Vartanian Dissertation 2014

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A Dissertation



Submitted to the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies of

Texas A&M University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Chair of Committee, Hamid A. Toliyat

Committee Members, Prasad Enjeti
Shankar P. Bhattacharyya
Won-Jong Kim
Head of Department, Chanan Singh

August 2014

Major Subject: Electrical Engineering

Copyright 2014 Robert Vartanian


One of the major industrial applications of electric machines is driving fans and

pumps. According to the pump and fan affinity laws, decreasing the speed of the load

can reduce the power consumption on the load significantly. Therefore, a variable speed

drive offers reduction in energy consumption of the induction motor driving those types

of loads. As an alternative, synchronous machines can be used for this application to get

the benefit of higher efficiency. In this work, the performance of an optimized

permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance machine (PMa-SynRM) with a

NEMA standard stator has been studied for fan and pump applications. The effect of

using different quantities of the permanent magnet in this machine is studied

experimentally. In addition, the performance of the PMa-SynRM is compared with a

standard general purpose induction machine for the same loading condition. This work

presents the comparison of the energy consumption and performance of the machines

under the fan and pump type loads operating on specific typical duty cycles.


I would like to thank my advisor, Prof. Hamid A. Toliyat. His enthusiasm for electric

machine design and control convinced me to pursue my doctorate, and his guidance over

my graduate career has helped me to complete this dissertation and gain invaluable

knowledge and skills.

My sincere gratitude also goes to the members of my graduate study committee:

Prof. Prasad Enjeti, Prof. Shankar Bhattacharyya, and Prof. Wong Jon Kim for their

valuable advice and help through the years I spent at Texas A&M University. Also I

thank Prof. Datta for attending my final exam and dissertation presentation.

I would like to acknowledge the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

at Texas A&M University for providing an excellent academic environment. Special

thanks go to Ms. Tammy Carda, Ms. Jeanie Marshall, Ms. Janice Allen, Ms. Anni

Brunker, Ms. Claudia Samford, Mr. Henry Gongora, Mr. Wayne Matous, Ms. Eugenia

Costea, Ms. Linda Currin, Ms. Gayle Travis, Prof. Scott Miller, and Prof. Krishna

Narayanan for all their efforts.

Finally, thanks to my family for their encouragement and support.


Bm Amplitude of the AC flux density component

Epm Peak phase voltage induced in the stator winding

f frequency

ia, ib Phase A and B currents

id, iq Currents on the rotating reference frame

is Stator line current

i, i Currents on the stationary reference frame

kc Eddy-current core loss coefficient

ke Excess core loss coefficient

kh Hysteresis core loss coefficient

Ld d-axis static inductance

Lq q-axis static inductance

P differential operator

P Number of machine pole par

P pole pair number of the machine

Rs Stator resistance

Te Electric developed torque

THD Total Harmonic Distortion

Vd, Vq Voltages on the rotating reference frame

V, V Voltages on the stationary reference frame

Current angle leading d-axis

Voltage angle

e Rotor position at electrical angle

pm Magnetic flux linkage

e Angular velocity at electrical angle (rad/s)

r Angular velocity at mechanical speed (rad/s)

ref Reference angular velocity at mechanical angle (rad/s)



ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................. iii

NOMENCLATURE .......................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. vi

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1

IA. Overview ............................................................................................................. 1

IB. Fan and Pump Drivers ......................................................................................... 5
IC. SynRM and PMa-SynRM ................................................................................... 7
ID. Research Objectives .......................................................................................... 11
IE. Thesis Outline .................................................................................................... 11


FRAME REFERENCE MACHINE......................................................... 14

IIA. Introduction...................................................................................................... 14
IIB. Reference Induction Machine .......................................................................... 14
IIC. MMF Study of the NEMA Stator .................................................................... 17
IID. Simulation Results of the Induction Machine ................................................. 22
IID1. Startup of the Induction Machine ......................................................... 25
IIE. Conclusion........................................................................................................ 26

CHAPTER III PMA-SYNRM DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION .................................. 28

IIIA. Introduction .................................................................................................... 28

IIIB. Design Criteria ................................................................................................ 30
IIIB1. Torque Performance ............................................................................ 30
IIIB2. Back-EMF Performance ...................................................................... 31
IIIC. Computer Aid Design ..................................................................................... 32
IIID. Material Selection ........................................................................................... 35
IIID1. Core Material Selection ....................................................................... 35
IIID1a. Core Loss Parameters .............................................................. 35


IIID2. Permanent Magnet Selection ............................................................... 36

IIIE. Design Procedure ............................................................................................ 37
IIIF. FEA Analysis of PMa-SynRM and Comparison with Induction
Machine .......................................................................................................... 49
IIIF1. Flux Density Investigation in Induction Machine and PM-
SynRM ................................................................................................. 50
IIIF2. Output Torque Comparison of the Induction Machine and
PMa-SynRM ........................................................................................ 53
IIIG. Optimized PMa-SynRM Rotor Structure ....................................................... 53
IIIG1. Back-EMF Measurement .................................................................... 55
IIIH. Skew Effect on PMa-SynRM NdFeB ............................................................ 59
IIIH1. Effect of Skewing on Cogging Torque ................................................ 61
IIIH2. Effect of Skewing on Back-EMF ........................................................ 61
IIIH3. Effect of Skewing on Steady State Torque ......................................... 63
IIII. Effect of the Magnet Variation on the Flux Linkage ....................................... 64
IIII1. Air Gap Flux Density And Back-EMF Variation in Different
PMa-SynRM Rotors ............................................................................ 65
IIII2. FEA of the PMa-SynRM With Different Magnet Type and
Quantity under the Rated Load Condition ........................................... 70
IIII2a. Demagnetization Effect ............................................................ 73
IIII2b. Temperature Effect on the Magnet Flux Density ..................... 74
IIIJ. Material Consumption ..................................................................................... 75
IIIK. Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 76

CHAPTER IV DESIGN EVALUATION ........................................................................ 78

IVA. Introduction .................................................................................................... 78

IVB. Drive Circuit ................................................................................................... 78
IVC. PMa-SynRM Mathematical Model ................................................................ 79
IVC1. Maximum Torque Generation ............................................................. 84
IVD. Control Scheme of the PMa-SynRM ............................................................. 86
IVE. Parameter Measurement of the PMa-SynRM ................................................. 93
IVE1. Flux Linkage Calculation .................................................................... 93
IVE2. Ld and Lq Static Measurement ............................................................. 94
IVF. Experimental Test Results under the Rated Current ..................................... 100
IVG. Motor Drive Test Bed .................................................................................. 100
IVH. Experimental Results ................................................................................... 102
IVI. Inductance Variation of the Machines ........................................................... 106
IVJ. PMa-SynRM Terminal Voltage .................................................................... 107
IVK. Conclusion.................................................................................................... 109



PMA-SYNRM ........................................................................................ 111

VA. Introduction ................................................................................................... 111

VB. PMa-SynRMs Performance Study with Constant Speed and Fan Load ........ 112
VC. Energy Consumption Comparison under the Fan and Pump Loads .............. 115
VD. Performance Comparison for Constant Load Condition ............................... 119
VE. Energy Consumption Comparison under the Fan and Constant Speed
Loads .............................................................................................................. 122
VF. Conclusion...................................................................................................... 124


CONSUMPTION OF LOW POWER PMA-SYNRM........................... 126

VIA. Introduction .................................................................................................. 126

VIB. Flux Linkage Variation in Studied PMa-SynRM ......................................... 127
VIC. Load Profile .................................................................................................. 130
VID. Experimental Results ................................................................................... 132
VIE. Energy Consumption Comparison ................................................................ 138
VIF. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 139

CHAPTER VII CONCLUSION AND EXTENSIONS ................................................. 141

VIIA. Conclusion .................................................................................................. 141

VIIB. Suggestions and Extensions ........................................................................ 144

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 146

APPENDIX A INDUCTION MOTOR DATA ............................................................. 158


CONSUMPTION ................................................................................... 162


SYNRM DATA...................................................................................... 163



Fig 1-1: Distribution of motors in industry by: (a) population and (b) energy
system. .................................................................................................................. 2

Fig 1-2: Flow control in: (a) Fan application using dampers, (b) Pump
application using throttle valve. ............................................................................ 2

Fig 1-3: Effect of load speed on flow, torque, and power of the centrifugal fan
and pump............................................................................................................... 4

Fig 1-4: Typical life cost of a pump driven by electric motor [5] ...................................... 4

Fig 1-5: Different synchronous machines: (a) Permanent Magnet Synchronous

Machine (PMSM), (b) Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM), (c)
Synchronous Reluctance Machine (SynRM), (d) Axially Laminated
Synchronous Reluctance Machine, (e) Permanent Magnet assisted
SynRM. ................................................................................................................. 6

Fig 1-6: Power factor of a synchronous machine (SynRM)............................................... 8

Fig 1-7: SynRM different rotors: (a) Conventional Salient Pole (b) Isolated
Segmental, (c) Transversally Laminated, (d) Double Barrier, (e) Axially
Laminated, (f) Modern Transversally Laminated [51]. ........................................ 9

Fig 1-8: PMa-SynRM rotor core based on transversal lamination[51]. ........................... 10

Fig 2-1: Stator and rotor of the reference induction machines, (a) Stator of the
reference induction machine, (b) Squirrel cage rotor ......................................... 17

Fig 2-2: Winding configuration in the slots. .................................................................... 18

Fig 2-3: Arbitrary reference selection to obtain the turn function of phase A. ................ 18

Fig 2-4: Turn function of phase A. ................................................................................... 19

Fig 2-5: Winding function of all three phases. ................................................................. 20

Fig 2-6: MMF generated in the stator with rated current: (a) MMF waveform (b)
Harmonic spectrum of the MMF. ....................................................................... 21

Fig 2-7: Flux line distribution due to the stator excitation. .............................................. 21

Fig 2-8: Flux distribution in the air gap due to the stator excitation. ............................... 22


Fig 2-9: Applied mesh on 2D geometry of the induction machine for FEA
analysis................................................................................................................ 23

Fig 2-10: FEA analysis field output on the induction machine: (a) Flux line, (b)
Flux density...................................................................................................... 24

Fig 2-11: Stator yoke flux density measurement: (a) Defined contour AB in the
stator back iron, (b) Flux density measurement over the contour AB. ............ 24

Fig 2-12: Flux density of the induction machine operating at the rated condition
in: (a) The middle of the stator teeth over a pole pitch and (b) Middle
of the air gap. ................................................................................................... 25

Fig 2-13: Startup transient current waveforms of the induction machine under
rated load: (a) Stator currents, (b) Rotor bar current. ...................................... 26

Fig 2-14: Startup transient waveforms of the induction machine under rated load:
(a) Torque output, (b) Speed. ........................................................................... 26

Fig 3-1: General torque and power characteristic of a PM machine. ............................... 29

Fig 3-2: PMa-SynRM geometry structure. ....................................................................... 33

Fig 3-3: Mesh operator applied to the geometry of the PMa-SynRM. ............................ 34

Fig 3-4: B-H curve of M45-G26. ..................................................................................... 35

Fig 3-5: Optimization procedure with FEA. .................................................................... 39

Fig 3-6: Rotor geometry variations in the case study. ...................................................... 42

Fig 3-7: Maximum torque profile of each rotor design variation..................................... 43

Fig 3-8: Cogging torque waveform generated by each rotor with zero excitation. ......... 44

Fig 3-9: Back-EMF waveform generated by each rotor at rated speed. .......................... 45

Fig 3-10: Back-EMF harmonic spectrum of each rotor at rated speed. ........................... 46

Fig 3-11: Output torque generated by each rotor at rated current and maximum
torque angle...................................................................................................... 47

Fig 3-12: Reluctance torque generated by each rotor at rated current and
maximum torque angle. ................................................................................... 48


Fig 3-13: FEA analysis field output on the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB: (a) Flux line,
(b) Flux density. ............................................................................................... 51

Fig 3-14: FEA analysis field output on the SynRM: (a) Flux line, (b) Flux
density. ............................................................................................................. 51

Fig 3-15: Flux density in the middle of the stator teeth over a pole pitch in: (a)
SynRM, (b) PMa-SynRM-NdFeB. .................................................................. 52

Fig 3-16: Flux density in the stator yoke in: (a) SynRM, (b) PMa-SynRM-
NdFeB. ............................................................................................................. 52

Fig 3-17: Output torque of the compared machines. ........................................................ 53

Fig 3-18: Optimized PMa-SynRM-NdFe: (a) Designed rotor core, (b) Fabricated
rotor core. ......................................................................................................... 54

Fig 3-19: PMa-SynRM rotor: (a) NdFeB magnet blocks installed in the rotor
steel core, (b) Fabricated PMa-SynRM rotor with shaft and bearings ............ 55

Fig 3-20: Flux density in the middle of the air gap due to the NdFeB magnets. ............. 55

Fig 3-21: Measured back-EMF waveform of PMa-SynRM-NdFeB at 1800 RPM. ........ 56

Fig 3-22: Harmonic spectrum of the back EMF voltage at 1800 rpm (20dB/div). .......... 57

Fig 3-23: Harmonic spectrum of the measured back-EMF. ............................................. 58

Fig 3-24: Comparison of FEA and measured back-EMF of PMa-SynRM-NdFeB

at 1800 RPM. ................................................................................................... 59

Fig 3-25: Model used for analysis of the skew effect on torque and back-EMF. ............ 60

Fig 3-26: Skew effect on cogging torque of the PMa-SynRM. ....................................... 61

Fig 3-27: Skew effect on the back-EMF (waveforms shifted intentionally). ................... 62

Fig 3-28: Effect of the skew on the harmonic spectrum of the back-EMF. ..................... 62

Fig 3-29: Skew effect on the output torque of the machines. .......................................... 64

Fig 3-30: Studied rotors: (a) Original rotor with NdFeB magnets, (b) Magnet-less
rotor core, (c) PMa-SynRM-C8-R1, (d) PMa-SynRM-C8-R2. ....................... 65


Fig 3-31: Flux density distribution in the air-gap of the PMa-SynRMs in no load
condition. ......................................................................................................... 66

Fig 3-32: Back-EMF waveforms of the PMa-SynRMs at 1800 RPM. ............................ 66

Fig 3-33: Magnetic flux line distribution in PMa-SynRMs generated by the

permanent magnets in the rotor: (a) NdFeB42, (b) C8-R1 rotor, (c)
C8-R2 rotor, (d) C8-R3 rotor (not fabricated). ................................................ 68

Fig 3-34: Magnetic flux density in PMa-SynRMs: (a) NdFeB rotor, (b) C8-R1
rotor, (c) C8-R2 rotor, (d) C8-R3 rotor. ........................................................... 70

Fig 3-35: Flux density of the machines in rated torque condition: (a) SynRM, (b)
PMa-SynRM-NdFeB42, (c) PMa-SynRM-C8-R1, (d) PMa-SynRM-
C8-R2. .............................................................................................................. 71

Fig 3-36: Flux line distribution of the machines in rated torque condition: (a)
SynRM, (b) PMa-SynRM-NdFeB42, (c) PMa-SynRM-C8-R1, (d)
PMa-SynRM-C8-R2. ....................................................................................... 72

Fig 3-37: Flux density distribution in the permanent magnets in PMa-SynRM

under the rated load condition: (a) NdFeB magnets, (b) Ferrite magnets. ...... 74

Fig 3-38: Effect of the temperature on the back-EMF of the machines: (a) PMa-
SynRM-NdFeB and (b) PMa-SynRM-C8R1................................................... 75

Fig 4-1: IGBT based voltage source inverter. .................................................................. 79

Fig 4-2: d-q axes definition in machines (a) SynRM, (b) PMa-SynRM. ......................... 80

Fig 4-3: Equivalent circuit of the PMa-SynRM. .............................................................. 81

Fig 4-4: Phasor diagram for PMa-SynRM (motoring operation). .................................... 83

Fig 4-5: Overall block diagram of FOC. .......................................................................... 87

Fig 4-6: Conversion of three-phase balanced currents into equivalent two-phase

currents................................................................................................................ 88

Fig 4-7: Conversion of three-phase balanced currents into equivalent two-phase

currents in stationary and rotating reference frames. .......................................... 89

Fig 4-8: Overall block diagram of the field oriented control of PMa-SynRM................. 90


Fig 4-9: Shaft encoder signal waveforms. ........................................................................ 92

Fig 4-10: Back-EMF waveforms of the PMa-SynRMs with different magnet type
and quantity at 1800 RPM. .............................................................................. 94

Fig 4-11: Motor terminal connections for the inductance measurement.......................... 95

Fig 4-12: Motor terminal inductance variation versus position. ...................................... 96

Fig 4-13: D-q axes inductance of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB. ........................................... 99

Fig 4-14: Experiment test-bed for induction machine and PMa-SynRMs. .................... 100

Fig 4-15: DSP based control hardware with current and voltage sensors. ..................... 101

Fig 4-16: Torque and current of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB machine. ............................ 103

Fig 4-17: Thermal image of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB machine running under

rated excitation current. ................................................................................. 103

Fig 4-18: Speed response of PMa-SynRM-NdFeB machine. ........................................ 104

Fig 4-19: Torque and Id,Iq current variation during the linear speed-load change
of PMa-SynRM-NdFeB machine. ................................................................. 104

Fig 4-20: Torque output of the PMa-SynRMs and SynRM operating with 21A
excitation current. .......................................................................................... 105

Fig 4-21: Direct axis inductance (Ld) comparison of the PMa-SynRM machines......... 107

Fig 4-22: Quadrature axis inductance (Lq) comparison of the PMa-SynRM

machines. ....................................................................................................... 107

Fig 4-23: Voltage and current waveforms at full load- 450 RPM for PMa-
SynRM-C8-R1 ............................................................................................... 109

Fig 5-1: Load profiles applied to the machines: (a) Fan load profile, (b) Constant
speed load profile. ............................................................................................. 112

