AS3600 Lossese

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Design for serviceability 181

599 2165 14.2 18.0
108 at 0
y dref = 300 0 k (398 at k)
750 x Mext,k = k
400 kNm
0.0 +1216 at 0
Pinit = 900 kN (+1143 at k)
+45.6 at 0
(+54.4 at k)
446 287
All dimensions in mm
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.22Initial and time-dependent strain and stress distributions. (a) Section.
(b)Strain (10 6). (c) Stress (MPa).

The results are plotted in Figure 5.22. It can be seen that the loss of prestress
in the tendon on this cross-section is only 73 MPa or only 6% of the initial
prestress. With relaxation losses at 2%, creep and shrinkage have resulted
in only 4% loss as the change in strain at the tendon level is relatively small
after cracking.


The losses of prestress that occur in a tendon are categorised as either imme-
diate losses or time-dependent losses and are illustrated in Figure5.23.
The immediate losses occur when the prestress is transferred to the
concrete and are the difference between the force imposed on the tendon
by the hydraulic prestressing jack P j and the force in the tendon imme-
diately after transfer at a particular point along its length P i and can be
expressed as:

Immediate loss = Pj Pi (5.132)

Immediate Time-dependent
losses losses
Pj Pi Pe
Jacking Prestressing force Final or effecitve
force immediately after prestressing
transfer force

Losses of prestress in the tendons.

Figure 5.23
182 Design of Prestressed Concrete to AS3600-2009

The time-dependent losses are the gradual losses of prestress that occur
with time over the life of the structure. If Pe is the force in the prestressing
tendon after all losses, then:

Time-dependent loss = Pi Pe (5.133)

Both the immediate and time-dependent losses are made up of several com-
ponents. The immediate losses depend to some extent on the method and
equipment used to prestress the concrete and include losses due to elas-
tic shortening of concrete, draw-in at the prestressing anchorage, friction
in the jack and along the tendon, deformation of the forms for precast
members, deformation in the joints between elements of precast structures,
temperature changes that may occur during this period and the relaxation
of the tendon in a pretensioned member between the time of casting the
concrete and the time of transfer (particularly significant when the concrete
is cured at elevatedtemperatures prior to transfer).
Time-dependent losses are the gradual losses of prestress that occur with
time over the life of the structure. These include losses caused by the grad-
ual shortening of concrete at the steel level due to creep and shrinkage,
relaxation of the tendon after transfer and time-dependent deformation
that may occur within the joints in segmental construction.

5.10.2 Immediate losses

The magnitude of the immediate losses is taken as the sum of the losses
caused by each relevant phenomenon. Where appropriate, the effects of one
type of immediate loss on the magnitude of other immediate losses should
be considered. For example, in a pretensioned member, the loss caused by
relaxation of the tendon prior to transfer will affect the magnitude of the
immediate loss caused by elastic deformation of concrete. Elastic deformation losses

Pretensioned members: The change in strain in a tendon in a pretensioned
member immediately after transfer p,0 caused by elastic shortening of
the concrete is equal to the instantaneous strain in the concrete at the steel
level cp,0:

scp,0 Dsp,0
ecp,0 = = De p,0 =
Ec,0 Ep

Design for serviceability 183

The corresponding loss of stress in the tendons at transfer is therefore, the

product of the modular ratio (E p/E c,0) and the stress in the adjacent con-
crete at the tendon level cp,0 and is given by:

Dsp,0 = scp,0 (5.134)

