subquery in the ORDER BY clause.
The following is the result of the second example:
Lesson Agenda
Correlated Subqueries
candidate row from outer query
values from inner query to qualify or
disqualify candidate row
The Oracle Server performs a correlated subquery when the subquery references a column
from a table referred to in the parent statement. A correlated subquery is evaluated once for
each row processed by the parent statement. The parent statement can be a SELECT,
UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
Nested Subqueries Versus Correlated Subqueries
With a normal nested subquery, the inner SELECT query runs first and executes once,
returning values to be used by the main query. A correlated subquery, however, executes
once for each candidate row considered by the outer query. That is, the inner query is driven
by the outer query.
Nested Subquery Execution
The inner query executes first and finds a value.
The outer query executes once, using the value from the inner query.
Correlated Subquery Execution
Get a candidate row (fetched by the outer query).
Execute the inner query by using the value of the candidate row.
Use the values resulting from the inner query to qualify or disqualify the candidate.
Repeat until no candidate row remains.
Correlated Subqueries
A correlated subquery is one way of reading every row in a table and comparing values in
each row against related data. It is used whenever a subquery must return a different result or
set of results for each candidate row considered by the main query. That is, you use a
correlated subquery to answer a multipart question whose answer depends on the value in
each row processed by the parent statement.
The Oracle Server performs a correlated subquery when the subquery references a column
from a table in the parent query.
Note: You can use the ANY and ALL operators in a correlated subquery.
Find all employees who earn more than the average salary in
their department.
The example in the slide finds which employees earn more than the average salary of their
department. In this case, the correlated subquery specifically computes the average salary for
each department.
Because both the outer query and inner query use the EMPLOYEES table in the FROM clause,
an alias is given to EMPLOYEES in the outer SELECT statement for clarity. The alias makes the
entire SELECT statement more readable. Without the alias, the query would not work properly
because the inner statement would not be able to distinguish the inner table column from the
outer table column.
The example in the slide displays the details of those employees who have changed jobs at
least twice. The Oracle Server evaluates a correlated subquery as follows:
1. Select a row from the table specified in the outer query. This will be the current candidate
2. Store the value of the column referenced in the subquery from this candidate row. (In the
example in the slide, the column referenced in the subquery is E.EMPLOYEE_ID.)
3. Perform the subquery with its condition referencing the value from the outer querys
candidate row. (In the example in the slide, the COUNT(*) group function is evaluated
based on the value of the E.EMPLOYEE_ID column obtained in step 2.)
4. Evaluate the WHERE clause of the outer query on the basis of results of the subquery
performed in step 3. This determines whether the candidate row is selected for output. (In
the example, the number of times an employee has changed jobs, evaluated by the
subquery, is compared with 2 in the WHERE clause of the outer query. If the condition is
satisfied, that employee record is displayed.)
5. Repeat the procedure for the next candidate row of the table, and so on, until all the rows
in the table have been processed.
The correlation is established by using an element from the outer query in the subquery. In
this example, you compare EMPLOYEE_ID from the table in the subquery with EMPLOYEE_ID
from the table in the outer query.
Lesson Agenda
With nesting SELECT statements, all logical operators are valid. In addition, you can use the
EXISTS operator. This operator is frequently used with correlated subqueries to test whether
a value retrieved by the outer query exists in the results set of the values retrieved by the
inner query. If the subquery returns at least one row, the operator returns TRUE. If the value
does not exist, it returns FALSE. Accordingly, NOT EXISTS tests whether a value retrieved by
the outer query is not a part of the results set of the values retrieved by the inner query.
The EXISTS operator ensures that the search in the inner query does not continue when at
least one match is found for the manager and employee number by the condition:
WHERE manager_id = outer.employee_id.
Note that the inner SELECT query does not need to return a specific value, so a constant can
be selected.
However, NOT IN evaluates to FALSE if any member of the set is a NULL value. Therefore,
your query will not return any rows even if there are rows in the departments table that
satisfy the WHERE condition.
Lesson Agenda
WITH Clause
Using the WITH clause, you can use the same query block
in a SELECT statement when it occurs more than once
within a complex query.
The WITH clause retrieves the results of a query block and
stores it in the users temporary tablespace.
The WITH clause may improve performance.
Using the WITH clause, you can define a query block before using it in a query. The WITH
clause (formally known as subquery_factoring_clause) enables you to reuse the same
query block in a SELECT statement when it occurs more than once within a complex query.
This is particularly useful when a query has many references to the same query block and
there are joins and aggregations.
Using the WITH clause, you can reuse the same query when it is costly to evaluate the query
block and it occurs more than once within a complex query. Using the WITH clause, the
Oracle Server retrieves the results of a query block and stores it in the users temporary
tablespace. This can improve performance.