Fig 5-2: Performance comparison of the machines driving fan load: (a) Power
factor, (b) Efficiency. ........................................................................................ 113

Fig 5-3: Performance comparison of the machines driving fan load: (a) Input
power, (b) Input current. ................................................................................... 114


Fig 5-4: Apparent power supplied by inverter for each machine under a fan load. ....... 115

Fig 5-5: Typical duty cycle for time variant loads. ........................................................ 116

Fig 5-6: Annual electric energy consumption of the machines operating under the
typical cycles. .................................................................................................... 118

Fig 5-7: Electric energy saving of each machine operating under the typical
cycles compared to the induction machine. ...................................................... 118

Fig 5-8: Capital saving of each machine operating under the typical cycles for ten
years compared to the induction machine (10 cents/kWh). .............................. 119

Fig 5-9: Performance comparison of the machines under a constant speed load:
(a) Power factor and, (b) Efficiency. ................................................................ 121

Fig 5-10: Performance comparison of the machine under a constant speed load
condition: (a) Input power, (b) Input current. ................................................... 121

Fig 5-11: Apparent power entering to the machines under a constant speed load. ........ 122

Fig 5-12: Annual electric energy consumption of the machines operating under
the typical cycle. ............................................................................................ 123

Fig 5-13: Electric energy saving of each machine operating under the typical
cycle compared to the induction machine. ..................................................... 123

Fig 5-14: Capital saving of each machine operating under the typical cycle for
ten years compared to the induction machine (10 cents/kWh). ..................... 124

Fig 6-1: Geometry of the prototype PMa-SynRM [29].................................................. 128

Fig 6-2: PMa-SynRM different rotor versions: (a) PMa-SynRM-A (original

design), (b) PMa-SynRM-B (more magnets). .................................................. 129

Fig 6-3: Line-to-line back-EMF of the PMa-SynRM-B at 1440 RPM. ......................... 130

Fig 6-4: Load profile applied to the machine. ................................................................ 131

Fig 6-5: Experiment test bed with PMa-SynRM. ........................................................... 131

Fig 6-6: Experiment test bed with Marathon induction machine. .................................. 132

Fig 6-7: Power factor comparison of the machines in different load condition. ............ 133


Fig 6-8: Efficiency comparison of the machines in different load condition. ................ 134

Fig 6-9: Input power comparison of the machines in different load condition. ............. 135

Fig 6-10: Power consumption of the machines at full and half load speeds. ................. 136

Fig 6-11: Input current comparison of the machines in different load condition. ......... 137

Fig 6-12: Apparent power provided by drive in different load condition. ..................... 137

Fig A-1: Induction machine stator cross section: (a) Stator geometry, (b) Stator
slot dimension. ................................................................................................ 159

Fig A-2: Winding layout. ............................................................................................... 160

Fig A-3: Induction machine rotor cross section: (a) Rotor geometry, (b) Rotor
slot depiction. .................................................................................................. 160

Fig B-1: 3D Model of the PMa-SynRM......................................................................... 162



Table 2-1: Induction machine parameters. ....................................................................... 16

Table 3-1: Stator core loss parameters. ............................................................................ 36

Table 3-2: Different permanent magnet comparison. ...................................................... 37

Table 3-3: Characteristics of the selected NdFeB and Ceramic permanent magnet. ....... 38

Table 3-4: Performance comparison of the studied rotors. .............................................. 49

Table 3-5: Comparison of flux densities of all motors. .................................................... 52

Table 3-6: Harmonic components of the back-EMF. ....................................................... 58

Table 3-7: Skew angle effect on PMa-SynRM-NdFeB and SynRM torque output. ........ 63

Table 3-8: Back-EMF measurement and the flux linkage of each machine. ................... 68

Table 3-9: Excitation current in rated torque condition of each machine. ....................... 72

Table 3-10: Material consumption and weight of main components. .............................. 76

Table 4-1: Magnetic property of each rotor. .................................................................... 94

Table 4-2: Initial current angle at rated current. ............................................................... 99

Table 4-3: Torque performance comparison of the machines operating under

the rated current condition at 21 (A) excitation. .......................................... 106

Table 4-4: Harmonic content of the voltages and currents. ........................................... 109

Table 5-1: Load and power consumption data of each machine based on the fan
load profile. .................................................................................................. 116

Table 6-1: Magnetic property of the SynRM and PMa-SynRMs. ................................. 129

Table 6-2: Flux source in the SynRM and PMa-SynRMs. ............................................ 130

Table 6-3: Energy consumed by machines. ................................................................... 138


Table 6-4: Comparison of the energy consumption of the synchronous

machines with the induction machine .......................................................... 139

Table A-1: Induction machine name plate ..................................................................... 158

Table A-2: Induction machine parameters ..................................................................... 158

Table A-3: Stator slot and tooth dimensions. ................................................................. 159

Table A-4: Rotor slot and bar dimensions. .................................................................... 161

Table A-5: Induction machine material data .................................................................. 161

Table B-1: Machine component cross section and weight ............................................. 162

Table B-2: Material density............................................................................................ 162

Table C-1: Induction machine parameters ..................................................................... 163

Table C-2: PMa-SynRM characteristic with full pitch stator......................................... 163



IA. Overview

According to the United States Industrial Electric Motor Systems Market

Opportunities Assessment in 1994, about 23 percent of the electric energy sold in the

United States was consumed by the industry sector, and the process motor system energy

accounts for about 63 percent of consumed electric energy in industry [1]. The same

research indicates that about 30 percent of the motors in the industry are used for fan and

pump drive and those account for about 40 percent of energy consumption in industry.

Fig. 1-1 shows the distribution of the motors in industry and energy consumption

estimation based on [1]. In the majority of these applications to control the process, flow

control is required. In fan and pump applications, the flow control can be done by typical

forms shown in Fig. 1-2. This control can be done by controlling the motor speed using

Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs). VFDs are used in order to adjust speed to meet the

speed requirement in some applications or reduce energy consumption in others [2, 3].

2013 IEEE. Reprinted in part with permission from "Performance analysis of a rare earth
magnet based NEMA frame Permanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine
with different magnet type and quantity," by R. Vartanian, Y. Deshpande, and H. A. Toliyat,
in Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2013 IEEE International, 2013, pp.

(a) (b)
Fig 1-1: Distribution of motors in industry by: (a) population and (b) energy system.

Using variable speed control in motor drive system with fan and pump type load has

some advantages such as controlled and soft start with less current and disturbances on

the power source, less mechanical stress on the motor and mechanical weariness of

piping, higher reliability and energy efficiency on motor drive systems, and accurate

process control based on the load demand [4].

(a) (b)
Fig 1-2: Flow control in: (a) Fan application using dampers, (b) Pump application using
throttle valve.

Fans and pumps Affinity law shows that the flow is proportional to the speed by.(1-1)

and the torque is proportional to the square of the speed expressed by (1-2). Also, the

power demand of the load is proportional to the cube of the shaft speed according to (1-

3) [2, 3].

( ) (1-1)

( ) (1-2)

( ) (1-3)

Fig. 1-3 shows the relationship between the physical quantities of the load versus

speed. It can be seen that the reduction of the speed to the half of the full speed results in

87.5% reduction in the power while the flow rate is reduced only by 50%. This means

the reduction of the speed in fan and pump has a significant effect on the energy

consumption of the machine.

Fig 1-3: Effect of load speed on flow, torque, and power of the centrifugal fan and pump.

On the other hand, in the lifetime of the fan and pump energy system the energy cost

accounts for up to 90% of the cost. This means using energy efficient machine to drive

the load can save significant energy and cost. Fig. 1-4 illustrates the share cost of the


Fig 1-4: Typical life cost of a pump driven by electric motor [5]

IB. Fan and Pump Drivers

Induction machines are common type electric machines widely used to drive fan and

pumps loads. However, induction machines show low efficiency at lower speed and

lighter load especially running fan and pump loads [6]. There are other solutions to

decrease the machine power consumption such as using synchronous machines instead

of induction machines. Fig. 1-5 shows different types of a synchronous machine.

Permanent magnet machines have high torque and power density in comparison with

the induction machines but they contain a significant amount of permanent magnets.

Manufacturing a less expensive electric motor with acceptable performance has become

a challenge. In addition, it is desired to avoid using rare earth permanent magnets or at

least reducing the amount of this type of permanent magnets in the design as much as

possible. PMSMs present high torque and power density in comparison with induction

machines but the quantity of the permanent magnets used in the machine is significant.

Moreover, PMSMs have efficiency drop in high speed applications such as air

compressors because of the exposure of the permanent magnets to the magnetic flux in

the air gap [7]. IPM machines have high power factor and torque density; but the

developed torque in this machine is mostly magnet torque and it utilizes less reluctance

torque. Presenting a low saliency ratio (Ld/Lq) for wide speed range operation, the IPM

machine needs to operate in field weakening region [8-19]. Axially laminated

synchronous reluctance machine presents a high saliency ration and torque density but

the fabrication process is costly due to the bending and assembling the laminations on

the shaft axially[11, 20-22].

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Fig 1-5: Different synchronous machines: (a) Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
(PMSM), (b) Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM), (c) Synchronous Reluctance Machine
(SynRM), (d) Axially Laminated Synchronous Reluctance Machine,
(e) Permanent Magnet assisted SynRM.

IC. SynRM and PMa-SynRM

Design of the energy efficient electric machines with a reasonable cost has become a

challenge. Machines with high torque density such as PMSMs and IPM are efficient but

expensive. PMa-SynRM like SynRM has lower cost and rigid structure in comparison

with the other PM machines and can be employed in a wide range of the applications.

High performance PMa-SynRM is achievable by optimization of the magnet size and

rotor geometry for a variety of applications [17, 23-32].

In this machine, the reluctance torque is the major component of the developed torque,

but the type and quantity of the permanent magnets inside the rotor can change the

performance of the machine by affecting the torque and power factor. The permanent

magnets create the flux linkage (pm), which contributes by generating the magnet torque

and improving the torque performance of the machine. Moreover, the generated flux

linkage improves the power factor resulting in a higher power factor than SynRM

machine. Therefore, the quantity of the permanent magnet and its remanent flux density

has an effect on the performance of the PMa-SynRM significantly.

SynRM has lower torque density and produces only reluctance torque. Because of the

absence of a magnetic field source in the rotor, SynRM presents low power factor.

However, it has been shown that with a high saliency ratio the power factor improves.

Fig. 1-6 shows the effect of saliency ratio on the power factor of the SynRM. This

relation is expressed in (1-4). During the SynRM development, different rotor core

structures have been presented. Fig. 1-7 shows some of the variations of the rotor core

for a four-pole SynRM. Some of the models presented a higher saliency ratio such as

Isolated Segmental, Transversally Laminated, and Axially Laminated rotors. In

SynRM increasing the torque density and power factor is possible by designing a rotor

core with higher saliency ratio [20-22, 33-50]. In the same power level, a transversally

laminated SynRM can be even cheaper than induction machine and more efficient

because of elimination of the copper or aluminum bars from the rotor and the related

energy losses. This type of machine could be a proper replacement for the induction

machine but the low power factor of the machine is another problem, which has to be


Fig 1-6: Power factor of a synchronous machine (SynRM).

( )( ) (1-4)

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig 1-7: SynRM different rotors: (a) Conventional Salient Pole (b) Isolated Segmental, (c)
Transversally Laminated, (d) Double Barrier, (e) Axially Laminated, (f) Modern Transversally
Laminated [51].

There are some methods to increase the power factor of the SynRM, which will

effectively reduce drive size of the machine and increase efficiency at the same time.

Increasing the saliency ratio and/or adding permanent magnet to the rotor core with a

proper design will increase the power factor and torque density of the machine (shown in

Fig. 1-8). This machine, called Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance

Machine (PMa-SynRM), can utilize both reluctance and magnet torque and in

comparison with the SynRM core results in higher power factor and torque density

(based on the magnets type and quantity used in the machine)[17, 23-26, 52-54].

Some of the features of a PMa-SynRM are as following:

Medium saliency ratio.

Medium power factor.

High power density by utilizing both reluctance and magnetic torque.

Low cost.

High reliability and robustness due to embedding magnets in rotor core.

Less expensive construction compared to PMSM and IPM.

Fig 1-8: PMa-SynRM rotor core based on transversal lamination[51].

Although the reluctance torque is the major component of the developed torque in this

machine, the permanent magnets inside the rotor can create additional magnet torque and

improve the power factor of the machine. A low cost permanent magnet machine such as

PMa-SynRM can be a proper replacement for variable speed applications such as fan

and constant speed-variable torque loads especially when an induction machine with

variable frequency drive (VFD) is considered.

ID. Research Objectives

The objective of this research has been designing a PMa-SynRM using stator and

winding of a NEMA standard induction machine. This design approach makes it

possible to compare the performance of both machines while the input current and stator

copper loss is the same or the load condition is the same. The performance of both

induction and PMa-SynRM machines has been analyzed with the fan (pump) load

applied to the machines using the dynamometer on a proper test bed. To compare the

machines energy consumption, the electric power consumed by the machines has been

measured for typical running cycles.

IE. Thesis Outline

This dissertation is organized as follows:

Chapter one covers the main reasons and objectives of this research. Chapter II

discusses the induction machine structure and performance. The stator of a NEMA

standard general purpose induction machine is analyzed and studied and the benefits of

using this stator and its performance effects on the design of the PMa-SynRM is


In Chapter III the structure of the PMa-SynRM is described and studies. The key

performances, which need to be optimized during the design, are identified in this

chapter. The design optimization procedure based on performance post processing using

computer aid design with an FEA tool is considered and the design procedure flowchart

is presented. Some variation of the rotor core geometry such as magnet location and

barrier and rib thickness sizes used in other works are studied in this chapter and are

compared. Finally, an optimized rotor for the selected stator is presented in this chapter.

Some solutions for performance improvement such as rotor skewing are studied in this

chapter. The use of different types of magnets is considered in the design of the machine

and the effect of using different types of magnets on the performance of the machine is

studied. Also, the demagnetization possibility and the effect of the temperature on the

magnets under rated condition are studied. Moreover, the material consumption of the

optimized PMa-SynRM with the induction machine is compared as a part of design


Chapter IV reviews the considered control method for the designed PMa-SynRM and

derives the equations and parameters that are necessary for the control development in

the digital processing unit. In addition, the PMa-SynRM parameter measurement method

used in this study with the results is presented in this chapter.

For the designed PMa-SynRM the torque performance of the machine is obtained and

compared with the reference induction machine. The same comparison is done by

changing the magnet type and quantity, and the effect of the magnet type on the torque

performance of the machine is studied.

In Chapter V the efficiency and energy consumption of the designed PMa-SynRM with

all rotor variation with different magnet type and quantity are compared with the

reference induction machine. The load of the machines is a fan and pump type load

simulated by the dynamometer under a certain load profile. To evaluate the designed

PMa-SynRM for fan and pump applications some other machine performances such as

power factor, input power, apparent power and current are compared in this chapter.

Chapter VI studies the effect of magnet quantity on the low power PMa-SynRM and

compares the energy consumption and efficiency of the machine with another general

purpose induction machine running the same load profile.

Based on the results obtained in this research, the conclusion is presented in the last

chapter. Also, suggestions for further research and extension are offered.




IIA. Introduction

The stator of an induction machine generates a sinusoidal magneto-motive force

(MMF) in the air gap using distributed winding in the stator slots. This causes a high

fundamental MMF existence in the air gap, which can develop a high torque. In this

chapter the stator and winding structure of a standard induction machine is studied to use

in the PMa-SynRM design. Also, the magnetic flux density in stator yoke and teeth and

the performance of the machine at rated current are studied.

IIB. Reference Induction Machine

The reliability of the induction machine as an electromechanical conversion system is

proven over a century. This machine has been optimized and improved significantly

because of to the material improvement and the geometry design optimization especially

using computer aid. The winding configuration and the lamination geometry have been

optimized to increase the performance of the machine and decrease the cost of material

as the most attractive design criteria. To ease the machine selection by the users, the

2009 IEEE. Reprinted in part with permission from "Design and comparison of an
optimized permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motor (PMa-SynRM) with an
induction motor with identical NEMA Frame stators," by R. Vartanian and H. A. Toliyat, in
Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, 2009. ESTS 2009. IEEE, 2009, pp. 107-112. 2977-

characteristics of the induction machine have been standardized by National Electrical

Manufacturing Association (NEMA). Parameter such as the frame size makes it easier to

find the proper option for fan and pump applications. The requirement of manufacturing

low cost electric machines leads to using available machine components. On the other

hand, because of using distributed winding type in the induction machine stator, there

are some benefits, which increases the performance of a synchronous machine if the

same stator is used such as [55-57]:

High fundamental MMF component due to the distributed winding configuration

High Reluctance torque due to the higher inductance of the machine

Sinusoidal MMF distribution in the air gap (less harmonics), which reduces the core

losses (eddy and hysteresis losses) and less torque ripple

Less harmonic in Back-EMF, which results in higher flux linkage (more torque and

power for the PMa-SynRM machine)

Higher winding factor is achievable resulting in higher electric torque

Sensorless control development is feasible due to the sinusoidal back-EMF

Therefore, in this work a stator of a general purpose NEMA frame induction machine

is selected to use in the PMa-SynRM design. Also, the side by side performance

comparison between the PMa-SynRM and the induction machine will be possible. A

major benefit of such consideration will be employing the same stator and machine

housing fabrication process from the induction machine manufacturers. Another benefit

will be the existence of a reference machine for comparison with designed PMa-SynRM.

For this purpose, a 7.5 HP, 4 poles, 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor has been

selected. The NEMA frame of this motor is C213T. Table 2-1 includes the specifications

of the motor with stator main information coming from the manufacturers data sheet

and from experiments. The stator lamination of this induction motor is used in the design

of the PMa-SynRM. The selected induction machine is a general purpose standard

NEMA213 frame induction machine shown in Fig. 2-1. Using the stator of this machine

will allow direct comparison with the PMa-SynRM performance by keeping the stator

copper loss the same in the rated excitation current condition. The machine stator and

rotor geometry information is included in Appendix A.