Post-tensioned members: For post-tensioned members with one tendon, or

with two or more tendons stressed simultaneously, the elastic deformation
of the concrete occurs during the stressing operation before the tendons are
anchored. In this case, elastic shortening losses are zero. In a member con-
taining more than one tendon and where the tendons are stressed sequen-
tially, stressing of a tendon causes an elastic shortening loss in all previously
stressed and anchored tendons. Consequently, the first tendon to be stressed
suffers the largest elastic shortening losses and the last tendon to be stressed
suffers no elastic shortening losses at all. Elastic shortening losses in the ten-
dons stressed early in the prestressing sequence can be reduced by restress-
ing the tendons (prior to grouting of the prestressing ducts).
It is relatively simple to calculate the elastic shortening losses in an individual
tendon of a post-tensioned member provided the stressing sequence is known.
For most cases, it is sufficient to determine the average loss of stress as:

n - 1 Ep P
Dsp = (5.135)
2n Ec,0 A

where n is the number of tendons and P/A is the average concrete com-
pressive stress. In post-tensioned members, the tendons are not bonded to
the concrete until grouting of the duct occurs some time after the stress-
ing sequence is completed. It is the shortening of the member between the
anchorage plates that leads to elastic shortening, and not the strain at the
steel level, as is the case for pretensioned members. Friction in the jack and anchorage

The loss caused by friction in the jack and anchorage depends on the jack
pressure and the type of jack and anchorage system used. It is usually
allowed for during the stressing operation and is generally relatively small. Friction along the tendon

In post-tensioned members, friction losses occur along the tendon during
the stressing operation. Friction between the tendon and the duct causes a
184 Design of Prestressed Concrete to AS3600-2009

gradual reduction in prestress with the distance along the tendon (L pa) from
the jacking end. The coefficient of friction between the tendon and the duct
depends basically on the condition of the surfaces in contact, the profile of
the duct, the nature of the tendon and its preparation. The magnitude of the
friction loss depends on the tendon length L pa, the total angular change of
the tendon over that length, as well as the size and type of the duct contain-
ing the tendon. An estimation of the stress in tendon at any point a distance
L pa along the tendon from the jacking end may be made using [2]:

spa = spje -m(atot +bpLpa ) (5.136)

pj is the stress in the tendon at the jacking end;
is the friction curvature coefficient that depends on the type of duct.
In the absence of more specific data, and when all tendons in contact
within the same duct are stressed simultaneously, AS3600-2009 [2]
suggests that for greased and wrapped coating on wire or strand =
0.15; for bright and zinc-coated metal sheathing = 0.150.2 and
for bright and zinc-coated flat ducts commonly used in slabs =
0.2. Higher values should be used if either the tendon or the duct
is rusted. For tendons showing a high but still acceptable amount
of rusting, the value of may increase by 20% for bright and zinc-
coated metal sheathing. If the wires or strand in contact in the one
duct are stressed separately, may be significantly greater than the
values given above and should be checked by tests. For external ten-
dons passing over machined cast-steel saddles, may increase mark-
edly for large movements of tendons across the saddles;
tot is the sum in radians of the absolute values of successive angular devia-
tions of the tendon over the length Lpa. Care should be taken during
construction to achieve the same cable profile as assumed in the design;
p is an estimate of the angular deviation (in radians/m) due to wobble
effects in the straight or curved parts of the tendon and depends on
the rigidity of the sheaths, on the spacing and fixing of their supports,
on the care taken in placing the prestressing tendons, on the clear-
ance of tendons in the duct, on the stiffness of the tendons and on the
precautions taken during concreting. In segmental construction, the
angular deviation per metre (p) may be greater in the event of mis-
matching of ducts and the designer should allow for this possibility.
The most important parameter affecting the rigidity of the sheaths is
their diameter dduct. AS3600-2009 [2] suggests the following:
For sheathing containing wires or strands:
p = 0.0240.016 rad/m when dduct 50mm

p = 0.0160.012 rad/m when 50 < dduct 90mm

Design for serviceability 185

p = 0.0120.008 rad/m when dduct > 90mm

For flat metal ducts containing wires or strands:

p = 0.0240.016 rad/m

For sheathing containing bars:

p = 0.0160.008 rad/m when dduct 50mm

For bars with a greased-and-wrapped coating:

p = 0.008 rad/m

Calculate the friction losses in the prestressing cable in the end-span of the
post-tensioned girder of Figure 5.24. For this cable, = 0.2 and p = 0.01.

