811 Disha Challenger Chem

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1. Yellow ammonium sulphide solution is a suitable reagent 7.

The alkali metal nitrate that evolves reddish brown fumes

for the separation of on thermal decomposition is
(a) HgS and PbS (b) PbS and Bi2S3 (a) LiNO3 (b) NaNO3
(c) Bi2S3 & CuS (d) CdS & As2S3 (c) KNO3 (d) CsNO3
2. When intimate mixture of potassium dichromate and KCl 8. KMnO4 can not oxidise which of the following compound?
is heated with conc. H2SO4 which of the following is (a) H2SO4 (b) H2C2O4
produced in the form of red vapours? (c) KHC2O4 (d) K2C2O4
(a) CrO3 (b) Cr2O3 9. When H2S gas is passed through ammonical sodium
(c) CrO2Cl2 (d) CrCl3 nitroprusside solution, then
3. The following figure shows a reaction scheme for a (a) The complex compound Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS] is formed
compound X, identify X. (b) The complex [Fe(CN)3NOS]2 is formed
(c) The complex [Fe(CN)5NOS]4 is formed
(d) None of them is produced
10. When Br ion is reacted with conc. H2SO4, then the product
formed will be
(a) Br2 (b) HBr
(a) CaBr2 (b) Ca(NO3)2 (c) HBr & Br2 (d) HBr, Br2 & SO2
(c) Ca(NO2)2 (d) Mg(NO3)2
4. Which of the following complexes will give white precipitate 11. When NO 2 ion is treated with dil HCl or H2SO4, the gas
with BaCl2 (aq.)? evolved is
(a) [Co(NH3)4SO4]NO2 (b) [Cr(NH3)4SO4]Cl (a) NO (b) NO2
(c) [Cr(NH3)5Cl]SO4 (d) Both (b) & (c) (c) NO + NO2 (d) none
5. When NH4Cl is mixed with Nesslers reagent in the solution, 12. HNO3 in the presence of Mn(NO3)2 produces a pink
a ppt is obtained. The colour of the ppt. is coloured solution when treated with PbO2. The pink colour
(a) Blue (b) Black is due to the formation of
(c) White (d) Brown (a) HMnO4 (b) Pb(NO3)2
6. The composition of yellow compound obtained when (c) H2MnO4 (d) none of these
Nesslers reagent is added to a compound containing 13. Addition of KI to the solution of Pb(NO3)2 produces a
ammonium ion is yellow ppt. of
(a) Hg+Hg2Cl2 (b) H2NHgCl + Hg (a) KNO3 (b) PbI2
(c) NH2Hg2I3 (d) NH2HgI2 (c) PbI4 (d) none of these

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13.
808 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger
14. A scarlet compound (A) Pb3O4 gives a chocolate brown 25. In concentrated sodium thiosulfate solution, silver nitrate
ppt. (B) and a colourless solution C with HNO3. The brown gives
ppt (B) is of (a) white ppt. of Ag2S2O3
(a) PbO2 (b) 2Pb(NO3)2 (b) soluble complex of Na3[Ag(S2O3)2]
(c) PbO (d) none
(c) black ppt. of Ag2S
15. Black residue of NiS gives a green compound (A) in
(d) black ppt of Ag
aquaregia, A is
26. Which of the following anions is not easily removed from
(a) Ni(NO3)2 (b) SO2
aqueous solution by precipitation?
(c) NiCl2 (d) none of these
16. NiCl2 solution on treatment with KCN produces (a) Cl (b) SO 24
(a) K2[Ni(CN)4] (b) Ni(CN)2
(c) K2[Ni(CN)3] (d) none of these (c) NO 3 (d) CO 32
17. K2[Ni(CN)4] solution on treatment with sodium hydroxide 27. A salt on treatment with dil HCl gives a pungent smelling
and bromine water followed by heating gives a black
gas and a yellow ppt. The salt gives green flame when
residue (A). The compound A is
burnt. The salt solution gives a yellow ppt. with potassium
(a) NiO (b) NaCN
chromate. The salt is
(c) Ni2O3 (d) none of these
(a) BaS2O3 (b) PbS2O3
18. Addition of NaOH to Pb(NO3)2 gives a white precipitate
of (c) CuSO4 (d) NiSO4
(a) NaPbO2 (b) Na2PbO2 28. Which compound does not dissolve in hot dilute HNO3 ?
(c) PbO (d) Pb(OH)2 (a) CuS (b) CdS
19. (A) on heating with concentrated H2SO4 and MnO2 yields (c) HgS (d) PbS
brown fumes. Then A contains 29. A black sulphide is formed by the action of H2S on
(a) Br (b) Cl (a) CdCl2 (b) CuCl2
(c) I (d) none of these (c) NaCl (d) ZnCl2
20. AgBr dissolves in Na2S2O3 solution & produces 30. When a copper (II) sulphate solution is treated with excess
(a) Ag 2 S (b) Ag2 S2 O3 of ammonia, it forms
(c) Ag2 SO4 (d) none of these
(a) a red ppt.
21. AgBr dissolves in Na2S2O3 solution and forms (A). On (b) a white ppt. turning black
boiling an aquous solution of (A), a ppt. (B) is obtained.
The colour of B is (c) a deep blue solution
(d) a black ppt.
(a) Red (b) White
(c) Black (d) Colourless 31. A colourless solid on heating evolved carbon dioxide and
22. When Sb2O3 is added to a solution of KIO3 acidified with also gave a white residue. The residue was soluble in water
HCl, one of the products formed is and evolved carbon dioxide when treated with dilute acid.
(a) SbCl3 (b) SbCl5 The solid compound is
(c) Sb(OH)3 (d) HSb(OH)6 (a) calcium bicarbonate (b) sodium carbonate
23. One of the product formed, when Bi2O3 is added to an (c) sodium bicarbonate (d) calcium carbonate
alkaline solution of sodium hypochlorite, is 32. Starch iodide paper is used to test the presence of
(a) NaBiO3 (b)Na2BiO2 (a) iodine (b) oxidising agent
(c) BiCl3 (d) none (c) iodide ion (d)reducing agent
24. When bismuth chloride is poured into large volume of 33. A white powder soluble in NH4OH, but insoluble in water
water the white precipitate formed is of is
(a) Bi(OH)3 (b) Bi2O3
(a) BaSO4 (b) CuSO4
(c) BiOCl (d) Bi2Cl3
(c) PbSO4 (d) AgCl

14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

MARK YOUR 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
RESPONSE 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

34. Which one of the following does not give borax bead 44. [X] + H2SO4 [Y], a colourless gas with irritating smell
test? [Y] + K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 green solution. [X] and [Y] are
(a) Pb++ (b) Mn++ (a) SO3 , SO (b) Cl, HCl
(c) Cr+++ (d) Cu++ (c) S , H2S (d) CO3 , CO2
35. Precipitate(s) soluble in aqua regia is
45. Which of the following hydroxides dissolves in NaOH?
(a) CoS (b) HgS
(a) Fe(OH)3 (b) Cu(OH)2
(c) NiS (d) all of these
(c) Al(OH)3 (d) None of these
36. Purple of cassius is
46. Which of the following substances dissolves in aqua-regia
(a) gold sol (b) silver sol and ammonium hydroxide respectively?
(c) [Ag2S3]S (d) platinum sol
(a) PbSO4 & HgS (b) PbSO4 & AgCl
37. Mercury (II) forms a complex with
(c) HgS & AgCl (d) HgS & PbSO4
(a) KI (b) H2S
47. Which of the following acidic radicals can not be detected
(c) SnCl2 (d) NaOH
by dilute or concentrated H2SO4?
38. Ion present in Nesslers reagent is
(a) Sulphide (b) Fluoride
(a) Hg++ (b) HgI 4 (c) Nitrate (d) Iodide
(c) HgI2 (d) Hg2++ 48.. A laboratory reagent imparts green colour to the flame. On
39. Silver chloride dissolves in hypo solution to form a heating with solid K2Cr2O7 and conc. H2SO4 it evolves a
complex. red gas. Identify the reagent