Table 2-1: Induction machine parameters.

Machine Parameters Measurement
Number of poles 4
Rated Power 7.5 (HP)
Rated Voltage 230(V)
Rated Speed 1730(RPM)
Rated Torque 30 (N.m)
Rated Current 21(A)
Rated Efficiency 89.1(%)
Rated PF 0.81
Minimum Air Gap 0.016(inch)

(a) (b)
Fig 2-1: Stator and rotor of the reference induction machines, (a) Stator of the reference
induction machine, (b) Squirrel cage rotor

IIC. MMF Study of the NEMA Stator

Fig. 2-2 shows the distribution of the stator windings it the induction machine. This

particular stator has dual layer winding with pitch factor of 8. To obtain the winding

function of the machine, an arbitrary reference point has been selected according to the

Fig. 2-3. The turn function of phase-A (nA) is obtained according to the Fig. 2-4

assuming a linear distribution of 30 conductors of each layer in the slots.

Fig 2-2: Winding configuration in the slots.

Fig 2-3: Arbitrary reference selection to obtain the turn function of phase A.

Fig 2-4: Turn function of phase A.

In order to find the phase winding function N(), the average of the turn function

should be calculated and subtracted from the turn function according to (2-1) and (2-2).

The average of the phase A is 60 ( ( ) ). Fig. 2-4 shows the winding

function of the phase A. Also, using the same approach the winding function of phase B

and C are obtained and shown in Fig. 2-5.

( ) ( ) (2-1)

( ) ( ) ( ) (2-2)

The expression of the total MMF generated by the stator excitation at a certain point in

the air gap is according to (2-3). Considering a balanced three phase excitation current

applied to the windings, the MMF generated by the stator windings at time zero is shown

in Fig. 2-6a (the rated current of 21 A is considered in this calculation). It is obvious that

the MMF has a sinusoidal shape and a high fundamental is expected due to the

distributed winding in the stator. The FFT of the total MMF is shown in the Fig. 2-6b. It

can be seen that the harmonic component are low but the 5th, 17th and 19th are the most

dominant harmonics in the MMF.

Fig 2-5: Winding function of all three phases.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (2-3)

( )
{ ( )
( )

(a) (b)
Fig 2-6: MMF generated in the stator with rated current: (a) MMF waveform (b): Harmonic
spectrum of the MMF.

Assuming the rotor as a circular shaped core, the Flux line distribution of such

excitation is shown in Fig. 2-7. The flux density is measured in the middle of the air gap

for demonstration purposes, which is shown in the Fig. 2-8. The sinusoidal flux density

distribution can be observed in the air gap, which is the main objective of using

distributed winding in the induction machine.

Fig 2-7: Flux line distribution due to the stator excitation.

Fig 2-8: Flux distribution in the air gap due to the stator excitation.

IID. Simulation Results of the Induction Machine

As mentioned before, the stator of the reference induction machine is considered for

the PMa-SynRM design. Therefore to compare the PMa-SynRM with the induction

machine itself, the performance of the induction machine should be obtained.

In this case the FEA tool is used to simulate the reference induction machine. To

observe the flux density in the air gap, stator teeth, and the stator yoke, the induction

machine is modeled using FEA 2D. Fig. 2-9 shows the mesh applied to the geometry of

the machine. A voltage excitation is considered (line start mode) in the model.

Fig 2-9: Applied mesh on 2D geometry of the induction machine for FEA analysis.

Fig. 2-10 shows the flux line distribution and the flux density in the machine during

the steady state condition at rated load (30 N.m). It can be observed that the magnetic

flux density in machine remains below the saturation point (1.5 T).

To measure the flux density of the stator in the stator yoke a contour is defined from

point A to B inside the stator back iron as shown in the Fig. 2-11a. The flux density

measure in the back iron across the contour AB is shown in the Fig. 2-11(b). The

average flux density is about 1.18 T in the middle of the contour.

(a) (b)
Fig 2-10: FEA analysis field output on the induction machine: (a) Flux line, (b) Flux density.

(a) (b)
Fig 2-11: Stator yoke flux density measurement: (a) Defined contour AB in the stator back iron,
(b) Flux density measurement over the contour AB.

Also, the flux density in the middle of the stator teeth is measured over a pole pitch

and is shown in Fig. 2-12(a). It can be seen that the maximum flux density in teeth is

below 1.4(T), which is below the saturation point for the stator core steel (M45).

In addition, the flux density in the middle of the air gap at the rated load condition is

measured and shown in the Fig. 2-12(b). It can be seen that the distribution of the flux

density has a sinusoidal shape with amplitude of 0.8 T and the maximum flux density in

the air gap reaches to 1.25 T.

(a) (b)
Fig 2-12: Flux density of the induction machine operating at the rated condition in: (a) The
middle of the stator teeth over a pole pitch and (b) Middle of the air gap.

IID1. Startup of the Induction Machine

Startup transient waveforms of the induction machine operating under rated load are

shown in Fig. 2-13 and 2-14. Since a voltage source is used for the excitation, the current

has a significant overshoot due to the startup under the rated torque. Fig. 2-13(a) shows

the line current during the startup transient and steady state condition. The current

reaches to the rated current at about 21(A) after 0.3 second. Fig. 2-13(b) shows the

current in the rotor bars, which reaches to about 500 ampere in amplitude in steady state

condition. The copper loss generated by this current will not exist in the PMa-SynRM.

Therefore, higher efficiency is expected from the PMa-SynRM machine driving the

same rated load. Fig. 2-14(a) shows the developed electromechanical torque, which

reaches to 30 N.m (the same as the applied load). Acceleration of the machine can be

seen in the Fig. 2-14(b). In this case the machine reaches to a steady state speed of 1760

RPM, which is below the synchronous speed due to the rotor slip.

(a) (b)
Fig 2-13: Startup transient current waveforms of the induction machine under rated load: (a)
Stator currents, (b) Rotor bar current.

(a) (b)
Fig 2-14: Startup transient waveforms of the induction machine under rated load: (a) Torque
output, (b) Speed.

IIE. Conclusion

In this chapter the performance of a general purpose NEMA induction machine is

studied. Using analytical analysis and FEA tool, it is shown that the distributed winding

of the machine generates a sinusoidal MMF in the air gap and a high torque density can

be achieved using this stator and winding and an optimized PMa-SynRM rotor. Also

some other information such as flux density at the rated condition is obtained for

comparison with PMa-SynRM in the next chapter.



IIIA. Introduction

The PMa-SynRM machine is constructed as a synchronous reluctance machine with

permanent magnets embedded inside the rotor core; therefore the machine can be

considered as a PM machine with high saliency ratio and low flux linkage (compared to

IPM). It is shown that the power factor of the machine is related to the flux linkage and

the saliency ratio, therefore increasing these parameters will result in a machine with

high torque and power factor.

A typical torque-speed characteristic of a PM machine is shown machine is shown in

Fig. 3-1. The PM machine is able to generate the maximum torque in the stand still

condition up to the base speed. After reaching the base speed, the machine has to operate

in the field weakening region (constant power region), due to the limited bus voltage. In

this operating region the generated torque drops due to the reduction in the torque

2009 IEEE. Reprinted in part with permission from "Design and comparison of an
optimized permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motor (PMa-SynRM) with an
induction motor with identical NEMA Frame stators," by R. Vartanian and H. A. Toliyat, in
Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, 2009. ESTS 2009. IEEE, 2009, pp. 107-112. 2977-
2013 IEEE. Reprinted in part with permission from "Performance analysis of a rare earth
magnet based NEMA frame Permanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine
with different magnet type and quantity," by R. Vartanian, Y. Deshpande, and H. A. Toliyat,
in Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2013 IEEE International, 2013, pp.

component of the current and increment of the demagnetizing current. Neglecting the

losses, the generated power remains constant at the base power region.

Fig 3-1: General torque and power characteristic of a PM machine.

According to the Affinity law, the load of fan or pump increases by increasing the

speed. Therefore, in the electric machine design the nominal or base torque of the

machine has to match with the maximum load torque. On the other word, the optimum

design is to consider the maximum torque demand of the load as the torque base in the

machine design, which happens at the rated speed of the load.

For the initial designs of PM machines, analytical models are presented in various

works, which include the design of the stator and winding configuration. In most of the

designs it is recommended to approve the analytical design by FEA tools since the finite

element tool considers the non-linear characteristic of the material with high precision

and the output results are very close to the prototype test results.

Because the stator and the housing of the induction machine will be used in this work,

the parameters of the machine geometry such as stator outer diameter (OD), stator inner

diameter (ID), winding configuration (number of layers and conductor turns), and the

rotor inner diameter (shaft size) will be kept the same as the reference induction

machine. The FEA analysis is selected for the optimization with the same excitation as

that of the induction machine. Also the air gap (rotor outer diameter) used is the same as

the induction machine and for the initial geometry. In this chapter the design procedure

is presented.

IIIB. Design Criteria

The main objective is to design a rotor geometry, which satisfies the design criteria.

To optimize the geometry of the PMa-SynRM rotor, some of the main performances of

the machine are considered as the design criteria. These include the developed torque

and back-EMF performance.

IIIB1. Torque Performance

The electromagnetic torque developed in the electric machine can be described as the


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (3-1)

The reluctance torque is due to the tendency of the rotor saliency to align with the

stator field generated by the excitation of the stator winding. The magnet torque is due to

the tendency of the rotor magnets to align with the stator field. Cogging torque is

interaction between the stator teeth and rotor magnet and can be expressed as the


( ) (3-2)

Therefore, torque performance improvement of a machine can be itemized as

following [11, 58-60]:

- Maximizing the peak torque per ampere current. Usually this design criterion is not

sufficient to provide the maximum average toque because of the existence of the

ripple torque, which can reduce the average torque of the machine due to the variation

in the air gap permeance.

- Minimizing the cogging torque

- Minimizing the ripple torque

- Maximizing the average torque

In this work, improving the torque performance will be done by analyzing different

rotor core geometry in FEA and comparing the results since the stator geometry and

winding configurations are pre-determined.

IIIB2. Back-EMF Performance

The back-EMF is the voltage induced in the stator winding due to the flux linkage

generated by the permanent magnets in the rotor and is expressed as the following:


It has been shown that the higher flux linkage results in better power factor of the

PMa-SynRM. Therefore, the design approach will be to achieve a rotor geometry, which

generates the highest fundamental back-EMF component with lower harmonic content,

while the magnet mass is kept constant.

IIIC. Computer Aid Design

To perform the design, FEA is an appropriate tool to obtain the performance of any

electro-mechanical device. In this work, Ansys\Maxwell 2D software is used. The

design using any FEA tool has the following steps:




In pre-processing, the geometry of the machine is defined. Then, the materials,

excitations, and boundaries are specified. Fig. 3-2 shows the geometry of a PMa-SynRM

and its components.

In the processing stage, the Maxwell equations (3-4 to 3-7), which describe the

relationship of non-linear magnetic field to their sources are solved [55, 61]. In the

numerical calculation method this is done by applying a mesh to the geometry and

solving the equations for unknown variables.





Fig 3-2: PMa-SynRM geometry structure.

Maxwell equations are related to the materials by the material laws:

B = H (3-8)

J = E (3-9)

D = E (3-10)

The precision of the calculation is related to the number of mesh elements in the

geometry and large number of meshes will increase the solution time. Therefore, a fine

mesh should be used for precise solution. Defining a fine mesh size in the air gap is

necessary due to the fact that the developed torque in the air gap has to be calculated

with high accuracy. Fig. 3-3 shows the mesh applied to a PMa-SynRM machine.

Fig 3-3: Mesh operator applied to the geometry of the PMa-SynRM.

To obtain the performance of the electric machine different electromagnetic excitation

can be used:

- Free rotation with no excitation can be used to obtain the back-EMF and cogging

torque of the machine.

- DC stator excitation (time invariant) can be used to obtain the maximum torque and

maximum torque angle (or current angle).

- AC stator excitation (time variant) can be used to obtain the average torque and the

torque ripple at the maximum torque angle operation obtained from previous step.

Finally, the obtained results are analyzed to match with the design criteria in Post-

Processing stage.

IIID. Material Selection

Due to the fact that for the PMa-SynRM design the stator of the induction machine is

considered, only rotor material should be selected.

IIID1. Core Material Selection

The steel used in the induction machine is M45-Guage26 and the same is considered

for the rotor design. Fig. 3-4 shows the B-H curve of this steel, which has knee point

around 1.4T.

Fig 3-4: B-H curve of M45-G26.

IIID1a. Core Loss Parameters

The core loss in the steel is proportional to the flux density and the frequency. It

consists of two major components, hysteresis and eddy current losses, expressed in

classical form in (3-11)[55]:

( ) ( ) (3-11)

To estimate the core loss when the flux density and frequency are excessively high, the

advanced expression of the core loss is used as (3-12)[61]:

( ) ( ) ( ) (3-12)

For the selected core material, in this work, the loss parameters are according to the

Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Stator core loss parameters.

Grade Thickness[mm] kh kc ke
M45 0.47 164.2 0.712 0.82

IIID2. Permanent Magnet Selection

There are several permanent magnet types to consider in a machine design. Some

magnets have high remanent flux density and higher cost but limited in operating

temperature. On the other hand, some magnets are capable to operate in a higher

temperature but the low energy product and flux density increases the mass of the

magnet in the design[59]. Therefore the tradeoffs in the design have to be considered

carefully. Some of the common type materials for the permanent magnet are: Samarium-

Cobalt (SmCo), Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NdFeB), Alnico, and Ferrite. Some of the

advantages and disadvantages of the above mentioned magnets are listed in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2: Different permanent magnet comparison.
Magnet Material Advantages Disadvantages
NdFeB High operating temperature High temperature coefficient
Very high flux density (1.4T) Sensitive to corrosion
SmCo High operating temperature Most expensive magnet
High flux density (up to 1.2 T)
Low temperature coefficient
High resistance to demagnetization and
Alnico High operating temperature Easy to demagnetize
Low temperature coefficient
Ferrite Least expensive magnet Lowest remanent flux
High operating temperature density (0.4T)

The operating temperature of the induction machine is limited below 110 (C) (Class F

isolation), therefore NdFeB and ferrite type magnets are selected for the design. If the

torque density is higher than the induction machine, the current needed to drive the same

load will be less and more temperature drop will be expected. Because the maximum

operating temperature is limited by the winding isolation class, the operating

temperature can be used to simplify the magnet selection. Because NdFeB has higher

flux density, the main design will be based on this magnet. Later, the ferrite magnets will

be replaced with NdFeB magnets to compare the performances between them. Table 3-3

includes the permanent magnet information used in this study.

IIIE. Design Procedure

As it is mentioned before, the stator geometry and the excitation is considered to be the

same as that of the NEMA frame reference induction machine. Due to the specification

of the inner and outer diameter of the rotor, a PMa-SynRM with two barriers is selected

with permanent magnet located on the sides.

The shape of barriers is designed to match with the stator flux path shown in Fig.2-8.

Also, the second barrier has a bridge located under the permanent magnet position,

which provides a better path for the magnet flux and increases the flux linkage. A simple

strategy shown in Fig.3-5 is considered to optimize the rotor for the specified stator.

Some of the important parameters such as ribs width, barrier distances and widths, and

place of the magnets are changed in the case studies.

Table 3-3: Characteristics of the selected NdFeB and Ceramic permanent magnet.
Magnet Type NdFeB Ferrite
Grade 42SH C8
Residual Induction Br 1.28-1.32 (T) 0.385 (T)
Relative Recoil Permeability 1.05 1.04
Coercive Force Hcb 987 (kA/m) 235 (kA/m)
Intrinsic Coercive Force Hci 1592 (kA/m) 242( kA/m)
Energy Product BHmax 318-342 (kJ/m3) 27.8(kJ/m3)
Max. Operating Temp. 150 C 120 C

Fig 3-5: Optimization procedure with FEA.

The initial geometry has the configuration shown in Fig. 3-6(a) introduced in [29]. Fig.

3-7 shows the torque profile at different rotor position by each rotor at the rated current

condition. Most of the rotors generate about 50Nm torque around 68deg; but the rotors

with higher torque oscillation in the profile will generate higher torque ripple in the

output torque (i.e. rotor 4 and 6). In contrast, the rotors with smooth profile especially

around the maximum torque generate output torque with less ripple (i.e. rotor 1, 7, and,


Fig. 3-8 shows the cogging torque generated by each rotor. Comparing these outputs,

the rotor, which generates less cogging torque, will be better candidate since the cogging

torque also will be added to the output torque of the machine and it contributes in the

vibration and noise. Among the compared cases, the rotor 1, 2 and 8 have low cogging

torque. Also it can be observed that placing the magnet in the second barrier and small

width on the d-axes has significant effect on the cogging torque. The main reason is that

if the bridges are eliminated then the flux has to pass to the stator with higher intensity

and that creates higher cogging torque. With the presence of the bridges and the proper

width of the ribs, the cogging toque can be reduced significantly.

Fig. 3-9 shows the back-EMF of the machine at the rated speed (1800 RPM). It can be

seen that the rotors, which creates more cogging torque also generates higher distortion

in the back-EMF waveform (i.e. rotor 3 and 4). Also the effect of the ribs width can be

observed by comparing rotor 7 and 8. Although the fundamental of the back-EMFs are

close but narrow rib has generated high distortion in the back-EMF. Moreover, the rotors

with magnet in the second barrier show high distortion in the back-EMF (rotor 3 and 4)

or lower fundamental component (rotor5). Fig. 3-10 shows the harmonic spectrum of the

back-EMFs. In this case the rotor with higher fundamental and less THD will be

selected, which is rotor 8.