WITH Clause Benefits
Makes the query easy to read
Evaluates a clause only once, even if it appears multiple times in the query
In most cases, may improve performance for large queries
The problem in the slide would require the following intermediate calculations:
1. Calculate the total salary for every department, and store the result using a WITH
2. Calculate the average salary across departments, and store the result using a WITH
3. Compare the total salary calculated in the first step with the average salary calculated in
the second step. If the total salary for a particular department is greater than the average
salary across departments, display the department name and the total salary for that
The solution for this problem is provided on the next page.
dept_costs AS (
SELECT d.department_name, SUM(e.salary) AS dept_total
FROM employees e JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id
GROUP BY d.department_name),
The SQL code in the slide is an example of a situation in which you can improve performance
and write SQL more simply by using the WITH clause. The query creates the query names
DEPT_COSTS and AVG_COST and then uses them in the body of the main query. Internally,
the WITH clause is resolved either as an inline view or a temporary table. The optimizer
chooses the appropriate resolution depending on the cost or benefit of temporarily storing the
results of the WITH clause.
The output generated by the SQL code in the slide is as follows:
The WITH clause has been extended to enable formulation of recursive queries.
Recursive WITH defines a recursive query with a name, the Recursive WITH element name.
The Recursive WITH element definition must contain at least two query blocks: an anchor
member and a recursive member. There can be multiple anchor members, but there can be
only a single recursive member.
Recursive WITH clause complies with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Recursive WITH can be used to query hierarchical data such as organization charts.
Example 1 in the slide displays records from a FLIGHTS table describing flights between two
Using the query in example 2, you query the FLIGHTS table to display the total flight time
between any source and destination. The WITH clause in the query, which is named
Reachable From, has a UNION ALL query with two branches. The first branch is the anchor
branch, which selects all the rows from the Flights table. The second branch is the
recursive branch. It joins the contents of Reachable From to the Flights table to find
other cities that can be reached, and adds these to the content of Reachable From. The
operation will finish when no more rows are found by the recursive branch.
Example 3 displays the result of the query that selects everything from the WITH clause
element Reachable From.
For details, see:
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference 12c Release 1.0
Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide 12c Release 1.0
Answer: b
You can use multiple-column subqueries to combine multiple WHERE conditions in a single
WHERE clause. Column comparisons in a multiple-column subquery can be pairwise
comparisons or nonpairwise comparisons.
You can use a subquery to define a table to be operated on by a containing query.
Scalar subqueries can be used in:
The condition and expression part of DECODE and CASE
All clauses of SELECT except GROUP BY
A SET clause and WHERE clause of the UPDATE statement
The Oracle Server performs a correlated subquery when the subquery references a column
from a table referred to in the parent statement. A correlated subquery is evaluated once for
each row processed by the parent statement. The parent statement can be a SELECT
statement. Using the WITH clause, you can reuse the same query when it is costly to re-
evaluate the query block and it occurs more than once within a complex query.
Practice 6: Overview
In this practice, you write multiple-column subqueries, and correlated and scalar subqueries.
You also solve problems by writing the WITH clause.
In this lesson, you learn how to manipulate data in the Oracle database by using subqueries.
You also learn how to solve problems by using correlated subqueries.
Lesson Agenda
Subqueries can be used to retrieve data from a table that you can use as input to an INSERT
into a different table. In this way, you can easily copy large volumes of data from one table to
another with one single SELECT statement. Similarly, you can use subqueries to do mass
updates and deletes by using them in the WHERE clause of the UPDATE and DELETE
statements. You can also use subqueries in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. This is
called an inline view.
Note: You learned how to update and delete rows based on another table in the course titled
Oracle Database: SQL Workshop I.
Lesson Agenda
You can use a subquery in place of the table name in the INTO clause of the INSERT
statement. The SELECT list of this subquery must have the same number of columns as the
column list of the VALUES clause. Any rules on the columns of the base table must be
followed in order for the INSERT statement to work successfully. For example, you cannot put
in a duplicate location ID or leave out a value for a mandatory NOT NULL column.
This use of subqueries helps you avoid having to create a view just for performing an
The example in the slide uses a subquery in the place of LOC to create a record for a new
European city.
Note: You can also perform the INSERT operation on the EUROPEAN_CITIES view by using
the following code:
INSERT INTO european_cities
VALUES (3300,'Cardiff','UK');
For the example in the slide, the loc table is created by running the following statement:
The example in the slide shows that the insert via the inline view created a new record in the
base table LOC.
The following example shows the results of the subquery that was used to identify the table
for the INSERT statement.
