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Hilton Ltd

Heat Exchanger Service Unit


H102 shown fitted with H102C Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Many types of Heat Exchanger can be used on the

Common Service Unit.

Safe and Suitable For Unsupervised Student Operation.

Responds Rapidly to Control Changes.

Negligible Operating and Maintenance Costs.

Optional Computerised Data Acquisition Upgrade

Two year Warranty.

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Edition 3
P.A.Hilton Ltd
Heat Exchangers are a vital component in many industrial processes enabling heat to be transferred from one
fluid to another.

Four of the most common types found in industry are Concentric Tube, Shell and Tube, Plate and Jacketed
Vessel. Student engineers need to be aware of the characteristics of these and other heat exchangers if they are
to be involved in the design, operation or service of any heat transfer process.

The Hilton Heat Exchanger Service Unit is bench mounted, fully instrumented and operates from conventional
single phase electrical supply and mains water. Using optional modules, the Service Unit enables students to
investigate the performance of each of these common heat exchangers and their variants.

The unit will be of particular interest to those studying:

Mechanical Engineering Building Services

Nuclear Engineering Engineering Physics
Chemical Engineering Refrigeration
Control and Instrumentation Marine Engineering
Plant and Process Engineering

Experimental Capabilities
For detailed descriptions and experimental capabilities refer to individual data sheets for each optional
heat exchanger.

Service Unit H102 (Shown with Optional H102C Fitted)

A bench mounted, reinforced plastic panel with an integral electrical console that provides services for
any of the optional heat exchangers.
Temperature controlled hot water is provided from an electrically heated tank by a continuously rated
fixed speed pump. Mains cold water is pressure regulated. Hot and Cold flow is controlled and
measured using variable area flowmeters. The optional heat exchangers are connected to the service
unit using non-drip, self sealing couplings.

Electrical safety is provided by double pole overload and earth leakage circuit breakers. The hot water
system is equipped with a safety temperature limiting device.

The standard instrumentation consists of up to 12 type T thermocouples, displayed on a digital panel

meter, and two flowmeters for hot and cold fluids. These enable all relevant heat transfer calculations
to be made. Optional Heat exchangers in some cases add other measurement configurations.
An optional Computerised Data Acquisition Upgrade HC103A is available to allow all available
parameters to be recorded on a computer in real time.

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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.
P.A.Hilton Ltd

Heat Exchanger Service Unit H102 Accessories and Spares
General Unit supplied with:
A fully instrumented bench top heat exchanger service unit One experimental operating and maintenance manual in
providing circulated hot water and controlled cold water either English, Spanish or French. Accessories and spares
flows for many types of individual optional heat for 2 years normal operation. List available on request.
exchangers. Optional computerised data acquisition of all
measured parameters available.
Ordering Information
Detailed Order as: Heat Exchanger Service Unit H102
A bench mounted heat exchanger service unit comprising a
reinforced plastic instrument panel with electric water Electrical Specification
heater and circulating pump providing temperature Either: A: 220-240 Volts, Single Phase, 50Hz
controlled hot water from self sealing quick release (With earth/ground).
couplings. Controlled and measured cold water is taken B: 110-120 Volts, Single Phase, 60Hz
from the local supply. (With earth/ground).
Internal electric and mechanical safety devices to allow for Language
unsupervised operation by students. Either: English, Spanish, French.
Instrumentation to measure up to 12 temperatures and the
relevant flow rates of the hot and cold fluids through the Optional Heat Exchangers, Order as:
heat exchanger under test. Concentric Heat Exchanger H102A
Plate Heat Exchanger H102B
Optional Heat Exchangers Include:- Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger H102C
Concentric Heat Exchanger H102A Jacketed Vessel H102D
Plate Heat Exchanger H102B Extended Concentric Heat Exchanger H102E
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger H102C Extended Plate Heat Exchanger H102F
Jacketed Vessel H102D Water to Water Turbulent Flow Heat Exchanger H102G
Extended Concentric Heat Exchanger H102E Coiled concentric Tube Heat Exchanger H102H
Extended Plate Heat Exchanger H102F Recycle Loops H102J
Water to Water Turbulent Flow Heat Exchanger Film and Dropwise Condensation H102K
(Nu, Re, Pr Investigation) H102G
Coiled Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger H102H
Recycle Loops H102J Shipping Specifications
Film and Dropwise Condensation H102K Service Unit H102
Net Weight: 39kg.
Supplied with a detailed experimental operating and Approximate Gross Weight: 82kg.
maintenance manual giving example experimental results Packing Case Dimensions:- 0.92 x 0.65 x 1.05m
and sample calculations. Packing Case Volume: 0.32m3
Accessories and spares for two years normal operation
together with a full two year warranty. For shipping details of the optional heat exchangers
Optional computerised data acquisition of all measured please refer to P.A.Hilton Ltd.
parameters is available with a 21 channel data logger and
menu driven software.
Refer to the optional Heat Exchanger specifications for
Also Available On Request
detailed capabilities Further detailed specification.
Additional copies of instruction manual.
Recommended list of spares for 5 years operation.
Height: 760mm Depth: 485mm
Width: 760mm Weight: 39kg.