Fig. 3-11 shows the output torque of the compared rotors. Here, it is obvious that the

rotors with higher distortion in the maximum torque profile and higher cogging torque

have higher torque ripple. Although the maximum output torque of the rotors are close

but the average output torque drops because of the different torque ripple amplitude. In

this case, rotor 8 shows a high average torque and less torque ripple.

Fig. 3-12 shows the torque generated by the machine is obtained for each SynRM rotor

(magnet-less rotor). In this case it is possible to study the average torque and the current

ripple generated by each rotor without the magnet contribution. Comparing these cases

with the PMa-SynRM cases shows the magnet utilization in the design. In the

comparison of the rotors, it can be seen that the rotor 8 has less torque ripple with

applicable average torque.

Table 3-4 compares the performance obtained for each rotor shown in Fig. 3-6. It can

be seen that the rotor 8 has better performance of cogging torque, fundamental of the

back-EMF, back-EMF distortion, average output torque and torque ripple compared to

the other rotor geometries. Therefore, this rotor is considered as the optimized option for

further studies.

(a) Rotor1 (b) Rotor2

(c) Rotor3 (d) Rotor4

(e) Rotor5 (f) Rotor6

(g) Rotor7 (h) Rotor8-Final Design

Fig 3-6: Rotor geometry variations in the case study.

(a) Rotor1 (b) Rotor2

(c) Rotor3 (d) Rotor4

(e) Rotor5 (f) Rotor6

(g) Rotor7 (h) Rotor8-Final Design

Fig 3-7: Maximum torque profile of each rotor design variation.

TCogging= 0.8 N.m TCogging= 0.6 N.m

(a) Rotor1 (b) Rotor2

TCogging= 3.2 N.m TCogging= 5.9 N.m

(c) Rotor3 (d) Rotor4

TCogging= 1.7 N.m TCogging= 4.3 N.m

(e) Rotor5 (f) Rotor6

TCogging= 1.1 N.m TCogging= 0.8 N.m

(g) Rotor7 (h) Rotor8-Final Design

Fig 3-8: Cogging torque waveform generated by each rotor with zero excitation.

(a) Rotor1 (b) Rotor2

(c) Rotor3 (d) Rotor4

(e) Rotor5 (f) Rotor6

(g) Rotor7 (h) Rotor8-Final Design

Fig 3-9: Back-EMF waveform generated by each rotor at rated speed.

THD = 26.1% THD = 26.8%

(a) Rotor1 (b) Rotor2

THD = 48.0% THD = 42.2%

(c) Rotor3 (d) Rotor4

THD = 32.0% THD = 37.0%

(e) Rotor5 (f) Rotor6

THD = 40.8% THD = 22.0%

(g) Rotor7 (h) Rotor8-Final Design

Fig 3-10: Back-EMF harmonic spectrum of each rotor at rated speed.

Tave= 43.8 N.m
Tave= 40.7 N.m Ripple = 14.7%
Ripple = 15.3%

(a) Rotor1 (b) Rotor2

Tave= 47.5 N.m

Ripple = 14.6% Tave= 36.9 N.m
Ripple = 61.1%

(c) Rotor3 (d) Rotor4

Tave= 42.8 N.m Tave= 40.7 N.m

Ripple = 14.2% Ripple = 31.4%

(e) Rotor5 (f) Rotor6

Tave= 48.7 N.m Tave= 48.5 N.m

Ripple = 18.3% Ripple = 12.6%

(g) Rotor7 (h) Rotor8-Final Design

Fig 3-11: Output torque generated by each rotor at rated current and maximum torque angle.

Tave= 29.7 N.m Tave= 28.1 N.m
Ripple = 23.6% Ripple = 18.8%

(a) Rotor1 (b) Rotor2

Tave= 41.0 N.m

Ripple = 15.1% Tave= 26.5 N.m
Ripple = 77.4%

(c) Rotor3 (d) Rotor4

Tave= 43.1 N.m

Ripple = 16.2% Tave= 33.7 N.m
Ripple = 39.0%

(e) Rotor5 (f) Rotor6

Tave= 35.9 N.m Tave= 35.1 N.m

Ripple = 18.2% Ripple = 14.0%

(g) Rotor7 (h) Rotor8-Final Design

Fig 3-12: Reluctance torque generated by each rotor at rated current and maximum torque angle.

Table 3-4: Performance comparison of the studied rotors.

Rotor type Rotor1 Rotor2 Rotor3 Rotor4 Rotor5 Rotor6 Rotor7
PMa-SynRM Max
47.10 49.91 50.55 57.74 46.72 54.91 55.92 54.46
PMa-SynRM Cogging
0.8 0.6 3.2 5.9 1.7 4.3 1.1 0.8
133.7 147.3 141.1 121.1 111.8 132.4 156.2 157.4
Fundamental (pk)
PMa-SynRM Back-
26.1 26.8 48.0 42.2 32.0 37.0 40.8 22.0
PMa-SynRM Torque
40.7 43.8 47.5 36.9 42.8 40.7 48.7 48.5
PMa-SynRM Torque
15.3 14.7 14.6 61.1 14.2 34.8 18.3 12.6
Ripple (%)
SynRM Torque
29.7 28.1 41.0 26.5 43.1 31.4 35.9 35.1
SynRM Torque
23.6 18.8 15.1 77.4 16.2 39.0 18.2 14.0
Ripple (%)
Magnet Utilization
(PMa-SynRM to 1.37 1.56 1.16 1.39 0.99 1.21 1.36 1.38
SynRM Torque Ratio)

IIIF. FEA Analysis of PMa-SynRM and Comparison with Induction Machine

Based on the performance comparison between different rotor geometries, geometry

of rotor 8 has been selected for more analysis. After finding the maximum torque angle

of the rotor in the magnetostatic analysis using Maxwell 2-D, the transient analysis has

been executed to obtain the transient torque and back- EMF of the machine. Because the

stator is the same as the induction motor, the current used for excitation is 21A. The

speed of the PMa-SynRM is considered to be the synchronous speed, which is 1800

RPM for 4-pole machine supplied at 60Hz.

The stator current is the same in order to keep the copper losses the same as the

reference induction motor and to load the windings properly. In addition, comparing the

flux density of the PMa-SynRM and the induction machine at the rated current will be

more meaningful.

IIIF1. Flux Density Investigation in Induction Machine and PMa-SynRM

After finding the average torque for the new design, to identify heavy saturation in the

cores, the flux density in the rotor and stator core should be studied. In this study, the

material used for both SynRM and PMa-SynRM is M-45 steel with the knee point

approximately at 1.4 Tesla (the same as the material used in the induction motor).

Fig. 3-13 and Fig.3-14 show the flux line and flux density distribution of the PMa-

SynRM-NdFeB and SynRM (magnet-less) at the maximum torque angle. In SynRM, the

flux lines are more and the density is higher in some teeth whereas in PMa-SynRM,

those are reduced. As a result, less core loss is expected in comparison with the SynRM

with the same stator current.

To measure the flux density in the stator yoke, a linear geometry path has been

selected in such a way to cross the maximum flux lines in the stator yoke. Fig. 3-15

shows that the flux density in the middle of the stator teeth for SynRM and PMa-SynRM

with peak of 1.85 T. For both SynRM and PMa-SynRM the flux density in the stator

yoke is studied. Fig. 3-16 shows the flux density variation in the stator yoke in the same

geometry path used in induction machine. In this case, PMa-SynRM has an average of

1.65 T and SynRM has 1.75 T in the back iron.

Results show that the flux density in the stator teeth of the PMa-SynRM is high

because of the use of magnet in the rotor core but it is not local saturation. The flux

density in the PMa-SynRM is higher than the induction machine and hence, the PMa-

SynRM has more torque density. So it is possible to reduce this flux density by

decreasing the stator current and maintaining the load torque. Also, in the air gap, the

SynRM and PMa-SynRM have higher flux densities compared with the induction motor.

As the rotor of PMa-SynRM has a low core loss and no copper loss, the increased

power loss in the stator might be ignored.

(a) (b)
Fig 3-13: FEA analysis field output on the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB: (a) Flux line, (b) Flux density.

(a) (b)
Fig 3-14: FEA analysis field output on the SynRM: (a) Flux line, (b) Flux density.

(a) (b)
Fig 3-15: Flux density in the middle of the stator teeth over a pole pitch in: (a) SynRM, (b) PMa-

(a) (b)
Fig 3-16: Flux density in the stator yoke in: (a) SynRM, (b) PMa-SynRM-NdFeB.

Table 3-5: Comparison of flux densities of all motors.

Maximum Flux Density Induction PMa-SynRM SynRM
Stator Teeth (T) 1.40 1.85 1.85
Stator Yoke (T) 1.18 1.65 1.75
Air Gap (T) 1.25 1.58 1.49

IIIF2. Output Torque Comparison of the Induction Machine and PMa-SynRM

The output torque generated by optimized PMa-SynRM and the reference induction

machine are compared in Fig. 3-17 using the same excitation current (rated condition). It

can be seen that the SynRM itself generates more torque than the induction machine and

using the permanent magnets has significantly increased the output torque. Based on the

results of these studies, the geometry of this PMa-SynRM is selected for fabrication.

Fig 3-17: Output torque of the compared machines.

IIIG. Optimized PMa-SynRM Rotor Structure

Based on the final optimization results obtained from finite element analysis, the rotor

core is fabricated. Fig. 3-18 shows the optimized rotor core geometry and the fabricated


(a) (b)

Fig 3-18: Optimized PMa-SynRM-NdFe: (a) Designed rotor core, (b) Fabricated rotor core.

The magnets for this rotor are 4 inches long (the same as the rotor stack length). In

order to place the magnets conveniently, they are fabricated in half-length so that two

pieces are inserted in each slot from both sides. Also, using splinted magnets instead of

the full size magnet has the benefit of decreasing the magnet loss (due to eddy currents)

and due to this; the machine efficiency will increase slightly.

Fig. 3-19 shows the permanent magnets used in the rotor core and the fabricated

prototype rotor. The rotor includes the shaft and bearings (the same size of the reference

induction machine) and the magnets inside the rotor are secured by aluminum end disks.

This rotor is replaced in the NEMA-frame induction machine to complete the PMa-

SynRM fabrication.

(a) (b)

Fig 3-19: PMa-SynRM rotor: (a) NdFeB magnet blocks installed in the rotor steel core,
(b) Fabricated PMa-SynRM rotor with shaft and bearings.

IIIG1. Back-EMF Measurement

The permanent magnets in the rotor generate magnetic flux, which links the stator

coils. Fig. 3-20 shows the FEA calculated flux density in the middle of the air gap due to

the permanent magnets.

Fig 3-20: Flux density in the middle of the air gap due to the NdFeB magnets.

The flux linkage has significant effect on the current angle calculation mentioned

before. Obtaining this parameter can simply be done by measuring the back-EMF of the

machine and using (3-3).

A DC machine is used in the test bed to rotate the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB and the

terminal voltage of the machine is measured. Fig. 3-21 shows the waveform of the

induced line to line voltage in the stator of the PMa-SynRM at 1800 RPM. It can be seen

that the voltage has a sinusoidal waveform due to the distributed winding of the stator.

Because of the distribution form of the stator winding, it was expected to have a low

total harmonic distortion and a high fundamental component in back-EMF. Fig. 3-22

shows the harmonic spectrum of the back-EMF (the voltages are scaled down by the

differential probe used in the test).

Fig 3-21: Measured back-EMF waveform of PMa-SynRM-NdFeB at 1800 RPM.

Fig 3-22: Harmonic spectrum of the back-EMF voltage at 1800 rpm (20dB/div).

The spectrum analyzer shows that the THD of the back-EMF is 14.2%, which is

significantly low compared to the motors with concentric winding. The FFT spectrum

obtained from the FFT measurement of the oscilloscope shows 16% of THD. Table 3-6

shows that the major harmonics of the back-EMF are 5th, 17th, and 19th. The harmonic

spectrum shown in Fig. 3-23 exhibits that the major harmonics in the back-EMF are

18n1 (n=1, 2, ), which are the results of the existence of the harmonics in the

winding function and air-gap function.

The back-EMF obtained from the FEA is compared with the experimental

measurement in Fig. 3-24. It is obvious that the back-EMF calculated by FEA is very

close to actual back-EMF and the slight difference is because of the calculation method

used in FEA. The FEA measures the flux linkage of the coil and calculates the flux

variation in time to obtain the back-EMF; therefore the geometry selected by the

software to find flux passing the coil can affect the measurement. Also the harmonic

content could be affected by the FEA flux measuring method in the software.

Table 3-6: Harmonic components of the back-EMF.

Amplitude Experiment
RMS (V) Per unit (%)
Fundamental (1st) 162.0 100
5 11.7 7.23
7 1.1 0.67
11 2.0 1.21
13 1.1 0.69
17 6.9 4.27
19 20.9 12.9
35 4.7 2.9
37 2.6 1.62
53 2.3 1.4
55 0.3 0.16

Fig 3-23: Harmonic spectrum of the measured back-EMF.

Fig 3-24: Comparison of FEA and measured back-EMF of PMa-SynRM-NdFeB
at 1800 RPM.

IIIH. Skew Effect on PMa-SynRM NdFeB

Skewing the rotor is a conventional way to reduce the torque ripple in each electric

machine. In addition, with a proper skew angle, the cogging torque can be completely


In order to skew a PM machine in manufacturing process, the permanent magnet

pieces have to be skewed. This process will increase the cost of manufacturing and for

low cost machine driving a fan or a pump it may not be justified. Achieving a low ripple

torque is possible by step skewing. In this section by using FEA tool and sliced machine

model, the effect of rotor skewing on the torque ripple, cogging torque, and the back-

EMF is studied.

To obtain the torque and the back-EMF performance of the machine with skewed

rotor, a discrete skew form is used. Fig. 3-25 shows a visualization of the skew study.

Considering =0 as the reference, the rotor can be initially displaced around the

reference by resolution of -- in positive and negative direction. By obtaining the

performance of the machine in each step and averaging the results in skew range the

final torque and back-EMF will be calculated over the desired skew angle (eq. 3-15 and

3-16). Assuming a resolution of 0.5 and skew angle of 10, the skew step ( ) is 20

steps, which will be applied 10 steps positive and 10 steps negative. In practice, the

machine then can be made of 21 slices.

Fig 3-25: Model used for analysis of the skew effect on torque and back-EMF.

( ) (3-13)


( )
( )
( ) (3-15)

( )
( )
( ) (3-16)

IIIH1. Effect of Skewing on Cogging Torque

By applying this method, the cogging torque of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB is calculated

and shown in Fig. 3-26. As it is expected, skewing the rotor reduces the cogging torque

of the machine. Since the stator has 36 slots (10 slot openings) skewing the rotor with

10 results in the minimum cogging torque (close to zero).

Fig 3-26: Skew effect on cogging torque of the PMa-SynRM.

IIIH2. Effect of Skewing on Back-EMF

Using (3-15), the back-EMF of the skewed rotor is calculated for 10 skew angle (in this

study the actual measurement is used). Fig. 3-27 compares both skewed and non-skewed

rotor back-EMF waveforms (for clear comparison the waveforms are shifted

intentionally). It can be seen that even the discrete skew reduces the harmonics of the

back-EMF without significant effect on the fundamental component. The harmonic

spectrums of the back-EMFs are shown in Fig. 3-28. The harmonics such as 17th, 19th,

35th, and 37th are reduced significantly but the fundamental is reduced slightly. The

back-EMF THD is reduced from 15.9% to 6.2%.

Fig 3-27: Skew effect on the back-EMF (waveforms shifted intentionally).

Fig 3-28: Effect of the skew on the harmonic spectrum of the back-EMF.

IIIH3. Effect of Skewing on Steady State Torque

Again, the same method is used to measure the ripple torque of the machine under the

maximum load condition. Table 3-7 includes the average torque calculated for the PMa-

SynRM-NdFeB with different rotor skew angles. It can be seen that skewing the rotor by

10 degree reduces the ripple significantly and skewing more than 10 degree does not

improve it. Also, it can be seen that the skewed rotor has slightly lower average torque

but the torque ripple is reduced from 17% to 4%. Fig. 3-29 shows the comparison of the

output torque in non-skew and skewed rotor. As it was mentioned before, this method

uses discrete form of calculation and a fully skewed rotor with skewed magnets will

have less ripple torque.

Table 3-7: Skew angle effect on PMa-SynRM-NdFeB and SynRM torque output.
Skew angle (Deg)
Average (Nm) Ripple (%) Average (Nm) Ripple (%)
Non-Skewed 48.5 12.8 35.1 10.8
5 48.05 8.3 34.7 6.7
7.5 47.8 5.8 34.5 5.1
10 47.46 4.1 34.1 3.6
12.5 47.01 5.2 33.6 4.9
15 46.56 5.2 33.0 4.4

Fabrication of a skewed SynRM core can be easy and cheap since there is no magnet

inside the rotor. Therefore, the same study is done on the SynRM core to observe the

effect of skewing on the SynRM rotor with the specified NEMA frame stator. Table 3-7

includes the average torque and the torque ripple of the SynRM with different skew

angles. The comparison shows that skewing the SynRM rotor by 10 degree reduced the

ripple torque up to 80% while the average torque has a slight drop. Fig. 3-29 also shows

the transient torque of the SynRM with non-skewed rotor and 10 degree skew.

Fig 3-29: Skew effect on the output torque of the machines.

IIII. Effect of the Magnet Variation on the Flux Linkage

The permanent magnet type has a significant effect on the performance of the PMa-

SynRM. Therefore, the NdFeB magnets are removed from the rotor to form a SynRM

core shown in Fig. 3-30(b). The SynRM core is not optimized for the stator but its

performance will be compared with the original PMa-SynRM machine. Another PMa-

SynRM rotor core is constructed by replacing the NdFeB magnets with ferrite magnets.

This rotor, named as C8-R1, is shown in Fig. 3-30(c). Also, extra ferrite magnets are

added to the C8-R1 rotor on the q-axis and a rotor with higher ferrite quantity is formed.

