Tesco Coll Hbook Store RP7

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I have received my copy of the Tesco Colleague Handbook.

I understand it is my responsibility to read and familiarise myself with the

contents which form part of my terms and conditions of employment.


Our Handbook
for Store Colleagues

Please detach this slip from your handbook and return it to your Personnel Manager.
Note: The information contained in the
handbook is accurate at the time it was printed.
From time to time, to reflect the needs of the
business or changing legislation it may be
necessary to replace, remove or make changes
to Company policy and terms and conditions.
We will consult with the Union should such
changes need to be made but we reserve
the right to make any such changes. You will
always hear about any changes through your
Management team. These details will replace
those in the Colleague Handbook.

Colleague Handbook
2 cOlleague HandbOOk welcOme 3

Welcome to Tesco. We want you to know that We never underestimate how essential our
you are joining a business which really values our colleagues are to keeping our business moving
people. Youre the key to our success, which is and growing. You are what makes Tesco, and in
why weve made it our goal to understand what return, we do everything we can to make Tesco
matters to you and our customers, and to make a great place to work.
those things better.

On yOur new JOb

We work hard to provide a great pay and benefits
Youll hear a lot about our Values in your new reward package. This helps us attract the best
role theyre really at the heart of everything we talent, like you! Whatever your strengths and
do. They set out the way we want to work with ambitions, well give you the support you need
each other, our customers and our communities. to fulfil your potential. We want to help you get
Theyre for everyone, whether youre working in on, and the scale of Tesco means there are

and welcOme tO
the boardroom or in the store. a huge amount of opportunities for you to
develop your career.
Our Values are:
With the help of our people, weve come a
long way since 1919. In a time of real change
for the business, we know that now, more than
nO One trIes Harder fOr custOmers; we ever, we need a strong team to help build the

tHe tescO team!

treat peOple as wed lIke tO be treated; Tesco of tomorrow.
we use Our scale fOr gOOd. So thank you for choosing to join the Tesco
The way we work has helped us to grow - team. We wish you the best of luck in your new
from Jack Cohens small market stall in East role and future career with us.
London in 1919 to a global company that now
serves millions of customers in 12 different
countries and 22 different businesses across
Europe and Asia.
4 cOlleague HandbOOk welcOme 5

servIng brItaIns sHOppers HOw tO use

a lIttle better every day tHIs HandbOOk
Our core purpose is about turning insight into action. It means understanding This handbook sets out all the information you There is a form at the back of this handbook for
people, what matters most to them, then making those things better. need to find out a little more about our policies you to sign and return to acknowledge that you
and benefits. It explains the opportunities that have received a copy of the handbook and you

Our values are:

are available to you as part of the Tesco team, and understand it is your responsibility to read and
we hope it will be a good point of reference if you familiarise yourself with the contents.
need to find out some information on the terms It may seem like theres a lot to remember,
nO One trIes Harder fOr custOmers we treat everyOne HOw we lIke and conditions of your employment contract. but if you have any questions, your Manager
Your offer letter and contract will refer you to this or Personnel Manager will be able to help and
What matters for customers? tO be treated handbook for more details; thats because specific support you.
Offering everything they need, made better What matters for colleagues? parts of the handbook make up your contract of This handbook applies to all UK Store
and easier Always being proud of what we do employment. This is your personal copy so when based colleagues.
Delivering outstanding value you have finished reading it, please keep it in a
Creating a great place to work: happy, honest
for everyone safe place for easy reference as you may find it
and inspiring
Helping with advice, inspiration useful to refer back to from time to time.
Providing opportunities for us all to be at
and a smile our best
Creating an easy, seamless experience Building relationships based on shared values
Saying thank you with Clubcard and respect
...to help them to get the most out of life Working in an environment where we can all
contribute, make a difference and be ourselves
...to help us to get the most out of work

we use Our scale fOr gOOd

What matters for communities?
Creating new opportunities for young people
Tackling the challenge of obesity
Leading in cutting food waste from farm
to fridge
...these, among other things, help make our
neighbourhoods a better place
6 cOlleague HandbOOk cOntents 7

Our tescO yOur benefIts
What are we all about? 9 What you can expect from us 37

yOur cOmmunIcatIOn yOur cOnduct

How we communicate together 11 Code of Business Conduct 41
Raising your concerns 44
Solving problems 48
yOur develOpment
Training and development 15
yOur safety
Safety and Security 51
yOur HOurs Of wOrk
Your time 17
yOure mOvIng On
Leaving Tesco 55
yOur attendance
Attendance 25
Absence 27 yOur furtHer InfOrmatIOn
and cOntacts
Further information 59
yOur pay Useful contacts 60
All about pay and retirement savings 31
8 cOlleague HandbOOk Our tescO 9

Our tescO
Customers are at the heart of all that we do. Our
wHat are we
all abOut?
commitment to understanding them has been the
key to our success and shapes our Core Purpose. Our Core Purpose acts as a guide for our business
and our people. It is the reason for all that we
every lIttle Helps
We make what matters better, together for our do. We make what matters better, together. No matter where you work or what you do, we
customers, our colleagues and our communities. Through a focus on service, honesty, value, speed, all have a responsibility to ensure we put the
trust, convenience and simplicity, we are using all needs of our customers first. The improvements
these to make a big difference where it matters. we make to products, to stores, to promotions,
to service, to value for money can be big or
Our strategy small but they all help add up to a better shopping
trip, a better delivery and a better experience
In any business clear direction is vital. Our Strategy for our customers.
provides the direction that we take as a Company,
And its by making what matters better that we
what we set out to achieve; our success depends
have more satisfied customers with whom we
on delivery against each element:
build trust and earn their lifetime loyalty.
To grow the UK core business
Examples of how we make what matters better
To be an outstanding international retailer in include our Free From range which makes life
stores and online easier for families dealing with food intolerance,
To be as strong in everything we sell as we are the One in Front promise which means that
in food queuing in supermarkets didnt have to be a way
To grow retail services in all our markets of life, or Express which combines great quality
fresh food with great local convenience.
To put our responsibilities to the communities
we serve at the heart of what we do And thats why in some markets notably the UK
we say Every Little Helps to describe what we
To be a creator of highly valued brands do: no matter how big or small, weve listened and
To build our team so that we create more value. weve made it better.

Our values
Our Values sit at the heart of our business and
help us to deliver our Strategy and Core Purpose.
The Values were developed in 1997 from
discussions with thousands of our colleagues on
what they thought Tesco stood for, and what they
wanted the business to be.
Ten years later colleagues refreshed the Values to
reflect the business today and how they wanted
to work in the future. These were re-launched
in 2012. Our Values let you know what kind of
business we are working for, whats important and
the behaviours you can expect to see.
10 Colleague Handbook Your Communication 11

Your Communication
Communication in Tesco is key. We use a wide
How we communicate
variety of channels to communicate with all levels
of colleagues, ensuring you are given the right the big 6 Team 5
information at the right time, helping you to do The Big 6 six key measures that will help us We share a weekly five minute face to face
your job. focus, simplify and improve the way we do things communication for all colleagues. It is used
across the Group to communicate the most important messages
The Big 6 focuses on whats important for our relevant to you and your role. It consists of
customers, colleagues, suppliers and communities. three sections:
Through our achievements here we can deliver help you to do your job
against the key financial requirements of our help you to serve your customers even better
turnaround, namely sales, profit and cash.
k eep you informed of news and information
The Big 6 happening in your department, store and
 ustomers recommend us and come back time
C across the business and to help you to celebrate
and again your performance.
Colleagues recommend us as a great place to
work and shop Colleague Publication
We build trusted partnerships We produce a quarterly colleague publication for
Grow sales all our people in stores, distribution and offices
Deliver Profit that is available for you to take home. Each issue is
Improve operating cash flow packed with news, features, fun and competitions.
Our people are the stars of our business and you
These are the Big 6 measures at country level.
can send in your own news and stories.
For Stores, distribution and customer fulfilment
they are slightly more specific in the areas of
partnerships, profit and operating cash flow
Our Tesco
The Big 6 is for all Tesco Colleagues everywhere, Our Tesco site connects Tesco colleagues
no matter where you work. and allows us to share skills and experiences.
You can read news about Tesco, view helpful
The objectives we set together in our teams and
documents to see what we are all doing and
as individuals will support the Big 6 and ultimately
celebrate success. Please visit www.ourtesco.com
help us to deliver great service to our customers.
Not everyone will have the same objectives or
cover all six areas but what is important is that all
our actions add up to deliver The Big 6.

