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HMG Advance Access published May 6, 2010

Human Molecular Genetics, 2010 R1R6


Pluripotent stem cells in neurodegenerative and

neurodevelopmental diseases
Maria C.N. Marchetto, Beate Winner and Fred H. Gage

Laboratory of Genetics (LOG-G), The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road,
La Jolla, CA 92037, USA

Received February 15, 2010; Revised and Accepted April 19, 2010

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Most of our current knowledge about cellular phenotypes in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative dis-
eases in humans was gathered from studies in postmortem brain tissues. These samples often represent the
end-stage of the disease and therefore are not always a fair representation of how the disease developed.
Moreover, under these circumstances, the pathology observed could be a secondary effect rather than the auth-
entic disease cellular phenotype. Likewise, the rodent models available do not always recapitulate the pathol-
ogy from human diseases. In this review, we will examine recent literature on the use of induced pluripotent stem
cells to model neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases. We highlight the characteristics of dis-
eases like spinal muscular atrophy and familial dysautonomia that allowed partial modeling of the disease phe-
notype. We review human stem cell literature on common neurodegenerative late-onset diseases such as
Parkinsons disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis where patients cells have been successfully repro-
grammed but a disease phenotype has not yet been described. So far, the technique is of great interest for
early onset monogenetic neurodevelopmental diseases. We speculate about potential further experimental
requirements and settings for reprogrammed neurons for in vitro disease modeling and drug discovery.

INTRODUCTION Yamanakas original reprogramming experiment surprised

the scientific community by overturning the dogma that
In neurology, nerve biopsies are feasible and performed to specialized cells in the body retain an immutable identity
investigate diseases of the peripheral nervous system. (1). A set of transcriptional factors has the ability to jump
However, owing to the invasiveness of this procedure, start a specific cell fate from a differentiated cell type, in a
neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) are only taken remarkable demonstration of cell flexibility. In this review,
for biopsy under rare conditions. This inability to sample we will examine the recent literature on the use of induced
live brain cells limits our knowledge of human neuropatholo- pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) to model neurodegenerative
gical abnormalities during the course of diseases. Currently, and neurodevelopmental diseases. Although patient-specific
our understanding about disease-related neuronal phenotypes iPSC have the promise of being less immunogenic for
in humans is generated from analyzing postmortem brain potential future cell transplantation therapies, our main focus
tissues that are not always well preserved. In addition, these here will be on the future clinical relevance of these cells
samples often represent the end-stage of the disease. for in vitro neurologic disease modeling and drug discovery.
Mouse models provide a means to mimic human genetic forms
of neurodegenerative diseases, and great insights into mechan-
isms have been made using transgenic/knockout technologies. IPSC DERIVED FROM HUMAN NEUROLOGIC
However, this approach is limited to monogenetic disorders
and thus can only represent a minority of diseases. Owing to tech- DISEASES
nical challenges, species differences and genetic background, Diseases that have been modeled for reprogramming can be
even neurologic disorders with defined genes in some cases divided into rare, monocausal genetic diseases and the large
cannot be adequately modeled by mouse transgenic technology, group of sporadic and multifactorial diseases. No large-scale
indicating the need for advancement toward humanized models. disease modeling is currently available for the latter group.

To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 8584534100 extn 1012; Fax: +1 8585970834; Email: [email protected]

# The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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R2 Human Molecular Genetics, 2010

It has been more difficult and challenging to obtain conclusive Table 1. iPSC for modeling human neurological diseases
results from this group due to the complexity of the different
genetic backgrounds and environmental clues involved in Disease Neuronal pathology References
these diseases. However, even patients with monogenetic dis-
Type 1 SMA Decrease in motor neuron number after (6)
eases within families display large genotype phenotype varia- long-term culture
bility (2), likely due to environmental influence. It will be FD Neuronal differentiation and migration (7)
interesting to determine whether the same variability can be impaired
reproduced in iPSC-derived neural cells or if reprogramming PD (sporadic) Not shown (3,4)
ALS (SOD1 mutation) Not shown (5)
in culture eliminates environmental noise. Huntingtons disease Not shown (3)
Reprogramming of fibroblasts for several neurologic diseases Rett syndrome Not shown (31)
has been reported (Table 1), but few studies have actually reca- (MeCP2 mutation)
pitulated the phenotype of diseases in the iPSC-derived neuronal Down syndrome Not shown (3,55)
population. Successful generation of iPSC-derived neurons has
been reported for sporadic middle- or late-age onset neurode-
generative diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) wild-type SMA protein levels using non-specific