(a) Na2[Ag(S2O3)2] (b) Na5[Ag(S2O3)6] (a) CaCl2 (b) BaCl2

(c) Na3[Ag(S2O3)2] (d) Na3[Ag(S2O3)4] (c) CuCl2 (d) None of these
40. When cuprous chloride is exposed to moist air, it turns 49. A laboratory reagent on strongly heating gives two oxides
green due to the formation of of sulphur. On additon aq. NaOH solution to its aq. solution
(a) CuCl2 (b) CuCl2.Cu(OH)2 a dirty green precipitate is obtained. Identify the reagent
(c) CuCl.Cu(OH)2 (d) Cu(OH)2 (a) FeSO4 (b) CuSO4
41. When H2S is passed through an ammonical salt solution (c) Al2(SO4)3 (d) None of these
X, a white ppt. is obtained, X can be 50. When dimethyl glyoxime solution is added to an aqueous
(a) Ni++ solution (b) Zn++ solution solution of nickel (II) chloride followed by ammonium
(c) Co++ solution (d) Mn++ solution hydroxide
42. An aqueous solution of a substance gives a white ppt. on (a) no precipitate is obtained
treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid which dissolves (b) a blue coloured ppt. is obtained
on heating. When hydrogen sulfide is passed through (c) a red coloured ppt. is obtained
the hot acidic solution, a black ppt. is obtained. The (d) a black coloured ppt. is obtained
substance is a
51. Soda extract is prepared by
(a) Hg2++ salt (b) Cu++ salt
(a) fusing soda and mixture and then extracting with
(c) Ag+ salt (d) Pb++ salt
43. When MnO2 is fused with KOH, a coloured compound is
(b) dissolving NaHCO3 and mixture in dil. HCl
formed, the product and its colour is
(c) boiling Na2CO3 and mixture in dil. HCl
(a) K2MnO4, purple green (b) KMnO4, purple
(c) Mn2O3, brown (d) Mn3O4, black (d) boiling Na2CO3 and mixture in distilled water

34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

MARK YOUR 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
RESPONSE 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
49. 50. 51.
810 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger
59. Sometimes yellow turbidity is observed when H2S is passed
52. A HCl B HNO3 ; through acidified O.S. even if group II cations are not present.
( ppt.)
This is because
B KI Yellow ppt. ; Identify A (a) of the oxidation of H2S by some acid radicals
(a) Pb(NO3)2 (b) AgNO3 (b) the group IV cations may get precipitated as sulphides
(c) Hg2(NO3)2 (d) None of these (c) sulphur is present as impurity
(d) none of these
53. A dil. HNO 3 B NO S H 2 O ;
60. When the precipitate of Bi(OH)3 is dissolved in dil HCl and
B NH 4 OH Deep blue solution ; Identify B solution is diluted with excess of water milkiness is observed.
This milkiness is due to the formation of
(a) Pb(NO3)2 (b) Bi(NO3)3
(a) BiCl3 (b) BiOCl
(c) Cu(NO3)2 (d) Cd(NO3)2
(c) Bi(OH)3 (d) Bi2O3
54. X HNO 3 Y NO 2 H 2O S ; 61. In Lake test for aluminium, the precipitate of Al(OH)3
acquires blue colour due to
Y Ammonium Molybdate Yellow ppt. ;
(a) absorption
Identify X (b) adsorption
(a) As 2 S 5 (b) Sb2S5 (c) reaction of Al(OH)3 with litmus
(c) SnS2 (d) CdS
(d) adsorption and reaction of Al(OH)3 with litmus to form
55. X NH 4 OH Gelatinous ppt. NH 4 Cl ; a complex organic compound
(Y ) 62. Sodium carbonate can not be used in place of (NH4)2CO3
for identification of the 5th group radicals. This is because
Y NaOH Soluble ; Identify X the
(a) FeCl3 (b) CrCl3 (a) Na+ ion will interface in detection of group V radicals
(c) AlCl3 (d) SbCl3 (b) concentration of CO32 ions will be very low

56. A CH 3COOH B CO 2 H 2O ; (c) Na+ will react with acid radicals

(so lub le) (d) Magnesium will be precipitated as MgCO3
63. Which of the following can be used in place of NH4Cl for
B ( NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 White ppt. ;
detection of group III cations ?
A and B may contain (a) NH4NO3 (b) (NH4)2SO4
(a) Ni2+ (b) Ba2+
(c) (NH4)PO4 (d) none of these
(c) Sr (d) Ca2+
64. A metal salt solution forms a yellow precipitate with
57. Which of the following metals do not change colour during
potassium chromate in acetic acid, a white precipitate with
the borax bead test, when heated in the oxidising flame
dil H2SO4, but gives no precipitate with NaCl. The white
and in the reducing flame?
precipitate obtained when (NH4)2CO3 is added to the metal,
(a) Copper (b) Iron
salt solution will consist of
(c) Chromium (d) Nickel
(a) PbCO3 (b) BaCO3
58. Sulphuric acid is not used for preparing the original solution
(O.S.) for cationic analysis because (c) MgCO3 (d) CaCO3
(a) it is a strong oxidising agent 65. In brown ring test to confirm the presence of NO3, the
(b) it is a poor oxidising agent brown ring formed involves
(c) it is a powerful dehydrating agent (a) Fe2+ and NO (b) Fe3+ and NO
(d) it precipitates Pb2+, Ba2+, Sr2+ and Ca2+ cations (c) NO and NO2 (d) Fe2+ and NO2

52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

57. 58. 59. 60. 61.
62. 63. 64. 65.

66. A metal salt solution gives a yellow precipitate with 74. A colourless salt, colours a Bunsen flame violet and also
AgNO3(aq). The yellow precipitate dissolves in dil HNO3. turns moistened litmus paper blue. The salt is
The yellow precipitate also dissolves in NH4OH. The anion (a) Na2CO3 (b) KNO3
present in metal salt solution is (c) K2CO3 (d) Cu(OH)2
(a) I (b) CrO42 75. To clear solution X of a compound a solution of BaCl2 is
(c) PO4 3 (d) Br added when a heavy white precipitate is formed which does
67. The use of H2S as a reagent for qualitation analysis of cations not dissolve in dil HCl. The compound in solution contains
is based on the fact that which anion ?
(a) H2S form coloured sulphides (a) SO42 (b) NO3
(b) H2S is a weak acid and we can control the degree of (c) Br (d) CO32
ionisation of H2S by adding HCl or NH4OH 3
76. BO3 can be identified using
(c) H2S is a weak acid (a) alcohol
(d) The colour of the metal sulphide precipitated depends (b) conc. H2SO4
upon the pH of the solution
(c) alcohol and conc. H2SO4
68. The most reliable confirmatory test for chloride ion is chromyl
(d) none of these
chloride test. Which of the following salts fails to respond
to this test ? 77. On addition of aqueous NaOH to a salt solution, a white
gelatinous precipitate is formed, which dissolves in excess
(a) ZnCl2 (b) MgCl2
of alkali. The salt solution contains
(c) CuCl2 (d) HgCl2
(a) Cr3+ (b) Al3+
69. Select the pair that sublimes on heating.
(c) Ba2+ (d) Fe3+
(a) NH4OH and NH4Cl (b) HgCl2 and Ag2C
78. When excess of NH4OH is added to CuSO4 solution which
(c) HgCl2 and NH4Cl (d) none of these
of the following is formed ?
70. A white solid A when heated gives off a colourless gas
(a) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 (b) [Cu(NH4)4]SO4
that turns lime water milky. The residue left behind is yellow
when hot and white when cold. The solid A is (c) [Cu(NH4)3]SO4 (d) [Cu(NH3)3]SO4
(a) K2CO3 (b) ZnCO3 79. White deposit often observed on laboratory window panes
(c) CuCO3 (d) CdCO3
(a) AgNH2Cl (b) NH4Cl
71. The composition of the soluble complex formed when Cd2+
ion react with excess of KCN is (c) CaCN2 (d) KNO3
(a) K4[Cd(CN)6] (b) K3[Cd(CN)6] 80. When HgS+ (black ppt in group II of cation) is dissolved in
(c) K[Cd(CN)2] (d) K2[Cd(CN)4] aqua regia, the function of HCl in the mixture (aqua regia is
a mixture of HNO3 and HCl) is to
72. For precipitating out group II cations, H2S gas is passed
through O.S. acidified with HCl, group II cations are (a) oxidise the sulphur (b) oxidise the mercury
completely removed before proceeding to analysis of group (c) complex the sulphur (d) complex the mercury
III cations. However sometimes a yellow precipitate is 81. When SO2 is passed through K2Cr2O7 solution
persistently formed even after repeatedly passing H2S gas. (a) the solution is turned black
This is due to (b) the solution is decolourised
(a) CdS (b) As 2 S 3 (c) SO2 is reduced
(c) AsO 4 3 (d) S (d) green Cr2(SO4)3 is formed
73. Fill in the blank. 82. Yellow ammonium sulphide is
Na 2 B4 O7 .10H 2 O
B2 O 3
Mg or Na
B (a) an oxidising agent
(b) a solvent for metal sulphides
(a) H3BO4 (b) H3BO3
(c) acidic in nature
(c) H2B3O4 (d) None of these
(d) a solution of H2S in aqueous NH4Cl solution