The Big 6
Grow recommend us
sales and come back
time and

Control recommend us as
costs a great place to
work and shop

We build
Control trusted
stock community

Managers feedback:

Find out more at www.ourtesco.com/TheBig6

81501_A2.indd 1 20/05/2015 17:43

12 Colleague Handbook Your Communication 13

Noticeboards How we listen to each other Colleague Forums

We use noticeboards to display up-to-date We always want to hear your views on issues that Forums are meetings designed to involve you in
information about areas such as training, statutory affect you and the business. You should feel able the business you work in, ensuring that your voice
information, Health and Safety notices, company
news, Union updates, benefits and club activity
to approach your Manager at any time. We also
have discussions regularly through colleague
is heard and represented at all levels. At these
meetings, colleagues represent the views of their Your opinion makes
that could affect you. They are an essential part of
our communication so please remember to read
Question Times, face to face briefings and
publications. Your opinion matters! We want
team members, communicating any issues and
working together to find practical solutions. a difference and helps
them regularly so that you are kept informed of
any changes.
to understand what matters to you so we can
make it better.
There are three levels of forums:
us to improve Tesco
and make it a better
Store Forum/Express Group Forum
Every Comment Helps What matters to you feedback  tore Director/Store Operations
This is a feedback tool that lets our customers
share their shopping experiences with us.
We regularly ask our customers and our people
what we can do to make shopping and working
Manager Forum
National Forum. place to work.
Understanding our customers and their needs is with us that little bit better. We do this through a Whos involved in Store/Group Forums?
an important part of working for us. survey for our customers and colleagues.
Customers can always talk to a member of the This is a chance for you to have your say. Twice
Forum representatives
Joining the Union
Store Manager/Operations Manager
team in store, but can also choose to text, email, a year, all colleagues have the opportunity to We work in partnership with USDAW/SATA
Personnel Manager to ensure that our colleagues have Union
leave a voice comment, fill out a comments complete a questionnaire. This is a confidential
card or even visit www.tescocomments.com. independent process which measures colleague Usdaw Representative representation. USDAW/SATA is recognised by
Colleagues are also able to use these ways to engagement and highlights any issues around Usdaw Health and Safety Representative Tesco as the Union that will represent, consult and
leave feedback. the business. negotiate on matters related to the employment
A line Manager or senior Manager. package for colleagues. Tesco supports
Customers regularly tell us about the great service The process is run by an independent company Store forum objectives: membership of USDAW/SATA for colleagues who
that our colleagues provide and often tell us which who are members of the Market Research Society wish to join whether you are full or part time. You
 o identify opportunities for improvements on
member of the Tesco team has served them. and as such work within its Code of Conduct. As will receive further information about the benefits
behalf of colleagues and customers, including
This gives us the chance to acknowledge these part of this Code, the anonymity of respondents of joining USDAW/SATA during your induction.
improving ways of working, making the job
colleagues. On occasions they also tell us when is guaranteed. No one in Tesco will ever see your
simpler, and helping colleagues to improve the
we get it wrong and this gives us the chance to completed survey or individual answers. We only
shopping trip for our customers
support those colleagues who need additional receive reports that are based on the data given
service training. To find out more, please speak to by you and your colleagues. To sort out issues through practical solutions
your Personnel Manager. From the information gathered, we can recognise  o celebrate the success and achievements of
We also use huddles to talk about the service that what is important to our people, celebrate success individuals and teams
we give to our customers. and identify any areas of the business we could  o communicate business matters, such as
improve through action plans. Your opinion makes updates on the businesss performance and
a difference and helps us to improve Tesco and briefing upcoming initiatives
make it a better place to work.  o understand the business need for change
and to help communicate and support this
 o identify ways to safeguard the health and
safety of our colleagues, customers
and communities
 o agree the issues to be escalated to the Store
Director Forum.
14 cOlleague HandbOOk yOur develOpment 15

yOur develOpment
At Tesco we offer a wide range of learning and
traInIng and
development opportunities to help you to develop
to your full potential. Youll find some of them my perfOrmance revIew traInIng In OtHer areas
on the next page but talk to your Manager or As a new starter, you will receive a Progress Review To ensure that we give our customers the best
Personnel Manager for more details. at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after starting your role. After possible service all colleagues are encouraged
your 12 week Progress Review you will move onto to learn more than one job. Where appropriate,
an annual review. all new colleagues will be trained to operate a
Your Progress Review is an opportunity for you and checkout and to bag pack in addition to their
your Line Manager to have an open conversation main role, if in another area.
and to share feedback on your achievements. Colleagues from checkouts will also be required
Its a chance to tell your Line Manager how well to support other areas of the store when required.
you feel you have performed in your role and for Colleagues in some service areas will not be called
them to share any feedback and their assessment to support checkouts at busy times, however may
of your performance. still choose to be trained so that they have the
opportunity to work overtime on the checkouts.
We have progress reviews because we want to:
In Express, all colleagues are trained in all areas
have a clear and honest discussion about your of the store.
performance and celebrate your contribution,
support your Career Development, develOpment
provide opportunities for you to learn and When you join us you will start a 13 week training
grow, and develop your skills, behaviours plan to help you become an expert in your role.
and experience, We also have many development programmes
ensure we all play our part in delivering for specially designed to help you gain the experience
customers everyday. and skills you need to progress to a different and
bigger job. You can find out more on our careers
Regular conversations about performance are
website or by talking to your Personnel Manager
a good thing; and the Progress Reviews will
in store.
be underpinned by regular feedback throughout
the year.
16 Colleague Handbook Your Hours of Work 17

Your Hours of Work

Everyone enjoys a break away from work and we
Your time
will always do our best to accommodate your
plans. Here, you can read more about working Working flexibly to meet business needs Working Time Regulations
arrangements and holidays. As a market-leading Company we are always This legislation aims to protect the health and
looking at ways to improve the business, make it safety of colleagues by restricting working hours. If
easier for you to do your job and provide a better you are aged 18 years or above then you may not
shopping trip for our customers. When we identify exceed an average of 48 hours per week over a
a way to improve things, we may need to make reference period of 52 weeks.
some changes to the way we work and you may Colleagues wishing to work hours in excess of the
be asked to work different days, or work different 48 hour average can do this lawfully by signing
hours or in a different department; this could be an opt-out agreement. To find out more, speak to
on a permanent or temporary basis. your Manager or Personnel Manager.
We understand that Tesco is only one part of your If you are under 18 years old (but above school
life and that you may have other commitments leaving age) you may not exceed 40 hours in any
outside of work. To help us understand these week or eight hours in any day.
commitments we will ask you to provide us with
Some local authorities may impose further
details of when you are available to work and,
restrictions on the working hours and breaks for
when a particular change affects your Store or
children or, if you have a student visa, your visa
department, we will hold a meeting with you to
may have restrictions on it regarding how many
discuss the forthcoming change and how this may
hours you can work in paid employment during
affect you or your current working arrangements.
your term time.
We will take into consideration any commitments
We offer all of our night workers (someone who
you have outside of work and aim to mutually
regularly works three hours or more between
agree any changes to your working arrangements.
11pm and 6am) an annual health assessment
Should we not be able to informally agree
in the form of a health questionnaire.
changes with you, we may need to follow a
formal process to agree changes to your current
working arrangements.
In all cases your Manager will discuss this with
you. You have the right to be accompanied by
a union representative or colleague during
these meetings.
18 Colleague Handbook Your Hours of Work 19

Holiday payment What happens if your holiday Annual allowance for the holiday year by number of
Our holiday year runs from 1 April to 31 March. anniversary falls part way through the Period of service days worked
Your holiday entitlement increases with length of
service and is pro-rated from your anniversary of
holiday year? 6 5 4 3 2 1

joining. Where you change the number of days A colleagues holiday entitlement increases 15 years or more 36 30 24 18 12 6
you work, your holiday entitlement will change on according to their length of service. If your date
10 years but less than 15 years 33 28 22 17 11 6
a pro-rata basis. of joining anniversary falls part-way through
the holiday year, then your increased number of 5 years but less than 10 years 30 25 20 15 10 5
Holidays will be paid at the current weekly
holiday days will be prorated for the remaining
contractual earnings rate including premiums More than 12 months but less than 5
holiday year. 26 22 18 13 9 4
but excluding any overtime or ad-hoc payments. years
For colleagues on a flexible contract, holidays
will be paid at the higher of the average weekly What if I am sick during my holiday? 12 months 24 20 16 12 8 4
earnings or the average weekly earnings in the last If you are sick on your last day immediately
tax year (P60 earnings). before your holiday begins, your holiday may Number of annual days Number of new

be postponed or rearranged (holiday is defined holiday you originally annual days holiday The number
The number of
Holiday schemes as starting from the end of the last working would have received
calendar days
you will receive of calendar
days from
day before the holiday). You must notify the since 1st April
We have several holiday schemes and you will anniversary
department and if you are absent for more than and up to the
be on the scheme that applied at the time you and up to
one working week, you will also need to provide a anniversary
joined us. 365 days 365 days 31st March
Fit Note from your Doctor. (366 in a leap year) (366 in a leap year)
Current year scheme (for colleagues who joined
on or after 12 January 2003): If you are on this
scheme you can take paid holiday from your date
What happens if you leave the Company? For example, if you are a five day worker and you reach your five year anniversary on 1 August (so 122
of joining, restricted to one working week paid If you leave the Company, you will be paid for days before 5 year holiday anniversary) your anniversary-related increase will be calculated as follows:
in the first three months of service. After three any days you have earned but have not taken.
months, you can take your holiday according to If you have taken more holidays and Bank
22 days 25 days 23.99 days

the normal holiday procedures. Holidays than you have earned, the amount of
122 7.35 243 16.64 rounded up to
money equal to these extra days will be deducted days days days days 24 days
If you were to leave part way through the year, from your final pay.
your holiday entitlement will be based on the 365 days 365 days total entitlement
number of completed months worked. This may A leavers holiday entitlement is calculated by
result in you having to pay back any holiday that multiplying the actual number of days they were If you have reached an anniversary where your holiday entitlement increases and you are unsure
has been taken in excess of your entitlement. employed in the holiday year (starting from 1 of your entitlement, ask your Personnel Manager to confirm your holidays remaining to the end
Please talk to your Personnel Manager if you need April) and rounded up to the nearest half day. of the holiday year.
to find out more information about any of our An example for a leaver:
previous schemes.  Customer Assistant leaves on 18 May (five
A New starters
day worker, three years service) 22 days A new starters holiday entitlement is based on the number of days a week you work and the point in
divided by 365, multiplied by 48 days (days the holiday year that you join the Company. This is calculated as follows:
employed in current holiday year) equals 2.89
days. This is rounded up to three days. The number of days
holiday you would receive Your holiday
The number of
over the first holiday year entitlement for the
calendar days
remaining in remainder of the
the current holiday year - this is
holiday year rounded up to the
365 days nearest whole day
(366 in a leap year)