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and Parkinsons disease (PD) (3 5). From the reprogramming SMN-inducing compounds (6). This work showed for the
point of view, it is remarkable that aged fibroblasts (up to 85 first time a proof-of-principle for a potential future drug-
years old) from ALS and PD patients could still be reset with screening platform using the iPSC technology. However,
similar efficiency as fibroblasts from younger patients. initial enthusiasm was decreased by the absence of other
Nonetheless, demonstration of disease-related phenotypes SMA patients and controls. Incorporation of additional
in the relevant cell type (i.e. the specific cells that are affected control and patient cells would have reduced the concern
in the disease) has been a major challenge during the past 2 that the observed phenotype is a consequence of the intrinsic
years. It may well be that iPSC-derived neural cells from age- iPSC variability system (discussed in what follows).
dependent neurodegenerative diseases will not show a pheno- FD is an autosomal recessive disease mostly occurring in
typic difference compared with normal control cells with persons of Ashkenazi Jewish descent (12). The disease is
regard to morphology, differentiation and survival. Test characterized by degeneration of sensory and autonomic
assays for challenging these cells for characterization of neurons, leading to severe and often lethal autonomic dysfunc-
disease phenotypes could be required. For example, culturing tion. Common clinical features include alacrima, hypoactivity
cells under increased oxidative stress may reveal and/or accel- and relative indifference to pain and temperature. A splicing
erate aberrant neuronal phenotypes in late-onset diseases. defect in the IkB kinase complex-associated protein
Partial disease modeling with spontaneous induction of a (IKBKAP) gene results in a tissue-specific splicing defect,
disease phenotype was reported in two young childhood-onset inducing a loss of function or reduced levels of the IKAP
monogenetic diseases: spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and protein (13). IPSC derived from three patients with FD
familial dysautonomia (FD) (6,7). Both diseases are autosomal revealed that neural crest precursors, specifically, had low
recessive and share the common trait of rapid disease pro- levels of IKBKAP expression. In addition, a defect in neuronal
gression within the first years of life. In addition, both diseases differentiation and migration was reported. A drug candidate,
are associated with loss of function of the gene as well as a kinetin, was able to reduce the levels of mutant IKBKAP splice
role in RNA processing. forms and improved neuronal differentiation, but not cell
SMA is a group of autosomal recessive diseases caused migration, in iPSC-derived neural crest precursors, suggesting
by large deletions or point mutations in the survival motor incomplete phenotype complementation (7). Drug screening
neuron (SMN) genes, leading to loss of function of the survival using kinetin-like variations could be performed using recov-
motor neuron protein. SMN1 gene encodes a 20 kb protein, ery of both of neuronal differentiation and cell migration phe-
spans 9 exons and has a role in RNA processing (8 11). notypes as readout in future studies.
SMA type 1 is characterized by mutations in the SMN1 gene PD is the second most common neurodegenerative disease.
and promotes fast progressing degeneration of motor Prominent clinical features are motor symptoms (bradykinesia,
neurons, inducing muscular atrophy and symmetric proximal tremor, rigidity and postural instability) and non-motor-related
lower limb weakness. SMA type 1 onset occurs around the PD symptoms (olfactory deficits, autonomic dysfunction,
sixth month of life, and death often occurs due to respiratory depression and sleep disorders). PD is a synucleinopathy,
failure before the age of 2. Ebert et al. (6) were able to with accumulation of misfolded alpha-synuclein, that forms
derive iPSC from fibroblasts from a single SMA patient and intracellular inclusions: Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites.
showed a decrease in iPSC-derived motor neuron survival Loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra
after 6 weeks of differentiation, compared with iPSC-derived of the midbrain and in other brain regions is a characteristic
neurons from the patients unaffected mother . It remains to neuropathological hallmark (14,15). Several different tech-
be shown whether the neuronal cells derived were indeed niques to produce DA neurons in culture from human embryo-
functional (i.e. able to fire action potentials or make neuro- nic stem cells (HESC) are currently available. They include
muscular junctions). Moreover, authors detected an increase co-culture systems [such as mesencephalic astrocytes (16)
in the nuclear number of SMA gemsprotein aggregates and stromal cell-derived inducing activity (17)] and direct
that correlate with disease intensityin fibroblasts and iPSC differentiation protocols (18). When these cells were trans-
derived from the SMA patient. Interestingly, this deficiency planted into animal models of PD, functional integration
could be reversed in fibroblasts or SMA-iPSC by increasing was observed, although technical issues were reported (19).
Human Molecular Genetics, 2010 R3