66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

MARK YOUR 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
RESPONSE 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
81. 82.
812 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger

4. If in a solution containing only Zn2+, the concentration of

zinc ions is 5.0 103 M, what concentration of S2 is
required to just begin the precipitation of zinc sulfide?
Due to the fact that many cations form sparingly soluble salts, a (a) 5.0 1024 M (b) 2.0 1019 M
method known as selective precipitation can be used to separate 11
(c) 3.2 10 M (d) 5.0 103 M
a mixture of cations. The process involves the addition of a soluble
salt containing an anion which forms a sparingly soluble salt with 5. An unknown cation X+ was added to the original solution
one or more of the cations. If it forms a sparingly soluble salt with of cations and was found to precipitate before Ag2S but
only one of the cations in solution, then that cation is effectively after Bi2S3. Which of the following gives a plausible value
separated out of solution. However, this is not usually the case. for the solubility product of X2S?
More often than not a number of cations in solution will form (a) 3.4 1099 (b) 1.4 1015
sparingly soluble salts with the anion. Separation then depends (c) 8.0 1028 (d) 4.0 1053
on the magnitude of the Ksp value of the sparingly soluble salts 6. The CuS from the selective precipitation was collected,
that could be formed. The smaller the Ksp value for a salt, the purified and equal weights of it placed into each of two
earlier it will precipitate out of solution relative to the other salts. beakers. Beaker 1 contained distilled water and beaker 2
Thus the process is similar to a titration: the anion is added contained a 0.01 M Cu(NO3)2 solution. Which of the
gradually in increasing amounts and precipitating each of the following statements is true?
salts separately, then the precipitate is removed when all of that (a) More of the CuS will dissolve in beaker 1
particular cation species has been extracted from solution. This is (b) More of the CuS will dissolve in beaker 2
used extensively in the mining industry in the purification of (c) Equal amounts of CuS will dissolve in both beakers
various metal ores and in laboratories in the separation of ions
(d) No CuS will dissolve in either beaker.
from various bodily fluids.
A mixture of bismuth (Bi3+), silver (Ag+), zinc (Zn2+) and copper
(Cu2+) cations is to be separated using sodium sulfide (Na2S). PASSAGE-2
Ksp(Bi2S3) = 1.0 1097; Ksp (Ag2S) = 2.0 1049; Ksp (ZnS) =
1.0 1021; Ksp (CuS) = 9.0 1036 A series of chemical reactions was carried out to study the
chemistry of lead.
1. Which cation will precipitate out of solution first on the Reaction 1 : Initially, 15.0 mL of 0.300M Pb( NO3 ) 2( aq) was
addition of sodium sulfide?
mixed with 15.0mL of 0.300 M Na 2SO 4(aq) .
(a) Bi3+ (b) Ag +
All the Pb(NO3)2 reacted to form compound
(c) Zn2+ (d) Cu2+
A, a white precipitate. Compound A was
2. The Ksp expression for Bi2S3 is: removed by filtration.
(a) [Bi23+][S32+] (b) [Bi3+][S2]
Reaction 2 : Next 15.0 mL of 3.00 M KI(aq) was added to
(c) [Bi3+]2[S2]3 (d) [Bi3+]3[S2]2
Compound A. The mixture was agitated and
3 Cyanide ions (CN ) could also have been used to
some of compound A dissolved. In addition, a
precipitate the cations. If after all the cations have been
precipitated, the concentration of CN is 0.02 M, calculate yellow precipitate of PbI 2(s) was formed.
the pH of the solution given that :
Reaction 3 : The PbI 2(s) was separated and mixed with
15.0 mL of 0.300 M Na 2 CO 3(aq) . A white
Kb = 1.39 105; log 5 = 0.5
precipitate of PbCO 3(s ) formed. All of the
(a) 4.9 (b) 5.4
(c) 7.7 (d) 10.7 PbI 2(s) was converted into PbCO3(s ) .

MARK YOUR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Reaction 4 : The PbCO 3(s ) was removed by filtration and PASSAGE-3

a small sample gave off a gas when treated
with dilute HCl. An unknown solid mixture contains one or two of the following :
CaCO3, BaCl2, AgNO3, Na2SO4, ZnSO4 and NaOH. The mixture
7. Which of the following reaction depicts the formation of is completely soluble in water and the solution gives pink colour
the gas in Reaction 4? with phenolphthalein. When dilute hydrochloric acid is gradually
added to the above solution, a precipitate is produced which
(a) PbCO3(s) 2HCl(aq) dissolves with further addition of the acid. What is/are present in
the solid? Give equations to explain the appearance of the
PbCl2(aq) CO2(g) H 2 O(l)
precipitate and its dissolution.

(b) Na 2 CO3(aq) 2HCl(aq)

12. What is /are present in the solid?
2NaCl(aq) CO2(g) H 2 O(l) (a) AgNO3 & NaOH (b) BaCl2 & Na2SO4
(c) ZnSO4 & NaOH (d) CaCO3 & AgNO3
(c) PbCO3(s) 2HCl(aq) 13. In a separate analysis, if the mixture (as mentioned in the
passage) gives a white precipitate with K2SO4, then what is
PbC2(s) Cl2(g) H 2 O(l) present in the mixture.
(a) CaCO3 (b) BaCl2
(d) PbI2(s) HCl(aq) PbCl2(s) HI(g) (c) AgNO3 (d) None of these
8. The identity of Compound A is : 14. The aqueous solution of the mixture gives a precipitate (A)
(a) (b) PbI 2 with brine. (A) is soluble in ammonium hydroxide. What is
Pb( NO 3 ) 2
present in the mixture.
(c) NaNO3 (d) PbSO 4 (a) BaCl2 (b) AgNO3
Pb(OH) 2(s ) is slightly soluble in water. How would the (c) ZnSO4 (d) CaCO3

amount of Pb(OH) 2(s ) that normally dissolves in 1 L of

water be affected if the pH were 9.0 ?
(a) Less would dissolve
A salt A when heated with K2Cr2O7 and concentrated H2SO4
(b) The same amount would dissolve
liberates a gas which turns NaOH solution yellow. This alkaline
(c) More would dissolve solution acidified with acetic acid results in yellow precipitate B
(d) There is no way to predict the effect of the change in with lead acetate solution. When the compound A is heated with
pH of the water solid KNO3 and KOH, it produces a yellow mass C. Aqueous
10. A soluble form of Pb2+ can be carefully added to a solution solution of C acidified with acetic acid gives yellow solution
to sequentially precipitate and separate anions present in which gives yellow ppt D with lead acetate. When the compound
the solution. When Pb2+ is added, in what order will the A is heated with dil. H2SO4 and MnO2 it liberates a gas E which
following anions be precipitate? (a) turns starch iodide paper blue. A gives a precipitate with NH4OH,
SO 24 then I (b) CO 32 then I the precipitate dissolves in dil HCl and is treated with Na2O2 till
alkaline. This gives a yellow precipitate F with lead acetate.
(c) SO 4 then CO 32 (d) I then CO 32 15. The anion present in the salt is
(a) SO42 (b) SO32
11. How many moles of Na ions are there in the initial
(c) NO3 (d) Cl
Na 2SO 4(aq) solution used in Reaction 1 ? 16. The cation present in the salt is
(a) 0.0018 mole (b) 0.009 mole (a) Ba2+ (b) Cd2+
(c) 0.045 mole (d) 0.090 mole (c) Fe 3+ (d) Cr3+