A new starter example: A Customer Assistant begins on 18 May (five day worker). 20 days (first full year
entitlement) divided by 365, multiplied by 317 (days remaining in holiday year) equals 17.36 days. This
is rounded up to 18 days for their first part holiday year.
20 cOlleague HandbOOk yOur HOurs Of wOrk 21

bank HOlIdays If your working days do not fall on the Bank

Holiday you will have your entitlement to take
bank HOlIdays table
All colleagues receive a Bank Holiday entitlement at another time, by mutual agreement with
in days at the beginning of the holiday year, Bank Holiday England / Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Isle of Man
your Manager. The days listed opposite are the
dependent on the number of days they work in recognised Bank Holidays in the UK. good friday
a week. This is irrespective of whether or not they
Occasionally an additional Bank Holiday may be easter Monday
are contracted to work on a particular
announced by the government and the basis of
Bank Holiday.
how this will be managed will be communicated easter tuesday
If you join part-way through the year you will be following consultation with Usdaw.
allocated a pro-rated entitlement based on the early May Bank Holiday
5 store
number of days remaining in the holiday year.
Bank Holiday entitlement days are to be used to
wOrkIng On a bank HOlIday Spring Bank Holiday
specific local
If you joined before 26 January 2009 working on tt Day Bank Holidays.
take Bank Holidays off that fall on a contractual
day of work if you do not wish to work, or if your a Bank Holiday will continue to be voluntary unless tynwald Day
business area is closed. you are specifically contracted to do so.
July Holiday
If you do not have sufficient Bank Holiday If you joined on or after 26 January 2009 and
entitlement to take off all the Bank Holidays that there are insufficient volunteers to work on a Bank July Holiday
fall on your contractual working days, you have the Holiday, you may be required to work on up to five august Bank Holiday
following options: Bank Holidays excluding Christmas Day, Boxing
Day and New Years Day, if scheduled to work. Christmas Day*
take the day as annual holiday
Boxing Day*
take the day unpaid
sIckness Over a bank HOlIday New Years Day*
take your Personal Day (if eligible).
Scheduled colleagues
If you work nights, the working hours are spread You volunteer to work the Bank Holiday: 2nd January
over 2 days. You will have a designated 24 hour total BH Days 8 9* 8 10**
if you are off sick you will receive normal sick
period which will replace the actual Bank Holiday.
pay (if eligible) for the scheduled hours that Colleague entitlement 8 8 8 8
It will either commence from 12 noon on the day
you would normally work on that day.
before the Bank Holiday or 12 noon on the day of
the Bank Holiday. the length of the shift that you had volunteered
to work or your normal contractual hours * Scotland has 9 recognised Bank Holidays
It will be agreed following consultation between and colleagues receive an entitlement of
(whichever is the shorter) will be included for
your management team, union representative 8 days (pro-rata for part-time colleagues).
the purposes of Supporting your Attendance,
and members of the night team. You will then be Colleagues should therefore use their
in calculating your Absence Review Level.
briefed by your manager. Personal Day (if they qualify) to cover 2nd
your Bank Holiday entitlement which has
January (see page 23 for more information
already been booked elsewhere is not affected.
on Personal Days).
Number of days Bank holiday upon your return to work, you will have a
worked per week entitlement in days ** The Isle of Man has 10 recognised Bank
Welcome Back meeting, to confirm that you
Holidays and colleagues receive an
5 8 are fit to return to work.
entitlement of 8 days (pro-rata for part-time
if you joined the company on or after 4 July colleagues). Colleagues should therefore
4 6
2004 you will be eligible to receive company use their Personal Day(s) (if they qualify) to
3 5 sick pay after the first three working days of cover TT Day and Tynwald Day (see page 23
each period of sickness. The Bank Holiday for more information on Personal Days).
2 3
will count as one of these three days,
1 2 where applicable.
22 Colleague Handbook Your Hours of Work 23

Scheduled colleagues
You choose not to work on the Bank Holiday:
Holiday review meeting What if someone else asks for the  of Man You will receive two Personal
Days if you joined on or before 31 March. If you
If you are sick on the last working day prior to
In February or March you will have a Holiday same holiday? joined between 1 and 30 April you will only be
Review meeting with your Manager to confirm Holiday requests are agreed on a first come, entitled to one Personal Day. Your Personal Day
the Bank Holiday and you complete a Welcome
that your holiday entitlement is fully booked for first served basis. The decision will be based on may be used on TT and/or Tynwald Day if you
Back meeting to confirm that you were still sick
the forthcoming holiday year. department needs and when the request has are scheduled to work and do not wish to work.
over the Bank Holiday, you will have your Bank
Holiday entitlement to re-schedule. Three weeks holiday should be taken between been made. To avoid disappointment, make sure
If you were not sick on the last working day prior
1 April and 31 October, with the remainder of
entitlement being taken between 1 November
you give as much notice as you can. Breaks
to the Bank Holiday, you will not have your Bank All breaks are unpaid and apply to all colleagues.
Holiday entitlement day to re-schedule, even if
and 31 March. Colleagues with six weeks holiday
entitlement should ideally take four weeks holiday
What if I need to make a change to my The timing of when breaks can be taken and
you declare you were sick on the Bank Holiday.
between 1 April and 31 October. holiday dates? the length of the break may vary depending on
Non-scheduled colleagues You can request changes to your holiday dates the store operation but should remain within the
It is your responsibility to book your holidays using following guidelines. Your Manager will confirm
You volunteer to work on the Bank Holiday: the appropriate holiday booking form within the in an emergency, if your plans change or when
an unexpected event arises. By speaking to your when you take your break, considering both your
If you are sick you will not receive sick pay and holiday booking window. It is important too, that needs and the needs of the business.
you have time away from work to relax and rest, Manager at the earliest opportunity they will try to
the absence will be treated in the same way as
accommodate your request, or work with you to Where colleagues work split shifts, for example,
absence on an overtime shift. therefore if you have not booked the required
agree a solution. 6am to 9am and 5pm to 8pm on the same day,
 he period of absence will not be included for
T amount of holiday, your Manager will consult with
the break between the two shifts will be no less
you over the dates that are still available during
the purposes of Supporting your Attendance in
calculating your Absence Review level. your Holiday Review Meeting. As a last resort, your What if I need time off for a than one hour.

 pon your return to work you will have a

Manager will allocate holidays to ensure you dont religious reason?  you are a young worker (aged under 18
but above school leaving age) then you are
miss out on your entitlement.
Welcome Back meeting to confirm that you are Wherever possible, we will try to accommodate allowed a minimum of a 30 minute break every
your request by offering applicable paid or
fit to return to work.
What if I do not take all of my holidays in unpaid options.
four and a half hours.
You choose not to work the Bank Holiday:
the holiday year?  you are a child worker (under school leaving
 s you are sick on a day off, you do not need to
notify the store. Unfortunately, you are unable to carry any What if I need to take more leave than my age) you are legally required to be given a 60
minute break after every four hours worked.
If you are still sick on your next scheduled shift,
outstanding entitlement at the end of the holiday entitlement?
holiday year forward into the following year or
normal notification procedures apply. There are a number of options to support you Shift length, for example,
be paid for any outstanding holiday. If you are Tesco
in the event you need to take more leave than start time to finish time
on Prolonged Absence or Maternity, Adoption
When can I start taking my holidays? or Additional Paternity Leave over the end of the
your holiday entitlement. Please speak to your
Manager or Personnel Manager for further details
including breaks.