This rotor, named as C8-R2, is shown in Fig. 3-30(d). Another option is to add one

magnet piece on the q-axes in the second air barrier (forming C8-R3 rotor); however, the

FEA analysis has illustrated that the flux density in the air gap stays the same and the

flux linkage of the machine stays the same as C8-R2. The FEA comparison of C8-R2

and C8-R3 rotors are included in this section.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig 3-30: Studied rotors: (a) Original rotor with NdFeB magnets, (b) Magnet-less rotor core,
(c) PMa-SynRM-C8-R1, (d) PMa-SynRM-C8-R2.

IIII1. Air Gap Flux Density and Back-EMF Variation in Different PMa-SynRM

Permanent magnet with higher remanent flux density will generate higher flux density

in the air gap resulting significant flux linkage in the machine. Fig. 3-31 shows the flux

density of the air gap for the different rotor formations (for better waveform illustration

different initial rotor positions are applied). The NdFeB rotor generates high flux density

in the air gap with fundamental of 0.46 T, and C8-R1, C8-R2 generate 0.21 T and 0.11

T, respectively. In this machine, replacing NdFeB with ferrite has reduced the air gap

flux density by 76%, whereas the remanent flux density of the ferrite is 64% less. The

reason of this significant difference is the leakage of a significant portion of the flux

generated by the permanent magnet through the ribs in the C8-R1 rotor. The back-EMF

measurement is shown in Fig. 3-32.

Fig 3-31: Flux density distribution in the air-gap of the PMa-SynRMs in no load condition.

Fig 3-32: Back-EMF waveforms of the PMa-SynRMs at 1800 RPM.

Fig. 3-33 shows the flux line distribution in different rotors and the flux leakage

through the ribs in each case. Fig. 3-33(a) shows the rotor with NdFeB magnet and

illustrates less than 20% flux leakage; whereas using ferrite magnets, more than 45% of

the generated flux bypasses through the ribs (C8-R1 case shown in Fig. 3-33b) and

hence, those flux lines will not link the stator coils. This is because the width of the ribs

is optimized for the NdFeB magnet and it is wide for ferrite, allowing a significant

portion of the flux generated by ferrite magnets to bypass through it. By comparing the

back-EMF of the NdFeB version with C8-R1 it is obvious that although the magnet

quantity is the same in both machines the flux linkage in the NdFeB machine is 2.5 times

higher; therefore it is expected that the PMa-SynRM with ferrite magnets will have less

toque density and power factor.

Comparing the C8-R1 and C8-R2 version shows that although the extra magnet is only

50%, the flux linkage is doubled. Since the ribs are already saturated by the flux

generated by the first set of ferrites, the flux generated by the second set of magnet

passes to the stator and the extra magnet is fully utilized, which is shown in Fig. 3-33(c).

This effect causes the flux linkage to increase up to 100% with only 50% increase in the

magnet mass.

Placing magnets on the second barrier on q-axis (shown as B in Fig. 3-33d) has been

studied. The flux distribution shows that the extra magnet on the second barrier will not

improve the flux linkage therefore it is not useful to add this set of magnets to the rotor

and this case is not practiced.

The back-EMF induced in the stator winding is measured by rotating the rotor with a

certain speed using a primary mover. Then, with the obtained back-EMF, the flux

linkage of the inserted permanent magnets can be calculated using (3-3). Table 3-8

includes the fundamental of the measured back-EMF and the flux linkage of the


(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig 3-33: Magnetic flux line distribution in PMa-SynRMs generated by the permanent magnets
in the rotor: (a) NdFeB42, (b) C8-R1 rotor, (c) C8-R2 rotor, (d) C8-R3 rotor (not fabricated).

Table 3-8: Back-EMF measurement and the flux linkage of each machine.
Magnet Line Back- PM
Machine type Type Emf (V) at (wb)
1800 rpm
SynRM 0 0 0
PMa-SynRM-C8-R1 Ferrite-C8 23.1 0.05
PMa-SynRM-C8-R2 Ferrite-C8 46.0 0.1
PMa-SynRM-NdFeB NdFeB42H 115.9 0.25

The back-EMF of the PMa-SynRM with NdFeB magnet is higher than the one with

ferrites. This is due to the higher flux density of the NdFeB magnets. Comparing the flux

linkage of the NdFeB rotor with C8-R2, it can be seen that the magnet quantity is the

same in both machines; but the flux linkage in the NdFeB machine is 2.5 times higher;

therefore it is expected to have less toque density and power factor for the PMa-SynRM

with ferrites. Also comparing the C8-R1 and C8-R2 version shows that although the

addition magnet is only 50%, the flux linkage is doubled. The reason is that a significant

amount of the flux generated by the permanent magnet is leaking through the ribs in the

rotor and is not linking any coil in the stator.

Also, comparing the flux density in the stator back iron shows the above explained

effects. The magnetic flux densities of the PMa-SynRM with different rotors are shown

in Fig. 3-34 and the saturation in the ribs can be seen in all cases. Also it shows that the

C8-R3 rotor does not generate more flux in the stator than the C8-R2 rotor (less


(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig 3-34: Magnetic flux density in PMa-SynRMs: (a) NdFeB rotor, (b) C8-R1 rotor, (c) C8-R2
rotor, (d) C8-R3 rotor.

IIII2. FEA of the PMa-SynRM with Different Magnet Type and Quantity under
the Rated Load Condition

The FEA analysis of each machine is performed to obtain the current needed to

generate the rated torque matching the induction machine, which is about 30N.m. Fig. 3-

35 and Fig. 3-36 show the flux density and flux line distribution in each machine at the

rated torque condition. In each case, the excitation current is adjusted to generate 30 N.m

torque. Table 3-9 includes the excitation current level of each machine. It can be seen

that the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB needs the least current since it has highest torque density

and the SynRM needs the most. Also, the flux density in the stator yoke of the PMa-

SynRM-NdFeB is lower according to Fig. 3-35 and this will result in less core loss in the

stator. Therefore, higher efficiency is expected in NdFeB case when operated under the

rated torque condition.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig 3-35: Flux density of the machines in rated torque condition: (a) SynRM, (b) PMa-SynRM-
NdFeB42, (c) PMa-SynRM-C8-R1, (d) PMa-SynRM-C8-R2.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig 3-36: Flux line distribution of the machines in rated torque condition: (a) SynRM, (b) PMa-
SynRM-NdFeB42, (c) PMa-SynRM-C8-R1, (d) PMa-SynRM-C8-R2.

Table 3-9: Excitation current in rated torque condition of each machine.

Machine Type Line current (A)

PMa-SynRM-NdFeB 16.5
PMa-SynRM-C8-R1 20
PMa-SynRM-C8-R2 18.8
SynRM 21.5
Induction Machine 21

The above results show that the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB needs 15% less current to drive

30N.m load, compared to the original induction machine. Therefore, the temperature of

the windings in PMa-SynRM will be less and longer winding isolation life will be

expected for this machine.

IIII2a. Demagnetization Effect

One of the major problems in the permanent magnet machine is the demagnetization of

the magnets due to the high flux opposing the permanent magnets flux orientation,

which generally happens in the field weakening operation region (constant power

region). In this study the PMa-SynRM machine operates in the constant torque region

but the q-axes flux opposes the magnets flux and it can demagnetize the magnets.

Therefore, the flux density inside the permanent magnets is studied in PMa-SynRM

using the FEA analysis. For each machine with different permanent magnet type (NdFeB

and ferrite) the flux density is shown in Fig. 3-37. The flux density inside the NdFeB

magnet remains above 0.9 T. The B-H curve of the NdFe42SH indicates that operating

at 0.4 T is above the irreversible demagnetization; therefore in this design a lower

temperature NdFe42 such as grade M (operating at 100 C) can be used without any

demagnetization risk. For the ferrite-C8 magnets the knee point is around 0.1 T at 20 C

and the FEA shows that the flux density inside the magnets are above 0.1 T (knee point

of C8). Hence, the magnets are operating in a safe region and above the irreversible

demagnetization. Moreover, the temperature inside the machine is above the room

temperature therefore the stator current cannot demagnetize the ferrites.

(a) (b)
Fig 3-37: Flux density distribution in the permanent magnets in PMa-SynRM under the rated
load condition: (a) NdFeB magnets, (b) Ferrite magnets.

IIII2b. Temperature Effect on the Magnet Flux Density

In the permanent magnet machines, the temperature has significant effect on the flux

density and the remanent flux density drops at higher temperature. In this study to

investigate the effect of the temperature on the magnets and observe the performance of

the designed PMa-SynRMs, temperature is monitored using sensors installed inside the

machine. For each PMa-SynRM, the back-EMF of the machine is compared before and

after operating under full current. Fig. 3-38 shows the effect of the temperature on the

back-EMF with NdFeB and ferrite magnets.

(a) (b)
Fig 3-38: Effect of the temperature on the back-EMF of the machines: (a) PMa-SynRM-NdFeB
and (b) PMa-SynRM-C8R1.

For NdFeB magnets the back-EMF is reduced about 1% and for ferrite the back-EMF

drop is about 4%. According to the measured parameters, it can be concluded that both

NdFeB and ferrite are suitable permanent magnet options for PMa-SynRM in this

application due to a very low effect of the temperature on the magnets in this


IIIJ. Material Consumption

One of the major items in comparison between electric motors is comparing the

material consumption in the motors. As mentioned before, the PM-SynRM uses the

same stator frame and stator winding used in the induction motor and other mechanical

dimensions are the same. Since the stator lamination and winding configuration are the

same in both motors, we just need to compare the rotor material used in both machines.

Table 3-10 includes the material consumption of the machines obtained from RM-

expert and Maxwel-2D. Appendix C includes the model and the information used in

material consumption estimation.

Table 3-10: Material consumption and weight of main components.
Item NdFeB C8-R1 C8-R2
Stator Copper Weight (kg) 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2
Stator Core Steel Weight (kg) 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1
Rotor Core Steel Weight (kg) 7.0 5.8 5.8 5.8
Rotor Aluminum Weight (kg) 1.24 N/A - -
NdFeB (kg) - 0.48 - -
Ferrite (kg) - - 0.31 0.47
Shaft and Bearings (kg) 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Total Rotor Weight (kg) 12.4 10.5 10.3 10.5

By comparing the material consumption, it can be seen that the weight of the PMa-

SynRM rotor with NdFeB magnets is 15% less than the rotor of the induction machine.

Therefore, longer bearing life and less maintenance cost are expected for the PMa-

SynRM. Also, the mass of the NdFeB magnet is only about 8% of the total PMa-SynRM

rotor weight, which indicates that the permanent magnet quantity used in the machine is

significantly low.

IIIK. Conclusion

In this chapter, the procedure to optimize a two-barrier PMa-SynRM was presented.

According to the FEA results, it is shown that it will be possible to use the stator of the

induction machine and its rated excitation current to achieve a PMa-SynRM design with

acceptable performance. The torque generated by the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB is higher,

which means in the same operating load, the PMa-SynRM will need less current and will

operate with higher efficiency due to the less stator loss and zero rotor copper loss. The

fact that the PMa-SynRM needs less current to drive the same load as the induction

machine shows that the temperature of the winding will be less; therefore the life of the

winding will be longer in PMa-SynRM. Also, it is shown that skewing the PMa-SynRM

rotor will reduce the cogging torque and torque ripple significantly, with slight drop in

the average torque. In addition, the back-EMF has lower THD compared to the non-

skewed rotor.

Using ferrite magnet is also investigated and the FEA shows that it is possible to use

this type of magnet in the same geometry and the PMa-SynRM with ferrite magnets

generates higher torque than the reference induction machine without any


Finally, the mass comparison shows that the PMa-SynRM machine with both NdFeB

and ferrite magnet has less weight compared to the induction machine and that will

result in less bearing maintenance cost in the machines life time.



IVA. Introduction

To verify the prototype design and run the machine a test setup including necessary

hardware and control software has to be setup. The hardware includes the motor, test bed

and the drive circuit. The control software is the developed on a DSP platform based on

TI-TMS28F335. In this chapter PMa-SynRM model and the developed control scheme

is presented along with the measurement methods used to obtain the machine parameters

used in the control scheme.

IVB. Drive Circuit

To drive the PMa-SynRM an IGBT based voltage source inverter is used according to

the schematic shown in Fig. 4-1. The gate commands are generated by DSP and a signal

conditioning circuit is used to pull up the DSP level signal to higher level for controlling

the switches. The same as the most PM synchronous machines, to drive the PMa-SynRM

a field oriented vector control has been considered.

2013 IEEE. Reprinted in part with permission from "Performance analysis of a rare earth
magnet based NEMA frame Permanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine
with different magnet type and quantity," by R. Vartanian, Y. Deshpande, and H. A. Toliyat,
in Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2013 IEEE International, 2013, pp.

Fig 4-1: IGBT based voltage source inverter.

To drive the designed PMa-SynRM, the embedded Maximum Torque per Ampere

(MTPA) control strategy in Field Oriented Vector Control (FOC) is considered. In this

method of control, it is possible to control the field and torque component of the current,

therefore the direct torque control will be achieved. Since the rated current of the

machine is already determined, MTPA can be used to develop the maximum torque

without exceeding the rated current. To develop this control method, the mathematical

model of the machine has to be studied to identify the necessary parameters needed for

control purposes.

IVC. PMa-SynRM Mathematical Model

To develop a control program and explain the effect of each parameter on the

performance of the PMa-SynRM, it is necessary to study the model of the machine. For

the vector control purposes, the equivalent circuit of the machine is usually modeled in

two axes reference frame (direct and quadrature axes).

Because a PMa-SynRM is constructed by embedding permanent magnets in a

SynRM rotor core, the d-q model of a SynRM machine could be used to model the PMa-

SynRM by considering the effect of the embedded permanent magnets in the rotor. Fig.

4-2(a) shows the d-q axes alignment of the SynRM. Usually the d-axis is defined on the

axis with higher tendency to align with the stator magnetic field. In SynRM the d-axis is

the axis with the less magnetic reluctance and q-axis is the path with high magnetic

reluctance (passing the air barriers). By placing the magnets in the rotor, the PMa-

SynRM structure with axis defined in Fig. 4-2(b) will be obtained[28, 62, 63].

(a) (b)

Fig 4-2: d-q axes definition in machines (a) SynRM, (b) PMa-SynRM.

A general form of a d-q axes model for a SynRM is represented in (4-1). The current

angle, determines the magnetizing and torque component of the current (id and iq


[ ] [ ][ ] (4-1)

{ (4-2)

Based on the defined dq axis in Fig. 4-3 and the orientation of embedded permanent

magnets, the dynamic voltage equation of a SynRM can be modified and the model of a

PMa-SynRM will be described according to (4-3). Note that since the flux linkage of the

embedded permanent magnet opposes the generated flux by the q-axes component of the

current (iq), the generated back-EMF will appear on the d-axes:

[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] (4-3)

By defining the d-q axes flux linkages according to (4) the equivalent circuit of the

PMa-SynRM can be expressed as the Fig. 4-3:

{ (4-4)

Fig 4-3: Equivalent circuit of the PMa-SynRM.

In the steady state operation when the machine current and voltage has reached the

steady state values, the relation between voltage and current of the machine can be

simplified according to (4-5):

[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] (4-5)

This model can be re-written to separate the speed variant from the speed invariant

elements as follows:

[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] (4-6)

In all of the above equations, by eliminating the flux linkage due to the permanent

magnets (pm = 0) the SynRM model will be obtained again.

The back-EMF induced in the stator winding can be measured by rotating the rotor in a

certain speed with a primary mover. Then by obtained back-EMF, the flux linkage of the

inserted permanent magnets can be calculated using (4-7):


Finally, the terminal voltage of the machine can be described as (8):


Fig. 4-4 shows the phasor diagram of the PMa-SynRM. The current angle , leading

the d-axis, is the main control variable when the maximum torque per ampere is


Fig 4-4: Phasor diagram for PMa-SynRM (motoring operation).

Since the current angle is adjusted by the control system, for a certain current level, the

voltage of the machine will be available by (4-6); therefore, the voltage angle can be

calculated according to (4-9):

( ) (4-9)

By obtaining the voltage angle, the power factor of the machine can be calculated by


{ (4-10)

Neglecting the losses for a synchronous machine, the general form of the

electromagnetic torque in the d q-frame is given by (4-11). The first component of the

torque represents the reluctance torque developed by the saliency of the machine and the

second component is the magnet torque developed by the permanent magnets.

( ) {( ) } (4-11)

IVC1. Maximum Torque Generation

As it was mentioned before, the main objective of the control system should be

controlling the machine in a steady state condition while developing the maximum

torque in the machine. The magnetizing and torque component of the current can be

control by FOC method assuming the stator current and the rotor position are being

measured continuously. Equation (4-11) can be written in terms of motor line current (is)

and the current angle using (4-2):

{( ) }
{ ( ) }

The current angle has to be calculated in order to control the machine under the certain

load torque. Differentiation of the equation (4-12) has to be zero In order to maximize

the torque under a certain current:


By solving (4-13), the current angle, which maximizes the torque in a certain current,

will be obtained:

( )
( ( )
) (4-14)

This equation can be further simplified by defining a new time invariant variable IFC:

( )


( ) { (( ) )} (4-16)

For SynRM the flux linkage is zero, therefore IFC is zero and results in = 45, which

was expected for this type of machine at maximum torque operating point (considering a

constant d-q axis inductances).

Since by knowing the three major parameters of the machine (Ld, Lq, and pm), IFC

will simply be calculated by (4-15). This new expression of the current angle makes the

calculation simpler in the digital signal processing by using less calculation steps and to

develop maximum output torque in each current level, the proper current angle can be

simply calculated by (4-16).

To consider the regenerative torque of torque control in field weakening region, the

electric torque definition can be re-written using IFC as the following:

(( ) ) ( )( ) (

)( ) ( )( ) (4-17)

This form of expression for developed torque in PMa-SynRM indicates that because of

the positive offset generated by IFC in the term ( ), the possible way to

regenerate power (negative torque) is to negate the Id (whereas in SynRM the general

form of regenerating power is negating the Iq). In this case the machine will operate in

generative mode and can return the power to the source.