MARK YOUR 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

RESPONSE 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
814 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger
17. Which of the following statements is true ? 18. Choose the correct option :
(a) Precipitates B, D and F are three different compounds (a) C and F are same compounds having same colour
(b) Precipitates B, D and F are identical (b) C and F are different compounds having same colour
(c) Precipitates B and D are identical but F is different
(c) Compound B forms similar compound E with hot
(d) Precipitate B and F are identical but D is different
conc. H2SO4
(d) Compound Y does not give same type of reaction in
PASSAGE-5 acidic and neutral medium.
A black solid X when heated with KOH in presence of air changes 19. Compound E is a/an
to a green substance Y. Y on reaction with H2SO4 yields B (a) acidic oxide (b) basic oxides
and C. The colour of compound B is purple and KI when treated (c) amphoteric oxide (d) neutral oxide
with its alkaline solution gives a compound D. The purple colour
20. The type of hybridization present in compound D is
of B disappears on treatment with acidic solution of FeSO4. On
reaction with cold conc. H2SO4 the compound B gives E. E is (a) sp (b) sp 2
explosive in nature and decomposes to yield F and oxygen. (c) sp 3 (d) sp3 d

17. 18. 19. 20.

1. Statement-1 : A very dilute acidic solution of Cd2+ and 5. Statement-1 : Boiling a solution containing Cl, Br and
Ni2+ gives yellow precipitate of CdS on I with potassium persulphate, violet and
passing hydrogen sulphide. brown vapours appear.
Statement-2 : Solubility product of CdS is more than that Statement-2 : Br and I are oxidised to Br2 and I2 but
of NiS. Cl is not oxidised.
2. Statement-1 : Sulphate is estimated as BaSO4 and not as 6. Statement-1 : First group basic radicals are precipitated
MgSO4. as their chlorides.
Statement-2 : Ionic radius of Mg2+ is smaller than that Statement-2 : The solubility product of these chlorides
of Ba2+. are more than the solubility product of
3. Statement-1 : Borax bead test is applicable only to other basic radical chlorides.
coloured salts.
7. Statement-1 : Acidified K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution is turned
Statement-2 : In borax bead test, coloured salts are green when SO2 is passed through it.
decomposed to give coloured metal
Statement-2 : SO2 acts as an oxidising agent in this
4. Statement-1 : Cu2+ and Cd2+ are separated from each
other by first adding KCN solution and 8. Statement-1 : V group basic radicals are precipitated as
then passing H2S gas. their carbonates in presence of NH4OH.
Statement-2 : KCN reduces Cu2+ to Cu+ and forms a Statement-2 : NH4OH maintains the pH of the solution
complex with it. basic.

MARK YOUR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
RESPONSE 6. 7. 8.

9. Statement-1 : NH4Cl is added in III group basic radicals Statement-2 : NO2 is acidic in nature and is a mixed
to suppress the ionisation of NH4OH. anhydride of HNO3 and HNO2.
Statement-2 : In the presence of high concentration of 13. Statement-1 : Magnesium does not impart any
OH ions, basic radicals of other groups characteristic colour to the flame.
will also get precipitated in III group. Statement-2 : Due to its small size and a high effective
10. Statement-1 : Oxalate is removed as an interfering acid nuclear charge, magnesium requires a large
radical by boiling the filtrate obtained after amount of energy for excitation of
group II with conc. HNO3 to dryness. electrons.
Statement-2 : Oxalate is decomposed to CO2 gas. 14. Statement-1 : Coloured salts form coloured metaborates
11. Statement-1 : Nesslers reagent gives a brown precipitate in borax bead test.
with NH3. Statement-2 : When heated borax gives a glassy
Statement-2 : NH4OH gives a brown precipitate with transparent bead consisting of sodium
Fe3+. metaborate only.
12. Statement-1 : NO2 is a reddish brown gas which is 15. Statement-1 : A white precipitate of silver chloride gets
produced by action of NO3 with acid dissolved in NH4OH solution.
when this gas is passed through alkalies it Statement-2 : NH3 reacts with AgCl and forms a soluble
gives nitrites only. complex having the formula [Ag(NH3)2]Cl.

MARK YOUR 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

RESPONSE 14. 15.

1. Which of the following will give the ring test? 5. Among the ions Zn++, Ni++, and Cr+++, which are coloured
(a) PbNO3 (b) NaNO3 (a) Zn++ (b) Ni++
(c) Bi(NO3)3 (d) Ba(NO3)2 (c) Cr +++ (d) None of these
2. When borax is heated on the loop of Pt wire, it swells up due 6. A gas X is passed through water to form a saturated
to loss of water of crystallisation. When it is further heated solution. The aqueous solution on treatment with silver
and, it melts to a liquid which solidifies to a transparant nitrate gives a white ppt. The saturated aqueous solution
glassy mass. The glassy mass is of also dissolves magnesium ribbon with evolution of a
(a) Na2BO2 (b) NaBO2 colourless gas Y. Identify X and Y.
(c) BO (d) B2O3 (a) X = CO2 (b) Y = CO2
3. An aq. solution contains following ions (c) X= Cl2 (d) Y =H2
7. Which of the following are true?
Hg 2 , Hg , Pb , Cd . The addtion of dil HCl
(a) Lime water is used for the test of carbonate radical
(b) In Vth group, K2Cr2O7 is used for the test of Barium
(a) Hg2Cl2 (b) PbCl2 ion
(c) HgCl2 (d) CdCl2
(c) Ammonium Thiocyanate is used in the detection of
4. The ion that can be precipitated by HCl as well as H2S is CO2+ and Fe3+ ions
(a) Fe+++ (b) Zn++ (d) Ammonium sulphate can be used in place of
(c) Pb ++ (d) Cu++ ammonium chloride in third group

MARK YOUR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
816 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger
8. Which of the following is true? (a) Fe3+ gives brown colour with potassium ferricyanide.
(a) Cobalt can be tested with dimethyl glyoxime (b) Fe 2+ gives blue precipitate with potassium
(b) Sb2S3 is yellow in colour ferricyanide.
(c) I2 is liberated when an iodide is heated with conc. (c) Fe3+ gives red colour with potassium thiocyanate.
H2SO4 (d) Fe2+ gives brown colour with ammonium thiocyanate.
(d) HNO3 need not be used in the 3rd group, if ferric 15. Carbon dioxide (CO2) when passed through lime water, it
compound is given in a mixture first turns milky and then becomes clear. The turbidity
reappears if
H 2SO 4 HNO3
9. A(Black) B(gas) Colloidal Sulphur ; (a) the clear solution is boiled
( White turbid)
(b) more CO2 gas is bubbled through it

E H 2SO 4 ; Identify A & E (c) fresh lime water is added to it
( ppt.) (d) none of the above is correct
(a) A = FeS (b) A = CuS 16. A salt on heating with conc. HNO3 and on addition of excess
(c) E = CuS (d) E = HgS of ammonium molybdate forms a yellow precipitate. The
acid radical(s) present in salt is/are
10. X H 2S Y ; Y (NH 4 ) 2 S2 Soluble ; (a) AsO 4 3 (b) PO43
ppt. ( yellow )
(c) AsO 3 3 (d) BO33
X may contain
17. A mixture of inorganic salts when treated with dil HCl gives
(a) As 3+ (b) Sb3+ out a colourless gas which turns lime water milky. It indicates
(c) Sn2+ (d) Cd2+ the presence of the radical
11. During salt analysis, the third group filtrate is treated with (a) CO32 (b) HCO3
H 2 S when the sulphides of the fourth group are
(c) SO32 (d) SO42
precipitated. The sulphide which is black and insoluble in
conc. HCl is 18. Nitric acid used in the laboratory often acquires yellow
colour. This yellow colour can be removed by
(a) NiS (b) CoS
(c) MnS (d) ZnS (a) adding little magnesium powder