SELECT l.location_id,, l.country_id
FROM loc l
JOIN countries c
ON(l.country_id = c.country_id)
JOIN regions USING(region_id)
WHERE region_name = 'Europe';
Lesson Agenda
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01402: view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation
01402. 00000 - "view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation"
Specify the WITH CHECK OPTION keyword to indicate that if the subquery is used in place of a
table in an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, no changes that will produce rows that
are not included in the subquery are permitted to that table.
The example in the slide shows how to use an inline view with WITH CHECK OPTION. The
INSERT statement prevents the creation of records in the LOC table for a city that is not in
The following example executes successfully because of the changes in the VALUES list.
INSERT INTO (SELECT location_id, city, country_id
FROM loc
WHERE country_id IN
(SELECT country_id
FROM countries
WHERE region_name = 'Europe')
VALUES (3500, 'Berlin', 'DE');
Lesson Agenda
Correlated UPDATE
In the case of the UPDATE statement, you can use a correlated subquery to update rows in
one table based on rows from another table.
The example in the slide denormalizes the EMPL6 table by adding a column to store the
department name and then populates the table by using a correlated update.
Following is another example for a correlated update.
Problem Statement
The REWARDS table has a list of employees who have exceeded expectations in their
performance. Use a correlated subquery to update rows in the EMPL6 table based on rows
from the REWARDS table:
UPDATE empl6
SET salary = (SELECT empl6.salary + rewards.pay_raise
FROM rewards
WHERE employee_id =
AND payraise_date =
(SELECT MAX(payraise_date)
FROM rewards
WHERE employee_id = empl6.employee_id))
WHERE empl6.employee_id
IN (SELECT employee_id FROM rewards);
Correlated DELETE
In the case of a DELETE statement, you can use a correlated subquery to delete only those
rows that also exist in another table. If you decide that you will maintain only the last four job
history records in the JOB_HISTORY table, when an employee transfers to a fifth job, you
delete the oldest JOB_HISTORY row by looking up the JOB_HISTORY table for the
MIN(START_DATE) for the employee. The following code illustrates how the preceding
operation can be performed using a correlated DELETE:
DELETE FROM job_history JH
WHERE employee_id =
(SELECT employee_id
FROM employees E
WHERE JH.employee_id = E.employee_id
(SELECT MIN(start_date)
FROM job_history JH
WHERE JH.employee_id = E.employee_id)
FROM job_history JH
WHERE JH.employee_id = E.employee_id
HAVING COUNT(*) >= 4));
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 7 - 15
Two tables are used in this example. They are:
The EMPL6 table, which provides details of all the current employees
The EMP_HISTORY table, which provides details of previous employees
EMP_HISTORY contains data regarding previous employees, so it would be erroneous if the
same employees record existed in both the EMPL6 and EMP_HISTORY tables. You can
delete such erroneous records by using the correlated subquery shown in the slide.
In this lesson, you should have learned how to manipulate data in the Oracle database by
using subqueries. You learn how to use the WITH CHECK OPTION keyword on DML
statements and use correlated subqueries with UPDATE and DELETE statements.
Practice 7: Overview
In this practice, you learn the concepts of manipulating data by using subqueries, WITH
CHECK OPTION, and correlated subqueries to UPDATE and DELETE rows.
In this lesson, you learn how to control database access to specific objects and add new
users with different levels of access privileges.
Lesson Agenda
System privileges
Creating a role
Object privileges
Revoking object privileges
In a multiple-user environment, you want to maintain security of database access and use.
With Oracle Server database security, you can do the following:
Control database access.
Give access to specific objects in the database.
Confirm given and received privileges with the Oracle data dictionary.
Database security can be classified into two categories: system security and data security.
System security covers access and use of the database at the system level, such as the
username and password, the disk space allocated to users, and the system operations that
users can perform. Database security covers access and use of the database objects and the
actions that those users can perform on the objects.
Database security:
System security
Data security
System privileges: Performing a particular action within the
A privilege is the right to execute particular SQL statements. The database administrator
(DBA) is a high-level user with the ability to create users and grant users access to the
database and its objects. Users require system privileges to gain access to the database and
object privileges to manipulate the content of the objects in the database. Users can also be
given the privilege to grant additional privileges to other users or to roles, which are named
groups of related privileges.
A schema is a collection of objects such as tables, views, and sequences. The schema is
owned by a database user and has the same name as that user.
A system privilege is the right to perform a particular action, or to perform an action on any
schema objects of a particular type. An object privilege provides the user the ability to perform
a particular action on a specific schema object.
For more information, see the Oracle Database 2 Day DBA reference manual for Oracle
System Privileges
More than 200 distinct system privileges are available for users and roles. Typically, system
privileges are provided by the database administrator (DBA).