From Equation 5.136:

At B : spa = spje -0.2( 0.105 + 0.019 ) = 0.962 spj (i.e. 3.8% losses )

At C : spa = spje -0.2( 0.210 + 0.0118 ) = 0.925spj (i.e. 7.5% losses )

At D : spa = spje -0.2( 0.315 + 0.0125) = 0.893spj (i.e. 10.7 % losses )


9m 9m 7m

Slope (rad): 0.105 0 0.105 0

tot (rad): 0 0.105 0.210 0.315
Lpa (m): 0 9 18 25

Tendon profile for end span (Example 5.9).

Figure 5.24
186 Design of Prestressed Concrete to AS3600-2009 Anchorage losses

In post-tensioned members, some slip or draw-in occurs when the pre-
stressing force is transferred from the jack to the anchorage. This causes
an additional loss of prestress. The amount of slip depends on the type of
anchorage. For wedge-type anchorages used for strand, the slip (slip) may
be as high as 6 mm. The loss of prestress caused by slip decreases with
distance from the anchorage owing to friction and, for longer tendons, may
be negligible at the critical design section. However, for short tendons, this
loss may be significant and should not be ignored in design.
The loss of tension in the tendon caused by slip is opposed by friction
in the same way as the initial prestressing force is opposed by friction, but
in the opposite direction, i.e. and p are the same. The variations of pre-
stressing force along a member due to friction before anchoring the tendon
(calculated using Equation 5.137) and after anchoring are shown in Figure
5.25, where the mirror image reduction in prestressing force in the vicinity
of the anchorage is caused by slip at the anchorage. The slope of the draw-
in line adjacent to the anchorage has the same magnitude as the friction loss
line but the opposite sign. It follows that tendons with a small drape (and
therefore small ) will suffer anchorage slip losses over a longer length of
tendon than tendons with a large drape (larger ).
In order to calculate the draw-in loss at the anchorage Pdi, the length of
the draw-in line L di must be determined. By equating the anchorage slip slip
with the integral of the change in strain in the steel tendon over the length
of the draw-in line, L di may be determined. If is the slope of the friction
loss line (i.e. the friction loss per unit length) as shown in Figure 5.25, the
loss of prestress due to draw-in at a distance x from point O in Figure 5.25b
is (Pdi)x = 2 x and slip can be estimated as follows:
2a x aL2di
D slip =
Ep Ap
dx =
Ep Ap
Prestressing force, Pinit

Friction loss line

(Pdi)L (Pdi)x O
di 2

Draw-in line x


(a) Distance from anchorage (b)

Figure 5.25Variation of prestress adjacent to the anchorage due to draw-in.

(a)Prestressing force versus distance from anchorage. (b) Loss of prestress
in vicinity of anchorage.
Design for serviceability 187

and rearranging gives:

Ep Ap D slip
Ldi = (5.138)

The immediate loss of prestress at the anchorage caused by slip is:

(DPdi )Ldi = 2aLdi (5.139)

The immediate loss of prestress near an anchorage can be determined from

geometry using Figure 5.25. At a distance of more than L di from the live
end anchorage, the immediate loss of prestress due to slip is zero.
The magnitude of the slip that should be anticipated in design is usually
supplied by the anchorage manufacturer and should be checked on site.
Cautious overstressing at the anchorage is often an effective means of com-
pensating for slip. Other causes of immediate losses

Additional immediate losses may occur due to deformation of the forms of
precast members and deformation in the construction joints between the
precast units in segmental construction and these losses must be assessed in
design. Any change in temperature between the time of stressing the tendon
and the time of casting the concrete in a pretensioned member will also
cause immediate losses, as will any difference in the temperature between
the stressed tendons and the concrete during heat treatment.