12. The reagents, NH4Cl and aqueous NH3 will precipitate (b) bubbling air through warm acid

(a) Ca2+ (b) Al3+ (c) boiling the acid

(c) Bi3+ (d) Mg2+ (d) none of these
13. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct when 19. The pair(s) of compounds which can not exist together in
a mixture of NaCl and K2Cr2O7 is gently warmed with conc. aqueous solution is/are
H2SO4? (a) NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4
(a) A deep red vapour is evolved (b) NaH2PO4 and NaOH
(b) The vapours when passed into NaOH solution gives (c) Na2CO3 and NaHCO3
a yellow solution of Na2CrO4 (d) NaHCO3 and NaOH
(c) Chlorine gas is evolved 20. An aqueous solution contains Hg22+, Hg2+ , Pb2+ and Cd2+.
(d) Chromyl chloride is formed The addition of HCl (6 N) will precipitate
14. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct with (a) Hg2Cl2 only (b) PbCl2 only
reference to the ferrous and ferric ions? (c) PbCl2 and Hg2Cl2 (d) PbCl2 and HgCl2

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
18. 19. 20.

1. Match the following reagents with their respective basic radicals :

Column I Column II
(A) H2S in presence of dil. HCl p. Mg 2+
(B) NH4OH in presence of NH4Cl q. Ni2+
(C) H2S in presence of NH4OH r. Cr3+
(D) Na2HPO4 s. Pb2+
2. Match the following colour of the flame with their respective metals
Column I Column II
(A) Golden Yellow p. Barium
(B) Brick Red q. Sodium
(C) Apple Green r. Potssium
(D) Violet s. Calcium
3. Column I Column II
(A) Pb2+ p. dil. HCl
(B) Hg22+ q. H2S in presence of HCl
(C) Hg 2+ r. soluble in ammonium sulphide
(D) As 3+ s. solubility product equivalent to Sn+4
4. Column I Column II
(A) HCl p. common ion effect
(B) NH4Cl q. decrease ionisation of H2S
(C) NH4OH r. increase ionisation of H2S
(D) HNO3 s. oxidise Fe2+ to Fe3+
t. Suppress ionisation of NH4OH
5. Column I Column II
(A) Test of Fe3+ p. KCNS
(B) Separation of Co2+ and Ni2+ q. KCN
(C) Separation of Cu2+ and Cd2+ r. K4[Fe(CN)6]
s. H2S
6. Column - I Column - II
(A) Na 2 B4 O7 heat p. NaBO2
(B) Na 2 B4 O 7 NH 4 Cl q. Na3BO3
(C) NaH B 2 O3 r. B2O3
(D) B NaOH s. NaBH4

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.
818 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger

1. d 2. c 3. c 4. c 5. d 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. d
11. c 12. a 13. b 14. a 15. c 16. a 17. c 18. d 19. a 20. b
21 c 22 d 23 a 24 c 25 b 26 c 27 a 28 c 29 b 30 c
31 c 32 b 33 d 34 a 35 d 36 a 37 a 38 b 39 c 40 b
41 b 42 d 43 a 44 a 45 c 46 c 47 b 48 b 49 a 50 c
51 d 52 a 53 c 54 a 55 c 56 d 57 c 58. d 59. a 60. b
61. d 62. d 63. b 64. b 65. a 66. a 67. b 68. d 69. c 70. b
71. d 72. c 73. b 74. c 75. a 76. c 77. b 78. a 79. b 80. d
81. d 82. a

1 a 5 d 9 a 13 b 17 b
2 c 6 a 10 b 14 b 18 a
3 d 7 a 11 b 15 d 19 a
4 b 8 d 12 c 16 d 20 c

1 b 4 b 7 c 10 a 13 d
2 b 5 a 8 b 11 b 14 c
3 a 6 c 9 a 12 d 15 a

1. c 2. b, d 3. a, b 4. c 5. b, c 6. c, d 7. a, b, c 8. c 9. a, c 10. a, b, c, d
11. a, b 12. a, b 13. a, b, d 14. b, c 15. a, c 16. a, b 17. a, b, c 18. b 19. b, d 20. c

1. A -s; B-r; C-q ; D-p 2. A-q ; B-s ; C-p ; D-r

3. A-p, q, s; B-p; C-q, s; D-q, r, s 4. A-p, q; B-p, t; C-r; D-s
5.. A-p, r; B-r, s; C-q, s 6. A-p, r; B-r; C-p, s; D-q

2. (c) K 2 Cr2 O 7 4KCl 6H 2SO 4

heat 17. (c) 2 NaOH Br2 2 NaBr H 2 O [O]

2CrO2 Cl 2 6KHSO 4 3H 2 O 2K 2 [Ni(CN) 4 ] 4NaOH [O]

Chromyl chloride
Ni 2 O3 4NaCN 4KCN 2H 2 O
4. (c) In (c), sulphate ion is present outside the
coordination sphere so it can form white ppt of BaSO4
18. (d) Pb(NO 3 ) 2 2NaOH Pb(OH) 2 2NaNO 3
with BaCl2 (aq.). White
7. (a) LiNO3 LiO NO 2 (Reddish brown);
21. (c) 2AgBr Na 2S2 O 3 Ag 2S 2 O 3 2 NaBr ;
NaNO3 NaNO 2 O2 Boil
Ag 2S2 O 3 Ag 2S SO3
8. (a) In H2SO4, oxidation number of S is + 6, so it cannot Black ppt.
undergo further oxidation.
9. (c) 22. (d) Sb 2 O3 KIO3 2HCl 6H 2 O
10. (d) When Br
reacts with conc. H2SO4, HBr is formed.
2HSb(OH)6 KCl ICl
Now HBr, being stronger reducing agent, reacts with
conc. H2SO4, a stronger oxidizing agent, to form Br2 23. (a) Bi 2 O3 2NaOH 2NaOCl
and SO2.
MBr + H 2 SO 4 (conc.) MHSO 4 + HBr; 2NaBiO3 H 2 O 2NaCl

2HBr H 2SO 4 (conc.) Br2 H 2 O SO 2 24. (c) BiCl 3 H 2O BiOCl 2HCl

heat 25. (b) With a conc. solution of Na2 S2O3, silver forms a
12. (a) PbO2 Mn HNO3 HMnO 4 Pb
soluble complex

2Ag S2 O 32 Ag 2S 2 O 3 ;
14. (a) Pb3O 4 4HNO3
Scarlet compound Ag 2S 2 O 3 3Na 2S2 O 3 2 Na 3 [ Ag (S 2 O 3 ) 2 ]

dil. HCl K 2CrO4

27. (a) SO 2 BaS2 O3 BaCrO4
PbO2 2Pb(NO3 )2 2H 2 O yellow
Chocolate brown Solution
(B) (C)
29. (b) CuCl 2 H 2S 2HCl Cus
( black)
15. (c) 3NiS 6HCl 2HNO3
30. (c) This is because of the formation of tetramminocupric
3NiCl2 3S 2NO 4H 2 O
(A) ion. Cu 4 NH 3 [Cu ( NH 3 ) 4 ]
( deep balck)

16. (a) NiCl 2 2KCN Ni(CN ) 2 2KCl ;

31. (c) 2 NaHCO3 Na 2 CO3 H 2 O CO 2 ;
white reside (soluble in water)
Ni(CN ) 2 2KCN K 2 [ Ni(CN ) 4 ]

Na 2 CO 3 HCl NaCl H 2 O CO 2
820 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger
32. (b) An oxidising agent (OA) will accept e from I ion and 46. (c) AgCl is soluble in ammonium hydroxide.
converts it into I2 which gives blue colour with starch
AgCl 2 NH 4 OH Ag ( NH 3 ) 2 Cl 2H 2 O
Starch KI OA Starch I 2 HgS is dissolved in aqua-regia.
blue colour