The table SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP contains all the system privileges available, based on
the version release. This table is also used to map privilege type numbers to type names.
Typical DBA Privileges
Creating Users
The DBA creates the user by executing the CREATE USER statement. The user does not have
any privileges at this point. The DBA can then grant privileges to that user. These privileges
determine what the user can do at the database level.
The slide gives the abridged syntax for creating a user.
In the syntax:
user Is the name of the user to be created
Password Specifies that the user must log in with this password
For more information, see the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for Oracle
Note: Starting with Oracle Database 11g, passwords are case-sensitive.
The DBA uses the GRANT statement to allocate system privileges to the user. After the user
has been granted the privileges, the user can immediately use those privileges.
In the example in the slide, the demo user has been assigned the privileges to create
sessions, tables, sequences, and views.
Lesson Agenda
System privileges
Creating a role
Object privileges
Revoking object privileges
What Is a Role?
A role is a named group of related privileges that can be granted to the user. This method
makes it easier to revoke and maintain privileges.
A user can have access to several roles, and several users can be assigned the same role.
Roles are typically created for a database application.
Creating and Assigning a Role
First, the DBA must create the role. Then the DBA can assign privileges to the role and assign
the role to users.
In the syntax:
role Is the name of the role to be created
After the role is created, the DBA can use the GRANT statement to assign the role to users as
well as assign privileges to the role. A role is not a schema object; therefore, any user can
add privileges to a role.
Create a role:
Creating a Role
The example in the slide creates a manager role and then enables the manager to create
tables and views. It then grants user alice the role of a manager. Now alice can create
tables and views.
If users have multiple roles granted to them, they receive all the privileges associated with all
the roles.
The DBA creates an account and initializes a password for every user. You can change your
password by using the ALTER USER statement.
The slide example shows that the demo user changes the password by using the ALTER
USER statement.
In the syntax:
user Is the name of the user
password Specifies the new password
Although this statement can be used to change your password, there are many other options.
You must have the ALTER USER privilege to change any other option.
For more information, see the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for Oracle
Database 12c.
Note: SQL*Plus has a PASSWORD command (PASSW) that can be used to change the
password of a user when the user is logged in. This command is not available in SQL
Lesson Agenda
System privileges
Creating a role
Object privileges
Revoking object privileges
Object Privileges
privilege Table View Sequence
An object privilege is a privilege or right to perform a particular action on a specific table, view,
sequence, or procedure. Each object has a particular set of grantable privileges. The table in
the slide lists the privileges for various objects. Note that the only privileges that apply to a
sequence are SELECT and ALTER. UPDATE, REFERENCES, and INSERT can be restricted by
specifying a subset of updatable columns.
A SELECT privilege can be restricted by creating a view with a subset of columns and granting
the SELECT privilege only on the view. A privilege granted on a synonym is converted to a
privilege on the base table referenced by the synonym.
Note: With the REFERENCES privilege, you can ensure that other users can create FOREIGN
KEY constraints that reference your table.
Object Privileges
To grant privileges on an object, the object must be in your own schema, or you must
have been granted the object privileges WITH GRANT OPTION.
An object owner can grant any object privilege on the object to any other user or role of
the database.
The owner of an object automatically acquires all object privileges on that object.
The first example in the slide grants the demo user the privilege to query your EMPLOYEES
table. The second example grants UPDATE privileges on specific columns in the
DEPARTMENTS table to demo and to the manager role.
For example, if your schema is oraxx, and the demo user now wants to use a SELECT
statement to obtain data from your EMPLOYEES table, the syntax he or she must use is:
SELECT * FROM oraxx.employees;
Alternatively, the demo user can create a synonym for the table and issue a SELECT
statement from the synonym:
CREATE SYNONYM emp FOR oraxx.employees;
Note: DBAs generally allocate system privileges; any user who owns an object can grant
object privileges.
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 8 - 18
If you attempt to perform an unauthorized operation, such as deleting a row from a table for
which you do not have the DELETE privilege, the Oracle server does not permit the operation
to take place.
If you receive the Oracle server error message Table or view does not exist, you have done
either of the following:
Named a table or view that does not exist
Attempted to perform an operation on a table or view for which you do not have the
appropriate privilege
The data dictionary is organized in tables and views and contains information about the
database. You can access the data dictionary to view the privileges that you have. The table
in the slide describes various data dictionary views.
You learn about data dictionary views in the lesson titled Introduction to Data Dictionary
Note: The ALL_TAB_PRIVS_MADE dictionary view describes all the object grants made by
the user or made on the objects owned by the user.