5.10.3 Time-dependent losses of prestress
We have seen in Sections 5.7 and 5.9 that, in addition to causing time-
dependent increases in deflection or camber, both compressive creep and
shrinkage of the concrete cause gradual shortening of a concrete member
and this, in turn, leads to time-dependent shortening of the prestressing
tendons, and a consequent reduction in the prestressing force. These time-
dependent losses of prestress are in addition to the losses caused by steel
relaxation and may adversely affect the long-term serviceability of the
structure and should be accounted for in design.
In Section 5.7, a time analysis was presented for determining the effects
of creep and shrinkage of concrete, and relaxation of the tendon on the
long-term stresses and deformations of a prestressed concrete cross-section
of any shape and containing any layout of prestressed and non-prestressed
188 Design of Prestressed Concrete to AS3600-2009

In this section, the approximate procedures specified in AS3600-2009

[2] for calculating time-dependent losses of prestress are outlined. These
methods are of limited value and often give misleading results because they
do not adequately account for the significant loss of pre-compression in the
concrete that occurs when non-prestressed reinforcement is present. For a
realistic estimate of the time-dependent losses of prestress in the tendon,
and the redistribution of stresses between the bonded reinforcement and the
concrete, the methods described in Sections 5.7 and 5.9 are recommended.
For members containing only tendons, the loss in tensile force in the
tendons is simply equal to the loss in compressive force in the concrete.
Where the member contains a significant amount of longitudinal non-
prestressed reinforcement, there is a gradual transfer of the compres-
sive prestressing force from the concrete into the bonded reinforcement.
Shortening of the concrete, due to creep and shrinkage, causes a short-
ening of the bonded reinforcement, and therefore, an increase in com-
pressive stress in the steel. The gradual increase in compressive force
in the bonded reinforcement is accompanied by an equal and opposite
decrease in the compressive force in the concrete. The loss of compres-
sive force in the concrete is therefore, considerably greater than the loss
of tensile force in the tendon. The redistribution of stresses with time
was discussed in Section 5.7, and illustrated, for example, in Figures 5.14
and 5.15, where the immediate strain and stress distributions (at time
0 immediately after the application of both prestress and the applied
moment M ext.0) and the long-term strain and stress distributions (after
creep and shrinkage at time k) on prestressed concrete cross-sections
are shown.
AS3600-2009 [2] suggests that the total time-dependent loss of prestress
should be estimated by adding the calculated losses of prestress due to
shrinkage, creep and relaxation. However, separate calculation of these
losses is problematic as the time-dependent losses interact with each other,
and this interaction should be considered when the sum of all the losses is
determined. For example, the loss in tendon force due to creep and shrink-
age of the concrete decreases the average force in the tendon with time, and
this in turn reduces the relaxation loss. Restraint to shrinkage often sub-
stantially reduces the compressive stresses in the concrete at the steel level,
and this may significantly affect the creep of the concrete at this level and
reduce losses due to creep. Shrinkage losses

If a concrete member of length L contains no bonded reinforcement (and
no bonded tendons) and is unrestrained at its supports and along its length,
the member will shorten due to shrinkage by an amount equal to cs L. If the
member contained an unbonded post-tensioned tendon with an anchorage
at each end of the member, the tendon would shorten by the same amount
Design for serviceability 189

and the change of stress in the tendon due to shrinkage (ignoring the effects
of friction) would be constant along its length and equal to:

p.cs = E pcs (5.140)

where cs is the shrinkage strain at the time under consideration and may be
estimated using the procedures outlined in Section
In concrete structures, unrestrained contraction is unusual. Reinforcement
and bonded tendons embedded in the concrete provide restraint to shrinkage
and reduce the shortening of the member. This, in turn, reduces the loss of
prestress in any tendon within the member. If the reinforcement and bonded
tendons are symmetrically placed on a cross-section so that the resultant
restraining force is axial, the change in strain in a bonded tendon due to shrink-
age and the corresponding change of stress in the tendon may be expressed as:
De p.cs = (5.141)
1 + ne p

Dsp.cs = (5.142)
1 + ne p

where p = As/Ag, As is the total area of bonded steel (reinforcement plus
tendons); Ag is the gross area of the cross section; ne = Es /Ee,k is the age-
adjusted effective modular ratio; and Ee,k is the age-adjusted effective modulus
of concrete given by Equation 5.55.
Where the centroid of the bonded steel is at an eccentricity es below the
centroidal axis of a rectangular concrete cross-section, the change of strain
at the centroid of the bonded steel is approximated by Equation 5.143 and
the corresponding change of stress in a tendon at this location is given by
Equation 5.144:

De p.cs = (5.143)
1 + ne p 1 + 12 s


Dsp.cs = (5.144)
1 + ne p 1 + 12

where D is the cross-section depth measured perpendicular to the centroi-
dal axis.
190 Design of Prestressed Concrete to AS3600-2009

In most practical situations, the bonded reinforcement and bonded tendons

are not symmetrically located on the cross-section and the restraining force is
not axial. In this case, the tensile restraining force will induce a curvature on
the section and the change of strain and stress in a tendon will depend on its
position on the cross-section. Equation 5.144 will usually provide a reason-
able estimate of shrinkage induced change of stress in a tendon, particularly
if the position of the tendon is close to the centroid of the bonded steel area
(including both the non-prestressed reinforcement and bonded tendons). Creep losses

Creep strain in the concrete at the level of the bonded tendon depends on
the stress history of the concrete at that level. Because the concrete stress
varies with time, a reliable estimate of creep losses requires a detailed time
analysis of the cross-section (such as that presented in Section 5.7). An
approximate estimate of creep losses can be made by assuming the concrete
stress at the tendon level remains constant with time and equal to the short-
term value c0.p calculated using the initial prestressing force (prior to any
time-dependent losses) and the sustained portion of all the service loads.
With this assumption, the creep strain that develops in the concrete at the
tendon level cc.p and the corresponding change in stress in the tendon due
to creep are given by:

ecc.p = Decc.p = jcc (sc0.p /Ec.0 ) (5.145)

and = Epjcc (sc0.p /Ec.0 ) (5.146)

As mentioned previously, the restraint to creep (and shrinkage) caused by the

bonded reinforcement reduces the compressive force on the concrete with
time and the stress in the concrete at the tendon level is never constant. The
above equations therefore, will always overestimate creep. In recognition of
this and in the absence of a more refined analysis, AS3600-2009 [2] permits
a reduction of 20% in the creep strain calculated using the above equation
and the change in stress in the tendon due to creep may be taken as: = 0.8Epjcc (sc0.p /Ec.0 ) (5.147) Relaxation losses

The loss of stress in a tendon due to relaxation depends on the sustained
stress in the steel. Owing to creep and shrinkage in the concrete, the stress
Design for serviceability 191

in the tendon decreases with time at a faster rate than would occur due to
relaxation alone. Since the steel strain is reducing with time due to con-
crete creep and shrinkage, the relaxation losses are reduced from those that
would occur in a constant strain relaxation test. With the design relaxation
R determined from Equation 4.30, the percentage loss of prestress due to
relaxation may be calculated from a detailed time analysis such as described
in Section 5.7. In the absence of such an analysis, AS3600-2009 [2] permits
the change of stress in the tendon due to relaxation to be approximated by:

Dsp.cs +
Dsp.rel = -R 1 - sp.0 (5.148)

where p.cs and are the changes in stress in the tendon caused by
shrinkage and creep, respectively, and are usually compressive; p.0 is the
tendon stress just after transfer under the sustained service loads andthe
design relaxation R is expressed as a decimal (not as a percentage). Theabso-
lute values of p.cs and are used in Equation 5.148, to convert the
negative changes of stress into positive losses.

For the post-tensioned concrete cross-section and material properties
shown in Figure 5.26, the immediate strain and stress distributions at 0 when
subjected to prestress and an external bending moment of Mext,0 = 100 kNm
were calculated in Example 5.3 and, with the external moment remaining
constant in time, the long-term strain and stress distributions at k were
calculated in Example 5.5 accounting for the effects of creep and shrinkage

b = 300 Ec,0 = 30 GPa

Ee,k = 11.43 GPa
As(1) = 900 mm2 Es = Ep = 200 GPa
400 ns,0 = np,0 = Es/Ec,0 = 6.67
600 Mext = 100 kNm
740 ne = 17.5
D = 800 x
Pi = 1350 kN

cc = cc(k, 0) = 2.5
Ap = 986 mm2
cs(k) = 600 106
As(2) = 1800 mm2
relaxation loss R = 4%

60 Section

Cross-section and material properties (Example 5.10).