33. (d) AgCl is soluble in NH4OH due to the formation of 3HgS 2HNO 3 6HCl 3HgCl 2
soluble complex [Ag(NH3)2]Cl and AgCl is insoluble 2NO 3S 4H 2 O
in water.
47. (b) Dilute H2 SO4 is used to detect group I radicals
34. (a) Pb is p-block element. It does not form coloured
whereas conc. H2SO4 is used to detect the group II
radicals. Among the options given fluoride radicals
36. (a) On reducing auric chloride by stannous chloride, the
are group III radicals hence cannot be detected by
colloidal solution of gold is obtained, which is called
dilute or concentrated H2SO4.
purple of cassius.
48. (b) The reagent is BaCl2 which imparts green colour to
flame. BaCl2 forms chromyl chloride (which is red in
37. (a) HgI 2 2KI K 2 [HgI 4 ]
Complex salt colour), when treated with K2Cr2O7 and conc. H2SO4.
(Potassium mercuric iodide)
2BaCl2 K 2 Cr2 O 7 3H 2SO 4
38. (b) Ammonia gas turns Nesslers reagent (K 2HgI4 +
NaOH) into yellow brown colour K 2SO4 2BaSO 4 2CrO2 Cl2 3H 2 O
Brown ppt.
Chromyl chloride
2K 2 [HgI4 ] NaOH NH 3 (red gas)

NH 2 Hg 2 I3 4KI NaI H 2 O 49. (a) The reagent is FeSO4 which give SO2 and SO3 on
39. (c) AgCl 2Na 2S2 O 3 Na 3 [Ag(S 2 O 3 ) 2 ] NaCl
H ypo Sod. argentothi osulphate
2FeSO4 Fe 2 O3 SO 2 SO3
(colourles s solution) Ferrous sulphate

Ferrous sulphate gives dirty green Fe(OH) 2 with

40. (b) 4CuCl 2H 2 O O 2 2[CuCl 2 .Cu (OH ) 2 ] aqueous NaOH.
air basic cupric chloride
(green colour)
FeSO 4 2 NaOH Fe(OH) 2 Na 2SO 4
41. (b) Under the given conditions, H2S will pricipitate each ( Dirty green )

one of these ions as their respective sulphides, but

only ZnS is white in colour. 50. (c) NiCl2 + 2 + 2 NH4OH
42. (d) Pb 2HCl PbCl 2 PbS
White ppt. Black ppt.
dissolves on boiling OH O

43. (a) Stable oxidation state of Mn in alkaline medium is +6. CH3 C N N C CH3
So, MnO2 is oxidised to K2MnO4 by atmospheric Ni + 2 NH4Cl + 2H2O
oxygen in KOH medium. CH3 C N N C CH3

2MnO 2 4KOH O 2 2K 2 MnO 4 2H 2 O O OH

red coloured ppt.
44. (a) SO2 and H2S both, being reducing agents, can turn
acidified dichromate solution green; SO2 can be
obtained by the action of acid upon sulphite, while 51. (d) Soda extract is prepared for the identification of acidic
H2S is evolved by the action of acid upon sulphide. radicals. Mix a given solution with about 3 parts of
However, SO2 has a burning sulphur smell which is sodium carbonate and nearly 10-15 ml. of distilled
irritating, H2S has rotten egg like smell. water. Heat the contents for 10-15 minutes and filter.
The filtrate is known as soda extract.
45. (c) Al(OH ) 3 NaOH NaAlO 2 2H 2 O

52. (a) This is a typical Group I test of basic radicals 61. (d) It is the correct answer.
62. (d) Due to higher concentration of CO32 the Ksp of
Pb ( NO 3 ) 2 2HCl PbCl 2 2HNO 3 ;
MgCO3 will be exceeded and it will get precipitated in
group V.
PbCl 2 2KI PbI 2 2KCl
63. (b) (NH4)2SO4 can be used in place of NH4Cl.
( Yellow ppt.)
64. (b) BaCO3 forms a yellow ppt of Barium chromate. BaCO3
53. (c) Test for II A group forms a white precipitate of BaSO4. BaCl2 is soluble in
3CuS 8HNO 3 3Cu ( NO 3 ) 2 2 NO 3S 4H 2 O
65. (a) The brown ring formed involves Fe2+ and NO (nitric
Cu ( NO 3 ) 2 4 NH 4 OH [Cu ( NH 3 ) 4 ]( NO 3 ) 2 4H 2 O oxide).
Tetram min e cupric nitrate
( deep blue solution ) The brown ring formed is [Fe(H2O)5NO]SO4.
66. (a) The precipitate of silver phosphate is yellow. It is
54. (a) This is test for IIB groups for radicals arsenic,
soluble in dil HNO3 as also in NH4OH. The yellow
antmony and tin.
precipitate of AgI is insoluble in NH4OH.
As2S5 10HNO3 2H3AsO4 67. (b) It is the correct answer.
Arsenic acid Addition of HCl suppresses the degree of ionisation
of H2S due to common ion effect (H+ is common ion)
10NO 2 2H 2 O 5S
and only group II sulphides get precipitated.
68. (d) HgCl2 fails to respond to chromyl chloride test.
H 3 AsO 4 12(NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 21HNO 3
69. (c) Both HgCl2 and NH4Cl are sublime substances.
(NH 4 )3 AsO 4 .12MoO3 21NH 4 NO3 12H 2 O 70. (b) ZnCO3 on heating leaves a residue that is yellow when
Yellow ppt.
hot and white when cold.
55. (c) This is a test for Al3+ (Group III), hence X is AlCl3
ZnCO3 ZnO CO 2
AlCl3 3NH 4 OH Al(OH)3 3NH 4 Cl ; 71. (d) The composition of soluble complex formed is
Al(OH)3 NaOH NaAlO2 2H 2 O 72. (c) This is due to presence of AsO43.
(ppt) Soluble 73. (b) It is the correct answer.
56. (d) This is a Group V test 74. (c) K2CO3 gives violet flame due to K+ ions. It turns
moistened litmus paper blue as its solution is basic
CaCO3 2CH 3COOH (solution of KNO3 is neutral).

(CH3COO)2 Ca CO2 H2O 75. (a) BaCl2 SO 24 BaSO4 2Cl

(white ppt)
Ca(CH 3COO) 2 (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4
White ppt (BaSO4) does not dissolve in dil HCl.
CaC2 O4 2CH 3COONH 4 76. (c) Borates (BO33) react with ethyl alcohol in presence
White ppt. of conc. H2SO4 to form volatile ethyl borate which
57. (c) The colour of chromium remains green during the burns with green edged flames.
BO33 3H 3C2 H5OH (C2 H5 )3 BO3 3H 2 O
58. (d) Sulphuric acid is not used for preparing the original (volatile)
solution (O.S.) for cationic analysis because it
precipitates Pb2+, Ba2+, Sr2+ and Ca2+ ions (these 77. (b) Al(OH)3, white gelatinous precipitate formed dissolves
sulphates are insoluble). in excess of NaOH due to formation of soluble complex.
78. (a) The blue complex [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 is formed.
59. (a) H 2S [O] H2O S
(collidal sulphur) 79. (b) NH4Cl is a sublime substance.
(yellow turbidity) 80. (d) It is the correct answer.
60. (b) The milkiness is due to formation of BiOCl (Bismuth 81. (d) Cr2(SO4)3, green, is formed
oxychloride). 82. (a) It is the correct answer.
822 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger

1. (a) The stoichiometry of the salt often affects the or [OH] = approximately = 5 104
solubility of the salt, so the least soluble salt is not
Using pOH = log[OH]
necessarily the one with the smallest solubility
constant. Simply for interest (!), lets derive the general pOH = log(5 104 ) = log(5) + [log(104)]
formula : = log(5) + 4