Lesson Agenda
System privileges
Creating a role
Object privileges
Revoking object privileges
You can remove privileges granted to other users by using the REVOKE statement. When you
use the REVOKE statement, the privileges that you specify are revoked from the users you
name and from any other users to whom those privileges were granted by the revoked user.
In the syntax:
CASCADE Is required to remove any referential integrity constraints made to
the CONSTRAINTS object by means of the REFERENCES privilege
For more information, see the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for Oracle
Note: If a user leaves the company and you revoke his or her privileges, you must regrant
any privileges that this user granted to other users. If you drop the user account without
revoking privileges from it, the system privileges granted by this user to other users are not
affected by this action.
The example in the slide revokes SELECT and INSERT privileges given to the demo user on
the DEPARTMENTS table.
Note: If a user is granted a privilege with the WITH GRANT OPTION clause, that user can also
grant the privilege with the WITH GRANT OPTION clause, so that a long chain of grantees is
possible, but no circular grants (granting to a grant ancestor) are permitted. If the owner
revokes a privilege from a user who granted the privilege to other users, the revoking
cascades to all the privileges granted.
For example, if user A grants a SELECT privilege on a table to user B including the WITH
GRANT OPTION clause, user B can grant to user C the SELECT privilege with the WITH GRANT
OPTION clause as well, and user C can then grant to user D the SELECT privilege. If user A
revokes privileges from user B, the privileges granted to users C and D are also revoked.
Answer: a, c, d
DBAs establish initial database security for users by assigning privileges to the users.
The DBA creates users who must have a password. The DBA is also responsible for
establishing the initial system privileges for a user.
After the user has created an object, the user can pass along any of the available object
privileges to other users or to all users by using the GRANT statement.
A DBA can create roles by using the CREATE ROLE statement to pass along a collection
of system or object privileges to multiple users. Roles make granting and revoking
privileges easier to maintain.
Users can change their passwords by using the ALTER USER statement.
You can remove privileges from users by using the REVOKE statement.
With data dictionary views, users can view the privileges granted to them and those that
are granted on their objects.
Practice 8: Overview
In this practice, you learn how to grant other users privileges to your table and modifying
another users table through the privileges granted to you.
Manipulating Data
In this lesson, you learn how to use the DEFAULT keyword in INSERT and UPDATE
statements to identify a default column value. You also learn about multitable INSERT
statements, the MERGE statement, performing flashback operations, and tracking changes in
the database.
Lesson Agenda
The DEFAULT keyword can be used in INSERT and UPDATE statements to identify a default
column value. If no default value exists, a null value is used.
The DEFAULT option saves you from having to hard code the default value in your programs
or query the dictionary to find it, as was done before this feature was introduced. Hard-coding
the default is a problem if the default changes, because the code consequently needs
changing. Accessing the dictionary is not usually done in an application; therefore, this is a
very important feature.
Specify DEFAULT to set the column to the value previously specified as the default value for
the column. If no default value for the corresponding column has been specified, the Oracle
server sets the column to null.
In the first example in the slide, the INSERT statement uses a default value for the
MANAGER_ID column. If there is no default value defined for the column, a null value is
inserted instead.
The second example uses the UPDATE statement to set the MANAGER_ID column to a default
value for department 10. If no default value is defined for the column, it changes the value to
Note: When creating a table, you can specify a default value for a column. This is discussed
in SQL Workshop I.
You can use the INSERT statement to add rows to a table where the values are derived from
existing tables. In place of the VALUES clause, you use a subquery.
INSERT INTO table [ (column , column) ] subquery;
In the syntax:
table Is the table name
column Is the name of the column in the table to populate
subquery Is the subquery that returns rows into the table
The number of columns and their data types in the column list of the INSERT clause must
match the number of values and their data types in the subquery. To create a copy of the
rows of a table, use SELECT * in the subquery.
FROM employees;
Note: You use the LOG ERRORS clause in your DML statement to enable the DML operation
to complete regardless of errors. Oracle writes the details of the error message to an error-
logging table that you have created. For more information, see the Oracle Database SQL
Reference for Oracle Database 12c.
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 9 - 6
Lesson Agenda
INTO target_a VALUES(,,) Target_b
INTO target_b VALUES(,,)
INTO target_c VALUES(,,)
Subquery FROM sourcetab
In a multitable INSERT statement, you insert computed rows derived from the rows returned
from the evaluation of a subquery into one or more tables.
Multitable INSERT statements are useful in a data warehouse scenario. You need to load
your data warehouse regularly so that it can serve its purpose of facilitating business analysis.
To do this, data from one or more operational systems must be extracted and copied into the
warehouse. The process of extracting data from the source system and bringing it into the
data warehouse is commonly called ETL, which stands for extraction, transformation, and
During extraction, the desired data must be identified and extracted from many different
sources, such as database systems and applications. After extraction, the data must be
physically transported to the target system or an intermediate system for further processing.