Services Required
Electrical: A: 220-240 Volts, Single Phase, 50Hz
(With earth/ground).
Line current up to10A at 230v
B: 110-120 Volts, Single Phase, 60Hz
(With earth/ground).
Line current up to 20A at 110v

Water: 3 litres m-1 at a minimum of 10m head.

Open drain for this flow rate.
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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.
P.A.Hilton Ltd

Optional Extra H102A Optional Extra H102B

Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Plate Heat Exchanger

A clear acrylic tube containing cold water surrounds an

inner stainless steel tube in which the hot water flows. Multiple brazed stainless steel plates arranged for multi-
Total heat transfer area of approximately 24000mm2. Six pass operation with passes in series give a total heat
thermocouples measure hot and cold inlet, mid-point and transfer area of approximately 24000mm2. Four
exit temperatures. Self sealing quick release connections thermocouples measure hot and cold fluid entry and exit
enable rapid connection to the H102 and conversion from temperatures. Self sealing quick release connections
parallel to counter current flow. An extended version with enable rapid connection to the H102 and conversion from
3 pairs of intermediate points and a total of 10 parallel to counter-current flow. An extended version
thermocouples is also available as H102E. with intermediate measuring points and a total of 6
thermocouples is available as H102F.

Experimental Capabilities Experimental Capabilities

Demonstration of indirect heating or cooling by transfer
of heat from one fluid stream to another when separated Demonstration of indirect heating or cooling by transfer
by a solid wall of heat from one fluid stream to another when separated
by a solid wall
Conducting an energy balance across a concentric tube
heat exchanger and calculate the overall efficiency at Conducting an energy balance across plate exchanger
different fluid flow rates. and calculate the overall efficiency at different fluid
flow rates.
To demonstrate the differences between counter-current
flow and co-current flows and the effect on heat transfer, To demonstrate the differences between counter-current
temperature efficiencies and temperature profiles through flow and co-current flows and the effect on heat
a concentric tube heat exchanger. transfer, temperature efficiencies and temperature
profiles through a plate heat exchanger.
To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for a
concentric tube heat exchanger using the logarithmic To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for a
mean temperature difference for counter-current and co- plate heat exchanger using the logarithmic mean
current flows. temperature difference for counter-current and co-
current flows.
To investigate the effect of changes in hot fluid and cold
fluid flow rate on the temperature efficiencies and overall To investigate the effect of changes in hot fluid and cold
heat transfer coefficient. fluid flow rate on the temperature efficiencies and
overall heat transfer coefficient.
To investigate the effect of driving force (difference
between hot stream and cold stream temperature) with To investigate the effect of driving force (difference
counter-current and co-current flow between hot stream and cold stream temperature) with
counter-current and co-current flow

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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.
P.A.Hilton Ltd