Holiday may be taken from your date of joining holiday year, there will be different options as Up to and including
on the various options available to you. No break
although it is restricted to one working week paid to how this will be treated: please discuss what 3 hours
will happen to your holiday entitlement with
in the first three months of service.
your Manager. Personal Day 4 to 5 hours 15 minutes
If you join us on or before 28 October, then you 6 to 7 hours 30 minutes
will be able to take an additional paid day off
called a Personal Day. This can be taken between 8 to 8 hours 45 minutes
1 December and 31 January, or outside of these 9 to 11 hours 90 minutes
dates if agreed with your Manager.
 stores in Scotland If you are scheduled
All Breaks may vary if there is a medical condition or
to work on 2 January and you do not wish to specific need for a variation, or if the individual has
work, you should request your Personal Day on it agreed on a local basis by the store.
this day.
Dotcom Drivers and Personal Shoppers have
different break entitlements that are agreed with
their Manager.
24 Colleague Handbook Your Attendance 25

Your Attendance
There may be times when you are not able to come Attendance
into work, possibly due to sickness or a family
We care about your health and wellbeing. If you are ill
emergency. This section outlines what you need to
please be aware what we need from you.
do in these situations and the support available to
help you return to work.
Will I be paid if I am absent? you cause your own illness or injury.
Your sick pay may be made up of Company Sick We are legally bound to withhold Statutory
Pay, Statutory Sick Pay, and National Insurance Sick Pay for the first two reasons above, and in
benefit, depending on your circumstances. addition, disciplinary action may be taken.
If you started on or after 4 July 2004, you are only In the event of you suffering an injury caused by
eligible to receive Company Sick Pay after the first a third-party, any sickness benefit paid to you will
three working days of each period of sickness. For be at the Companys discretion and will be treated
example, if you are contracted to work a Monday as a loan. If a successful court action is brought
and a Friday only and are off sick for two weeks, against the third party, the Companys loan (net
you will only receive Company Sick Pay for the amount of any sickness benefit) must be repaid.
Friday of the second week. Please tell your Manager if you have received any
We do have the right to withhold Company payment for loss of earnings as a result of injury
Sick Pay if: caused by a third-party.

there is a reasonable belief that your absence is At times we may need to refer you to our
not genuine Occupational Health Department if we require
advice on your fitness for work and we may seek
 do anything deliberately or negligently to
you your permission to contact your GP in confidence.
make your illness or injury worse

Length of Service Sick Pay Entitlement

Less than 6 months None
6 months but less than 1 year 1 week at contractual pay
1 year but less than 2 years 2 weeks at contractual pay
2 years but less than 3 years 3 weeks at contractual pay
3 years but less than 4 years 4 weeks at contractual pay
4 years but less than 5 years 5 weeks at contractual pay
5 years but less than 6 years 6 weeks at contractual pay
After six years, you will receive an additional week sickness pay for every year of service, less any amount
paid the previous year subject to a minimum of six weeks and a maximum of 16 weeks. Once you reach
the maximum, you will need to build back up to the maximum entitlement again, should you use any
sick leave. Once you have built up to six weeks allowance, you will always receive a minimum of 6 weeks
paid sick leave, regardless of the amount of sick leave taken in the previous year.
26 Colleague Handbook Your Attendance 27

Other reasons for time off If you are absent from work we will always try
to provide support in times of genuine need.
If you continually do not tell us you are not
coming to work, you will be managed more
 octor, dentist and hospital
D Absence does put your colleagues under pressure quickly through the disciplinary process. You could
appointments - If you can, please try to and affects the quality of service we are all able to be dismissed on the third time of not telling us
arrange appointments outside working provide. Our procedures are therefore designed you are going to be absent.
hours. However, if this is not possible, speak to provide you with the support you need whilst
to your Manager and ask for your working
hours to be re-arranged before you confirm
minimising the disruption absence can cause. When should I provide a Fit Note?
Our Managers may also consult our fully qualified You should provide a Fit Note from your Doctor if
your appointment.
Occupational Health Advisors. These advisers you are absent for more than one working week.
If you cant arrange this, talk to your Manager can support colleagues and Managers on
who will need to authorise paid or unpaid For example, a Fit Note will be required if you are
health matters, provide materials and information
leave, based on Company policy regarding the contracted Monday to Friday and you are still sick
on support available for colleagues with
reason for your time off. on the following Monday, or if you are contracted
prolonged absence.
and are sick on a Saturday and are still sick the
 aid time off for study - If you are 16 or 17
following Saturday.
and are studying for a recognised qualification, What if I cant come to work? If a Doctors certificate is not provided within 21
you may be eligible for paid study leave.
As soon as you know you cannot come to work days of the final day of the period of sickness
 ublic duties - We encourage our people to
P and at least two hours before your shift starts, absence, then we have the right to withhold
be involved in the local community and we please phone the Duty Manager at your store. Company Sick Pay.
provide reasonable time off for colleagues who You must personally call the store unless
carry out public duties.
We also allow reasonable paid time off to
circumstances make this unreasonable to do so,
for example, you are in hospital.
Time off for domestic reasons
attend national or community emergencies. There may be occasions when you need time
If you are ill and have visited the Doctor, please
off at short notice to deal with an emergency in
Please let your Manager know if you will be call the Duty Manager to update them.
your personal life. Where possible, we will try to
receiving any payments in lieu of loss of When you are able to come back to work, accommodate requests for time off to look after
earnings while carrying out public duties, if phone the Duty Manager the day before your sick children, relatives or home emergencies.
we have paid you, as we have to recover this next shift and let them know you plan to return
amount from your salary. Your Manager will offer options such as:
and whether your Doctor has issued you a Fit
 ury Service - Please let your Manager know
J Note recommending adjustments to your making up time
as soon as possible if you are called for Jury duties or hours. moving hours
Service as they will be able to help you make On your return to work, you should meet with the taking time owed to you
the necessary arrangements. Duty Manager to confirm that you are fit for work. holiday
Make sure you claim for loss of earnings from We can then arrange any immediate adjustments
that may be needed in line with your Fit Note unpaid leave.
the court as this amount has to be deducted
from your salary. To help us support you, please to enable you to return to work, for example, a Where possible, you should try to make
speak to your Manager or Personnel Manager temporary move from a Fresh Food area. arrangements to prevent such a need recurring,
for more information on any of the above If you dont let us know that you cant come for example by making arrangements for
to work, we will contact you at the end of your emergency childcare. If you continue to require
contractual shift. time off for domestic reasons, your Manager will
discuss the situation with you and may agree
more permanent options.
28 Colleague Handbook Your Attendance 29

What happens when I return to work? *Note: The absence review level is the trigger
point at which a formal meeting is arranged
If you are an open food handler, you will be asked to discuss your absence. The review level is 3%
to complete a Food Handlers Return to Work of your contracted hours or three occasions of
Questionnaire. The Duty Manager will arrange absence over a rolling 26 week period.
for you to have a Welcome Back meeting with a
Manager or Team Leader during your first shift
back at work to discuss the following:
What happens if I am absent for a longer
your fitness to return to work period of time?
the reason for your absence If you are ill for more than four weeks, we may use
a Support Plan to help you come back to work. In
your overall absence record and any trends the event you are absent for a longer period of
any recurring health issues time, we will continue to discuss and agree with
Team5 update where appropriate. you any support you need.
If your absence is over the absence review However, if your situation doesnt improve, or if
level* you will be asked to attend an Attendance there isnt a foreseeable date for your return to
Review Investigation meeting. This will take work, we may need to have a formal discussion
place within seven days following the day you with you to consider whats best for you and your
returned to work. future at Tesco.
The following will be discussed:
your reason for absence
Serious Illness
It is important to let your Manager know if you
your attendance history are suffering from any serious illness, or have had
 action that could be taken by you or the
any contact with a carrier of any serious illness that is:
Company to improve your attendance contagious or infectious
 reasonable adjustments to help you attend
food poisoning or likely to cause food
work if appropriate poisoning (Typhoid, Dysentery,
any next steps. salmonella, Hepatitis A or C, E Coli)
There are 3 possible outcomes from an a boil or skin complaint including
Attendance Review Investigation Meeting; No infected wounds
further action, Next Steps, or Move to Disciplinary
Meeting due to unacceptable levels of attendance diarrhoea
at work. Continued unacceptable levels of vomiting.
attendance at work, in the absence of mitigating
circumstances could lead to disciplinary action
being taken up to and including dismissal.
All colleagues have a right to representation at
every discipline meeting.
30 Colleague Handbook Your Pay 31

Your Pay
This section covers what you can expect to be paid,
All about pay and
retirement savings
including information about your retirement savings.
When and how do I get paid? Other elements paid to colleagues due to
company changes:
You will be paid every four weeks, normally on a
 Pay We recognise that it is more
Friday. Payment is made directly into your bank
difficult to recruit and retain colleagues in
or building society account. Your payslip will be
certain areas; therefore some stores pay an
available online to view on Thursday in your own
additional hourly amount. this additional
private payslip view online account, which you
payment is reviewed annually and payment
can access at www.payslipview.com. You will
may be added or removed each year based
receive an activation code on your first pay date,
on changing market conditions in each
along with details about how to set up your
stores location.
account. If you have any questions about your
wages, please speak to your Manager or 
Protected element Where a job role is
Personnel Manager. changed as a result of job evaluation.
 Rate Where a colleague
Rate of Pay moves to another role as a result of restructure,
Your rate of pay is detailed in your offer letter but re-scheduling, changes to pay policy, a
can be made up of: move at the companys request, an
alternative to redundancy, or as a result

Basic Pay hourly rate of pay multiplied by the of a company initiative.
number of contracted hours.
Further details are in the Working Together

Market Supplement used to attract in Partnership guide available from your
colleagues in stores with difficulties in Personnel Manager.
attracting particular skills or roles.
 Rate Paid to maintain the
current salary of a colleague who is developing
A voluntary buyout is on occasion offered
skills to move into a bigger role.
to colleagues who receive Protected element or
Personal Rate.
Colleagues have the option to accept a lump
sum payment instead of continuing to receive the
pay element. Once a buyout has been taken, that
pay element is no longer made to the colleague.
If the colleague leaves within the following year, a
proportion of the buyout must be repaid.
32 Colleague Handbook Your Pay 33