Depending on the chosen means of transportation, some transformations can be done during
this process. For example, a SQL statement that directly accesses a remote target through a
gateway can concatenate two columns as part of the SELECT statement.
After data is loaded into the Oracle database, data transformations can be executed using
SQL operations. A multitable INSERT statement is one of the techniques for implementing
SQL data transformations.
Multitable INSERT statements offer the benefits of the INSERT ... SELECT statement when
multiple tables are involved as targets. Without multitable INSERT, you had to deal with n
independent INSERT ... SELECT statements, thus processing the same source data n times
and increasing the transformation workload n times.
As with the existing INSERT ... SELECT statement, the new statement can be parallelized
and used with the direct-load mechanism for faster performance.
Each record from any input stream, such as a nonrelational database table, can now be
converted into multiple records for a more relational database table environment. To
alternatively implement this functionality, you were required to write multiple INSERT
You use different clauses to indicate the type of INSERT to be executed. The types of
multitable INSERT statements are:
Unconditional INSERT: For each row returned by the subquery, a row is inserted into
each of the target tables.
Conditional INSERT ALL: For each row returned by the subquery, a row is inserted into
each target table if the specified condition is met.
Conditional INSERT FIRST: For each row returned by the subquery, a row is inserted
into the very first target table in which the condition is met.
Pivoting INSERT: This is a special case of the unconditional INSERT ALL.
The slide displays the generic format for multitable INSERT statements.
Unconditional INSERT: ALL into_clause
Specify ALL followed by multiple insert_into_clauses to perform an unconditional
multitable INSERT. The Oracle Server executes each insert_into_clause once for each
row returned by the subquery.
Conditional INSERT: conditional_insert_clause
Specify the conditional_insert_clause to perform a conditional multitable INSERT.
The Oracle Server filters each insert_into_clause through the corresponding WHEN
condition, which determines whether that insert_into_clause is executed. A single
multitable INSERT statement can contain up to 127 WHEN clauses.
Conditional INSERT: ALL
If you specify ALL, the Oracle Server evaluates each WHEN clause regardless of the results of
the evaluation of any other WHEN clause. For each WHEN clause whose condition evaluates to
true, the Oracle Server executes the corresponding INTO clause list.
The example in the slide inserts rows into both the SAL_HISTORY and the MGR_HISTORY
The SELECT statement retrieves the details of employee ID, hire date, salary, and manager
ID of those employees whose employee ID is greater than 200 from the EMPLOYEES table.
The details of the employee ID, hire date, and salary are inserted into the SAL_HISTORY
table. The details of employee ID, manager ID, and salary are inserted into the
This INSERT statement is referred to as an unconditional INSERT because no further
restriction is applied to the rows that are retrieved by the SELECT statement. All the rows
retrieved by the SELECT statement are inserted into the two tables: SAL_HISTORY and
MGR_HISTORY. The VALUES clause in the INSERT statements specifies the columns from the
SELECT statement that must be inserted into each of the tables. Each row returned by the
SELECT statement results in two insertions: one for the SAL_HISTORY table and one for the
Hired before
For all employees in the employees tables, if the employee was hired before 2005, insert that
employee record into the employee history. If the employee earns a sales commission, insert
the record information into the EMP_SALES table. The SQL statement is shown on the next
The example in the slide is similar to the example in the previous slide because it inserts rows
into both the EMP_HISTORY and the EMP_SALES tables. The SELECT statement retrieves
details such as employee ID, hire date, salary, and commission percentage for all employees
from the EMPLOYEES table. Details such as employee ID, hire date, and salary are inserted
into the EMP_HISTORY table. Details such as employee ID, commission percentage, and
salary are inserted into the EMP_SALES table.
This INSERT statement is referred to as a conditional INSERT ALL because a further
restriction is applied to the rows that are retrieved by the SELECT statement. From the rows
that are retrieved by the SELECT statement, only those rows in which the hire date was prior
to 2005 are inserted in the EMP_HISTORY table. Similarly, only those rows where the value of
commission percentage is not null are inserted in the EMP_SALES table.
SELECT count(*) FROM emp_history;
WHEN job_id IN
(select job_id FROM jobs WHERE job_title LIKE '%Manager%') THEN
INTO managers2(last_name,job_id,SALARY)
VALUES (last_name,job_id,SALARY)
INTO richpeople(last_name,job_id,SALARY)
VALUES (last_name,job_id,SALARY)
116 rows inserted
Scenario: If an employee
salary is 2,000, the
record is inserted into the Salary < 5,000
SAL_LOW table only.