Optional Extra H102C Optional Extra H102D

Shell and Tube Exchanger Jacketed Vessel

A thick walled glass shell with 2 baffles contains cold

water, which passes over 7 stainless steel tubes through
which hot water flows. Tube bundle length of 205mm
giving total heat transfer area of approximately 24000 mm2.
Four thermocouples measure hot and cold fluid entry and A vessel with a clear top has a glass outer jacket. Hot
exit temperatures. Self sealing quick release connections water may pass through this or through a heat transfer coil
enable rapid connection to the H102 and conversion from inside the vessel to provide external or internal heating.
parallel to counter-current flow. The vessel contents of up to 2 litres are agitated by a
variable speed stirrer, and may be batch or continuous
Experimental Capabilities feed. Six thermocouples measure hot inlet and exit
Demonstration of indirect heating or cooling by transfer temperatures from the jacket and coil, cold fluid inlet and
of heat from one fluid stream to another when separated vessel contents temperatures. Quick release connections
by a solid wall. enable rapid connection to the H102 and conversion from
heating jacket to heating coil.
Conducting an energy balance across a shell and tube
exchanger and calculate the overall efficiency at different Experimental Capabilities
fluid flow rates Demonstration of indirect heating or cooling by transfer
of heat from one fluid stream to another when separated
To demonstrate the differences between counter-current by a solid wall.
flow and co-current flows and the effect on heat transfer,
temperature efficiencies and temperature profiles through Investigation of the heating characteristics of a stirred
a shell and tube heat exchanger. vessel containing a fixed batch of liquid when heated
using hot fluid circulating through a submerged coil.
To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for a
shell and tube heat exchanger using the logarithmic mean Investigation of the heating characteristics of a stirred
temperature difference to perform the calculations (for vessel containing a fixed batch of liquid when heated
counter-current and co-current flows). using hot fluid circulating through an outer jacket.
To investigate the effect of changes in hot fluid and cold To investigate the change in overall heat transfer
fluid flow rate on the temperature efficiencies and overall coefficient and logarithmic mean temperature difference
heat transfer coefficient. as a batch of fluid in the vessel changes temperature.
To investigate the effect of driving forces (difference To perform an energy balance, calculate the overall
between hot stream and cold stream temperature) with efficiency and determine the overall heat transfer
counter-current and co-current flow. coefficient for a continuous flow in a stirred vessel
when heated using a submerged coil.

To perform an energy balance, calculate the overall

efficiency and determine the overall heat transfer
coefficient for a continuous flow in a stirred vessel
when heated using an outer jacket.

To investigate the effect of stirring on the heat transfer

characteristics of a stirred vessel.

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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.
P.A.Hilton Ltd

Optional Extra H102E

Extended Concentric Tube Heat Optional Extra H102F
Exchanger Extended Plate Heat Exchanger

An extended version of the H102B Plate Heat Exchanger

An extended version of the H102A Concentric Tube Heat with a total of 6 thermocouples. In conjunction with the
Exchanger with 3 pairs of intermediate points giving 10 H102B this allows investigation of the effects of
thermocouples in total. In conjunction with the H102A this increased heat transfer area
allows investigation of the effects of increased heat transfer
area and the plotting of more points on the temperature
distribution graph.
Experimental Capabilities
Experimental Capabilities The experimental capabilities of the H102F are similar to
The experimental capabilities of the H102E are similar to those of the H102B but also allow students to make the
those of the H102A but also allow students to make the direct comparison of test results on a heat exchanger with
direct comparison of test results on a heat exchanger with a a doubled surface area.
doubled surface area.

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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.
P.A.Hilton Ltd

Optional Extra H102G

The PID temperature control on the H102 Heat Exchanger
Water-Water Turbulent Flow Heat Service Unit allows investigation of turbulent flow
Exchanger conditions at a range of fixed Prandtl numbers.

Investigations using these two methods of control allow

students to experimentally determine the constants in one
of the classic empirical equations for turbulent heat
transfer in a tube.

Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.4

Experimental Capabilities
Determination of heat transfer rate, logarithmic mean
temperature difference, overall heat transfer coefficient
and 4 point hot and cold stream temperature profiles.

Determination of surface heat transfer coefficient inside

and outside the tube, and of the effect of fluid velocity.
Comparison of performance in concurrent and in
counter-current flow.