Sundays, Bank Holidays Pay Review Tesco Retirement Savings Plan  you are over age 75, we will not put you in to
the Plan automatically, but you can apply to
and Overtime payments Our pay rates are subject to review annually As many of us are living longer, saving for the join, if you wish to join.
If you opt to work overtime or it is in your contract through consultation with Usdaw for all future is even more important to make sure youre
colleagues, Team Leaders, and Section Managers. still able to afford to do the things you want to  youd like to join earlier, you can apply online
to work premium hours, you may be entitled to an at TheColleagueRoom.com. To do this, youll
additional payment. Management structures are subject to change when you retire. Our Tesco Retirement Savings
through consultation with Usdaw and pay is based Plan is designed to be as simple, flexible and need your Employee Number and your one
on performance. Your performance rating will be competitive as possible for all our colleagues, so time passcode - OTP code - from your payslip.
agreed at your end of year review and the relevant its a great way to save for the long term. Or you can request a paper form by calling
percentage increase will be applied to your salary 0345 070 1113.
The Plan is open to all colleagues (subject to HM
from the annual review date.
The table below details the rates and pay for
Revenue & Customs rules).
Leaving the Plan
additional hours worked as at July 2013. Benefits of the Plan If you dont want to stay in the Plan, you can
choose to opt out once youve joined. Youll
The earlier you begin to save, the more youll have receive details on how to do this in your enrolment
and its never too late to make a start and take letter. You should think carefully before you make a
advantage of the extra contributions Tesco will pay decision because if you leave the Plan, you wont
and the tax relief youll receive. receive contributions from Tesco and your life cover
Date of joining Payment

When you save into the Plan, Tesco will will be reduced to one times your pay.
Sundays contribute to up to certain maximums.
Before 5 July 1999 Double time  save on income tax when you pay into the
Plan and also National Insurance, if you pay
On or after 5 July 1999 Time and a half through SMART (salary sacrifice).
Bank Holidays  also get valuable life cover at five times
Before 4 September 2000 Double time your pay, so you can protect your family and
loved ones if you die while youre paying into
On or after 4 September 2000 Time and a half the Plan. If you are not a member of the Plan
Overtime (for hours worked over 36.5 hours in one week from Sunday to Saturday inclusive) your life cover reduces to one times your pay.
other than Sundays and Bank Holidays
Before 1 July 2002 Time and a half
Joining the Plan
When you join Tesco, you will automatically be
1 July 2002 31 March 2003 Time + 2.15 Per hour enrolled into the Plan, as described below.
1 April 2003 31 March 2004 Time + 1.75 Per hour  colleagues will automatically join the Plan
when they are aged between 22 and 75 after
1 April 2004 31 March 2005 Time + 1.25 Per hour theyve been with us for three months. You
1 April 2005 onwards Single time dont need to do anything and youll receive
a confirmation letter in the post at your home
Night premium payments address.
For hours worked between 10pm 12 midnight 1.47 per hour
For hours worked between 12 midnight 6am
(for hours worked Sunday midnight to 6 am the 2.18 per hour
Sunday premium also applies)
34 Colleague Handbook Your Pay 35

Important notes: Contact details

The information in this handbook sets out Tescos Log on to thecolleagueroom.com, where you can
policy on enrolling you into the Tesco Retirement find out all the information you need about the
Savings Plan. Plan and download booklets and forms.
Legislation may require us to put you into the Plan We also have a dedicated helpline where you can
sooner than set out here. If that is the case, we will discuss any questions.
contact you. You will still have the right to opt out Helpline on 0345 070 1113
if you dont want to remain in the Plan.
9am to 6pm Monday to Friday. 9am to midday
If you are aged 16 to 75 you have a right under Saturday. Not open on Sundays, Bank Holidays or
the law to join a retirement savings plan. To join the Saturday directly before a Bank Holiday
our Plan at any time, you can apply to join online
If you want more information on pensions and
at thecolleagueroom.com or call our helpline
saving for retirement, visit www.direct.gov.uk/
(details below) for paper copy. Or if youd like to
apply by email, make sure you include the phrase
I confirm that I personally submitted this notice.
You have an entitlement to contributions
from Tesco, if you join the Plan and earn
more than the governments lower earnings
limit, (5,824 a year in 2015/16). In practice
both you and Tesco will contribute to your
pension, however much you earn. If you
have an HMRC (HM Revenue and Customs)
Protection certificate (Primary, Fixed or
Enhanced Protection) you should contact
the Pensions Helpline as soon you join Tesco,
because if you are automatically entered into
the Plan you could lose your protection.

The Plan is open to all

36 Colleague Handbook Your Benefits 37

Your Benefits
We all contribute to the Companys performance
What you can
expect from us
so successes are shared through a wide choice of
excellent benefits. As part of the Tesco team you What are the benefits of working Note: Offers change regularly so it is important
to log on to get the latest deals.
will be eligible for some of our benefits from day for Tesco? Some of our key benefits include:
one and more are added at key milestones during You can find out more about all of your benefits
your career. from your Manager or Personnel Manager, or the
Benefits Boards. Details can also be found by
Tesco Retirement Savings Plan
visiting the Benefits website: www.ourtesco.com and Life Cover
Log on to find out more about: At Tesco, we think planning for retirement is
important. Thats why we have a competitive
 esco Travel Agent which offers great discounts
retirement savings plan that provides all our
on a huge range of holidays all year round
colleagues with a simple and effective way to save

discounted days out at leisure attractions and for the future, which includes contributions made
theme parks across the country from Tesco as you save. If you become a member

exclusive discounts on various products of the Plan you also have access to Life Cover worth
from Tesco Bank five times your salary, providing financial protection

saving money on childcare costs with for your family in the event of your death.
Childcare vouchers

saving money on calls and texts with Tesco
Mobile colleague tariffs
 Health and Wellbeing benefits that are free
or at discounted rates such as health checks,
counselling, leisure centre and gym deals, eye
tests and eye care, occupational health services,
private healthcare and dental plans, and
support to stop smoking.
38 Colleague Handbook Your Benefits 39

Privilegecard Save As You Earn, Buy as You Earn and

Your exclusive colleague discount Shares in Success
To reward your loyalty once youve completed Save As You Earn offers you a risk free way of
a qualifying period of service youll receive your buying Tesco shares at a discounted price or
exclusive colleague Privilegecard. It gives you 10% take your savings and any bonus in cash at the
discount on most purchases over 1 in store and end of the scheme.
online at Tesco Direct and Tesco.com. Buy As You Earn is available to all colleagues with
Privilegecards are for the personal use of three months service. It is an easy way to buy

Each year we hold

colleagues. If you prefer, you can choose to put Tesco shares at the market price every four weeks,
your card in the name of your spouse or partner saving you tax and national insurance on the
who lives permanently with you at your address. salary you use to buy the shares. You can start,
Your Privilegecard is also a Clubcard so you earn stop or change the amount you invest at any time.

an awards ceremony
Clubcard points as you shop. If you already have a The Shares in Success scheme rewards you for
Clubcard please contact the Clubcard Helpline on your service, hard work and commitment by
0800 59 16 88 so that we can add your existing awarding eligible colleagues a percentage of your
card number to your Privilegecard. eligible earnings in Tesco shares each year an
award is made.

to recognise and
Please ensure you read and understand the
scheme rules before using your card as misuse Note: The Muslim Council of Great Britain has
may be treated as gross misconduct, and could endorsed our Share schemes as being permissible
result in disciplinary action. If you lose your under Islamic Law.
Privilegecard speak to your Manager or Personnel

celebrate the amazing

Manager, who will help organise a replacement. Benefits Report especially for you
Note: There is a limit to your discount per year This is your personalised annual report which
(April to March) and you can see how much you will receive every October. Your Benefits
you have used on your payslip. Please see your Report is all about you, the pay you receive, the

things our people do

Personnel Manager for more information or visit shares you have and details about the Tesco
www.ourtesco.com Retirement Savings Plan. You can also read about
all of the other great benefits available to you.
Your Benefits Report is personal and is delivered
to your home address.

Long Service Awards

L ots of our colleagues dedicate a large part
of their working lives to Tesco and we are
always delighted to celebrate and reward the
loyalty of our long-serving colleagues. Please
for their colleagues
speak to your Manager or Personnel Manager
for further information.
40 Colleague Handbook Your Conduct 41