The toque equation can be also expressed in terms of line current and current angle:

( )
( )( ) (4-18)

In the field weakening region (constant power-variable torque), will be advanced to

higher value starting from the initial MTPA angle (this will simply reduce the Iq and the

q-axis magnetic flux).

IVD. Control Scheme of the PMa-SynRM

The control method considered for PMa-SynRM is the same as the other PM machine

controls based on the field oriented vector control. Because the PMa-SynRM machine

has a d-q axes model, a field oriented vector control (FOC) can be used for control

algorithm. Based on the obtained model and control strategy (MTPA), FOC can develop

a fully controlled electromagnetic torque in the machine [51]. Also, this type of control

enables the machine to have a fast dynamic response. The main control feedbacks

needed for FOC are the line current and rotor position information (also DC bus voltage

in shaft sensorless application). Fig.4-5 shows a general control block diagram of a field

oriented control for a PM machine.

Fig 4-5: Overall block diagram of FOC.

This control scheme consists of the following main sections:

- Clarke Transformation

- Park Transformation

- Inverse Park Transformation PI Controller

- Space Vector PWM generator

One of the popular forms of machine analysis is to convert the three-phase time-

variant machine parameters to a two phase time-invariant form through the mathematic

conversion known as Park transformation using (4-19)[55, 57, 64]:

( ) ( )
[ ] ( ) ( ) [ ] (4-19)

[ ]

This conversion also can be split into two parts. In the first part, the balances three-

phase quantities can be converted into a balanced two-phase quantity (known as Clarke

transformation). The quantities in three-phase stationary reference frame can be

transformed into two-phase stationary reference frame by (4-20):

[ ] [ ] (4-20)

[ ]

In an electric machine, this conversion can be realized as converting a there phase

machine into a two phase machine. In this form, the three-phase machine supplied by

three-phase current with 120 phase shift is converted to an equivalent two-phase

machine supplied by two-phase current with 90 phase shift (shown in Fig. 4-6).

Second conversion, known as Park transformation, will transfer the vectors from two-

phase stationary reference frame into two-phase rotational reference using (4-21) and (4-

22). If the speed of the rotating reference frame is the same as the rotor, then this

transformation will convert all time variant vectors in stationary reference frame into

time-invariant parameters in the rotating reference frame. Fig. 4-7 shows all three

coordinates in the phasor format.

Fig 4-6: Conversion of three-phase balanced currents into equivalent two-phase currents.

Fig 4-7: Conversion of three-phase balanced currents into equivalent two-phase currents in
stationary and rotating reference frames.

{ (4-21)

{ (4-22)

Note that the a-axis on the three-phase system in aligned with the -axis of the two

phase stationary reference frame. Also, if the d-axis of the rotor is aligned with d-axis of

the rotating reference frame, the current angle simply relates the phase current of the

machine to d-q axes currents mentioned in (4-2). Therefore, the main control parameters

in the vector control of the machines, which were Id and Iq, become the current angle

obtained in (4-14). The speed obtained from the shaft encoder (position sensor) will be

used as the speed feedback and the output of the speed controlled will generate the

torque command. Since the machine utilized both magnet and reluctance torque,

therefore the MTPA calculation block diagram (4-2) will be used to generate both Id and

Iq commands. Fig. 4-8 shows the final control block diagram of the PMa-SynRM.

Fig 4-8: Overall block diagram of the field oriented control of PMa-SynRM.

Current commands will generate the voltage command through the PI controllers and

d-q axes voltage calculation based on (4-3). After this stage, the d-q axes voltages will

be transferred to the stationary reference frame using inverse Park transformation

according to (4-23). The inverse Park transformation of the current is expressed in (4-


{ (4-23)

{ (4-24)

Finally, the space vector modulation unit uses the voltage references in the stationary

reference frame to generate the proper PWM commands for the inverter.

The active and reactive powers entering to the machine can be calculated by (4-25):

{ (4-25)

Also in the stationary reference frame the active and reactive power can be calculated

by (4-26). It is important to notice that calculating the power is independent from the

rotor position in the stationary reference frame and a simple Clark transformation will be


{ (4-26)

Generally, the machine terminal voltages can be obtained by measuring the inverter

DC bus voltage and the status of the inverter switches[65]. Assuming the switch state

vector S can be described as:

[ ] { (4-27)

Then the phase voltage vectors can be related to the switch start vector according to (4-


[ ] [ ][ ] (4-28)

After calculating the phase voltages, the stationary reference frame voltages can be

obtained by Clarke transformation described in (4-20). In sensorless control, the

knowledge of the machine voltage is crucial since the voltage and current of the machine

can be used to identify the position of the rotor based on the model of the machine and

the algorithm employed in position estimation. In this work, the terminal voltage is

measured to evaluate the linearity of the machine. Also, the speed and position

information are obtained from the shaft encoder on the shaft. Fig. 4-9 shows the

quadrature encoder pulse (QEP) signals of the shaft encoder.

Fig 4-9: Shaft encoder signal waveforms.

Finally, by calculating the stationary reference frame voltages and current, the power

factor can be calculated according to (4-29):

( ) (4-29)

IVE. Parameter Measurement of the PMa-SynRM

According to the (4-6) and (4-14), the most important parameters in PMa-SynRM

model are Ld, Lq, and PM. The Ld and Lq will be measured based on the static

measurement (and will be completed by FEA for higher current range) and the PM will

be obtained directly from the back-EMF measurement.

IVE1. Flux Linkage Calculation

Using the fundamental component of the back-EMF, the flux linkage of the machine

can be calculated. The fundamental component for NdFeB rotor is 162.0V, (maximum

amplitude of the line-to line voltage). Since the machine has 4 poles (2-pole pair), the

PM will be 0.25 (Wb) based on (4-7). By changing the magnets for other version of the

rotors, the same experiment has been conducted and the back-EMF is measured for each

case. Fig. 4-10 shows the back-EMF of each case, which indicates the significant

increment of the back-EMF in C8-R2 version while the additional magnet is 50%

more. Table 4-1 includes the measurement results for each rotor.

Fig 4-10: Back-EMF waveforms of the PMa-SynRMs with different magnet type
and quantity at 1800 RPM.

Table 4-1: Magnetic property of each rotor.

Magnet Magnet Magnet Line Back- PM
Machine type Type Br Mass Emf (V) at (wb)
(T) (gr) 1800 rpm
SynRM - - 0 0 0
PMa-SynRM-C8-R1 Ferrite-C8 ~0.39 330 23.1 0.05
PMa-SynRM-C8-R2 Ferrite-C8 ~0.39 500 46.0 0.1
PMa-SynRM-NdFeB NdFeB42H ~1.31 500 115.9 0.25

IVE2. Ld and Lq Static Measurement

For control purposes, the remaining parameter necessary to measure, are d-q axes

inductances according to (4-14). In this work the main objective is to obtain the

maximum torque per ampere and estimation of the current angle close to the optimum

angle can be accepted, provided that during the operation of the machine an automatic or

manual compensation applies to the current angle the optimize the operating point for

MPTA[66]. To find the initial current angle, a static value of d-q axes inductances can be

used. It should be noticed that the direct axis inductance is highly dependent on the d-

axis current (because of non-linear characteristic of its reluctance path) and the

quadrature axis inductance has less dependency to the q-axes current (because of the air

barriers located in its path). To obtain these inductances, a static measurement can be

used besides the FEA measurements. In this method a single AC voltage source is

connected to the terminals of the machine according to the Fig. 4-11.

Fig 4-11: Motor terminal connections for the inductance measurement.

Fig. 4-12 shows the terminal inductance variation by changing the rotor position,

which is because of the saliency of the rotor. The minimum inductance (maximum

reluctance) is generated when the q-axis of the rotor is aligned with the a-axis (=0). In

this case the terminal inductance is proportional to Lq. In opposite, the maximum

inductance (minimum reluctance) happens when the d-axis of the rotor is aligned with

the a-axis (=90). In this case the reluctance path of the flux is the minimum and it is

proportional to Ld. the variation of the terminal inductance will be a waveform according

to Fig.4-12.

Fig 4-12: Motor terminal inductance variation versus position.

To find the relation between the terminal inductance and the d-q axes inductances

based on the rotor position, it is possible to use the same Clarke and Park transformation

to transfer the three-phase machine to the d-q axis. The same as the control

methodology, a three phase model can be transferred to the two-phase model (stationary

form) using the Clarke transformation. In this case Vbn=Vcn and Ia=-Ib/2=-Ic/2 and the

voltage and current of the machine in the two-phase stationary reference frame can be


-Clarke transformation of the voltage:

[ ] [ ] (4-30)

[ ]

( ) { ( )} ( )
{ { (4-31)
{ ( )}

- Clarke transformation of the current:

[ ] [ ] (4-32)

[ ]

( ) { ( )} { ( )}
{ { (4-33)
{ ( )}

For Ld measuring, the d-axis is aligned and locked to a-axis of the stator therefore =0

and according to (4-21) and (4-22) the d-q axes voltage and current will be obtained per

the following:

( )
( ) { { (4-34)

( )
( ) { { (4-35)

Considering the locked rotor condition (e=0) and neglecting the stator resistance, the

relationship between terminal voltage and current in the steady state condition (p= j)

can be expressed according to (4-36):

( )
( ) | ( )|

( )
|( ) | | | (4-36)

Likewise, for Lq measuring the q-axis is aligned and locked to a-axis of the stator

therefore =90 and according to (4-21) and (4-22):

( )
( ) { { (4-37)

( )
( ) { { (4-38)

Considering the same condition mentioned at the above, Lq can be obtained using (4-


( )
( ) | ( )|

( )
|( ) | | | (4-39)

Based on the measurement method mentioned above, the terminal inductance of the

PMa-SynRM with NdFeB magnets is measured. Fig. 4-13 shows the obtained results.

Because of the air barrier and permanent magnet located on the q-axes, the current

variation has less effect on the reluctance of this axis and the q-axis inductance is almost

constant. But the d-axis reluctance varies because it includes the rotor core steel, which

has non-linear characteristics. Higher current saturates the d-axis and causes the

decrement of the Ld. Table 4-2 includes the initial current for the machine operating to

generate the maximum torque per ampere at rated current.

Fig 4-13: D-q axes inductance of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB.

Table 4-2: Initial current angle at rated current.

Magnet PM IFC
Machine type
Type (wb) (A) ()
SynRM - 0 0 45
PMa-SynRM-C8-R1 Ferrite-C8 0.05 1.4 43.8
PMa-SynRM-C8-R2 Ferrite-C8 0.1 2.9 42.6
PMa-SynRM-NdFeB NdFeB42H 0.25 7.14 39.3

IVF. Experimental Test Results under the Rated Current

After obtaining the necessary parameters for the machine control the test setup has

been established to evaluate the machine performance. The setup includes the motor

drive test bed and the control section, which consists of the inverter and the DSP based

drive circuit monitored by computer in real time.

IVG. Motor Drive Test Bed

The simulation result of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB shows that the maximum average

torque of the machine operating at rated current will reach 46Nm. Therefore, the motor

drive test bed has been built for 50Nm rated torque. Fig. 4-14 shows the NEMA machine

coupled to the torque transducer and the dynamometer on the prepared test bed.

This dynamometer can apply 25Nm torque to the machine and to reach 50Nm. There

is second dynamometer coupled to the first one. The same setup can be used to measure

the back-EMF of the PMa-SynRM by running the DC machine on the dynamometer as

the primary mover. For speed and position measurement of the PMa-SynRM the setup

is equipped with a two-channel shaft encoder with 2048 (line/rev).

Fig 4-14: Experiment test-bed for induction machine and PMa-SynRMs.

The maximum torque of each machine is measured using the test bed shown in

Fig. 4-1 assuming the maximum excitation current is applied to the stator. Field oriented

control (FOC) using MTPA method is implemented with DSP to control the speed in

closed loop form.

Fig. 4-15 shows the control board setup based on TI-TMS28F335 DSP used for the

machine control. The setup also includes the current and voltage sensors and interface

board for analog to digital signal conditioning and PWM signal pull up. Code Composer

Studio and its motor control library provided by Texas Instrument are used for DSP

programming. The on board emulator provides the real time parameter monitoring,

which enables the user to change the desired parameter while the machine is operating.

Fig 4-15: DSP based control hardware with current and voltage sensors.

IVH. Experimental Results

By exciting the machine at the rated current in the maximum torque angle, the PMa-

SynRM-NdFeB generates 41.4 N.m with 21A excitation current whereas the induction

machine generates 30 N.m with the same excitation. Fig. 4-16 shows the torque and the

line current waveform of the machine at 450 RPM. The measured torque ripple is about

5% and it can be seen that the torque ripple is less than the simulation results because of

the effect of the inertia of both PMa-SynRM and dynamometers rotors. Thermal imaging

of the machine shown in Fig. 4-17 shows that the case temperature of the machine is

higher than the steady state temperature of the induction machine (mentioned on the

name plate), which is because of the absence of the cooling fan.

Fig 4-18 shows the speed response and phase current variation of the machine to the

step change of the speed reference. In this case the dynamometers excitation and output

terminal resistance is constant; therefore it applies a linear torque load to the machine

proportional to its shaft speed. Fig. 4-19 the variation of the Id and Iq currents during the

acceleration and deceleration of the machine.

Fig 4-16: Torque and current of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB machine.

Fig 4-17: Thermal image of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB machine running under rated excitation

Fig 4-18: Speed response of PMa-SynRM-NdFeB machine.

Fig 4-19: Torque and Id,Iq current variation during the linear speed-load change of PMa-SynRM-
NdFeB machine.

The MTPA control is applied to obtain the maximum torque at the rated current of

each PMa-SynRM machines with different magnets. Fig. 4-20 shows the output torque

of the machines with rated current excitation and operating at 450 RPM. The torque is

applied by the dynamometer the same as before, until the rated excitation current is

reached. Table 4-3 includes the torque measurements for each machine and as expected

the torque density of NdFeB is the highest compared to the other machines and it

generates 38% more torque compared to the reference induction machine. This results

show that using rare earth magnet has significant effect on the torque density of the

PMa-SynRM compared to SynRM (about 40%) and using Ceramic magnet increases the

SynRM output torque by 16% (C8R2 case). In all cases, the PMa-SynRM machines

generate more torque than the induction machine at rated excitation current.

Fig 4-20: Torque output of the PMa-SynRMs and SynRM operating with 21A excitation current.

Table 4-3: Torque performance comparison of the machines operating under the rated current
condition at 21 (A) excitation.

Average Torque Torque Density Normalized

Machine Type
(N.m) (N.m/A) Torque Density

PMa-SynRM-NdFeB 41.4 1.97 1.38

PMa-SynRM-C8-R2 34.2 1.63 1.14
PMa-SynRM-C8-R1 32.1 1.53 1.07
SynRM 29.5 1.41 0.98
Induction Machine 30.0 1.43 1.00

IVI. Inductance Variation of the Machines

By applying a different torque load to the machines running at certain speeds, the

voltage, current, and the power factor are measured. Using that information and the

model of machine described in Chapter III, the d-q inductances are achievable (note that

the current angle is available through the control program). Fig. 4-21 shows the obtained

characteristic of Ld versus the magnetizing current (Id). In all cases, the saturation effect

can be seen at higher current level. Fig. 4-22 shows the variation of Lq. With less flux

density in the rotor core, the flux passing through the ribs of the core causes a nonlinear

Lq characteristic; but with high flux density the ribs are saturated and Lq becomes more


Fig 4-21: Direct axis inductance (Ld) comparison of the PMa-SynRM machines.

Fig 4-22: Quadrature axis inductance (Lq) comparison of the PMa-SynRM machines.

IVJ. PMa-SynRM Terminal Voltage

The rotor position information is a major control parameter in the control on the

permanent magnet or synchronous machines. Since the cost of the shaft encoder or

resolvers are effecting on the cost and reliability of the machine, the sensorless control

has become popular while the high speed DSPs are available with reasonable cost to

execute complicated algorithm for rotor position estimation. There are several methods

to estimate the rotor position based on the machine parameters and terminal voltages

such as observer based control, MARS (model adaptive reference system) control, and

flux based control. Since the only available parameters for the control are the terminal

voltage and current of the machine the precision of the estimation relies on the quality of

those parameters. Therefore, lower harmonics result accurate parameter estimation in d-

q frame if the fundamental components are used for estimation [63, 65, 67-77].

To evaluate the PMa-SynRM machine for sensorless control capabilities, the terminal

voltage and current of the machine is measured and transferred to the DSP. Fig. 4-23

shows the PMa-SynRM-C8-R1 current (from probes) and voltages (transferred to the

stationary reference frame) at full excitation current condition. It can be seen that the

sinusoidal shape of the current and voltage creates a high potential for sensorless control.

Table 4-4 includes the THD of the machine terminal voltage and currents. Since the

voltage waveforms of the machine on the stationary reference frame contain low

harmonic components. The low harmonic content of the current and voltage makes it

possible to achieve a high accuracy in voltage/flux based sensorless control methods in

of the NEMA frame PMa-SynRM.

Fig 4-23: Voltage and current waveforms at full load- 450 RPM for PMa-SynRM-C8-R1

Table 4-4: Harmonic content of the voltages and currents.