Figure 5.26
192 Design of Prestressed Concrete to AS3600-2009

of the concrete and relaxation of the tendon. The immediate and long-term
strain and stress distributions were shown in Figure 5.14, where we saw that
the stress in the tendon decreased from 1369 MPa at 0 to 1100 MPa at k.
Determine the time-dependent losses of prestress in the tendon using
the approximate procedures specified in AS3600-2009 [2] and discussed in
Section 5.10.3.

Shrinkage loss:
In this example, the gross area of the section is A g = b D = 240,000mm2 . The
total area of bonded steel is As = A s(1) + A s(2) + A p = 3686mm2 and its centroid
is es = 136.5mm below the centroidal axis of the gross section. The steel area
to gross area ratio is p = A s/A g =0.0154, and from Equation 5.144:

Epecs 200, 000 ( -0.0006 )

Dsp.cs = =
1 + ne p 1 + 12 s 1 + 17.5 0.0154 1 + 12
D 800

= -88.1MPa

The calculated stress determined using the time analysis of Section 5.7.3
caused by restrained shrinkage in an initially unloaded tendon in an initially
unloaded cross-section is 86.4 MPa, and this is in close agreement with the
approximation of Equation 5.144.

Creep loss:
A conservative approximation of the concrete stress at the tendon level
based on gross section properties is:
-Pi Py M y
sc0.p = - i p - ext,0 p
Ag Ig Ig

and, with Ag = 300 800 = 240 103 mm2 and Ig = 300 8003/12 = 12,800
106 mm4, we have:
-1350 103 1, 350 103 ( -200)2 100 106 ( -200)
sc0.p = - -
240 103 12, 800 106 12, 800 106

= - 8.28 MPa

and this value of c0.p is used in Equation 5.147 to approximate the loss of
stress in the tendon due to creep: = 0.8Epjcc ( sc0.p /Ec.0 ) = 0.8 200, 000 2.5 ( -8.28)/30, 000

= -110.4 MPa

Design for serviceability 193

Using the time analysis of Section 5.7.3, the loss of stress in the tendon due to
creep is equal to 130.2 MPa and, for this cross-section with a relatively small
sustained moment, the approximation of Equation 5.147 is in fact unconservative.

Relaxation loss:
With the stress in the tendon immediately after transfer p.0 = Pi/A p = 1369
MPa, the loss of stress in the tendon due to relaxation is obtained from
Equation 5.148:

Dsp.cs +
Dsp.rel = -R 1 - sp.0

-88.1 - 110.4
= -0.04 1 - 1369 = -46.8 MPa

Using the time analysis of Section 5.7.3, the loss of stress in the tendon due to
relaxation is equal to 52.6 MPa and, for this cross-section, the approxima-
tion of Equation 5.148 is slightly unconservative.

Total time-dependent losses:

Summing the losses caused by shrinkage, creep and relaxation we get:
Dsp.time = Dsp.cs + + Dsp.rel = -245.3 MPa

This is 17.9% of the initial prestress in the tendon and, in this example, slightly
underestimates (by 8.8%) the losses (269 MPa) determined in Example 5.5
using the more rigorous procedure of Section 5.7.


If the axial strain and curvature are known at regular intervals along a
member, it is a relatively simple task to determine the deformation of that
member. Consider the statically determinate member AB of span L sub-
jected to the axial and transverse loads shown in Figure 5.27a. The axial
deformation of the member eAB (either elongation or shortening) is obtained
by integrating the axial strain at the centroid of the member a(z) over the
length of the member, as shown:

eAB = ea (z) dz (5.149)

where z is measured along the member.

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