Disease modeling in the dish using embryonic stem cells development in early childhood, regression of acquired skills,
(ESC) is still limited. Even though specific toxicity and cell loss of speech, stereotypical movements, microcephaly, sei-
death of a-synuclein overexpression were shown in mouse zures, autistic characteristics and mental retardation (29). Rett
ESC-derived DA neurons (20,21), a-synuclein overexpressed patients have mutations in the X-linked gene, MeCP2, a gene
in human neural embryonic cells resulted in patterns of that binds to methylated cytosines in the DNA and is believed
degeneration that recapitulate PD features only in some to epigenetically regulate global expression of genes (30). In
cases (22). Mouse iPSC-derived precursors were differentiated fact, Rett patients iPSC have been recently generated, but
into DA neurons and transplanted into 6-OHDA-lesioned rats, neither their X-inactivation/reactivation status nor their differ-
a rat model of DA depletion. The authors showed that a striatal entiation potential has been extensively studied (31).
graft of 123 105 iPSC-derived neurons expressed midbrain Studying the in vitro phenotypic consequences of the
DA markers and functionally integrated after transplantation mutation in specific genes can help to identify a molecular
(23). Primary fibroblasts from sporadic PD patients were suc- mechanism responsible for subtle alterations in the nervous
cessfully reprogrammed and differentiated into DA neurons as system, perhaps pointing to common mechanisms for more
efficiently as those from healthy individuals (3,4). These complex, multigenetic diseases. A future challenge for neuro-
results are promising, as age does not seem to interfere with developmental disorders is the contribution of genetic back-

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reprogramming. Phenotypic differences were not reported, ground and environmental clues. New gene-targeting
indicating that more subtle analysis or even strong stressors techniques in human pluripotent cells such as homologous
or toxins will be necessary to reveal phenotypes of diseases recombination and zinc-finger nucleases may help to eliminate
with late onset. background noise and individual variability (32 37). Effec-
ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease is a progressive fatal neurode- tive gene targeting in HESC could disrupt a specific
generative disease affecting mainly motor neurons. The most disease-related gene and the resulting neuronal behavior
common clinical features of ALS are degeneration of motor could be compared with the patients neuron containing the
neurons producing fasciculation, muscle wasting and hyper- mutation.
reflexia. Respiratory complications usually develop in patients As an alternative for revealing complex neuronal pheno-
with advanced disease and the cause of death is generally types and niche-specific behaviors, patient-derived cells
paralysis of the respiratory muscles and diaphragm. With a could be transplanted on the CNS of animal models. In fact,
projected lifetime risk of 1/2000, ALS is considered one of HESC were shown to integrate and form functional connec-
the most common motor neuron diseases (24,25). ALS is uni- tions with host cells when transplanted in the ventricles of
versally fatal, with a median age of onset of 55 years and sur- embryonic mice (38). Such a chimeric model was recently
vival of 2 5 years from symptoms onset. Although the exact proposed as an in vivo model to study environmental contri-
pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration butions to complex neurological diseases (39).
in ALS remain uncertain, the presence of a persistent inflam-
matory reaction prompted researchers to study the involve-
ment of a non-cell-autonomous component in motor neuron USING NEURONAL CELLS FOR DRUG
death. HESC have been used for modeling both the auton-
omous and the non-cell-autonomous effects of ALS in vitro,
using a gene that is mutated in 20% of the familial cases, In the past, drug screening was performed in human cell lines
superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) (26 28). IPSC technology and they have represented a major step forward in medical
allows for the unprecedented opportunity to also include therapy progress. A prime example is the development of vac-
patient genetic background in the cell-modeling system. cines for polio, which were originally made by in vitro studies
Dimos et al. (5) successfully reprogrammed cells from two on cell lines like HeLa cells (40).
familial ALS patients. The iPSC generated were able to differ- iPSC derived from patients seem to offer a significant
entiate in motor neurons (the affected neuronal subtype in advantage as they take into consideration the patients back-
ALS pathology), but no phenotype has yet been observed or ground, the affected cell type and the developmental time.
reported. It remains to be determined whether iPSC-derived In addition, they allow the generation of both genetic and
neurons have the potential to recapitulate ALS late-onset path- sporadic forms of the disease.
ology in vitro and if both familial and sporadic (vast majority One of the great benefits of reprogramming cells is the
of ALS) cases share common phenotypic traits in culture. possibility of studying the developmental steps from human
neural cells before they are differentiated into mature
neurons. Neural progenitor cells in culture can give rise to
MODELING NEURODEVELOPMENTAL glial and neuronal populations (41). These populations can
further differentiate into subtypes of glia as well as subtypes
of neurons with distinct properties (i.e. DA or cholinergic).
We anticipate that iPSC technology could be used for modeling It is not unlikely that some neurodegenerative diseases have
complex neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and their origins in the neural progenitor population rather than
schizophrenia. However, initial results would probably in the mature neuron. In these cases, therapeutic interventions
emerge from modeling monogenetic, early-onset occurrences should be tested at an early stage of development. Finally,
of these diseases. An example of a neurodevelopmental iPSC technology could help to unveil the changes in connec-
disease with potential for disease modeling by iPSC technology tivity properties between neurons that are affected by a
is Rett syndrome. Rett syndrome is characterized by arrested given neurologic disease.
R4 Human Molecular Genetics, 2010