Parameter THD (%)
V_alpha 6.91
V_beta 6.8
Ia 2.3
Ib 2.5

IVK. Conclusion

In this chapter the d-q model of the PMa-SynRM has been studied and the necessary

parameters to control the machine using FOC control method are identified and the

measurement method used to obtain the machine parameters are studied. The obtained

results show that the magnet type and quantity have a significant effect on the torque

performance of the PMa-SynRM but the experimental result shows less torque

developed in the PMa-SynRM. The PMa-SynRM with NdFeB magnets generate 38%

more torque compared to the reference induction machine with the same excitation. The

output torque is less than the simulation results (48.5Nm), which is because different

reasons such as slight difference between steel and NdFeB material characteristic of the

simulation and the one used in the rotor fabrication, rotor fabrication tolerance resulting

in bigger air gap, accuracy of the FEA calculation, and presence of the friction and wind

load on both PMa-SynRM and the dynamometers rotors. The test results show that the

PMa-SynRM with Ceramic magnets show higher torque compared to the induction

machine (about 14%), which can be increased by optimization of the rotor core for this

type of magnet. Finally the low harmonic content of the voltage and current of the

NEMA frame PMa-SynRM shows on this type of machine the sensorless algorithms can

be used effectively to eliminate the shaft encoder sensor.




VA. Introduction

In this chapter, the effect of the Magnet type and quantity on the performance of a

NdFeB based PMa-SynRM, presented in this work is studied. Two major types of loads,

which are fan type and constant speed, are applied to the machine with different rotor

variations. The PMa-SynRM uses a stator of a NEMA frame induction machine and the

original rotor is optimized for that specific stator. By replacing the original magnets with

the same size ferrite magnets, the performance is compared with the original PMa-

SynRM. Also more ferrite is added to the rotor to study the effect of the extra ferrite on

the power factor and efficiency of the machine. The power factor and efficiency of the

PMa-SynRM machines are compared to the magnet-less machine, forming SynRM, to

show the effect of the magnets on the performance of the SynRM machine and all results

are compared with the standard NEMA frame induction machine as a reference. Finally,

by comparing the energy savings of the PMa-SynRMs using NEMA frame stator; this

2013 IEEE. Reprinted in part with permission from "Performance analysis of a rare earth
magnet based NEMA frame Permanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine
with different magnet type and quantity," by R. Vartanian, Y. Deshpande, and H. A. Toliyat,
in Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2013 IEEE International, 2013, pp.

chapter presents the PMa-SynRM as a suitable candidate for replacement of VFD fed

induction motor.

VB. PMa-SynRMs Performance Study with Constant Speed and Fan Load

Two different types of load are applied to the machines in the experiment and the

performances are observed. Fig. 5-1 shows the load profile applied to the machines. The

first load profile is a fan type load with 30 N.m rated torque at 1800 rpm and shown in

Fig. 5-1(a). The other load is variable torque at constant speed of 600 rpm shown in Fig.

5-1(a). The same loads are also applied to the induction machine for performance

comparison. The VFD drive is used to run the induction machine. In each operating

point, the voltage is optimized in order to reduce the power consumption of the machine.

(a) (b)
Fig 5-1: Load profiles applied to the machines: (a) Fan load profile, (b) Constant
speed load profile.

Fig. 5-2(a) shows the power factor of each machine under a fan load running below

65% of the rated speed for safety. Again, the SynRM has the lowest and the PMa-

SynRM-NdFeB has the highest power factor for this load condition. The power factors

of all PMa-SynRMs have a flat form and stay higher than the induction machine at the

most operating points.

Fig. 5-2(b) shows the efficiency comparison of the machines. The induction machine

shows the lowest efficiency because of the existence of the higher losses. The SynRM

and PMa-SynRM machines show high efficiency comparing to the induction machine,

which means that these machines are proper replacement candidates for fan type load


The PMa-SynRM with NdFeB magnets operates with less efficiency compared with

the ferrite one and the reason is that the current angle was advanced about 5 degrees to

maintain the power factor above 0.9 and this change increased the current slightly and

the copper loss increased.

(a) (b)
Fig 5-2: Performance comparison of the machines driving fan load: (a) Power factor,
(b) Efficiency.

Input power to the machines is compared in Fig. 5-3(a). As it is expected, the power is

exponentially increasing when the speed increases and the induction machine is

absorbing more power since has more power loss and less efficiency. The excitation

current comparison is shown in Fig. 5-3(b). To drive the same load in each speed, the

PMa-SynRM-NdFeB needs less current since its torque density is the highest and

comparing the PMa-SynRM and the induction machine, the induction machine needs

more current. In light loads (lower speeds) the current of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB

reaches to the half of the induction machine current, which means 75% less copper loss

in the stator.

(a) (b)
Fig 5-3: Performance comparison of the machines driving fan load: (a) Input power,
(b) Input current.

Apparent power of the machines is compared in Fig 5-4. It can be observed that for

each load condition the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB needs less apparent power, which is

because of the better power factor compared to the induction machine and it will need

smaller inverter circuit.

Fig 5-4: Apparent power supplied by inverter for each machine under a fan load.

VC. Energy Consumption Comparison under the Fan and Pump Loads

The efficiency of an electric machine is affected by the design of the machine and

results on the energy consumed by the machine. In selecting a motor for a certain

application, a slight difference between efficiency of the candidates can make a big

difference in the total energy price paid in the lifetime of the machine. In this section, the

energy saving opportunity is studied for the presented options. In order to estimate the

energy saving opportunity, the duty cycle of the machine has to be considered. A typical

duty cycle for variable speed drive is selected according to Fig. 5-5. Based on the power

consumption data, obtained from the experiments ans simulations shown in Table 5-1,

the energy consumption of each machine is calculated for the given duty cycle.

Fig 5-5: Typical duty cycle for time variant loads.

Table 5-1: Load and power consumption data of each machine based on
the fan load profile.

Flow Speed Torque PMaSyRM

(%) (RPM) (N.m) C8-R2 C8-R1 NdFeB
10 180 0.3 60 9 9 9 10
20 360 1.2 65 59 54 55 47
30 540 2.7 208 183 173 180 168
40 720 4.8 461 428 384 417 418
50 900 7.5 863 817 796 800 820
60 1080 10.8 1464 1385 1358 1370 1323
65 1117 12.7 1858 1776 1737 1724 1766
70* 1260 14.7 2450 2137 2122 2112 2090
80* 1440 19.2 3205 3193 3167 3150 3113
90* 1620 24.3 4610 4556 4515 4488 4428
100* 1800 30 6546 6269 6206 6164 6073
*Calculated based on simulation

Fig. 5-6 shows the annual energy consumed by each machine for the fan and constant

speed loads. It can be seen that the induction machine has the most energy consumption

rate and the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB has the least. The comparison with the induction

machine is shown in Fig. 5-7. The PMa-SynRM presents significant energy savings up

to 11% for fan load and for the constant speed it reaches up to 10%. Considering 10

cents per kWh average energy price for 10 years, the savings compared to the induction

machine running for 10 years is shown in Fig. 5-8. The calculations are based on the

power consumed by the machines and the energy loss in the inverter is not considered.

Because the current level of the PMa-SynRM machines are less than the induction

machine, the power loss in drive will be less for the PMa-SynRMs and the energy

savings will be increased even more. Even the SynRM, which is not optimized for the

stator, shows significant energy savings. Comparing the PMa-SynRM-C8-R1 with C8-

R2 the energy savings increment is noticeable while the added magnet is only 160 gr.

With an optimized design based on ferrite magnets this machine can be a suitable option

for replacing with induction machine. Table IV includes the material consumption of

each machine. Since the stator and the winding are the same, the only difference is the

magnet and aluminum in the rotor. The NdFeB magnet mass used in the original design

is about 470 gr. The comparison of energy savings of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB with

other options justifies the use of rare earth magnet in these applications.

The operating temperature of the reference induction machine is 40C and the recorded

temperature of the winding at the end windings are 55C at rated current. Since the

induction machine has service factor higher than one, the current density in the stator

conductors are not significantly high (about 4 A/mm2 in this machine); therefore, rare

earth magnet with low operating temperature (80C-regular or 100C-grade M) can be


Fig 5-6: Annual electric energy consumption of the machines operating under
the typical cycles.

Fig 5-7: Electric energy saving of each machine operating under the typical
cycles compared to the induction machine.

Fig 5-8: Capital saving of each machine operating under the typical cycles for
ten years compared to the induction machine (10 cents/kWh).

VD. Performance Comparison for Constant Load Condition

Another load profile applied to the machines is constant load profile. This profile is an

example for elevator or escalator load, which runs at constant speed but the load torque

is variable. Fig. 5-9(a) shows the measured power factor of the studied machines under

this condition. The results show that the SynRM has the lowest and the PMa-SynRM-

NdFeB has the highest power factor. Adding ferrite magnets to the SynRM increases the

power factor of the machine slightly, but adding extra magnets (C8-R2 rotor case)

increases the power factor of SynRM from 0.6 to 0.7 under the full load condition. Rare

earth magnet (NdFeB) increases the power factor of the machine to 0.88 (about 47%

improvement of power factor in the SynRM).

Fig. 5-9(b) shows the measured efficiency of the machines. Among the studied

synchronous machines, the SynRM has the lowest efficiency because of the higher

current needed in the stator to generate the required torque, which is all reluctance

torque. The PMa-SynRM-NdFeB has the highest efficiency because of developing more

magnet torque in comparison with the others. In the induction machine case, although

the voltage-frequency ratio of the VFD drive is adjusted to minimize the losses; the

induction machine has the lowest efficiency because of the rotor copper and iron losses.

Due to the extra loss in induction machine, the power consumption of the induction

machine is higher, which can be seen in Fig. 5-10(a). The excitation current of each

machine is compared in Fig. 5-10(b). It is obvious that the induction machine needs

more exciting current to drive the load in compare with the PMa-SynRMs, which is

because of the lower torque density of the induction machine. Fig. 5-11 compares the

apparent power entering to each machine for constant speed condition. Since the power

factor and torque density of the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB is the highest, the apparent power

of this machine is the least. The apparent power of PMa-SynRM-C8R2 is very close to

the induction machine even though its torque density is higher than the induction

machine. Although its torque density is higher than the induction machine but its lower

power factor cancels the benefit of the higher torque density factor.

(a) (b)
Fig 5-9: Performance comparison of the machines under a constant speed load: (a) Power factor
and, (b) Efficiency.

(a) (b)
Fig 5-10: Performance comparison of the machine under a constant speed load condition: (a)
Input power, (b) Input current.

Fig 5-11: Apparent power entering to the machines under a constant speed load.

VE. Energy Consumption Comparison under the Fan and Constant Speed Loads

The performance of the machines is compared in the previous sections and the PMa-

SynRM-NdFeB shows the highest power factor and the least power loss in constant

speed-variable torque load condition. Induction machine shows highest power loss

among the compared machines under this type of load. In this section the energy

consumption of the machines are calculated and compared to the same results obtained

from fan load profile, assuming the load profile according to the cycle 1 shown in Fig. 5-

5. Fig. 5-12 shows the annual energy consumption of the machine and again the

induction machine has the highest energy consumption and the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB has

the least. The energy savings are compared to the induction machine in Fig. 5-13 and the

capital savings are shown in Fig. 5-14. As it was expected in the constant load condition

the PMa-SynRM-NdFeB shows more energy saving compared to other machines but it

is noticeable that the energy saving of the PMa-SynRM-C8R2 is very close to PMa-

SynRM-NdFeB. This means that with optimization of the PMa-SynRM for Ceramic

base magnets it is possible to achieve a very high efficient PMa-SynRM for fan and

pump and constant speed-variable torque applications but it needs larger size in the

inverter drive circuit.

Fig 5-12: Annual electric energy consumption of the machines operating

under the typical cycle.

Fig 5-13: Electric energy saving of each machine operating under the typical
cycle compared to the induction machine.

Fig 5-14: Capital saving of each machine operating under the typical cycle for
ten years compared to the induction machine (10 cents/kWh).

VF. Conclusion

The performances of the PMa-SynRMs are studied by operating two common type

loads and comparing them with the reference induction machine. The induction machine

has the least efficiency among the studied machines and in each type of load the

efficiency of the induction machine remains lower than the other machines; this is

attributed to the rotor copper loss of the induction machine resulting in more power

consumption than SynRM and PMa-SynRMs.

Ferrite magnets increase the power factor and efficiency of the SynRM, which was

expected, but adding more ferrite (50% more) shows a noticeable improvement

compared to the PMa-SynRM with less ferrite. The energy saving capability of PMa-

SynRM with ferrite is noticeable and it suggests that a ferrite based optimized PMa-

SynRM can have a significant energy cost reduction during the life time of the machine

and it is a suitable candidate to drive fan and constant speed-variable torque loads

instead of induction machine with VFD drive without significant extra cost.

In the studied cases, PMa-SynRM-NdFeB has the highest power factor, which will

result in smallest drive for the machine. Energy saving calculation shows that the PMa-

SynRM with NdFeB magnets is a proper option for driving variable speed loads and fan

type loads and using rare earth magnet will still be justified considering the energy

saving capability. Moreover, because of less copper loss in the PMa-SynRM especially

with NdFeB permanent magnet the operating temperature of the machine is lower than

the induction machine therefore a longer life is expected for this machine compared to

the induction machine.

For constant speed load, the comparison of the machines shows that the PMa-SynRM

with NdFeB magnet has the least energy consumption and neglecting the drive size of

the machine, it is possible to reach to the same energy saving with Ceramic magnets.




VIA. Introduction

Low power induction machines are common type electric machines widely in service

to drive fans and pumps and these types of loads are a significant portion of the loads in

industry[1]. In majority of applications, variable speed is required to control the flow.

The same as before, Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) can be used in order to adjust

speed to meet the speed requirement in some applications or reduce energy consumption

in others. As it is shown in previous chapter, induction machines show low efficiency at

lower speed and lighter load especially running fan and pump loads but it is possible to

reduce the energy consumption using PMa-SynRM, which is less expensive machine

compared to other type of PM machines. In previous chapter the performance of a PMa-

SynRM machine with NEMA frame stator was compared with the reference induction

machine and it showed that PMa-SynRM machine has less energy consumption

compared to the induction machine driven by VFD drive under the fan and pump loads.

This chapter presents the performance analysis of a fractional horsepower prototype

PMa-SynRM for the same application with different quantity of Ceramic magnets and

2013 IEEE. Reprinted in part with permission from "Performance analysis of a ferrite
based fractional horsepower permanent magnet assisted SynRM for fan and pump
applications by R. Vartanian, Y. Deshpande, and H. A. Toliyat, ," in Electric Machines &
Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2013 IEEE International, 2013, pp. 1405-1410.

results are compared with the general purpose induction machine under the same load

condition. The original PMa-SynRM rotor core is designed based on Ferrite permanent

magnets in [29]. The permanent magnets inside the rotor are block shape therefore it is

possible to remove the magnets easily. This changes the machine to a SynRM machine

and the effect of the permanent magnets on the SynRM can be observed. Also additional

magnets can be added to increase the Back-EMF of the machine. The performance of

this machine holding more magnets has been studied under the same load condition and

compared with other revision of the PMa-SynRM. Finally, the results are compared with

the performance of a general purpose 0.5 Hp induction machine under the same load

condition and the energy consumption of the machines are compared.

VIB. Flux Linkage Variation in Studied PMa-SynRM

The geometry of the studied PMa-SynRM has made it possible to remove the block

shape magnets from the rotor core (SynRM configuration) or add more magnets to the

rotor and increase the flux linkage more than the original design. Fig. 6-1 shows the

geometry of the original PMa-SynRM and the information of the machine is included in


Fig 6-1: Geometry of the prototype PMa-SynRM [29].

Three designs studied in this chapter are: (i) SynRM with no magnets, (ii) PMa-

SynRM-A with two block magnets per pole as shown in Fig. 6-2(a), which is the original

design based on [29] and (iii) PMa-SynRM-B with three block magnets per pole as

shown in Fig. 6-2(b). These three designs share the same rotor structure but different

quantities of hard ferrite (ceramic) magnets with remanent flux Br= 0.38 T (known as

grade C5). Table 6-1 includes the magnetic property of the rotors. The PMa-SynRM core

designed for Ferrite PMa-SynRM-A is shown in Fig. 6-4(a). By adding more magnets,

the second type of PMa-SynRM is prepared, which is shown in Fig. 6-4(b). This version

of the rotor will create more flux linkage; therefore, higher torque and power factor

performances are expected.

Table 6-1: Magnetic property of the SynRM and PMa-SynRMs.
Magnet Magnet Magnet
Machine type Magnet Type Br BHmax Mass
(T) (MGOe) (lb)
SynRM - - - 0
PMa-SynRM-A Ferrite-C5 0.38 3.4 0.18
PMa-SynRM-B Ferrite-C5 0.38 3.4 0.27

(a) (b)
Fig 6-2: PMa-SynRM different rotor versions: (a) PMa-SynRM-A (original design),
(b) PMa-SynRM-B (more magnets).

In each case, the back-EMF of the PMa-SynRMs has been measured and the flux

linkage is calculated using (4-7). Fig. 6-3 shows the waveform of the measured back-

EMF for the PMa-SynRM-B. In the flux linkage measurement, the fundamental wave of

the back-EMF is used. Table 6-2 includes the flux linkage obtained for each machine. As

expected, the rotor core with more magnets generates higher back-EMF; therefore, it

produces higher flux linkage, which can further improve the power factor. In this case,

the quantity of additional magnet is 50% and the increased flux linkage is about 33%

(based on back-EMF waveform) as compared to PMa-SynRM-A.

Fig 6-3: Line-to-line back-EMF of the PMa-SynRM-B at 1440 RPM.

Table 6-2: Flux source in the SynRM and PMa-SynRMs.

Line Back-EMF Speed PM
Machine type
(V) (RPM) (wb)
SynRM 0 0 0
PMa-SynRM-A 17.3 1440 0.0468
PMa-SynRM-B 23.0 1440 0.0623

VIC. Load Profile

To evaluate the performance of the PMa-SynRM under the fan load, a load profile is

selected according to Fig. 6-4. The rated torque is selected to match with the rated torque

of a general purpose 0.5hp 4-pole induction machine (included in the Appendix). Fig. 6-

5 shows the test bed with the PMa-SynRM machine. The voltage applied to the

Hysteresis brake controls the load torque and the speed is controlled by DSP with closed

loop control implemented for the SynRM and PMa-SynRMs. The control is based on the

MTPA used with vector control applied to the machine. In each case study the controller

minimizes the current by controlling the current angle using the angle calculated by (3).