Your Conduct
In order to provide high standards to our customers
Code of Business Conduct - Doing
the right thing by living our Values
and to provide an enjoyable working environment
for our colleagues, it is important that we all About the Code of Business Conduct What is expected of me
behave in accordance with our Values. This section The Code covers some of our most important You should:
outlines the Code of Business Conduct and what to individual responsibilities and obligations as we a lways follow the law and demonstrate that
go about our work and, as a colleague, you must
do if you want to raise any concerns. you know your stuff when it comes to doing
follow it. The Code can help guide us when we your job
face complicated or sensitive issues and is one
e nsure that your Manager has briefed you
of the ways we can put our Tesco Values into
about the Code and you have asked any
practice at work.
questions you may have.
Following our policies and best practice, and
The following is a summary of the fourteen
always acting within the law, will help ensure that
key areas of the Code:
we do our best for customers and for each other.
 raud, bribery and corruption - any act of
The Code provides guidance on fourteen key
fraud, bribery or corruption is treated extremely
issues that may arise as you work for Tesco, and
seriously by Tesco. You should report any
indicates who you should contact if you think
attempts to offer you a bribe or get you to act
that you, or another colleague, may have broken
in a way which could be to the disadvantage
these rules. Of course there will always be other
of Tesco, to your Manager or the confidential
challenging situations that are not presently
Protector Line. Any breach of our group Bribery
covered by the Code. If you are unsure how to
and Corruption policy and procedures will be
act, please speak to your Manager.
considered an act of gross misconduct.
Whatever the situation, the best course of action
 ifts and improper payments - from time
is the open and transparent one. By making sure
to time, individuals may be given gifts by
the way we do business is fair and ethical, we live
customers, suppliers or contractors. These must
the Tesco Values and are proud of the Company
never influence how we behave at work and
we work for.
any breach of this will be treated as a serious
The following pages contain a summary of disciplinary matter. You must tell your Manager
the Code. If you would like to read the Code in if you receive a gift (including free services) or
full, please speak to your Manager or Personnel if you pay for any private work to be done by a
Manager or visit our corporate website at supplier or contractor who you know works for
www.tescoplc.com. Tesco, and please log this on the gift register.
 olitical activity - all colleagues have the
right, like any other citizen, to be politically
active, as long as this is kept separate from
our work duties and does not influence how
we behave to customers, colleagues or anyone
else, or in any way affect the reputation of
the business.
42 Colleague Handbook Your Conduct 43

 esponsible use of Company Information

R  ccurate accounting and money
A  nacceptable behaviour - We dont tolerate
U  ompetition laws - this area
Technology (IT) - We each have a duty to laundering - We must always ensure that abuse or unacceptable behaviour in the prohibits us from entering into
use Company IT resources responsibly and we keep accurate records and accounts. This workplace in any form, whether towards our anti-competitive agreements.
appropriately. We should protect Tescos assets includes for example, accurate figures recorded customers, other colleagues, suppliers or  elationships with our commercial
from misuse, theft and waste. We must also on all cash office documentation and up to anyone else. Colleagues found to have been suppliers - this area ensures that we follow all
ensure that other companies cannot gain an date training on the money laundering policy. engaged in unacceptable behaviour can face relevant codes of practice when we buy goods
unfair advantage over us by getting important We should be alert to the possibility that serious consequences such as disciplinary from our suppliers and makes sure that we
information about our business. criminals might try to launder money action, including dismissal, and potentially treat our suppliers how we like to be treated.
This means that we should ensure that Tesco by spending very large amounts of cash in legal action.
 rade restrictions and sanctions - this
hardware (such as laptops, phones and other our stores. This means that we should always aim covers situations where we are banned by
devices) is never left in public or unsecured Report to your Manager or via Protector Line if to create a welcoming and inclusive work the government from buying goods from a
places. We should never misuse Company you think anyone might be falsifying records, environment, and encourage colleagues to particular country.
resources (for example telephone, email stealing money or trying to use our stores for do the same. Treat everyone as you would
 onflicts of interest - this area is designed
and internet access) for personal activities, money laundering. like to be treated. We should never engage
to ensure that our personal interests do not
or share user IDs or passwords. Misuse of our  qual opportunities - Everyone is welcome
E in behaviour that might be considered
conflict with the interests of the business.
systems may be considered as misconduct or at Tesco and our success depends on our to create a hostile or intimidating work
gross misconduct. environment, including making inappropriate I nsider dealing and market abuse - this
people. We aim to employ people who reflect
jokes or comments. area of the Code reminds colleagues that it is
 onfidentiality and data protection - We
C the diverse nature of society and we value
illegal to buy or sell shares if we have access to
have an important duty to our customers and the contribution every colleague makes, Please do not spread malicious rumours or use
confidential information about Tesco that may
our colleagues to respect the information we irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual Company resources to share communications
affect the share price.
hold about them and ensure it is protected and orientation, race, colour, religion, ethnic origin that might be considered derogatory,
handled responsibly. If you collect customer or or political beliefs or trade union membership. defamatory, harassing, pornographic or I ntellectual Property - this area ensures that
colleague information, make sure it is relevant, At our stores, distribution centres and offices otherwise offensive or inappropriate. we protect our brands, designs and know-
accurate and kept for no longer than necessary. we recruit on merit, using clearly defined and how. It also reminds us not to use or copy the
If you feel that you have been the victim of
Always ensure that you keep customer and fair criteria. intellectual property of other parties.
discrimination, bullying or harassment or
colleague information secure and use it only for We also try to make sure everyone can work other unacceptable behaviour, you should
the purpose for which it was lawfully obtained. in a way that suits their circumstances. We contact your Manager, Personnel Manager or
Always ensure that data is appropriately and support flexible working, offering part-time confidential Protector Line.
securely stored and disposed of. We should be roles and encouraging shift swapping where
mindful of the risk of discussing confidential this is possible. You should demonstrate
information in public places. Never release respect for your fellow colleagues, and others
information without making sure that the that you may come into contact with, whether
person you are providing it to is rightfully they are customers, suppliers or other parties.
allowed to receive it and, where necessary, that
If you believe that you have been the victim
it has been appropriately encrypted.
of discrimination, bullying or harassment,
If you are ever unsure about how to handle or have any concerns relating to our equal
Tesco data, be cautious and seek advice from opportunity policies please contact your
your Manager or Personnel Manager. Manager, Personnel Manager or confidential
Protector Line.
44 cOlleague HandbOOk yOur cOnduct 45

raIsIng yOur
cOncerns OtHer pOlIcIes
If you suspect that the Code, or the laws that
underpin it, are not being followed, you must
prOtectOr lIne Internet use and sOcIal netwOrkIng guIdance On respOnsIble use Of sOcIal
report it. We promise to support anyone who acts Protector Line is completely confidential and offers We recognise that you may want to use social netwOrkIng sItes, Internet fOrums,
in good faith to raise a concern about a possible callers total anonymity. You will not be required
to give your name in order to raise a concern. If
networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and
YouTube in your personal time, both in and
blOggIng and pOstIng InfOrmatIOn OntO
breach and you will not be at risk of losing your
job, even if you are genuinely mistaken. you do leave your name or choose to email, we outside work. These sites can be a great way to tHe Internet
will be able to report back to you the results of any keep in touch with friends and colleagues. Its really important that you know that you are
wHO sHOuld I cOntact If I tHInk tHat tHe investigations, or contact you to request further
information if necessary.
As a colleague, you must be aware of, and take responsible for any comments or postings you
make on the internet. When using internet sites
cOde may Have been breacHed? For other issues, such as incorrect wages, uniform
responsibility for, your electronic communications.
Live the Values treat people with respect and please remember the following:
In the first instance, you should contact your or holiday issues you should contact your Manager avoid speaking negatively about other people, You should make it clear that any postings
Manager unless you suspect that they have or Personnel Manager in the first instance. companies or organisations. Its crucial that or comments you make are yours and not
breached the Code. If you cannot speak to your If you email Protector Line, we will not disclose youre aware that any information posted onto comments of or on behalf of Tesco, or any
Manager, you should contact your Personnel your name or email address to anybody else internet sites is public and may be viewed by your other Tesco colleague.
Manager. Alternatively, you can contact the without your permission. colleagues, customers and the press. You should not post information or make
Protector Line on 0800 032 0786 or by emailing
comments that could bring our business
[email protected]. wHat dO we defIne as electrOnIc into disrepute. Comments should not be
cOmmunIcatIOns? speculative or have a negative impact on the
Companys brand image or reputation or cause
All of the following fall under electronic
embarrassment to Tesco, our people or our
communications: e-mail, internet usage
customers. This includes creating, accessing or
(including internet access from work or home
circulation of any material which:
computers, hand held devices or internet enabled
mobile phones), extranet (Tesco Information could potentially result in an operational or
Exchange), Intranet, HOST, SharePoint, faxes and reputational risk to our Company
text messages. contains profanity, obscenities, derogatory or
If we are made aware that inappropriate abusive remarks, or discriminatory material
information, images or comments have been contains nudity or images of a sexual nature,
posted onto the internet, whether during or which could cause offence
after working hours, at work or at home, then could be felt to be defamation or libel
we must investigate the allegation. Depending
on the severity of the incident it may constitute are bullying, sexual, religious or
misconduct or gross misconduct resulting in racial harassment.
disciplinary action being taken up to and Of course this doesnt mean that you can never
including dismissal. talk about your job. However, before posting
In addition, if you have access to the internet comments, we ask that you carefully consider
as a business tool please ensure you are operating whether the information youre posting is
in line with the relevant policies set out in appropriate for your colleagues, Managers or
Policies for our People (available from your customers to read.
Personnel Manager).
46 Colleague Handbook Your Conduct 47

 should not make comments about

customers or colleagues which could cause
Uniform - Dressed for service Clothing

offence, even where names are not mentioned. Our customers judge a store as much by our Your uniform should be clean and smart, reflecting the high standards of our company.
colleagues as by what we sell, so its important It is your responsibility to look after your uniform and to keep it clean.
 ou should not use any recognisable Tesco
Y that you always look smart and professional. 
Your garments will be replaced when they wear out, through normal wear and tear. Garments will be replaced once you
logos, specifically signs, photographs or You will be provided with a uniform and a name hand the old items back.
pictures in your postings. badge free of charge, both of which must be worn Socks should be worn at all times and should be black or navy. Sports socks are not considered suitable.
 ou should be aware that you are personally
Y whenever you are at work. This must be worn at all Tights or stockings should be navy, black or neutral in colour, but not patterned.
liable for any comments, images or information times and looked after.
that you post and that action may be taken A core benefit for Tesco colleagues is the generous
against you by a third-party, such as a customer allocation of free issue uniform. The full uniform Safety shoes will be issued if you work in an area which requires them and must be worn.
or a colleague. allocation must be provided to support every For other areas you should wear sensible shoes, or boots can be worn if covered by trousers. They must be a sensible style
and colour.
 ou should ensure that information posted
Y colleague to be dressed for service, ensuring we