For all employees in the EMPLOYEES table, insert the employee information into the first target
table that meets the condition. In the example, if an employee has a salary of 2,000, the
record is inserted into the SAL_LOW table only. The SQL statement is shown on the next
WHEN salary < 5000 THEN
INTO sal_low VALUES (employee_id, last_name, salary)
WHEN salary between 5000 and 10000 THEN
The SELECT statement retrieves details such as employee ID, last name, and salary for every
employee in the EMPLOYEES table. For each employee record, it is inserted into the very first
target table that meets the condition.
This INSERT statement is referred to as a conditional INSERT FIRST. The WHEN salary
< 5000 condition is evaluated first. If this first WHEN clause evaluates to true, the Oracle
Server executes the corresponding INTO clause and inserts the record into the SAL_LOW
table. It skips subsequent WHEN clauses for this row.
If the row does not satisfy the first WHEN condition (WHEN salary < 5000), the next
condition (WHEN salary between 5000 and 10000) is evaluated. If this condition
evaluates to true, the record is inserted into the SAL_MID table, and the last condition is
If neither the first condition (WHEN salary < 5000) nor the second condition (WHEN
salary between 5000 and 10000) is evaluated to true, the Oracle Server executes the
corresponding INTO clause for the ELSE clause.
Pivoting INSERT
176 6 3000
176 6 4000
176 6 5000
176 6 6000
Pivoting is an operation in which you must build a transformation such that each record from
any input stream, such as a nonrelational database table, must be converted into multiple
records for a more relational database table environment.
Suppose you receive a set of sales records from a nonrelational database table:
SALES_SOURCE_DATA, in the following format:
You want to store these records in the SALES_INFO table in a more typical relational format:
To solve this problem, you must build a transformation such that each record from the original
nonrelational database table, SALES_SOURCE_DATA, is converted into five records for the
data warehouses SALES_INFO table. This operation is commonly referred to as pivoting.
The solution to this problem is shown on the next page.
Pivoting INSERT
INTO sales_info VALUES (employee_id,week_id,sales_MON)
INTO sales_info VALUES (employee_id,week_id,sales_TUE)
INTO sales_info VALUES (employee_id,week_id,sales_WED)
INTO sales_info VALUES (employee_id,week_id,sales_THUR)
INTO sales_info VALUES (employee_id,week_id, sales_FRI)
In the example in the slide, the sales data is received from the nonrelational database table
SALES_SOURCE_DATA, which is the details of the sales performed by a sales representative
on each day of a week, for a week with a particular week ID.
Observe in the preceding example that by using a pivoting INSERT, one row from the
SALES_SOURCE_DATA table is converted into five records for the relational table, SALES_INFO.
Lesson Agenda
MERGE Statement
The Oracle Server supports the MERGE statement for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
operations. Using this statement, you can update, insert, or delete a row conditionally into a
table, thus avoiding multiple DML statements. The decision whether to update, insert, or
delete into the target table is based on a condition in the ON clause.
You must have the INSERT and UPDATE object privileges on the target table and the SELECT
object privilege on the source table. To specify the DELETE clause of
merge_update_clause, you must also have the DELETE object privilege on the target
The MERGE statement is deterministic. You cannot update the same row of the target table
multiple times in the same MERGE statement.
An alternative approach is to use PL/SQL loops and multiple DML statements. The MERGE
statement, however, is easy to use and more simply expressed as a single SQL statement.
The MERGE statement is suitable in a number of data warehousing applications. For example,
in a data warehousing application, you may need to work with data coming from multiple
sources, some of which may be duplicates. With the MERGE statement, you can conditionally
add or modify rows.
Merging Rows
You can update existing rows, and insert new rows conditionally by using the MERGE
statement. Using the MERGE statement, you can delete obsolete rows at the same time as you
update rows in a table. To do this, you include a DELETE clause with its own WHERE clause in
the syntax of the MERGE statement.
In the syntax:
INTO clause Specifies the target table you are updating or inserting into
USING clause Identifies the source of the data to be updated or inserted; can be
a table, view, or subquery
ON clause The condition on which the MERGE operation either updates or
WHEN MATCHED | Instructs the server how to respond to the results of the join
Note: For more information, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for Oracle
Database 12c.
Observe that there are some employees with SALARY < 10000 and there are two employees
The example in the slide matches the EMPLOYEE_ID in the COPY_EMP3 table to the
EMPLOYEE_ID in the EMPLOYEES table. If a match is found, the row in the COPY_EMP3 table is
updated to match the row in the EMPLOYEES table and the salary of the employee is doubled.
The records of the two employees with values in the COMMISSION_PCT column are deleted. If
the match is not found, rows are inserted into the COPY_EMP3 table.