The induction machine, selected for comparison with the studied synchronous machines,

is shown in Fig. 6-6. The same load profile is applied to the induction machine using the

hysteresis brake.

Fig 6-4: Load profile applied to the machine.

Fig 6-5: Experiment test bed with PMa-SynRM.

Fig 6-6: Experiment test bed with Marathon induction machine.

A variable speed drive is used to adjust the speed of the induction machine. In each

operating point, the applied voltage and frequency of the machine has been adjusted in

order to minimize the machine power consumption.

VID. Experimental Results

The power factor and input power of the machines are measured using power analyzer

and the output power of the machine is calculated using the shaft speed and the torque

measured from the torque transducer. For all machines, the power factor, efficiency,

active power, and apparent power provided for the machines are measured.

Fig. 6-7 shows the power factor of each machine operating the fan load. Low power

factor was expected for the SynRM in comparison with the other machines since the

magnetizing current is higher. PMa-SynRM-A has higher power factor in comparison

with the SynRM because of existence of the flux linkage, which reduces the magnetizing

current and improves the power factor. This effect is more significant when extra

magnets are added to the rotor (PMa-SynRM-B case). In this case, the power factor

improves further by about 9%. The power factor of the upgraded PMa-SynRM is

increased by over 30% in comparison with the SynRM. Further improvement of the

power factor can be achieved by using available higher energy density grades of ferrite


Fig 6-7: Power factor comparison of the machines in different load condition.

Induction machine operates with high power factor because of the optimization done

on the voltage level of the VFD drive manually during the test. This reduces the

magnetizing current of the induction machine and increasing the power factor in each

operating point. As a result, if the drive employs an effective algorithm then the

induction machine can operate in better power factor in wide load-speed range.

The efficiencies of the machines are compared in Fig. 6-8. PMa-SynRM-B has the

highest efficiency in all operating range and the SynRM has the least. PMa-SynRM-A

has higher efficiency than the induction machine and the SynRM since the magnet

torque results in lower current needed to drive the same load compared to SynRM.

Therefore, the copper loss in the stator is reduced. Adding the extra magnets to PMa-

SynRM-A increases the efficiency of the machine by 2% (PMa-SynRM-B case).

Compared to the SynRM, the efficiency of the upgraded PMa-SynRM is increased by

5.3% at full load. It is obvious that the PMa-SynRMs have higher efficiency over a

wider range of operating conditions compared to the induction machine, which has

copper loss in the rotor.

Fig 6-8: Efficiency comparison of the machines in different load condition.

The active power consumption of each machine is compared in Fig. 6-9. Because of

the fan load characteristics, the power consumption is exponential. The SynRM machine

has more power consumption because of lacking the magnet torque, which PMa-

SynRMs utilize that. The induction machine has more power consumption than the PMa-

SynRMs because of the rotor losses (including copper and iron losses) but it stays below

the SynRM. More current is needed an equivalent torque in SynRM as compared to the

PMa-SynRM due to absence of magnet torque in SynRM. This generates higher copper

loss in the SynRM stator windings and reduces the efficiency as it was shown in Fig. 6-

8. To have a better comparison, the power consumption at full speed (full load) and half

speed (25% load) are compared in Fig. 6-10. At the full fan speed the induction machine

has less power consumption compared with the SynRM (about 4.5%); but the power

consumption of the PMa-SynRM-B is less than the other machines. At the half fan

speed, the power consumption of the PMa-SynRM-B is still the least in comparison with

the other machines and has dropped to 13.8% of its full power. In this case, the induction

machine has higher losses in comparison with the other PM machines and the input

power of the induction machine has dropped to 16% of the full power condition.

Fig 6-9: Input power comparison of the machines in different load condition.

Fig 6-10: Power consumption of the machines at full and half load speeds.

Fig. 6-11 shows the excitation current and Fig. 6-12 shows the apparent power

supplied by the inverter to the machines. Because of the low power factor of the SynRM,

the higher Volt-Ampere was expected and by adding the permanent magnets to the rotor

the power factor increases and the needed VoltAmpere for the machine is decreased.

Using the PMa-SynRM-A as the Volt-Ampere comparison base and comparing at full

load condition, the SynRM needs 20% bigger whereas PMa-SynRM-B needs 10%

smaller drive circuit while needing only 0.1 lbs. more ferrite. Finally, The PMa-SynRM-

B shows a close Volta-Ampere performance to the induction machine, which can result

in a same size drive circuit. It should be noticed that the induction machine performance

was optimized by changing the VFD drive setting manually in each operating point,

which cannot be done in practice unless the drive employs a very high performance

drive algorithm. Also using a higher energy product ferrite magnet will improve the

PMa-SynRMs performance to reach to the induction machine.

Fig 6-11: Input current comparison of the machines in different load condition.

Fig 6-12: Apparent power provided by drive in different load condition.

VIE. Energy Consumption Comparison

Since the energy consumption of the machine is determined by the load cycle, some

typical load cycles are chosen. The first operating cycle is a typical air conditioning

cycle and the second cycle is a swimming pool pump, assumed that the pump operates at

half speed for eight hours to circulate the water and two hours (circulating and cleaning),

which was shown in Fig. 5-5.

Using these cycles and the power consumption data, obtained from the experiment, the

energy input for each machine for each cycle is computed. Table 6-3 shows the daily

energy taken from grid of each machine for each driving cycle. The results show that in

each driving cycle the PMa-SynRM-B consumes less energy compared with all the other

studied machines. In the other hand, the SynRM has higher losses due to the lack of

magnet torque.

Table 6-3: Energy consumed by machines.

Energy Consumption (kWh/day) Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Induction Machine 3.16 1.69
SynRM 3.25 1.79
PMa-SynRM-A 3.12 1.61
PMa-SynRM-B 2.77 1.55

Table 6-4 shows the comparison of the energy entered to the machines using the

induction machine as the base. This comparison shows that using magnets has reduced

the energy loss of the PMa-SynRM-A and it is very close to the induction machine.

Adding more magnets has significant effect and it has reduced the energy loss up to 10%

in compare with the induction machine.

The additional magnet will add the cost of the magnet used in the machine by 50% but

according to the Fig. 6-12, the apparent power supplied to upgraded PMa-SynRM will

drop from 873VA to 787VA, which is about 10%. This will result in a smaller drive,

which can justify the cost of the extra Ferrite magnets (40 grams more Ferrite in this

case). In addition, the energy saving will be another compensation for the extra magnet.

Table 6-4: Comparison of the energy consumption of the synchronous

machines with the induction machine.
Energy Consumption Ratio Cycle 1 Cycle 2
SynRM +2.53% +5.91%
PMa-SynRM-A -1.27% -4.73%
PMa-SynRM-B -12.34% -8.28%

VIF. Conclusion

In this chapter, the performance of a fractional horsepower ferrite-based PMa-SynRM

is analyzed and compared with a general purpose induction machine for fan and pump

applications. The results show that a significant power factor improvement for the

SynRM is achievable by using low cost ferrite magnets. Also, using ferrite magnets will

improve the torque performance of the machine, allowing it to drive the load with lower

current and higher power factor, which will reduce the size of the drive circuit. The

effects of adding extra magnets to the original PMa-SynRM are studied, which shows

about 30% power factor improvement and the efficiency is added by 5% in comparison

with the SynRM. More improvement can be achieved by selecting ferrite magnets with

higher energy density grades.

Depending on the load cycle, the PMa-SynRM with more magnets shows a significant

energy saving compared to the induction machine and SynRM. For some fan

application, in which the load operates in half speed, the efficiency drop in the induction

machine is large comparing with the PMa-SynRM with extra magnet. The upgraded

PMa-SynRM shows at least 10% energy saving happens in comparison with the

induction machine. The results show that in the cycles that the load has to work in lower

speed, the PMa-SynRM has a better performance. Moreover, the PMa-SynRM with

extra magnets shows a noticeable energy saving in comparison with the induction

machine and the original PMa-SynRM. Considering the drive size reduction and the

energy saving, the cost of extra magnet will be negligible.



VIIA. Conclusion

A significant portion of the operation cost of an electric machine is the cost of the

electric energy consumed by the machine; therefore, using energy efficient motors has

become more important in recent years in order to save more energy and money.

Fan and pump loads are a large category of the loads in industry and according to the

Affinity laws, reducing the load speed can reduce the energy consumption significantly.

Usually these loads are driven by induction machines, which can be replaced by more

efficient motors, or those can be equipped with VDF drives to lower the load speed and

reduce the energy consumption.

On the other hand, using synchronous machines can offer less energy loss and better

torque density compared to the induction machine. Permanent Magnet assisted

Synchronous Reluctance Machine, which is investigated in this dissertation, is one of the

synchronous machines that can be used for fan and pump application.

In Chapter II the performance of a general purpose NEMA frame induction machine

and its stator and winding is investigated in order to evaluate to use in the PMa-SynRM

machine design. It is shown that PMa-SynRM can benefit the maximized MMF in the air

gap due to the distributed winding form in the stator (designed for the high performance

induction machine) therefore a machine with high torque density can be designed using

induction machine stator and it will make the performance comparison easier by

selecting the original induction machine as the reference.

Chapter III presents the PMa-SynRM computer aid design procedure using 2D FEA

tool based on the fact that the stator of the machine is selected from the NEMA standard

induction machine. During the design procedure, it is always considered that in order to

have a PMa-SynRM with high performance, the SynRM rotor core itself should have

high performance such as low ripple torque and high torque density. After achieving a

high performance SynRM rotor core, adding a permanent magnet in proper locations in

the geometry of the rotor is investigated and it is shown that placing the permanent

magnets in the first air barrier of two barrier SynRM rotor has the best back-EMF

performance such as lower harmonics and higher fundamental harmonics while the

quantity of magnets are kept the same.

To improve the back-EMF, cogging torque, and ripple torque of the PMa-SynRM rotor

skewing is investigated, and it shows that even step skewing of the rotor, which is a

practical solution, will improve those factors.

In addition, due to the lower current in the stator and less rotor weight, a longer life

and less maintenance cost is expected for NEMA PMa-SynRM machines.

Also, using other types and quantities of magnets such as ferrite ceramic magnet in the

same optimized rotor is investigated and the results show that the PMa-SynRM rotor

optimized with NdFeB magnets can generate more torque than the reference induction

machine since the SynRM rotor torque was close to the induction machine with the same

excitation current.

Chapter IV presents the development of the hardware and control software for

evaluation of the design. Field oriented control is selected to control the machine in

speed closed loop form using Maximum Torque per Ampere method (MTPA). Also the

method used to measure the parameters of the machine used in the control development

is presented. Experimental results are obtained and compared with the induction

machine using all NdFeB and ferrite ceramic magnets and the results show that the PMa-

SynRM machine generates a noticeable high torque compared to the induction machine,

which promises a lower loss while driving a certain load such as fans and pumps.

In Chapter V the effect of the magnet quantity and type on the performance and energy

consumption of the designed PMa-SynRM under the fan and pump load is investigated.

The electric power consumption of the PMa-SynRM machines is compared with the

reference induction machine under a simulated fan and pump type load. It is shown that

the designed PMa-SynRM machine has less power loss, and considering a typical

operating cycle of operation, the energy consumption of the PMa-SynRM machine is

less than the induction machine significantly. Also, using ferrite ceramic magnets shows

that the PMa-SynRM machine has higher efficiency and less energy consumption

compared to the induction machine. Moreover, the results show that with optimization of

the PMa-SynRM with more ferrite magnets will improve the energy consumption of the

machine since it is optimized for NdFeB magnets and performance of the ferrite based

PMa-SynRM can be improved more with optimization based on ferrite type magnets.

Although the energy consumption with less expensive ferrite can be improved but the

drive circuit will be larger since the power factor of the PMa-SynRM machine shows

better improvement with magnets with higher remanent flux density such as NdFeB

magnets. Finally, NEMA frame PMa-SynRM with both ferrite and NdFeB magnets

shows better performance than the induction machine for variable speed application such

as fan load.

Chapter VI investigates the effect of the magnet quantity on the performance and

energy consumption of low power PMa-SynRM. It is shown that the magnet quantity of

the PMa-SynRM has a significant impact on the performance of the machine such as

improving the power factor and reducing its energy consumption by increasing its torque

density. The cost of the additional magnets can be negligible compared to the savings on

the energy and the potential drive size reduction due to the improved power factor and

torque density.

VIIB. Suggestions and Extensions

In this work, a four-pole induction machine is selected as the reference machine for the

design comparison purposes. Another option is selecting two-pole machine, which can

be studied for PMa-SynRM design and leads to a two-pole PMa-SynRM design running

at synchronous speed or four-pole machine running two times faster, which can reduce

the efficiency of the machine due to the higher iron loss in the stator and rotor cores.

Continued design and studying these cases and comparing with the reference induction

machine will increase the knowledge of using PMa-SynRM for fan and pump


Another work extension is to develop sensorless control methods for NEMA frame

based PMa-SynRM, which can eliminate the shaft encoder sensor and make it easier to

replace the induction machine with PMa-SynRM type machine.

In this work, the results shows that a low cost magnet based PMa-SynRM has

significant energy saving opportunity for fan and pump drive application. Optimization

of this type of PMa-SynRM is another step to keep the cost of the machine low even

though the quantity of magnets is significant.

The power loss of the drive circuit should be added to the energy saving investigation

by studying the power loss of the machines and drive together. When permanent

magnets with higher flux remanent are used in the PMa-SynRM, the torque density of

the machine is higher; therefore, the power loss in the inverter will be less and it should

be studied. In this case study, the reference induction machine should be driven by the

same drive circuit to make it possible to compare the energy consumption side by side.


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The name plate information, general information, stator and rotor dimension, winding

configuration, and material used in the reference induction machine are presented in this


Table A-1: Induction machine name plate.

Machine Parameters Measurement
Frame C213T
Power 7.5 (HP)
Current 21(A)
Voltage 230(V)
Speed 1730(RPM)
Temperature 40 (C)
Service factor 1.15

Table A-2: Induction machine parameters.

Machine Parameters Measurement
Number of poles 4
Rated Power 7.5 (HP)
Rated Speed 1730(RPM)
Rated Torque 30 (N.m)
Rated Current 21(A)
Rated Efficiency 89.1(%)
Rated PF 0.81
Minimum Air Gap 0.016(inch)
Rotor Inner Diameter 1.551(inch)
Rotor Outer Diameter 4.968(in)
Stator Inner Diameter 5.00 (in)
Rotor Inner Diameter 1.551(in)
Stator Outer Diameter 9 (in)
Number of Stator Slots 36
Stator Winding Coil Pitch 8
Number of Winding Layers Per Slot 2
Number of Winding Turns per Slot 60

(a) (b)

Fig A-1: Induction machine stator cross section: (a) Stator geometry, (b) Stator slot dimension.

Table A-3: Stator slot and tooth dimensions.

Stator Slot and Tooth Dimensions

Hs0 (inch) 0.031 Top Tooth Width (inch) 0.270973
Hs1 (inch) 0.0184 Bottom Tooth Width (inch) 0.307395
Hs2 (inch) 0.8376
Bs0 (inch) 0.095
Bs1 (inch) 0.174
Bs2 (inch) 0.284

Fig A-2: Winding layout.

(a) (b)

Fig A-3: Induction machine rotor cross section: (a) Rotor geometry, (b) Rotor slot depiction.

Table A-4: Rotor slot and bar dimensions.
Rotor Slot and Bar Dimensions
Hs0 (inch) 0.012
Hs01 (inch) 0.012
Hs1 (inch) 0.025
Hs2 (inch) 0.75
Bs0 (inch) 0.032
Bs1 (inch) 0.135
Bs2 (inch) 0.135
Rs (inch) 0
Bar End Length (inch) 0.75
End Ring Height (inch) 1
End Ring Width (inch) 0.438
Air Gap (inch) 0.016

Table A-5: Induction machine material data.

Materials Used
Steel M-45
Stator Core Gage 26
Stacking Factor 0.95
Steel M-45
Rotor Core Gage 26
Stacking Factor 0.95
Copper Gage 19
Wire Diameter (inch) 0.03589
Parallel Branches 2
Stator Winding
Conductors Per Slot 60
Coil Sides Per Slot 2
Strands Per Conductor 2
Aluminum Cast
Rotor Bar
Number of Bars 28



Fig B-1: 3D Model of the PMa-SynRM.

Table B-1: Machine component cross section and weight.

item NdFeB C8-R1 C8-R2
Stator cross section(mm2) 23061 23061 23061 23061
Rotor cross section(mm2) 9420 9420 9420 9420
Stator weight(kg) 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.3
Rotor core weight(kg) 8.24 6.28 6.11 6.27
Shaft weight~(kg) 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Rotor total weight(kg) 12.4 10.5 10.3 10.5

Table B-2: Material density.

Density Density
Material (kg/m^3) (lb/in^3)
Aluminum 2689 0.097
Steel (MG45) 7700 0.278
NdFeB 7550 0.273
Ferrite 4900 0.177



Table C-1: Induction machine parameters.

Machine Parameters Measurement
Number of poles 4
Brand Marathon
Model 56T17F5321J
Catalog No. G581
Rated Power 0.5 (HP)
Rated Speed 1725(RPM)
Rated Torque 2.1(N.m)
Rated Current 2.07(A)
Rated Efficiency 72(%)
Rated PF 0.53

Table C-2: PMa-SynRM characteristic with full pitch stator.

Machine Parameters Measurement
Number of poles 4
Stator slot number 12
Stator OD 112(mm)
Rotor OD 70(mm)
Air Gap 0.5(mm)
Stack length 70(mm)
Rated Torque 2.1(N.m)
Rated Current 5(A)
Rs 0.95(ohm)
Ld @ 5A 38(mH)
Lq @ 5A 16(mH)


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