Investigation of the relationship between Nusselt (Nu),

Reynolds (Re) and Prandtl (Pr) Numbers for Reynolds
Numbers up to 65000 and for Prandtl Numbers between
2.5 and 5.0.

Determination of the constants in Nu = k Rea Prb.

This is a highly advanced concentric tube heat exchanger

with hot water flowing through the central tube while
cooling water flows through the annular space.

The heat exchanger has been divided into three equal

sections in order to allow examination of the intermediate
stream temperature conditions and temperature distribution
through the heat exchanger.

Thermocouples sense the hot and cold stream temperatures

at the four stations and the inner tube wall temperatures
on entry and exit.

The addition of the central tube surface temperatures at

inlet and exit allow detailed investigation of the surface
heat transfer coefficient inside and outside the central tube.

This allows advanced students to investigate the Nusselt,

Reynolds, Prandtl relationship
Nu = k Rea Prb.

The core tube temperatures also allow students to plot hot

stream, cold stream and core tube temperatures for both
con-current and counter-current flow.
The unit incorporates an extended range flowmeter in order
to allow investigation of low and high range Reynolds

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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.
P.A.Hilton Ltd

Optional Extra H102H

Coiled Concentric Tube Heat To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient
Exchanger for a shell and tube heat exchanger using the
logarithmic mean temperature difference to
perform the calculations (for counter-current and
co-current flows).

To investigate the effect of changes in hot fluid

and cold fluid flow rate on the temperature
efficiencies and overall heat transfer coefficient.

To investigate the effect of driving forces

(difference between hot stream and cold stream
temperature) with counter-current and co-current

All of the above procedures may be undertaken with

the hot fluid in the inner tube and cold fluid in the
outer tube; or, with hot fluid in the outer tube and the
cold flow in the inner tube.

An example of an industrial coiled concentric tube heat

exchanger with turbulence enhancing tubes.

The heat exchanger is fully instrumented using the Heat

Exchanger Service Un it H102 with thermocouples on the
inlet and outlet of both the hot and cold streams.

The heat exchanger can be arranged so that either hot or

cold streams are in the inner tube.
With either configuration both co-current and counter-
current flow can be established.

The heat exchanger is deliberately not insulated so that heat

losses in all of the configurations can be investigated.

Experimental Capabilities
Demonstration of indirect heating or cooling by
transfer of heat from one fluid stream to another
when separated by a solid wall.

Conducting an energy balance across a shell and

tube exchanger and calculate the overall efficiency
at different fluid flow rates

To demonstrate the differences between counter-

current flow and co-current flows and the effect on
heat transfer, temperature efficiencies and
temperature profiles through a shell and tube heat

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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.
P.A.Hilton Ltd

Optional Extra H102J Optional Extra H102K

Recycle Loops Film & Dropwise Condensation

Vapour may condense onto a cooled surface in two

distinct modes known as filmwise and dropwise. For the
same temperature difference between the vapour and the
surface, dropwise condensation is several more times
effective than filmwise. However it involves special
Recycling can be used in many engineering applications surface finishes or treatment in order to maintain
and is important when applied to thermodynamic processes dropwise condensation and for this reason, though
as it can result in reduced energy requirements. desirable, it seldom occurs in real plant operation.
The process of dropwise condensation is enhanced by the
For example in most air conditioning applications a special water cooled condenser surface finish that
proportion of the already treated air within a building will prevents wetting of the surface. Condensation then occurs
be recycled and mixed with fresh incoming air before being in droplets which grow and fall under gravity. These
returned to the building. falling droplets wipe the surface clean ready for more
droplets to form. This continuous cleaning puts the water
If the proportion of recycling is too low then the energy cooled surface in direct contact with the vapour.
requirement is likely to rise whereas if the proportion of The duplicate filmwise condenser is not specially treated
recycled air is high then sick building syndrome can and allows condensation to form as a film. This
occur where bad smells and micro-biological problems can effectively grows and runs down the condenser gaining
arise. thickness as it falls. The film effectively acts as a
resistance to heat transfer, as heat must be conducted
In chemical engineering processes where a reaction through this film to the internal cooling water.
requires both time and temperature to be controlled
recycling can be used to ensure a longer residence time for Thermocouples are fitted to the surfaces of both
mixing and reactions to occur. In addition the energy condensers allowing the direct comparison of surface
requirement is vastly reduced from the alternative option of temperatures in both filmwise and dropwise condensation.
utilising a batch process. The H102 standard instrumentation allows heat transfer
rates and surface heat transfer coefficients from both
Experimental Capabilities condensers to be compared.
Investigation and Understanding Of The Recycle
Process. Experimental Capabilities
Steady State Heat and Mass Balances Visual observation of filmwise and dropwise
Investigation of Responses to Changes in Bleed condensation and .nucleate boiling.
Flow Rate, Heat Input or Recycle Rate Measurement of heat flux and surface heat
transfer coefficient in both filmwise and dropwise
condensation at pressures up to atmospheric.
Investigation of the saturation
pressure/temperature relationship for water
between ambient temperature (20-30C) and
Demonstration and investigation of the effect of
air in condensers.
Demonstration of Daltons law.