The examples in the slide show that the COPY_EMP3 table is empty. The c.employee_id =
e.employee_id condition is evaluated. The condition returns falsethere are no matches.
The logic falls into the WHEN NOT MATCHED clause, and the MERGE command inserts the rows
of the EMPLOYEES table into the COPY_EMP3 table. This means that the COPY_EMP3 table
now has exactly the same data as in the EMPLOYEES table.
SELECT employee_id, salary, commission_pct from copy_emp3;
Lesson Agenda
Oracle Flashback Table enables you to recover tables to a specified point in time with a single
statement. You can restore table data along with associated indexes and constraints while the
database is online, undoing changes to only the specified tables.
The Flashback Table feature is similar to a self-service repair tool. For example, if a user
accidentally deletes important rows from a table and then wants to recover the deleted rows,
you can use the FLASHBACK TABLE statement to restore the table to the time before the
deletion and see the missing rows in the table.
When using the FLASHBACK TABLE statement, you can revert the table and its contents to a
certain time or to an SCN.
Note: The SCN is an integer value associated with each change to the database. It is a
unique incremental number in the database. Every time you commit a transaction, a new SCN
is recorded.
Lesson Agenda
You may discover that, somehow, data in a table has been inappropriately changed. To
research this, you can use multiple flashback queries to view row data at specific points in
time. More efficiently, you can use the Flashback Version Query feature to view all changes to
a row over a period of time. This feature enables you to append a VERSIONS clause to a
SELECT statement that specifies a system change number (SCN) or the time stamp range
within which you want to view changes to row values. The query also can return associated
metadata, such as the transaction responsible for the change.
Further, after you identify an erroneous transaction, you can use the Flashback Transaction
Query feature to identify other changes that were done by the transaction. You then have the
option of using the Flashback Table feature to restore the table to a state before the changes
were made.
You can use a query on a table with a VERSIONS clause to produce all the versions of all the
rows that exist, or ever existed, between the time the query was issued and the
undo_retention seconds before the current time. undo_retention is an initialization
parameter, which is an autotuned parameter. A query that includes a VERSIONS clause is
referred to as a version query. The results of a version query behaves as though the WHERE
clause were applied to the versions of the rows. The version query returns versions of the
rows only across transactions.
System change number (SCN): The Oracle server assigns an SCN to identify the redo
records for each committed transaction.
1 3
In the example in the slide, the salary for employee 107 is retrieved (1). The salary for employee
107 is increased by 30 percent and this change is committed (2). The different versions of salary
are displayed (3).
The VERSIONS clause does not change the plan of the query. For example, if you run a query on
a table that uses the index access method, the same query on the same table with a VERSIONS
clause continues to use the index access method. The versions of the rows returned by the
version query are versions of the rows across transactions. The VERSIONS clause has no effect
on the transactional behavior of a query. This means that a query on a table with a VERSIONS
clause still inherits the query environment of the ongoing transaction.
The default VERSIONS clause can be specified as VERSIONS BETWEEN {SCN|TIMESTAMP}
MINVALUE AND MAXVALUE. The VERSIONS clause is a SQL extension only for queries. You
can have DML and DDL operations that use a VERSIONS clause within subqueries. The row
version query retrieves all the committed versions of the selected rows. Changes made by the
current active transaction are not returned. The version query retrieves all incarnations of the
rows. This essentially means that versions returned include deleted and subsequent reinserted
versions of the rows. The row access for a version query can be defined in one of the following
two categories:
ROWID-based row access: In case of ROWID-based access, all versions of the specified
ROWID are returned irrespective of the row content. This essentially means that all versions
of the slot in the block indicated by the ROWID are returned.
All other row access: For all other row access, all versions of the rows are returned.
Oracle Database 12c: SQL Workshop II 9 - 36
You can use the VERSIONS BETWEEN clause to retrieve all the versions of the rows that exist
or have ever existed between the time the query was issued and a point back in time.
If the undo retention time is less than the lower bound time or the SCN of the BETWEEN
clause, the query retrieves versions up to the undo retention time only. The time interval of the
BETWEEN clause can be specified as an SCN interval or a wall-clock interval. This time
interval is closed at both the lower and the upper bounds.
In the example, Lorentzs salary changes are retrieved. The NULL value for END_DATE for the
first version indicates that this was the existing version at the time of the query. The NULL
value for START_DATE for the last version indicates that this version was created at a time
before the undo retention time.
Answer: a
Answer: b
In this lesson, you also should have learned about multitable INSERT statements, the MERGE
statement, and tracking changes in the database.
Practice 9: Overview
In this practice, you learn how to perform multitable INSERTS, MERGE operations, flashback
operations and tracking row versions.