For the equation : AxBy = xAy+ + yBx; p = solubility pOH = 3.5 approximately

Using pH + pOH = 14,

K sp
of salt = x y
pH = 14 pOH = 14 3.5 approximately
xx yy
= 10.5 which is 10.7

10 97 4. (b) ZnS Zn 2 S2
Therefore, solubility of Bi2S3= 5 = 1020 approx.
Using Ksp = [Zn2+][S2]

1.0 1021 = (5.00 103)[S2]
2 10
Solubility of Ag2S = 3 = 1016 approx.
4 [S2] = (1.0 1021)/(5.00 103) = 1/5 1018

= 0.2 1018 = 2.0 1019

21 5. (d) For X2S to precipitate between Ag2S & Bi2S3 its
1 10
Solubility of ZnS = 2 = 1010.5 approx.
1 solubility should lie between 1016 (solubility of
Ag2S) and 1020 (solubility of Bi2S3)

36 For a value, say 1018 the Ksp of X2S

9 10
Solubility of CuS = 2 = 3.0 1018
1 = (1018)2 1018 = 1054

which corresponds (very near) to the only one

thus Bi2S3 has the lowest solubility which means
possible value of 4 1053
that in solution Bi3+ would be the first cation to
precipitate. 6. (a) Due to the common ion effect, the CuS will dissolve
to a lesser extent in the presence of copper (II) ions
2. (c) Bi 2S3 2Bi 3 3S 2 (or sulfide ions).

7. (a) Reaction 4 is shown in the following equation, which

Ksp = [Bi3+]2[S2]3
is answer choice A.

[HCN][OH ] PbCO3(s) + 2 HCl(aq)

3. (d) Using K b ;
[CN ] PbCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

Answers (b) and (d) do not show a reaction involv-

Assuming that [HCN] = [OH] approximately
ing PbCO3(s), as required by Reaction 4. Answer (c)
shows an implausible and unbalanced equation.
[OH ]2
Kb ;
[CN ] 8. (d) Reaction 1 is shown in the following equation.

Pb(NO3)2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq)
Hence, [OH]2 = Kb [CN] = 1.39 105 0.02
PbSO4(s) + 2 NaNO3(aq)
= 1.39 105 2 102 = 2.78 107

Compound A, the white solid, is PbSO4(s). Neither (ii) Na2ZnO2 + 2HCl 2NaCl + Zn(OH)2
the reactant Pb(NO3)2 nor the product NaNO3 can
Zn(OH)2 + 2HCl ZnCl2 + 2H2O
precipitate because all nitrates and sodium salts are
water soluble. PbI2 cannot precipitate because io- Soluble

dide is not present. 13. (b) The mixture will contain BaCl2 as it will only give a
9. (a) The dissolution of Pb(OH)2(s) is represented by the white precipitate with K2SO4.
following equation.
BaCl 2 K 2SO 4 BaSO 4 2KCl
Pb(OH)2(s) Pb2(aq) + 2 OH-(aq) ( white ppt .)

At pH 9, the concentration of OH-(aq) is greater than 14. (b) The mixture contains AgNO3
the concentration of OH(aq) at pH 7. According to AgNO3 reacts with brine (NaCl) to give the precipitate
Le Chteliers principle, the additional common ion, of AgCl (A), which is soluble in NH4OH.
OH(aq), will shift the position of equilibrium to the
left, and less Pb(OH)2 will dissolve.
AgCl 2 NH 4 OH [Ag( NH 3 ) 2 ] Cl 2H 2 O
(soluble )
10. (b) The reactions described in the passage show that
lead(II) is successively precipitated as PbSO4, PbI2,
15. (d) It is chromyl chloride test.
and PbCO3. This sequence shows (assuming equal
anion concentrations, as must be done here) that 16. (d) The yellow precipitate F is due to PbCrO4.
PbCO3 is less soluble than PbI2, and PbI2 is less 17. (b) B is lead chromate
soluble than PbSO4. The order in which the anions
D is lead chromate
precipitate Pb2+ is: CO32 then I then SO42. When
this sequence is applied to the question, answer F is lead chromate
choice (b) is in the correct order, and answers (a), (c),
and (d) are all in the opposite order. 18. (a) 2MnO2 (s) 4KOH O 2 2K 2 MnO4 2H 2 O
(Black) (Green)
11. (b) The initial Na2SO4(aq) solution in Reaction 1 is 15 'X' 'Y'
mL of 0.300 MNa2SO4(aq).

(15.0 mL) (1 L) (0.300 mol Na 2SO 4 ) (2 mol Na ) 3MnO 42 4H 2MnO 4 MnO 2 2H 2 O

'B' 'C '
(1000 mL) (1 L Na 2SO 4 (aq) (1 mol Na 2SO 4 ) (Purple)

= 0.00900 mol
(i) 2KMnO 4 H 2 O KI 2KOH 2MnO 2 KIO3
12. (c) (i) Since the mixture is soluble in water to give strong 'D'
alkaline solution, it must contain NaOH as one of the
(ii) 2KMnO 4 8H 2 SO 4 10FeSO 4

(ii) Since the aqueous solution gives precipitate with 2MnSO 4 5Fe 2 (SO 4 )3 K 2 SO 4 8H 2 O
dil. HCl, which dissolves in excess of dil. HCl, it must
contain zinc salt.
Thus the mixture consists of ZnSO4 and NaOH which 2KMnO4 H 2SO4 Mn 2 O7 K 2SO4 H 2O
'E '
explains all the given reactions.

Reactions : 3
Mn 2 O7 2MnO 2 O2
'E' 'F ' 2
(i) ZnSO4 + 4NaOH Na 2 ZnO 2 + Na 2 SO 4 +
19. (a) The compound E is Mn2O7. It is acidic.

Soluble 20. (c) The compound C is MnO2.

824 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger

1. (b) Cd2+ is a 2nd group radical and Ni2+ is a 4th group 8. (b) Correct explanation : NH4OH converts NH4HCO3
radical. So solubility product of NiS has to be more present, if any into (NH4)2CO3.
than CdS. Further Cd2+ gives yellow colour of CdS
9. (a) R is the correct explanation of A.
with H2S, but Ni2+ gives black colour of NiS with
H2S. So both assertion and statement are wrong. (d) 10. (a) R is the correct explanation of A.
is correct choice. 11. (b) Correct explanation : Alkaline solution of K2[HgI4]
2. (b) Sulphate is estimated as BaSO 4 because of its (Nesslers reagent) gives a brown precipitate of
insolubility in water. BaSO4 forms a white ppt. Reason Millons base H2N.HgO.HgI with NH3.
is correct but do not explain the assertion. 12. (d) Assertion is false because NO2 when passed through
3. (a) R is the correct explanation of A. alkalies produces nitrates and nitrites.

4. (b) Correct explanation : KCN forms complexes with Cu+

2NaOH 2NO 2 NaNO 2 NaNO3 H 2O
and Cd 2+ as K 3 [Cu(CN) 4 ] and K 2 [Cd(CN) 4 ]
respectively. On passing H2S, only Cd2+ complex is Reason is true because NO2 is acidic in nature and it
decomposed to give yellow CdS precipitate. is a mixed anhydride of HNO2 and HNO3.
5. (a) R is the correct explanation of A. 13. (d) Both assertion and reason are correct and reason is
6. (c) Correct R : The solubility product of the chlorides of correct explanation of assertion.
first group basic radicals is less than the solubiity 14. (c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect. The bead is
product of all other chlorides. B2O3.
7. (c) Correct R : SO2 acts as a reducing agent and 15. (a) Both assertion and reason are correct and reason is
K2Cr2O7 is reduced to green Cr2(SO4)3 compound. correct explanation of assertion.

1. (c) Ring test is done with H2SO4 and FeSO4. So any

6. (c, d) Cl 2 H 2O HOCl HCl
nitrate which reacts with H 2 SO 4 to give an
insoluble ppt. of metalic sulfate will not respond
2HCl Mg MgCl 2 H2
to the test, Pb and Ba form insoluble sulfates so
their nitrates will not respond to the test. 7. (a, b, c) (d) is false because sulphates of Vth group radicals
will be precipitated.
2. (b, d) Na 2 B 4 O 7 .10H 2 O Na 2 B 4 O 7 10H 2 O ;
8. (c) In second group ferric salts are reduced by H2S.
Hence it is always necessary to use HNO3 in third
Na 2 B 4 O 7 2NaBO 2 B2O3 group. Sb2S3 is orange in colour. Nickel can be
Glassy mass, called borax bead tested with dimethyl glyoxime.