Slingbacks, open toe shoes, canvas or platforms should not be worn, as they do not provide proper protection. Tesco offer a
is not sensitive or valuable to our competitors make what matters better, together. range of leather shoes that are available for staff purchase.
(this would include providing advance notice The allocation is determined by the amount
of promotions, pricing or trade driving events). Make up
of contracted hours a colleague works, not the
Doing so could have a negative impact on number of days they are contracted for. Make-up should not be excessive.
trade leading up to an event and provide a  fresh food preparation areas, for health and safety reasons, no nail varnish, false nails or nail jewellery may be worn, this
commercial advantage to competitors.
If you have a grievance about working at
Serving family and friends also includes gel nails, you may wear pale shades of nail varnish in other areas.
Strong perfumes or aftershaves should not be used
Always refer your friends and family to another
Tesco, this should be raised to your Manager Hair
colleague to avoid possible embarrassment or
or Personnel Manager in accordance with the
suspicion of dishonesty. If you cannot avoid this, Your hair should be tied back if it is longer than shoulder length and must be neat and businesslike in style and colour.
Company grievance procedure, rather than on
call a Manager who will happily help. Beards and moustaches should be neat and tidy*. If you work in a fresh food preparation area, beard nets must be worn.
a social networking site or blog.
The content of all internal communications
(emails, hosts, memos etc.) are intended for
Shopping Jewellery
 jewellery is worn at your own risk as it can be dangerous when you are lifting and carrying. It may be in your best
internal use only and are not for distribution If you want to shop in store, please do this outside
interest to leave it safely at home, however, if you choose to wear it, it should be kept to a minimum.
outside Tesco, unless for legitimate business of your working hours. Your Manager will advise
All jewellery should be discrete and not excessive, with watches and bracelets close fitting and necklaces tucked into your
reasons. Unless you have prior permission, please you where you can store your purchases whilst shirt or blouse.
do not film on Tesco property (including film on you are at work, however this facility may not be Rings can be worn in moderation (maximum of three).
mobile phones or digital cameras). available in all stores.
Earrings should be studs or plain sleepers and no more than two per ear.
If you bring goods back onto Company premises, A small nose stud may be worn (except if you work in a fresh food preparation area).
for example, if you buy products to be consumed  other visible piercing is acceptable. Tunnel earrings should be removed and a flesh coloured blank used to cover the
during your break, ensure the receipt is counter- hole in the ear. Piercings should not be covered with a blue plaster.
signed by a Manager.  you work in the colleague restaurant no jewellery other than a plain banding and one pair of plain stud or sleeper
earrings no greater than the size of a one pence piece may be worn.

Low hours (L/H) Part time (P/T) Full time (F/T) All tattoos should be covered with your uniform where practically possible. Tattoos likely to cause offense must not be visible
contracted for 8 contracted between contracted for 25
Allocation Name Badges
or below hours 8.5 and 24.5 hours or more hours
per week per week per week Your name badge should be worn on the left hand side of your uniform.
 must wear your name badge at all times and, unless you work in the Bakery, it should be visible to customers. They are
Tops 1 3 5 not worn by Bakery production staff for food safety reasons.
Warmth Items 1 2 2 Religious Dress
Bottoms 1 2 2 Sensitivity and flexibility will be shown and every effort made to accommodate the wearing of religious dress.
Tie / scarf 1 1 1 
Where safety standards cannot be complied with due to religious or cultural reasons, we will look for employment in
another department where these requirements can be met.
Name Badge 2 2 2
* Unless growing a beard or moustaches you should be clean shaven
48 cOlleague HandbOOk yOur cOnduct 49

One of our Values is to treat others how you
would like to be treated. We do know that from
grOss mIscOnduct These cases of gross misconduct may result in
the colleague being summarily dismissed - that is
time to time you may need help to solve problems There are some breaches of Company rules or dismissed without being given notice.
at work. In most cases, Managers will be able to standards of conduct that are serious enough to
Any other action which on a common sense basis
help with problems informally, by listening and make it impossible to continue the contract of
is considered to be a serious breach of acceptable
discussing them with you and exploring possible employment. Examples are:
behaviour, may be seen as gross misconduct.
alternative solutions so if you have an issue, Theft (includes taking goods without paying for If you are dismissed for theft, civil recovery
please talk to your Manager or Personnel Manager them, taking property belonging to someone proceedings may be actioned to recover the cost
in the first instance. else without their permission) of the investigation and any losses. For more
However, if it is not possible to resolve problems Fraud (includes stealing by deception, stealing details on any of the above, please refer to the
informally there is also a formal process which money or property by falsifying our processes Solving Problems at Work guide or the Working
is outlined in our Solving Problems at Work or data, using Clubcard points or vouchers Together in Partnership guide which are available
guide. All of our people have the right to intended for someone else) from your Personnel Manager.
representation at every disciplinary and Assault (includes harmful or offensive
grievance meeting, either by a recognised contact with another person, threatening cOmpany OrganIsed events
union representative or work colleague. to harm someone) Your conduct on these occasions is expected
Privilegecard misuse (includes allowing to be as at work. Company organised events
grIevance someone else to use the card, supplying will include social events such as Christmas
If you have a complaint or are unhappy about any people who are not immediate family living parties, social club outings etc. Any misconduct
work-related issue, talk to your Manager who will at the same address, selling goods on to or inappropriate behaviour including damage to
try to resolve it with you. If a resolution cannot other parties) property, during these events will be managed as
be reached informally, you can raise a grievance Consumption of our products without per the Company Disciplinary Procedure.
using the grievance procedure. permission (includes small items such as
food from counters, sweets, grapes or
dIscIplInary and appeals products due for disposal).
We have a disciplinary procedure which is a formal
way of notifying a colleague that their conduct
or performance has fallen below the expected
standard. Any colleague who has been disciplined
has the right to appeal against the decision.
50 Colleague Handbook Your Safety 51

Your Safety
The safety of our colleagues is vital in ensuring an
Safety and
enjoyable working environment. In this section
you will find information on what we do and what As a Company we have guidelines in place to
safeguard your interests and to protect you from
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
we expect you to do to make sure you are kept as suspicion of any wrong doing. If misconduct We have extensive closed circuit television in all
safe as possible while at work. or gross misconduct is identified, disciplinary our stores. Information captured on CCTV could be
action could be taken against you, up to and used as part of an investigation. If misconduct or
including dismissal. gross misconduct is identified, disciplinary action
could be taken up to and including dismissal.
Authorised entry and exit Colleague searches
Always use the colleague entrance you were
shown in your induction, except: We carry out random, yet regular colleague
searches to maintain security. If you are asked,
when security asks you to use another exit; or
this does not mean you are under suspicion.
in an emergency You have the right to be accompanied by a union
when shopping on your day off. representative, or another colleague of your choice
who is present at the time of the search, at
What if I see a suspicious package? your store. Absence of representative or colleague
isnt justification of refusing a search.
If you see any suspicious packages or bags, please
do not deal with them yourself. Let a Manager The search will be carried out in an appropriate
know straight away. area by two people in accordance with the retail
and visitors search policy. In stores with combined
Lost property closed circuit television and reception, the search
may be carried out by one person of the same sex
If you find an item of lost property, take it to a as the colleague, provided the search is recorded
Manager, who will record it in the found Property at all times.
Book. If it is not claimed within 28 days, the item
Your property, including the contents of your
will be collected from store. The finder (not Tesco
locker and vehicles on Company premises can
colleagues) may claim the item after the initial 28
be searched. The right to search is a term and
days. All remaining lost property is stored at the
condition of employment with Tesco. Any refusal
office for a further 28 days.
will be treated as a serious breach of Company
The item is then sold centrally and all proceeds policy and may result in disciplinary action which
including any monies found are donated to the could lead to your dismissal.
Tesco Charity of the Year. Lost property found in
Scottish stores will be kept for one year and then
the same process will be followed as above.
52 Colleague Handbook Your Safety 53