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Figure 1. iPSC to model neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases. Human iPSC from neurologic patients and controls are generated after somatic
tissue reprogramming (e.g. skin or blood cells). Neural progenitor cells (NPC) are generated and are further differentiated into neurons and/or glial cells. Neurons
are then differentiated into subtypes of neurons such as dopaminergic, cholinergic, etc. Cellular phenotype is assessed by measuring neuronal morphology (i.e.
process branching, spine density/size/maturation). Next, connectivity and circuitry integration can be analyzed by calcium influx transients, electrophysiology
and transneuronal tracing with the rabies virus. In addition, the cross-talk between neurons and glia can be studied to tease out autonomous and non-autonomous
aspects of the disease. Once a distinct disease-related phenotype is identified, drug-screening platforms can be developed to test compounds that improve cellular
phenotype. Therapeutic compounds could emerge from the screenings, potentially benefiting neurologic patients.

Stem cell biologists can borrow a number of well- somatic cells to postmitotic neurons, without the step of plur-
established tools from the neurosciences to address neuronal ipotency, will limit the amount of cells available to study the
maturation and circuitry integration in vitro. For evaluating disease and will likely not recapitulate disease phenotypes that
single-cell properties in a disease context, one could analyze occur in the neural progenitor state.
neuronal morphology, branching, spine density/size/matu- Once a consistent abnormal disease-related phenotype is
ration and neuronal polarity. Circuitry integration analysis identified, screening platforms can be developed to test com-
could be assessed by calcium influx transients, and pre- pounds (proteins, small molecules, small hairpin RNAs) that
synaptic connections could be revealed after rabies virus revert or protect the cellular phenotype. After rigorous
infection. Likewise, paired electrophysiological recordings testing, therapeutic compounds will emerge from the screen-
could address synaptic strength between cells. Recent reports ings that could potentially benefit a large cohort of patients
have used such tools in a disease context and have been able (Fig. 1).
to find altered neuronal phenotypes in complex disorders
(42 44). In addition, as different types of neural cells can
be generated from iPSC, neuron-autonomous and non-
autonomous effects (i.e. the interplay between neurons and CAUTIONARY NOTES
glia) can be studied individually or in combination. The available lines of HESC are notoriously variable with
Technology is already available to generate functionally regard to epigenetic marks, expression profile and differen-
active, cortical-like mouse neurons from differentiated cells tiation propensity (47,48). Even though the initial hope was
without the need for complete reprogramming to iPSC that iPSC technology would generate pluripotent cells that
(45,46). However, it remains to be seen whether this technol- were less variable than HESC cell lines, recent reports
ogy can generate the plethora of neuronal subtypes that iPSC- suggest that significant intrinsic variability remains in the
derived neurons can. Moreover, direct conversion from iPSC lines generated to date (49). Pick et al. (49) detected
Human Molecular Genetics, 2010 R5

abnormal expression of imprinted genes in a significant FUNDING

number of iPSC lines. Those differences have been generally
The authors are funded by the California Institute of Regenera-
attributed to the introduction of reprogramming factors, using
tive Medicine (CIRM) and National Institutes of Health (NIH).
randomly integrating viral vectors and/or by persistent donor
F.H.G. is supported by The Lookout Fund and the Mathers
cell gene expression (4,50). It remains to be seen if iPSC gen-
Foundation. M.C.N.M. is supported by Christopher and
erated in the absence of integrating factors still recapitulate
Dana Reeve Foundation (CDRF); B.W. is supported by Tom
intrinsic variability (51 53). Moreover, expression profile
Wahlig Foundation and is a Feodor Lynen fellow of the
analysis on integration-free human iPSC has shown an
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
expression signature in iPSC that is distinct from both the orig-
inal population and standard HESC (51). An intriguing study
recently performed by Hu et al. (54) showed that the neuronal
differentiation competence of iPSC was highly variable when REFERENCES
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