4. (c) Because PbCl2 & PbS are insoluble 9. (a, c) FeS H 2SO4 FeSO4 H 2S ;
A (Black) B
5. (b, c) Because Zn++ is not having unpaired d-electron,
while Ni++ & Cr+++ are having unpaired d e . H 2S 2HNO3 2NO2 2H 2 O S
(B) (Colloidal

14. (b & c) The blue precipitate of Fe2+ ions with potassium

CuSO4 H2S CuS H2SO4 ferricyanide is due to formation of Turnbulls blue
(D) (B) (E)
KFell [Felll (CN)6]
10. (a,b,c,d) This is a typical test for the presence of Group II A Fe3+ + K3 [Fe(CN)6] K. Fell [Felll (CN)6] + 2K+
or II B salts.
Potassium ferro ferricyanide
The ppt. Y is a sulphide and as it dissolves in
The red colouration of Fe3+ ions with potassium
(NH4)2S2 it shows X contains IIB group radical,
thiocyanate is due to the formation of [Fe(CNS)3]
i.e. As3+, Sb3+ or Sn2+.
Fe3+ + 3KCNS [Fe(CNS) 3 ] + 3K+
As 2S3 5( NH 4 ) 2 S 2 2( NH 4 ) 3 AsS4 ; Ferric thiocyanate
Ammonium thioarsenate red colour

15. (a,c) The turbidity reappears if the clear solution is

Sb 2S3 5( NH 4 ) 2 S2 2( NH 4 )3 SbS 4
boiled or fresh lime water is added to it.
Ammonium thioantimonate
16. (a,b) Both AsO43 and PO43 give yellow ppt on being
SnS + (NH4)2S2 thio complex heated with conc. HNO3 and then addition of
11. (a, b) NiS & CoS are black & insoluble in HCl whereas excess ammonium molybdate.
MnS (buff coloured) and ZnS (colourless) are
soluble in conc. HCl. Na 2 HPO 4 12(NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 23HNO3

12. (a, b) Al3+ (third group radical) and Ca2+ (fifth group
(NH 4 )3 [PMo12 O 40 ] 2NaNO3 12NH 4 NO3 12H 2 O
radical) precipitate out as their hydroxide with (yellow ppt)
NH4Cl and aq. NH3 (NH4OH) which are the group
reagents. 17. (a,b ,c) All these (i.e., CO32, HCO3 and SO32) are
13. (a, b & d) The reactions are
18. (b) It is the most commonly used method.
4NaCl + K2Cr2O7 + 6H2SO4
2CrO2Cl2 + 4NaHSO4 + 2KHSO4 + 3H2O 19. (b,d) NaH 2 PO 4 NaOH Na 3 PO 4 H 2O
(Red vapours)
NaHCO3 NaOH Na 2 CO3 H2O
CrO2Cl2 + 4NaOH Na2CrO4 + 2NaCl + 2H2O
Chromyl chloride yellow solution 20. (c) At this concentration of HCl, the chlorides of basic
radicals of group I will get precipitated.
826 IIT-JEE CHEMISTRY Challenger

1. A -s; B-r; C-q ; D-p Thus excess of sulphide ions will be available and hence
the ionic product of IV group sulphides exceeds their
The reagents provided in the left side are the group
solubility product and precipitate will be obtained.
reagents for group II, III, IV and VI respectively and hence
have been matched with their basic radicals. 5.. A-p, r; B-r, s; C-q, s

2. A-q ; B-s ; C-p ; D-r (A) Tests of Fe3+. (i)

Alkali and alkaline earth metals give characteristic colour FeCl3 3KCNS Fe(CNS)3 3KCl
when introduced in Bunsen flame- Ferric thiocyanate
(blood red colour)
Na - Golden yellow; Ca - Brick Red; Ba - Apple Green; K -
Violet. (ii) 4FeCl3 3K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ] Fe4 [Fe(CN) 6 ]3 12KCl
Ferric ferrocyanide
3. A-p, q, s; B-p; C-q, s; D-q, r, s (prussian blue)

dil. HCl is the reagent for first group which contains Ag+,
(C) Complex of copper decomposes by acetic acid to form
Pb2+ and Hg22+ (ous).
copper sulphate which gives red brown ppt. of cupric
The second group reagent is H2S in presence of HCl and ferrocyanide with potassium ferrocyanide.
Pb2+, Hg2+ and As3+ are the second group radicals. Again
Sn4+ is a second group radical, so the solubility product of [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ]SO 4 4CH 3COOH CuSO 4 4CH 3COONH 4

Hg2+ and As3+ is equivalent to that of Sn4+. Note the

solubility product Pb2+ and Cd2+ is more than other second 2CuSO4 K 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] Cu 2 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 2K 2 SO 4
red brown ppt.
group radical and that's why they are precipitated first. Again or chocolate red ppt.
II A (Pb2+, Hg2+) and II B (As3+) radicals are separated by
yellow ammonium sulphide, (NH4)2Sx, in which II-B radicals Cadmium complex decomposes by H2S to give yellow ppt.
are soluble. of CdS.

4. A-p, q; B-p, t; C-r; D-s

[Cd(NH 3 ) 4 ]SO 4 H 2S CdS (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 2NH 3
Function of HCl is to decrease ionisation of H2S (due to
common ion effect) so that only the solubility product of Cu and Cd separation is based upon the fact that in presence
sulphides of II group radicals is overpowered and not that of KCN, only Cd is precipitated as sulphide on passing H2S.
of III, IV and V group. [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ]SO 4 10KCN 8H 2 O
Conc. HNO3 is used to oxidise Fe2+
ion into Fe3+
the solubility product of Fe(OH)2 is very high as compared 2K 3 [Cu(CN)4 ] 2K 2SO 4 8NH 4 OH (CN) 2
to Fe(OH)3 and in presence of NH4Cl (group reagent), the
[Cd(NH 3 ) 4 ]SO 4 4KCN 4H 2 O
ionisation of NH4OH is suppressed and thus only the
solubility product of Fe(OH)3 is reached. K 2 [Cd(CN) 4 ] K 2SO 4 4NH 4 OH
Function of NH4Cl is to suppress the ionisation of NH4OH
Since second ionisation of pot. cadmicyanide is higher than
so that only the III group radicals are precipitated because
that of pot. cuprocyanide, sufficient Cd2+ ions are present
the solubility product of III group hydroxides is less than
in solution and hence only CdS is precipitated on passing
that of IV and VI group hydroxides.
H2S gas.
Function of ammonium hydroxide is to increase the
(B) Cobalt and nickel chlorides form soluble complexes with
ionisation of H2S by removing H+ of H2S as unionised water.
H 2S 2H S2 ; H OH H 2O

(a) CoCl2 2KCN Co(CN) 2 2KCl (a) 2NaOH Br2 NaBr NaOBr H 2O
(buff coloured)
NaOBr NaBr O
Co(CN) 2 4KCN K 4 [Co(CN)6 ]
2K 4 [Co(CN) 6 ] O H 2O 2K 3 [Co(CN) 6 ] 2KOH
Pot. cobaltocyanide

(b) 2K 2 [Ni(CN) 4 ] 4NaOH O

(b) NiCl 2 2KCN Ni(CN) 2 2KCl

Ni(CN) 2 2KCN K 2 [Ni(CN) 4 ] Ni 2 O3 4NaCN 4KCN 2H 2 O

Pot. nickelocyanide (Black)

When treated with NaOH solution and Br2 water, pot.

cobaltocyanide is oxidised to very stable complex, pot.
cobaLticyanide which thus does not give any Co2+ ion. On
the other hand, nickel complex decomposes forming black
nickelic oxide.

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