Shoplifters Personal Safety

Shoplifters dislike organised stores and good You own personal safety is very important to us
customer service, so by being helpful and friendly and at times we do have difficult situations that
towards customers, keeping an organised and you will have to deal with.
tidy store and by following the correct processes, Keeping yourself safe begins with awareness of
you can help us to deter thieves. Youll also be safe personal space.
making your store a safer place. If you do see a
k eep a safe distance between you and the
shoplifter never put yourself at risk. Try not to lose
customer normally two arms length.
sight of them and discreetly inform a Manager as
soon as possible. if you stand at a slight angle, it can be seen as
less confrontational.
Personal Property  reeting the customer with an opening
You should store your personal property in the statement for example How can I help you?
lockers shown to you at your induction, and not r emember your body language: both your own
take them into your working area. It is not possible and the other persons can say a lot about what
to provide a permanent locker for every colleague you are thinking.
so you will need to remove all your personal  e aware of other people around you who
belongings at the end of your shift. could be with the customer.
If you handle cash as part of your job, you must look around and see if there is assistance
not carry money, coupons or credit, debit, available to help you if needed.
Clubcard or Privilegecards on your person when
know your escape route if needed.
you are working.
r ecognise dangers within your immediate
Mobile phones, iPods and personal stereos
environment, for example, objects that could
may not be carried with you while working. We
be used as a weapon.
recommend you do not bring valuables to work
as we cannot accept liability for property stolen on If you are ever in doubt over your personal safety,
our premises. alert the attention of a colleague or use the panic
alarm if it is safe to do so.
If you lose any property or see anything suspicious,
let a Manager know straight away.
Ensure you adhere to any additional security
Using your own car on Company business
measures that may be introduced. Before using your own vehicle on Tesco business,
please ensure that your personal motor insurance
covers you for business mileage, as Tesco does
not provide insurance for this and, you may not
be covered in the event of an accident. You will be
paid the appropriate mileage entitlement for any
business mileage.
54 cOlleague HandbOOk yOure mOvIng On 55

yOure mOvIng On
This section outlines what you need to know if you leavIng tescO
leave the business.
retIrement pre-retIrement scHeme
You may choose at what age you want to retire Colleagues with at least ten years service and
from the age of 55, and if you are a member of aged 55 or more will be eligible for the scheme.
the Company pension scheme, you may choose You may reduce your working week by one fifth
to start receiving your pension from this age at a with no reduction in pay for the six months
reduced rate. Please contact the Pension team leading up to your retirement from the business.
for an up-to-date pension statement before you You need to give your Personnel Manager at least
make the decision to retire. 6 months notice of your intention to retire in order
You will also receive a gift and a personal thank to receive this benefit.
you from the Chief Executive when you retire, You will also be invited to attend a regional
if you have more than ten years service. If you pre-retirement seminar if you will have at least
are over 55 and have ten years service when 10 years service as at your normal pension age.
you retire you will be invited to join the Retired
Staff Association.
This Association offers advice, support and
counselling through your retirement and helps you
keep in touch with your former colleagues through
regular meetings, social events and holidays.
If you would like further information about the
Retired Staff Association, speak to your Personnel
Manager or email [email protected].
56 Colleague Handbook Youre Moving On 57

Notice periods Leaver pay References for leavers

If you want to leave the Company, please Leavers will receive their final payment in line with To ensure references for former colleagues are
give the following amount of notice, in writing, their usual pay frequency dates, e.g. the four- fair and protected from personal bias, they are
to your Manager. weekly pay date. Leaver Pay will include payment produced centrally. Your Manager can provide you
for hours worked including overtime, and any with a personal reference if you wish, but it cannot
Customer Assistant to Line Manager to Pharmacy Managers adjustments for absence. be used to represent the Companys view.
Length of service
Team Leader Senior Team Manager and Pharmacists Any holiday or Bank Holiday entitlement taken up Give your future employer the following details,
to the time of leaving will be offset against holiday so that we can provide references promptly:
Less than one month None None 4 weeks
or Bank Holiday entitlement accrued and the People Administration Department
More than one month 1 week 4 weeks 13 weeks appropriate adjustment made to the leaver pay. At Tesco Stores Ltd
this point, if you owe any monies to the Company, PO Box 506
If we end your employment, you will receive this will be recovered from your leaver pay. Cardiff
the following notice (except in cases of Gross CF14 4TS
Misconduct where you will receive no notice Overpayments If you require the Company to complete a form
or notice pay): If a colleague has been overpaid by mistake either for you, for example, a reference for a mortgage,
as a one-off or over a prolonged period, we have a loan, housing benefit forms, legal aid forms,
Customer Assistant, Team the right to reclaim the monies. Depending upon council forms and court orders, please also quote
Pharmacy Managers and
Length of service Leaders, Line Manager, Senior the amount concerned, an agreement is normally the above address. This is not an exhaustive list
Team Manager reached on how these monies are to be repaid so please speak to your Personnel Manager for
and over what timescale. further advice.
Less than one month None 4 weeks
If you have any further queries once you have sent
1 month but less than 2 years 4 weeks 13 weeks Debt recovery for leavers your form to the above address for completion,
2 years but less than 3 years 4 weeks 13 weeks In situations where an error in pay has resulted either email: [email protected]
in an overpayment, and once identified the or call 01992 808 222 for further assistance.
3 years but less than 4 years 4 weeks 13 weeks
money has not been repaid, the Company
4 years but less than 5 years 4 weeks* 13 weeks reserve the right to employ the services of a Transfers
debt recovery company to act on their behalf to Should you decide that you wish to move to
Temporary colleagues with contracts for less than reclaim the overpayment. another part of the country, it may be possible for
12 weeks will only have one weeks notice. you to transfer to another Tesco location, providing
*then add one additional week of notice for Returning Company property there is a suitable vacancy. Whenever possible,
each completed year of service up to a When leaving the Company please return the we will try to maintain your current terms of
maximum of 12 weeks. following (where applicable): employment in such circumstances.
a ll Company property, including any Managers may be expected to respond openly to
documents, books, equipment and passwords business needs by working in different locations at
(whether hard or soft copies) different times if this is necessary to perform their
Privilegecard duties properly. Should this situation arise, we will
discuss this with you.
 ersonal protective clothing, issued uniform
and name badge When someone relocates at the Companys
request, relocation assistance will be provided,
Company credit card subject to certain criteria.
computer equipment
Please note that the above list is non-exhaustive
and there may be additional items for you to return.
58 Colleague Handbook Further Information and Contacts 59

Further Information Further

and Contacts
This section covers some additional points, as well
What if I have a query about tax?
At the end of each tax year well give you a
Right to work in the UK
As a Company we are required to check that our
as a summary of useful contacts, which you can statement (form P60) showing the total pay you people have the right to work in the UK. The
have received during that year, including tax and documents of all colleagues who have visas with
use if you have any other queries.
pension deductions where applicable. Please keep limited leave to remain and work in the UK will be
this form in a safe place. If you have any queries checked at least once every twelve months.
about tax speak to your Personnel Manager who If you have presented documents which indicate
may be able to help resolve your queries. The tax that you have limited leave to remain/permission
office that deals with Tesco colleagues is: to work in the UK it is your responsibility to ensure
HM Revenue and Customs that your permission does not expire. Please
Pay As You Earn make any applications for your permission to be
PO BOX 1000 extended well in advance of the expiry date, and
Newcastle Upon Tyne ensure your Manager or Personnel Manager has
NE98 1WY copies of this application documentation and any
tel: 0845 300 0627 new documents showing your leave to remain/
Remember to quote your National Insurance permission to work in the UK has been extended.
number and tax reference number when you If you have a Tier 4 Student visa, please be aware
contact the tax office. The tax reference that of the terms of your visa restricting your working
must be quoted in all correspondence to confirm hours during term times, which includes any
you work for Tesco is: 846/T1. If, as part of your ad hoc overtime and any work you do for other
contract of employment, you receive any taxable employers. You should be aware that if you are
benefits you will receive a P11D form every April. found to be working hours in excess of those
permitted under your visa the Company will
not pay you for those hours, and you may face
disciplinary action.
We reserve the right to suspend you without pay if
your permission to live and work in the UK expires,
and your employment with Tesco could be at risk.

If you have any queries

about tax speak to your
Personnel Manager who
may be able to help
resolve your queries.
60 Colleague Handbook Further Information and Contacts 61

Useful contacts
Colleague Website Training and Development There may be times when
www.ourtesco.com www.tesco-careers.com you need to contact us
Outlines the broad choice of excellent benefits www.tesco-graduates.com Please complete the following to help you
available with Tesco. Both websites give more information about get in touch quickly if the need arises:
careers within Tesco and greater detail about the
Tesco Benefits Helpline schemes available.
Email: [email protected]
Tesco Corporate Website Function:
Tel: 01992 808 222
A helpline that allows you to ask questions about www.tescoplc.com
your care benefits. This website holds a wealth of information under
the key sections About us, Investors, News, store address:
Pension Corporate Responsibility, Careers, Videos
and Contacts.
User name: tesco Password: mypension
Helpline: 0845 070 1113
Every Comment Helps
Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm and Saturday
8am to 12 midday. The feedback tool that lets our customers share
Find out about the many benefits of being a
their shopping experiences with us.
store tel number:
member as well as using the pension calculator to
check out your own pension package. Joining the Union
Usdaw www.usdaw.org.uk
Protector Line Tel: 0845 60 60 640 Directors name:
Email: [email protected] Usdaw is the union that Tesco is in Partnership with.
Tel: 0800 032 0786
If you have a concern about something happening References Personnel Managers name:
at work, for example, a dishonest activity, a People Administration Department
criminal offence or something endangering you, Tesco Stores Ltd
or other colleagues, the public, or the environment, PO Box 506
you can call the Protector Line in confidence. Cardiff
CF14 4TS
Managers name:
Student Transfer Service Email: [email protected]
www.studentsattesco.com Tel: 01992 808 222
Designed especially for our colleagues who A helpline that allows you to ask questions about Managers tel number:
wish to continue their education and stay in any forms the Company have completed for you.
employment. It also gives advice on training and
interview techniques. Privilegecard
Tel: 0800 591 688
Equnity (Shares)
www.shareview.co.uk Payslips Office address
Tel: 0871 384 2976 Tesco PLC, New Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL
62 Colleague Handbook notes 63


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