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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.
P.A.Hilton Ltd

Optional Extra HC103A

Data Acquisition Upgrade
Hardware details
The Optional Computerised Data Acquisition Upgrade The Hilton Data Logging software supplied as standard
HC103A consists of a 21 channel Hilton Data logger with the HC103A package allows the D103 to be
(D103), together with pre-configured, ready to use, disconnected from the H102 and used together with
WindowsTM compatible educational software. most standard transducers as a stand-alone computer
data logger for the instrumentation and monitoring of
Factory fitted coupling points on the H102 allow existing laboratory equipment using locally sourced
installation of the upgrade to the unit at any time in the industrial transducers. The software is also backwards
machines extensive life. compatible with our many second generation D102 data
loggers that are already in use worldwide.
The Hilton Data logger (D103) connects, using the cable
supplied, to a standard USB port on the user-supplied PC. Full data logger command protocol and communications
If more than one logger is required connection is via a details are provided in an extensive user manual that
second USB port or standard USB hub. allows other software applications to communicate with
the logger via the USB interface. Users can write their
The combined educational software and hardware package own software, typically in LabView, Matlab, C, C++,
allows immediate computer monitoring and display of all Visual Basic etc. This further expands the student project
relevant parameters on the H102. capabilities of the HC103A package from teaching and
demonstration into the field of research and postgraduate
Software Details study.
The pre-configured menu driven Software supplied with
the Computer Upgrade HC103A allows all recommended Computer Hardware Requirements
experiments involving the electronic transducers and The menu driven Software supplied with the Computer
instruments on the H102 to be carried out with the aid of Upgrade HC103A will operate on a PC which has at least
computerised data acquisition, data storage and on-screen 0.5Gb Mb ram, VGA graphics, 1Gb hard drive, CD drive
data presentation. This enhances student interest and speeds and an available USB port. The software is Windows
comprehension of the principles being demonstrated. 2000, XP and 7 compatible.

Students are presented with either raw data for later hand
calculation or alternatively data may be transferred to most Ordering Information
spreadsheets for computerised calculation and graphical Order as: Data Acquisition Upgrade HC103A

Data may be stored on disc and displayed at any time using

the software supplied. Alternatively data may be transferred
to any compatible spreadsheet together with individual time P.A.HILTON Ltd.
and date stamp on each reading for complex analysis. Horsebridge Mill, Kings Somborne,
Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 6PX, England.
Additional Data Logging Facility Supplied As Standard
The D103 is the third generation of Hilton Data Logger. It Telephone: National (01794) 388382
comprises an industrially proven 21 channel interface with International +44 1794 388382
8 thermocouples (type T and K as standard) / differential
voltage inputs (100mv DC), 8 single ended DC voltage Fax: National (01794) 388129
inputs (8v), 4 logic or frequency inputs and one mains International +44 1794 388129
voltage input. In addition there are on board 12v DC, 5V
DC and 15v DC power supplies for most commercially E-mail: [email protected]
available transducers. Website: www.p-a-hilton.co.uk

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Edition 3
NOTE: The policy of P.A.Hilton Ltd is one of continual improvement and we reserve the right to change this specification without notice.

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