Ccure-9000 Stonelock Ds r04 A4 en
Ccure-9000 Stonelock Ds r04 A4 en
Ccure-9000 Stonelock Ds r04 A4 en
All users, permissions, and schedules Stone Lock Pro from Stone Lock Global Using the CCURE 9000 interface,
managed by CCURE 9000 for truly
is an extremely fast and accurate authorized security managers can easily
integrated operation
infrared biometric facial recognition create a Stone Lock Pro user, pair it with
Stable, high performance proprietary device. It is designed for access control a personnel and credential record, and
biometric system with low power
applications providing instant, easy, capture the facial data remotely from any
and reliable confirmation of identity. Stone Lock Pro device within the network.
Modular unit design with built-in keypad and Combine Stone Lock Pro with CCURE Once enrolled, users simply present their
HID iCLASS SE reader
9000, the industrys leading access card (or type their ID) and face the device
Wide variety of intelligent recognition modes control and event management system, for fast scanning and authentication.
possible and you have a solution that satisfies Stone Lock Pro plots over 2,000 points
Ideal for critical security access applications even the most stringent security on a face, utilizing proprietary algorithms,
such as enterprise operations, educational applications looking to thwart common DSP, and IR that have been optimized for
institutions, correctional facilities, military, bad practices such as weak PINs, code extreme rapid accuracy (better than one
financial, data, etc.
sharing, propping doors open, etc. in one quarter million false accurate rate).
All events, permissions, schedules, and
Built directly into CCURE 9000 using users are managed directly in CCURE
New Market Solutions proven integration 9000 providing a proven, advanced
methodologies, this solution provides security solution delivered and managed
security professionals with an incredibly in a convenient and efficient way.
convenient way to manage all personnel,
whether Stone Lock Pro users or The Stone Lock Pro device is field proven as
CCURE 9000 users, all in one place. a simple, safe, reliable solution for the most
Unlike other solutions that force security critical access control demands including
officials to manage personnel in two data centers, biotech and pharmaceutical
separate applications, this true integration labs, bank cash vaults, commercial and
saves significant time and reduces industrial installations, healthcare, luxury
duplicate data entry which is prone to apartments, and smart homes. For more
error and operational inefficiencies. detailed information on Stone Lock Pro,
please visit