Employment Employment M: Grade 7 To 10 Photo
Employment Employment M: Grade 7 To 10 Photo
Secondary School
College/ University
Professional / Specialized
Training Courses
Computer Knowledge/Skills
Please provide us with the names of two people we may contact for verbal reference (one should be your lLast eEmployer)
Name Position Phone # Email ID
Please explain why you consider yourself suitable for the position applied for.
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above information given is accurate, true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I also acknowledge that acceptance of my application does not mean that my employment is certain. The company has every right to
discharge my services without prior notice or compensation thereof, if the above information isare deemed to be false during any phase of
my employment. I also add further here that my employment with the company is subject to physical examination (where required) and
upon successful completion of the probation period and signing of the relevant service agreement.
Applicants Name & Signature: ___________________ Date: _________________
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